KNX was made 25 years ago. When newest specification was made 25 years ago, such things as data
encryption/security, usability was not so important. Nobody thought about ecosystem concept (not only
protocol specification, but also universal way of commissioning)
Our idea was to choose the best from existing wired home and building automation standards (KNX,
ModBus, BacNet)
Disadvantages of KNX
• Low speed: 9.6 kbit (on today this is way too low)
• Not fully open standard (meaning you can participate if you are part of the alliance and pay your
yearly or product fees)
• Commissioning and operation with KNX is centralized through ETS which is a property of KNX
Association. Only those companies who are members of KNX Association have possibility to
manufacture devices for KNX
• KNX only targets home and building automation. It is missing concept for modern IoT approach
(universal bus for any systems e.g. automation of machines etc.)
Our idea
• Our idea was to improve drawbacks of KNX but leave same user-experience and compatibility.
• Our idea was to create something new but based on history-proven technologies e.g. in aviation
industry absolutely new plane is the one which has max 25% of changes. This is correct because you
need to use proven solutions. We maximally use positive/negative experience of other protocols
• Without any compromise in quality/functionality we have created our specification based on
K.I.S.S. approach (Keep it simple stupid)
• We made 1:1 mapping to KNX (you don’t need to change group addresses, data-types), it will work
• We improved the bus speed in >10 times compared to KNX
• The system can work as plug&play solution – just plug the device to fieldbus on the fly and push the
○ the device will automatically send info about hw and sw installed in it
○ the system will know exact info about this device and provide address to it
• We have chosen CAN FT as basic media. Fault-Tolerant (FT) CAN physical layer maintains
functionality in the case of a broken or shorted bus wire. This is of great importance in areas were
such failures can occur of such a fault condition occurs the FT-CAN node simply switches to single-
wire operation. Automatic detection of bus system recovery then automatically returns the
transceiver to differential mode when the failure has been cleared.
We can use them in any topology (except loop) – Line, Star, Tree etc.
Router – CAN-CAN router/repeater with filtering table. LogicMachine with CAN FT interface acts as router as
Repeater – simple version of CAN-CAN, used to repeat signal for each 32 CANx devices in one line
• Group communication has communication objects (the same as KNX) with numbers 0..65535
• Direct communication has source and target addresses based on Line ID(0..15), Node ID(0..255),
Object ID (0..255)
• Data per message can vary from 0 to 8 bytes
• Communication object has own EEPROM place with configuration and flags (1byte)
• Number of communication object equal the same number for EEPROM address ( CommObj_15 ->
EEPROM(15) )
• The byte is divided to 2 parts (4 bites + 4bites). High part of byte for Configuration of
communication object (0..15)
• 4 low bites for Flags -> 3 - is writable, 2 - is readable, 1 - is transmittable, 0 - is filtered
CAN FT bus powering
As the transfer speed is higher in CAN FT fieldbus, we use additional 2 wires for powering. It shouldn’t be
issue as all KNX installations are using 4-wire cable where 2 cables can be used to this task. Plus, it’s much
easier to make devices fully galvanically isolated in CAN.
We recommend to use KNX certified cable or fire alarm cable which features two twisted pairs of solid
conductor with a foil screen 2x2x0.8.
There is no current limitation for 24V DC power supply to use for CAN FT device
Each 32 devices are galvanically separated with router / repeater and own power
supply should be used for every 32 devices
Distance limitations
Max distance of one CANx line is 300m. You have to use max number of devices (32) in such line to operate
it. If smaller number of devices is used in long distance, you might need to use Active Line filters which we
supply. Also you can use line repeaters which increase line length twice.
We've created a calculator tool for max theoretical cable length (regular KNX cable is usually 100pF/m (or
• You can use any IP networks like Ethernet, WiFi, Optics, 3G/4G etc.
• We have also implemented CaNX over BLE. This can be used on any BLE compatible device from
version 4.0 to 5.0
• Also we can use any realization of the 802.15.4 protocol (6LoWPAN, ZigBee)
User experience
• We use the same WAGO connector as in KNX which is easy to plug, easy to maintain.
• Additional features are implemented like ability to blink LED on device to find it, locate devices in
address programming state.
• We added additional LED for indication of communication (if a message is received, it blinks)
○ Interrupt on CAN_H
○ Interrupt on CAN_L
○ Short circuit between CAN_H and GND, short circuit between CAN_H and VCC, short circuit
between CAN_L and GND, short circuit between CAN_L and VCC, short circuit between CAN_H
and CAN_L
• In CAN bus if Line Repeater is installed, it can do auto physical and group address assignments to
actuators and sensors
• Line repeater listens the bus all the time. When we press programming button on CAN
actuator/sensor, Line Repeater send physical address to it and device overwrites its default physical
• When physical addresses are programmed, we press again programming buttons on both actuator
and input device. There are complementary pairs defined which means if complementary numbers
are the same on both devices, their ports will be paired automatically with group addresses from
grp address register
• It is possible to disable direct telegrams (you cannot change parameters, addressing). Only group
communication works. This can be enabled/disabled with one telegram
• You can check the status of each device (ping). Each device replies with count of errors (e.g. how
many telegrams was not sent/received well)
• Health monitoring. You can check each sensor’s functionality and errors (e.g. when you ping the
object, it returns the error code – connection is broken, short-circuit etc.)
Commissioning tool
There is a common commissioning tool for CAN devices. It works as web-application (part of LogicMachine)
or we plan also to implement stand-alone application for MAC, Windows and Linux.
• You can import ETS project and enrich this data with semantics.
• Each device has it’s unique hw and sw ID with resource description file
• After a small interoperability test this file is included in a common list. You can have online and
local list of all device description files. Online list updates automatically.
Telegram structure
DeviceIDRead Read Hardware ID and Software ID for given device, device status and device
Objects Quantity
DeviceIDResponse (8 bytes) Response for …, return ObjQty (byte), status (byte), 5 bytes for HW id and 1
byte for SW id
DeviceAddrRequest (8 bytes) Request for address for this device (current Line ID and Node ID ) with HW+SFT
id as message DATA
DeviceAddrWrite Return: Line ID ( d[1] ), Node ID ( d[0] ) and Master Code for device 6 bytes (
d[2] - d[7] )
DeviceConfigRead (2 bytes) EEPROM read command for given Address ( 2 bytes DATA )
DeviceConfigResponse (8 bytes) Return 8 byte of data from EEPROM for given start address
DeviceConfigWrite (8 bytes) Write 6 bytes of data with 2 bytes address
DeviceConfigWriteResponse (1 1 if write is successful of 0 if failed
DeviceLedOn Switch the device green LED to ON state
DeviceLedOff Switch the device green LED to OFF state
DevicePing Ping request to device with given Line ID and Node ID
DevicePong Response on Ping request with CanBus TX and RX errors and maximum q-ty of
GAs per Object
Group communication
For connection CAN net you need to have gw witch will convert group telegrams media, direct telegrams
must be blocked. Group telegrams will be transferred without changes exclude data-types with length of
data more than 8 bytes.
Using online utility you can import ETS projects and later upload this file to KNX-CAN gateway.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Q: Do I understand correctly that there is 4 wires needed – 2 x powering wires and 2 x fieldbus
A: Yes, you need to power each CAN device with 24V DC power wire and need to have CAN FT
fieldbus wires:
8. Q: How many CANx Repeaters I Can Use in the same CAN FT line?
A: 8
9. Q: There is filtration Flag. If it is enabled, it means that the telegrams do not pass outside their
A: The filtering on the router is made as follows. There are 3 attempts on the Router:
- Ignore filtering Flag
- Block telegrams with filtering Flag
- Allow only telegrams with filtering Flag
Each CANx line can have up to 255 devices. CANx-LoRa only accepts telegrams that have the same
line ID. This only applies to CANx-LoRa devices. Wired communication does not take line ID into
account only group address is used. This means that in your topology only S1-R1 units and so on
must be on the same line. Line id does not matter for R2, R3 etc.
If you want to separate networks by frequency, then you must use larger gap than 0.125MHz. From
our tests only 0.5MHz and higher guarantee full separation, smaller difference can cause
interference. This also applies to repeaters. Make sure to increase hop count if you want repeaters to
work. By default, telegram can pass only one radio hop.
For relay control it will be enough to have less sending devices because the communication is
mostly one-way.