Bastar Craton
Bastar Craton
Bastar Craton
Geological Map
Located between three cratonic nuclei of India, the Dharwar
Craton in the southwest, the Singhbhum Craton in the northeast,
and the Bundelkhand Craton in the northwest.
The southeastern and the northern margins of the craton are
bordered by the Proterozoic orogenic belts constituting the
Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt and the Central Indian Tectonic Zone
(the Satpura Mobile Belt), respectively.
Age= Paleoarchean Era (~3582 Ma).
Stratigraphy can be divided as Kotri-Dongargarh Orogen and Rest of the Craton.
Gneissic Complex
o TTG suites exposed in south and west of Bastar
o Age= 2500-2600Ma indicating a crustal
accretion age
o Vestiges of supracrustals yield ages of 3510Ma
(Markampara Gneiss) and 3560Ma (Kapsi
Gneiss). The younger supracrustal
belts resemble the Archaean greenstone sequences and comprise mafic and felsic
volcanic rocks and meta-sedimentary sequence containing BIFs. These greenstone belts
have gold mineralization
o This TTG gneiss encloses patches of continental sediments of quartzite-carbonate-pelite
(QCP facies)= Amgaon and Sukma group. Sukma age around 3000Ma whereas Amgaon
is younger.
o Sukma and Bengpal: stable continental rift environment. Both have age= 3000Ma.
o Large younger granites intrude the gneisses and supracrustals= Dongargarh granite
intrudes into Kotri-Dongargarh orogen.
Granulite Belts
o Included high grade supracrustals like charnockite, leptynite etc.
o Occur in 3 prominent belts:
Bhopalpatnam Granulite belt: occur in north of godaveri grabben; at contact of
bastar and dharwar craton.
Kondagaon granulite belt: northern margin of Indravati Purana Basin. Age=
2600Ma comparable to Karimnagar Granulites.
Balaghat-Bhandara belt: part of CITZ and Satpura orogeny
Kotri-Dongargarh Orogen
o Supracrustal belt intruded by Dongargarh Granite.
o 2 types: equigranular granite (Intraplate A type granite) and the porphyritic granodiorite
(I type volcanic arc granite). Malanjkhand granite is an I-type
o N-S trending belt containing several cycles of sedimentation and volcanism
o Younging towards north
o Intra-cratonic orogen as it doesn’t extend beyond Bastar Craton; thus not called mobile
belt which is around craton margin.
o Overlain unconformably by the ‘Purana’ sedimentary basins (Chattisgarh, Abujhmar).
o Truncated in the south by CIS (Central India Shear)
o Bimodal Volcanism: The Bijli Formation characterized by ignimbrites & rhyolites and is
interpreted to be a plinian volcanism to fissure eruption in a continental setting
o The Pitepani volcanics have the geochemical signature of within-plate basalts.
o two tectonic models have been proposed for the development of these rock units:
continental rifting and island-arc environment.
Granitic Activities
Granulite facies metamorphism at the end of Archaean time (nearly 2600Ma) followed by
intrusion of alkali feldspar megacrystic granites and pink granites (Sukma granite IV; Keskal,
Darbha, Sitagaon, Dongargarh and Malanjkhand granitoids). Other major granites are Kanker
and Jhiram granite.
Economic Aspects
Bailadila group: Iron ore; Sausar and Chilpi Group: Manganese; Sonakhan Group: Gold; Malanjkhand: Cu
Tectonic Evolution
On TTG gneiss basement, rift was formed in which amygdular basalts were filled in association
with clastics forming Bengpal Group
Widespread granitic activities in Bengpal Group during 2500-2600Ma
Followed by N-S trending continental rift setting called Kotri Dongargarh orogen. Superior type
BIF deposited in this hosting rich deposits like Bailadila, Dalli-Rajhara.
After this, felsic and mafic volcanism (Nandgaon Group) ensued
Dongargarh granite (2300Ma) intruded nandgaon group
Another basalt-sst cycle deposited= Khairagarh group. It concluded the dongargarh continental
rift. Fine clastic sediments of Chilpi group followed khairagarh group.
Chilpi group was affected by E-W Satpura orogeny.
Over this purana basins got deposited.