Low-technology innovations in urban agriculture

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Low-technology innovations

in urban agriculture

Henk Stander
Stellenbosch University Water Institute,
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science.

ow technology (low-tech) innovations in o Benefits: Maximizes space utilization,
urban agriculture involves using simple, ideal for limited urban spaces.
affordable, and sustainable methods 4. Composting:
to grow food within city environments. o Description: Converting organic waste
This approach emphasizes the use of readily into nutrient-rich compost for soil enrich-
available materials, traditional techniques, and ment.
minimal reliance on high-tech solutions. Here o Benefits: Reduces waste, lowers the
follows some key applications and benefits of need for chemical fertilizers, and im-
low technology in urban agriculture. proves soil health.
5. Rainwater Harvesting:
Key Applications in Urban Agriculture: o Description: Collecting and storing rain-
1. Container Gardening: water from roofs for irrigation.
o Description: Growing plants in contain- o Benefits: Conserves water reduces de-
ers such as pots, buckets, or repurposed pendency on municipal water and pro-
materials like fruit bins or tyres. vides a sustainable water source.
o Benefits: Utilizes small spaces like balco- 6. Community Gardens:
nies, rooftops, and patios. It’s flexible and o Description: Shared garden spaces
easy to manage. where individuals or groups grow food
2. Raised Bed Gardens: collectively.
o Description: Creating elevated plots o Benefits: Promotes social interaction,
using wood, bricks, or other second-hand education, and community resilience.
materials like wood pellets. 7. Mulching:
o Benefits: Improves soil quality, drainage, o Description: Using organic materials like
and accessibility, reducing the need for straw, leaves, wood chips, or grass clip-
bending. pings to cover the soil.
3. Vertical Gardening: o Benefits: Retains soil moisture, sup-
o Description: Growing plants upward us- presses weeds, and enhances soil fertili-
ing structures like trellises, wall-mounted ty.
planters, or stacked containers. 8. Seed Saving and Exchange:

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o Description: Collecting and storing seeds providing habitats for pollinators and oth-
from plants for future planting or sharing. er beneficial organisms.
o Benefits: Preserves plant varieties, re-
duces costs, and fosters biodiversity. EXAMPLES OF LOW-TECHNOLOGY URBAN
TIONS IN URBAN AGRICULTURE: Grow bags are an excellent option for commu-
1. Accessibility and Affordability: nity vegetable gardens, offering several bene-
o Low-tech methods are inexpensive and fits over traditional ground planting or raised
easy to implement, making urban agri- beds. These bags are made from fabric mate-
culture accessible to a broader range of rials like felt or polypropylene, which provide
people. great drainage and air circulation. A wicking
2. Sustainability: gardening system is an efficient low-technol-
o Emphasizes the use of natural processes ogy and low-maintenance way to grow plants,
and local resources, reducing the envi- ideal for community gardens and urban set-
ronmental impact. tings. This system uses capillary action to
3. Education and Skills Development: draw water from a reservoir up to the plant
o Encourages learning about agriculture, roots, ensuring consistent moisture levels. This
sustainability, and self-sufficiency, which system can be combined with the grow bag
can be especially beneficial in urban technology for maximum benefit. Here are
settings where such knowledge is less some key points and tips on using grow bags
common. in community gardens:
4. Food Security and Nutrition:
o Increases the availability of fresh, healthy Benefits of Grow Bags:
produce in urban areas, contributing to 1. Mobility:
improved nutrition and food security. o Grow bags are lightweight and portable,
5. Community Building: allowing gardeners to move plants to op-
o Fosters community engagement and timize sunlight exposure or protect them
cooperation through shared gardening from adverse weather.
projects and communal spaces. 2. Space Efficiency:
6. Environmental Benefits: o Ideal for small or urban gardens, grow
o Enhances urban green spaces, improves bags can be placed on patios, rooftops, or
air quality, and promotes biodiversity by balconies, maximizing available space.

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3. Root Health: 3. Fertilizing:
o Fabric grow bags promote air pruning, o Because nutrients can leach out more
which prevents root circling and encour- quickly in grow bags, regular fertilizing
ages a healthy root system. with a balanced, slow-release fertilizer or
4. Drainage and Aeration: manure is recommended.
o The fabric material provides excellent 4. Placement:
drainage and aeration, reducing the risk o Ensure the bags are placed in a location
of overwatering and root rot. that receives adequate sunlight for the
5. Temperature Control: specific plants being grown.
o Grow bags tend to stay cooler in the
summer as the breathable fabric allows Maintenance Tips:
excess heat to escape. 1. Check for Pests:
o Regularly inspect the plants and bags for
Choosing the Right Grow Bags: pests and diseases. Fabric grow bags can
1. Material: be more susceptible to pests due to their
o Choose high-quality, durable fabric grow proximity to the ground.
bags that are UV-resistant and can with- 2. End-of-Season Care:
stand exposure to the elements. o At the end of the growing season, empty
2. Size: the soil, clean the bags with mild soap
o Select appropriate sizes based on the and water, and store them in a dry, cool
type of vegetables being grown. For ex- place to extend their lifespan.
ample: 3. Rotation:
 4-20 litre bags for herbs and small o Rotate crops each season to prevent soil
greens. depletion and reduce the risk of disease
 20-40 litre bags for medium-sized build-up.
plants like peppers and eggplants.
 40-80 litre bags for larger plants like Community Garden Considerations:
tomatoes, potatoes, and zucchini. 1. Education:
3. Handles: o Provide community members with guid-
o Bags with sturdy handles make it easier to ance on using grow bags, including work-
move them around. shops or instructional materials.
2. Shared Resources:
Planting in Grow Bags: o Consider communal composting with
1. Soil Mix: earth worms and soil mixing stations to
o Use a high-quality potting mix rich in reduce costs and encourage sustainable
organic matter. Consider adding com- practices.
post, coco peat, perlite, or vermiculite for 3. Accessibility:
better drainage and nutrient retention. o Grow bags can be placed on raised plat-
2. Watering: forms to make gardening accessible to
o Grow bags dry out faster than tradition- individuals with mobility challenges.
al pots, so regular watering is essential.
Consider using a wicking system or drip Using grow bags in a community vegetable
irrigation system for consistent moisture. garden offers versatility and numerous bene-

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fits that can enhance the gardening experience Benefits of Air Pots:
for all participants. 1. Enhanced Root Development:
o Air pots promote air pruning, where roots
Air Pots: are exposed to air through holes in the
Air pots, also known as air-pruning pots, are pot walls. This prevents root circling and
specialized containers designed to improve the encourages the development of a dense,
root system development of plants. They are fibrous root system.
particularly effective for community vegetable 2. Improved Aeration:
gardens due to their ability to promote health- o The design of air pots allows for better air
ier and more efficient root growth. By under- circulation around the roots, which can
standing how to set up and maintain air pots, lead to healthier plants and improved
community gardeners can maximize their nutrient uptake.
harvests and enjoy healthier, more robust 3. Efficient Drainage:
plants. Better aeration for the plants means o Air pots have excellent drainage prop-
a healthier growing medium which allows for erties, reducing the risk of overwatering
more even germination right across the tray. and root rot.
The tap root of the newly germinated plant is 4. Increased Growth Rates:
air pruned at the base, stimulating lateral root o Healthier root systems lead to more vig-
branching. Increased oxygenation also means orous plant growth and potentially higher
healthy bacteria release more nutrients, which yields.
the seedling’s healthy root system can imme- 5. Versatility:
diately absorb, leading to faster growth. In a o Suitable for a wide range of plants, in-
conventional seed tray the growing tap root is cluding vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
deformed when it meets the base of the tray.
At the same time, a lack of oxygen in the grow- Aquaponics:
ing medium means less healthy bacteria to Aquaponic systems are an innovative and sus-
release nutrients to the plant. tainable approach to urban agriculture, com-

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bining aquaculture (raising fish) with hydro- Vertical Grow Towers:
ponics (growing plants in water). This method An innovative project on Welgevallen Experi-
creates a symbiotic environment where fish mental Farm in Stellenbosch is using vertical
waste provides an organic nutrient source for grow towers inside a greenhouse to grow a
the plants, and the plants help to filter and wide range of crops including leafy greens,
clean the water for the fish. Here are several herbs, and strawberries using aeroponic tow-
key points and benefits of using aquaponic ers. This system uses a minimal amount of wa-
systems in urban agriculture: ter by delivering a nutrient solution directly to
1. Space Efficiency the plant roots, which improves oxygenation
2. Water Conservation and nutrient uptake. These towers require
3. Sustainable Production only 5% of the water used in traditional farm-
4. Year-Round (continuous) Production ing and eliminate the need for pesticides.
5. Local Food Production (reduces the carbon The core principle of the design was to use as
footprint) little floor space as possible and to optimize
6. Educational Opportunities the amount of crops per square meter, espe-
7. High Yields and Quality Produce cially where fertile land is scares and higher
production is needed. The working and ease
Aquaponic systems represent a promising of use is completely unique to other related
solution for sustainable urban agriculture, products on the market. The sharp lines and
offering numerous environmental, economic, radical look of the tower is not to be aestheti-
and social benefits. Aquaponic systems can be cally pleasing but rather to be functional.
expensive to set up though compared to tradi- These towers use a simple yet effective
tional gardening methods. This includes costs low-technology design where a nutrient solu-
for tanks, pumps, grow lights (if indoors), and tion trickles down inside the tower allowing for
plumbing systems. But they can be designed flexible irrigation rates and maximizing pro-
on a low-technology level. For the manage- duction efficiency. The towers are lightweight,
ment one would requires a certain level of modular, and easy to maintain, making them
technical understanding and maintenance. suitable for both small-scale and commer-
Operators need to monitor water quality, pH cial operations. To save space the tower has
levels, and nutrient balances regularly. While a diameter of 310mm and stands 1300mm
there are some challenges to be addressed, tall. These tower sections are designed to be
the potential for local, fresh, and sustainable stacked on top of each other to utilize all the
food production makes aquaponics an attrac- possible vertical growing space. This system al-
tive option for cities looking to enhance food lows for five to six times the production output
security and sustainability. compared to traditional methods.

Challenges in Urban Agriculture:

• Space Limitations: Urban areas often have
limited available space for agriculture.
• Soil Contamination: Urban soils can be
contaminated with pollutants, requiring soil
testing and remediation.
• Resource Constraints: Limited access to
water, compost, and other resources can
pose challenges.

Low technology in urban agriculture offers
practical, sustainable solutions for food pro-
duction in cities. By leveraging simple tech-
niques and community collaboration, it en-
hances food security, environmental health,
and social cohesion, contributing to more
resilient urban food security and ecosystems.

Pictures by Henk Stander

Contact details: [email protected]

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