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Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut

Master of Business Administration
(Hospital Administration) 2-year full time course
self-financed scheme

Offered by

Institute of Business Studies

Ch. Charan Singh University Campus, Meerut
1. This Programme shall be known as MASTER OF BUSINESS
COURSE. This course shall be a 2-year full time MBA degree course with
specialization in Hospital Administration.
2. Course Type: There will be two sections of 2-year full time MBA HA Two year course : Section 1
and Section 2
2.1. Admission to Section-1 shall be given to commerce, science and business
administration graduates as per the rules prescribed by Ch. Charan Singh
University, Meerut. Section 1 will have classes throughout the week as per the
schedule with 30% online teaching.
2.2. Admission to section-2 shall be given to in-service professionals hailing from
medicine, dental, defense, teaching, science and business administration graduates
as per the rules prescribed by Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut. Section 2 will
have 70% teaching through online classes and 30% syllabus covered through
weekend regular classes.
2.3. Each teaching paper is compiled into 5 units. The teaching proportions for each
paper are designed to be taught in following manner:

3. Eligibility Criterion for Admission

3.1. For direct admission made on the basis of merit and counselling:
Percentage criterion for admission should be mentioned clearly.
3.1.1. Section 1: For admission to MBA full time two year course applicant
should have Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration in any
3.1.2. Section 2: For admission to MBA full time two year degree program,
applicant should have Bachelor’s degree of minimum three years duration in
any discipline but with service experience of at least 3 years in a public/
private sector. The eligible candidates would be required to give an
undertaking to comply with the schedule and the requisites of the regular
course along with the no objection certificate from their job providers
(applicable for those who are serving in public/ private sectors).
3.2. The Academic Council shall have power to amend the eligibility criteria laid down
at clause 3.1.1. & 3.1.2 as per the guidelines of the regulatory bodies from time to
4. Attendance
4.1. A student belonging to either of the sections is required to attend at least 75% of
the lectures, tutorials, practical and other prescribed curricular and co-curricular
activities in each paper/ code individually. The attendance can be condoned by up
to 5% on medical grounds or for the other genuine reasons beyond the control of
students only by the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the Head
of the department but in such case a prior information/ permission is required.
4.2. No student will be allowed to appear in any of the internal or external
examinations if he/ she does not satisfy the attendance requirements of the clause
numbers 4.1.
4.3. The attendance shall be counted from the date of admission/ commencement of
classes whichever is later.
5. Intake of the Course
Total intake of the course will be on 60 seats (Total 30 per section).
6. Duration of the Course
6.1. Duration of the MBA full time course for Section-1 and Section-2 shall be of two
years/ 4 semesters. There will be 2 semesters in each year of approximately 90
working days in each semester (section 1) and 40 working days in each semester
(section 2) or as prescribed by the regulatory bodies from time to time.
6.2. The maximum time allowed for completing MBA course shall be 4 years, failing
which he/she shall not be allowed to continue for his/her MBA degree.
7. Curriculum
7.1. The entire curriculum has been divided into four semesters and shall include
lectures, tutorials, practical, seminars and projects in addition to industrial training
(in third semester) and educational tour at sectors as defined in the scheme of
instructions and examinations and executive instructions issued by University
from time to time.
7.2. The curriculum will also include such other curriculum, co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities as prescribed by the University from time to time.
7.3. In view of past fast development in the field of knowledge, government policies
and industry demand the faculty shall be permitted to review and incorporate
required change in the syllabus in the beginning of each academic session with
adequate constitution of Board of studies.
7.4. Total teaching hours for each subject shall be three hours per week.
8. Examinations:
8.1. The criterion of attendance is just the eligibility to appear in the examination
(internal/ external).
8.2. Each theory paper will be of 100 marks and 4 credits. The performance of a
student in a semester shall be evaluated through internal (continuous) assessment
(30%) and external examination (70%). In theory papers internal assessment will
be based on two sessional exams of 09 marks each, two quizzes of 3 marks each,
a seminar of 3 marks and an assignment of 3 marks. A student has to pass in
internal and external examinations separately. The passing percentage in internal
examinations and external examinations (theory) shall be 40% separately. A student
will be allowed for external examinations only if he is pass in the internal
examinations based on continuous assessment. In case a student is failed in
external exams he will appear as ex-student for externals but his marks of internal
will remain the same as obtained earlier. The end semester examination shall be
conducted by means of written paper, Viva-Voce, inspection of certified course
working classes, project work, and design reports or by means of any combination
of these methods as the case may be. The minimum pass marks in a
comprehensive viva voce/ practical shall be 50%. It will completely be evaluated
8.3. A candidate, in order to pass, must secure 50% marks in aggregate of a particular
academic year inclusive of both semester of that academic year subject to
conditions as per clause 8.2. The course being professional, and teaching is done
with a specific approach, therefore, the teacher after interim teaching, will be
responsible for setting the question paper and evaluating the answers book of
internal sessional examination of that course. If, due to some unavoidable reasons,
it is not possible, then the concerned Head may make an alternate arrangement for
the conduct of examination, after due consent from Vice Chancellor.
8.4. For internal assessment, the evaluated answer scripts shall be shown to the
students at the specified time and date.
8.5. A student has to earn minimum 32 credits in the MBAHA first year to be promoted
to second year.
9. Promotion:
9.1. A candidate satisfying all the requirements under clause 8.2 and 8.5 shall be
promoted to the next academic year of study.
9.2. A student acquiring the minimum credits in the two semesters of an academic
session which is equivalent to the credit of any one semester (semester having the
lesser credits) may be promoted to the next year. He may appear for the papers in
which he could not pass with the corresponding semesters. This arrangement
provides a student the choice that after clearing the first semester he may leave
the second semester and may be promoted to the third semester with the condition
that he will take the admission and clear the second/ left semester within the
stipulated time of the course which is four year as per university rules.
9.3. If a student fails to acquire the minimum credits in the two semesters of an
academic session shall be declared fail. In such case he will not get admission in
the next academic year rather he has to clear the year as Ex-student. But in any
case a student has to clear all the papers in four years.
10. Re admission in the Institution:
A candidate may be allowed to readmission provided he/she satisfies one of the
following conditions
10.1 A student is not allowed for exams for not fulfilling the attendance criterion
10.2 A candidate did not appear in internal exams.
10.3 A candidate has been detained by the institute and has also been permitted
to take re-admission.
10.4 A candidate as an ex-student passed the examination of the academic year
10.5 Important: As per university rules, if a student does not report in the class
within first ten days of the academic session, his admission will be cancelled.
11. Award of Division:
The result will be based on credit based system. The division shall be awarded as
per university rules.
12. Grace Marks, scrutiny and reevaluation, unfair means will be governed by the
university rules.
13. Cancellation of Admissions
The admission of a student at any stage of study shall be cancelled if:
He/she is not found qualified as per the regulations
He she found involved in creating indiscipline in the Institution College or in the
14. The Academic Council shall have the power to relax any provision provided in the
ordinance. For any specific matter/situation subject to the approval of Executive
Council of the University & such decisions) shall be reported to the Vice-Chancellor
of the University.
15. 20% of the total syllabus will be covered by expert practitioner of the special portion
of the Syllabus and giving exposure to Corporate Industry to the students.
Course Objectives: This course intends to familiarize and motivating the students with basics of
principles and practices of management for efficient administration of hospital and delivery of
healthcare services.
Course Contents:
Unit – 1 : Management : Definition, nature and importance of management; Management Vs
Administration; Management Skills; Levels of management; Evolution of management; Early
contributors. Taylor’s scientific management theory; Fayol’s principles of management;
Hawthorne experiments and human relations.
Unit – 2 : Management Function : Introduction to functions of management; Planning : nature,
scope, and its significance; Types of plans, planning process, barriers to effective planning and
decision making; Process Organizing : Concept, forms of organizational structure,
departmentalization, span of control, delegation of authority, authority and responsibility,
organizational design.
Unit – 3 : Staffing and directing : Concept, system approach, manpower planning, job design,
recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal. Directing : Concept,
direction and supervision; Motivation: Concept, motivation and performance, theories of
motivation, approaches for improving motivation, company and job performance, quality of work
life, morale building.
Unit – 4 : Leadership & Control : Concept, functions, styles and theories. Communication :
Process, importance, channels, barriers to communication. Communication and management, role
of communication in managerial effectiveness. Meaning, steps in a control process, need for
control, types of control methods, essentials of effective control systems; Problems in control
process. Control techniques.
Unit – 5 : Basics of Marketing Management:- :- Introduction definition. Importance & scope
of marketing needs, want, demand, customer, conceptualizing task and philosophies of
marketing management, marketing systems and marketing environment, importance of
understanding consumer behavior, cultural influence, influence of social class, buying behavior,
decision making process in buying.
Recommended Books : (Latest Editions)
1. Prasad L. M., Principles of Management, S. Chand and Co.
2. Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr, Management, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Koontz, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Robbins S.P. and Decenzo David A., Fundamentals of Management : Essential Concepts
and Applications., Pearson Education
5. Philip kotler, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall India

Course Objectives : This course intends to inculcate behavioral ethics in Healthcare

Communication and Behavior of Individual or group in the Hospital System , After completing
this course the student should be able to tackle the healthcare Communications aspects and Human
behavior in their concerned organization.

Course Content
Unit-1: Introduction: Defining communication, process of Communication, Communication
business Communication, and Importance of Feedback, Factors Affecting Communication:
Effective Listening- Types and Essentials of effective listening, Reading Comprehension&
Unit-2 Channels, Types and Forms of Communication: Types of communication,
communication Network, Techniques of ORAL Presentations, Communication approaches during
Interviews, Public speaking—understanding the composition process, Defining the purpose,
Analyzing the Audience, Establishing the main idea, Selecting the appropriate Channel and
Medium, Meeting Etiquettes. Counseling as a communication approach.
Unit – 3 : Introduction to Organizational Behavior : Concept, nature, characteristics, determinants
and importance of O.B.; Concept of knowledge management and emotional intelligence in
contemporary business organization.
Unit – 4 : Understanding Human Behavior in Management : Concept, nature, process, importance
of Perception, management and behavioral applications of perception. Attitude: Concept, process,
and importance, Attitude measurement. Personality : Concept, nature, types and theories of
personality shaping. Learning in Management: Concept and Theories of Learning, learning
principles, role of learning in management.
Unit – 5 : Interpersonal relationship management : Group dynamics, group definition of group.
Stages of group development, punctuated equilibrium model, group structure, group decision
making. Analysis of interpersonal relationship, developing interpersonal relationship. Rapport
building techniques.

Recommended Books : (Latest Edition)

1. Davis Keith, Human Behavior at Works : Organizational Behavior, Tata McGraw – Hill,
New Delhi.
2. Pareek Udai, Behavioral Process in Organizations, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
3. William V. Ruch, Business Communication, Maxwell Macmillan, New York.
4. Lani Arredondo, The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Business Presentation, McGraw-Hill,
New York.
5. Bill Scott, Skills of Communication, Jaico, Bombay.
Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to enable the participants to understand the basics
of Hospital Administration and its application, at-the end of the course the students would be able
to understand the Administrative Part of the Hospital System.
Course Content:
Unit-1- Introduction to the Hospital Field- Definitions--- hospital and medical care, types,
control- Functions—medical care, prevention, professional education and research- Role of
hospital in health spectrum. Hospital of india to day classification of hospitals- Number, type size,
distribution, ownership, problems of hospital administration.
Unit—II- Hospital Administration- Principles- Responsibilities, Role & Functions of Hospital
Administration, Expected qualities of a good Hospital Administrator Organization of Hospital.
The governing authority, the administrator, business aspects, clinical aspects, channels of authority
and communication, Importance of qualified v/s non-qualified, Medical v/s non-Medical Hospital
Administrator problems of hospital administration and their expected solutions.
Unit-III Management of Different Clinical, Para clinical, and Support Service Department
in Hospitals: Hazards administration of Government (Rural, District & Municipal Hospitals v/s
private hospitals administration of a teaching hospital, administration of a corporate hospital.
Administration of a voluntary & charitable hospital, hospital utilization and its evaluation public
relations in hospitals.
Unit-IV- Quality Management in Hospitals-Certification & Accreditation, TQM in Hospitals
management of hospital information system (Manual, online & Offline) Hosp. Adm. Contd.
Hospital audits, financial audit, clinical audit, Tissue audit Nosocomial Infection Management of
Biomedical waste in hospitals (Law & the reality), Quality Tools, Hospital Accreditation
(NABH, JCI and Six Sigma Accreditations)
Unit-V- Miscellaneous-Disaster Management programs and guideline for hospitals. Local
administration, Municipal corporation, CMO, Health insurance cases & TPA, role of
administration in Medical & paramedical education and research recent trends in hospital
administration, latest trends of hospital administration abroad. Health education in hospital
responsibilities of the hospitals to the general public. Methods of health education in hospital and
their importance. Patient education through I.T.
Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)
1. B.M Sakharkar, Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning, Jaypee Brothers
Medical publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. C.M. Francis et al, hospital Administration, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi.
3. S. Srinivasan (ed) Management Process in Health Care, Voluntary Health Association of
India, New Delhi.
4. Dr. Pradeep Bhardwaj, Latest in Healthcare Management, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Courses Objectives: The objectives of the course are to enable students to learn and to have a
good understanding of Human Anatomy, and Medical Terminology as is necessary for orientation
to Health care and clinical environment of hospital.
Course Contents:
Unit I Basics of Anatomy
Introduction to anatomy, Terms used in anatomy, The systems of the body, Cell Structure
Unit II Human Body System
Musculoskeletal System - basic anatomy of important muscles and bones, Respiratory System -
basic anatomy of tongue, trachea, nose. Digestive System – basic anatomy of esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas.
Unit III Cardiac and Blood Vessel System
Cardiovascular system - basic anatomy of heart and important blood vessels. Lymphatic System.
Unit IV :- Human Organs
Uro-genital system - basic anatomy of kidney and associated organs, male reproductive organs,
female reproductive organs. Basic anatomy of ear and eye. Basic anatomy of skin.
Unit V Introduction to Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology: Introduction, objectives and importance. Prefixes: Definition, study of
various prefixes with examples. Suffixes: Definition, study of various suffixes with examples,
Root or Stem words: Definition, study of various suffixes with examples, Study of standard
abbreviations, commonly used medical terms to define different parts of the body

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 7th Edition. Davi-Ellen Chabners. Barnes and
2. Human Anatomy & Physiology Plus Mastering A&P with Pearson eText -- Access Card
Package by Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn
3. Anatomy and Physiology - Ross and Wilson
Course objectives: the course will help to gain knowledge in basic accountancy, and Financial
aspects to develop capability in maintaining accounts, understand financial statements, understand
the need and importance of internal audit, develop budgets analyze cost, prepare break even
analysis and save/control cost, prepare hospital rate setting (pricing) understand the importance
and apply mechanized accounting.
Course Content
Unit-1 Fundamentals of Accounting: evolution, significance, accounting principles, concepts &
conventions, GAAP, Overview of international accounting standards, accounting equation, capital
and revenue, types of accounts, rules of debit and credit, journal entry, ledger and trial balance
preparation of financial statement- Trading and P&L A/C. And balance sheet branches of
Unit II- Analysis and interpretation of financial statements: comparative statements and trend
analysis. Ratio analysis, funds flow analysis and cash flow analysis.
Unit III- Introduction to cost accounting: understanding and classifying cost, elements of cost and
type of cost. Interpretation of cost sheet cost reduction and cost control. Break-even analysis and
CVP analysis.
Unit IV- Financial Management – routine scope objective functions and importance of financial
management modern approaches to financial management sources of finance-
Short term and long term. Leverage analysis. Working capital management
Unit V- Emerging trends in accounting and finance. Business competitiveness. Leasing. Financial
reporting. Value added statements. Inflation. Accounting and Human resource accounting.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. S.N Maheshwari, Introduction to Accounting, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi: III
2. SN Maheshwari, Cost Accounting, Theory and Problems, Vikas Publications, New
Delhi III edition
3. L. Vann sea well, Principles of Hospital Accounting (Physicians Record Company,
4. William O. Cleverly, Essentials of Healthcare Financing (An Aspen publication, New
5. VHAI, An Accounting Guide for Voluntary Hospitals in India (the voluntary health
association of india, New Delhi)
Course Objective: The purpose of this course is to learn the specific methods of materials
planning, purchasing, processing, stocking and dispensing including equipment purchasing and
maintenance. The general objective is to understand the general principles of materials
management, to apply the principles and practice of purchasing. To learn ethical and legal aspects
of materials management. To apply MIS for materials management, to learn the principles and
practice of equipment purchasing and maintenance.
Course Content:
Unit-I: Materials Management: Introduction, Definition and Function, Goals and Objectives of
Materials Management, Materials Cycle, Functions of Materials Manager, Problems and Issues in
Hospitals, Information Systems for Materials Management.
Unit-II: Purchasing: Purchasing Objectives and Elements of Purchasing, Purchasing System,
Purchasing Cycle, Purchasing Procedures, Legal and Ethical Aspects, Conditions of Contract,
Financial Rules, Arbitration.
Unit-III: Equipment Purchase and Maintenance: Planning and Selection of Equipment related
to healthcare & hospital equipment, Import of Equipment, Equipment Utilization and Operation,
Equipment Repair and maintenance, Equipment Audit.
Unit-IV: Inspection, Storage and Distribution of Materials: Planning Consideration of Stores,
Inspection and Verification of Materials, Storage of Materials, Distribution of Materials,
Condemnation and Disposal.
Unit-V: Scientific Inventory Management: Codification and Standardization, Value Analysis,
Inventory Control, Lead Time, Safety Stock and Recorder Level, Economic Order Quantity
(EOQ), Selective Controls, Case Studies on Inventory Control. Use MIS in all the units.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Shakti Gupta and Sunil Kant, Hospital Stores Management: An Integrated Approach,
Jaypee Publications, New Delhi.
2. WHO, Maintenance repair of laboratory, Diagnostic, Imaging and Hospital Equipment,
WHO, Geneva.
3. Murriel Skeet and David Fear, Care and Safe Use of Hospital Equipment, VSO, UK.
4. P. Gopala Krishnana and M. Sundaresan, Materials Management: An Integrated Approach,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
SEMESTER-II (This course should also have five units)
Course Objectives: To make the students well versed for understanding of diseases and their
causes. After completion of the course the students would be oriented to Para clinical environment
in the hospital.
Course Content:
UNIT-I: Definition and scope of Pathology, Basics pathology of Acute & Chronic Inflammation,
Homeostasis and Haemorrhage. Shock & Thrombosis, Basics of Immune system and its role in
aetiology and prevention of Disease. Various Profiles Like Pyrexia, Lipid, Cardiac, Renal,
Hepatic, Fertility, Obesity, Cancers & Haematological etc.
UNIT-II: Principles of Blood Banking. Pathology of certain diseases – Rheumatic fever,
Tuberculosis, Lung cancer, Bronchial Asthma, Nephritis, Nephritic Syndrome, Renal Failure,
Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease & Diabetes mellitus.
UNIT-III: Preventive and Social Medicine: Definition of PSM and scope, historical
development of concept of PSM
UNIT-IV: Levels of Prevention and modes of Intervention. Modes of Transmission of diseases –
communicable and non – communicable diseases.
UNIT-V: Principles of Epidemiology Typhoid, Tuberculosis and National TB control Programme,
HIV-AIDS-Transmission and Control of venereal diseases, Accidents, Hypertension, Coronary
Artery Disorders, Diabetes etc.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Pathology Illustrated, by ROBERTS f, Alasdair DT Govan publishers
2. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine, K. Park. : Bhanot Publishers, 2015.
Course Objectives: The subject is to acquaint the HA Student with the day to day working and
the working environment of hospitals. The student should be familiarized with the hospital clinical
services which are one of the key issues in hospital administration. Case Study shall be discussed
on the classrooms.
Course Content:
UNIT-I: Introduction: Meaning & Scope and Significance of Patient care services. OPD services
with special emphasis to reduce overcrowding in OPD, Organization and administration of OPD
services, Admission and Discharge, Accident and Emergency services – procedure of medico legal
UNIT-II: Diagnostics Service: Radio-imaging (X-RAY, CT, MRI, PT) and Blood Bank with
special emphasis on Time-Motion study to remove bottlenecks.
UNIT-III: In Patient Service: Organization and administration of IPD services, Ward
Management, Nursing Services and Hospital acquired infections with latest trends in detection and
controlling Rehabilitation Services, ICU, OTs and Sterilization activities
UNIT- IV: Demography: Demographic Cycle, World Population Trend Demographic Trends in
India: Growth rate, Age Pyramid, Sex Ratio, Population Density, Family size, Urbanization,
Literacy and Life Expectancy.
UNIT V: Epidemiology & Community Health:- Concept of Disease Epidemiological, Triad,
Concepts of Control and Prevention, Uses and Principles of Epidemiology: Components,
Measurements, Prevalence and Incidence, Epidemiology: Components, Measurements,
Prevalence and Incidence, Community Diagnosis and Treatment, Communicable and Non
communicable Diseases

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Hospital Operations–I (Clinical Services), Sangeetha Natarajan, Parshva Publications,
Sonepat (Haryana)
2. Principals of Hospital Administration Planning, B.M. Sakharkar JAYPEE BROTHERS
3. K. Park, Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine (M/S Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers,
4. B.K. Mahajan and M.C. Gupta, Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine (Jaypee
Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
Course Objectives: This course intends to develop understanding of the students of concepts.
Techniques, oriel and practices of human resource management in hospital.
Course Content:
UNIT-I: Introduction to HRM: Evolution of HRM, meaning nature and scope, HRM functions
and objective, difference between HRM and Personnel Management,. Human Resource
Development in India, role of HR managers, manpower planning. Training and Development
UNIT-II: Job Analysis, Wage and Salary Administration: Job Description, & specification.
Recruitment and selection, methods and procedures. Definition, Goals, Job Evaluation, Wage and
Salary surveys, Time and Piece Rate, Factors affecting wages, Individual and Group Incentive
plans, Non-Financial incentives and Financial Incentives, Measuring Cost to company (CTC).
UNIT-III: Employee Performance and Benefits: definition, purpose of appraisal, procedures and
techniques including performance appraisal. Employee Benefits: Supplemented Pay benefits (Pay
for time and worked), Insurance benefit, Retirement benefits, Employee’s service benefit’s,
ESOP’s, Flexible benefits and Benefit Survey’s.
UNIT-IV: Job Enrichment: Promotion, transfer, separation: promotion- purpose, principles and
types. Transfer: reasons, principles and types. Separation: lay-off, resignation, dismissal,
retrenchment. Job enrichment, job enlargement, job rotation. Collective bargaining & grievance
UNIT V:- Governing Laws: Provident Fund Act 1952, Minimum wages Act 1948, Payment of
wages Act 1948, Payment of Bonus Act 1965.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Human Resource Management, Mirza, Satyadian S. McGraw Hill McGraw Hill
2. Designing and Managing Human Resource Systems, Pareek, Udai and Rao T.V.
3. Recent Experience in Human Resource Development, Rao T.V. and Pereira.
4. Performance Appraisal- Theory and Practice, Rao T.V.
5. Garry Dessler, Personnel/Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall, London
6. William B. Werther Jr. and Keith Davis, Human Resource Management, McGraw Hill,
New Jersey
Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to enable the participants to understand the concept
of marketing and public relations and applying them in the Healthcare organizations. At the end
of the course the participants would be able to utilize Social Marketing in marketing ideas and
causes, which would change the behavior of target group. Practice Health Services Public
Course Content:
UNIT-I: Application of Marketing in Healthcare: Importance of Marketing to Healthcare
Organizations, Challenges in Practicing Marketing in Healthcare Industry, Marketing Intelligence,
Information and Research System. Marketing Organization: Chart, Fulltime Staff and Hiring
UNIT-II: Market (Individual and Organizational) Analysis: Measurement and Forecasting:
Defining Market, Measuring Current Market Demand, Forecasting Demand, Market Segmentation
and Targeting: Step in Segmentation and Targeting, Target Marketing Consumer Analysis:
Consumer Buying Process, Organization Buyer Behavior, Consumer Adoption Process.
UNIT-III: Marketing Mix Decisions: Product (Service) Decisions: Nature and Characteristics
of Services, Marketing approaches to New Services Development, Service Mix Decision, Service
Item Decision, Service Life Cycle Decision, Demand Generation, Pricing Decisions: Pricing
Objectives in Healthcare, Pricing Strategy, Present and Future Situation. Place Decisions: Major
Distribution Decisions, Strengthening Referral System. Promotion Decisions: Sales Force in
Healthcare Organizations, Publicity Practices. Marketing Strategies: Service Portfolio Strategy,
Market Expansion Strategy, Target Market Strategy, Price Quality Strategy, Competitive
Positioning Strategy, Marketing Mix Strategy. Social Marketing: Steps Quality Strategy,
Competitive Cognitive, Action, Behavior and Value Changes, Public Relation.
UNIT-IV: Introduction to Public Relations: Meaning of Public Relations, Classification of
Public from Healthcare Marketing Perspective, Evaluation of Public Relations.
Public Relations Process: Identifying the Relevant Publics, Measuring Images and Attitude of the
Relevant Public, Establishing Image and Attitude Goals for the Key Publics, Developing Cost
Effective Public Relations Strategies, Implementing Actions, Implementing Actions and
Evaluating Results.
UNIT-V: Community Opinion Surveys to Assess the Images of an Organization: A model
Questionnaire used in healthcare Services, Methodology of the study. Public Relations Tools:
Materials: Written and Audiovisual, Media: News, Events, Speeches and Telephone
Information Services. Health Service Public Relations Officer: Profile of Public Relations Office,
Changing Role and Responsibilities of Health Service PRO.
Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)
1. Marketing for Healthcare Organizations, Philip Kotler and Roberta N. Clarke, Prentice Hall
2. Health Service Public Relations, Roger Silver, Redcliffe Medical Press Ltd., Oxford
3. Healthcare Marketing Sales and Services: An Executive Companion, John F. O’Malley,
Health Administration Press.
4. How to Market Your Hospital without Selling Your Philosophy, G.D. Kundera, Prism
Books Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.
Course Objectives: This course intends to develop understanding of the students of concepts of
preclinical subjects to understand and develop pharmacology, forensic medicine and toxicology.
Course Content:
Unit-I: General pharmacology: Drug- Definition, Source, Nomenclature, Drug laws, sources of
Drug information. Dosage forms of drugs, Routes of drug administration. Drug absorption,
Distribution, Half-life of drugs, Bioavailability, fixed dose combinations. Drug poisoning and its
Unit-II: Pharmacology of – Sympathomimetic Drugs: General anesthetics, Local anesthetics,
Analgesics-Narcotic and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, Corticosteroids, Anti-diabetic
drugs, Thrombolytic & Fibrin lytic agents, Diuretics, Anti-cancer drugs, Anti-muscarinic and
Neuro-muscular blockers etc. Chemotherapeutic agents- General principles, Penicillin,
Fluroquinolones, Antifungal agents, Antiviral agents.
Unit-III: Drug therapy of certain diseases: Epilepsy, Bronchial asthma, Acid-Peptic diseases,
Angina Pectoris, Hypertension, Anxiety and Insomnia, Shock.
Unit-IV: Legal Procedure: Definition-Court and their Jurisdiction, Inquest, Summons,
Certificate, dying declaration, dying deposition. Postmortem Examination- Death in a medico legal
aspect, Sexual offence- Rape Insanity and its Medico legal Aspect.
Unit-V: Toxicology: General Management of poisons and management of certain poisonings like
Corrosive, organo- chlorine and organophosphates poisoning, snake bite, Dhatura poisoning,
Subphase poisoning etc.
Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)
1. Essentials of Medical Pharmacology, K.D. Tripathi, Jaypee Publicataions.
2. Pharmacology and Pharmcotherapeutics, R.S. Satoskar, S.D. Popular Prakashan
3. Goodman and Gillman’s Pharmacology, Laurence Brunton, John Lazo, Keith Parker -
4. Modi’s Forensic Medicine and toxicology, B. V. Subrahmanyam - 2001
Course Objectives: The aim of the course is to enable students to have a better understanding of
various planning systems in the hospitals. The students can gain and understand of the events
which occur in day to day working of health care organizations. Students are expected to develop
a diagnostic and problem-solving approach.
Course Content:
Unit-I: Hospital Planning: Planning as a management function, Hospital Planning – Meaning &
scope, steps of hospital planning from idea to inauguration of hospital, Concept of building a
Hospital – Availability of finance & land Feasibility Studies catchments area and demand analysis,
Site Surveys – Physical environment, possibility for expansion, utilities-water – electricity sewer
lines, telephones, transportation etc.
Unit-II: Guiding principles in planning Hospital facilities & Services: Planning of type, size
and facilities for Hospital, Facility Master Plan, Design (Internal & External Aspects), Design team
– role and criteria for the choice of Architect, role of Engineers and hospital administrator in
hospital planning and designing in the planning stages. Preliminary sketches, final plans, working,
drawing, specification, construction problems and contract modifications.
Unit-III: Planning for Equipmentation: Preparing equipment list for the new hospital – Built in
equipment, non – expandable /imported, Expandable equipment, Capital equipments.
Unit-IV: Role of Administration: Role of Administration in Building a Hospital Planning of
Specified Hospitals – 1000 bed hospital teaching and general /500 bed hospital /200 bed
hospital/special hospitals – Primary Health Centre and community Health Centre. Alternation and
addition in and existing hospital planning the maintenance department, Engineer’s office,
Workshop of various types.
Unit-V: Concept and role of Hospital Consultancy: Hospital Polices & other guidelines,
Planning for Research & Education facilities, Future Expansion Plans, Accreditation Planning .
Recent trends in hospital planning, Pros and cons of Modular structures. WHO Standards and
Recommendations, National & International Standards.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Hospital Planning and Management, McCaullay. World Health Organization
2. Hospital Planning, Kunders. McGraw Hill publications
3. Reference book on Hospital Planning, Shakti Gupta.


Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are to enable students to have a good understanding of statistical tools
and to develop capability in them to use these techniques for solving the problems faced by
Hospital Administration. As with the concepts and Business Research the students will be able to
plan, design and carry out business research using scientific methods and prepare research
Course Content:
Unit-I: Nature of Strategic Management: Dynamic environment in healthcare/strategic
management in healthcare industry/strategic planning and strategy/Thinking map of strategic
planning process in healthcare organizations/Situational analysis Benefits of strategic planning and
mgmt./hierarchy of strategies.
Unit-II: Understanding and Analyzing the External Environment: External nature of strategic
management goals and limitations of environmental analysis, Components of General and Health
care environment/Process of external environmental analysis.
Unit-III: Service Area Competitor Analysis: Purpose of competitor’s analysis Service Area
competitor analysis.
Unit-IV: Internal Environmental Analysis/Competitive Advantage: Value chain in healthcare,
Components of value chain, Strategic thinking map and steps.
Directional Strategies: Mission, Vision, Values and strategic goals.
Developing Strategic Alternatives: Decision logic and strategic thinking map for strategy
Unit-V: Evaluation of Alternative and Strategic Choice: TOWS matrix, PLC analysis, BCG
Portfolio analysis, Space matrix, Strategic Implementation: Implementing Strategy through value
adding service delivery & their supporting strategies, implementing strategy through Unit Action

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Kazmi Azhar – Business Policy and Strategic Management ( Tata McGraw Hill)
2. Cliff Bowman – Business Policy and Strategy (Prentice Hall of India)
3. Lawrence R. Jauch., Glueck William F. – Business Policy and Strategic Management
( Frank Brothers)
Course Objective: The subject is to acquaint the working environment of hospitals. The student
shall be familiarized with the Information and Health Insurance System which are one of the key
issues in hospital administration. Case study shall be discussed on the classrooms.
Course Content:
Unit-1: The meaning and use of MIS systems: View of Business, Process of MIS, Development
of MIS within the organization, Management Process, Information Needs, Systems Approach in
Planning Organizing and Controlling MIS. Management of Medical Records Department (manual
& computerized).
Unit-2: Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to AI, Problem Formulation, Production System,
Ontology, Decision Trees Population Based Search
Unit-3: Health Insurance for Individual & Group: Standard/Individual, Floater, Critical illness,
Cancer Insurance, Group Health Insurance, Cradle care insurance, Road safety Insurance.
Coverage’s, Exclusions, limitations, terms & conditions, Role of Third Party Administrator for
settlement of claim.
Unit 4: Special problems in Health Insurance & Insurances for Hospital : Adverse selection,
moral hazard, co-variate risks, information gap problems; Mediclaim Scheme: Premium,
Penetration, Problem in Coverage. Insurances for Hospital : Health Insurance: Uni-Heart care
insurance, Trauma care group insurance, Coverage’s, Exclusions, limitations, terms & conditions.
Unit-5: Liability Insurance: Meaning of Liability, special features of liability insurance,
Professional Indemnity insurance for Doctors, Medical establishments and Liability insurance for
hospitals, Coverages, Exclusions, limitations, terms & conditions.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Robert G. Murdick, Information Systems for Modern Management, New Delhi.
2. Margrethe Olson Gordon Davis , Management Information Systems. Part of the
McGraw-Hill series in management information systems published in New York.
3. William S. Stenens: Health Insurance – Current Issues and Background, Nova Science
4. M.N. Mishra and S.B. Mishra: Insurance – Principles and Practice, Sultan Chand and Sons.
5. T. Mahundran: Health Insurance Sector in India, Abhijit Publications.
Course Objective: This course intends to familiarize and develop understanding of the students
of the legal Environment and regulations of statutory bodies prevalent in the healthcare sector.
Course Content:
Unit-I: The Indian Contract Act,1872: Essentials of a Valid Contract, Void and Voidable
agreements, Performance of Contracts, Breach of a Contract and Its Remedies, Quasi-Contracts.
Unit-II: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930: Formation of Sales Contract.
Unit-III: The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881: Nature and Types, Negotiation and Assignment.
Holder in Due Course, Dishonor and Discharge a Negotiable Instruments.
Unit-IV: The Companies Act, 2013: Types of Companies, Memorandum and Article of
Association, Shareholders and Debenture Holders, Minority Protection, Winding-up. Consumer
Protection Act: Consumer Rights, Exploitation of Consumer, Consumer Protection, Utility of
Unit-V: Business regulatory framework- Limit, liability particularly act and constitution
protection act.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Kapoor, N.D.: Mercantile Law ; Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. Industrial Disputes Act and Indian Companies Act.
3. Indian Medical Council Act.
4. Delhi and NCR Private Medical Care (Establishment, registration and regulation Act).
5. PNDT Act.
6. Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules, 1945 by Ranjan Magazine
Course Objective: The subject is to acquaint the student with the day to day working and the
working environment of hospitals. The student should be familiarized with the hospital supportive
services which are one of the key issues in hospital administration. Case Study shall be discussed
on the classrooms.
Course Content: -
Unit-I: Introduction, meaning of supportive services, scope and role, Nutrition and Dietetic service
Medical Record Department including EMR, Electric supply, water supply plumbing and
sanitation Medical gas supply and pipelines.
Unit-II: HVAC systems Bio-medical engineering department with recent trends. Laundry
Services. Housekeeping services-use of new microfibers and steam paper appliances for cleaning
of walls, SIO2 liquid spray of glass cleaning. Case Study
Unit-III: Mortuary and transportations services special study carried out for 300 and 500 bedded
hospital for provision of maintenance expenses. Hospital administration during Disasters-
organizing a practical drill. Engineering services and radiology hazards.
Unit-IV: Latest Trends in supportive services, Communication Systems, Hospital Engineering and
Maintenance, Pharmacy Services.
Unit-V: Cost containment measures in hospital operations. Conservation of Energy Study of
conventions methods with orientations to the concept of green hospital, use of solar energy fixed
and movable solar energy.
CASE STUDY in reference to 300 and 500 bedded hospital for energy Audit.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. B.M. Sakharkar, Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning, Jaypee Brothers
Medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Course Objective: To make the student well versed for understanding Etio-pathology & related
aspects, Pathogenesis, Provisional Diagnosis, Related Investigations, and Ruling out suspected
diseases and Management.
Course Content: -
Unit-I: Medicine: Definition and scope of Medicine, Medicine approach to a patient History of
Medicine. Principles of Medicine Tropical Diseases and Current health problems in the country,
with special reference to current trends in prevention & cure with emphasis on following diseases
at least: Malaria, amoebiasis, worms, filarial, dengue, chikungunya, herpes, chickenpox, measles,
HIV-AIDS, cholera, typhoid, Parkinsonism, Epilepsy, Angina pectoris, Hypertension and
Coronary artery disorder, Cerebro-vascular accidents.
Unit-II: Surgery: Definition and scope of Surgery, Concepts like day-care surgery, plastic
Surgery, robotic surgery, Neurosurgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery. Surgical Treatment of Common
Conditions like Appendicitis, Cholecystitis, Pancreatitis, Renal Stones, Lung Cancer, CABG and
Heart transplantation, Total and partial hip replacements, Kidney and liver transplants.
Unit-III: Gynaecology and Obstetrics: Structure and Function of Female Reproductive System,
Infertility, Uterine Tumors and CANCERS, Hysterectomy, Normal and Abnormal Delivery
Caesarian Section.
Unit-IV: Eye: Structure and Function of Eye, Refractive Errors, Infections, Cataract and
Glaucoma, eye donation and corneal transplants, Laser use in eye surgery.
Unit-V: E.N.T.: Structure and Function of Ear, Nose and Throat and Diseases like Otitis media,
Nasal Polyp, DNS, Tonsillitis and other Related Problems.
Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)
1. Golwalla's Medicine for Students (A Reference Book for the Family Physician)
2. Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine by Stuart H. Ralston
3. Lobe and Belly: Text Book of Surgery
2020- MHA-306: Patient Party Management
Course Objectives:
To understand the processes and ensure adequate satisfaction levels of patients
Course Content:
Unit I
Patient Centric Management
Concept of patient care, Patient-centric management, Organization of hospital departments,
Roles of departments/managers in enhancing care and Practical examples of
patient centric management in hospitals.
Unit- II
Patient safety and patient risk management, Basic Life Support, Patient Satisfaction, feedback
and grievances.
Unit III
Patient classification systems and Why do we need to classify patients?, Types of patient
classification systems, ICD 10 (CM, PM), DRG, HBG, ARDRG, Casemix innovations and
Patient empowering classification
Unit IV: Medical Ethics and Disaster preparedness
Ethical principles, Confidentiality and professional secrecy, ethics of trust and ethics of rights –
autonomy and informed consent.
Basics of disaster managemen. Disaster alertness in Hospital, Triage, different colour coding
related to disaster.
Unit V: Patient Medical Records
Policies & procedures for maintaining medical records. e-records, legal aspects of medical
records, its safety, preservation and storage.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Harris M. G. & Assoc. 2003. Managing Health Service: Concepts & Practices. M. Petty:
2. Kelly D. L. 2006. Encyclopaedia of Quality Management in Hospitals & Health Care
Administration. Vol 1-6. Pentagon Press: Chicago.
3. Kilpatrick A. O. & Johnson J A. 1999. Handbook of Health Administration & Policy.
Marcel Dekkes Inc: New York.
4. Ransom S. B., Joshi M. S. & Nash D. B.. 2006. The Health Care Quality Book: Vision,
Strategy and Tools. Standard Publishers Distributors: Delhi.
5. Reddy N K S. 2000. Medical Jurisprudence & Toxicology. ALT Publications: Hyderabad
Rao M. S. 1992. Health & Hospital Administration in India. Deep & Deep Publications:
New Delhi.
2020- MHA-307: 4-8 Weeks Industrial Training

Starting from declaration of result of second semester and anytime in third semester, student shall
be given permission to acquire ‘hands-on’ training in any hospital/ healthcare centre (preferably
having a tie-up with the host department). A student can get ‘training’ leave up to 6 weeks during
the third semester, to accommodate industrial training, for which he/ she should submit
documented acceptance and shall be adequately relieved prior to joining the training and shall
submit adequate experience and attendance certificate at training institute/ hospital/ healthcare
centre; failing which the leave may not be entertained by the host department. During this period,
the teaching for other semester papers can be done online. A student, who obtains certificate from
of successful completion of hospital training, shall earn 8 credits@one credit per week. But the
credits shall be cumulated to the result at the end of final year MBAHA. Minimum 6 credits are
required to complete the degree from industrial training 1. Industrial training is integral part of
the degree compliance.
Course Objective: The course will help to understand managing quality as an institutional
philosophy in Healthcare organizations, the process of cultural change will emphasis on leadership
commitment, Training, Managing Change, Team Work and Communication.
Course Content:
Unit-I: Fundamentals of Quality: History, Need and Importance of Quality Management, Core
Values, Concepts and Models, Dimensions of Quality, Principles of Quality Management-
Structure, Process and Outcome, Quality Vs Productivity Vs Profitability, Cost of conformance
and non-conformance to Quality, Major Components of Quality, Quality Management Process,
Customer Focus, Process Focus, Quality Measurement and Statistical Report at all levels.
Unit-II: Quality Foundation, Tools and Techniques: Leadership, Team, Communication,
Problem Solving, Managing Time, Tools and Techniques, Flow Charts, Cause and Effect Diagram,
Pareto Diagram.
Unit-III: Healthcare Quality: Quality/Customer Service, Core Service and Delivery of Service,
Caring Service, Stress, Satisfaction and Delight, Quality Indicators of Patients Satisfaction,
Clinical Quality, Admission, Follow Up and Community Care, Measuring Quality, Setting
Objectives and Agreeing upon standards. Feedback: Customer, Staff, Suppliers etc., Quality Audit
and Review Techniques.
Unit-IV: Organization Roles in Quality: Quality Policy- Commitment to Patient and Staff, Code
of Conduct for Health Professionals, Job Description of Quality Manager, Quality screening
Committee, Quality Council, Quality Teams, Task Force, Quality Circle, Obstacles to Practice
Unit-V: Total Quality Management: concept, models, Kaizen, Zero, JIT, Preparation of
healthcare organization for TQM implementation, SIX SIGMS in healthcare. ISO Certification,
Hospital Accreditation- NABH and JCI, Quality Award Scheme.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Wilson C.R.M., Hospital Wide Quality Assurance, Saunders, Ontario.
2. Huge C.H. Kogh, Total Quality Management in Health Care, Longman Publication
3. Roger Elllis and Dorothy Whittington, Quality Assurance in Health Care, A Hand Book,
Edward Ainoid, London
4. Edward W. Deming, Out of the Crisis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
5. Richard Smith(ed), Audit in Action, British Medical Journal, London
6. Helga Drummond, The TQM Movement- What Total Quality Management is Really All
About (UBSPD, New Delhi)
7. Total Quality Management- Suri and Puja Sharma, publ. Biztantara.
Course Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with entrepreneurship
and its relevance to managerial decision making.
Course Content:
Unit-I: Entrepreneur: Concept, Nature, Definition, Characteristics, Function, Kinds, Role,
Difference between Entrepreneur and Manager. Entrepreneurship: Concept, Nature,
Characteristics, Functions, Kinds, Role of Entrepreneurship in Developing of Economy, Ethical
Unit-II: Theories of Entrepreneurship: Innovative theory, Theory of Social change, Theory of
model personality. Entrepreneurial Environment: Political, Technical, Social, Economic, Cultural
and International.
Unit-III: Women Entrepreneur: Nature, Definition Features, Indian perspective, Govt. Policy
Support, Environment, Challenges & Strategies for women empowerment. Entrepreneurship
Strategies & Policies: Need and type of business strategies, Concept of Entrepreneurial strategies,
need for effective Entrepreneurial policy, Factors governing entrepreneurial competencies.
Unit-IV: Choice of Organization: Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock co., Co-
operative. Strategic Management in Small Business Enterprises: Strategies for Growth, Stability,
Merger, Diversification, Acquisition, Joint Venture, New Frontiers of Entrepreneurship.
Unit-V: Entrepreneurs: Concept, Features, rationale, distinction with Entrepreneurship, factors
of success. Institutes supporting small business enterprises- Central level, State level, others.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. M.B. Shukla, Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Kitab Mahal
2. Poornima A. Charantimath, Entrepreneurship development Small Business Enterprises,
Pearson Education India.
3. R.K. Suri, Entrepreneurship Development, McGraw Hill Education
Course Objective: To acquaint the students with existing and changing laws, Bills and guidelines
regulating hospital industry so that as hospital administrators could manage the industry with legal
compliance regulating quality and pricing of hospital services in India. Enable students to develop
the right perspective of this delicate responsibility to deal with Hospital Administration in a
constructive manner.
Course Content:
Unit-I: Periodic Regulatory Requirements In Hospitals: Licenses and certificates required for
hospitals, Periodic reports and returns for hospitals as a legal commitment like registration of births
and deaths report, Annual income tax return, radiologist and ultrasound registered under PNDT
Act etc. Law and ethics: meaning, concepts, principles. Laws pertaining to health: Central Birth
and Death Registration Act, 1969, MTP Act, 1971.
Unit-II: Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994, Medical negligence, medico legal case,
euthanasia (mercy killing), Laws pertaining to manufacture and sales of drugs: Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940; Pharmacy Act, 1948.
Unit-III: Hospital Acts: M.P. Nursing Home Act, 1972 (6), Clinical Establishment Act, 2010 (8)
Similar Legislations in Other States: Delhi Nursing Home registration Act, 1953, The Andhra
Pradesh Allopathic Private Medical Care Establishments ( Registration and Regulation) Rules,
2007, Bombay Nursing Home Registration Act, 1949, Chattisgarh Nursing home rules, 2013,
Chattisgarh Nursing Home & Health Care Establishment Act,2007.
Unit-IV: Defenses available to hospitals and medical staff, tortuous liability and vicarious
liability. Legal remedies available to patients, remedies under Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Unit-V: Legal implications related to establishment and maintenance of Blood Bank. Legal
implications related to ultra-sonography: PNDT Act, Legal implications related to radio-diagnostic
installations, BARC Guidelines for establishment of radio diagnostic units.
Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)
1. Nelson Throne, Law & Ethics in Nursing & Health Care
2. Law and Medical Profession, Eastern Law Book Company
Course Objective: This is an introductory course that examines the application of economic
principles to Policy-relevant questions in the arena of health and health care. The course will help
to Improve the decision making process in health sector.
Course Content:
Unit-I: Introduction to Economics and Health Economics:
a) Definition of Economics, Why study Economics? The scope of Economics. The method of
b) Introduction to Health Economics: Definition, Healthcare and Principles of Economics,
Ten important concepts of Economics, Nature of Medical care as commodity, Structure of
Health Economics.
Unit-II: Analyzing Medical Care Market: Cost of Care, Access to Care, Medical outcomes,
competitive Markets Model, Market Failure in Medical Markets. Market for Hospital Services:
For- Profit and Not-for-profit hospital, Alternative Models of Hospital Behavior, Trend towards
Multi hospital Systems.
Unit-III: Demand for Health & Medical Care: Production of health, Measure of Health Status,
determinants of Health Status, Medical Care as an Investment, Factors influence demand,
Measuring demand – elasticity, Health care financing in India- including FDI in healthcare, FDI
in medical device industry in India. Supply Side Consideration: Market for Health Care profession
the market for Physicians, Services, Services, Models of Physicians Behavior.
Unit-IV Confounding Factors-SALT:
a) Socio Cultural Considerations: Drug Abuse, Tobacco and Alcohols use, AIDS
b) Ageing of Population: Medical Care costs for elderly
c) Technology in Healthcare: Diffusion in new technology, the case of organ transplantation.
Unit-V: Miscellaneous: Medical Care Systems Worldwide: Canada, France, Germany, Japan,
U.K., NHS, International Comparison, and Economics of medical tourism and Health Insurance.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Karl. E. Care and Ray C. Fair, Principles of Economics, Pearson Education
2. James Henderson, Health Economics and Policy, Thomson Publication
Course Objective: Concept of research, application of research in health care system, marketing
information system.
Course Content: -
Unit-1: Concept of research, application of research in health care system, marketing information
Unit-II: Research Planning Process: Planning of a Research project, problem identification,
formulation of Research objective, Hypothecation and Research Design.
Unit-III: Data Collection: Introduction to sampling, probability and non-probability sampling
techniques, Attitude Measurement, Data collection techniques: Observation, Questionnaire and
interview technique, scaling methods.
Unit-IV: Data Analysis: Data processing and Tabulation, Data Analysis Tools and techniques:
Measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation, regression, test of significance:
t-and z-test, f-test concept of cluster analysis, introduction to statistical package.
Unit-V: Report writing and presentation: Research report format, types of research report,
guidelines for writing a research report, evaluation of research report, practical problem, solving
& presentation.

Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)

1. Beri- Business Statistics
2. Chandan J S - Statistics for Business and Economics
3. Render and Stair Jr - Quantitative Analysis for Management
4. Sharma J K – Business Statistics, Pearson Education
5. Gupta C B, Gupta V – An Introduction Statistical Methods
6. Levin Rubin – Statistics for Management
7. Cooper and Schneider- Business Research Methods
8. Zikmund- Business Research Methods.
2020- MHA-406: 4-8 Weeks Industrial Training

Starting from 4th semester and, student shall be given permission to ‘followup’ training in a
hospital/ healthcare centre (preferably having a tie-up with the host department). A student
can get ‘training-II’ to 4 weeks during the 4th semester, to accommodate industrial training,
for which he/ she should submit documented acceptance and shall be adequately relieved
prior to joining the training and shall submit adequate experience and attendance certificate
at training institute/ hospital/ healthcare centre; failing which the leave may not be
entertained by the host department. During this period, the teaching for other semester papers
can be done online. A student, who obtains certificate from of successful completion of
hospital training, shall earn 4 credits@one credit per week. But the credits shall be cumulated
to the result at the end of final year MBAHA. Minimum 2 credits are required to complete
the degree from industrial training-II. Industrial training II is integral part of the degree
2020- MHA-406: MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT- 6 credits
2020- MHA-407: COMPREHENSIVE VIVA-VOCE- 6 credits

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