Master of Business Administration
(Hospital Administration) 2-year full time course
self-financed scheme
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Course Content
Unit-1: Introduction: Defining communication, process of Communication, Communication
business Communication, and Importance of Feedback, Factors Affecting Communication:
Effective Listening- Types and Essentials of effective listening, Reading Comprehension&
Unit-2 Channels, Types and Forms of Communication: Types of communication,
communication Network, Techniques of ORAL Presentations, Communication approaches during
Interviews, Public speaking—understanding the composition process, Defining the purpose,
Analyzing the Audience, Establishing the main idea, Selecting the appropriate Channel and
Medium, Meeting Etiquettes. Counseling as a communication approach.
Unit – 3 : Introduction to Organizational Behavior : Concept, nature, characteristics, determinants
and importance of O.B.; Concept of knowledge management and emotional intelligence in
contemporary business organization.
Unit – 4 : Understanding Human Behavior in Management : Concept, nature, process, importance
of Perception, management and behavioral applications of perception. Attitude: Concept, process,
and importance, Attitude measurement. Personality : Concept, nature, types and theories of
personality shaping. Learning in Management: Concept and Theories of Learning, learning
principles, role of learning in management.
Unit – 5 : Interpersonal relationship management : Group dynamics, group definition of group.
Stages of group development, punctuated equilibrium model, group structure, group decision
making. Analysis of interpersonal relationship, developing interpersonal relationship. Rapport
building techniques.
1. Davis Keith, Human Behavior at Works : Organizational Behavior, Tata McGraw – Hill,
New Delhi.
2. Pareek Udai, Behavioral Process in Organizations, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
3. William V. Ruch, Business Communication, Maxwell Macmillan, New York.
4. Lani Arredondo, The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Business Presentation, McGraw-Hill,
New York.
5. Bill Scott, Skills of Communication, Jaico, Bombay.
Course Objectives: The aim of this course is to enable the participants to understand the basics
of Hospital Administration and its application, at-the end of the course the students would be able
to understand the Administrative Part of the Hospital System.
Course Content:
Unit-1- Introduction to the Hospital Field- Definitions--- hospital and medical care, types,
control- Functions—medical care, prevention, professional education and research- Role of
hospital in health spectrum. Hospital of india to day classification of hospitals- Number, type size,
distribution, ownership, problems of hospital administration.
Unit—II- Hospital Administration- Principles- Responsibilities, Role & Functions of Hospital
Administration, Expected qualities of a good Hospital Administrator Organization of Hospital.
The governing authority, the administrator, business aspects, clinical aspects, channels of authority
and communication, Importance of qualified v/s non-qualified, Medical v/s non-Medical Hospital
Administrator problems of hospital administration and their expected solutions.
Unit-III Management of Different Clinical, Para clinical, and Support Service Department
in Hospitals: Hazards administration of Government (Rural, District & Municipal Hospitals v/s
private hospitals administration of a teaching hospital, administration of a corporate hospital.
Administration of a voluntary & charitable hospital, hospital utilization and its evaluation public
relations in hospitals.
Unit-IV- Quality Management in Hospitals-Certification & Accreditation, TQM in Hospitals
management of hospital information system (Manual, online & Offline) Hosp. Adm. Contd.
Hospital audits, financial audit, clinical audit, Tissue audit Nosocomial Infection Management of
Biomedical waste in hospitals (Law & the reality), Quality Tools, Hospital Accreditation
(NABH, JCI and Six Sigma Accreditations)
Unit-V- Miscellaneous-Disaster Management programs and guideline for hospitals. Local
administration, Municipal corporation, CMO, Health insurance cases & TPA, role of
administration in Medical & paramedical education and research recent trends in hospital
administration, latest trends of hospital administration abroad. Health education in hospital
responsibilities of the hospitals to the general public. Methods of health education in hospital and
their importance. Patient education through I.T.
Recommended Books: (Latest Editions)
1. B.M Sakharkar, Principles of Hospital Administration and Planning, Jaypee Brothers
Medical publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. C.M. Francis et al, hospital Administration, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi.
3. S. Srinivasan (ed) Management Process in Health Care, Voluntary Health Association of
India, New Delhi.
4. Dr. Pradeep Bhardwaj, Latest in Healthcare Management, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Courses Objectives: The objectives of the course are to enable students to learn and to have a
good understanding of Human Anatomy, and Medical Terminology as is necessary for orientation
to Health care and clinical environment of hospital.
Course Contents:
Unit I Basics of Anatomy
Introduction to anatomy, Terms used in anatomy, The systems of the body, Cell Structure
Unit II Human Body System
Musculoskeletal System - basic anatomy of important muscles and bones, Respiratory System -
basic anatomy of tongue, trachea, nose. Digestive System – basic anatomy of esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas.
Unit III Cardiac and Blood Vessel System
Cardiovascular system - basic anatomy of heart and important blood vessels. Lymphatic System.
Unit IV :- Human Organs
Uro-genital system - basic anatomy of kidney and associated organs, male reproductive organs,
female reproductive organs. Basic anatomy of ear and eye. Basic anatomy of skin.
Unit V Introduction to Medical Terminology
Medical Terminology: Introduction, objectives and importance. Prefixes: Definition, study of
various prefixes with examples. Suffixes: Definition, study of various suffixes with examples,
Root or Stem words: Definition, study of various suffixes with examples, Study of standard
abbreviations, commonly used medical terms to define different parts of the body
Starting from declaration of result of second semester and anytime in third semester, student shall
be given permission to acquire ‘hands-on’ training in any hospital/ healthcare centre (preferably
having a tie-up with the host department). A student can get ‘training’ leave up to 6 weeks during
the third semester, to accommodate industrial training, for which he/ she should submit
documented acceptance and shall be adequately relieved prior to joining the training and shall
submit adequate experience and attendance certificate at training institute/ hospital/ healthcare
centre; failing which the leave may not be entertained by the host department. During this period,
the teaching for other semester papers can be done online. A student, who obtains certificate from
of successful completion of hospital training, shall earn 8 credits@one credit per week. But the
credits shall be cumulated to the result at the end of final year MBAHA. Minimum 6 credits are
required to complete the degree from industrial training 1. Industrial training is integral part of
the degree compliance.
Course Objective: The course will help to understand managing quality as an institutional
philosophy in Healthcare organizations, the process of cultural change will emphasis on leadership
commitment, Training, Managing Change, Team Work and Communication.
Course Content:
Unit-I: Fundamentals of Quality: History, Need and Importance of Quality Management, Core
Values, Concepts and Models, Dimensions of Quality, Principles of Quality Management-
Structure, Process and Outcome, Quality Vs Productivity Vs Profitability, Cost of conformance
and non-conformance to Quality, Major Components of Quality, Quality Management Process,
Customer Focus, Process Focus, Quality Measurement and Statistical Report at all levels.
Unit-II: Quality Foundation, Tools and Techniques: Leadership, Team, Communication,
Problem Solving, Managing Time, Tools and Techniques, Flow Charts, Cause and Effect Diagram,
Pareto Diagram.
Unit-III: Healthcare Quality: Quality/Customer Service, Core Service and Delivery of Service,
Caring Service, Stress, Satisfaction and Delight, Quality Indicators of Patients Satisfaction,
Clinical Quality, Admission, Follow Up and Community Care, Measuring Quality, Setting
Objectives and Agreeing upon standards. Feedback: Customer, Staff, Suppliers etc., Quality Audit
and Review Techniques.
Unit-IV: Organization Roles in Quality: Quality Policy- Commitment to Patient and Staff, Code
of Conduct for Health Professionals, Job Description of Quality Manager, Quality screening
Committee, Quality Council, Quality Teams, Task Force, Quality Circle, Obstacles to Practice
Unit-V: Total Quality Management: concept, models, Kaizen, Zero, JIT, Preparation of
healthcare organization for TQM implementation, SIX SIGMS in healthcare. ISO Certification,
Hospital Accreditation- NABH and JCI, Quality Award Scheme.
Starting from 4th semester and, student shall be given permission to ‘followup’ training in a
hospital/ healthcare centre (preferably having a tie-up with the host department). A student
can get ‘training-II’ to 4 weeks during the 4th semester, to accommodate industrial training,
for which he/ she should submit documented acceptance and shall be adequately relieved
prior to joining the training and shall submit adequate experience and attendance certificate
at training institute/ hospital/ healthcare centre; failing which the leave may not be
entertained by the host department. During this period, the teaching for other semester papers
can be done online. A student, who obtains certificate from of successful completion of
hospital training, shall earn 4 credits@one credit per week. But the credits shall be cumulated
to the result at the end of final year MBAHA. Minimum 2 credits are required to complete
the degree from industrial training-II. Industrial training II is integral part of the degree
2020- MHA-406: MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT- 6 credits
2020- MHA-407: COMPREHENSIVE VIVA-VOCE- 6 credits