BSBLDR601 Project Portfolio Assessor
BSBLDR601 Project Portfolio Assessor
BSBLDR601 Project Portfolio Assessor
Business this assessment is Student must include the business and work area the assessment is
based on: based on. This can be either the case study business provided or a
suitable business as advised in the Assessor Marking Guide.
Documentation reviewed as Student must list the documentation reviewed e.g. Simulation Pack,
preparation: policies or procedures, data to evaluate the change management
2 What role will you assume as you lead and manage organisational change?
2.1 What is your role and related responsibilities?
2.2 How does your role and responsibilities relate to the execution of your organisation’s strategic
The student must explain the role and responsibilities they will assume to lead and manage
organisational change. This role must include responsibilities that extend across significant parts of
the organisation.
If the student uses the case study, a sample answer may include:
The student is the Human Resources manager. As Human resource manager, they are responsible to
plan, coordinate and direct the administrative functions of NatureCare. This includes:
overseeing the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring of new staff
consulting with top executives on strategic planning
serving as a link between NatureCare’s management and employees.
This role relates to the strategic goals/objectives (aim to increase profitability by 10% and expand the
product range by 15%) as new staff may need to be hired or trained to increase the market share. The
proposed changes to the product range must be communicated to staff.
3 Identify the organisational requirements you must follow as you manage change.
3.1 Which organisational documents (e.g. policies and procedures) provide input on how you
approach organisational change? e.g. Risk management, Record keeping, Strategic Plan etc.?
3.2 Are there any processes you need to follow (include reporting protocols to managers)?
3.3 Attach relevant documentation to this section of your portfolio.
The student must state which organisational documents (e.g. policies and procedures) are available to
address change management (relevant policies should be attached as proof). They should explain
any processes that need to be followed during the change management process (including any
reporting protocols).
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
NatureCare policies and procedures relevant to the chosen risk management process/project include:
Communications policy (all plans should be updated to show completion of each action/process
or task, all plans should be communicated in writing to those responsible for steps in the plan).
Reporting protocols include weekly team meetings and writing instruction via email of all plans (as
per the internal communication policy and procedures)
The student may perform any form of external environmental analysis OR answer the questions.
Analysis of the external environment will provide information to identify, analyse and prioritise
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
World-wide recession due to COVD-19 has resulted in stimulus packages and policies (e.g. instant
asset write-offs) for small businesses and incentives to employee young workers. The Australian
economy is strengthening in comparison to other countries and retail spending has increased.
Tensions and uncertain with China should be considered when thinking about supplier relationships.
Social belief and values reflect a desire to use organic and chemical free skin care products and to
protect the environment. The climate crisis and carbon footprint consideration is also emerging more
strongly. Online shopping and internet sales have boomed as a result of COVID-19 and the ease it
allows and retail outlets are suffering. However, there is still a desire to “experience” shopping and the
products being sold before they are purchased. RPA is more frequently being used to capture invoices
and for reconciliation with supplier statements which will reduce the internal risk of errors occurring.
The student must establish the internal barriers, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
Barriers: Past experience of poor communication and exclusion, fear of job security due to RPA
Strengths: Banks are willing to finance 70% of any capital required and the shareholders have
committed to funding the remaining 30%. Suppliers (based in China, Philippines and New Zealand)
have all indicated their ability to supply and fill additional orders.
Weaknesses: Lack of trust in the organisation.
Opportunities: Increased online sales due to COVID-19
The student must plan to meet with stakeholders by describing how they will meet with, how they will
interact to build and maintain effective working relationships, how they will use inclusive and
collaborative techniques to negotiate the priorities for identified changes/opportunities and how they
will use lateral thinking and exploration to develop new and innovative ideas.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
The student will meet with all the managers (Accounts Manager, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager,
Office Manager, Operations Manager, Financial manager).
The student will be friendly and professional, greeting each manager by name and allowing everyone
a turn to speak and provide their opinion. The Human Resource manager will remain professional at
all times, being polite and respectful. They will assign time in the meeting to brainstorm new ideas to
meet the organisation’s objectives.
Stop selling through health Retail stores are struggling due Medium Communicate
stores and focus on online to COVID-19 impact on retail plans in writing
sales only stores. Online sales have to relevant
boomed and a dedicated focus stakeholders
on online sales will help increase (as per internal
those sales. communication
Use RPA to process invoices Reduces error and improves long Low Communicate
and supplier payments term profitability to team at a
weekly team
(as per internal
8 Seek expert/specialist advice about the identified changes/opportunities and the related change
management process.
8.1 Who will you consult with?
8.2 What communication tool will you use to seek their advice?
Note: You may use any communication tool to consult with the expert/specialist about the
identified changes/opportunities and change management process. If not already viewed in
person by your assessor, attach proof (e.g. recording of telephone call, video of face-to-face
meeting, email trail etc.) to this section of your portfolio.
The student must provide proof of how they consulted with an expert/specialist about the changes
identified at the stakeholder meeting. This may for example be a recording of a telephone
conversation or a video of a face-to-face discussion.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
As per the CEO’s instruction, the student consults with a change management expert. The discussion
should focus particularly on the introduction of RPA.
This section must be completed satisfactorily by the student and it must be relevant to the organisation
their project is based on.
1 Assess the risks associated with the changes identified in Section 1 of your Project Portfolio. Include
at least one barrier in your organisation to change.
Note: you may enter relevant information into the table below, or use any other appropriate format.
If you use another format (e.g. MS Excel spreadsheet, your organisation’s risk template etc.), attach
proof to this section of your portfolio.
The student must assess the risks associated with the changes they identified in Section 1 of their
Project Portfolio. They must include at least one barrier to change in their organisation.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
Change/opportunity Resources
Change/opportunity Resources
moisture replenishing
3 Use an appropriate method to conduct a cost-benefit analysis for the change/opportunity that was
assigned the highest priority.
The student must use any appropriate method to conduct a cost-benefit analysis for the highest
priority change/opportunity.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
1 year Cost benefit analysis for the hand sanitiser opportunity:
Demand: 120 customers x 10 bottles per customer per month x 12 months = 14,400 bottles
Sales: 14,400 x $4.50
Manufacturing costs: 14,400 bottles x $1.50 = $21,600
Advertising costs: 14,400 bottles x $0.20 per bottle
Benefit $20,320
4 Use the work you’ve done in this section so far to develop a written change management project
plan. In your plan, include:
a description of the required changes/opportunities (including their priority and cost/benefit
analysis of the highest priority change/opportunity)
resource requirements
risk management
recommendations for timelines.
Note: Attach proof of your written change management project plan to this section of your portfolio.
As you write your change management project plan, use clear and precise language to suit the
audience and purpose.
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BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
The student must present the work they’ve done in this section so far as a written document, using
clear and precise language to suit the audience and purpose. This must include a description of the
changes/opportunities (including the prioritisation and cost/benefit analysis), resource requirements,
risk management and timeline recommendations.
5 Obtain approval of your change management project plan from any relevant managers.
5.1 Who will you seek approval from?
5.2 How will you obtain approval (e.g. email to CEO with plan attached, verbally at an executive
team meeting etc.)?
Note: Attach proof of how you sought approval to this section of your portfolio.
The student must provide proof of how they sought approval of their change management plan.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
As per the CEO’s instruction, the student will seek approval from the CEO. The Internal
communication policy states that any plans need to be communicated in writing to relevant
stakeholders (via email).
6 Consult with relevant personnel to seek their input for a communication or education plan to
communicate the required changes and opportunities (e.g. you may wish to seek input about
personnel’s learning preferences and intrinsic/extrinsic motivation factors or you may wish to seek
the executive management’s preference for how change is communicated).
Note: You may use any communication tool (other than verbal communication) to receive input from
personnel (e.g. email, online survey etc). Attach proof of how you consulted with personnel to this
section of your portfolio.
The student is required to consult with personnel using any communication tool other than verbal
communication. They must seek their input for a communication or education plan. The student must
attach proof of their communication to this section of their portfolio (e.g. online survey).
Change or Who must Objectives of Strategy Communication Activities required Person Timeframe
opportunity receive communication to embed or education tool to deliver the responsible for
communication or education change to be used communication pr the
or education education communication
about the (e.g. Live or education
change? demonstration of (e.g. one on one
new software) training session
(e.g. Sales to demonstrate
staff) new software)
Change Customer Sales staff Train staff Dedicated training Invite customer HR Manager 1 month
product range service understand focus sessions, including service
to focus on representatives of new products on-the-job training representatives to
natural hand- a training session
sanitising and
Change or Who must Objectives of Strategy Communication Activities required Person Timeframe
opportunity receive communication to embed or education tool to deliver the responsible for
communication or education change to be used communication pr the
or education education communication
about the (e.g. Live or education
change? demonstration of (e.g. one on one
new software) training session
(e.g. Sales to demonstrate
staff) new software)
Stop selling Marketing Re-focus Social Team meeting Add social media Marketing 2 weeks
through assistant advertising media advertising to team Manager
health stores strategy to include advertising meeting agenda
and focus on Customer social media
online sales service
only representatives
Use RPA to Payroll Assure job Gain full Live Organsiae RPA Finance Manager 1 month
process administrator security support demonstration of sales rep to
invoices and (and buy- proposed RPA present and
supplier Finance Promotes the in) of staff system demonstrate to
payments assistant benefits of RPA finance staff,
paying particular
attention to the
benefits of RPA
e.g. work/life
balance, new skills
The student must assess their communication or education plan by stating whether the plan has been
implemented, assessing whether objectives have been achieved, summarising how personnel have
responded to the changes and whether or not the change management process was successful.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
An invoicing RPA system was implemented in the finance department. There have been no invoicing
issues since it was implemented. Since implementation of the RPA system, the finance administrator
has taken seven days of sick leave (as opposed to an average of 1 per month in the past). When
questioned about the leave, the finance administrator admitted to feeling overwhelmed by the new
technology. Even though the objectives of providing job security and promoting the benefits of the
system have been achieved, the implementation of RPA change management has not been entirely
successful as staff are feeling overwhelmed. A new objective to “train staff to use the RPA technology”
is required.
All other changes were made without any resistance or complications.
The student must identify barriers to the implemented changes and then respond to the barriers
considering the risk management assessment and organisational objectives.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
Barrier: Staff not fully equipped or trained to use the new RPA system
Response: Provide training (mentoring and coaching as indicated in the Simulation Pack). This will
improve profitability. Proof may for example include a draft email to the Finance assistant suggesting a
formal coaching relationship between the finance manager and the finance assistant.
Change Customer Sales staff Train staff Dedicated training Invite customer HR Manager 1 month
product range service understand focus sessions, including service
to focus on representatives of new products on-the-job training representatives to
natural hand- a training session
sanitising and
Stop selling Marketing Re-focus Social Team meeting Add social media Marketing 2 weeks
through assistant advertising media advertising to team Manager
health stores strategy to include advertising meeting agenda
and focus on Customer social media
online sales service
only representatives
Use RPA to Payroll Assure job Gain full Live Organsiae RPA Finance Manager 1 month
process administrator security support demonstration of sales rep to
invoices and (and buy- proposed RPA present and
supplier Finance Promotes the in) of staff system demonstrate to
payments assistant benefits of RPA finance staff,
Coaching Weekly verbal paying particular
Train staff to use face-to-face
the technology attention to the
coaching benefits of RPA
sessions e.g. work/life
balance, new skills
Email finance
assistant to
The student must review, evaluate and modify their change management project plan to achieve
organisational objectives. The student should highlight their changes.
If the student is using the case study, a sample answer may include:
The change management project plan has been implemented according to plan. However, the risk
assessment did not include the risk of insufficient training. This should be added to the risk
assessment component of the change management project plan.