* Legal Director, Copyright, Google LLC. The views herein represent the views of the
author, not necessarily those of Google LLC.
518 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
1. Most importantly, copyright does not protect the design of useful articles, unless the
article’s design includes pictorial, graphical, or sculptural features that are independent of
the utilitarian aspects of the article. See 17 U.S.C. § 101 (2012); Star Athletica LLC v. Var-
sity Brands, Inc., 137 S. Ct. 1002, 1008 (2017).
2. Peter S. Menell, Rise of the API Copyright Dead?: An Updated Epitaph for Copyright
Protection of Network and Functional Features of Computer Software, 31 HARV. J.L. &
TECH. (SPECIAL EDITION) 305 (2018); see also Pamela Samuelson, Functionality and Ex-
pression in Computer Programs: Refining the Tests for Software Copyright Infringement,
31 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 1215, 1258–59 (2017) (“[f]reedom to reuse APIs, insofar as they
are necessary for interoperability, promoted healthy competition and ongoing innovation in
the software industry.”).
Special Issue] Copyright and Software 519
3. 49 F.3d 807 (1st Cir. 1995), aff’d by an equally divided Court, 516 U.S. 233 (1996).
4. 750 F.3d 1339 (Fed. Cir. 2014).
5. 64 F. Supp. 3d 755 (E.D.N.C. 2014), aff’d in part and vacated in part, 874 F.3d 370
(4th Cir. 2017). This case was filed a few months before Oracle v. Google, but was stayed
for several years as parallel litigation took place in the UK. The appeal drew four dueling
amicus briefs, all of which addressed the copyrightability of software interfaces and the
Federal Circuit’s ruling in Oracle v. Google. Nevertheless, the court of appeals found that
the copyrightability issue need not have been decided because the plaintiff had achieved
complete relief under its breach of contract claim. Accordingly, the court vacated as moot
the district court ruling on the copyrightability issue. 874 F.3d at 389–90.
520 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
6. SAS, 64 F. Supp. 3d at 760–61; see also Jonathan Band, The Global API Copyright
Conflict, 31 HARV. J.L. & TECH. (SPECIAL EDITION) 615 (2018) (describing the course and
outcome of the European litigation).
7. SAS, 64 F. Supp. 3d at 769–74.
8. Id. at 759, 761.
9. Id. at 762.
10. Id. at 764–67. SAS alleged that WPL nevertheless breached the license agreement
that governed the use of the “learning edition” of the software, but the resolution of that
question was not material to the copyright claim.
11. Redacted Brief of Appellant/Cross-Appellee at 1, SAS Inst. Inc. v. World Program-
ming Ltd., 874 F.3d 370 (4th Cir. 2017) (Nos. 16-1808, 16-1857) [hereinafter SAS Opening
12. SAS, 64 F. Supp. 3d at 775.
13. SAS Opening Brief, supra note 11, at 3–4 (“WPL meticulously copied the input and
output formats of the SAS System, which reflect countless hours of creativity on the part of
SAS, its statisticians and programmers.”).
Special Issue] Copyright and Software 521
14. Id. at 6.
15. Id. at 7.
16. Id. at 7–8 (citations omitted).
522 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
17. SAS, 64 F. Supp. 3d at 776 (citing 17 U.S.C. § 102(b) (2012); Feist Publ’ns, Inc. v.
Rural Tel. Serv. Co., 499 U.S. 340, 344–45 (1991)).
18. SAS Opening Brief, supra note 11, at 52–55.
19. See Lotus Dev. Corp. v. Borland Int’l, Inc., 49 F.3d 807, 816–18 (1st Cir. 1995).
20. Menell, supra note 2, at 336–340.
21. Lotus Dev. Corp., 49 F.3d at 816–18.
22. Id. at 816.
23. SAS Inst. Inc. v. World Programming Ltd., 874 F.3d 370 (4th Cir. 2017).
24. SAS Opening Brief at 45–46.
Special Issue] Copyright and Software 523
B. Synopsys v. ATopTech
25. No. 13-CV-029652965 (N.D. Cal. filed Jun. 26, 2013) (ECF No. 1).
26. Synopsys, Inc. v. ATopTech, Inc., No. 13-CV-02965, 2016 WL 6158216, at *1 (N.D.
Cal. Oct. 24, 2016).
27. See Synopsys, Inc. v. ATopTech, Inc., No. 13-CV-02965, 2016 WL 80549, at *1
(N.D. Cal. Jan. 7, 2016); Defendant ATopTech, Inc.’s Trial Brief in Support of Filtration,
Synopsys, Inc. v. ATopTech, Inc., No. 13-CV-02965 (N.D. Cal. filed Mar. 7, 2016) (ECF
No. 667).
28. Pl. Synopsys, Inc.’s Opp. to ATopTech’s Mot. in Lim. No. 1 at 6, Synopsys, Inc. v.
ATopTech, Inc., No. 13-CV-02965 (N.D. Cal. filed Feb. 2, 2016) (ECF No. 571). The pre-
cise details of the interface, as well as whether ATopTech copied all of the input and output
formats or a subset, are obscured by the redactions made by the parties to protect their pro-
prietary information.
29. Id. at *14.
524 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
Over the course of the litigation, the parties faced off across an ar-
ray of claims and counterclaims, including patent infringement,
breach of contract, and antitrust claims. In the end, however, after a
three-week jury trial, the plaintiff prevailed solely on its copyright
claim and was awarded $30.4 million. 30 ATopTech subsequently filed
for bankruptcy protection, resulting in a consent judgment that pre-
cluded further appeal from the copyright verdict. 31
C. Cisco v. Arista
30. Synopsys, Inc., 2016 WL 6158216, at *1. The patent claim was severed for separate
31. Stipulation and Consent Judgment, Synopsys, Inc. v. ATopTech, Inc., No. 13-CV-
02965 (N.D. Cal. filed Jun. 27, 2017) (ECF No. 967).
32. Complaint for Copyright and Patent Infringement, Cisco Sys. Inc. v. Arista Networks,
Inc., No. 14-CV-053445344 (N.D. Cal. filed Dec. 5, 2014) (ECF No. 1).
33. Second Amended Complaint for Copyright and Patent Infringement at 1, Cisco Sys.,
Inc. Networks, Inc., No. 14-CV-05344 (N.D. Cal. filed July 23, 2015) (ECF No. 64).
34. Id. at 8.
35. Cisco Sys., Inc. v. Arista Networks, Inc., No. 14-CV-05344, Slip Opinion at 2–3
(N.D. Cal. May 10, 2017) (ECF No. 787).
36. See id.
Special Issue] Copyright and Software 525
D. GDC v. Dolby
The most recent of the new wave of interface cases came in the
form of a declaratory judgment action filed by GDC Technology Ltd.
37. Id.
38. See Second Amended Complaint, supra note 33, at 3.
39. Id. at 2–3, 12–13.
40. Joe Mullin, Arista Beats Cisco’s $335M Copyright Claim with an Unusual Defense,
ARSTECHNICA (Dec. 14, 2016, 4:08 PM), https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/12/jury-
clears-arista-of-ciscos-335m-copyright-claim/ [https://perma.cc/BD4C-EE8K].
41. The appeal is Cisco Sys., Inc. v. Arista Networks, Inc., No. 17-2145 (Fed. Cir. dock-
eted June 13, 2017). Appellate jurisdiction is exclusive to the Federal Circuit, thanks to a
pendant patent claim in the case.
526 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
42. Complaint, GDC Tech. Ltd., Inc. v. Dolby Labs., Inc., No. 16-CV-02459 (C.D. Cal.
filed Apr. 11, 2016) (ECF No. 1).
43. Id. at 2.
44. Id. at 3.
45. See id. at 3–4.
46. Id. at 4.
47. Id.
48. Id. at 12–13.
49. Id. at 14.
50. Id. at 7.
51. Id. at 19.
Special Issue] Copyright and Software 527
52. Stipulation of Dismissal Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a), GDC Tech. Ltd. v. Dolby
Labs., Inc., No. 16-CV-02459 (C.D. Cal. Oct. 26, 2016) (ECF No. 26).
53. Film J. Int’l, GDC and Dolby Resolve Litigation (Nov 1, 2016), http://
www.filmjournal.com/news/gdc-and-dolby-resolve-litigation [https://perma.cc/R9RU-
528 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
API declarations. They also had already written software in Java, code
that would be difficult to repurpose if it had to be entirely rewritten. In
Professor Menell’s words: “Using some of the Java APIs provided a
bridge for the millions of Java programmers.” 54 In this case, the de-
velopers were the customers, and Oracle’s assertion of copyright over
the Java API declarations effectively increased switching costs for
developers who wanted to try a different programming ecosystem.
GDC v. Dolby and Synopsys v. ATopTech also fit the same pat-
tern. In GDC v. Dolby, the assertion of copyright over the command
protocol was a claim limited solely to the interface — Dolby never
suggested that GDC had copied and incorporated Dolby’s software
into GDC’s products. By using copyright law to create artificial in-
compatibility between Dolby and GDC products, customers would be
forced to choose one or the other, thereby increasing switching costs
for customers who wanted to defect from Dolby to GDC, or mix-and-
match products from both vendors. And while some of the facts in
Synopsys v. ATopTech are obscured by redactions to protect the pro-
prietary information of the parties, the story that emerges is also one
of a leading incumbent asserting copyright over an interface — in that
case, input and output formats — in an effort to prevent customers
from defecting to the competitor’s interoperable products.
As Professor Menell explains, it is difficult to see why copyright
law should tolerate these kinds of claims. I will not reiterate the statu-
tory and jurisprudential arguments that Professor Menell thoroughly
covers. On that score, two simple points are enough to persuade me.
First, § 102(b) of the Copyright Act expressly provides that “[i]n no
case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship ex-
tend to any . . . method of operation . . . regardless of the form in
which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such
work.” 55 Second, as recognized in Lotus v. Borland, this statutory
command applies equally to software. 56 Accordingly, the interface
used to control a software program cannot qualify for copyright pro-
tection, insofar as it serves as the “method of operation” for the soft-
ware. The Federal Circuit was mistaken to the extent it held otherwise
in its copyrightability ruling in Oracle v. Google.
Professor Menell also ably covers the economic and policy ra-
tionales that support his view. Extending copyright protection to soft-
ware interfaces is not necessary to provide adequate incentives for
software developers. 57 Copyright law will continue to protect software
patibility bring trademark protection into play. In addition, software can often be protected
through trade secret law. Developers can hide their programming by only releasing object
code versions to the public.”).
58. Id. at 463 (“To a significant extent, platform developers have partially addressed the
appropriability problem associated with software development through the formation of
collaborative clubs.”).
59. Id. at 458 (“Another strategy is to build a convenient bridge over which consumers
can easily migrate to and become accustomed to a new platform.”).
60. What about self-driving cars? To the extent self-driving cars may soon dispense with
the steering wheel and pedals, software will provide the new interface, raising all the con-
cerns discussed here. If consumers become accustomed to a particular set of spoken word
commands to control their self-driving cars, will those commands be subject to copyright
protection, requiring drivers to learn an entirely new command vocabulary in order to try a
different make of self-driving car?
61. 49 F.3d at 821.
530 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
As discussed earlier, there are those who agree that copyright pro-
tection for software interfaces can have socially detrimental conse-
quences, but who believe that copyright’s existing affirmative
defenses can adequately address these concerns. Professor Menell
addresses this at the end of his article, opining that “the fair use trial
[in Oracle v. Google] was a massive waste of time, party resources,
and judicial resources.” 64 He also emphasizes that sending these cases
to jury verdicts is extremely expensive and does not deliver the legal
clarity that software developers and investors need in order to make
“the difficult, time-sensitive decisions involved in designing products
and platforms.” 65
With respect to Professor Menell’s point regarding expense, skep-
tics may point out that recognizing interfaces as unprotectable “meth-
ods of operation” will not always spare litigants the burden of a trial.
After all, in Oracle v. Google, the district court initially did not rule
on the protectability of the interfaces in question, but instead instruct-
ed the jury to assume copyrightability, and the jury returned a hung
verdict on fair use. 66 Nevertheless, it seems likely that filtering out
methods of operation as unprotectable should, in most cases, result in
earlier (and cheaper) outcomes for litigants. The only relevant inquiry
under § 102(b) should be whether the interface constitutes a “method
of operation.” While the question may not be free from doubt in all
cases, it certainly will not require the kind of broad ranging factual
inquiries required for a fair use or scènes à faire determination. In
many cases, the matter could be resolved at summary judgment, mak-
ing a jury trial unnecessary.
Professor Menell is likewise on solid ground when he notes that
legal clarity suffers if the questions raised by protecting interfaces are
left to copyright’s affirmative defenses. One need only look at the
62. Menell, supra note 2, at 458 (“Intellectual property protection both contributes to and
alleviates the network externality dilemma.”).
63. Id. at 454 (“Monopolistic exploitation distorts market pricing in the short run and can
significantly affect entry and cumulative innovation over longer time horizons.”).
64. Id. at 471.
65. Id. at 472.
66. Final Charge to the Jury (Phase One) and Special Verdict Form, Oracle Am., Inc. v.
Google Inc., 2016 WL 4368346 (N.D. Cal. May 26, 2016) (No. C 10-03561 WHA).
Special Issue] Copyright and Software 531
67. See Lotus, 49 F.3d at 812; Jury Verdict at 1, Synopsys, Inc. v. ATopTech, Inc., No.
13-CV-02965 (N.D. Cal. filed Mar. 10, 2016) (ECF No. 687).
68. See Mullin, supra note 40.
69. Menell, supra note 2, at 471.
70. The first fair use factor addresses the “purpose and character of the use” (including
whether the use is transformative) and the fourth fair use factor addresses “the effect of the
use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work” used. 17 U.S.C. § 107
532 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 31
Android platforms. 71 But fair use did not carry the day for Arista in its
battle over the use of Cisco’s multiword commands. And what about
cases like SAS v. WPL or GDC v. Dolby, where the defendants are
direct competitors and their products do not easily fit the category of
“transformative”? In these cases, the switching cost and network ef-
fects questions loom equally large, but the fair use factors seem to de-
emphasize these impacts on customers in favor of a focus on potential
harms to the copyright owner.
Scènes à faire also does not seem to reliably grapple with the so-
cial welfare impacts of protection for interfaces. In Cisco v. Arista, it
seemed that the scènes à faire doctrine may have encompassed con-
cerns about switching costs and network effects, insofar as Arista in-
troduced evidence demonstrating that many of the Cisco commands
stemmed from older conventions widely used by networking engi-
neers, leaving the options for alternatives limited. 72 These facts indi-
rectly relate to the notion that Cisco should not be entitled to use
preexisting conventions to block Arista’s entry into the market. Had
the litigation in GDC v. Dolby moved ahead, scènes à faire might
have similarly been adequate, insofar as the commands were short and
largely defined by prior conventions in the theater systems market.
But the relationship between the economic concerns raised in these
cases — switching costs and network effects — and scènes à faire is,
at best, indirect. And cases like SAS v. WPL show how scènes à faire
might fall short in vindicating the economic policies that Professor
Menell identifies. In that case, the SAS input and output formats were
less the product of well-established convention and limited options
(the concerns of scènes à faire), but rather the product of the SAS lan-
guage and the leading position that SAS had established over many
The drawbacks posed by reliance on affirmative defenses to re-
solve copyright disputes over software interfaces, taken together, may
have yet another unfortunate consequence: tilting the playing field
toward big, well-resourced companies. While federal civil litigation is
always expensive, a reliance on affirmative defenses will make it
harder for defendants to prevail at an early stage. As described above,
forcing defendants to endure the entire process of discovery and trial
before a jury will make interface disputes more expensive, drawn out,
and unpredictable. This, in turn, will favor those companies who can
weather the expense and risks of unpredictable, drawn out federal liti-
gation. These realities will likely reduce the number of companies
71. Menell, supra note 2, at 470 (“Using some of the Java APIs provided a bridge for the
millions of Java programmers.”).
72. See Def. Arista Networks, Inc.’s Notice of Mot. and Mot. for Partial Summary Judg-
ment at 9–10, Cisco Sys. Inc. v. Arista Networks, Inc., No. 14-CV-05344 (N.D. Cal. filed
June 30, 2016) (ECF No. 329) (citing expert reports).
Special Issue] Copyright and Software 533
In the final analysis, the new wave of interface cases fit into the
historical pattern identified by Professor Menell and bear out the wis-
dom of his ultimate conclusions: “Leaving API design specifications
outside of copyright protection enables entrepreneurs seeking to im-
prove on successful platforms to build bridges for users and pro-
grammers. This avoids excess inertia and accommodates creative
destruction and evolution in those areas where the proprietor of the
standard platform lacks patent protection.” 73