1. Local Optimal Choice: The algorithm always picks the best immediate choice without
considering future consequences.
2. No Reversals: Once a choice is made, it’s not changed or reversed.
3. Feasibility: It ensures that each step or choice adheres to the rules of the problem.
4. Optimal Substructure: Greedy algorithms work well for problems where an optimal
solution to a problem contains an optimal solution to subproblems.
1. Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm: Finds the shortest path in a weighted graph.
2. Prim’s Algorithm: Builds a minimum spanning tree for a weighted undirected graph.
3. Kruskal’s Algorithm: Constructs a minimum spanning tree by picking the smallest
4. Fractional Knapsack Problem: Maximizes value by taking fractions of items.
5. Activity Selection Problem: Maximizes the number of non-overlapping activities.
Pros: Fast and simple to implement, and it often yields good results for specific types of
Cons: Doesn’t always guarantee an optimal solution for every problem; often requires the
problem to have certain properties like optimal substructure and the greedy-choice
The greedy approach is useful and effective for problems with specific properties but can fail if
these properties aren’t met.
Let's go through each example with a numerical example that demonstrates how the greedy
approach works.
Problem: Find the shortest path from a starting node AAA to all other nodes in a weighted
Graph Example
Let's consider the following graph with nodes and edge weights:
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Start at node AAA with a distance of 0, and initialize other nodes as having infinite
Select the node with the minimum distance that hasn't been visited.
Final shortest distances from AAA: A=0A = 0A=0, B=4B = 4B=4, C=1C = 1C=1, D=4D =
2. Prim’s Algorithm
Problem: Find a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) for a weighted, undirected graph.
Graph Example
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1. Start at node AAA and add the edge with the smallest weight connecting to an unvisited
o Choose edge AAA-CCC with weight 1.
2. From CCC, choose the edge with the smallest weight.
o Choose edge CCC-DDD with weight 3.
3. From DDD, choose the edge with the smallest weight that connects to an unvisited node.
o Choose edge DDD-BBB with weight 2.
Result: The edges in the MST are AAA-CCC, CCC-DDD, and DDD-BBB with a total weight of
1+3+2=61 + 3 + 2 = 61+3+2=6.
3. Kruskal’s Algorithm
Problem: Find a Minimum Spanning Tree by adding edges of minimum weight and avoiding
Graph Example
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1. Sort all edges by weight: AAA-CCC (1), DDD-BBB (2), CCC-DDD (3), AAA-BBB (4).
2. Start adding edges from the smallest weight, avoiding cycles.
o Add AAA-CCC with weight 1.
o Add DDD-BBB with weight 2.
o Add CCC-DDD with weight 3.
3. Stop, as adding AAA-BBB would create a cycle.
Result: The edges in the MST are AAA-CCC, DDD-BBB, and CCC-DDD with a total weight of
1+2+3=61 + 2 + 3 = 61+2+3=6.
Problem: Maximize the total value of items in a knapsack with a weight limit, allowing fractions
of items.
1. Sort items by value per weight: Item 1 (6), Item 2 (5), Item 3 (4).
2. Add items to the knapsack:
o Add all of Item 1 (Weight = 10, Value = 60).
o Add all of Item 2 (Weight = 20, Value = 100).
o For Item 3, add as much as possible with remaining capacity (20 weight from
Item 3).
Fractional value of Item 3 = 2030×120=80\frac{20}{30} \times 120 =
Problem: Select the maximum number of activities that don’t overlap, given their start and end
Activities with start and end times:
Activity 1: (1, 4)
Activity 2: (3, 5)
Activity 3: (0, 6)
Activity 4: (5, 7)
Activity 5: (8, 9)
Activity 6: (5, 9)
1. Sort activities by end time: Activity 1 (4), Activity 2 (5), Activity 4 (7), Activity 5 (9),
Activity 6 (9), Activity 3 (6).
2. Start selecting activities from the earliest ending one that doesn’t overlap with the
previously selected activity:
o Select Activity 1 (ends at 4).
o Select Activity 4 (ends at 7).
o Select Activity 5 (ends at 9).