F inancial M anageMenT
Learning Objectives W hen T aTa S Teel a cquired
c oruS
After studying this chapter, you Tata Steel, the biggest steel producer
should be able to: in the Indian private sector has
acquired Corus, (formerly known as
> explain the meaning of British Steel) in a deal worth $8.6
business finance; billion in 2007. A financial decision
of this magnitude has significant
> d e s c r ib e fi n a n c i a l implicitness for both Tata Steel and
management; Corus as well as their employees
and shareholders. To mention some
> explain the role of financial of them:
management in our . Tata Steel raised a debt of over $8
enterprise; billion to finance the transaction.
The deal will be paid for by Tata
> discuss objectives of Steel UK, a special purpose vehicle
financial management and (SPV) set up for the purpose .
how they could be achieved; Another company of the Tata
group, Tata Sons Ltd., invested
> explain the meaning and $ 1 billion dollars for preference
importance of financial shares along with Tata Steel which
planning; will invest an equal amount.
. Tata Steel, the acquirer company,
> state the meaning of capital
arranged about 36,500 crores of
structure; rupees to finance the take-over.
> analyse the factors affecting . Tata Steel raised this amount
the choice of an appropriate through debt or equity or a
combination of both. Some amount
capital structure;
came from internal accruals
also. This financing decision
> state meaning of fixed capital
affected the capital structure of
and working capital; and
the acquirer.
is linked to the three basic financial some value addition should take place.
decisions which you will study a little All those avenues of investment,
later. This is because a company funds modes of financing, ways of handling
belong to the shareholders and the various components of working
manner in which they are invested and capital must be identified which will
the return earned by them determines ultimately lead
their market value and price. It means to an increase in the price of equity
maximisation of the market value of share. It can happen through efficient
equity shares. The market price of decision-making. Decision-making is
equity share increases, if the benefit efficient if, out of the various available
from a decision exceeds the cost alternatives, the best is selected.
involved. All financial decisions aim at
ensuring that each decision is efficient F inancial d eciSionS
and adds some value. Such value
additions tend to increase the market Financial management is concerned
price of shares. Therefore, those with the solution of three major issues
financial decisions are taken which relating to the financial operations
will ultimately prove gainful from of a firm corresponding to the three
the point of view of the shareholders. questions of investment, financing
The shareholders gain if the value of and divident decision. In a financial
shares in the market increases. Those context, it means the selection of
decisions which result in decline in best financing alternative or best
the share price are poor financial investment alternative. The finance
decisions. Thus, we can say, the function, therefore, is concerned
objective of financial management is with three broad decisions which are
to maximise the current price of equity explained below:
shares of the company or to maximise
the wealth of owners of the company, investment Decision
that is, the shareholders. A firm’s resources are scarce in
Therefore, when a decision is taken comparison to the uses to which
about investment in a new machine, they can be put. A firm, therefore,
the aim of financial management has to choose where to invest these
is to ensure that benefits from the resources, so that they are able to earn
investment exceed the cost so that the highest possible return for their
some value addition takes place . investors. The investment decision,
Similarly, when finance is procured, therefore, relates to how the firm’s
the aim is to reduce the cost so that funds are invested in different assets.
the value addition is even higher. Investment decision can be long-
In fact, in all financial decisions, term or short-term. A long-term
major or minor, the ultimate objective investment decision is also called a
that guides the decision-maker is that Capital Budgeting decision. It involves
committing the finance on a long-
Financial Decisions
BUsiness stUDies
(d) Cash Flow Position of the Company: in the business. While the dividend
A stronger cash flow position may
constitutes the current income
make debt financing more viable
re-investment as retained earning
than funding through equity.
increases the firm’s future earning
(e) Fixed Operating Costs: If a business
capacity. The extent of retained
has high fixed operating costs (e.g., earnings also influences the financing
building rent, Insurance premium, decision of the firm. Since the firm
Salaries, etc.), It must reduce fixed
does not require funds to the extent
financing costs. Hence, lower debt
of re-invested retained earnings, the
financing is better . Similar ly, if
decision regarding dividend should
fixed operating cost is less, more
be taken keeping in view the overall
of debt financing may be preferred.
objective of maximising shareholder’s
(f) Control Considerations: issues of
more equity may lead to dilution
o f m a n a g e m e n t ’s c o n t r o l o v e r Factors Affecting Dividend
the business. Debt financing has Decision
no such implication. Companies
afraid of a takeover bid would How much of the profits earned by a
prefer debt to equity. company will be distributed as profit
(g) State of Capital Market: Health of and how much will be retained in the
the capital market may also affect business is affected by many factors.
the choice of source of fund. During Some of the important factors are
the period when stock market is discussed as follows:
rising, more people invest in equity. (a) Amount of Earnings: Dividends
However, depressed capital market are paid out of current and past
may make issue of equity shares earning. Therefore, earnings is a
major determinant of the decision
difficult for any company.
about dividend.
(b) Stability Earnings : Other th ings
Dividend Decision
remaining the same, a company
The third important decision that having stable earning is in a better
every financial manager has to position to declare higher dividends.
take relates to the distribution of t omp
dividend. Dividend is that portion again a ny ha
s c ving
of profit which is distributed to s
unstable ea ning is li ely t o
shareholders. The decision involved smaller dividend.
here is how much of the profit earned (c) Stability of Dividends: Companies
by company (after paying tax) is to be
generally follow a policy of
distributed to the shar eholders and
stabilising dividend per share. The
how much of it should be re tained
increase in dividends is generally
made when there is confidence that
Financial ManageMents
BUsiness stUDies
certain restrictions on the payment forecast all the items which are likely
of dividends in future. The to undergo changes . It enabl es the
companies are required to ensure management to foresee the fund
that the dividend does not violate requirements both the quantum as
the terms of the loan agreement in well as the timing . Likely shortage
this regard. and surpluses are forecast so that
necessary activities are taken in
F inancial P lanning advance to meet those situations.
Thus, financial planning strives to
Financial planning is essentially the achieve the following twin objectives.
preparation of a financial blueprint of (a) To e nsure av ai l abi l i t y of f unds
an organisation’s future operations. whenever required: This include
The objective of financial planning
a proper estimation of the funds
is to ensure that enough funds are
required for different purposes
available at right time. If adequa te
such as for the purchase of long-
funds are not available the firm will
term assets or to meet day-to-
not be able to honour its commitments
day expenses of business etc .
and carry out its plans. On the other
Apart from this, there is a need to
hand, if excess funds are available, it
estimate the time at which these
will unnecessarily add to the cost and
funds are to be made available
may encourage wasteful expenditure.
. Financial planning also tries
It must be kept in mind that financial
planning is not equivalent to, or a to specify possible sources of
substitute for, financial management. these funds.
Financial management aims at (b) To see that the firm does not
choosing the best investment and
raise resources unnecessarily:
Excess funding is almost as bad
financing alternatives by focusing on
their costs and benefits. Its objective as inadequate funding. Even if
is to increase the shareholders’ wealth. there is some surplus money, good
Financial planning on the other financial planning would put it to
hand aims at smooth operations the best possible use so that the
by focusing on fund requirements financial resources are not left idle
and their availability in the light of and don’t unnecessarily add to
financial decisions. For example, if a the cost.
capital budgeting decisions is taken, Thus, a proper matching of funds
the operations are likely to be at a requirements and their availability
higher scale. The amount of expense s is sought to be achieved by financial
and revenues are likely to increase. planning. This process of estimating
Financial planning proces s tries to the fund requirement of a business
and specifying the sources of funds
Financial ManageMents
is called financial planning. Financial Further, the sources from which the
planning takes into consideration the external funds requirement can be
growth, performance, investments met are identified and cash budgets
and requirement of funds for a given are made, incorporating these factors.
period . Financial planning inc ludes
both short-term as well as long-term
i mPortance
planning. Long-term planning relates
to long term growth and investment. Financial planning is an important
It focuses on capital expenditure part of overall planning of any
programmes. Short-term planning business enterprise. It aims at
covers short-term financial plan called enabling the company to tackle the
budget. uncertainty in respect of the
Typically, financial planning is availability and timing o f t h e f u n d s
done for three to five years. For longer a n d h e l p s i n s m o o t h functioning
periods it becomes more difficult and of an organisation. The importance
less useful. Plans made for periods of of financial planning can be
one year or less are termed as budgets. explained as follows:
Budgets are example of financial (i) It helps in forecasting what may
planning exercise in greater details. happen in future under different
They include detailed plan of action business situations. By doing so, it
for a period of one year or less. helps the firms to face the eventual
Financial planning usually begins situation in a better way. In other
with the preparation of a sales words, it makes the firm better
forecast. Let us suppose a company prepared to face the future. For
is making a financial plan for the next example, a growth of 20% in sales
five years. It will start with an is predicted. However, it may
estimate of the sales which are happen that the growth rate
likely to happen in the next five eventually turns out to be
years. Based on these, the financial 10% or 30% . Many items of
statements are prepared keeping in expenses shall be different in
mind the requirement of funds for these three situations. By
investment in the fixed capital and preparing a blueprint of these
working capital. Then the expected three situations the management
profits during the period are may decide what must be done
estimated so that an idea can be made in each of these situations. This
of how much of the fund requirements preparation of alternative financial
can be met internally i. e ., through plans to meet different situations is
retained earnings (after dividend clearly of immense help in running
payouts). This results in an estimation the business smoothly.
of the requirement for external funds.
(ii) It helps in avoiding business
shocks and surprises and helps
BUsiness stUDies
Financial ManageMents
the use of different sources in raising is likely to lower the over-all cost of
funds. On the basis of ownership, the capital of the firm provided that the
sources of business finance can be cost of equity remains unaffected.
broadly classified into two categories Impact of a change in the debt-equity
viz ., ‘owners’ funds’ and ‘borrowed ratio upon the earning per share is
funds’ . Owners’ funds consist of dealt within detail later in this chapter.
equity share capital, preference share Debt is cheaper but is more risky
capital and reserves and surpluses or for a business because the payment of
retained earnings. Borrowed funds can interest and the return of principal is
be in the form of loans, debentures, obligatory for the business. Any default
public deposits etc. These may be in meeting these commitments may
borrowed from banks, other financial force the business togo into liquidation.
institutions, debentureholders and There is no such compulsion in case of
public. equity, which is therefore, considered
Capital structure refers to the mix riskless for the business. Higher use
between owners and borrowed funds. of debt increases the fixed financial
These shall be referred as equity and charges of a business. As a result,
debt in the subsequent text. It can increased use of debt increases the
be calculated as debt-equity ratio financial risk of a company.
i.e ., or as the proportion Financial risk is the chance that
a firm would fail to meet its payment
of debt out of the total capital i.e .,
( Debt ) Capital structure of a company,
l( Debt +Equity )l . thus,affects both the profitability and
Debt and equity differ significantly the financial risk. A capital structure
in their cost and riskiness for the will be said to be optimal when the
firm. The cost of debt is lower than proportion of debt and equity is
the cost of equity for a firm because such that it results in an increase
the lender’s risk is lower than the in the value of the equity share. In
equity shareholder’s risk, since the other words, all decisions relating to
lender earns an assured return and capital structure should emphasise on
repayment of capital and, therefore, increasing the shareholders’ wealth.
they should require a lower rate of The proportion of debt in the overall
return. Additionally , interest paid capital is also called financial leverage.
on debt is a deductible expense for
computation of tax liability whereas Financial leverage is computed as
dividends are paid out of after-tax
profit. Increased use of debt, therefore, or when D is the Debt and E is
the Equity. As the financial leverage
BUsiness stUDies
Example I
Total Funds used Interest rate Rs. 30 Lakh
Tax rate Company X Ltd.
10% p.a.
EBIT 30%
Debt Rs. 4 Lakh
situation i
Situation II nil
Situation III Rs. 10 Lakh
Rs. 20 Lakh
Situation III
EBIT EBIT-EPS Analysis 4,00,000
Interest 2,00,000
EBT 2,00,000
(Earnings before taxes) Tax
EAT 60,000
(Earnings after taxes) No. of shares of Rs.10 E P S 1,40,000
(Earnings per share)
Financial ManageMents
Example II
situation iii 2,00,000 2,00,000 NIL
Company Y Ltd. NIL
NIL 1,00,000 NIL
No. of shares of Rs.10 EPS
BUsiness stUDies
Financial ManageMents
BUsiness stUDies
met or the procedures completed may for more than one year, usually
also have a bearing upon the choice of for much longer, e.g., plant and
the source of finance. machinery, furniture and fixture, land
13. Stock Market Conditions: if the and building, vehicles, etc.
stock markets are bullish, equity Decision to invest in fixed assets
shares are more easily sold even at must be taken very carefully as the
a higher price. Use of equity is often investment is usually quite large.
preferred by companies in such a Such decisions once taken are
situation. However, during a bearish irrevocable except at a huge loss.
phase, a company, may find raising Such decisions are called capital
of equity capital more difficult and it budgeting decisions.
may opt for debt. Thus, stock market current assets are those assets
conditions often affect the choice which, in the normal routine of the
between the two. business, get converted into cash or
14. Capital Structure of other cash equivalents within one year, e.g.,
Companies: A useful guideline in the inventories, debtors, bills receivables,
capital structure planning is the debt- etc.
equity ratios of other companies in
Management of Fixed Capital
the same industry. There are usually
some industry norms which may help. Fixed capital refers to investment
Care however must betaken that the in long-term assets. Management of
company does not follow the industry fixed capital involves allocation of
norms blindly. For example, if the firm’s capital to different projects or
business risk of a firm is higher, it can assets with long-term implications
not afford the same financial risk. It for the business. These decisions
should go in for low debt. Thus, the are called investment decisions or
management must know what the capital budgeting decisions and affect
industry norms are, whether they are the growth, profitability and risk of
following them or deviating from them the business in the long run. These
and adequate justification must be long-term assets last for more than
there in both cases. one year.
It must be financed through
F ixed and W orking c aPital long-term sources of capital such
as equity or preference shares,
debentures, long-term loans and
Every company needs funds to finance
retained earnings of the business.
its assets and activities. Investment
Fixed Assets should never be financed
is required to be made in fixed assets
through short-term sources.
and current assets. Fixed assets are
Investment in these assets
those which remains in the business would also include expenditure on
Financial ManageMents
BUsiness stUDies
require less investment in fixed assets. lease,the firm pays lease rentals and
Hence, their fixed capital requirement uses it. By doing so, it avoids huge sums
is lower. required to purchase it. Availability of
4. Technology Upgradation: In certain leasing facilities, thus, may reduce
industries, assets become obsolete the funds required to be invested in
sooner. Consequently, their replace- fixed assets, thereby reducing the fixed
ments become due faster. Higher capital requirements. Such a strategy
investment in fixed assets may, is specially suitable in high risk lines
therefore, be required in such cases. of business.
For example, computers become 8. Level of Collaboration: At times,
obsolete faster and are replaced much certain business organisations share
sooner than say, furniture. Thus, such each other’s facilities. For example,
organisations which use assets which a bank may use another’s ATM or
are prone to obsolescence require some of them may jointly establish a
higher fixed capital to purchase such particular facility. This is feasible if the
assets. scale of operations of each one of
5. Growth Prospects: Higher growth them is not sufficient to make full use
of an organisation generally requires of the facility. Such collaboration
higher investment in fixed assets . reduces the level of investment in
Even when such growth is expected, fixed assets for each one of the
a company may choose to create participati ng organisations.
higher capacity in order to meet the
anticipated higher demand quicker. W orking c aPital
This entails larger investment in fixed Apart from the investment in fixed
assets and consequently larger fixed assets every business organisation
capital. needs to invest in current assets. This
6. Diversification: A firm may choose investment facilitates smooth day-to-
to diversify its operations for various day operations of the business.
reasons, With diversification, fixed Current assets are usually more
capital requirements increase e.g., a liquid but contribute less to the
textile company is diversifying and profits than fixed assets. Examples of
starting a cement manufacturing current assets, in order of their
plant. Obviously, its investment in liquidity, are as under.
fixed capital will increase. 1. Cash in hand/Cash at Bank
7.Financing Alternatives: A
2. Marketable securities
developed financial market may
provide leasing facilities as an 3. Bills receivable
alternative to outright purchase. 4. Debtors
When an asset is taken on 5. Finished goods inventory
Financial ManageMents
BUsiness stUDies
Financial ManageMents
k ey t ermS
Business finance: The money required for carrying out business activities is
called business finance. Almost all business activities require some finance.
Finance is needed to establish a business, to run it, to modernise it, to expand,
and diversify it.
Financial Management: Financial Management is concerned with optimal
procurement as well as usage of finance. For optimal procurement, different
available sources of finance are identified and compared in terms of their costs
and associated risks.
Objectives and Financial Decisions The primary aim of financial management
is to maximise shareholders’ wealth which is referred to as the wealth
maximisation concept. The market price of a company’s shares are linked to
the three basic financial decisions
Financial decision-making is concerned with three broad decisions which are
Investment Decision, Financing Decision, Dividend Decision
BUsiness stUDies
Capital Structure and Factors One of the important decisions under financial
management relates to the financing pattern or the proportion of the use
of different sources in raising funds. On the basis of ownership, the sources
of business finance can be broadly classified into two categories viz., ‘owners
funds’ and ‘borrowed funds’. Capital structure refers to the mix between owners
and borrowed funds.
Deciding about the capital structure of a firm involves determining the
relative proportion of various types of funds. This depends on various factors
which are: Cash Flow Position, Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR), Debt Service
Coverage Ratio (DSCR), Return on Investment (RoI), Cost of debt, Tax Rate,
Cost of Equity , Floatation Costs , Risk Cons ideration, Flexibility, Control,
Regulatory Framework , Stock Market Conditions , and Capital Structure of
other Companies.
Financial ManageMents
BUsiness stUDies
6. How does working capital affect both the liquidity as well as profitability
of a business?
7. Aval Ltd. is engaged in the business of export of canvas goodsandbags. In
the past, the performance of the company had been upto the expectations.
In line with the latest demand in the market, the company decided to
venture into leather goods for which it required specialised machinery.
For this, the Finance Manager Prabhu prepared a financial blueprint
of the organisation’s future operations to estimate the amount of funds
required and the timings with the objective to ensure that enough funds
are available at right time. He also collected the relevant data about the
profit estimates in the coming years. By doing this, he wanted to be sure
about the availability of funds from the internal sources of the business.
For the remaining funds, he is trying to find out alternative sources from
a. Identify the financial concept discussed in the above paragraph. Also,
state the objectives to be achieved by the use of financial concept so
identified. ( Financial Planning) .
b. ‘There is no restriction on payment of dividend by a company’
. Comment. ( Legal & Contractual Constraints)
Long Answer Type
1. What is working capital? Discuss five important determinants of
working capital requirement?
2. “Capital structure decision is essentially optimisation of risk-return
relationship.” Comment.
3. “A capital budgeting decision is capable of changing the financial fortunes
of a business.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?
4. Explain the factors affecting dividend decision?
5. Explain the term ‘Trading on Equity’? Why, when and how it can be used
by company.
6. ‘S’ Limited is manufacturing steel at its plant in India. It is enjoying a
buoyant demand for its products as economic growth is about 7–8 per
cent and the demand for steel is growing. It is planning to set up a new
steel plant to cash on the increased demand. It is estimated that it will
require about `5000 crores to set up and about `500 crores of working
capital to start the new plant.
Financial ManageMents