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Halfling Rogue

You fell in with a thieves’ guild called the Gilded Gallows at an early age. The
guild has prospered in recent years, and its influence is spreading across the
Sword Coast. You followed that expansion, hoping to find your fortune in the
city of Neverwinter.
Fortunes in Neverwinter have been fair but not the fast riches you hoped for.
You heard a story from a smuggler about a high-ranking member of the
Gilded Gallows who turned traitor, killed their partner, and fled with a
sovereign’s ransom in treasure. Thanks to details you’ve picked up here and
there that corroborate the story, you’re certain it’s more than just a rumor.
Personal Goal: Find the Lost Fortune. Whoever that Gilder was who
skipped out with the gold, they’ve covered their tracks well. The trail went cold
in Neverwinter, but recently you’ve learned of a remote island cloister called
Dragon’s Rest. The cloister holds a temple to the dragon god Bahamut, who
is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice. There is also a community of
hermits who live there now, the perfect place to hide for someone wishing to
escape their past. If that treasure’s there, you’ll find it.

Elf FighterElf Wizard

Your parents identified your magical talent early in your long elven life and
arranged for you to be apprenticed to a kindly wizard in the city of
Neverwinter. You excelled at your studies and forged friendships and rivalries
with other apprentices. You always had a particular knack for wielding flashy,
energetic forces, and you focused your study on the school of evocation.
After graduating from your apprenticeship, you and your peers went your
separate ways to focus on your own studies. Recently, you received a letter
from one of your colleagues, pointing you toward a source of lost knowledge.
Shortly after the letter arrived, you learned tragic news: your friend died under
mysterious circumstances.
Personal Goal: Discover Lost Knowledge. The letter spoke of an arcane
observatory built on a nearby island by wizards long gone, and it hinted at
powerful magic hidden there. A small cloister known as Dragon’s Rest also
resides on the island. The caretaker of the cloister’s temple to the dragon god
Bahamut, who is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice, must have
information regarding the observatory. This Elder Runara can set you on the
path to discovering the knowledge your friend never found.
Your parents lived in the prosperous village of Thundertree, east of the city of
Neverwinter and at the edge of the Neverwinter Wood. But when nearby
Mount Hotenow erupted thirty years ago, your parents fled, perhaps carrying
you in your infancy (depending on how old you are). Your family drifted from
village to village around the region, finding work as laborers where they could.
You’ve spent the last few years in Neverwinter as a carpenter working at the
city’s bustling docks. But it’s clear to you and everyone around you that you
are destined for much more. You stood up to an abusive ship captain once, so
other dockworkers look up to you. Someday, you’ll come into your own. You’ll
be a hero.
Personal Goal: Determine Your Destiny. In the remote cloister of Dragon’s
Rest lives an old sage who is supposed to possess great wisdom—or possibly
supernatural insight. The cloister holds a temple to the dragon god Bahamut,
who is a patron of heroes and a champion of justice. Maybe Elder Runara can
help you determine exactly what your heroic destiny is and set you on the
right path to fulfill it, so you can become the hero you know you’re meant to
You trained as a soldier on the island of Mintarn and joined a mercenary
company. You traveled to the city of Neverwinter with your company to serve
in both the army and city watch. Over time, you grew disillusioned with many
of your fellow soldiers. They seemed to enjoy their authority at the expense of
the people they’re supposed to protect.
Recently you’ve had dreams of a shadow creeping across the sea like a
shroud, swallowing an island in darkness. Though you dismissed the dreams
at first, you began to hear a voice calling you to stand against death’s endless
hunger. Certain of your deity’s wishes, you resigned your post and set out on
your quest.
Personal Goal: Banish a Shadow of Death. Researching images from your
dreams pointed you to Stormwreck Isle, not far from Neverwinter. A remote
cloister there holds a temple to the dragon god Bahamut, who is a patron of
heroes and a champion of justice. Someone at the cloister may hold the key
to the impending doom your deity wishes you to avert.

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