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Instruction Kit for webform RUN

(Reserve Unique Name Company)

Table of Contents
1 PART I – LAW(S) GOVERNING THE WEBFORM ................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Purpose of the webform ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Important Check Points while filling up the webform ......................................................................................... 3
2 PART II – ACCESSING THE RUN COMPANY APPLICATION ............................................................................ 4
2.1 Application Process for RUN Company............................................................................................................................4
3 PART III – INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL THE WEBFORM......................................................................................... 6
3.1 Specific Instructions to fill RUN Company at Field Level .................................................................................. 6
3.2 Other instructions to fill RUN .............................................................................................................................. 7
4 PART IV – KEY POINTS FOR SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSION ................................................................................ 8
4.1 Fee rules .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Processing Type ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
4.3 Useful links ............................................................................................................................................................... 8
4.4 Rejection codes .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
5 ANNEXURES ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.1 Annexure A – List of Special Characters ............................................................................................................. 9

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)


This Instruction Kit is designed as a step by step guide to assist the user in filling up the web form. This document
provides references to law(s) governing the web form, guidelines to access the application, instructions to fill the web
form at field level and important check points while filling up the web form along with other instructions to fill the
web form.

User is advised to refer to the respective instruction kit for filing of web form.

This document is divided into following sections:

Part I – Law(s) governing the webform

Part II – Accessing the RUN Company application

Part III – Instructions to fill the web form

Part IV – Key points for successful submission

Click on any section link to refer to the particular section.

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)


Pursuant to Section 4 and 13 of The Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8 and 9 of Companies (Incorporation)
Rules, 2014.

1.1 Purpose of the webform

An existing company seeking to change its name shall apply for reservation by filing Form RUN with Central Registration
Centre (CRC). The proposed name applied should not be undesirable as per the relevant provisions of the Act and rules dealt
with in this matter. The Central Registration Centre (CRC) may on the basis of information and documents provided, reserve the
name for 60 days from the date of approval

1.2 Important Check Points while filling up the webform

✓ Please read instructions and guidelines carefully before filling online application forms.
✓ Please attach the required mandatory supporting documents in the specified format only.
✓ Please ensure that applicant of the webform is registered at MCA portal before filing the webform.
✓ Please note that in case of resubmission, application of RUN shall be available in the application
history of the user and T+15 days (where T is the date of marking the application as ‘Resubmission
Required’) should not have elapsed.
✓ Please note that the user id which is used for name reservation through RUN application, is the same
user ID which is used to resubmit the SRN.
✓ If the space within any of the fields is not sufficient to provide all the information, then additional details
can be provided as an optional attachment to the webform.
✓ Please check for any alerts that are generated using the “Notifications and alerts” function under the ‘My
Workspace’ page in the FO user dashboard on the MCA website.

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)


2.1 Application Process for RUN Company

2.1.1 Initial Submission Option 1
STEP 1: Access MCA homepage
STEP 2: Login to MCA portal with valid credentials 1
STEP 3: Select “MCA services” and further select “Company Services”
STEP 4: Access “RUN Company”
STEP 5: Fill up the application
STEP 6: Perform Auto Check
STEP 7: Save the webform as a draft (optional) 2
STEP 8: Submit the webform
STEP 9: SRN is generated upon submission of webform (The SRN can be used by the user for any future
correspondence with MCA)
STEP 10: Pay Fees (In case the user does not complete the payment within 7 days of SRN generation, the
SRN will be cancelled
STEP 11: Acknowledgement email is generated
STEP 12: Once the form is processed an approval/rejection letter is sent to the registered Email ID of the user Option 2
STEP 1: Access MCA homepage
STEP 2: Access RUN through search bar on MCA homepage (website search)3
STEP 3: Login to MCA portal with valid credentials
STEP 4: Fill up the application
STEP 5: Perform Auto Check
STEP 6: Save the webform as a draft (optional)2
STEP 7: Submit the webform
STEP 8: SRN is generated post submission of webform (The SRN can be used by the user for any future
correspondence with MCA)
STEP 9: Pay Fees (In case the user does not complete the payment within 7 days of SRN generation, the
SRN will be cancelled
STEP 10: Acknowledgement email is generated
STEP 11: Once the form is processed an approval/rejection letter is sent to the registered Email ID of the user

In case Option 1 is selected, the user will have an option to either login immediately after accessing the MCA homepage, or login after selecting “Reserve Unique
Name Company” in case the user is not already logged in.
The option to save the webform as a draft shall be enabled once the user enters “Proposed name of the Company”.
In case Option 2 is selected, the user will have an option to either login immediately after accessing the MCA homepage or login after performing the website search.

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)

2.1.2 Resubmission Option 1
STEP 1: Access MCA homepage
STEP 2: Login to MCA portal with valid credentials
STEP 3: Access application history through user dashboard
STEP 4: Select RUN Company application with status as ‘Resubmission required’
STEP 5: Fill up the application
STEP 6: Perform Auto Check
STEP 7: Save the webform as a draft (optional)2
STEP 8: Submit the webform
STEP 9: Acknowledgement email is generated
STEP 10: Once the form is processed an approval/rejection letter is sent to the registered Email ID of the user Option 2
STEP 1: Click on the link provided in the notification email sent (received for resubmission)
STEP 2: Login to MCA portal with valid credentials
STEP 3: Fill up the application
STEP 4: Perform Auto Check
STEP 5: Save the webform as a draft (optional)2
STEP 6: Submit the webform
STEP 7: Acknowledgement email is generated
STEP 8: Once the form is processed an approval/rejection letter is sent to the registered Email ID of the user

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)


3.1 Specific Instructions to fill RUN Company at Field Level

Instructions to fill ‘RUN Company’ are tabulated below at field level. Only important fields that require detailed
instructions are explained. Self-explanatory fields are not explained.

Field No. Field Name Instructions

2 Corporate Identity Number i. Enter a valid and active CIN.

ii. This field shall be pre-filled as per original SRN and shall
be non-editable in case ‘Resubmission application’ is
selected in field number 1 i.e. “Type of application”.
3 Proposed Name 1 i. Enter the particulars of the proposed name.
ii. This is a mandatory field.
iii. Maximum character limit for company name is 75
characters. Refer ‘Annexure A’ for list of special
characters to be allowed in company name.
iv. No abbreviation “PVT”, “PVT.” Or “(P)” shall be
allowed after the name of the company. No abbreviation
“LTD”, “LTD.” “ltd” “ltd.” shall be allowed.
v. Non-ASCII code values are not allowed.
4 Proposed Name 2 i. Enter the particulars of the proposed name.
ii. This is an optional field.
iii. Maximum character limit for company name is 75
characters. Refer ‘Annexure A’ for list of special
characters to be allowed in company name.
iv. No abbreviation “PVT”, “PVT.” Or “(P)” shall be
allowed after the name of the company. No abbreviation
“LTD”, “LTD.” “ltd” “ltd.” shall be allowed.
v. Non-ASCII code values are not allowed.
vi. Please ensure that the name entered in this field shall not
match with the name entered in field number 3 i.e.
“Proposed Name 1”
Attachments: All the attachments shall be either in pdf or .jpg format. The
size of each individual attachment can be up to 6 MB.

Optional attachment(s) - if any i. This field can be used to provide any other information.
ii. Please note that the user has an option to upload up to
five optional attachments.

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)

3.2 Other instructions to fill RUN

Buttons Particulars

i. Click the “Choose File” button to browse and select a document that is
required to be a supporting to RUN Company application.
ii. This is an optional field.
Choose File iii. All the attachments should be uploaded in pdf or .jpg format. The
total size of the document being submitted can be up to 10 MB.
iv. The user has an option to attach multiple files as attachments within the
The user has an option to remove files from the attachment section using the
Remove “Remove” option provided against each attachment.
The user has an option to download the attached file(s) using the “Download”
Download option provided against each attachment.
i. This is an optional field.
Auto Check
ii. This button shall be enabled in case proposed name is entered in field
number 3 i.e. “Proposed Name 1”.
iii. Click the Auto-check button after filling up the web form.
iv. On clicking ‘Auto-check’ button the system verifies the application based on
the auto check rules and relevant alerts and error messages are displayed to the user.

i. Click on Save button for saving the application in a draft form at any given
point in time prior to submitting the webform.
ii. The ‘Save’ option will be enabled only after entering the CIN
iii. This is an optional field.
Save iv. On saving the webform, all the information filled in the webform will be
saved and can be edited/updated till the time webform is submitted.
v. The previously saved drafts can also be accessed (at a later point in time)
using the application history functionality.
i. This is a mandatory field.
ii. When the user clicks on the submit button all ‘Auto check’ rules will be
performed again. In case errors are detected the user will be taken back to
webform and all the relevant error messages shall be displayed.
Submit iii. In case at the submission of webform no errors are detected by the system
the submission will be successful.

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)


4.1 Fee rules

S# Purpose of Normal Fee (INR) Additional (Delay Logic for Additional Fees
webform Fee)
Event Date Time limit (days)
for filing
1 Reservation of 1000 NA NA NA

4.2 Processing Type

Form No. RUN Company shall be processed in Non-STP mode.

4.3 Useful links

1. Link to access RUN Company :


2. FAQs related to e-filing:

3. Payment and Fee related Services:

4.4 Rejection codes

Rejection codes.xlsx

(Please access the attachment icon in the left-hand pane to view the attachment)

Instruction Kit for webform RUN
(Reserve Unique Name Company)


5.1 Annexure A – List of Special Characters

S# Special Characters
1 `
2 @
3 #
4 $
5 %
6 &
7 *
8 (
9 )
10 -
11 _
12 =
13 +
14 [
15 {
16 }
17 ]
18 |
19 \
20 ;
21 :
22 "
24 ,
25 <
26 .
27 >
28 /
29 ?
30 ~
31 !
32 space

10 | P a g

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