IP Class 12 Library Management Project 2024-25

You are on page 1of 40

Table Of Content


Objective Of The Project


Phases Of SDLC

Pictorial Presentation Of SDLC

Tools And Languages To Be Used

About Python

About CSV

Source Code


Hardware & Software Requirements

Page 1


Welcome to the Library Management System Project, an

innovative solution programmed to transform library operations
and improve the user experience. This project utilizes Python
along with powerful data manipulation libraries like Pandas and
Matplotlib, offering a streamlined interface for managing library
In today’s digital landscape, where efficiency is critical, our
Library Management System provides an easy-to-use platform
for both librarians and library users. It covers essential functions,
including member management, book browsing, issue and return
tracking, data visualization, and fine calculation, ensuring a
comprehensive library experience.
Key Features:
 Member Management:
Add, modify, or delete member information effortlessly.

Explore member data, search by name, ID or books issued.

 Book Management:
Explore, add, modify, or delete books from the library collection.

Search books by title, author, genre or availability status.

 Book Issuing and Returning:

Effortlessly issue and return books, with real-time updates on availability.

Track member activities and book transactions efficiently.

Page 2

 Data Visualization:
Gain insights into library data through visualizations.

Explore genre distribution and book availability at a glance.

 Fine Calculation:
Automatically calculate fines for overdue books.

Keep track of fines associated with specific member IDs.

This project utilizes the Pandas library for data manipulation,

allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of members and
books data.
Matplotlib is employed for creating visually appealing charts to
enhance the understanding of library statistics.
Page 3

Objectives of Project
The Library Management System project aims to revolutionize
the management of library operations by automating and
optimizing various tasks. The primary objective is to streamline
processes and fine calculation which reduces manual efforts
and minimizing errors. The system will focus on creating a user-
friendly interface for both Library staff and members, ensuring a
seamless experience.

Additionally, the project aims to enhance decision-making by

providing comprehensive information and graphical
representation of Library trends and usage patterns.

Graphical Representation:
Generate graphical representations such as bar charts, pie
charts for better understanding of the trends.

Educational Introduction:
Provide an introduction to Library management, explaining the
various aspects involved, such as member management, book
exploring, issuing and returning process and fine collection.
Offer information about the main objective, emphasizing the
importance of an optimal interaction system.
Page 4

Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC)

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a
structured process that enabled the production of high-
quality, low-cost software, in the shortest possible
production time. The goal of the SDLC is to produce
superior software that meets and exceeds all customer
expectations and demands.
Page 5

The SDLC defines and outlines a detailed plan with stages, or

phases, that each encompass their own process and deliverable.
Adherence to the SDLC enhances development speed and
minimizes project risks and costs associated with alternative
method of production.

Why is SDLC important?

● It provides a standardized framework that defines
● It aids in project planning, estimating and scheduling.
● It makes project tracking and controlling easier.
● It makes visibility on all aspects of the life cycle to all
● It improves client relations and decreases project risks.

How does the SDLC work?

Planning Phase:
The planning phase encompasses all aspects of project and
product management. This typically includes resource allocation,
capacity planning, project scheduling, estimating and
During the planning phase, the development team collects input
from stakeholders involves in the project; customer sales,
internal and external experts and developers.
Expectations are clearly defined during this stage as well; the
team determines not only what is desired in the software, but
also what is NOT. The tangible deliverables produced from this
Page 6

phase include project plans, estimate costs, projected schedules

and procurement needs.

Coding Phase:
The coding phase includes system design in integrated
development environment. It also includes static code analysis
and code review for multiple types of devices.

Testing Phase:
The development team combines automation and manual
testing to check the software for bugs. Quality analysis includes
testing the software for errors and checking if it meets
customer requirements.

Release Phase:
The release phase involves the team packaging, managing and
deploying releases across different environments.

Deploy Phase:
In the deployment phase, the software is officially released into
the production environment.

Monitor Phase:
In the monitor phase, various elements of the software are
monitored. These could include the overall system performance,
user experience, new security vulnerabilities, an analysis of bugs
or errors in the system.
Page 7

Tools/Platform and
languages to be used

 Language: Python for overall project development.

 Libraries: Pandas for data manipulation, Matplotlib for

graphical representations.

 Data Storage: CSV file for storing data.

 IDE: Any Python-compatible IDE (e.g., PyCharm,

VSCode) for coding and testing.
Page 8

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language
known for its simplicity, readability and versatility. It was
created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.
Python is designed with an emphasis on code readability
and is widely used for web development, data analysis,
artificial intelligence, scientific computing, automation, and
more. Its clean and straightforward syntax makes it an
excellent choice for both beginners and experienced

Features Of Python:
1. Readability:
Python uses a clear and easily understandable syntax, which
makes it easy to write and maintain code.This readability
promotes better collaboration among developers.

2. High-Level Language:
Python is a high-level language, meaning it abstracts complex low-
level details, allowing developers to focus on solving problems
rather than dealing with hardware-specific issues.

3. Versatile:
Python can be used for a wide range of applications, meaning it
abstracts complex low-level details, allowing developers to focus
on solving problems rather than dealing with hardware-specific
Page 9

4. Large Standard Library:

Python comes with a comprehensive standard library that
includes and functions to perform various tasks, reducing the
need for writing code from scratch.

5. Open Source:
Python is open source, meaning it’s freely available for anyone to
use, modify and distribute. This has led to a large and active
community of Python users and contributors.

Advantages of Python:
1. Easy to learn and use.
2. Free and Open-Source.
3. Rapid Development
4. Interpreted Language
5. Wide Range of Libraries and Frameworks.
6. Dynamically Typed and Portable

How to Install Python:

To install Python, follow these steps:
1. Visit the official Python website (https://www.python.ord/)
2. Go to the Downloads section and select the latest version of
Python for your operating system (e.g., Windows, macOS, or
3. Download the installer and run it.
4. Follow the installation instructions, making sure to add
Python to your system’s PATH.
5. Once installed, you can open a terminal or command prompt
and type `python` to start the Python interpreter.
Page 10

(Comma Separated Values)

A CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file is a widely used
plain text file format for storing structured tabular data.
Each line in a CSV file represents a single row of data, and
individual values within each row are separated by
commas. CSV files are simple to create, read, and edit,
making them a popular choice for data interchange
between different software applications.

Advantages of CSV Files:

1. It is simple, compact and common format for data
2. It is compatible with all types of spreadsheets.
3. Almost all databases and spreadsheets supports data
exchange with CSV format.
Page 11

Source Code
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# CSV files
member_df = pd.read_csv("member.csv")
book_df = pd.read_csv("book.csv")
merged_data = pd.read_csv("merged_data.csv")

while True:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 27 + "Library Management
print("*" * 78)

print("0. Introduction")
print("1. Member Management")
print("2. Explore Books")
print("3. Issue Books")
print("4. Return Books")
print("5. Data Visualization")
print("6. Fine Calculation")
print("7. Exit Program")

main_option = int(input("Enter your choice:


if main_option == 0:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 33 + "Introduction")
print("*" * 78)
Welcome to the Library Management
Page 12

This software is designed to

streamline and enhance the operations
of a library. Here, you can
effortlessly manage member information, explore
an extensive collection of books and
perform various other activities with

- Key Features:
* Member Management: Add, modify,
delete member information
* Book Management: Explore, add,
modify, delete from the library collection
* Book Issue and Return: Keep track of
issues and returns of the books
* Data Visualization: Gain insights
into book availability
* Fine Calculation: Calculate fines
for overdue books
Thank you for choosing our library
Management System. Enjoy!

elif main_option == 1:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 31 + "Member Management")
print("*" * 78)
print("1. Read Member Data")
print("2. Add New Member")
print("3. Modify Member Data")
print("4. Delete Member Data")
print("5. Back to Main Menu")

member_option = int(input("Enter Your

Choice: "))
Page 13
if member_option == 1:
epr', False)
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 37 + "Read Member Data")
print("*" * 78)
print("1. Display top 5 records of
print("2. Display bottom 5 records of
print("3. Search member by Name")
print("4. Search member by Member ID")
print("5. Search member by Book
Issued (Book Name)")
print("6. Search member by Book
Issued (Author Name)")
print("7. Back to Member Management")

sub_choice = int(input("Enter your

sub-choice: "))
if sub_choice == 1:
print("Displaying top 5 records
of members:")
elif sub_choice == 2:
print("Displaying bottom 5
records of members:")
elif sub_choice == 3:
search_name = input("Enter member
name to search: ")
result =
name, case=False)]
if not result.empty:
print("Matching members:")
Page 14
print("No member found with
that name.")
elif sub_choice == 4:
member_id = int(input("Enter
Member ID to search: "))
result =
member_df[member_df["Member ID"] == member_id]
if not result.empty:
print("Member found:")
print("No member found with
that ID.")
elif sub_choice == 5:
book_name = input("Enter Book
Name to search: ")
result =
ID"].str.contains(book_name, case=False)]
if not result.empty:
print("Members who issued the
print("No member issued that
elif sub_choice == 6:
author_name = input("Enter author
name to search members: ")
result =
uthor_name, case=False, na=False)]
if not result.empty:
print("Members who issued a
book by the author:")
Page 15
print("No matching members
elif sub_choice == 7:
print('Invalid sub-choice')

elif member_option == 2:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 31 + "Add New Member")
print("*" * 78)

new_member_id = member_df["Member
ID"].max() + 1
name = input("Enter Member Name: ")

while True:
aadhar_no = input("Enter Aadhar
Number: ")
if len(aadhar_no) == 12 and
if aadhar_no not in
member_df["Aadhar No"].values:
print("Aadhar number is
already registered. Please enter a unique Aadhar
print("Invalid Aadhar number.
Please enter a 12-digit numeric Aadhar Number.")
Page 16
new_member = pd.DataFrame({"Member
ID": [new_member_id], "Name": [name], "Aadhar
No": [aadhar_no]})

if 'DataFrame' in
member_df = pd.concat([member_df,
new_member], ignore_index=True)
member_df = pd.DataFrame({"Member
ID": [new_member_id], "Name": [name], "Aadhar
No": [aadhar_no]})

print(f"New member added successfully.
Member ID: {new_member_id}.")

elif member_option == 3:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 32 + "Modify Member Data")
print("*" * 78)

member_id_to_modify =
int(input("Enter Member ID to modify: "))

if member_id_to_modify in
member_df["Member ID"].values:
print("1. Modify Name")
print("2. Modify Aadhar Number")

modification_option =
int(input("Enter your modification choice: "))

if modification_option == 1:
new_name = input("Enter the
new name: ")
Page 17
r ID"] == member_id_to_modify, "Name"] =
print("Name modified
elif modification_option == 2:
while True:
new_aadhar_no =
input("Enter new Aadhar Number: ")
if len(new_aadhar_no) ==
12 and new_aadhar_no.isdigit():
if new_aadhar_no not
in member_df["Aadhar No"].values:
r_df["Member ID"] == member_id_to_modify,
"Aadhar No"] = new_aadhar_no
number updated successfully")
number is already registered")
print("Invalid Aadhar
print('Invalid modification

print("Member ID not found.
Please enter a valid Member ID.")

elif member_option == 4:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
Page 18
print(" " * 32 + "Delete Member Data")
print("*" * 78)

member_id_to_delete =
int(input("Enter member ID to delete: "))
if member_id_to_delete in
member_df["Member ID"].values:
print("Member information to
ID"] == member_id_to_delete])

confirmation = input("Are you

sure you want to delete this member? (yes/no):

if confirmation == "yes":
member_df =
member_df[member_df["Member ID"] !=
print("Member deleted
print("Deletion canceled.")
print("Member ID not found.")

elif member_option == 5:
print('Invalid option')

elif main_option == 2:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 31 + "Book Management")
Page 19
print("*" * 78)
print("1. Read Book Data")
print("2. Add New Book")
print("3. Modify Book Data")
print("4. Delete Book Data")
print("5. Back to Main Menu")

book_option = int(input("Enter your

choice: "))

if book_option == 1:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 32 + "Search Books")
print("*" * 78)
print("1. Search Available Books")
print("2. Search Non-Available Books")
print("3. Search Books by Author")
print("4. Back to Book Management")

search_option = int(input("Enter your

choice: "))

if search_option == 1:
print("Available Books:")
available_books =
book_df[book_df["Availability"] == "Yes"]
elif search_option == 2:
print("Non-Available Books:")
unavailable_books =
book_df[book_df["Availability"] == "No"]
elif search_option == 3:
author_name = input("Enter author
name to search: ")
Page 20
result =
me, case=False)]
if not result.empty:
print("Matching books by
print("No books found by that
elif search_option == 4:
print('Invalid choice')

elif book_option == 2:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 32 + "Add New Book")
print("*" * 78)

new_book_id = book_df["Book ID"].max()

+ 1
book_name = input("Enter Book Name: ")
author = input("Enter Author Name: ")
availability = input("Is the book
available? (Yes/No): ")

new_book = pd.DataFrame({"Book ID":

[new_book_id], "Book Name": [book_name],
"Author": [author], "Availability":

if 'DataFrame' in str(type(book_df)):
book_df = pd.concat([book_df,
new_book], ignore_index=True)
Page 21
book_df = pd.DataFrame({"Book ID":
[new_book_id], "Book Name": [book_name],
"Author": [author], "Availability":

print(f"New book added successfully.
Book ID: {new_book_id}.")

elif book_option == 3:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 32 + "Modify Book Data")
print("*" * 78)

book_id_to_modify = int(input("Enter
Book ID to modify: "))

if book_id_to_modify in book_df["Book
print("1. Modify Book Name")
print("2. Modify Author Name")
print("3. Modify Availability")

modification_option =
int(input("Enter your modification choice: "))

if modification_option == 1:
new_book_name = input("Enter
the new book name: ")
book_df.loc[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id_to_modify, "Book Name"] =
print("Book name modified
elif modification_option == 2:
Page 22
new_author_name = input("Enter
the new author name: ")
book_df.loc[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id_to_modify, "Author"] =
print("Author name modified
elif modification_option == 3:
new_availability =
input("Enter new availability (Yes/No): ")
book_df.loc[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id_to_modify, "Availability"] =
print("Availability updated
print('Invalid modification

print("Book ID not found. Please
enter a valid Book ID.")

elif book_option == 4:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 32 + "Delete Book Data")
print("*" * 78)

book_id_to_delete = int(input("Enter
Book ID to delete: "))
if book_id_to_delete in book_df["Book
print("Book information to
Page 23
print(book_df[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id_to_delete])

confirmation = input("Are you

sure you want to delete this book? (yes/no):

if confirmation == "yes":
book_df =
book_df[book_df["Book ID"] != book_id_to_delete]
print("Book deleted
print("Deletion canceled.")
print("Book ID not found.")

elif book_option == 5:
print('Invalid option')

elif main_option == 3:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 33 + "Issue Book")
print("*" * 78)

member_id = int(input("Enter Member ID:

if member_id in member_df["Member
book_id = int(input("Enter Book ID to
issue: "))
if book_id in book_df["Book
Page 24
if book_df.loc[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id, "Availability"].values[0] == "Yes":
book_df.loc[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id, "Availability"] = "No"
print("Book issued

ember ID"] == member_id, "Book ID"] += f",
a.csv", index=False)

print("Book is not available
for issuing.")
print("Book ID not found.")
print("Member ID not found.")

elif main_option == 4:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 33 + "Return Book")
print("*" * 78)

member_id = int(input("Enter Member ID:

if member_id in member_df["Member
book_id = int(input("Enter Book ID to
return: "))
if book_id in book_df["Book
Page 25
if book_df.loc[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id, "Availability"].values[0] == "No":
book_df.loc[book_df["Book ID"]
== book_id, "Availability"] = "Yes"
print("Book returned

ember ID"] == member_id, "Book ID"] =
merged_data.loc[merged_data["Member ID"] ==
member_id, "Book ID"].str.replace(f", {book_id}",
"").replace(f"{book_id}, ",
"").replace(f"{book_id}", "")
a.csv", index=False)

print("Book is not issued.")
print("Book ID not found.")
print("Member ID not found.")

elif main_option == 5:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 29 + "Books Availability
print("*" * 78)

availability_counts =
total_books = availability_counts.sum()

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
Page 26
color=['lightgreen', 'salmon'])
plt.title(f'Books Availability
Status\nTotal Books: {total_books}')
plt.xlabel('Status Of Availability')
plt.ylabel('Number of Books')

elif main_option == 6:
print("\n" + "*" * 78)
print(" " * 30 + "Fine Calculation")
print("*" * 78)
member_id = int(input("Enter Member ID
for fine calculation: "))
if member_id in member_df["Member
days_overdue = int(input("Enter
number of overdue days: "))
if days_overdue > 0:
fine = days_overdue * 10
print(f"The fine for Member ID
{member_id} is: {fine} RS.")
print("No fine applicable. The
book is not overdue.")
print("Member ID not found.")

elif main_option == 7:
print("Exiting program. Thank you for
using the Library Management System!")
print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
Page 27

Output (Logs)

Library Management Project
0. Introduction
1. Member Management
2. Explore Books
3. Issue Books
4. Return Books
5. Data Visualization
6. Fine Calculation
7. Exit Program
Enter your choice:


Library Management Project
0. Introduction
1. Member Management
2. Explore Books
3. Issue Books
4. Return Books
5. Data Visualization
6. Fine Calculation
7. Exit Program
Enter your choice: 0

Welcome to the Library Management System

This software is designed to streamline and enhance the

operations of a library. Here, you can effortlessly manage
member information, explore an extensive collection of
books and perform various other activities with ease.
Page 28
- Key Features:
* Member Management: Add, modify, delete member
* Book Management: Explore, add, modify, delete
from the library collection
* Book Issue and Return: Keep track of issues
and returns of the books
* Data Visualization: Gain insights into book
* Fine Calculation: Calculate fines for overdue
Thank you for choosing our Library Management
System. Enjoy!


Library Management Project
0. Introduction
1. Member Management
2. Explore Books
3. Issue Books
4. Return Books
5. Data Visualization
6. Fine Calculation
7. Exit Program
Enter your choice: 1
, Member Management
1. Read Member Data
2. Add New Member
3. Modify Member Data
4. Delete Member Data
5. Back to Main Menu
Enter Your Choice: 1

Read Member Data
Page 29
1. Display top 5 records of members
2. Display bottom 5 records of members
3. Search member by Name
4. Search member by Member ID
5. Search member by Book Issued (Book Name)
6. Search member by Book Issued (Author Name)
7. Back to Member Management
Enter your sub-choice: 1
Displaying top 5 records of members:
Member ID Name Aadhar No
0 1 John Doe 1234567890
1 2 Jane Smith 2345678901
2 3 Alex Brown 3456789012
3 4 Emily Clark 4567890123
4 5 Michael Lee 5678901234

Member Management
1. Read Member Data
2. Add New Member
3. Modify Member Data
4. Delete Member Data
5. Back to Main Menu
Enter Your Choice: 2

Add New Member
Enter Member Name: Alice
Enter Aadhar Number: 5555444433
New member added successfully. Member ID: 6.

Modify Member Data
Enter Member ID to modify: 6
1. Modify Name
2. Modify Aadhar Number
Enter your modification choice: 1
Enter the new name: Alica
Page 30
Name modified successfully

Modify Member Data
Enter Member ID to modify: 6
1. Modify Name
2. Modify Aadhar Number
Enter your modification choice: 2
Enter new Aadhar Number: 1234567890
Aadhar number updated successfully

Member Management
1. Read Member Data
2. Add New Member
3. Modify Member Data
4. Delete Member Data
5. Back to Main Menu
Enter Your Choice: 4

Delete Member Data
Enter member ID to delete: 6
Member information to delete:
Member ID Name Aadhar No
5 6 Alica 1234567890
Are you sure you want to delete this member? (yes/no): yes
Member deleted successfully


Book Management
1. Read Book Data
2. Add New Book
Page 31
3. Modify Book Data
4. Delete Book Data
5. Back to Main Menu
Enter your choice: 1

Search Books
1. Search Available Books
2. Search Non-Available Books
3. Search Books by Author
4. Back to Book Management
Enter your choice: 1

Search Books
1. Search Available Books
2. Search Non-Available Books
3. Search Books by Author
4. Back to Book Management
Enter your choice: 2

Search Books
1. Search Available Books
2. Search Non-Available Books
3. Search Books by Author
4. Back to Book Management
Enter your choice: 3
Page 32
Enter author name to search: Harper Lee

Book Management
1. Read Book Data
2. Add New Book
3. Modify Book Data
4. Delete Book Data
5. Back to Main Menu
Enter your choice: 2

Add New Book
Enter Book Name: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Enter Author Name: J. K. Rowling
Is the book available? (Yes/No): yes
New book added successfully. Book ID: 6.

Modify Book Data
Enter Book ID to modify: 6
1. Modify Book Name
2. Modify Author Name
3. Modify Availability
Enter your modification choice: 1
Enter the new book name: Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Book name modified successfully

Delete Book Data
Enter Book ID to delete: 6
Page 33


Library Management Project
0. Introduction
1. Member Management
2. Explore Books
3. Issue Books
4. Return Books
5. Data Visualization
6. Fine Calculation
7. Exit Program
Enter your choice: 3

Issue Book
Enter Member ID: 5
Enter Book ID to issue: 3
Book is not available for issuing.

Issue Book
Enter Member ID: 5
Enter Book ID to issue: 1
Book issued successfully.
Page 34

Library Management Project
0. Introduction
1. Member Management
2. Explore Books
3. Issue Books
4. Return Books
5. Data Visualization
6. Fine Calculation
7. Exit Program
Enter your choice: 4

Return Book
Enter Member ID: 5
Enter Book ID to return: 5
Book is not issued.

Return Book
Enter Member ID: 5
Enter Book ID to return: 1
Book returned successfully.
Page 35
Data Visualization


Library Management Project
0. Introduction
1. Member Management
2. Explore Books
3. Issue Books
4. Return Books
5. Data Visualization
6. Fine Calculation
7. Exit Program
Enter your choice: 6
Page 36

Fine Calculation
Enter Member ID for fine calculation: 1
Enter number of overdue days: 3
The fine for Member ID 1 is: 30 RS.

Library Management Project
0. Introduction
1. Member Management
2. Explore Books
3. Issue Books
4. Return Books
5. Data Visualization
6. Fine Calculation
7. Exit Program
Enter your choice: 7
Exiting program. Thank you for using the Library
Management System!
Page 37

 book.csv

 member.csv

 merged_data.csv
Page 38

Hardware & Software

Hardware Requirements:
 Hard Disk - 20 GB
 RAM - 128 MB or more
 Processor - Intel Core i3 or similar
 Generation - 8TH or similar
 Monitor - Any

Software Requirements:
 Operating System - Windows 7 or better
 Language - Python 3.6.2 or latest
 Front End - IDLE (Python 3.6.2)
 Back End - CSV Files (book, member, merged_data)
Page 39


 Informatics Practices, Class XII NCERT
 Informatics Practices, Class XII by Preeti Arora

 Python official documentation, https://python.org
 GeeksforGeeks
 Flask Documentation
 Pandas & Matplotlib Documentation
 https://learnpython.org

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