5. What is the test case? Which parameter are to be considered while documenting test
A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a
system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. For designing the test case, it needs
to provide set of inputs and its corresponding expected outputs. Parameters:
1. Test case ID: is the identification number given to each test case.
2. Purpose: defines why the case is being designed.
3. Precondition: The prerequisite for running in the system.
4. Input: Actual inputs must be provided, instead of general inputs.
5. Expected outputs: which should be produced when there is no failure?
6. Actual outputs: What is the actual output when the code is executed.
7. Status: If Expected and actual result is same status is Pass otherwise it is Fail.
5. What is static testing ? Advantage and disadvantage.
Static testing is a type testing which requires only source code of the product, not the binaries or
executable. Static testing does not involve executing the program on computers but involves
select people going through the code to find out whether
1. The code works according functional requirement.
2. The code has been written in accordance with the design developed earlier in the project
life cycle.
3. The code for any functionality has been missed out.
4. The code handles errors properly.
1. Static testing start early in the life cycle so early feedback on quality issues can be
2. As the defects are getting detected at early stage so the rework cost most often relatively
3. Development productivity is likely to increase because of the less rework effort.
4. It helps to produce a better product.
1. It is time-consuming.
2. The logistics and scheduling can become an issue since multiple peoples are involved.
3. It is not always possible to go through every line of code.
4. Required High- skills.
12. State the different errors being found by the static and dynamic black box testing.
Errors found by static black box testing :
Testing the specification is static black-box testing. The specification is a document, not an
executing program, so it's considered static. It's also something that was created using data from
many sources usability studies, focus groups, marketing input, and so on. The tester doesn't
necessarily need to know how or why that information was obtained or the details of the process
used to obtain it, just that it's been boiled down into a product specification. Tester can then take
that document, perform static black-box testing, and carefully examine it for bugs.
The development team may emphasize diagrams over words or it may use a self
documenting computer language. It performs this with the help of :
1. Performing a High-Level Review of the Specification
2. Low-Level Specification Test Techniques
Overall all the errors in the specifications are found by this testing technic. Word to word
the specifications are scanned and are understood to get the clear meaining of them.
Errors found by dynamic black box testing:
Dynamic Black-Box Testing is as good as Testing the Software While Blindfolded.
Testing software without having an insight into the details of underlying code is dynamic
blackbox testing. It's dynamic because the program is running you're using it as a customer
would. And, it's black-box because you're testing it without knowing exactly how it works with
blinders on.
The testers keep on entering inputs, receiving outputs, and checking the results. Another
name commonly used for dynamic black-box testing is behavioral testing because its testing how
the software actually behaves when it's used.
To do this effectively requires some definition of what the software does namely, a
requirements document or product specification. Tester doesn't need to be told what happens
inside the software "box" , tester just need to know that inputting A outputs B or that performing
operation C results in D. A good product spec will provide tester with these details.
Once tester know the ins and outs of the software tester is about to test, testers next step
is to start defining the test cases. Test cases are the specific inputs that he will try and the
procedures that he will follow when he tests the software.
Partitioning of the data effectively is done for the software and checked.
Data testing is done with respect to boundary conditions , boundary value analysis, sub
boundary conditions.
State testing is done by giving the inputs and gaining the outputs.
It tests the software‘s logic flow.
Generates the state transtition maps.
Software is tested for load and stress conditions.