Process stages for different deinking plant concepts 2-loop deinking system
2-loop deinking system Simplified deinking system
Pulper feeding Pulper feeding
Pulper Pulper
HD cleaning HD cleaning
MC slot screening MC slot screening
Flotation Flotation
1st loop
LC cleaning
LC slot screening
Washing Washing
Dewatering Dewatering
Dispersing Dispersing
Bleaching Bleaching
Simplified deinking system
LC cleaning
2nd loop
RCF Tissue
Equipment and process know-how applied
Innovative key components Engineering competence
By developing components for each process step, ANDRITZ con- ANDRITZ is one of the leading suppliers of complete systems
tinuously develops its understanding of how individual equipment for deinked pulp as a valuable raw material for various paper
performs most efficiently within the entire tissue production system. applications – from pulping to storage, including sludge and reject
Continuous pulping using the FibreFlow Drum FFD – gentle treatment.
pulping at highest consistency
Fine slot screening with ModuScreen A and F – maximum ANDRITZ’s in-depth process know-how is complemented by a
sticky elimination broad range of engineering services, from basic/detail plant and
Cleaning by AhlCleaner TC133 – efficient removal of small debris process engineering, 3D planning, to electrical and control engi-
Flotation with SelectaFlot SFL – providing highest brightness neering, DCS programming, and factory acceptance tests. Addi-
at lowest fiber loss tional project support packages range from basic project manage-
Dispersing using the CompaDis CDI – optimized dispersing ment to erection work supervision, start-up and commissioning,
and bleaching to save chemicals at low power consumption to complete turnkey responsibilities. ANDRITZ project managers
De-ashing with SpeedWasher SW – efficient and selective ash and technical personnel can draw on many years of international
removal experience.
All data, information, statements, photographs, and graphic illustrations in this leaflet are without any obligation and raise no liabilities to or form part of any sales contracts of Andritz AG
or any affiliates for equipment and/or systems referred to herein. © Andritz AG 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, modified or distributed in
any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Andritz AG or its affiliates. Any such unauthorized use for any purpose
is a violation of the relevant copyright laws. Andritz AG, Stattegger Strasse 18, 8045 Graz, Austria. PPF.RCF-Tis.01.en.05.15