QC Lecture 3

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(Lecture 3)

Dr. Omar Abuyaman

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

Department of Laboratory Medical Sciences
The Hashemite University
• Statistical Concepts

• Statistics is a (science of )branch of mathematics that collects, analyzes,

summarizes and presents information about “observations.”

• A statistical analysis of lab test data can help us to define

• Reference ranges for patient’s (normal and abnormal)
• Acceptable ranges for control specimens ( “in” and “out” of

Gaussian/Normal Distribution

• All values are

symmetrically distributed
around the mean
• Assumed for all quality
control statistics

Measures of Central Tendency

• Mean (x̄) - the mathematical average of a group of numbers, determined by

adding a group of numbers (events) and dividing the result by the number
of events
• Median - determined as the ‘middle’ of a group of numbers that have been
arranged in sequential order. That is to say, there are an equal number of
numbers on either side of the ‘middle’ number. In an odd # of observations,
it is the middle observation. In an even # of observations, average the two
middle values.
• Mode - the number that appears most frequently in a group of numbers.
There can be more than mode, or none at all.

• Bias – the amount by which an analysis varies from the correct result.
• Example, If the Expected Value is 50 units, and the result of an analysis is 47,
the bias is 3 units.

Standard Deviation
• Describes the scatter of scores around the mean.
• Lowercase Greek letter sigma is used to indicate the the
standard deviation of a population; letter s is used to indicate
the standard deviation of a sample.
Statistical Formulas
• Standard Deviation (SD)
• Is a mathematical expression of the dispersion of a group of data
around a mean.

  x  x

SD 
 n  1

  x  x

Standard Deviation : SD 
 n  1

n = the number of observations (how many numerical values )

Σ = the sum of … in this case, the sum of x  x


x = the mean value

X = the value of each individual observation

The Standard Deviation is an expression of dispersion … the greater the

SD, the more spread out the observations are

Standard Deviation and Probability
• For a set of data with a normal
distribution, a value will fall within a
range of:
• +/- 1 SD 68.2 % of the time
• +/- 2 SD 95.5% of the time
• +/- 3 SD 99.7% of the time

Statistical Formulas
• Coefficient of Variation (CV)
• Indicates what percentage of the mean is represented by the standard
• Reliable means for comparing the precision or SD at different units or
concentration levels
• Expressed as a percentage

CV% = Standard deviation X 100


Coefficient of Variation (CV) %
Analyte: SD CV
FSH Concentration
1 0.09 9.0
5 0.25 5.0
10 0.40 4.0
25 1.20 4.8
100 3.80 3.8

•The smaller the CV, the more reproducible the

results: more values are closer to the mean.
•Useful in comparing 2 or more analytical
•Ideally should be less than 5 %
A percentile is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage of
observations in a group of observations fall.

The 25th percentile is also known as the first quartile (Q1), the 50th percentile as the median or second
quartile (Q2), and the 75th percentile as the third quartile (Q3). In general, percentiles and quartiles are
specific types of quantiles.

Q1 = 25%
Q2 = 50%
Q3 = 75%
Q4 = 100%
Gaussian/Normal Distribution

• All values are

symmetrically distributed
around the mean
• Assumed for all quality
control statistics

Accuracy and Precision

• The degree of fluctuation in the measurements is

indicative of the precision of the assay.
• Precision-refers to the ability to get the same (but not
necessarily ‘true’) result time after time.

• The closeness of measurements to the true value is

indicative of the accuracy of the assay.
• Accuracy - An accurate result is one that is the ‘true’ result.

Precise and Accurate
• •

Systematic Random Error


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