Marriott Eaton Centre Hotel
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August 21-24, 2010
Abstract—Automated model generation and solution for connectors. In [3], autonomous modules (CONRO) are
motion planning and re-planning of automated systems will introduced with the capability to be reconfigured in different
play an important role in the future of reconfigurable shapes, such as snakes or hexapods. Many modular and self-
manufacturing systems. Multi-DOF kinematic structure was reconfigurable robots are investigated in, [4-8]. These robots
generated for any combination of either rotational or
have the ability to change their number of links, form closed
translational type of joints, using a novel methodology
presented in this paper. This model is named n-DOF Global chains and, open chains, and form single or multiple
Kinematic Model (n-GKM). All possible kinematic structures branches. All the discussed modular self-reconfigurable
are considered in 3D space, which is divided into eight robots need special physical features (docking) to connect
subspaces and three planes. The planes are perpendicular to and release the modules. Furthermore, different applications
the x, y, and z axis of the kinematic structure’s base frame. The are executed with a central control to direct and shape the
intersections of the three planes divide 3D space into eight
final required structure, which enables the robot to perform a
subspaces. The kinematic structure generated using the
proposed methodology belongs to any of the three surfaces or specified task. Accordingly, D-H parameters have not been
to any of the eight subspaces. This kinematic structure can be introduced to describe the kinematic and dynamic models of
implemented for any robotic system or CNC machine. A the resulting configuration. For space explorations purposes,
methodology for model generation is presented and a conceptual design of a reconfigurable robot has been
demonstrated with 2-DOF Global Kinematic Model (2-GKM) developed [9]. The authors proposed a non-modular
case study.
reconfigurable robot with changing D-H parameters, such as
the sliding link length and rotary angle. A modular and
reconfigurable robot for industrial purposes has been
978-1-4244-5448-8/10/$26.00 ©2010
©2010 IEEE
Crown 804
model includes rotational and translational joints, with six For the n-GKM the D-H parameters are presented in
possible z-axis (axis of rotations and/or joints translations). Table1. The twist angle αi has only five different values,
This general model can be used to represent any open which keeps perpendicularity between joints coordinate
kinematic configuration machinery. frames.
Current machines (CNC, robots, etc.) have physical i di θi ai αi
limitations regarding their configurations and capabilities. 1 R1 d DH 1 + T1 d 1 R1θ 1 + T1θ DH 1 a1 0 D ,±180 D ,±90 D
They are built to do certain tasks, which they can do with 2 R 2 d DH 2 + T2 d 2 R2θ 2 + T2θ DH 2 a2 0 D ,±180 D ,±90 D
their predefined fixed configurations. For example: 5-DOF
" " " " "
(3R-2T) CNC machine have three rotational and two Rn d DHn + Tn d n Rnθ n + Tnθ DHn
n an 0 D ,±180 D ,±90 D
translations joints with fixed coordinate frames (D-H
parameters), which cannot be automatically changed to any
other configuration. The structure of some machines can be All D-H parameters presented in Table 1 are not fixed
changed only by physically replacing their joints or links. values. They represent and satisfy properties of all possible
Those limitations reflect the machine’s path, workspace, machinery kinematic structures. This means that each joint
inertia, torque, power concept, etc, and they cannot be used has six different positive directions of rotations and/or
for the future Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems translations. Any joint’s vector zi−1 can be placed in positive
(RMS). New global trends in industry require more powerful and/or negative direction of x , y , and z axis of the
machines with reconfigurable properties that can be used in Cartesian coordinate frame. This is expressed in equations
a highly changeable production environment. All these (1)-(2).
mechanically constructed machines are presented as open
Rotational Joints: Ri = 1 and Ti = 0 (1)
kinematic chains, named Multi-DOF Machinery. Those
types of machines will have the properties of as many Translational Joints: Ri = 0 and Ti = 1 (2)
different machines as possible, which will allow them to be Ri and Ti are used to control the selection of joint type
used for different applications. Analysis of many different
(rotational and/or translational). The orthogonality between
kinematic structures [14], reveals the similarities between
many different machines. This leads us to develop a model the joint’s coordinate frames is defined with twist angles α i .
that can represent the properties of many different machines. Their sinus and cosines are defined as the joint’s
reconfigurable parameters ( KSi & KCi ) and expressed in
equations (3) &- (4).
KCi = cos αi
A devotement of the n-DOF Global Kinematic Model (n- To build a reconfigurable joint, we need to include all six
GKM) is much needed for supporting any kinematic different positive directions of rotations and/or translations.
configuration presented in Figure 1, and possible redundant The procedure will start from the first coordinate frame by
kinematic structures that are intended to support more than defining the orientation of the vector, Z0 . Because we have
six combinations of vector- Z 0 , we will start from the first
RRT .....
RRR one named Z 01 , see Figure 2. The selection of vector Z 01 ,
Parameters Ki
3 DOF can be combined with four more orientations of vectors X 0
Reconfigurable RTRR
Parameters Ki
Parameters Ksi
and Y0 . They are: X 011 , Y011 , X 012 , Y012 , X 013 , Y013 , X 014 ,
and Kci
TR Reconfigurable
Parameters Ki
Y014 .
4 DOF y 12
0 x 013
2 DOF Global
d1 d1
Kinematic y 13
0 x 14
Model d1
11 12
z 10 y 0 θ1 x 0 θ1 d1
TRRRR θ 1 x 11
z 10 z 10 z 10 y 14
..... Fig. 2. First, four combinations of Joint1
Parameters Ki
Reconfigurable Parameters Ki
5 DOF The second combination of Z0 and it’s X 0 and Y0 are
RTRTRT ..... presented in Figure 3. This includes new vector Z 02 and its
Fig. 1. Process of Unification of reconfigurable Models four combinations: X 021 , Y021 , X 022 , Y022 , X 023 , Y023 , X 024 ,
y 21 d1 θ1 Definition 3:
0 d1 x 022 d1 θ1 d1
θ1 z 02 θ1 z 2 z 02 2 For any joint to be reconfigurable the following condition
0 z 0
must be satisfied: The number of different motions should be
Fig. 3. Second, four combinations of Joint1
minimum two, Equation 7.
y 031 x031 x 032
y 034 min(RJ ) = 2 (7)
z 3
z 03 z 03
From those three definitions we can have a clear
θ1 y 032 θ1 x 033 z 03 θ1
d1 d1 θ1 34 description of the reconfigurable robot.
y 33 x 0 d1
0 Definition 4:
Fig. 4. Third, four combinations of Joint1 The robot is reconfigurable iff it has a minimum one
x 41
0 z 4
0 z 04 z 04 y 044 z 04 reconfigurable joint or link.
d1 Definition 5:
d1 θ1 θ1 y 43
0 θ1 θ1
n-DOF Global Kinematic Model (n-GKM) is a
y x 42
d1 x044 d1
y 042
0 reconfigurable model because it has all reconfigurable joints
and links. Its joints satisfy the maximum number of
Fig. 5. Fourth, four combinations of Joint1
reconfigurations ( RJ = 12 ).
z 5
0 θ1 z 05 θ 1 z 05 z 05 The n-GKM model, Figure 9, starts from the base frame
y 51
d1 x 52
d1 θ1 θ1
0 0 d1 x0 , y0 , z0 which represents the coordinate frame of the first
x 51
y 52
0 x 53
0 y 054
y053 x 054 joint, and has six possible frames for the second joint
Fig. 6. Fifth, four combinations of Joint1 presented with coordinate frame x1 , y1 , z1 . From second joint
x 061 d1 d1 d1 y064 coordinate frame x1 , y1 , z1 , again has six different
z 06 θ 1 y061 θ1 x 062 θ1 θ1 combinations for joint three coordinate frame x2 , y2 , z2 , and
z 06 z 06 z 06
so on up to the flange frame xn , yn , zn .
d1 y062 y 063 x 063 x 064
Fig. 7. Sixth, four combinations of Joint1 x3 y 3 z 3
x3 y 3 z 3 x3 y 3 z 3
This will produce a reconfigurable joint to have 24 "
x3 y 3 z 3 x2 y 2 z 2 x2 y 2 z 2
z 10 2
z 0 "
" Joint 2
Fig. 8. Reconfigurable model of Joint1
x1 y1 z1 x1 y1 z1
A reconfigurable joint model includes 6R and 6T different
types of motion, which is the maximum number of motions x0 y 0 z0 Joint 1
that can be produced in 3D space. The following five
" "
definitions are developed for proper use of the model.
x1 y1 z1 x1 y1 z1
Definition 1:
The degree of the joint’s reconfigurability, RJ , can be "
x1 y1 z1
between 2 and 12. This parameter defines the level of the
joint’s reconfigurable capabilities, Equation 5. Fig. 9. Kinematic Structure of the n-GKM Model
2 ≤ RJ ≤ 12 (5) The total number of all possible kinematic structures C n ,
Octant 3 z 2
2 d2 z14 z 2
2 z26 z24 θ2 z 1 z 2 z 23
z14 z 22
Plane 3 z12 z 23
Octant 6 z 16 z13 z 22
z 25
Octant 5 z 11 z 12 z2
z24 z 25
z 16 z13 z 5
Joint 2 z12 z26 z24 z 11 z12 z2
z 25
z 23 z 05 z12
z 22 z12 z 23 z 23
z26 z24 2 z 25 z 22
z 04 2
z26 z24
z12 z 23 θ1
z 22 z12 z 23
d1 z 2
Octant 7 Octant 8 z 25
z26 z24
z 06 z 03
z 25
z12 z 23 Joint 1 z26 z24
Fig. 10. Eight octants and three planes in 3D Space 6
z 25
z 22
z 25
4 z 1 z 1
2 z 23
z z z z 0 2
2 2
θ2 z15 2 2 z 0 z 25 z 2
2 z 23 d 2 z14
2 z 23 z 25 z26 z24
z 22 z 22 z26 z24 θ2 z15
The kinematics of the n-GKM can be calculated using the z 16 z13 z12 z 23
z 1
z 22
z 3
2d2 z14
z 25 z 22
multiplication of the all homogeneous matrices from the z26 z24 z 11 z 12
z 25
z24 z 25
z 16 z13 z 5
z12 θ2 z15 6
z 23 z 12 z2
base frame to the flange frame. The homogeneous z 22
z 25
z 4
z 2
z 23 d 2 z14 z26
z24 z 11
z12 z 23
2 2 2 z 23 z 5
z 22
transformation matrix for the n-DOF Global Kinematic z12
z 22
z 23
z 25
z 16 z13 z 5
z 22
z26 z24 z 11 z12 z2 z24 z12
Model (n-GKM) is shown in equations (9). z12 z12 z 23
z 22
z 23
z 23 z 25
z 22 z 22
z26 z24
X1 X2
d DH1
a sin[( R1θ 1 + T1θ DH 1 ) + K c1 ( R2θ 2 + T2θ DH 2 )] Link di θi ai αi
d 2 = T2 ® 2 Z0
K s1 cos( R1θ 1 + T1θ DH 1 ) 1 d DH 1 0 -90
¯ 1 2 d2 θDH2 = 0 0 0
a1 sin( R1θ 1 + T1θ DH 1 ) − p y ½° (15) Y0
+ − R2 d DH 2 ¾
K s1 cos( R1θ 1 + T1θ DH 1 ) °¿
di θi ai αi
d DH 1 θ1 Fig. 14. TR configuration
d DH 2 θ2 For the case in Figure 14 the reconfigurable parameters
are as follows: R1 = 0 , T1 = 1 , R2 = 1 , T2 = 0 , K S1 = −1 ,
K S 2 = −1 , KC1 = 0 , KC2 = 0 . The inverse kinematic solution
Fig. 12. RR configuration
for the case in Figure 14 is shown in Equations (21-22).
For the case in Figure 12, the reconfigurable parameters q 1 = d1 = p z (21)
are as following: R1 = 1 , T1 = 0 , R2 = 1 , T2 = 0 , K S1 = −1 , §n ·
q 2 = θ 2 = A tan 2¨¨ z ¸¸ (22)
K S 2 = −1 , KC1 = 0 , KC2 = 0 . In the general model we © bz ¹
defined the values for the configuration parameters, and the
general solution automatically generated the solution of the For the case in Figure 15 the reconfigurable parameters
selected case. The results of the general model provide the are as follows: R1 = 0 , T1 = 1 , R2 = 0 , T2 = 1 , K S1 = −1 ,
same result as the solution of the single selected case, which K S 2 = −1 , KC1 = 0 , KC2 = 0 .