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Cerner PharmNet for Pharmacist ( PDFDrive )

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PharmNet Training Guide


© 2005 Cerner Corporation.  This learning material and its source file is
licensed to University of Miami Medical Center for internal use in support of
end-user and project team learning and may be modified, edited, and
reproduced for internal use with no restrictions. The original document and
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distributed to third parties without the express written permission of Cerner
Page 2 of 195
Master Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................................... 7
Learning Objectives .......................................................................................................................7
Information Security and Confidentiality....................................................................................8
1. Signing on to the PharmNet System...................................................................... 9
Finding PharmNet Applications...................................................................................................9
Exiting an Application .................................................................................................................10
Selecting Exit From the Task Menu......................................................................................10
X in the Upper Right Corner .................................................................................................10
2. PharmNet Medication Manager ...........................................................................11
Toolbar Elements.........................................................................................................................12
Options Menu ..........................................................................................................................13
Selecting a Patient.........................................................................................................................16
Searching For a Patient Using Visit Number ...........................................................................17
Patient Banner...............................................................................................................................20
Search for New Patient (Change Patient)..................................................................................21
Patient Lock ..................................................................................................................................22
Practice Scenario - Searching for a Patient ...............................................................................24
3. Clinical Summary Information............................................................................. 29
Displaying a Patient’s Clinical Summary Information.............................................................29
Exercise: ....................................................................................................................................30
Demographic Details ...................................................................................................................31
Viewing Demographic Details ...............................................................................................31
Adding and Modifying Demographic Information.............................................................32
Exercise: ....................................................................................................................................33
Working with Allergy Information ............................................................................................34
Overview of Allergy.................................................................................................................34
Opening Allergy List ...............................................................................................................34
Viewing an Allergy...................................................................................................................35
Adding an Allergy ....................................................................................................................36
Modifying an Allergy ...............................................................................................................39
Adding a Comment to an Allergy..........................................................................................40
Sorting Allergies .......................................................................................................................41
Using the Favorites Folder in Allergy List............................................................................41
Setting Preferences for Allergy List.......................................................................................41
Practice Scenario - Adding an Allergy .......................................................................................42
Working with Patient Note Details............................................................................................48

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Page 3 of 195
Notes Viewing Patient Notes ............................................................................................................ 48
Adding Patient Notes ............................................................................................................. 49
Practice Scenario - Adding a Patient Note ............................................................................... 50
Viewing Reason for Visit ............................................................................................................ 51
Results Tab ................................................................................................................................... 52
Viewing Results ....................................................................................................................... 52
Exercise:.................................................................................................................................... 52
Profile Tab .................................................................................................................................... 53
4. Order Entry ........................................................................................................... 56
Searching For a Product ............................................................................................................. 56
Product Mnemonics................................................................................................................ 56
Product Search......................................................................................................................... 57
Order Types.................................................................................................................................. 59
Medication................................................................................................................................ 59
Reviewing Order Details........................................................................................................... 61
Order Alerts ............................................................................................................................. 71
Clinical Screening/Interactions ............................................................................................. 72
Completing the Order ............................................................................................................ 75
Helpful Hints................................................................................................................................ 76
Submitting Orders................................................................................................................... 76
Order Requirements ............................................................................................................... 76
Practice Scenario - Medication Order ....................................................................................... 77
Intermittent Orders ..................................................................................................................... 82
Intermittent and Continuous Screen Elements................................................................... 82
Intermittent IV Order............................................................................................................. 83
Dose Range Checking....................................................................................................................... 85
Clinical Interventions Form ....................................................................................................... 86
Practice Scenario - Intermittent Orders.................................................................................... 89
Continuous Orders ...................................................................................................................... 90
Continuous IV Order ............................................................................................................. 91
Practice Scenario - Continuous Orders..................................................................................... 93
Alternating IV Orders ................................................................................................................. 95
Practice Scenario - Alternating IV Orders................................................................................ 97
Special Orders .............................................................................................................................. 98
Template Non-Formulary Products (Type Orders) ........................................................... 98
Exercise:.................................................................................................................................... 99
Manual Product Select .......................................................................................................... 100
Practice Scenario – Manual Product Select. ........................................................................... 102
Profile Actions List.................................................................................................................... 105

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Page 4 of 195
Executing a Profile Action....................................................................................................106 Notes
Cancel Profile Action ............................................................................................................107
Cancel Profile Action ............................................................................................................107
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................108
Void Profile Action................................................................................................................109
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................110
Discontinue Profile Action...................................................................................................111
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................113
Copy Profile Action...............................................................................................................114
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................116
History Profile Action ...........................................................................................................117
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................120
Inquire Profile Action ...........................................................................................................121
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................122
Label Profile Action...............................................................................................................123
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................125
Modify Profile Action ...........................................................................................................126
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................127
Pass Profile Action ................................................................................................................128
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................129
Renew Profile Action ............................................................................................................130
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................133
Reschedule Profile Action ....................................................................................................134
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................135
Suspended Profile Action .....................................................................................................136
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................137
Resume Profile Action ..........................................................................................................138
Exercise: ..................................................................................................................................139
5. Summary Scenarios .............................................................................................140
Scenario One: .........................................................................................................................140
Scenario Two:.........................................................................................................................142
Scenario Three:.......................................................................................................................144
Scenario Four: ........................................................................................................................145
Placing an Order Set ..................................................................................................................146
6. Pharmacy Batch Reports (MAR, SOR, PMP) ....................................................149
Completing the Report Criteria ................................................................................................150
MAR Requirements ...............................................................................................................150
SOR Requirements ................................................................................................................151
PMP Requirements................................................................................................................152

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Page 5 of 195
Notes Printing Report by Nursing Station......................................................................................... 153
Printing a Report by Patient ..................................................................................................... 155
Practice Scenario - Printing the MAR ..................................................................................... 156
7. Pharmacy Fill Batch Run ................................................................................... 157
Toolbar Elements.................................................................................................................. 158
Generating a Fill Batch ............................................................................................................. 159
Practice Scenario - Generating the Fill Batch ........................................................................ 163
Reprinting Fills ........................................................................................................................... 165
Practice Scenario - Running a Reprint .................................................................................... 170
8. PharmNet Charge Credit.................................................................................... 172
Select a Patient ........................................................................................................................... 173
Select an Order by Medication Barcode ................................................................................. 174
Charge Doses for a Pharmacy Order ...................................................................................... 175
Charge All Orders and Associated Doses .............................................................................. 178
Charging for Non-Profile Orders............................................................................................ 179
Credit Doses for a Pharmacy Order........................................................................................ 181
Credit All Orders and Associated Doses................................................................................ 183
Credit a Pharmacy Order Using a Scanning Device ............................................................. 184
Practice Scenario - Charge Dose.............................................................................................. 185
Practice Scenario - Credit Dose ............................................................................................... 185
9. Appendix ............................................................................................................. 186
Exceptions To The Product Mnemonic Rule ................................................................... 186
Order Alerts ........................................................................................................................... 189
Dispense Categories.............................................................................................................. 192
Frequencies ............................................................................................................................ 193
Locations: ............................................................................................................................... 195

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Page 6 of 195
This PharmNet® User Guide is used to prepare pharmacy system users to use
applications from Cerner Corporation in daily work activities. The User Guide
contains general PharmNet information as well as information specific to your
organization. Use the PharmNet User Guide during training to become familiar
with the PharmNet applications and keep it handy for reference when working on
the PharmNet system.
Your organization and site will outline specific policies for the use of the
PharmNet system. If you are uncertain about how to use PharmNet applications
in accordance with hospital policy, contact your supervisor or a super user.
This PharmNet User Guide contains activities designed to give hands-on
experience with the PharmNet software. Be sure to complete each activity in
accordance with the instructions given during class.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, class participants are able to perform the following

• Log in to PharmNet.

• Add patient demographic information.

• Add a patient note.

• Add an allergy.

• Enter orders in PharmNet - Medication Order, Intermittent Order,

Continuous Order, Order Set, IV Set, and Template Non-Formulary

• Perform Order Profile actions – Cancel, Copy, Discontinue, History,

Inquiry, Label, Modify, Pass, Renew, Reschedule, Resume, Suspend ,
and Void.

• View Results.

• Run a batch report.

• Charge/Credit a dose.

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Page 7 of 195
Information Security and Confidentiality
When dealing with computerized healthcare records, specific confidentiality and
security issues must be followed to protect the patient. Also, there are increasing
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Joint
Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
regulations that dictate how these records are handled.
1. Never reveal your password. You are held responsible for all actions
completed under your log-in.
2. The system keeps an audit trail, or record, of who enters each chart and
when. It records who read the chart and who recorded each piece of
information in the chart.
3. Not every employee is allowed to see or perform every activity on the
4. Do not leave the computer while logged on.
5. Do not access any charts that do not apply to your current job.
6. Signing into the electronic chart is legally equal to your signature.

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Page 8 of 195
1. Signing on to the PharmNet

Finding PharmNet Applications

Included below are the steps to launch the AppBar

1. Locate the appbar.exe icon .

2. Double-click to select and open the AppBar application.
3. The Log-On window is displayed with the cursor in the User Name box.

4. Enter or select the training user name that has been assigned to you.
5. Enter your training password in the Password box.
6. Enter or select the domain you were instructed to use for this training
session. This identifies the HNA Millennium® network you are accessing
during the training period.
7. Click OK, or Press ENTER.
Note: After you log on once to a specific machine, the cursor is displayed in
the Password box. If multiple users share a machine, you can need
to re-enter your user name.

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Page 9 of 195
Exiting an Application
To close an application, select Exit from the Task menu, or click the X in the
upper-right corner of the main application window.

Selecting Exit From the Task Menu

The Task menu is located in the top left corner of the application. Click Task to
expose the Task Menu Options.

Click Exit to shut down Medication Manager and exit the application.

X in the Upper Right Corner

Three buttons display in the top right corner of the application. Press the X
button to shut down Medication Manager and exit the application.

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Page 10 of 195
2. PharmNet Medication Manager
Use PharmNet Medication Manager to enter new medication orders. Medication
Manager helps you with the basic tasks of viewing all orders, identifying a
patient, selecting pharmacy products, and entering, reviewing, and modifying
orders. You can also access a dynamic store of demographic, clinical, and
therapeutic information about a patient. This makes it easy to check a patient’s
health status and implement an individualized drug therapy.
To access Medication Manager, complete the following steps:

1. From the AppBar, Select Medication Manager .

2. Enter your training user name and password.
3. Verify that the domain is correct. If not, enter the correct domain in the
Domain box.
Note: Your trainer provides you with the domain.
4. Click OK or press ENTER to display the Medication Manager window. This
is the main application window.

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Page 11 of 195
Toolbar Elements
The Medication Manager toolbar contains the following elements:
Button Description
Change Patient. Allows you to select a new patient

Demographics. Displays the Demographics dialog box

that allows you to enter demographic information for a
What’s This? Help. Offers helpful information when
Launch PowerChart. Allows you to launch the
PowerChart® application
Slide Bar Options. Displays the Bars context menu that
lets you resize or change the order of the Demographics,
Allergies, and Medications bars; user customization
features are still being developed
Spreadsheet Options. Displays the Spreadsheet context
menu that lets you establish user preferences for working
with a spreadsheet; user customization features are still
being developed

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Page 12 of 195
Options Menu
The Options menu has allows you to customize the “view” which displays
unverified orders.

Sort By

The Sort tab allows you to specify how orders are sorted within the Unverified
Orders Monitor tab. Example criteria include (but are not limited to): Name, Start
Date/Time, Communication Type, Order Sentence, etc.

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Page 13 of 195
Notes Columns

The Columns tab allows you to specify the columns displayed on the Unverified
Orders Monitor tab, as well as the order in which they appear. Check/Uncheck items
to add or remove them from the monitor, select a column and use the Up/Down
arrows to change the column position.


The Filters combo box allows selection of specific criteria for viewing in the
Unverified Orders Monitor spreadsheet.

User Preferences

User Preferences are used to define preferences for colors, location display,
refresh time interval and time ranges. The troubleshooting preference should only
be used by support personnel.

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Page 14 of 195
Location Display
The location display allows the selection of data elements to be displayed in the
location column of the Unverified Orders Monitor spreadsheet; Facility,
Building, Nurse Unit, Room and Bed.

Refresh Time

The Refresh Time defines how often the Unverified Orders Monitor spreadsheet
will automatically refresh.

Time Ranges
The Time Range sets the windows of time for the three tiers displayed in the status
monitor tool bar. The time tiers are also used to determine the color coding of the orders

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Page 15 of 195
Selecting a Patient
When selecting a patient, you can use a portion of the patient’s name to begin a
search. When you open the application, the cursor is set in the Enter Search
method box of the Medication Manager window. The default search method, to
search by a patient’s name, is indicated by the prompt, Enter a Patient Name.

Complete the following steps to select a patient by name:

1. Enter the name—last name followed by first name, separated by a comma.
You can enter a full or partial name.
Note: When entering a partial name for search purposes, you can use an
asterisk (*) to represent unknown or unspecified characters at the
beginning or in the middle of the name.
2. If the system finds a unique match, the patient’s clinical summary
information is displayed in the Clinical Summary window list. Information
about the patient is displayed under each of the bars: Demographics, Patient
Note, Reason for Visit, Allergies, and Medications.
Initially, you are prompted to Enter a Patient Name. You can also search for a
patient’s orders by Visit Number or medical record number. Decide which
method to use.

The icon displayed in the Select a Patient focus changes based on the search
method selected. The following icons are used:

Person Name


MRN (Medical Record Number)

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Page 16 of 195
Searching For a Patient Using Visit Number
If multiple matches or no matches are found when you enter a patient name, visit
number, or MRN, in the Enter Search method box, the Encounter Search dialog
box opens, allowing you to define your search further.
To locate a patient, complete the following steps:
1. If multiple patient matches are found, select the appropriate patient by
clicking the patient record with the mouse or use the UP ARROW and
DOWN ARROW keys to navigate to the patient record.
2. The lower section of the Encounter Search dialog box displays all encounters
for the patient selected. If multiple encounters are displayed, the active
encounter is displayed first. Select the encounter for which an order or
clinical summary information is entered by highlighting it, or use the UP
ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to navigate to the correct encounter.

List of


3. If multiple patient matches are not found, enter the first few letters of the
patient’s last name in the Name box. To further narrow the search, enter the
patient’s full name—last name followed by first name, separated by a

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Page 17 of 195
4. You can narrow your search even further by entering information in any of
the remaining boxes of the Encounter Search dialog box. It is not necessary
to enter information in all of the boxes. The default filters described below
are displayed, if no custom filters have been defined. For more information
on how to use custom filters, see online help for Encounter Search.

Element Description
Name box Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name
(and the patient’s full name, if you want to narrow
your search).
MRN box Enter the patient’s MRN.
SSN box Enter the patient’s social security number.
Birth Date spin box Enter the patient’s date of birth in
MM/DD/YYYY format (or select the appropriate
date using the calendar).
Gender list Select the patient’s gender.
Visit Number box Enter the patient’s visit number
Location list Select the patient’s location

5. Select the correct patient from the list of patient records.

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Page 18 of 195
6. If multiple encounters are displayed, the most recent encounter is displayed Notes
first. Review the encounter type the Enc Type column and the discharge date
in the Disch Date column. Select the encounter you want to view.
7. Click OK or press ENTER. The patient’s clinical summary information is
displayed in the Medication Manager window.


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Page 19 of 195
Patient Banner
The Patient Banner at the top of Medication Manager is populated with
information specific to the patient that has been selected.

The information available in the Patient Banner includes:

Patient Name
The patient's name and an icon that indicates a lock
on the patient data
MRN Medical Record Number
Visit Number Visit Number
Age The age of the patient
Race The patient's race
Gender The patient's gender
Admitted The date the patient was admitted to the hospital
Location The location (room and bed) where the patient has been
admitted in the hospital
Physician The admitting physician

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Page 20 of 195
Search for New Patient (Change Patient)
After completing work for a patient, the Submit button in the lower right corner
of Medication Manager must be clicked to save the changes.
To switch to a new patient, do the following:

• Press the Change Patient Button on the Medication Manager toolbar.

If there is work to be saved for the patient, a message warns of the potential for
losing data and check for preferred action.

Pressing YES results in losing all work, including all orders in process for the
patient during the session.

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Page 21 of 195
Patient Lock
When a patient has been selected and is visible in Medication Manager, the
system has acquired a lock on the patient’s data. The closed lock icon is
displayed next to the patient name to indicate that the user has sole access to this
patient’s data. The lock prevents other users from accessing and updating the
patient record while it is in use by another user.
If the selected patient’s is in use by another user, a message is displayed to
indicate that the patient’s record is locked.

The length of time that a user can hold a lock on a patient's data is established by
your facility. The amount of time remaining on the lock is displayed in the
Patient Locked dialog box. Press the exclamation point button to update the
time remaining.

Note: At this time, only managers have the ability to change the patient
lock status. If you encounter a situation where a patient lock needs
to be broken, please see your manager.

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Page 22 of 195
It is possible to view the patient's data without disturbing the user who has a lock Notes
on the patient's data. Press the Inquire button to view the data in read
only mode. When viewing the patient's data in view only mode, the icon next to
the patient's name indicates that the user does not have a lock on the patient's

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Page 23 of 195
Practice Scenario - Searching for a Patient
In this scenario, you learn how to log in to the Cerner Application Toolbar
(Appbar) and PharmNet. The Appbar enables quick and easy access to
PharmNet applications. You then search for your specific training patient.

1. On the desktop, double-click the Appbar icon. At the Cerner

Millennium® log-in box, type your user name in the User Name box.

3. Tab to the Password box and type your assigned training password.
4. Click OK.

5. Click the App Bar button. .

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Page 24 of 195
6. Your role specific AppBar displays. (During training, your view may be
different than when the system goes live.)

7. Icons that may appear on your AppBar, depending on your job role,

• Batch Dispensing

• Batch Report

• Charge/Credit Entry

• Medication Manager

8. Click the Medication Manager icon.

9. The Medication Manager displays.

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Page 25 of 195
Notes To select a patient, you can search by a patient’s name, visit number, or

Patient, Visit
(FIN), or MRN

1. If you know patient’s name, type it in the Name box (last name, first). In
this scenario, use your specific training patient.

Note: If you receive multiple name matches when doing a patient search,
you must use the MRN to further narrow your search.

2. Press the Enter key. The Search box displays.

Note: You can also click in the Name box and press the Enter key. The
Search box displays with no patients listed.

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Page 26 of 195

Note: If a patient does not display in the Search box, enter the patient
name in the Name field (last name first). Enter additional search
information if available (MRN, Gender, Birth Date, and SSN).

List of


Note: Multiple patients can display. Review the patient’s encounter to

ensure you select the correct encounter.
3. Select the correct patient and patient encounter.
4. Click OK.
5. You have successfully opened the patient’s chart when the patient’s
name displays in the Name box.

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Page 27 of 195
Notes 6. Now, press the Change Patient Button on the Medication Manager
7. Search for a patient with the last name Viewonly.
8. Select any patient with that last name and an encounter.
9. Click OK.
10. If you receive a Patient Lock Notice, click Close and try a different
patient with the last name Viewonly.
11. View the patient’s information.
12. Close the patient’s chart.

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Page 28 of 195
3. Clinical Summary Information

Displaying a Patient’s Clinical Summary

The Clinical Summary window provides additional information about a patient.
The information in the clinical summary can be entered by the Pharmacy staff.
You can add, view, or modify patient demographics, allergies, and adverse
effects, You can also add and view patient notes.


If clinical summary information is not displayed on the left side of the PharmNet
Medication Manager window, click the Bars Options button on the toolbar
to display the Bars context menu. Select the Size To Contents option. Clinical
summary information is displayed in the Demographics bar, Patient Notes bar,
Reason for Visit bar, Allergies bar, and Medications bar.
If information is listed under a bar, the number of items is displayed in
parentheses in its title. Click the bar to expand or contract the list. To view a
long entry, position the cursor over it. A dialog box displays the complete entry.

Note: The Medications list provides an overview of active items only. For
more detail, you can review the patient’s orders profile in the Profile

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Page 29 of 195
1. In PharmNet Medication Manager, with your assigned patient selected,
display clinical summary information in the Clinical Summary window.
2. Review the list of items under each bar.
3. Review each item.

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Page 30 of 195
Demographic Details
Demographic information can be entered by the pharmacy staff. Viewing,
Adding, and Modifying (or Updating) Demographic information is all done in the
Demographic details dialog box. Click any of the information under the
Demographics bar or click the Demographics button on the toolbar to display
the Demographics dialog box.

Viewing Demographic Details

1. If Height, Weight, and Creatinine values have previously been entered, the
most recent demographic details are displayed in the Demographics dialog
box. To view historical data, see the Results flowsheet.
2. Note the patient’s age and gender. Under Measurements, review the
patient’s height, weight, and creatinine level. Under Calculations, review the
patients body surface area (BSA), ideal body weight (IBW), and creatinine
clearance (CrCl). Review the calculation method used to determine each
result. Calculation methods are based on age, gender, height, and weight
information. (Note the result date and time for the demographic
3. To exit the Demographics dialog box without updating Demographic data,
click CANCEL. The Demographic dialog box closes, ignoring any changes
that have been made.

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Page 31 of 195
Adding and Modifying Demographic Information
When new Demographic information about a patient’s height and weight level is
available, the Demographics dialog box lets you enter or update that information.
BSA, IBW, and estimated creatinine clearance (CRCl) are calculated from these
values. Complete the following steps within the Demographics dialog box to add
or modify demographic information:
1. Under Measurements, enter the patient’s height in the Height box and make a
selection from the adjacent list to define how height is measured. Then, enter
the patient’s weigh, and select the preferred measurement method for each.

2. Under Calculations, review the default calculation method and result for
BSA, IBW, and CrCl. The result and calculation method displayed are based
on defaults defined for the patient’s age, gender, height, and weight.
3. Click Submit to save the data and close the Demographic dialog box. The
new demographic information is displayed under the Demographics bar of
the Pharmacy Medication Manager window.

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Page 32 of 195
1. In PharmNet Medication Manager, select your specific training patient.
Review clinical summary information in the Clinical Summary window.
2. Access the Demographics dialog box to view the patient’s BSA, IBW, and
CrCl results.
3. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected and the Clinical Summary window displayed, modify the existing
demographic information for the patient by changing the patient’s height and
4. Review each item under the Demographics bar in the Clinical Summary.

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Page 33 of 195
Working with Allergy Information
Overview of Allergy
Use Allergy List to review all recorded allergies for a patient. The allergies
listed were set up at your site using a common nomenclature. This allows you to
work with codified allergies using standardized names. By default, the allergies
are listed alphabetically by substance. To sort by any column, click the column
heading. Allergy List is used to add, modify, and view allergies. You also can
add comments to an existing allergy in the list. Codification allows for
documentation and interaction notification, such as in the case or drug-allergy

Opening Allergy List

Under the Allergies bar, click Click here to add a new allergy… or click
any existing allergy or the white space under the allergy bar.

Note: If there is no visible white space under the allergy bar, click the
allergy bar to display the Click here to add a new allergy…

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Viewing an Allergy
Complete the following steps to view an allergy in Allergy Profile:
1. Select an allergy from the list of allergies.
2. Right-click the selection, then select View [allergy]. The View Allergy
dialog box opens.

3. Confirm that the name of the allergy you are modifying is displayed in the
Substance box. Since you are viewing and not modifying the allergy, all
fields and buttons are inactive and cannot be changed.
4. Review the displayed information.
5. Click Cancel.

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Page 35 of 195
Adding an Allergy
Complete the following steps to add an allergy to Allergy Profile:
1. Right-click in the Allergy Profile.
2. Select one of the following commands:
• Add New Drug Allergy...
• Add New Drug Side-Effect…
• Add New Other…

3. The New Allergy dialog box opens. Select a substance from your My
Favorites list of allergies, or use the Search tab.

4. Confirm that the name of the allergy you are adding is displayed in the
Substance box and that the reaction date is correct in the Date of Reaction

5. If the free-text box is not selected, click the ellipsis button on the right of
the box to select a codified allergen. If the free-text box is selected, you can
type a free-text entry. This entry is not codified.

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6. Select a reaction type.

7. Select signs and symptoms. Use the search panel on the left to locate coded
reaction symptoms from ICD-9 (International Classification of Disease)
databases or enter a free-text description of the reaction symptoms.

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Page 37 of 195
Notes 8. Select status, onset, severity, source, and so forth by entering data into the
boxes or selecting from the lists.

9. Add comments. Click Add Comment to add your comments. Comments are
displayed in the Comments box.
10. Click OK. The new allergy is added to the list.

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Page 38 of 195
Modifying an Allergy
Complete the following steps to modify an allergy in Allergy List:
1. Select an allergy from the list of allergies.
2. Right-click the selection, then select Modify [allergy].

3. The Modify Allergy dialog box opens. Confirm that the name of the allergy
you are modifying is displayed in the Substance box.
4. Make your changes to the displayed information. For information about the
Allergy dialog box, click here.

5. Click OK.
Note: The changes you made take effect immediately. The modification
time shows up in the history along with the date.

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Adding a Comment to an Allergy
Complete the following steps to add a comment to an allergy in Allergy List:
1. Select an allergy from the list of allergies.
2. Right-click the selection, select Modify [allergy]. The Modify dialog box
3. Enter your comments in the Comments group box, toward the bottom of the
dialog box.

4. Click OK. If an allergy has a comment attached to it, you see a paperclip
icon in the Comments column.
5. To view the allergy comments from most recent first, select Chronological.
To view the oldest notes first, select Reverse chronological.

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Sorting Allergies
Allergies are sorted alphabetically by substance in Allergy List. To change the
sort order, click the column heading by which you want to sort. Clicking a
column heading and the listed allergies for that patient sorts the information in
that column in alphabetic order.

Using the Favorites Folder in Allergy List

Use your Favorites folder to hold your most commonly-used allergies. The same
Favorites folder is used to add allergy substances and allergy reactions. You can
make only one selection at a time when adding from Favorites.
To add a favorite to your folder:
1. Right click on allergy profile.
2. Select one of the following commands:
• Add new drug allergy.
• Add new drug side effect.
3. The New Allergy box opens.
4. Use the Search tab to search for a drug name.
5. Highlight the drug.
6. Right click on the drug and click Add to Favorites.
7. Use the same process for Adding a New Side Effect

Setting Preferences for Allergy List

There are two methods of setting Allergy Profile preferences.
1. Select Allergy from the menu bar, then Preferences. The Preferences dialog
box opens. Set your preferences. Click OK.
2. Set preferences in Allergy Profile by manually setting preferences right in the
profile, as you want the profile displayed. Then save those preferences, as
they as set, by selecting Allergy from the menu bar, then Save Preferences.

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Page 41 of 195
Practice Scenario - Adding an Allergy
The Allergies bar displays information on allergies or adverse effects from which
a patient suffers. From this bar, you can access the New/Modify Allergy dialog
box that allows you to enter, view, or modify allergy details.

Policy: Nursing provides height/weight to the Pharmacy. If height/weight

is not received, call the nurse to receive the appropriate information.

1. Click the Allergies bar.

Free-text entry


2. Click in the allergies area. The Allergy window displays.

3. Click the Allergy link. Select Add New and Drug Allergy from the
menu options.

4. The New Allergy window displays.

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Page 42 of 195

5. Type penicillin, or at least three letters of the allergy name, in the Search
6. Click Search.

7. Locate the allergy.

8. Double-click the allergy. The allergy displays in the allergy substance
box. In this scenario, select the generic penicillin.

Note: There can be a list of the same allergy name that displays. Look to
the Code column to choose the desired allergy.

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Page 43 of 195

9. Verify the Category in the Substance section.

10. Type the reaction symptom in the Search box or select Add Freetext.

Note: If you choose to free text an allergy, the Multum® database does not
check the entered allergy. Only searched allergies are checked in the
Multum database.

Note: The search option is now changed from Substance to Reaction.

11. Click Search.

12. Locate the reaction symptom.

13. Double-click the general Rash reaction symptom.

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14. Complete additional information as appropriate, such as onset and info Notes

Note: Click Add Comment to add any comments to the allergy.

15. Click Apply.

16. Click OK.
17. The updated allergy displays in the Allergy Profile window.

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Modifying an Allergy

1. With the Allergy Profile window open, right-click the penicillin allergy
and select Modify.

2. The Allergy details window displays.

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3. Modify the allergy Severity and Onset information.

4. Click OK.

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Page 47 of 195
Working with Patient Note Details
Viewing Patient Notes
1. Click anywhere under the Patient Notes bar to display previously entered
information about the patient.

2. After you review the patient's notes, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

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Adding Patient Notes
1. Click anywhere under the Patient Notes bar to bring up the dialog box.
2. Enter the notes you want to add in the Additional New Text box.
3. Click OK. The note includes a date and time stamp as well as the user who
entered the note.

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Practice Scenario - Adding a Patient Note
The Patient Note bar lets you access detailed notes about a patient’s condition,
medical treatment, or drug therapy. From this bar, you can open the Patient Note
window that allows you to enter and view patient notes.
1. With your test patient open, click the Patient Note bar.

2. Click in the Patient Note area. The Patient Note box displays.

3. Click in the Additional new text box.

4. Enter a patient note (for example, patient unable to swallow pills).
5. Click OK.
6. The updated patient note displays in the Patient Note area. (Click the
blue plus sign to view or edit the patient note.)

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Viewing Reason for Visit
Reason for Visit information reflects the admitting diagnosis. A description of
the reason the patient was admitted to the hospital displays under the Reason for
Visit bar in the Clinical Summary.
To view the reason for visit in the Reason for Visit dialog box:
1. Click anywhere under the Reason for Visit bar to bring up the Reason for
Visit dialog box.
Note: If no white space displays below the Reason for Visit bar, click
directly on the Reason for Visit bar to reveal white space. Then click
anywhere under the Reason for Visit bar to access the Reason for
Visit dialog box.

2. Review the Reason for Visit.

3. Click OK.

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Page 51 of 195
Results Tab
Viewing Results
During the patient’s stay at a facility, various clinical results are recorded for the
patient. These results are recorded only from the University of Miami lab; no
other hospital data displays here. They can be viewed in the Results tab of the
Medication Manager window. To view results, complete the following steps:
1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, click the Results tab. Results
for the patient are displayed, including information entered in the
Demographics dialog box.
2. By default, the Flowsheet list displays All Results Flowsheet, and the View
Level list displays All Result Sections. The Navigator check box for each
result type is selected to display all result information for a patient across the
continuum of care. Change the display by selecting or deselecting any of the
Navigator check boxes. You can scroll through the Information bar to view
the result dates.

Use the arrows at each end of the clinical range bar to adjust the beginning and
ending dates for the event window.

1. In PharmNet Pharmacy Medication Manager, with your assigned patient
selected, access the Results tab.
2. Check that the patient’s BSA, height, and weight results were recorded.

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Page 52 of 195
Profile Tab
This tab is seen whenever a patient's information is loaded into Medication
Manger. Use the Profile tab of the PharmNet Medication Manager window to
view, or make changes to an existing order. Depending on the order’s status,
various profile actions are available. You can perform these actions by clicking
the Action cell for an order and selecting an action. The available options
include Cancel, Copy, Discontinue, History, Inquire, Label, Modify, Pass,
Renew, Resume, Suspend, and Void.
The Profile Tab contains several screen elements that are of interest during order
entry and modification.

Buttons Enter search string to find a drug.

Apply Execute the currently selected action(s).
Cancel Button Cancel all work that has been performed for the patient in
the current session.
Submit Button Save all work that has been performed for the patient in the
current session.

When the patient's information displays in the Medication Manager Order Entry
screen, select the patient's Profile tab to view the Profile spreadsheet. The Profile
tab is a spreadsheet view of the patient's medication profile. The Profile
spreadsheet has ten columns.

The columns, some with titles and some without titles, are:

Profile Actions (A)-

Select Profile Actions to be applied to the order in this column.

Status (Status)-
The current status of the order displays in this column. Valid statuses include
Active, Canceled, Discontinued, Suspended, Voided, and Voided with Results.

Indicator 1 (No Title)-

Two left arrow symbols (<<) display in this column to indicate that updates have
been performed on the order and the Submit button must be clicked to save the

Indicator 2 (No Title)-

An asterisk (*) displays in this column to indicate an unverified order. An
exclamation point (!) displays if the order has been Rejected.

Indicator 3 (No Title)-

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Notes A plus sign (+) displays to indicate a multiple ingredient order. Multiple
ingredient orders can be viewed on multiple lines by double-clicking the plus
sign. A minus sign (-) indicates a multiple ingredient order is being displayed
across multiple lines. Double-click the minus sign to collapse the order to a
single line.

Order Sentence (Order Sentence)-

The order details display in this column.

Start Date and Time (Start)-

The start date and time display in this column.

Stop Date and Time (Stop)-

The stop date and time display in this column. The stop date can display with a
letter in parenthesis following it. The letters are Stop Type indicators. Possible
Stop Type indicators are (p) for physician stop, (s) for soft stop, and (h) for hard
stop. The absence of a letter following the stop time indicates no stop type has
been selected.

Comments (No Title)-

An icon displays to indicate order alerts are associated with this order.

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Order Type –
The order type (Med, INT, Cont) is displayed.
You can sort information by clicking on the heading for each column. For
example, if you want to view the entire spreadsheet by Start Date and Time, click
the column header Start. The data automatically sorts according to Start Date
and Time.
In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, complete the following steps to
work with orders in the Profile tab:
1. With a patient selected, click the Profile tab or press ALT+P to display a list
of orders in the Profile spreadsheet.


2. Select the order with which you want wish to work.

3. In the Action column, enter the first letter for an action (for example, enter I
for the Inquire option), or click the cell and make a selection from the list of

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Page 55 of 195
4. Order Entry
A pharmacist can enter pharmacy orders in Medication Manager. Only orders
placed by a pharmacist are considered verified orders.

Searching For a Product

Product Mnemonics
Medication Manager uses Product Mnemonic search for quickest identification
of the product to be ordered. The product mnemonics can be constructed based
on the following example:

• The first FIVE letters of the generic name

• The strength of the product
• A TWO letter suffix indicating the dosage form. You can use the
following suffix letters:

IN Injection, IV syringe
LI Liquid
OI Ointment
PA Patch
SU Suppository
TA Tablet
SO Solution (includes irrigations, some injections, and
DE Device
CA Capsule
LO Lotion
EC Enteric coated
EL Elixir
CH Chewable

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Product Search Notes
If multiple matches or no matches are found when you enter a pharmacy product
name in the Drug box, the Product Selection window opens.

Complete the following steps to search for and select a product using the Product
Selection window:
1. The information you entered in the Drug box of the Order Entry tab launches
the initial search. You can change your search criteria by entering a portion
of the product’s brand name, generic name, or mnemonic in the Product
Name box and clicking Search or pressing ALT+S.
• If no synonym match is found, the message No matches found is
displayed. At this point, you can delete the entry. In the Product
Name box, enter a new pharmacy product to begin a new search.
• If multiple synonym matches are found, the matching products are
displayed alphabetically in the spreadsheet. There can be multiple
listings linked to the same pharmacy product. Choosing any one of
the multiple listings accesses the same product.

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2. Select the appropriate product by clicking its row to highlight it or by using

the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to navigate to it.

In the Product Selection window, use the icons to identify pharmacy products:

Drug products are indicated by a pill bottle and tablet icon.

Order sets are indicated by two capsules and one tablet icon.

IV sets are indicated by a minibag icon.

Click OK, press enter, or double-click the row to select the highlighted product.
The Product Selection window closes, and the New Order dialog box is displayed
with information about your selection.

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Page 58 of 195
Order Types
In Medication Manager, all orders are assigned one of three Order Types. Order
types are categories used to classify pharmacy products on the basis of how they
are ordered—specifically, on the basis of a set of attributes that varies from one
order type to the next. The three order types available in the PharmNet system

Medication Orders consists of products other than small volume or large volume
parenterals, which are administered at a discrete moment in time, whether
administered one time or at regular intervals. Examples of medication orders
include tablets and capsules, oral medications, suppositories, and unit dose
injectable medications.
When you order a pharmacy product as a medication order, the New Med Order
dialog box is displayed.

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Notes New Med Order Example

This is an example of a new Med Type order. Before the order can be accepted,
the default order details must be reviewed. After reviewing the new order, the
pharmacist can then accept it. Press the OK button to accept the order with any
changes. Click the Cancel button to postpone working on the order.

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Page 60 of 195
Reviewing Order Details
Once the order is displayed in the New Order dialog box, you can review and
modify any of the displayed order details before accepting the order. The boxes,
lists, and buttons of the New Order dialog box allow you to work with order
defaults. You can change default values for any of the following elements:

Dose Column

The Dose column displays the default dose, and allows you to modify an ordered
dose. To modify the Dose of any ingredient, highlight the ingredient in the New
Order box and click the Modify button.


The ingredient displays in the Drug Box and the Dose displays in the Dose

Adjust the Dose as desired and click the Update button.

The updated Dose displays in the ingredient list.

Route List

The Route List displays default route of administration information, and allows
you to select a value from the Route list or enter a value for route.

Frequency List

The Frequency list displays the frequency of the order. This element is available
for Medication and Intermittent orders only, not for continuous orders.
Continuous orders display bag frequency defaults.

Note: Most frequencies are built as specific times of day that correspond to
standard administration times. Some frequencies, such as Q18H and
Q36H, are built as interval frequencies. Pay careful attention to
start time during order verification.

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Page 61 of 195
Notes Frequency Abbreviations and Descriptions

Abbreviation Description
2AC Two times daily before meals
2PC Two times daily after meals
5X/D Five times per day
After meals After meals
After meals and nightly After meals and nightly
Before meals Before meals
Before meals and nightly Before meals and nightly
Before snacks Before snacks
DAILY Every day
Digoxin Digoxin
Every 10 hours Every 10 hours
Every 12 hours Every 12 hours
Every 18 hours Every 18 hours
Every 2 hours Every 2 hours
Every 23 hours Every 23 hours
Every 24 hours Every 24 hours
Every 3 hours Every 3 hours
Every 36 hours Every 36 hours
Every 4 hours Every 4 hours
Every 48 hours Every 48 hours
Every 6 hours Every 6 hours
Every 72 hours Every 72 hours
Every 8 hours Every 8 hours
Every hour Every 1 hours
Every other day Every other day
Four times daily Four times a day
Insulin Insulin
KVO Keep vein open - 24 hours
MF Monday and Friday
Morning and evening Morning and evening
MTh Monday and Thursday
Mtu Monday and Tuesday
MTuWTh Monday thru Thursday
MTuWThF Monday thru Friday
MW Monday and Wednesday
MWF Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Nightly Every day at bedtime
ONCE One time
Qshift Every Shift
SaSu Saturday and Sunday
Sliding Scale Sliding Scale
Three times daily Three times a day
TuF Tuesday and Friday
TuSa Tuesday and Saturday
TuTh Tuesday and Thursday
TuThSa Tuesday, Thursday, Sat
Twice daily Twice a day
Warfarin Warfarin
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With meals With meals Notes
Every 5 minutes Every 5 minutes

Custom button

The Custom button opens the Custom Frequency dialog box. Use the Custom
Frequency dialog box to change the administration times for your order, without
affecting the default frequency or any other orders.
To change the administration times for an order, complete the following steps in
the New Order dialog box:

Note: Only frequencies with specific administration times, Time of Day

frequencies, can be changed. You cannot change interval,
unscheduled, or one time only frequencies.
1. After selecting a frequency for an order in the Frequency list, click the
Custom button. The Custom Frequency dialog box is displayed.

2. Review the standard administration times, and enter any changes in the
Times spin boxes, by entering the desired administration times or clicking
the spin boxes.
Note: The time 00:00 is equivalent to 24:00 or midnight.
3. Click OK, press ALT+O, or press ENTER to close the dialog box and return
to the New Order dialog box. An asterisk (*) next to the frequency name
denotes the changed administration times.

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Page 63 of 195
Notes PRN Doses check box

The PRN Doses check box indicates that the order is PRN. The default par dose
for the medication is displayed in the PRN Doses box.

PRN Doses box

The PRN Doses box allows you to enter the number of doses for a 24-hour
supply when the product is ordered PRN. This field is available only for PRN
orders. The Par Dose values can be defined at the product and frequency levels,
with the product default taking priority. You can override the Par Dose default by
entering another value in the box.

Physician box
The Physician box displays the name of the physician responsible for the order
and is automatically defaulted by the system. To enter or modify this
information, enter the full or partial name of the physician, last name, followed
by a comma, and then first name. To open the Provider Selection window that
allows you to search for the ordering physician, click the Lookup button.

For information on how to use the Provider Selection window, see online help for
Medication Manager.

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Page 64 of 195
Duration box and list

The duration box and list displays the default duration of the order.

Start Date and Time spin boxes

The Start Date and Time spin boxes display the order start date and time.

Stop Date and Time spin boxes

The Stop Date and Time spin boxes display a stop date and time if a duration has
been specified.

Stop Type list

Available options are Hard, No, Physician, and Soft. Orders with a Hard Stop
and Physician Stop are not included on the MAR (medication administration
record) report or fill lists after the hard stop date and time has passed. A soft stop
order still qualifies for the MAR and the fill lists and maintains an active status
through the soft stop date and time. It also qualifies for the stop order report
once the soft stop date and time are reached. No Stop is used for open ended

Notes boxes

The two note boxes contain default notes such as Shake well or Refrigerate. The
notes boxes also accept free text and expand shortcut text into phrases as defined
by the institution.

Dosage Form

The Dosage Form List box displays the dosage form

associated with the order.

Communication Type

The Communication Type List Box displays the format

that the last user used to electronically place the order.
Valid Communication Types are Verbal, Written, Fax,
Phone, or ESI (External System Inbound) Default.

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Page 65 of 195
Notes Dispense Category List

The Dispense Category List Box displays the default dispense category for the
pharmacy product. The order type (med, continuous, or intermittent) determines
which dispense categories are available. Dispense Categories determine
workload, charging, and dispensing quantity
calculations. The patient’s location and dispense
category combination drive the dispensing process.

Click the Dispense Category goggles to view details for the selected
Dispense Category.

The Dispense Category groups similar orders together for Refill Batch
dispensing. Every order must have an assigned Dispense Category. The
following Dispense Categories have been defined by your institution for use with
pharmacy orders.

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Page 66 of 195
Dispense Categories
Order Label
Abbreviation Description Type Format

BULK Bulk Item Medication Med

CADD PUMP CADD Pump Continuous IV

CHEMO CMS LVP Chemotherapy CMS Continuous Continuous Chemo


INTERMIT Chemotherapy CMS Intermittent Intermittent

CHEMO CMS MED Chemotherapy CMS Medication Medication Chemo

PROTECTANT CMS Chemotherapy CMS Protectant Intermittent

PROTECTANT Chemotherapy Protectant Intermittent


SYRINGE Chemotherapy Syringe Intermittent

CHEMO LVP Chemotherapy LVP Continuous Chemo

CHEMO INJECTION Chemotherapy Injection Medication Chemo

CHEMO INTERMIT Chemotherapy Intermittent Intermittent Chemo

CHEMO SYRINGE Chemotherapy Syringe Intermittent Chemo

CHEMO ORAL Chemotherapy Oral Medication Chemo

ENTERAL FEEDING Enteral Formulation Continuous IV

SUPPLEMENT Enteral Supplement Medication

EPIDURAL Epidural Medication Continuous IV

PUMP Implantable Pump Continuous

INJECTION Injection Medication Med

INTRATHECAL Intrathecal Intermittent IV

INVEST ORAL Investigational Oral Medication Med

INVEST INJECTION Investigational Injection Intermittent IV

Investigational Large Volume IV

INVEST LVP Parenteral Continuous

IRRIGATION Irrigation Continuous IV

IV PIGGYBACK IV Piggyback Intermittent IV

LVP Large Volume Parenteral Continuous IV

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Notes MAN CHARGE Manual Charge Medication Med

MINI BAG Mini Bag Intermittent IV

MULTIDOSE INJ Multidose Vial Medication Med

NC CMS LVP Non-Chemo CMS Continuous Continuous IV

NC CMS INTERMIT Non-Chemo CMS Intermittent Intermittent IV

NC CMS MED Non-Chemo CMS Medication Medication Med

PCA INTERMIT PCA Medication Intermittent IV

PCA LVP PCA Large Volume Parenteral Continuous IV

PYXIS Pyxis Medication Med

Syringe IV Syringe Medication Med

Adult Total Parenteral Nutrition IV


Adult Total Parenteral Nutrition IV

TPN-ADULT CYCLIC Cyclic Intermittent

Pediatric Total Parenteral IV

TPN-PEDIATRIC Nutrition Continuous

UNIT DOSE unit dose Medication Med

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Page 68 of 195
Dispense From Location List
The Dispense From Location List Box displays the default location from which
to dispense the order, that is, the main pharmacy or a satellite pharmacy. If the
dispensing location is floor stock or the supply is the
patient’s own, the Dispense From Location must be defined
as the nursing station.

Initial Doses Box

The Initial Doses Box displays the default number of initial doses, which is
calculated by the PharmNet system based on current time, frequency, start date
and time, and the last fill batch run for the dispense category and location.
The system calculates initial doses automatically when
the Auto calculate initial doses check box is checked
. (See the lower left corner of the
verification screen.) If the number of initial doses is
changed from the system calculated value, the Auto
calculate initial doses box is automatically unchecked.
Rechecking it causes the system to recalculate the
initial doses.

Click the Initial Doses goggles button to display

the Projected Administration Times for the calculated
initial doses.

Initial Quantity Box

The Initial Quantity Box displays the calculated result of Initial Doses multiplied
by Quantity per dose. Note that for controlled substances and Patient's Own
Supply, the initial quantity is zero because nothing is dispensed.

Billing Formula List Box

The Billing Formula List Box displays the order’s default

billing formula.

Click the Billing Formula goggles to view details for the selected Billing

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Page 69 of 195
Notes The Billing dialog box displays information about the billing defaults. This
dialog box contains the following elements:
Element Description
Billing Code Displays the price schedule defined for the formulary
box item. Usually, you do not change the default value.
Description box Displays a description of the price schedule.
Order Price box Displays the calculated price of the product.
Cost Basis box Displays the cost basis for calculating a price, for
example, AWP.
Order Cost box Displays the cost of the order based on price and dose.
Base Cost box Displays the calculated price of the cost basis or
minimum dispensing unit.

Note: The default billing formula must not be changed, except in the case
of non-formulary item. When a non-formulary item is verified, the
billing formula needs to be changed to one of two costs as follows.
Medication orders = $30/dose and Injectable = $110/dose

Order Price Box

The Order Price Box displays the patient charge per dose.

Order Cost Box

The Order Cost Box displays the pharmacy cost per dose.

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Page 70 of 195
Order Alerts
When the appropriate order dialog box displays, it may be accompanied by order
alerts and/or interaction warnings.

This is an example of an Order Alert. Unlimited order alerts can be associated

with a pharmacy product. They display in the same notification window in the
Order Alert 1 and Order Alert 2 boxes. When an Order Alert is encountered,
click OK to close the Order Alert dialog box and take appropriate action..

Note: A complete list of drugs with Order Alerts can be found in the
Appendix of this manual.

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Page 71 of 195
Clinical Screening/Interactions
When the appropriate order dialog box displays, it can be accompanied by order
alerts and/or interaction warnings. The interaction checking process presents four
basic types of alerts when any interactions are detected during Order entry. The
four types are drug-allergy, drug-food, drug-drug, and therapeutic duplication.
Interaction checking occurs during order entry or when an allergy is added to the
patient’s profile. Any alert or combination of alerts that are found are
immediately displayed to the user within the Decision Support: Interaction List
dialog box.
An alert requires that you review the information presented and make a decision.
It may be appropriate to select an override reason and move on. However, it may
also be appropriate to remove the order and document the alert. You must
review the alert in order to make the best decision.

The interaction spreadsheet lists all orders included in interaction warnings. The
orders are identified by the drug name and order details in the Name column.
Status- The status column indicates the current status of the corresponding order
identified in the Name column.
Type- The Type column identifies which type of interaction the order is involved
in. Valid types include Allergy, Drug, Duplicate Therapy, and
Severity- The Severity column indicates the interaction’s level of severity as No
Severity , Minor , Moderate , or Major .
Name- Name indicates the drug name with order details for orders that are
involved in interactions.
Once the form is completed or acknowledged, the user can continue with order

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Note: As an alert is found, all information pertaining to that alert (for example, Notes
alert type, person id, ordering physician, and warning text) is recorded to
the database for future reports.
There are three parts to the alert screen:


• Section 1 lists the interactions with the drug being ordered. Notice the
columns that identify the type (A=Allergy, D=Drug, F=Food, 2=Duplicate
order), severity, and name of the drug interactions.
• Section 2 allows you select an override reason, if appropriate. Override
reason is tracked and is viewed on administrative reports.
• Section 3 provides reference information.
By clicking OK, you accept the order.

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Page 73 of 195
Notes Click OK in within the Decision Support: Interaction List dialog box and the
New Order dialog box displays.

Click OK to Accept the order. The Status of the order remains Active.
Two angle brackets (<<)display in the Action column. Activate the Submit
button to save the information to the database.

Click Cancel to close the New Order dialog box .

If a profile order is being administered to the patient, it qualifies as an order that
can produce a drug-drug, duplicate therapy, or drug-allergy alert. The only order
status that cannot qualify for interactions is Canceled.
If an order on the profile has been discontinued, the order can still qualify to be
used in the interaction screening process depending on the DC Interaction Days

DC Interaction Days - The numeric value indicating how many days a drug
should qualify for interaction checking after it is discontinued.
Alerts are checked against all orders across all encounters.

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Page 74 of 195
Completing the Order
After entering a dose and performing interaction checking, review the defaults
provided by the PharmNet system. In the New Order dialog box, perform the
following steps to complete an order:
1. Accept the default values or enter changes in the remaining boxes and lists of
the New Order dialog box. When you are ready to accept the order, click OK,
press ALT+O, or press ENTER.

Click OK to
accept the order

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Helpful Hints
Here are other important points to know about medication orders within
Medication Manager.

• Submitting Orders

• Order Requirements

Submitting Orders
Be sure to SUBMIT orders frequently to avoid any chance that your work is lost.
All work performed on a patient must be submitted by clicking the SUBMIT
button in the lower right of the Medication Manager window. If you attempt to
switch patients before clicking SUBMIT, the system prompts you to save

Remember, two left arrow symbols (<<) display in this column to indicate that
actions have been performed on the order and the Submit button must be clicked
to save the changes.

Note: Labels print at the time the Submit button is activated. Submitting
all of your work at one time ensures that all of the labels for the
patient print together.

Order Requirements
For each order, Medication Manager must be given enough information to satisfy
the Order Requirements. During order verification if any of the fields that hold
required information are blank, the system highlights that field with a yellow
background to help you locate the boxes where data is expected.

In this example, the Route and Frequency boxes have a bright yellow background
to indicate required data is missing.

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Page 76 of 195
Practice Scenario - Medication Order

1. Open Pharmacy Medication Manager.

2. Locate your specific training patient.
3. Type acetaminophen in the Drug box.


4. Click Add. The product selection window displays.

Note: The Product selection window allows you to further define or filter
your search.
5. Select the acetaminphen 325 mg / 1 Tablet.

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Notes 6. Click OK. The New Medication Order displays.

7. Click Update.

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Page 78 of 195

8. Complete all required fields. (Required fields are yellow.)

9. Review other fields to make sure the defaults are appropriate.
10. Click the Order Comments box to enter appropriate comments.
11. Click OK.

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Page 79 of 195
Notes 12. The Decision Support box displays. This box alerts you that there is an
allergy interaction with the drug you are ordering.


• Section 1 lists the interactions with the drug being ordered. Notice the
columns that identify the type (A=Allergy, D=Drug, F=Food, 2=Duplicate
order), severity, and name of the drug interactions.
• Section 2 has you select an override reason. Override reason is tracked and
is viewed on administrative reports.
• Section 3 provides reference information.
13. Select an override reason and then click OK.

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14. Click OK.

15. The New Med order displays in the Profile window.

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Page 81 of 195
Notes Intermittent Orders
Intermittent Intravenous orders consist of infusions given over shorter periods of
time, whether administered only once or at regular intervals. An example of an
intermittent order is an IV piggyback. The set of attributes required to
distinguish intermittent orders from other order types includes frequency, rate,
infuse over value, and total volume.
When a pharmacy product is ordered as an intermittent order, the New
Intermittent Order dialog box is displayed. Note the values for Frequency, Total
Volume mL, Rate mL/hr, and Infuse Over.

Intermittent and Continuous Screen Elements

Total Volume mL Box

The Total Volume mL Box displays the total volume of an intermittent or

continuous order, and allows you to enter a different value for total volume.

Note: The Total Volume mL box is not available for medication orders.
A check box in the ingredient list (left of the ingredient name) determines when
the ingredient is included in the Total Volume.

Leave the check box unchecked to prevent the drug from displaying in the Total
Volume calculation.

Place a check in the check box to include the ingredient in the Total Volume
Total Volume can be calculated by the system for items with a check mark or it
can be entered manually to override the calculated value.

Note: Do not type a unit of measure (mL) into the total volume box. The
unit of measure is assumed to be milliliters (mL) as stated in the box

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Page 82 of 195
Rate Box
The Rate Box displays default rate information for intermittent and continuous
orders and allows you to enter a rate.

Note: The Rate box is not available for medication type orders.

Infuse Over Box and List Box

The Infuse Over Box and List Box displays default information about the period
of time over which an intermittent or continuous order is infused, and allows you
to select the unit of time used for calculating the infuse over value.

Intermittent IV Order
In the Medication Manager window, complete the following steps to enter an
intermittent order:
1. In the Drug box, enter an IV solution pharmacy product for the first order

2. In the Product Selection window, select a specific product. The Select

Product Type dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the Intermittent option, then click OK. The New Intermittent Order
dialog box is displayed.

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4. Click Update to load order defaults.

5. The cursor is displayed in the Drug box. You can enter additional
ingredients for your intermittent order.
6. Click Update after you enter each ingredient. Note the check box next to
each ingredient. Select or deselect a check box to determine whether to
include the volume for that ingredient in the calculation for Total Volume
7. In the Rate mL/hr box, enter a rate to calculate the Infuse Over value
automatically, or in the Infuse Over box, enter a value to calculate Rate
mL/hr automatically.

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Page 84 of 195
Dose Range Checking
Order dose ranges are checked against the Multum database. When an order is
placed and the dose is outside of the Multum database range a Dose Range Alert
fires. You are given the option to Cancel the order, which brings you back to the
Patient Profile Screen, Ignore the alert, which allows you to give a reason to
continue with the order, or Modify the order, which brings you back to the order
entry screen so that you can change the dose.
1. With your training patients chart open, place an order for bleomycin 15 units

2. Click OK because we want to order this product as Intermittent.

3. Enter a dose of 600 unit in the dose field.

4. Click the Update button on the right hand side of the screen.
5. Click OK.
6. A Dose Range Alert fires that says: "The following violation was found: The
ordered dose (600 unit Intravenous Once) is over the suggested dose range
for this medication (bleomycin).
7. You are presented with three options: Cancel Order (Brings you back to the
Patient Profile Screen), Ignore Alert (Allows you to give a reason to continue
with the order), Modify Order (Brings you back to the order entry screen so
that you can change the dose you entered)
8. Select Cancel Order, then select OK at the bottom right of the alert screen.

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Page 85 of 195
Notes 9. Because you received the Dose Range Alert you must document this order
with the Clinical Interventions Form.

Clinical Interventions Form

There can be times when you need to officially document a problem with an
order. For example, if an order is missing a dose, a route time, or if there is a
drug/drug interaction that needs to be documented. To do this, use the Clinical
Intervention Form.

1. To fill out the form, click the Launch PowerChart Icon.

Click to Launch

The PowerChart window displays.

2. After PowerChart opens, select the Ad Hoc Charting Icon.

Click Here
for AdHoc

3. The Ad Hoc Charting Window opens.

4. Checkmark Dose Too High, and click chart at the bottom right of the

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5. Enter the required information in the Clinical Interventions Form: (The fields
with an asterisk (*) are required fields).

Now that the form is completed it must be signed. Click the Sign Icon.

Click to
Sign Form

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Notes 6. Click Close. The ad hoc charting screen closes and you are back at the
patients chart in PowerChart.

7. Click the As Of button. This refreshes the screen.

8. Click the Form Browser tab.
9. On the bottom part of the screen there is an All Forms folder, a folder with
Today's date, and a line for the clinical interventions form you just filled out
for this patient.
10. Double-click the form. The actual Clinical Interventions form you just filled
out is displayed.
11. After you review the form, click the X at the top right of your screen.
12. The PowerChart application closes and you are now at the main
MedManager screen.

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Page 88 of 195
Practice Scenario - Intermittent Orders
1. If not already, open PharmNet Medication Manager.
2. Search for your training patient.
3. In this scenario, you will place an order for Gatifloxacin 400 mg.
4. Type Gati400 in the drug box. The New Intermittent Order window

5. Click Update
6. Complete all required fields, including Rate and Total Volume mL.
Note: All required fields are highlighted in yellow.
7. Review other fields to make sure the defaults are appropriate.
8. Click OK.
9. The New Intermittent order displays in the Profile window.
10. Click Submit.

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Page 89 of 195
Continuous Orders
Continuous Intravenous orders consist of uninterrupted infusions given over a
designated period of time, which require additional supplies of the product or
product to be sent at regular intervals. An example of a continuous order is a
large volume parenteral (LVP). The set of attributes required to distinguish
continuous orders from other order types includes interval, rate, total volume,
infuse over value, replace every value, and additive frequency.
When a pharmacy product is ordered as a continuous infusion, the New
Continuous Order dialog box is displayed. Note the values for Frequency, Total
Volume mL, Rate mL/hr, Infuse Over, and Replace Every.

Free-text Rate

The Free-text Rate allows for entry of text to describe an administration rate that
cannot be adequately expressed in mL/hr. For example, titrates and PCAs
(Patient Controlled Analgesics).

Replace Every Field and List Box

The Replace Every Box and List Box displays how frequently an IV bag should
be replaced with a fresh bag for continuous orders, such as Dextrose 5% 1000
mL running in at 100 mL/hr. The default values are obtained from the order’s
interval and can be modified.

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Continuous IV Order Notes
In the Medication Manager window, complete the following steps to enter a
continuous order:
1. In the drug box, enter an IV solution pharmacy product .
2. In the Product Selection window, select a specific product. The Select
Product Type dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the Continuous option, and click OK or press ALT+O.

4. The New Continuous Order dialog box is displayed.

5. Click Update to load order defaults.

6. The cursor is displayed in the Drug box. You can enter additional ingredients
for your continuous order. Click Update after you enter each ingredient.
Note the check box next to each ingredient. Select or deselect a check box to
determine whether to include the volume for that ingredient in the calculation
for Total Volume mL.
7. In the Rate box, enter a rate. Note that the Infuse Over value is calculated
automatically, or in the Infuse Over box, enter a value to calculate Rate
mL/hr automatically.
8. Click OK or press enter to accept the order.
9. Submit work for the patient.

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Practice Scenario - Continuous Orders
1. Using your training patient, type the mnemonic D5NS500 in the drug box.
2. Click Add.
3. Click OK to accept the order as a Continuous Order.

4. The New Continuous Order window displays.

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Page 93 of 195
Notes 5. Click Update.

6. Complete all required fields.

Note: For alternating bags or ingredients, you need to select frequency
every other bag. Ingredients that are in every bag need to have the
frequency of every bag.
7. Review other fields to make sure the defaults are appropriate.
8. Click OK.
9. The New Continuous order displays in the Order window.
10. Prior to submitting this order, you will enter an additional intermittent order
in the next scenario.

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Page 94 of 195
Alternating IV Orders
To order an alternating fluid in the Medication Manager window: In the Drug
box, enter the first IV solution required.
1. In the Product Selection dialog box, select the appropriate pharmacy product.
2. In the Select Product Type dialog box, select the continuous option.
3. In the New Continuous Order dialog box, click Update.
4. From the Frequency list, select the correct alternating sequence.

When working with the Frequency list, consider the following frequencies:

Frequency Code Description

Every Bag Alternates every other bag
EOB – S1 Alternates every other bag starting as first bag
ETB – S1 Alternates every third bag starting as first bag
Daily Schedules additive on a daily basis
EOB – S2 Alternates every other bag starting as second
ETB – S2 Alternates every third bag starting as second bag
ETB – S3 Alternates every third bag starting as third bag

5. Click Update. In the Drug box, enter the second IV solution.

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Page 95 of 195
Notes 6. In the Frequency list, select the correct alternating sequence. Click Update
or press ALT+U to add another ingredient. Select the correct frequency.
You can continue this process until all the ingredients you need are included
on the alternating IV order.
7. In the Rate mL/hr box, enter a rate. Note that the Infuse Over value is
calculated automatically.
8. Click OK or press ENTER to accept the order.
9. Click Submit to save the work for the patient.

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Page 96 of 195
Practice Scenario - Alternating IV Orders
In this scenario you will enter an Alternating IV continuous Order..
1. Using the same test patient, type D5.45NS1000 in the Drug box.
2. Click Add.
3. The New Continuous Order window displays.
4. Click Update.
5. Type MULTI10IN in the drug box at the top of the window. Press the
enter key.

6. The Multi Vitamin dose will display.

7. Change the Frequency to EOB-S2.

8. Click Update.
9. Complete all required fields.
10. Click OK.
11. The New Continuous Order displays on the Profile.

12. Submit the orders.

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Page 97 of 195
Notes Special Orders
Template Non-Formulary Products (Type Orders)
If a physician orders a product that is not listed on your facility’s formulary, use
the Template Non-Formulary dialog box to enter the order. To enter a template
non-formulary product, complete the following steps:

Within PharmNet Product Tool, you can define templates for entering drugs on
the fly. Many templates can be defined according to your facility’s dispensing
practices. For example, you can define a template with the mnemonic, UD_TNF.
You can define the dispense category and price schedule to be identical to similar
unit dose pharmacy products. Then, you can enter UD_TNF during order entry
and use the default dispense category and price schedule for the non-formulary
pharmacy product.
1. If your facility has created template non-formulary defaults, enter the
mnemonic for the template you want in the Drug box of the Order Entry tab.
Click Add, press ALT+A or press ENTER. The Template Non-Formulary
dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter information about the pharmacy product in the Description, Cost Per
Unit, Units Per Dose, and NDC (National Drug Code) boxes. To accept the
template non-formulary, click OK, press ALT+O, or press enter.
3. In the New Order dialog box, enter the dose, and click Update or press
ALT+U. Any associated defaults are displayed. Make any changes to the
order defaults. Click OK or press enter to accept the order.
4. Click Submit to process the pharmacy order.

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In this exercise, you enter a Template Non-Formulary Medication order for
Metoprolol 50 mg TAB /1 Tab BID.
1. Locate your test patient.
2. Enter TNF in the Drug box and press ENTER.
3. Select a TNF medication product type and click OK.
4. The TNF dialog box displays.
5. Complete the required fields and click OK.
6. Enter the dose and press ENTER.
7. Include the details described above.
8. Click OK.
9. The Order window displays a listing of the TNF order.
10. Click Submit.

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Page 99 of 195
Manual Product Select
The Product Select function is the process of matching the medication
requirements of an order to a pharmacy product to be dispensed. The system uses
Auto Product Select logic to match the order requirements to a single pharmacy
product whenever possible. When the Auto Product Select feature does not
uniquely identify a pharmacy product to dispense, the Manual Product Select
dialog box displays during the verification process. The Manual Product Select
process allows the user to assign products that satisfy the dispensing
requirements of an order.

The top half of the Manual Product Select dialog box contains Order information.

Last Updated By:

This field contains the Name and Role of the user that performed the last order
action. Even if multiple actions have been superseded, only the last user is
Communication Type:

The communication type identifies the format that the last user used to
electronically place the order. The hoices are Verbal, Written, Fax, Phone, or ESI

Order Comments:

This field displays Communication comments. The Communication comments

can be seen in the Comments button dialog box. The Order Comments use the
most recent version of the Order Comment history.

User Defined Details:

The User Defined Details display User Defined Details, which are seen seen in
the PharmNet Comments button dialog box.

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The ingredients, which have been ordered, display in this control. This can
consist of one or many ingredients. When an ingredient is selected in the
Ingredient box, the corresponding Available Products box below populate with
pharmacy products from which there are to choose. The ingredient description
consists of the drug name, drug dose, and drug dosage form.

The bottom half of the Manual Product Select dialog box contains Product

Available Products:
This list presents the user with products, which could be used to product-assign
the order.

Selected Products:
This product(s) is used to equate to the ordered drug(s).
When items in the ingredient list are not marked with a check mark , that
ingredient has not been given a product assignment. Items with the check mark
have already been given a product assignment. Complete the Manual Product
Assignment for each ingredient without a check mark .
To complete the Manual Product Assignment for an ingredient, complete the
following steps.
1. Highlight the ingredient in the Ingredient box.
2. Highlight the desired product to dispense in the Available Products box.

3. Click the Add button to move the item to the Selected Products list
on the right.
4. Continue to Add items until the Dose requirements for the order have been
met and the check mark is placed next to the item in the Ingredient box.
5. Click the OK button when all Ingredients have a product assignment.
Note: The OK Button does not work until all products have a product

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Notes Practice Scenario – Manual Product Select.
In this scenario you will place a manual product order for Warfarin 12 mg.
1. Place an order for Warfarin 10mg.

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2. Change the Dose to 12 mg. Notes
3. Click Update in the New Order Box.

Change Dose
to 12 mg Click Update

4. An Error Message appears warning that this is an invalid dose, Click Yes to

5. Click the Product button in the lower right corner of the New Order Window.
6. The Manual Product Select Window displays.
7. Select the Warfarin 2mg TABLET product and click Move.

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Select Click
Product Move

8. Change the 12 mg Dose to 10 mg.

Change dose
to 10 mg

9. Click OK.
10. Continue placing the order and submit.

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Page 104 of 195

Profile Actions List
The following is a list of Profile Action options with a brief description of each.
The Profile Actions available for use can be restricted by position. The Profile
Actions that are available for each position are defined by the facility. Details for
each Profile Action are given following this list.

• None- Bypass actions selected in error.

• Cancel- Cancel an order that has never been dispensed or for which
charges were credited.
• Copy- Use an existing discontinued order as a template to create a
new order.
• Discontinue- Discontinue an order.
• History- Review all action and dispensing history for an order.
• Inquire- Review details for an existing order.
• Label- Generate labels as required.
• Modify- Modify an order.
• Pass- Dispense pass medication orders.
• Renew- Renew an order that has an existing stop date for a new
• Reschedule- Adjust the administration times.
• Resume- Restart an order with a suspended status.
• Suspend- Hold an order.
• Void- Indicate that an order was entered on the wrong patient or was
not the correct orderable item.

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Executing a Profile Action
To execute any Profile Action, select the desired Profile Action in the Action
column for one or more orders and click the Apply button in the lower right hand

Hint: When the action cell is highlighted, you can cycle through action list
with the down arrow key. You can also jump to an action by typing
the first letter of the action name such as H for History.

Hint: You can press the ALT Key and the letter A (ALT + A) at the same
time instead of clicking on the Apply button.

Hint: You can select Profile Actions for multiple orders before clicking the
Apply button.

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Cancel Profile Action Notes
The Cancel Profile Action is used to ENDSTATE an order in a situation where
the order was correctly entered and no administrations or dispenses were carried
out. The ENDSTATE achieved with the Cancel Profile Action is an Order Status
of Canceled. The Cancel Profile Action is valid for Active order and Suspended
orders. You can perform the Cancel profile action if no dispensing events have
occurred or if all charges for the order have been credited. You must credit the
dose for any canceled order as the charge was placed on dispense. This
functionality is intended to correct order entry errors discovered after orders have
been submitted.

Note: The differences between Cancel, Void, and Discontinue become more
relevant in an integrated meds process environment.

In the Profile tab of the PharmNet Medication Manager window, complete the
following steps to cancel an order:
1. With a patient selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Navigate to the order you want to cancel in the Profile spreadsheet.
Hint: Put focus in the Action column of that row and type the letter C or
activate the menu list and highlight Cancel to activate the Cancel
3. Select the Cancel option from the Action list for that order.
4. Click Apply.

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Notes The status of the order changes to Cancel. Two angle brackets (>>) are displayed
in the Action column. Prescription Number, Label Description, Refills, and Start
Date remain the same.

5. Click Submit. The information is saved to the database, and the prescription
is not displayed with the other prescriptions.

1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, with your assigned
training patient selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Cancel Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 108 of 195

Void Profile Action
Use the Void Profile Action to ENDSTATE an order in a situation where the
order was entered in error. The ENDSTATE achieved with the Void Profile
Action is an Order Status of Deleted. The Void Profile Action is valid for Active,
Suspended, and Discontinued Orders.

Note: The differences between Cancel, Void, and Discontinue increases in

relevance in an integrated meds process environment.
When the Void Profile Action is used, the system has the ability to record
whether or not administrations were given.
Complete the following steps to Void an order:

1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the order you want to
2. Select the Void option from the Action list.
3. Click Apply to display the Void dialog box.

4. Select the Physician voiding the order and the manner in which the request
was communicated.
5. Select a Reason for Void and designate a printer destination.
6. Leave the Administration Given check box unchecked to Void
Without Results.
7. Click OK, or press ENTER to close the dialog box.

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Notes The order displays in the Profile with updated status of Voided to indicate if
administrations were given or not.

8. Press Submit to process the order.

1. In the Pharmacy Medication Manager window with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Void Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message informs you if
the action you request is not available.

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Discontinue Profile Action
The Discontinue Profile Action is used to ENDSTATE an order in a situation
where the order was correctly entered and administrations or dispenses were
carried out. The ENDSTATE achieved with the Discontinue Profile Action is an
Order Status of Discontinued. The Discontinue Profile Action is valid for Active
orders and Suspended orders.

Note: The differences between Cancel, Void, and Discontinue become more
relevant in an integrated meds process environment.

Use the Discontinue profile action in the Profile tab to discontinue orders.
Complete the following steps to discontinue an order:
1. With a patient selected, click the Profile tab or press ALT+P.
2. Navigate to the order you want to discontinue.
3. Select the Discontinue option from the Action list.
Hint: Put focus in the Action column of that row and type the letter D or
activate the list and highlight Discontinue to activate the Cancel
4. Click Apply.

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Notes The Discontinue dialog box is displayed with the Discontinue Date/Time
representing the current date and time. The Discontinue Date/Timer is
unavailable, which indicates that it cannot be changed.

5. Select a Physician or care giver, a Discontinue Reason, a Communication

Type, and a Printer. The list of Discontinue Reasons is defined by the
institution and contains reasons such as Patient Allergic Reaction, Changed
Medication, and Patient Not Responding. The list of Communication Types
is also defined by the institution and contains Communication Types such as
Written and Phone.
6. After completing the information in the dialog box, activate the OK button.
7. The Status of the order changes to Discontinue. Two angle brackets (<<) are
displayed in the Action column.

8. Click Submit. The information is saved to the database, a label prints and the
order is redisplayed with other Discontinue orders near the bottom of the
medication profile list.

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Exercise: Notes
1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Discontinue Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 113 of 195

Copy Profile Action
The Copy Profile Action is used to create a new order identical to an existing,
discontinued order. The Copy Profile Action is valid only for Discontinued
orders and is a useful shortcut intended to reduce operation time. If the Copy
Profile Action is performed on any other order, a dialog box interrupts and
explains that only discontinued orders can be copied.

In the Profile tab of the PharmNet Medication Manager window, complete the
following steps to cancel an order:
1. With a patient selected, click the Profile tab or press ALT+P.
2. Navigate in the Profile spreadsheet to the order you want to copy.
3. Select the Copy option from the Action list for that order.
Hint: The Copy action can be performed in the profile. Type C in the Action
column of the spreadsheet and Cancel is displayed. Then you need to
press the down arrow until Copy is displayed or activate the menu list
and select Copy.

4. Click Apply.

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The New Order dialog box is displayed, but it can be accompanied by the Notes
Decision Support- Interaction List dialog box.

The Decision Support - Interaction List dialog box is displayed if any interactions
between the copied order and the patients profile are identified.
If the Decision Support - Interaction List dialog box is displayed, follow the
Decision Support procedures outlined in the Decision Support- Interaction List
section of this manual.
5. When the New Order dialog box displays, complete the order and click OK.

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Notes 6. The order displays on the patient profile with a status of active, and two
angle brackets (>>)display in the Action column.

7. Click Submit, and the information is saved to the database.

1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Copy Profile Action on one of the patient’s discontinued orders.

Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message informs
you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 116 of 195

History Profile Action
The History Profile Action is used to review all Action, Dispensing, and
Administration events that have taken place on an order. The Order History
window lets you review all doses dispensed and all actions performed on an
existing order. The History Profile Action is valid for any order regardless of the
current status of the order.

Complete the following steps to view order history:

1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to an order for which you
want to review history information.

2. Select the History option from the Action list.

3. Click Apply to display the Order History window.

4. Click a History Event in the History Event spreadsheet to display complete

details for that event at the bottom of the History dialog box.

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Notes 5. Use the Action History, Dispense History, and Verification History check
boxes to filter the history events that are displayed in the History Event list.

• All records of Dispensing are listed with History event of fill list,
initial dose, manual charge, and manual credit.
• All records of Action are listed in the History Event column as
Order, Discontinue, Label, Modify, Pass, Renew, Resume, and
6. To close the Order History window, click OK or press ENTER.

Reprint Label

To request a duplicate label, activate the Reprint Label button . The

Reprint Label dialog box opens. Follow the procedures outlined in the Label
profile Action section of this manual to complete the label reprint request.

View Product

View Product Information by activating the Product button . The Order

Products dialog box displays with details about the product or products in the

Click OK to close the Order Products dialog box and return to the Order History
dialog box.

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View Comments
View the Comments by activating the View Comments button . The
View Comments dialog box opens with the order details in the blue title bar and
displays Rx Comments and Order Comments associated with the order.

View Notes

View order notes by activating the View Notes button . The View
Notes dialog box opens with the order details in the blue title bar and displays
Label, MAR, and Fill List notes associated with the order.

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Notes Exercise:
1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the History Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action your request is not available.

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Page 120 of 195

Inquire Profile Action
Use the Inquire Profile Action to review details for an order in the Inquire Order
dialog box without the ability to change any order details. The Inquire Profile
Action is valid for any order, regardless of its current status.

In the Profile tab of the PharmNet Medication Manager window, complete the
following steps to inquire about an order:
1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the order for which you
want to view details.
2. Select the Inquire option from the Action list.
3. Click Apply to display the Inquire Order dialog box.
Note: The Inquire Order dialog box is a read-only dialog box. To add,
update, or change order information, use the Modify Profile Action.

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Notes The Inquire Order dialog box displays, displaying all of the details of the order in
a read-only conversation. All fields are unavailable, so they cannot be modified.
Besides the Dispense Category and Billing Formula definition buttons, the only
active features of the Inquire Order dialog box are the Product, Printing, and
Comments buttons for view only access.

4. Click OK, press ALT+O, or press enter to close the Inquire Order dialog box.

1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Inquire Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.

Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 122 of 195

Label Profile Action
Use the Label Profile Action to reprint a label or request an extra dose or refill. A
label reprint request generates a label without charging or creating of a dispense
event. The label reprint request is valid for Active, Suspended, Discontinued, and
Canceled orders.
But the extra dose or refill request creates a dispense event and generates a label
with the ability to create a charge being optional. Extra dose or refill requests are
valid for Active Orders.

Complete the following steps to print a label:

1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the order for which you
want a label.
2. Select the Label option from the Action list.
3. Click Apply to display the Order Label window.

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Notes 4. The Label request dialog box displays with the order details in the blue title

5. Select the reason for the label from the Reason for Label Request list. The
list of Label Request Reasons is defined by the institution and contains
reasons such as Damaged Label and Lost Dose.
6. Select the Extra Dose/Refill, Next Dose, or Reprint option, if no default is
Note: If the Extra Dose/Refill option is selected, the Number of Doses box
becomes available to designate the number of doses to be dispensed
and the Charge Patient option becomes available for the dispensed
7. Enter the number of doses and labels to dispense, if more than one is
8. Select a pharmacy printer from the Printer list.
9. Click OK or press ENTER to close the window.
10. Click Submit to generate a label.

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Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

1. Select an active order in your training patients Profile tab.

2. Select Label in the Action Column
3. Click Apply
4. Select a Reason for Label Request.
5. Click OK.

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Page 125 of 195

Modify Profile Action
Use the Modify Profile Action to modify details for a pharmacy order. The
Modify Profile Action is only valid for Active orders.
Complete the following steps to Modify an order:
1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the order you want to
2. Select the Modify option from the Action list.
3. Click Apply to display the Modify Order dialog box.

Note: Manual Product Select is required if product select has not been
completed prior to the Modify action.
4. Make changes to any of the available boxes and lists. To change the dose,
highlight the drug and dose. Click Modify, or press ALT+M. Enter new
dose information. Click Update.
5. After you complete your changes, click OK, press ALT+O, or press ENTER
to close the dialog box.
6. Press Submit to process the order.

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1. In the Pharmacy Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Modify Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 127 of 195

Pass Profile Action
The Pass Profile Action is used to create a new order with an associated dispense
event intended to be given to a patient going on a pass or temporary leave of
absence. The new order is created from the order details of the originating order.
The Pass Profile Action is only valid for Active Orders. The use of the Pass
Profile Action can change the status of the originating order from Active to
Discontinued, depending on system parameter settings. The resulting one time
order that is created has an order status of Discontinued.
Complete the following steps to create a pass for the patient:
1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the order for which you
want a pass.
2. Select the Pass option from the Action list. Click Apply. The PassMed
window is displayed.
3. Enter or select the physician ordering the pass.
4. Select the Dispense from Location from the list provided.
5. From the Printer list, select the printer for label output.
6. From the Action list, select one of the options, Discontinue, Suspend, or
None (none leaves the order in an Active status).

7. In the Qty cell, enter the quantity. Make a selection from the Bill Cd list.
Note that Price is calculated by the PharmNet system.
8. In the Instruction box, enter any instructions for the patient.
9. Click OK or press ENTER to close the window. Click submit to process the
order and generate labels.

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1. In the Pharmacy Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Pass Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message informs
you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 129 of 195

Renew Profile Action

The Renew Profile Action is used to extend the Stop Date Time of an order. The
Renew Profile Action is valid for Active Orders with an existing Stop Date Time.
If the order does not have a Stop Date Time associated with it, a warning displays
to indicate that no stop has been specified.

After the Renew Profile Action is applied, the status of the order remains

Complete the following steps to Renew an order:

1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the order to be
2. Select the Renew option from the Action list.
3. Click Apply to display the Renew dialog box.

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4. The Renew dialog box is displayed with the order sentence at the top. Notes

5. Enter the Renew For duration. As the duration is set, the New Stop
Date/Time is calculated.

6. Select the Renew Reason from the Renew Reason box. The list of Renew
reasons is defined by the institution and contains reasons such as extra
dose required.
7. Select the Communication Type from the Communication Type list.

8. If you wish to change the Dispense From Location, select a new location
from the list.
9. Select a pharmacy printer from the Printer list.
10. Enter the number of doses and labels to dispense in the Send Now Doses
box, or check the Auto Calculate Send Now Doses check box.

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Notes 11. When Now Doses have been declared, the Projected Administration
Times can be viewed by clicking the ellipses button .

The order is displayed on the patient profile with the status unchanged, and two
angle brackets (<<) are displayed in the Action column.
12. Click Submit. The information is saved to the database and generates a

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1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Renew Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 133 of 195

Reschedule Profile Action
The Reschedule Profile Action is used to change the administration times for
medication and intermittent orders or the next administration date time for
continuous orders. The Reschedule Profile Action is valid only for Active orders.
To reschedule an order, complete the following steps:
1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the order that you want
to reschedule.
2. Select the Reschedule option from the Action list.
3. Click Apply to display the Reschedule Order dialog box.

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1. In the PharmNet Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Reschedule Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 135 of 195

Suspended Profile Action
The Suspend Profile Action is used to change the STATE of an active order to
one where dispensing and administration be carried out. The STATE achieved
with the Suspend Profile Action is an Order Status of Suspended. The Suspend
Profile Action is only valid for Active orders. If you suspend an order you must
complete a Clinical Intervention Form.

Note: There is no difference between a Hold and Suspend status for an

order. The Suspend option is used for either situation because
suspended orders display on the MAR.
To suspend or hold an order, complete the following steps:
1. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to an order you want to
2. Select the Suspend option from the Action list.
3. Click Apply.
4. Enter the name of the Physician who is suspending the order.
5. Choose a Suspend Reason from the list provided. Note that this cannot be
required in order to suspend the order.
6. From the Communication Type list, select the manner in which the
physician’s order was communicated.
7. Choose the Printer where you want to receive labels, and the number of
copies you desire. Note that suspending an order only produces a label if the
related system preference is set accordingly.
8. Click OK.
9. The Status column of the Profile spreadsheet displays the Suspended status.
Press Submit to process the order.
10. Complete a Clinical Intervention Form detailing the reason for the suspend.

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Exercise: Notes
1. In the Pharmacy Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Suspend Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
3. Complete a Clinical Intervention Form to detail reason for suspend.
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

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Page 137 of 195

Resume Profile Action
The Resume Profile Action is used to change status of a Suspended order to
Active. The Resume Profile Action is only valid for Suspended orders.
Complete the following steps to resume a suspended or held order:
11. In the Profile tab, with a patient selected, navigate to the suspended order you
want to resume. Look at the Status column of the Profile spreadsheet to
quickly identify suspended orders.
12. Select the Resume option from the Action list.
13. Click Apply.
14. Select a resume reason from the list provided.
15. Select a Physician and Communication Type from the lists provided. These
values are automatically populated for you.
16. Choose a Dispense From Location for the resumed order, if you wish to alter
the existing value. It is automatically set to the order’s original Dispense
From Location.
17. Select a printer where you want to receive a label. Labels only print on
resumed orders if you have this system preference set accordingly.
18. Enter the number of Initial Doses and Label Copies for this order.
19. Press Submit to process the order.

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1. In the Pharmacy Medication Manager window, with your assigned patient
selected, click the Profile tab.
2. Perform the Resume Profile Action on one of the patient’s existing orders.
Note: The order's status determines which actions are valid. A message
informs you if the action you request is not available.

When you have completed this task, please log out of the system before moving
on to the next section.

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5. Summary Scenarios
The following exercises review the order and profile action information you have
learned to this point. You are given a series of tasks to perform with minimal
guidance. If you have questions, however, you can refer to the information in
this manual or ask your instructor. For each of these exercises, please use your
assigned training patient.

Scenario One:
In this scenario you:

• Log in to PharmNet.

• Locate your training patient.

• Place a med order.

• Void an order.

• Discontinue an order.

• Copy and order.

• Inquire about an order.

1. Log in to PharmNet with your training user name and password.

2. Open Medication Manager.
3. Locate your training patient.
4. Place an order for allopurinol 100 mg tablet /1 tab PO daily.
5. Submit the order.
6. Now, place an order for diphenhydramine 25mg.
7. Submit the order.
8. In the Profile tab, locate the allopurinol order.
9. Select Void in the Action Column.
10. Click Apply
11. Select a reason for Void.
12. Click OK.
13. Now, locate and discontinue the diphendydramine order.
14. Click Submit.
15. In the Profile tab, locate the diphendydramine order you just discontinued.
16. Select Copy in the Action Column.
17. Click Apply and enter appropriate details.
18. Click Submit.

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19. In the Profile tab, locate the active diphendydramine order. Notes
20. Select Inquire in the Action Column.
21. Review the details of the order.

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Page 141 of 195

Scenario Two:
In this scenario you:

• Place an intermittent order.

• Modify an order.

• View the history of an order.

• Suspend an order.

• Resume an order.

• Cancel an order.

1. Place an intermittent order for Gatifloxacin 400mg/d5w 200mL.

2. Click Update.
3. Fill out all required fields.
4. Click OK.
5. Submit the order.
6. In the Profile tab, locate the Gatifloxacin order you just placed.
7. The ordering physician now only wants 5 doses of the drug.
8. Select Modify in the Action Column.
9. Click Apply.
10. The order will display for your modification.
11. Enter a duration of 5 doses.
12. Click OK.
13. Click Submit.
14. Locate the modified Gatifloxacin order in the profile tab.
15. Select History in the Action column.
16. Click Apply.
17. View the History of the Gatifloxacin order.
18. Click Close on the History View Window.
19. In the Profile tab, locate the Gatifloxacin order.
20. Suspend the Gatifloxacin order.
21. Complete a Clinical Intervention Form detailing a reason for the suspend.
22. In the Profile tab, locate the Gatifloxacin order.
23. Select Resume in the Action Column.
24. Submit the order.
25. Locate the Resumed Gatifloxacin order in the profile tab.

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Page 142 of 195

26. Select Cancel in the Action Column. Notes
27. Submit the order.

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Scenario Three:
In this scenario you:

• Place a continuous order.

• Update an order.

• Reschedule an order.

• Discontinue an order.

• Copy an order.
1. Place a continuous order for Sodium Chloride 0.9% 1000 mL solution.
2. Once the New Continuous Order window displays, click Update.
3. In the Drug field, type Potassium and press Enter.
4. Select Potassium Chloride Injection 20 mEq/10 mL solution.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Update.
7. Infuse the order over 1 hour.
8. Complete other required fields and review order details.
9. Click OK
10. You now realize you did not enter a Stop Date and Time.
11. Locate the sodium chloride order on the Profile tab.
12. In the action column, select Update.
13. Click Apply
14. Enter a Stop Date and Time.
15. Click OK.
16. Click Submit.
17. Locate the sodium chloride order on the Profile tab.
18. In the action column, select Reschedule.
19. Click Apply.
20. Set a new next administration time for the order.
21. Click OK.
22. Locate the sodium chloride order on the Profile tab.
23. In the action column, select Discontinue for the sodium chloride order.
24. Click Apply and Submit.
25. In the action column, select Copy for the sodium chloride order.
26. Click Apply.
27. Enter appropriate order details
28. Click Submit.

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Scenario Four:
In this scenario you:

• Place an order.

• Submit a Clinical Intervention Form.

1. With your training patients chart open, place an order for epirubicin 500 mg.
2. Click the Update.
3. Enter any required information.
4. Click OK.
5. You receive a Dose Range Alert. Cancel the Order
6. Now, you must fill out a Clinical Interventions Form.

7. Click the Launch PowerChart Icon.

8. After PowerChart opens, select the Ad Hoc Charting Icon.

9. Checkmark Dose too high and click Chart.
10. Enter the required information in the Clinical Interventions Form: (The fields
with an asterisk (*) are required fields).

11. Click the Sign Icon.

12. Click Close. The ad hoc charting screen closes and you are back at the
patients chart in PowerChart.

13. Click the As Of button.

14. Then click the X at the top right of your screen to close the PowerChart

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Placing an Order Set
Placing an order set is similar to placing any other pharmacy order. Order sets
allow a set of commonly requested orders to be combined and ordered through
the entry of a single search.

Order Set Practice Scenario

1. With your training patients file open, type the order set name or mnemonic in
the Drug box. In this scenario enter Silva:AC.
2. Click Add.
3. The Order Set window displays.

4. Select the correct order and click OK.

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5. The Order Set components box displays. The Order Set contains several Notes
options, however you do not need to include all of them. Include/Exclude
the order set components as appropriate to define the order set.

6. Click OK.

7. The New Order window displays with the first order set component.
8. Review the defaulted information and click Update.

Note: The Order Set will be set up for you. However, if you need to change
any information you are able to do so.

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Notes 9. Complete appropriate and required fields.
10. Click OK.
11. The next order set component will display. Follow the same steps as with the
first order set component.
12. The remaining order set components will display until all have been
13. When all components are complete, the Order window will display with a list
of the select order components.
14. Click Submit.

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6. Pharmacy Batch Reports (MAR,
Use Pharmacy Batch Reports to access the MAR, Stop Order Report (SOR), or
the Patient Medication Profile (PMP). You can generate the report for all
patients at a specific nursing station, for all patients at multiple nursing stations,
or for an individual patient. The MAR l generates a list of pharmacy orders and
their administration times. The SOR is generated based on the parameters that
are set (type of stop, number of hours to include and so on). The PMP creates a
report that lists all of the pharmacy orders of a patient or group of patients. To
access Pharmacy Batch Report, complete the following steps:

1. Click the Pharmacy Batch Report (phabatchreport.exe) icon on your

2. Enter your user name, password, and domain.
3. Click OK or press ENTER to display the Batch Report window. This is the
main application window:

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Completing the Report Criteria
MAR Requirements
To print the MAR report, the following fields must be filled out (in addition to
the nursing station/patient):

• Start Date Offset: 0 = today, + advances the days, - diminishes the day (for
example, +1 = tomorrow, -1 = yesterday)
• Report will qualify for: This should be 24 hours with the beginning and
ending time to be reflective of 24 hours.
• Order Types: Indicate the order types to include in the MAR. By default, all
of the order types are selected. To limit the MAR to specific order types,
deselect the order types that you do not want to include in the report.
• Order Status: Indicate the type of orders to be included on the MAR.
Discontinued for (you need to enter a duration if choosing this status),
Suspended and Unverified. All active orders for the order types selected are
included on the MAR.
• Dispense Categories: Indicate which dispense categories are to be included in
the print out for the MAR.
• Format: Choose Medication Administration Report.
• Printer: Indicate to which printer the report is to be printed.
• Click Run or press ALT+U to print the report. To exit the application click
Close, or press the X button on the top right hand corner of the application.

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SOR Requirements
To print the SOR report, the following fields must be filled out:

• Start Date offset: 0 = today, + advances the days, - diminishes the day (fr
example, +1 = tomorrow, -1 = yesterday)
• Report will qualify for: This should be the number of hours that the
report should encounter (for example, 24 hours, 48 hours).
• Order Types: Indicate the order types to include in the stop order report.
By default, all of the order types are selected. To limit the stop order
report to specific order types, deselect the order types that you do not
want to include in the report.
• Stop Type: Indicate the stop types to include in the stop order report. By
default, all stop types are selected. To limit the stop order report to
specific stop types, deselect the stop types that you do not want to
include in the report. The following Stop Types are available:
Soft Stop The order displays the stop date but continues to be dispensed
until it is discontinued.
Hard Stop The order is no longer dispensed after the stop date and time.
Physician Stop The product’s default stop date has been manually
• Format: Choose Stop Order Report - Standard.
• Printer: Indicate the printer where the report is to be printed.
• Click Run or press ALT+U to print the report. To exit the application
click Close, or press the X button on the top right hand corner of the

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PMP Requirements
To print the PMP report, the following fields must be filled out (in addition to the
nursing station/patient):

• Order Types: Indicate the order types to include in the MAR. By default,
all of the order types are selected. To limit the stop order report to
specific order types, deselect the order types that you do not want to
include in the report.
• Order Status: Indicate the type of orders to be included on the MAR.
Discontinued for (you need to enter a duration if choosing this status),
Suspended, and Unverified. All active orders for the order types selected
are included on the MAR.
• Format: Choose Medication Profile.
• Printer: Indicate the printer where the report is to be printed.
• Click Run or press ALT+U to print the report. To exit the application
click Close, or press the X button on the top right hand corner of the

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Printing Report by Nursing Station
To generate a report for one or more nursing station, complete the following
1. Under Patient Selection, click the Nursing Station option button or press
2. Click NS. The Update Location List dialog box opens. Use the Update
Location List dialog box to select nursing stations. The Available box
displays a list of nursing stations for which you can print a report.
3. In the Available box, use any of the following methods to select nursing
• Select a range of nursing stations by clicking the first item in the range
and holding down the SHIFT key while you click the last item in the
• Select multiple nursing stations by clicking the first item you want and
holding down the CTRL key while you click additional items.
• To select all of the nursing stations, click in the Available Location List
and then click the Select All button, or press ALT+A.

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Notes 4. Click Move or press ALT+M to move the selected nursing stations to the
Selected box.

5. Click OK or press ENTER to save your selections and close the dialog box.
Your selections are displayed in the (Select NS) box of the Report window.

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Printing a Report by Patient
To generate a report for a patient, complete the following steps:
1. Select the Patient option button, or press ALT+A.

2. To perform a search by name, enter the patient’s last name, followed by a

comma, then first name in the Enter Name For Search box. Click Find

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Practice Scenario - Printing the MAR
1. In the menu bar click Task, and then select Ad Hoc Report.
2. Under the Batch Type field, select Medication Administration Report.
3. Under the PreQualScript field, select MAR from the menu box.
4. Select a Date range on which you want this MAR to run.
5. Under the Patient Selection Field select Nurse Unit, and then click the Select
NS button.
6. Click OK.
7. Select the order types for which you want to search (in this case, select
Medication, Intermittent, and Continuous).
8. Under the Discontinued field, type 1 day because we only want to see
Discontinued orders up to a day old.
9. Click the Dispense Categories Button.
10. Single-click the Bulk dispense category, and then hold the control key while
you select the rest of these dispense categories:
CADD Pump Chemo Intrathecal LVP Pyxis
Chemo CMS Enteral Invest Man Charge Syringe
Intermit Feeding Injection
Chemo CMS Enteral Invest LVP Multidose Inj TPN-Adult
LVP Supplement Cyclic
Chemo Epidural Invest Oral NC CMS TPN-Adult
Intermit Intermit LVP
Chemo LVP Implantable Irrigation NC CMS Unit Dose
Pump LVP
Chemo Oral Injection IV PiggyBack PCA Intermit
11. Click the Move button.
12. In the format field, select Medication Administration Report from the menu
13. Select your specific printer from the printer menu box.
14. Click Run.

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7. Pharmacy Fill Batch Run
Pharmacy Batch Dispense generates fill lists, IV lists, and labels for all of the
orders required during a specified time period. When Pharmacy Batch Dispense
is performed as a final operation run, charges are generated for the orders.
Medication orders, intermittent orders (such as piggybacks), and continuous
orders (such as IVs) labels must be generated separately. For example, IV and
piggyback labels can only be generated nightly on a final list. An IV worklist can
be generated nightly and used to check IV supplies at nursing stations.
To access Pharmacy Batch Dispense, complete the following steps:

1. Click the Pharmacy Batch Dispense icon .

2. Enter your user name, password, and domain.
3. Click OK, or press enter. The Pharmacy Batch Dispense window is

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Notes Toolbar Elements
The Pharmacy Batch Dispense toolbar contains the following element:
Button Action
Define Batch Defines a batch run and sets the
details for the batch

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Generating a Fill Batch
To generate a fill batch, complete the following steps:
1. Select the fill batch from the Batch list. The remaining elements on the
screen are populated with the default values defined for the fill batch you
selected. The default values are provided by the PharmNet system.

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Notes A Fill Batch History Window opens. Details all for previous lists of this type are

Note: Review this window carefully to prevent running fill lists and labels
ahead of schedule.
2. Click close to close the Fill Batch History window.
3. Under Current Operation, select an option to define the type of run that is to
be performed. If this is the first time the fill batch is generated for the
specified fill period, the Initial option is defaulted. If the initial fill batch has
been run for the specified fill period, the Initial option is unavailable.
• Initial: The first run performed for a specific batch and fill period.
• Update: A run that is performed at any point between the initial and
final run for a specific batch and fill period. The update run includes new
or modified orders since the initial or last update batch run was
• Final: The last run performed for a specific batch and fill period (in other
words, the catch-up lists). The final run closes out the fill period and sets
the PharmNet system forward to the next fill period. This run also
generates lists or labels and order charges. All IV runs are considered
final fill batches and generate labels and charges.
• Worklist: A list of the orders included in the fill batch. The worklist can
be used to gather the orders that are to be distributed. The worklist
function works like an update, but it does not reset the time on the batch
• Checklist: A list of the orders that are included in the fill batch,
especially useful with IV orders. The checklist can be used to verify that
the appropriate medications were included in the fill batch. The checklist
does not reset the time on the batch run.

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4. Under Output Options, indicate whether a report or labels is generated. Notes
Select the appropriate check boxes.
5. To view details of the batch report, click the View Details button. The Fill
Batch Details dialog box opens. Information displayed in this dialog box is a

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Notes 6. The following information is displayed in the Fill Batch Details dialog box:
• Batch Properties: Displays the defined length of the fill period, the
maximum length of the fill period, and the minimum time that should
elapse between requests for the batch run.
• Include Order Types: Displays the order types included in the batch fill.
• Optional Dispense Quantity Settings: Displays the length of time for
which quantities are dispensed for this batch run and the maximum
length of time that quantities are dispensed for this batch run. For
example, on holiday weekends, the Dispense Quantity Sufficient for box
can be set to 48 hours to dispense orders on Friday that cover the entire
weekend. The Maximum Dispense Quantity for box can be set to 96
hours to limit the amount of pharmacy products that are dispensed to no
more than 96 hours.
7. Click Close to close the View Details dialog box.
8. Verify that the date and times listed under Fill Period are correct for the list
or labels.
9. Click Run or press ALT+R to perform the fill batch.
10. The number of orders filled is displayed in a system message dialog box
when the list or labels are completed.

11. Click OK or press ENTER to close the system message dialog box.
12. Click Close or press ALT+C to exit the program

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Practice Scenario - Generating the Fill Batch
In this exercise you run a fill batch.

1. Double-click the Pharmacy Batch Dispense icon. The Batch

Dispense window displays.

2. Select the fill batch from the Batch list box. The default values for the fill
batch are displayed in the Batch Dispense window.
3. Verify that the start and end dates and time are correct.
4. Review the patient locations in the Locations box.
5. Review the dispense categories included in the fill batch.
6. Review the default option in the Current Operation box. Select another
option if it is more appropriate.

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7. To view details for the fill batch, click View Details. The Fill Batch Details
box displays. When finished viewing details click Close.
8. Click Run. An Orders Filled message displays, confirming that pharmacy
orders in the batch were filled.
9. Click OK.

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Reprinting Fills
If the batch label printer jams, or otherwise loses some or all of a batch, you can
use the Reprint option to reprint labels. This does not cause the charges to be
reissued. You must discard all of the previously printed labels for this batch to
avoid possible duplication of dispensing, since only the entire batch of labels can
be reprinted.
If the Robot fails to receive its interface order file for this batch, or the paper
printout is lost or damaged, you can use reprint to recreate the interface file and
the paper report for Robot-type batches. You can reprint the report, even if the
Robot has received the interface file. In this case the Robot receives another
interface for the batch, but the Robot tech can elect not to process it.

1. Select the PhaBatchDispense.exe from the production Winintel directory or

use the desktop icon.
2. Log on with your user name and password and select the PROD
3. The screen below displays.

4. Point to the menu box for the Batch window and left-click.

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Notes 5. The list of available batches displays, as shown below.

6. Use the scroll button or arrows to find the name of the batch in which you are
7. Use the mouse to point to that batch name and left-click to select it.
8. There is a pause as the system fills in the window data for the selected batch.
9. See the screen on the next page.

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Note: If this is the first batch selected since you entered the exe, the screen
shown below automatically displays. This is the Fill Batch History
Window. If the History window does not automatically display,
point to View and select History from the list to display the screen

10. Highlight the fill batch for which labels or lists are needed.

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Notes 11. Point and click History Task, and select Reprint from the list.

12. Click reprint to open the reprint window below.

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13. Click the OK button. Notes
14. When the reprint has successfully completed, a message box is displayed.

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Practice Scenario - Running a Reprint
The printer has jammed and you need to reprint the batch fill.

1. From the AppBar, open Pharmacy Batch Dispense .

2. Select a fill batch from the Batch list box.

3. Click the View menu, and select History.

4. The Fill Batch History window displays.

5. Click the row with the fill batch for which you want to print a fill list or
fill labels.
6. Click the History Task menu, and select Reprint.

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7. The Output Format and Printer box displays.

8. Select a printer.
9. Click OK.
10. The requested reprint is being processed message displays. Click OK.

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Page 171 of 195

8. PharmNet Charge Credit
Use PharmNet Charge/Credit to submit charges and credits for a patient’s
pharmacy orders through the PharmNet system. PharmNet Charge/Credit speeds
the charging process with an easy-to-use spreadsheet. You can quickly enter
charges or credits in the Charge/Credit window.
Use PharmNet Charge/Credit to perform the following tasks:

• Select a patient and encounter by name, visit number, MRN.

• Use a scanning device to select an order by medication barcode.

• View a list of pharmacy orders for a patient.

• Charge and credit pharmacy orders.

• Submit charges and credits at the dose level for greater control over
inventory and costs.

• Track the quantity of doses charged or credited for a pharmacy order.

To access Pharmacy Charge Credit, complete the following steps:

1. Click the Pharmacy Charge Credit icon .

2. Enter your user name, password, and domain.
3. Click OK, or press enter. The Pharmacy Charge/Credit window is displayed.

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Select a Patient
When you open the application, the cursor is set in the Enter Search method box
of the Charge/Credit window. Complete the following steps to select a patient by
name and encounter:

1. Initially, you are prompted to Enter a Patient Name. You can also search for
a patient’s orders by visit number, medical record number, or medication
barcode. Decide which method to use.

2. To select by name, enter the name, last name followed by first name and
separated by a comma, in the Enter Search method box. You can enter a full
or partial name.
Note: When entering a partial name for search purposes, you can use an
asterisk (*) to represent unknown or unspecified characters at the
beginning or in the middle of the name.
3. If the system finds a unique match, information about the patient and their
pharmacy orders is displayed in the Charge/Credit window.
4. If multiple matches or no matches are found, the HNA Millennium
Encounter Search window opens, allowing you to further define your search.
Note: PharmNet Charge/Credit requires you to select both a patient and an
encounter. If there is one encounter for the patient, the patient’s
orders are displayed in the Charge/Credit window. If more than one
encounter exists for the patient, the HNA Millennium Encounter
Search window displays, allowing you to select the correct

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Select an Order by Medication Barcode
In the Charge/Credit window, complete the following steps to select an order by
medication barcode:
1. From the Options menu, select Search By Medication Barcode.
You are prompted to Scan a Medication Label. Scan the barcode on the order
label or fill list, using the scanning device.

Information about the order is displayed in the Charge/Credit window.

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Page 174 of 195

Charge Doses for a Pharmacy Order
Complete the following steps to charge doses for a pharmacy order:

1. In the Charge/Credit window, select a patient.

2. Review the pharmacy orders displayed in the (Orders) spreadsheet. Navigate
the spreadsheet to find the order you want.
3. If an order displays + in the + column, the order is for alternating IV bags.
Click the cell with the + in it to display all of the bags associated with the
alternating IV order. You can then submit charges for each bag in the order.

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Notes 4. When you find the order you want, enter + in the corresponding cell of the
+/- column to indicate a charge.

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5. In the Service Date column, the current date with a folder icon is displayed Notes
by default. If you want to apply a different service date, click the folder icon
to display the calendar, which allows you to select a service date.
6. In the Dose column, enter the number of doses you want to charge for the
7. If you want to enter charges for the patient’s other pharmacy orders, navigate
to the next order and repeat steps three through six. Continue to work in the
Charge/Credit window until you have indicated all of the charges you want.
8. Click Submit to submit charges and clear the display, or click Cancel to
cancel your work and reset the display. The charges you submit are
displayed in the Total Dose column the next time you view the patient’s
pharmacy orders.

Note: When working with a patient’s pharmacy orders, you can submit
credits at the same time that you submit charges.

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Charge All Orders and Associated Doses
Complete the following steps to charge all orders and associated doses:
1. In the Charge/Credit window, select a patient.
2. Review the pharmacy orders displayed in the (Orders) spreadsheet.
3. Click the plus sign button on the toolbar. The +/- column displays + in each

4. In the Service Date column, the current date is displayed with a folder icon
by default. If you want to apply a different service date, click the folder icon
to display the calendar which allows you select a service date. Select a
service date for each order.
5. In the Dose column, enter the number of doses you want to charge for each
6. Click Submit to submit charges for all orders and clear the display, or click
Cancel to cancel your work and reset the display. The charges you submit
are displayed in the Total Dose column the next time you view the patient’s
pharmacy orders.

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Charging for Non-Profile Orders
Sometimes a pharmacy order does not display on the patient’s orders profile in
PharmNet Medication Manager. (For information on how to view a patient’s
orders profile in Medication Manager, click the Help icon in Medication
Manager.) This can occur when a pharmacy product is dispensed from a
location, such as the emergency room or floor stock, that is not supported by the
order entry and fill processes. Because the usual order entry process is bypassed,
you must identify a pharmacy product and quantity to add charges for a non-
profile pharmacy order. When you add charges for a non-profile order, you
create a one-time, discontinued order on the patient’s orders profile that does not
result in any dispensing actions.

Note: Before you add charges for an order that is not on the patient’s
orders profile, check that you have selected the correct patient and
In the Charge/Credit window, complete the following steps to add charges for a
non-profile order:

1. From the Task menu, select Add New Order or press . The Product
Selection window opens.

Note: Special drug identification codes have been created at UIC to

facilitate searching and selecting OR meds in Charge Credit.

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Notes 2. In the Product Selection window, search for and select a pharmacy product.

3. The Add New Order window opens.

4. In the (Product) spreadsheet of the Add New Order window, review the
information for the pharmacy product.
5. In the Quantity Per Doses box, enter a value for the total quantity you want
to charge of the pharmacy product.
6. Click OK to save your work and close the window, or click Cancel to cancel
your work and close the window. The new order is displayed with a
discontinued status as the last entry of the (Orders) spreadsheet in the
Charge/Credit window. After adding the order, you can submit a charge for

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Credit Doses for a Pharmacy Order
Complete the following steps to credit doses for a pharmacy order:
1. In the Charge/Credit window, select a patient.
2. Review the pharmacy orders displayed in the (Orders) spreadsheet. Navigate
the spreadsheet to select the order you want.
Note: You cannot credit orders for which no dose has been dispensed.
3. If an order displays + in the + column, the order is for alternating IV bags.
Click the cell with the + in it to display all of the bags associated with the
alternating IV order. You can then submit credits for each bag in the order.

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Notes 4. When you find the order you want, enter - in the corresponding cell of the +/-

5. In the Service Date column, make a selection from the list to identify the
service date. The selected date is displayed in the Service Date column.
6. In the Dose column, enter the number of doses you want to credit for the
Note: Generally, unused doses are credited. For example, you can credit
unused doses for PRN orders that are returned on the cart after the
fill period.
7. If you are working with a patient and want to enter credits for other
pharmacy orders, navigate to the next order and repeat steps three through
six. Continue to work in the Charge/Credit window until you have indicated
all of the credits you want.
8. Click Submit to submit credits and clear the display, or click Cancel to
cancel your work and reset the display. The credits you submit are
subtracted from the doses in the Total Dose column the next time you view
the patient’s pharmacy orders.
Note: When working with a patient’s pharmacy orders, you can submit
charges at the same time that you submit credits.

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Credit All Orders and Associated Doses
Complete the following steps to credit all orders and associated doses:

1. In the Charge/Credit window, select a patient.

2. Review the pharmacy orders displayed in the (Orders) spreadsheet.
3. Click the minus button on the toolbar. The +/- column displays - in each cell.

4. In the Service Date column, click each cell to displays a list of service dates.
To change the service date, make a selection from the list for each order.
5. In the Dose column, enter the number of doses you want to credit for each
6. Click Submit to submit credits for all orders and clear the display, or click
Cancel to cancel your work and reset the display. The credits are subtracted
from the doses displayed in the Total Dose column the next time you view
the patient’s pharmacy orders.

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Credit a Pharmacy Order Using a Scanning
Complete the following steps to credit a pharmacy order using a scanning device:
1. In the Charge/Credit window, select Search By Medication Barcode from the
Options menu.
2. Using the scanning device, scan the barcode on the order label or fill list.
The order is displayed in the (Orders) spreadsheet of the Charge/Credit
3. Review the order. On the scanning sheet, scan the barcode associated with
the number of doses you want to credit.
4. Scan the Submit barcode on the scanning sheet to submit your work. The
Charge/Credit window clears, allowing you to scan another order.
Note: The scanning sheet displays barcodes for the number of doses that
you can scan and credit at one time.

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Practice Scenario - Charge Dose
In this scenario, you enter charges on three of your training patient’s orders.

From the AppBar, open Pharmacy Charge/Credit .

1. Locate and open your training patient.
2. Review the pharmacy orders displayed in the (Orders) spreadsheet. Navigate
the spreadsheet to find the order you want.
3. Select an active order to charge.
4. Enter a + in the +/- column and the number of doses.
5. In the Dose column, enter 1 dose to charge for the order.
6. Repeat this process for two other active orders.
7. When finished, click Submit.

Practice Scenario - Credit Dose

In this scenario, you credit a dose on an order placed for your training patient.

From the AppBar, open Pharmacy Charge/Credit .

1. Locate and open your training patient..
2. Review the pharmacy orders displayed in the (Orders) spreadsheet. Navigate
the spreadsheet to find the order you want.
3. Select an order to charge.
4. Enter a - in the +/- column.
5. In the Dose column, enter 1 dose to credit for the order.
6. Repeat this process for two other active orders.
7. When finished, click Submit.

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9. Appendix
Exceptions To The Product Mnemonic Rule
diphenhydrAMINE 50mg/mL injection B
diphenhydrAMINE 25mg capsule B25
diphenhydrAMINE 50mg CAPSULE B50
DEXTROSE 10% IN WATER- 1000 mL D10W1000
DEXTROSE 10% IN WATER 500 mL D10W500
DEXTROSE 5%/NACL 0.45% -1000 mL D5.45NS1000
DEXTROSE 5%/NACL 0.45% -250 mL D5.45NS250
DEXTROSE 5%/NACL 0.45%-500 mL D5.45NS500
DEXTROSE 5%/NACL 0.9% -1000 mL D5NS1000
DEXTROSE 5%/NACL 0.9% 500 mL D5NS500
DEXTROSE 5% IN WATER-1000 mL D5W1000
DOBUTamine 500mg/d5w 250 mL premix DOBUPM
DOPamine 400mg/d5w 250 mL PREMIX DOPAPM

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FAT EMULSIONS 10%-500 mL FAT10 Notes
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9%- 100 mL NS100
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9%- 1000 mL NS1000
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9 %-150 mL NS150
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9%- 250 mL NS250
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.45%-1000 mL NS451000
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.45%-500 mL NS45500
SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.9% -500 mL NS500

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Order Alerts
The following drugs have order alerts

Abbreviation Alert Type Description

ACETYL GEN Prior to dilution for IV use, Acetylcysteine must
be filtered with 0.22 micron filter.
ACYCLO GEN Final concentration should not exceed 7 mg/mL.
Do not refrigerate.
ALIMTA DRM Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: pemetrexed is
500 mg/m2 administered intravenously over 10
minutes on Day 1 of each 21-day cycle, followed
by cisplatin 75 mg/m2 infused intravenously over
2 hours beginning approximately 30 minutes after
the end of the pem.
AMIKACIN DUE Cultures proven resistance to gentamicin. For
therapeutic use only.
ARSENIC DRM Dose for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)
Induction therapy 0.15 mg/day until bone marrow
remission is observed (not to exceed 60 doses).
Dilute in 100 mL or 250 mL of D5W or NS.
Administer IV over 1 – 2 hours.
Chemical stability: 24 hours at RT
AVASTIN DRM Dose 5 mg/kg IV every 14 days. Infuse first dose
over 90 minutes. If tolerated, the second dose
can be infused over 60 minutes. If the second
dose is tolerated, subsequent doses can be
infused over 30 minutes.
Dilute in a TOTAL VOLUME of 100 mL NS
BACTRI GEN Maximum concentration = 80 mg trimethoprin (5
mL concentrate) per 75 mL D5W or NS
CALCI1 DRM The strength is defined as mg of elemental
Calcium per mL and must be dosed accordingly
as elemental Calcium.
CEFOXITIN DUE For surgical prophylaxis only
CISPLAT DRM Dose reduction in renal impairment:
25% dose reduction CrCl 10-50 mL/min
50% dose reduction CrCl <10 mL/min
Do not dilute with D5W alone. Infuse over at
least 30 minutes (1 mg/mL preferred).
Chemical stability 72 hours RT or 4oC.
Prehydration with 1-
ERBITUX DRM Recommended dose: 400 mg/m2 loading dose
(first week) IV over 2 hours.
Followed by 250 mg/m2 IV over 60 minutes
weekly thereafter.
Maximum IV rate 5 mL/min
Chemical stability: 12 hours at 2-8oC or 8 hours
at RT.
ERTAPENEM DUE Infectious disease consult required within 72
hours. Restricted to the order of an attending

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Notes ETOP DRM Doses should be adjusted for hypoalbuminemia
(< 3.5 g/dL), renal, and/or hepatic impairment
CrCl 15-50 mL/min reduce dose by 25%.
Capsules must be refrigerated. Maximum
concentration to avoid precipitation 0.4 mg/mL in
NS or D5W. Use in-line filter
FEGLUC DUE For use in patients with previous reaction to Iron
Dextran. Please verify.
FILTER GEN Filter dose with 0.22 micron filter.
FUDR DRM Dose Intra-hepatic arterial infusion 0.1 – 0.6
Intravenous administration of FUDR is not FDA-
approved. Doses used include 100 mg/kg, 110
mg/kg, 125 mg/kg for continuous IV over 24
hours repeated every 2 weeks.
Can be diluted in 100 to 500 mL NS
Dose: 4 mg/kg LD first week followed by 2 mg/kg
every week thereafter
Dilute in 250 mL NS. Administer LD over 90
minutes. If tolerated, administer subsequent
doses over 30 minutes.


IDCONS DUE Requires infectious disease approval/consult for
IFEX DRM Always administer MESNA and hydration. Urine
alkalinization and methylene blue can be used to
prevent neurotoxicity.
Dilution: 250 mL or more NS, D5W, D5LR,
D%NS, LR, ½ NS. Administer over 30 minutes
or longer.
Chemical stability 7 days RT or 6 weeks
IMIPENEM DUE Infectious disease consult required. Therapy can
be initiated and four doses administered before
the drug is discontinued due to failure to obtain a
Dilute dose in 250 – 500 mL D5W or NS. Infuse
IV over 60 – 90 minutes
Chemical stability: 24 hours at RT.
ITHECAL GEN Fatal if given Intrathecally - for IV use only.
Insure that product is dispensed separately and
clearly labeled for IV administration only - do not
give Intrathecally.
KETOR DRM For patients greater than or equal to 65 years old;
less than 50 kg…maximum daily dose must not
exceed 60 mg.
METHOTREX DRM Intrathecal Dose 10-15 mg in 7 to 15 mL of
preservative-free NS for Injection (3 mL if given
through Ommaya reservoir) once or twice
Doses < 100 mg may be given by IV bolus (final
concentration no greater than 25 mg/mL.
Chemical stability 4 weeks
NONFOR FRM Call physician to change to a comparable

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formulary item. Notes
NONMUL GEN This medication is not covered in the Multum
database - you must perform allergy checking,
duplicate drug checking, and interaction checking
OXALI DRM Dilute oxaliplatin in 250 – 500 mL of D5W.
Chemical stability 48 hours at RT and 4oC.
SOLUTION. Flush IV line with D5W
Infuse over 2 – 6 hours.Oxaliplatin should be
administered before 5FU (and leucovorin)

RITUX DRM Dose 375 mg/m2/week for 4 doses.

Dilute in NS or D5W to a final concentration of 1 -
4 mg/mL.
Administer IV at starting rate of 50 mg/hr, then
increase by 50 mg/hr every 30 minutes as patient
tolerates it to a maximum rate of 400 mg/hr.
TAXOT DRM Dilute in non-DEHP containers (and tubing) in
D5W or NS to a final concentration of 0.3 – 0.74
Chemical stability: reconstituted vials 8 hours RT
or 4oC.
Chemical stability docetaxel in solution 4 hours
(including infusion administration time).
THALID GEN Patient enrollment in S.T.E.P.S. must be verified
prior to dispensing Thalidomide.
THYMOG GEN Round to the nearest vial if ordered in mg/kg. If a
specific dose is ordered call the physician to
round to the nearest vial.
VANCO DUE Infectious disease consult needed if prescribing
criteria do not meet institutional guidelines.
Empire dosing permitted in febrile neutropenic
patients for no more than 72 hours pending
culture results.
VELCADE DRM Dose: 1.3 mg/m2 IV push Days 1, 4, 8 11
followed by 10 day rest period. Repeat cycle
every 3 weeks.
Dilute vial with 3.5 mL NS. Chemical Stability
reconstituted vial: 8 hours
Chemical Stability syringe: 3 hours. Total
storage time for reconstituted mate
VIDAZA DRM Dose 75 mg/m2 SC daily for 7 days. Repeat
cycle every 4 weeks.
Dilution: Add 4 mL SWFI to the vial (final
concentration 25 mg/mL).
Doses > 4 mL should be divided into 2-equally
divided syringes and administered in separate
sites. Chemical stability 8
Dose modifications
T. Bil 1.5 – 3 mg/dL Decrease dose 50%.
T. Bil >3.1 mg/dL Omit dose.

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Dispense Categories
BULK Bulk Item
CHEMO CMS INTERMIT Chemotherapy CMS Intermittent
CHEMO CMS LVP Chemotherapy CMS Continuous
CHEMO CMS MED Chemotherapy CMS Medication
CHEMO CMS SYRINGE Chemotherapy Syringe
CHEMO INTERMIT Chemotherapy Intermittent
CHEMO LVP Chemotherapy LVP
CHEMO ORAL Chemotherapy Oral
CHEMO PROTECTANT Chemotherapy Protectant
CMS Chemotherapy CMS Protectant
CHEMO SYRINGE Chemotherapy Syringe
ENTERAL FEEDING Enteral Formulation
EPIDURAL Epidural Medication
INVEST INJECTION Investigational Injection
Investigational Large Volume
INVEST LVP Parenteral
INVEST ORAL Investigational Oral
LVP Large Volume Parenteral
MAN CHARGE Manual Charge
NC CMS INTERMIT Non-Chemo CMS Intermittent
NC CMS LVP Non-Chemo CMS Continuous
NC CMS MED Non-Chemo CMS Medication
PCA LVP PCA Large Volume Parenteral
TPN-ADULT CYCLIC Adult Total Parenteral Nutrition Cyclic
TPN-ADULT LVP Adult Total Parenteral Nutrition LVP

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10x/Day 10 times a day
1-2x/Day 1 to 2 times a day
12x/Day 12 times a day
1-3x/Day 1 to 3 times a day
1-4x/Day 1 to 4 times a day
16x/Day 16 times a day
2-4x/Day 2 to 4 times a day
2AC 2 times daily before meals
2PC 2 times daily after meals
3x/Wk 3 times a week
5X/D Five times per day
After meals After meals
After meals and
nightly After meals and nightly
Before breakfast Before breakfast
Before meals Before meals
Before meals and
nightly Before meals and nightly
Before snacks Before snacks
Digoxin Digoxin
Every 10 hours Every 10 hours
Every 12 hours Every 12 hours
Every 18 hours Every 18 hours
Every 23 hours Every 23 hours
Every 24 hours Every 24 hours
Every 2 hours Every 2 hours
Every 36 hours Every 36 hours
Every 3 hours Every 3 hours
Every 48 hours Every 48 hours
Every 4 hours Every 4 hours
Every 5 hours Every 5 hours
Every 6 hours Every 6 hours
Every 72 hours Every 72 hours
Every 8 hours Every 8 hours
Every hour Every 1 hours
Every other day Every other day
Four times daily Four times a day
Insulin Insulin
KVO Keep vein open - 24 hours
MF Monday and Friday
Morning and evening Morning and evening
MTh Monday and Thursday
MTu Monday and Tuesday
MTuWTh Monday thru Thursday
MTuWThF Monday thru Friday
MW Monday and Wednesday
Monday, Wednesday and
MWF Friday
Nightly Every day at bedtime

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Notes Once One time
q5hr every 5 hours
qDayAC once a day after meals
qDayPC once a day before meals
Qshift Qshift
SaSu Saturday and Sunday
Sliding Scale Sliding Scale
Three times daily Three times a day
TuF Tuesday and Friday
TuSa Tuesday and Saturday
TuTh Tuesday and Thursday
TuThSa Tuesday, Thursday, Sat
Twice daily Twice a day
Warfarin Warfarin
With meals With meals

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