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Seeds of many native species are challenging to germinate. One important thing a
grower can do is to learn as much as possible about the life history, ecology, and habi-
tat of the species he or she wishes to grow to understand the processes seeds from each
target species go through in nature. Any observations will be valuable when trying
to germinate and grow species that have little or no published information available.
How seeds are handled, treated, and sown can affect the genetic diversity and the qual-
ity of the crop produced. Growers need to balance the desire for uniform crops and
schedules with the need to protect the diverse characteristics within species. In this
chapter, we discuss seed characteristics, treatments to improve or stimulate germina-
tion, and different types of sowing options for seeds.
Seed Characteristics Tropical species inhabiting areas with a strong wet-dry
seasonal cycle, arid or semiarid climates, or at high eleva-
As discussed in Chapter 8, Collecting, Processing, and
tions subjected to cold temperatures often have dormant
Storing Seeds (and shown in figure 8.8), tropical seeds can be
seeds. The degree of dormancy in these species can vary
divided into four categories related to their longevity and abil-
among and within seed lots, between seed crop years,
ity to be stored (Hong and Ellis 2002, Kettle and others 2011).
and individuals. Examples of species with dormant seeds
Viviparous: seeds that germinate before they are dis- include acacias such as Hawai‘i’s native Acacia koa, and
persed from the mother plant. The most common examples pines including the Caribbean’s Pinus caribaea.
are some species of mangroves such as Avicennia and
Dormancy may be caused by factors outside (external)
Rhizophora and some tropical legumes.
or inside (internal) to the seeds. Some species have a com-
Recalcitrant: seeds that germinate soon after matura- bination of external and internal dormancy, a condition
tion and dispersal from the mother plant, and cannot be known as double dormancy. Knowing the type of seed dor-
dried without losing viability. Most species from the wet, mancy is essential for successful propagation.
humid tropics have recalcitrant seeds because conditions
in these environments are consistently favorable for germi- External Seed Dormancy
nation and seedling establishment. Examples of common
species with recalcitrant seeds include cacao, mango, lon- External seed dormancy may be physical, physical-
gon, and jackfruit. physiological, chemical, or mechanical (Baskin and Baskin
1998, 2004). Seeds that have hard, thick seedcoats that physi-
Intermediate: seeds that can germinate immediately cally prevent water or oxygen movement into seeds have
but may also survive partial drying without losing viability. physical dormancy. Physical dormancy is the most common
For example, papaya seeds that have been dried to 10-per- seed dormancy type seen in the tropics. Species with external
cent moisture content have been stored successfully under dormancy include many of the legumes (Fabaceae), mallows
conditions of 50-percent relative humidity for 6 years (Malvaceae), and other tropical species that are adapted
without affecting viability (Vozzo 2002). Species that have to fire, or inhabit arid to semiarid island habitats or areas
shown intermediate storage behavior include neem, cinna- with pronounced wet-dry seasonal cycles. These seeds nor-
mon, citrus, mahogany, and coffee. mally germinate over a period of several years. Depending
Orthodox: seeds that can be dried without losing via- on species and habitat, various environmental factors cause
bility. These seeds are considered “dormant” and often these seeds to become permeable over time or during a cer-
require specific treatments to encourage germination. Dor- tain time of year. Seeds that require additional exposure to
mant seeds will not germinate immediately upon matura- particular temperatures after they become permeable have
tion and dispersal from the mother plant even when ideal physical-physiological dormancy.
environmental conditions exist. The fruits that enclose the seeds cause other forms of
Before attempting to grow a plant, it is important to external dormancy. Chemical dormancy describes fruits
know the seed germination type because that helps deter- that contain high concentrations of germination inhibitors
mine the best seed treatments and sowing options for that that prevent spontaneous germination of seeds. Mechanical
seed. For orthodox seeds, knowing about the species helps dormancy describes tough, woody fruit walls that restrict
you to provide the best conditions to dissipate, or “break,” seed germination and is best exemplified by the husks that
seed dormancy and achieve good rates of germination. surround coconuts (Cocos nucifera).
Treatments To Overcome Figure 9.2—Seeds that are not cleaned before treatment or
Seed Dormancy and Enhance sowing can easily mold or be susceptible to serious pathogens
Germination such as damping-off disease. Photo by Thomas D. Landis.
A variety of seed treatments have been developed in sections. Nondormant seeds are planted immediately after
response to the diversity of seed types grown in nurseries. collection and cleaning. Intermediate seeds may be stored
Before treating seeds, be sure to consult available references for several weeks or months in suitable conditions, and then
to see what treatments have been used on that species; see cleaned, fully rehydrated, and sown. For dormant (ortho-
the literature cited at the end of this chapter and the Native dox) seeds, dormancy must be overcome using one or more
Plant Network (http://www.native If no of the methods described in this chapter before seeds can be
information is available, check references for closely related rehydrated, enabling germination. It is essential to determine
species. Any personal observations made on the species in the which type(s) of dormancy the seed has so you can do what
habitat may also provide some clues on how to germinate the is needed to overcome dormancy (figure 9.1). The nursery
seeds. In general, however, the process of treating seeds fol- must determine whether seeds will need to be cleaned, scari-
lows a fairly standard progression outlined in the following fied, soaked, stimulated, stratified, and treated in other ways
before sowing on a species-by-species basis. The following
sections describe the seed treatment options available.
Seed cleaning helps prevent diseases in the nursery. Clean-
ing seeds of bacterial and fungal infestation is especially nec-
essary for species that easily mold (figure 9.2). Often, molding
can be related to the most common disease seen in nurseries,
damping-off. Seed cleaning is especially important in humid
climates and for species that take a long time to germinate.
Often, without cleaning, seeds can be lost to pathogens before
they are planted in the nursery.
One of the best cleaning methods is to simply soak seeds
in a stream of running water for 24 to 48 hours. The run-
ning water flushes bacterial and fungal spores from the seeds
(James and Genz 1981). This treatment can also be used to
satisfy the soaking requirement described in the next section.
Seeds can also be cleaned with several chemicals, some
of which also act to stimulate germination. Bleach (5.25
percent sodium hypochlorite) is the most common chem-
ical used. Depending on the species, bleach cleaning solu-
Figure 9.1—Key to dormancy types. Knowing the type of seed tions range between one part bleach in eight parts water to
dormancy is essential to successful seed propagation. Illustration
by Jim Marin. two parts bleach in three parts water. With most species,
Seeds with external dormancy require scarification.
Scarification is any method of disrupting an impermeable
seed coat so that water and oxygen can enter the seeds.
In nature, hard seed coats are cracked or softened by fire,
Figure 9.4—Hobby-size rock tumblers can be used to scarify seeds
extreme temperatures, digestive acids in the stomachs of and avoid seed destruction that can occur with sulfuric acid or heat
animals, or by the abrasion of blowing sand. After the seed scarification. Photo by Tara Luna.
coat has been disrupted, oxygen and water pass into the
seeds and germination can proceed. species is helpful. Trying several methods and recording
Seeds can be scarified many ways. How well the method the results will help determine the best method for that spe-
works depends on the species and the thickness of the seed cies and seed source.
coats. Whichever method is chosen, it is very important not
to damage the endosperm, cotyledons, or embryo during Mechanical Scarification
the treatment. Taking time to learn seed anatomy of the Mechanical scarification includes filing or nicking seeds
by hand and is most often used on large-seeded species such
as Acacia, Cassia, and Sesbania (figure 9.3). Be sure to scar-
A ify on the side of the seed opposite the embryo. It is often
done one seed at a time with a nail clipper. This method is
time consuming and requires precision to adequately scarify
the seed coat without damaging the internal portions of the
seed. Sandpaper can be used on smaller seeded species such
as sedges; placing seeds into a shallow wooden box and then
rubbing them under a block of wood covered in sandpaper is
the simplest technique. Often, however, the degree of scarifi-
cation achieved with sandpaper can be variable.
Hobby-size rock tumblers can be used to process large
batches of seed more quickly than manual mechanical
scarification (figure 9.4). Dry tumbling involves placing
seeds, a coarse carborundum grit (sold by rock tumbler
B dealers), and pea gravel in the tumbler and tumbling for
several hours or several days. Wet tumbling includes the
addition of water to the grit and pea gravel. A benefit of wet
tumbling is that seeds are soaked in well-aerated water and
chemical inhibitors may be leached from the seed.
Heat Scarification
Many species, especially those from fire-adapted eco-
Figure 9.3—Mechanical scarification works well with large, systems, respond to germination cues from heat. Using
easy-to-handle seeds. Great care is needed, however, so that the either wet or dry heat to scarify the seeds can simulate this
embryo or cotyledons are not damaged. Koa seed hand scarifica- response. Using wet heat is an effective method for many
tion (A), scarified lotus seeds (B). Photo A by Craig R. Elevitch, small-seeded species because it provides a rapid, uniform
and photo B by Cardno JFNew Native Plant Nursery. treatment that can be assessed within a few hours. Wet-
Chemical Scarification
Sulfuric acid is most commonly used on species with very
thick seedcoats and with stony endocarps that surround the
embryo (figure 9.6). It has been used on some species of Aca-
cia, Albizia, Cassia, Leucaena, Parkinsonia, and Terminalia
(Vozzo 2002). Treatment length varies with the species and
often among seed sources, and it must be carefully monitored
because seeds can be destroyed if the treatment is too long.
A simple way to monitor the process is by removing seeds at
regular intervals and cutting them with a sharp knife. When
the seeds are still firm but can be cut fairly easily, the treat-
ment is probably sufficient. Another way is to run a pilot test
on a subsample of seeds. Again, remove some seeds periodi- Figure 9.6—Seeds that have been treated with sulfuric acid. Photo
by Nancy Shaw.
cally and evaluate how well they germinate. After the best
Other Stimulants
Potassium nitrate, thiourea, and kinetin have been used
to stimulate germination in seeds, although the use of these
compounds with tropical native plants is lacking. You may
choose to experiment with these compounds on a limited
basis with difficult-to-germinate seeds.
Figure 9.9—Small seeds requiring only a few weeks of stratification can be stratified by moistening paper towels and holding by corner to
let excess water drain away (A) or placing seeds onto moistened towels inserted into an unopened plastic zippered bag (B). Illustrations from
Dumroese and others (1998).
Figure 9.10—Naked stratification: After soaking seeds in a mesh bag, allow the bag to drip dry for 1 minute and then suspend the mesh
bag in a plastic bag (A). Hang the bag in the refrigerator. Make sure the seeds are not in constant contact with standing water in the plastic
bag (B). Illustrations from Dumroese and others (1998).
Many wetland and aquatic species can be treated with need to be sown on the surface of the medium so they are
naked stratification in water. In general, these species can exposed to light during germination. Other species are
be easily stratified in Ziploc®-type bags filled with water. conditioned to germinate only if they are buried in the
Insert a soda straw into the bag, ensuring that the end is soil. Species requiring darkness to germinate are those
sticking out of the bag, to allow some oxygen to reach the that germinate readily under the deep shade of a closed
seeds. Then, seal the rest of the bag securely. Place under forest canopy. Tropical trees and shrubs with medium to
refrigeration if in need of a cold, moist stratification period. larger sized seeds often require darkness for maximum
germination, but shade tolerant vines and herbaceous
Environmental Factors plants may have smaller seeds. Other species requiring
Influencing Germination darkness to germinate include some of the species that
colonize sand dunes along coastlines.
Four environmental factors affect germination: light,
water, oxygen, and temperature. All plants have specific
germination requirements based on ecological adaptations
and the environmental cues that trigger germination for
that species.
Light quality and duration can influence germination.
In nature, seeds of tropical pioneer species require high
light levels associated with a canopy gap for germina-
tion and establishment, whereas shade tolerant species
generally can germinate in very poor light or deep shade.
Many small-seeded, tropical native species fall into this
category. Thus, pioneer species, such as ‘ōhi‘a in Hawai‘i,
with very small dust-like seeds (figure 9.11), require light
for germination and fail to germinate even if they are bur- Figure 9.11—In general, small-seeded pioneer species such as
‘ōhi‘a require light to germinate and must not be buried. Photo
ied only 2 mm deep (Drake 1993). Therefore, these seeds by Tara Luna.
Direct Sowing: • Have a known high- • Fast and easy • Less efficient use of space, seeds,
Seeds are sown into percentage germination • Economical and/or growing medium
containers • Are inexpensive • Minimizes seed handling • Causes of poor germination are
• Are in abundant supply • Seeds are all sown at once difficult to track
• Have uniform, smooth shapes • May require thinning
and/or consolidation and asso-
ciated labor costs
• Not good for large or
irregularly shaped seeds
Planting Germinants: • Are of unknown viability • Efficient use of seeds • Labor intensive
Seeds sprouting or • Are valuable or rare • Efficient use of nursery space • May result in nonuniform crop
germinating in trays or • Have unknown germination • Can adjust for unknown development
bags are sown into containers requirements seed quality or performance • Root deformation possible
while roots are just beginning
to emerge • Germinate during an extended • Requires frequent, skilled
period of time or during strati- monitoring
Transplanting emergents: • Are being tested but will not be • Useful with fibrous • Not recommended for
Seeds are sown into flats or transplanted to produce a crop rooted species woody and/or taprooted
seedbeds for germination; once • Do not respond well to other • Efficient use of seeds species because of problems
germinated and leaves appear, sowing methods • Efficient use of nursery space with transplant shock and
seedlings are transplanted to • Have long or unknown or root deformation
containers • Can adjust for unknown seed
dormancy quality or performance • Requires skilled labor
• Good for trials to observe seed
Miniplug transplants: • Are of unknown quality • Efficient use of space • Requires two sets of
Seeds are sown directly • Are valuable or rare • Uniform crop development containers
into small containers. • Have unknown germination • Low risk of transplant injury • Timing is critical
After germination, they are requirements • Transplanting by hand
transplanted into larger is labor intensive
containers • Have very tiny seeds
• Will be transplanted into
large containers
percentage of germination for each seedlot. Those per- optimal growth and development; if so, make sure
centages can then be used to determine the number of seeds are sown in the correct orientation.
seeds to direct sow (see table 9.2). Follow these steps for • Depending on the light requirements of the species,
successful direct sowing: cover seeds with the correct amount of mulch.
• Determine how many seeds must germinate to obtain • Gently water the seeds with a fine watering head to
the production target. press them into the growing media.
• Determine if seeds can be single-sown or will require
multiple seeds to reach the production target (see Multiple-Seed Sowing and Thinning
following sections). Sowing more than one seed into each container
• Cleanse and treat seeds as necessary to break dormancy. with the expectation that at least one will germinate is
• Sow seeds, ideally centering the seeds in each con- the most common direct-sowing practice. The number
tainer. Some seeds require a specific orientation for of seeds to sow can be calculated based on the seeds’
Table 9.2—For a given seed germination, increasing the number of seeds sown per container increases the number of filled
containers. In general, a target of 90- to 95-percent filled containers is reasonable. Adapted from Dumroese and others (1998).
90 + 1 to 2 90 to 100
80 to 89 2 96 to 99
70 to 79 2 91 to 96
60 to 69 3 94 to 97
50 to 59 4 94 to 97
40 to 49 5 92 to 97
Table 9.3—A sowing example for a seedlot of Acacia koa having a 65-percent germination rate. Assuming 1,000 seedlings are
desired, notice that adding more than three seeds per container really does not improve the number of containers with seedlings and
wastes many seeds. Adapted from Dumroese and others (1998).
1 35 65 1,000 650
2 12 88 2,000 880
3 4 96 3,000 960
4 1 99 4,000 990
Single-Seed Sowing
Sometimes, particularly when seeds are scarce or costly or
are expected to have close to 100-percent germination, sin-
gle seeds can be directly sown into containers. This practice
ensures that every seed has the potential to become a plant
and no thinning will be necessary. If a particular number of
plants are required, then extra containers are planted, often
referred to as “oversowing,” to make up for any empty cells.
The number of extra containers to sow can be calculated
based on the percentage of germination. If a seedlot has only a
78-percent germination, for 100 plants, you must sow at least
28 extra containers (100 desired seedlings/0.78 success rate =
128 containers required). The number of oversown contain-
ers may need to be increased to account for seedling losses
during the growing cycle.
Figure 9.14—Germinants must be sown as soon as the radicle
emerges from the seed coat. Photo by Tara Luna.
Figure 9.18—Transplanting emergents works well for fibrous-rooted shrubs, forbs, and grasses. Great care must be taken to lift
the emergent from the pricking out tray without damaging the roots (A) and to carefully and properly transplant it into the new
container filled with moistened growing media (B, C). Photos by Tara Luna.
Transplanting Plugs
Small-volume containers, such as miniplugs (figure
9.20) or expanded peat pellets, in which seeds are direct
sown (see Chapter 7, Containers) can be transplanted
into a larger container after the seedlings are well estab-
lished. Transplanting small plugs has a number of ben- Figure 9.20—Miniplugs are a viable option for growing seed-
efits. The small plug container preserves healthy root lings that will later be transplanted to a larger container. Mini-
form because damage to roots during transplanting is plugs work very well with species with very tiny seeds. Photo by
eliminated. Planting small plugs also makes efficient use Tara Luna.
of growing space. Large numbers of small plugs can be
started in a very small area and managed intensively dur- transplanting process, but they must not have so many
ing germination and early growth. roots that they are rootbound or the roots may become
Plants in miniplug containers must have a firm enough deformed after transplanting. If peat pellets are used, too
root plug to hold the plug together and withstand the few roots are not a problem because the entire pellet can
be transplanted. A hole large enough to accept the plug
is made in the medium of the larger container, and the
small plug-grown seedling is carefully inserted. Planters
need to ensure that the roots go straight down and are
not deformed during transplanting. The medium is gen-
tly firmed around the root system, mulch is applied, and
the plant is watered.
Transplanting small plugs is labor intensive and
requires skill. In some arid, windy areas, small plugs are
not practical because they dry out too quickly between
waterings. Before investing in small plugs on a large scale,
a small trial is advised.
• Keep seeds in place. This practice improves contact a fine-textured material such as fine-grade perlite or milled
with the medium and minimizes the number of seeds Sphagnum peat moss. Uncovered and barely covered seeds
washed out of the containers by irrigation or rainfall. must be misted frequently to prevent them from drying
• Reflect heat when mulches are light colored, so seeds out. After light-requiring and light-sensitive species have
do not get too hot on bright, sunny days. emerged and are well established, mulch can be applied to
prevent moss and liverwort growth and to help keep the
• Reduce the development of moss, algae, and liver-
medium moist.
worts (figure 9.22).
The recommended depth of the seed covering varies by
species; a general rule is to cover the seed twice as deep as
the seed is wide. If mulch is too shallow, seeds may float
away in the irrigation water. If the mulch is too deep, small
plants may not be able to emerge above it (figure 9.23).
Seeds requiring light need to be left uncovered. Very
small seeds need to be left uncovered or barely covered with