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Unit -5

Physical Education
Course on
Physical Fitness, Health
and Wellness..!!

5.1. Meaning & importance of Wellness, Health, and Physical Fitness.

5.2. Components/Dimensions of Wellness, Health, and Physical


5.3. Traditional Sports & Regional Games for promoting wellness

5.4. Leadership through Physical Activity and Sports

5.5. Introduction to First Aid – PRICE

5.1 Meaning and Importance of Wellness,
Health and Physical Fitness

Meaning of Physical fitness :

Physical fitness means the capacity to do
the routine work without any fatigue or
exertion and after doing the work the
person has power to do some more work
and recovery is quicker.
Importance of Physical Fitness :

1. To live a long and healthy life

2. To increase the energy,

power and capacity of the

3. To reduce the probability of

getting a disease

4. For strong and active

muscular and skeletal system
5. To increase the
memory and recall
capacity of mind

6. To improve mental

7. To get rid of
excess fat
8. To live a happy life
Meaning of Wellness :

Wellness is the capacity of

an individual by which he
leads a balanced life.

The concept of wellness, i.e.

staying healthy and
achieving the highest
potential for well-being, has
gained popularity in the
past few years.
Importance of Wellness :

1. To live a high quality life

2. To achieve the maximum
growth and development
3. To be a good citizen
4. To live a stress-free life
5. To enjoy the life
6. To be an active member
of the society
Meaning of Health :

According to World
Health Organisation
“Health is a state of
complete physical,
mental and social well-
being, and not merely the
absence of disease.”
Importance of Health :

1. Increases the Level of Physical

2. Increases Longevity
3. Prevents Cardio-Vascular
4. Helps in Reducing Depression
5. Increases Energy Level
6. Increases Self-Confidence
7. Helps in Coping with Stress
8. Improves Posture
5.2 Components / Dimensions of
Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness

Components of Physical Fitness

1. Strength :

It is the
ability to
act or to
over come
The following are its types :

(a) Maximum strength : -

Ability to act a against
maximum resistance

(b) Explosive strength :

Ability to act against resistance
with Speed

(c) Strength Endurance :

Ability to act against resistance
under condition of fatigue.
2. Endurance :
It is ability to continue the
activity under the condition of
fatigue or for a long time.


the capacity of something to

last or to withstand wear and
Types of endurance :

On the Basis of nature of activity :

1. Basic Endurance :-
It is the ability of an Individual to
do the movement in which large
no. of body and muscles involve
at slow pace for a duration such
as Walking, Jogging, Swimming at
a moderate speed.
2. General Endurance :-
It is the ability of an individual to
resist fatigue satisfactorily caused
by different type of activities.

3. Specific Endurance :-
It is the ability of an individual to
complete the task without any
fatigue. It’s requirement
depends upon the nature of
activity (Games and Sports).
On the Basis of duration of activity :

1. Speed Endurance :-
It is the ability of an individual to
perform a movement with high speed
to resist of fatigue in activities upto
45 seconds.

2. Short term endurance :-

Short term endurance is needed to
resist fatigue in sports activities
lasting from 45 seconds to 2 minutes.

3. The medium term endurance :-

It is the activity lasting from 2.min to
11 minutes. Ex. 1500 & 3000 mts.
4. Long term Endurance :-
It is needed for those
sports which require more
than 11 minutes time ex.
5000m to 1000m cross
country race.
3. Speed :

It is the ability to do movement as quick

as possible.
Types of speed Ability :

1. Reaction speed ability : It is the ability to act against a


2. Acceleration speed ability : It is the ability to achieve max

speed in minimum possible time.

3. Movement speed ability : It is the ability to do a single

small movement in minimum possible time.

4. Locomotor speed ability : It is the ability to maintain max

speed as long as possible.

5. Speed Endurance : It is the ability to do the movement as

quick as possible under the condition of fatigue.
4. Flexibility :
Flexibility is the range of movement of the joint of
a sports person.
5. Coordinative Abilities :
Components of Wellness :

1. Social Wellness :
It is the ability to relate to and
connect with other people in the

2. Emotional Wellness :
It is the ability to understand self
and cope with the challenges life
can bring.

3. Spiritual Wellness :
It is the ability to establish peace
and harmony in lives.
4. Environmental Wellness :
It is the ability to recognize one’s own
responsibility for the quality of the air,
the water and the land that surrounds

5. Occupational Wellness :
It is the ability to get personal fulfilment
from jobs or chosen career fields while
still maintaining balance in lives.

6. Intellectual Wellness :
It is the ability to open minds to new
ideas and experiences that can be
applied to personal decisions, group
interaction and community betterment.
7. Physical Wellness :

It is the ability to maintain

a healthy quality of life that
allows to get through our
daily activities without
undue fatigue or physical
Components of Health Related
Fitness :

1. Cardiovascular Endurance :
It refers to the physical activity of an
individual to indulge in aerobic exercise
for longer period of time. It is also
known as cardiorespiratory endurance.

2.Muscular Strength :
This refers to the ability of the muscles
to exert force during an activity.
Muscular strength of the different
muscles can be improved by lifting
weights, rapidly climbing the stairs etc.
3. Body Composition :
It refers to the relative amount of
muscles, fat, bone and other vital parts
of the body. It is basically the percentage
of lean body mass i.e. bones, tendons,
muscles, ligaments organs, etc. in
comparison to body fat.

4. Muscular Endurance :
This refers to the ability of the muscles
to continue to perform repetitive
exercises without fatigue.
Muscular endurance can be improved by
doing cardio-respiratory activities like
walking, cycling, jogging, dancing etc.
5. Flexibility :
Flexibility is the range of movement of the joint
of a sports person.
5.3 Traditional Sports & Regional
Games for promoting wellness
Many people see the traditional /
Indigenous games as a strong
indicator that their culture can
survive. In this way traditional /
Indigenous games are not only
helping youth to get physically fit but
also inspiring older members of the
Indigenous community.

Physical activity is decreasing in our

society, especially in children as they
Traditional/Indigenous games are
inclusive games and not competitive.
For example, if a player gets 'out' in
some games they can immediately
rejoin the game once leaving the

Benefits of Indigenous /Traditional

Games :
1. Bringing-together of Indigenous
and non-Indigenous people.
2. Help reconnect urban Indigenous
youth to their culture.
3. Boost education retention in
economically poor section.
4. Promote Reunion
Indigenous Sports of India :

Traditional sports of India can be

traced back to Vedic times, when
indigenous sports such as archery,
chariot racing, wrestling, yoga and
swimming were popular with royalty.

After Independence, Team India

garnered laurels at various
international sports events in
disciplines such as hockey, cricket,
shooting, wrestling and tennis.
India has a strong tradition of traditional
sports and games that are played all over
the country. Some games like Kabaddi
and Kho Kho are popular nationwide,
while other indigenous sports of India are
specific to a certain state or region.

The National Sports Policy, 2001 aims to

promote traditional sports through
various schemes related to rural sports.
According to this policy, high priority will
be accorded to the development of
sports in rural areas to harness local
talent available there.
5.4. Leadership through
Physical Activity and

Leadership :

Leadership can be described

as the ability of an individual
to influence, motivate, and
enable others to contribute
toward the effectiveness and
success of an organization or a
group of which they are
Creating leaders through physical
education :

1. Give various responsibilities of an

2. Provide leadership training
3. Provide regular opportunity to
4. Recognize their achievement by
facilitating them at different
5. Have faith and confidence in your
students if they they are
5.5. Introduction to First

First aid :
“It is care that is give to
an injured or sick person
prior to treatment by
medically trained

Aim of first aid :

To save the life of an
injured & ill person.
Objectives of first aid :

1. To preserve life

2. To alleviate pain & suffering

3. To prevent the condition from


4. To promote recovery.

5. To provide Early medical Aid.

'PRICE Technique’ :

1. Prevention: - Support must be provided to

injured player and safety of injured part is

2. Rest : Rest to be provided to injured player

for health recovery.

3. Ice : Use of ice reduces pain

4. Compression : Compressing the injured part

slightly provides relief to the player.

5. Elevation : Elevate the injured part to the

level of heart to reduce the swelling & pain.
Q.1. How many components do
physical fitness have?

(a) Five.
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) Six
Q.2. What is the another
name of synchronization?

(a) Speed
(b) Coordination.
(c) Strength
(d) Endurance
Q.3. What is the suppleness
called in another words.

(a) Speed
(b) Strength
(c) Endurance
(d) Flexibility.
Q.4. The percentage of fat,
bone, water and muscle in
human body is called.

(a) Muscular endurance

(b) Muscular strength
(c) Body composition.
(d) Flexibility
Q.5. The ability to overcome
resistance for longer duration
is called :

(a) Speed
(b) Strength
(c) Endurance.
(d) Flexibility
Q.6. The ability of body to
execute movements with
greater amplitude or range is

(a) Strength
(b) Flexibility.
(c) Body composition
(d) Stamina
Q.7. The ability to overcome
resistance is called:

(a) Muscular strength.

(b) Muscular Endurance
(c) Flexibility
(d) Body composition
Q.8. The aim of heath related
fitness is to prevent.

(a) Power
(b) Strength
(c) Capacity
(d) Diseases.
Important Questions
Short Type Question (3 Marks Each)
Q.1 Briefly explain the importance of

Ans. Importance of wellness:

1. It help in the improvement and toning
up the muscle.
2. It reduces the recovery time after injury
or illness.
3. It help in fulfilling proper nutritional
Q.2 Describe the importance of healthy positive

Ans. Importance of healthy/ positive lifestyle

(1) Increase the longivity: A healthy lifestyle
increases the longivity. It slows down the ageing
process and helps the older person to stay
strong and healthy.
(2) Increase the level of energy: An individual
with a healthy lifestyle feels more energetic
which means more productivity in day to day
(3) Helps in reducing depression: Healthy
lifestyle helps in accomplishing a healthy body
which in turn elevates hormone level in the body
that regulates the mood.
Q.3 Discuss 'healthy diet' as a component of
positive lifestyle.

Ans. Healthy diet or good nutrition is one of the

main components of positive lifestyle. In fact, a
healthy diet of good nutrition is necessary to lead
a healthy or positive lifestyle. The basic of a
healthy diet are lots of fruits and vegetable, whole
grain food and low fat diary products.

Such diet required everyday in order to maintain

the adequate amount of vitamins nutrients and
minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. That
is why it
is rightly said that to eat is a necessity but to eat
intelligently is an art.
5 Marks Question
Q1. What do you mean by the term physical fitness? Explain
the component of physical fitness in detail.

Ans. Physical fitness is the total functional capacity of an

individual to perform a given task. It means that it is the
body’s ability to function efficiently, to enjoy leisure time, to
be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases and to meet
unforeseen situation.
It consists of health related fitness and skill related physical
fitness. Physical fitness and exercises habits developed in
early years provide a foundation for life time. Since activity
is the basis
of life and human body cannot remain in normal condition
without activity therefore optimal physical fitness is not
possible without regular exercise.
Components of physical fitness
There are five physical fitness

These are
- Speed
- Strength
- Endurance
- Flexibility
- Coordination

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