Level of study: 7
Study hours for the module: 400 hours of learning time, divide into:
Dissertation Supervisors:
Dr Shahzavar Karimzadi [email protected]
Hollie March [email protected]
Robert Mikecz [email protected]
Rongdi Qiu [email protected]
Ajendra Selvaratnam [email protected]
Dr Betty Sumarno [email protected]
Chloe Wheeler [email protected]
Dr. Ping Zheng [email protected]
Who is the module for? This module is a core module for Level 7 students studying MSc
International Business.
Module aims: This module offers the students the opportunity to actively contribute to
international business research, building upon the knowledge and skills developed
throughout the programme.
Equipment you need to bring to class: Please ensure you attend your seminars with
the ability to make notes in whatever format suits your style of learning and with access to
any teaching material
• Further information about the assessment can be found at the end of this
handbook, in the “assessment brief” section.
It's important that you meet your assessment deadline to help manage your workload and
ensure your timely progression to your next level of study. However, we understand that in
exceptional cases you may be unable to submit your work on time or do well in your exams
due to unexpected events which are short-term in nature and beyond your control. Find out
more about what to do in situations such as these here.
A coursework extension or a chance to re-take your exam is not an automatic right; and to
ensure fairness and transparency, exceptional circumstances requests will only be approved
if they meet the criteria, are submitted on time and - where relevant - include appropriate
professional evidence.
Indicative schedule of delivery: one line on what will be covered in each session; do adapt
depending on whether the module is delivered weekly, in blocks or other pattern of delivery.
The number of weeks should correspond to the Academic Calendar your module is aligned
with. Highlighting dates for ADW and PDW in this section may help, and deadlines for
assessments. Do incorporate here if field trips/visits are part of the module. Do adapt the
table below to suit your needs
Guidance on how to use independent study time: Engage with blackboard and
supervisor to plan how to make the best use of this time.
Referencing system: Please use the Harvard Referencing System for all work on this
module. For help with this please visit, harvard ( Or Cite them Right, (access available through Blackboard)
Learning Materials/Resources: The resources related to this module will mostly consist
of recent and relevant books and journal articles specific to the student’s area of research.
There is a list of essential resources below.
Essential Resources:
Bell, J. (2014) Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers.
McGraw-Hill Education (UK). (available as an e-book in the University library) Full details
and actions for Doing your research project: a guide for first time researchers
Collis, J. & Hussey, R. (2021) Business Research: A practical guide for students 5th edn.
Palgrave Macmillan. (available online from CCCU Library) Full details and actions for
Business research: a practical guide for students (
Pears, R. and Shields, G.J. (2022) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. 12th edn.
Macmillan International Higher Education. (electronic version available via Library
Search) Full details and actions for Cite them right: the essential referencing guide
Saunders, M, Lewis, P and Thornhill, A. (2023) Research Methods for Business Students.
9th edn. Pearson Education. (available online from CCCU Library) Full details and
actions for Research Methods for Business Students (
Recommended Resources:
Your Research Methods Module Blackboard provides you access to Saunders, Lewis and
Thornhill (2023) Research Methods for Business Students – with all the additional resources
the software provides you to support your understanding of research.
All the other module Blackboards and Handbooks provide a information and direct you to
topic focused resources.
Some students may be required to take reassessment for the module, following a decision
from a Board of Examiners. Do check the Your Guide to Assessment and Award Processes
and seek advice from your Personal Academic Tutor if this is the case for you. Support from
the module team will be available in preparation for the reassessments.
Should you be required to take reassessment, the nature of the reassessment will be:
Original assessment Reassessment type Deadline for submission of
reassessment, and where it
should be submitted
1. Dissertation 10,000 words Dissertation Formal examination period
January 2025 TBC
Assessment brief:
Task: you are required to produce a 10,000-word essay, called a dissertation, that presents
detailed research and analysis of a topic of your choice. This topic should incorporate an
international and cross-cultural perspective and showcase your ability to critically evaluate
theories, concepts and models and apply them to effectively support your data findings and
Below is a suggested structure for your dissertation. Depending on your approach to your
research this structure may be adapted. Please consult with your supervisor for further
support with this.
Anonymous Marking
This dissertation is exempt from the anonymous marking policy due to the provision of a
supervisor to each student.
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Literature Review (This should not be identical to your proposal, but
developed from it)
Chapter 3 – Methodology (What research design/approach, data collection methods and
analysis methods are you doing with this dissertation?)
• Design approach and why?
• Data collection methods and why?
• Data analysis method and why?
Assessment Criteria (See the full Level 7 Criteria at the back of the Module Handbook
for the breakdown of the criterion grade barriers)
1a. Content and range of knowledge Comprehensive, current and well organised theoretical and/or
displayed substantive knowledge base.
2b. Apply methods/use of techniques Information and/or data is organised using effective structures and
for gathering evidence processes
2c. Use of literature/evidence of reading Broad and/or in-depth reading from appropriate sources, including
the most current ones in the field. Ability to critically appraise
3. Evaluation of process and the quality Evaluation of information and/or data and the enquiry process
of information/data developed
4. Quality of sources used Use of a wide range and balanced primary sources, and high-quality
secondary sources. Makes use of current research.
6a. Clarity of objectives and focus of Clear appropriate objectives defined in detail and coherently
work addressed throughout the work
7a. Selecting research methodology and Methodology and research techniques chosen are appropriate to the
techniques (Relationship between aims and objectives of the task.
methodology chosen and the nature of
the enquiry)
8b. Critical reasoning Effective critical evaluation of theories and/or concepts and/or
assumptions. Arguments are clear, coherent, tenable and
demonstrate sound judgement
9. Conclusions Conclusions are drawn which are clearly derived from evidence
and/or theory and/or literature.
16. Clarity of expression (incl. accuracy, Demonstrates fluent, effective and confident writing with structured
spelling, grammar, punctuation) and coherent arguments. Writing style uses discipline-specific
vocabulary to present complex ideas clearly. Spelling, punctuation,
grammar and numeracy are accurate.
23. Independence/autonomy (including Identifies learning needs and acts independently to improve
planning and managing learning) performance. Is autonomous in utilising learning resources.
28. Reflective practice Able to evaluate own practice. Considers actions for future practice
Date and validity e.g. June 2024, valid for academic year 2023/2024
Level 7 Assessment Criteria – 2023-24
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
2a. Information Outstanding use of Excellent use of initiative to Very good use of Adequate use of initiative to Selects some Information gathered Data collected is not
gathering/ processing initiative to seek out seek out original sources of initiative to seek out seek out sources of appropriate is appropriate to some appropriate and has
original sources of information and new varied sources of information and new information, and extent but necessary not been collected and
information and new insights. Very effective information and new insights. Effective evaluation processes some of it data is missing. processed
insights. Highly effective evaluation of their validity insights. Very effective of their validity against adequately but with Inappropriate use of systematically.
evaluation of their validity against existing evaluation of their existing information to limited impact overall. processing tools.
against existing information to address validity against existing address current issues in the
information to address current issues in the information to address discipline or area of
current issues in the discipline or area of current issues in the professional practice.
discipline or area of professional practice. discipline or area of
professional practice. professional practice.
2b. Applying methods/ Conducts research highly Conducts research Information and/or Information and/or data is Information and/or There are significant Data collected is not
use of techniques for effectively to construct effectively to construct data is organised using organised using effective data is collected and gaps in the information appropriate and has
gathering evidence original arguments which original arguments which self-selected structures structures and processes to analysed appropriately collected and/or not been collected and
seek to answer self- seek to answer gaps in own and processes answer given question(s). but the research limited analysis. The processed
identified gaps in own or or others’ knowledge. provided to construct questions are not fully research questions are systematically in a way
others’ knowledge. emergent knowledge addressed. only partially that addresses the
to answer given addressed. research questions.
2c. Use of literature/ Demonstrates Demonstrates very broad Demonstrates broad Evidence of independent Limited evidence of Very limited evidence Little or no evidence of
evidence of reading outstandingly broad and/or and/or in-depth and/or in-depth reading from a wide range broad and of independent engagement with
in-depth independent independent reading from independent reading of appropriate sources, independent reading. reading. Core texts relevant literature.
reading from appropriate appropriate sources, from appropriate including current ones. Application of and/or some
sources, including the most including the most current sources, including the Clear, accurate, systematic literature is descriptive inappropriate sources
current ones in the field. ones in the field. Choice of most current ones in application of material. rather than critical may be referred to
Choice of sources highly sources clearly enhances the field. Choice of Shows an ability to appraise overall. briefly and without
enhances fulfilment of the fulfilment of the sources clearly material critically. critical analysis.
assignment objectives. assignment objectives. enhances fulfilment of
Clear, accurate, systematic Clear, accurate, systematic the assignment
application of material with application of material with objectives. Clear,
highly developed and/or well-developed and/or accurate, systematic
integrated critical integrated critical application of material
appraisal. appraisal. with developed and/or
integrated critical
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
3. Evaluation of Outstanding evaluation of Excellent evaluation of Very effective Effectively evaluates Shows a basic Evaluation of process Limited or no
process and the quality information and/or data information and/or data evaluation of information and/or data evaluation of the and the information evaluation of either
of information/ data using appropriate criteria using appropriate criteria information and/or and the inquiry process enquiry methodology and/or data is process or outcomes.
developed that are self-determined. that are self-determined. data and the enquiry using prescribed guidelines. and information incomplete.
Critiques established Critiques established process, including and/or data generated.
research techniques and research techniques and critique of the
methodologies methodologies effectively. techniques used.
convincingly and proposes
new hypotheses where
4. Quality of sources Outstanding use made of Excellent use made of Uses a wide range and Uses an adequate and Scope and breadth of Uses a narrow range of Uses unreliable and/ or
used primary sources collated primary sources collated balanced combination largely balanced sources is too narrow sources which are not inappropriate sources.
independently, in independently, in of primary sources, combination of primary for a level-7 current.
conjunction with very high- conjunction with high collated sources, collated assignment, and not
quality secondary sources. quality secondary sources. independently, and independently, and always current enough.
Heavily draws upon current Draws upon current high-quality secondary secondary sources,
research and/ or advanced research and / or advanced sources. Makes some including current sources.
scholarship, at the scholarship, at the use of current research
forefront of the field of forefront of the field of and/or advanced
study or professional study or professional scholarship.
practice. practice.
5. Referencing Outstanding use of sources Excellent use of sources to Very effective use of Effective use of sources to Sources of information Some sources of Little or no
to support discussion and support discussion and sources to support support discussion and acknowledged but information acknowledgement of
personal findings. personal findings. discussion and personal findings. integration between acknowledged but sources of information
Referencing follows the Referencing follows highly personal findings. Referencing follows the text and reference list links between text and in text and/or
highest standards of the effectively the standards of Referencing follows standards of the discipline is inconsistent. reference list unclear. reference list.
discipline. the discipline. the standards of the clearly and accurately. Attempts to follow a Referencing does not
discipline very clearly systematic approach, follow a systematic
and accurately. appropriate to the approach.
discipline do not
always succeed.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
6a. Clarity of objectives Defines appropriate Defines appropriate Defines appropriate Outlines appropriate Uses generalised Objectives are not Work lacks focus as
and focus of work objectives in detail and objectives in detail and objectives in detail and objectives and addresses objectives to provide appropriate and/or objectives are not
systematically addresses addresses them addresses them them in a manner which adequate but limited clearly identified. identified.
them comprehensively and comprehensively and coherently throughout gives focus to the work. focus to the work.
imaginatively. imaginatively. the work.
6b. Attention to Addresses the purpose of Addresses the full purpose Addresses the main Addresses the main purpose Only some of the work Some knowledge Does not address the
purpose the assignment of the assignment with purpose of the of the assignment is focused on the aims displayed but not task set.
comprehensively and creativity. Response assignment effectively effectively. Response and themes of the clearly linked to the
imaginatively. Response provides some original and with some provides some insights assignment with some task set.
provides original insights insights informed by the creativity. Response informed by recent research digression and
informed by the forefront forefront of the field of provides good insights in the field of study and/or limitation in focus.
of the field of study and/or study and/or professional informed by current professional practice.
professional practice. practice. research in the field of
study and/or
professional practice.
7a. Selecting research Highly convincing, self- The process and rationale Methodology and Methodology and research Methodology used is The choice of The issue of
methodology and determined choice of for selection of research techniques techniques chosen are appropriate to the methodology and its methodology is not
techniques methodology and research methodology and research selected are very appropriate to the task and task, but little rationale relationship to addressed and/or an
(Relationship between techniques enables the techniques is thoroughly effective and attention is given to the is given for its selection information and/or inappropriate
methodology chosen successful collection and explored, enabling the appropriate to the selection of a methodology from a range of data being collected is methodology was used
and the nature of the recording of self- effective collection of aims and objectives of from the range of prescribed ones. confused or only to complete the task.
enquiry) determined information information and/or data. the task and a good prescribed ones. partially appropriate.
and/or data. rationale for its
selection is provided.
7b. Originality in Demonstrates outstanding Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates some Effective application of Knowledge and Some relevant The knowledge and
application of originality, creativity and creativity and innovation in creativity and knowledge and problem problem solving were knowledge and approaches applied
knowledge and in innovation in the the application of innovation in the solving, but with some applied largely problem-solving were not relevant or
problem solving application of knowledge knowledge and/or practice application of original features. accurately, but a more approaches were appropriate to
and/or practice and in and in problem solving, knowledge and/or original approach and applied but these were addressing the task.
problem solving. Has with potential originality. practice and in deeper discussion unsuccessful in
definite potential for Has potential for problem solving. were required for the resolving the task.
publication/exhibition and publication/exhibition and assignment.
ability for doctoral ability for doctoral
research. research.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
8a. Critical analysis Outstanding application of Makes excellent use of a Makes very good use Makes good use of Makes some The critical analysis Critical analysis was
relevant analytic range of relevant analytic of established established techniques of satisfactory use of present was either not included.
techniques, and the ability techniques and applies techniques of analysis analysis and gives some established techniques ineffective and/or not
to apply these to new these to new and/or relevant to the relevant disciplinary critique of analysis, relevant to appropriate to the
and/or abstract abstract information and discipline. Shows good of these techniques. the discipline. More discipline.
information and situations. situations. Shows excellent ability to compare analysis and critique of
Shows an excellent ability to compare alternative theories these techniques is
appreciation of the limits alternative theories and/or and/or analytic required.
and/or appropriate uses of analytic approaches (where approaches (where
particular analytic relevant). relevant).
Ready for doctoral
research and potential
publication in the discipline
8b. Critical reasoning Highly sophisticated critical Sophisticated critical Very effective critical Effective critical evaluation Demonstrates some Critical thought and/or Critical thought
evaluation of recognised evaluation of recognised evaluation of various of theories and/or concepts critical insight and judgement were process was not
and current theories and current theories theories and/or and/or assumptions and/or judgement and presented briefly, presented here.
and/or concepts and/or and/or concepts and/or concepts and/or data which informs the recognises alternative partially or in a
assumptions and/or data assumptions and/or data assumptions and/or overall approach taken to positions. These confusing form.
which informs the overall which informs the overall data which informs the the assignment. Arguments aspects needed to be
approach taken to the approach taken to the overall approach taken are clear, coherent, tenable, more fully developed
assignment. Arguments assignment. Arguments to the assignment. and demonstrate sound throughout the
are very clear, coherent, are clear, coherent, Arguments are clear, judgement. argument for a pass at
tenable, and demonstrate tenable, and demonstrate coherent, tenable, and level 7.
considerable originality and originality and demonstrate some
independence of independence of originality and
judgement. judgement. independence of
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
9. Conclusions Outstandingly well- Very well-developed Conclusions show very Conclusions are drawn Conclusion is Conclusions are Conclusions are not
developed conclusions conclusions, which show good development and which are clearly derived presented and linked incomplete and/or included, or
which show considerable clear originality. They are original insight and from evidence and/or to evidence/theory only partially unsubstantiated
originality. They form an thoroughly grounded in relate clearly and theory and/or literature, and/or literature but substantiated and and/or invalid
integrated part of the theory and/or evidence logically to evidence with some originality. the understanding of understanding of conclusions drawn.
overall argument and/or and/or literature and use and/or theory and/or these contains evidence/theory
discussion, reflecting appropriate forms of literature. inaccuracies or and/or literature
commanding grasp of conceptualisation, forming omissions. contains significant
theory and/or evidence an integrated part of inaccuracies or
and/or literature and overall argument and/or omissions.
appropriate forms of discussion. They
conceptualisation. contribute to the work
They contribute to the being of potential
work being of publishable publishable standard.
10. Initiative (taking Shows a highly creative, Systematically uses Effectively assesses the Assesses needs of complex Where goals and Demonstrates ability Has not yet
action, taking risks in proactive and independent imagination and self- needs of complex and and unpredictable situations methods are defined, to undertake demonstrated ability
relation to approach approach to achieving direction to assess the unpredictable and acts towards achieving will undertake tasks prescribed tasks, but to undertake tasks
and/or theme of goals in a manner needs of complex and situations and takes goals. requiring some as yet shows very little with personal initiative
research, appropriate to complex unpredictable situations independent action If in a group setting, shows independence, but the initiative beyond beyond those
independence) and unpredictable and take independent necessary to achieve awareness of the needs and candidate is yet to instructions. prescribed.
situation(s). actions to achieve goals. goals. If in a group views of others. demonstrate If in a group setting, If in a group setting,
If in a group setting, shows If in a group setting, takes setting, recognises the Tendency to play safe or autonomy in more self- does not take account does not take account
a sophisticated account of the needs and needs and views of risk-taking which has limited directed situations. of the needs and views of the needs and views
appreciation of the needs views of others. others. impact. If in a group setting, of others. of others.
and views of others. Willingness to take Some risk taking with shows limited Work is routine or If risks are taken, they
Real willingness to take considered risks and some mixed outcomes. awareness of the includes very ill-judged are very ill-judged.
considered risks and successful outcomes. needs and views of risk-taking.
successful outcomes. others.
Work is largely routine
or may include some
ill-judged risk-taking.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
11a. Decision making Uses a range of Uses a range of Uses appropriate Uses available information Recognises benefits Rationale behind the Final decision is
appropriate information, appropriate information to information to to evaluate possible options and disadvantages of final decision is unclear unclear or absent.
exercising autonomy and evaluate options in evaluate options in in complex and some possible options or untenable.
initiative when exploring complex and unpredictable complex and unpredictable situations. but the rationale for
options in complex and situations. Applies clear unpredictable Final decision is clear and final decision in
unpredictable situations. criteria to demonstrate situations. Selection of linked to the evaluation. complex and
Makes clear decisions reasons for final decision final decision clearly unpredictable
which give due weight to and/or choice and/or derived from situations is unclear.
alternatives. outcome. evaluation.
11b. Outstanding Excellent Good Sound recommendations Recommendations are Recommendations Recommendations are
Recommendations recommendations which recommendations which recommendations which are responsive to the somewhat responsive identified are either minimal, vague
reflect a responsive, reflect a responsive, which reflect a context and issues covered to the context and somewhat but not or superficial and not
innovative, comprehensive innovative and responsive and in the assignment, although issues covered in the entirely responsive to clearly connected or
and original response to comprehensive response comprehensive more depth, originality or assignment, although the context and issues responsive to the
the context and issues to the context and issues response to the innovation required. more depth, originality covered in the context and issues
covered in the assignment. covered in the assignment. context and issues Recommendations are or innovation required. assignment. covered in the
Recommendations are Recommendations are covered in the generally realistic and have Recommendations are Recommendations assignment.
realistic and have viable realistic and have viable assignment, with some viable SMART goals that somewhat realistic, may lack clarity, depth, Recommendations lack
SMART goals that will SMART goals that will attempt of originality could develop the specific with some but not all originality or clarity, depth,
advance the specific area enhance the specific area or innovation. area that warrants further having viable SMART innovation. originality or
that warrants further that warrants further Recommendations are attention. goals that may Recommendations are innovation.
attention. attention. generally realistic and somewhat develop the not always realistic and Recommendations are
have viable SMART specific area that not all (if any) have not realistic with
goals that will develop warrants further viable SMART goals. extremely minimal or
the specific area that attention. Overall no viable SMART goals.
warrants further recommendations are Recommendations
attention. either somewhat or either repeat
unlikely to develop the information already
specific area that presented by others
warrants further and/or are unlikely to
attention. develop the specific
area that warrants
further attention.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
12. Creative process Demonstrates striking Creative work shows highly Creative work shows Creative works shows Creative work shows a This work contains This piece of work does
innovation and creative developed technique in the well-developed imagination and technique. basic level of undeveloped ideas not show evidence of
imagination in service of a lively imagination and Processes involved have imagination and and/or little creativity creativity or
work/performance art that imagination. Processes technique. Processes creative application and technique. Processes or skill/technique. innovation. Developed
reaches near-professional involved are handled with involved are outcomes. Personal style is involved have some Minimal personal style skills and techniques
levels in its application of assurance to achieve manipulated to evident in work which creative outcomes. and little insight into are not demonstrated
creative methods and innovative results. Personal achieve creative shows some original Personal style is effective working here.
techniques, resulting in style consistently marked results. application and adaptation lacking, in favour of processes are
material which is in work which builds on Builds on models and of models. work which is demonstrated here.
consummately well- models with originality, moulds influences with derivative in origin.
crafted. flair and style. originality and
High potential for Potential for distinctive personal
exhibition/publication and exhibition/publication and style.
dissemination. dissemination.
13. Performance Compelling, Highly focused, convincing Focussed performance Performance demonstrates Performance that Performance in which Performance in which
communicative and precise performance demonstrating communication, reasonably communication, fluency and focus are
performance demonstrating communication, commitment and demonstrates commitment and style severely limited by a
demonstrating professional communication, commitment and a understanding of the genre communication, are limited by struggles lack of technical
level of authority, thorough commitment and thorough thorough with reasonable attention commitment and with technical control. control. Improvised
awareness of style, superb understanding of style with understanding of the to detail, displaying a good understanding of the Improvised passages passages do not yet
control of technical and careful attention to detail, style with careful level of technical ability. genre but with little show poor show understanding of
interpretative issues. displaying consistently high attention to detail, Improvised passages show a attention to detail and understanding of the style/genre or
Improvisations are level of technical ability displaying consistently sound understanding of displaying a low level style and may be conventions of
imaginative, creative and and interpretive skills. high level of technical style. Well-rehearsed. Stage of technical ability. inappropriate. performance here. This
stylistically assured. Improvised passages are ability. Improvisation is craft presentation of a good Improvised passages Performance is under- performance is under-
Accurate, flexible, focused, creative, stylistically stylistically correct and standard. show little rehearsed and rehearsed, lacking in
well-rehearsed, convincing assured and considered. considered. understanding of style. unconvincing and confidence and stage
and precise performance. Performance well Performance well- Lacks confidence and stage conduct is not conduct is
Stage craft presentation prepared, assured and prepared and/or stage conduct requires adequately addressed. inappropriate, and /or
suitable for professional thoroughly persuasive. rehearsed, assured and further development. unacceptable.
performance. Stage craft presentation of focussed. Stage craft
High potential for a very high standard. presentation of a high
exhibition. Potential for exhibition. standard.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
14. Form and content Demonstrates an Demonstrates an excellent Clear evidence of Work shows some evidence Work shows evidence Work shows little or no The work has not
in a practical context outstanding ability to ability to critically engage critically relating of critically relating theory of an appropriate evidence of an addressed the brief in
critically engage with with theory and practice. theory to practice. and practice. Work tends to relationship between understanding of the a way that shows
theory and practice. Synthesises creative Demonstrates very be conventional but shows form and content. relationship between understanding of the
Synthesises creative strategies and interrelated well-developed ability good ability to relate form Moderate degree of form and content. relationship between
strategies and interrelated forms and styles. Work to analyse, synthesise and content. Some aspects technical and Lacks creativity and is form and content.
forms and styles more shows clear evidence of and experiment with of creativity present. professional technically poor.
widely. Clear awareness of intellectual rigour and/or relationships between Structure and content are competence. Some
and ability to experiment creativity. Experiments form and content. displaying robust technical presence of creativity.
with conventional forms. with conventional forms. Good evidence of and professional
Work shows compelling Technically and creativity. Technically competence.
evidence of intellectual professionally competent and professionally
rigour and/or creativity. throughout. competent in most
Technical and professional respects.
excellence throughout.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
15a. Communication Outstanding Highly effective Very good Communication is effective, Communication is Communication is Communication is
and presentation communication which communication which communication in a and in a format appropriate generally clear but unstructured and disorganised and/or
(appropriate to demonstrates a demonstrates a very strong format appropriate to to the discipline. contains limited unfocused and/or in a incoherent and/or
discipline) sophisticated and full understanding of the the discipline. Presentation of own evidence of discipline’s format inappropriate does not show
understanding of the discipline. Presentation of own findings is suited to academic style. to the discipline. understanding of the
discipline, and is potentially Presentation of own findings is suited to specialist and/or non- Presentation of own Presentation of own discipline.
of publishable standard. findings is well suited to specialist and/or non- specialist audiences. findings is not always findings is not suited to Specialist and/or non-
Presentation of own specialist and/or non- specialist audiences. suited to specialist specialist and/or non- specialist audiences
findings is highly suited to specialist audiences. and/or non-specialist specialist audiences. have not been
specialist and/or non- audiences. considered.
specialist audiences.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
15b. Coherence and Outstanding organisation Excellent logical Demonstrates highly Demonstrates effective Shows limited Work is not clearly The structure and
organisation of work and coherence clearly organisation and logical organisation conventional organisation organisation and some structured or presentation of the
enhance the work and is in coherence enhance and coherence. and coherence. lack of coherence but presented; significant work is very unclear;
a format which may be of fulfilment of the is partially sections are not the assessor is not able
publishable standard. assignment objectives and understandable. understandable. to understand the
is in a format which could work.
be of publishable standard
with some amendments.
16. Clarity of Demonstrates very fluent, Demonstrates very fluent, Demonstrates very Demonstrates fluent, Demonstrates largely The syntax and writing The writing style and
expression (incl. effective and confident effective and confident fluent, effective and effective and confident effective writing with style are confusing for structure are
accuracy, spelling, writing with outstandingly writing with excellently confident writing with writing with structured and structured and the reader and consistently
grammar, punctuation) well-structured, convincing structured and coherent well-structured and coherent arguments. The coherent arguments. discipline-specific disorganised and/or
and coherent arguments. arguments. The writing coherent arguments. writing style is adapted to The writing style is vocabulary may be incoherent. Meaning
The writing style is adapted style is adapted sensitively The writing style is the needs of the brief using adapted to the needs misused or is unclear. Discipline-
sensitively to the needs of to the needs of the brief adapted effectively to discipline-specific of the brief and uses misrepresented. specific vocabulary is
the brief using discipline- using discipline-specific the needs of the brief vocabulary accurately to discipline-specific Frequent errors in not used
specific vocabulary vocabulary accurately to using discipline-specific present complex ideas vocabulary accurately spelling, punctuation, appropriately.
accurately to present present complex ideas vocabulary accurately clearly. Spelling, to present complex grammar and Consistently inaccurate
complex ideas clearly. clearly. Spelling, to present complex punctuation, grammar and ideas. Spelling, numeracy. spelling, grammar,
Spelling, punctuation, punctuation, grammar and ideas clearly. Spelling, numeracy are accurate. punctuation, grammar punctuation and
grammar and numeracy numeracy are accurate. punctuation, grammar and numeracy are numeracy.
are accurate. and numeracy are mainly accurate but
accurate. there some errors
which detract from the
17. Digital skills Outstanding use of a range A range of digital A range of appropriate Appropriate digital Understandable and Some appropriate Digital technologies
of appropriate digital technologies are used digital technologies are technologies are used clear work with use of digital technologies are are not used
technologies to enhance accurately and discerningly used accurately to accurately to enhance the appropriate digital used but overall digital appropriately; digital
the work, showing to enhance the work, enhance the work, work, showing digital technologies but errors literacy is poor. literacy not yet
sophisticated digital demonstrating excellent showing good digital literacy. which detract from demonstrated.
literacy and digital literacy. literacy. digital literacy.
originality/initiative of
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
18. Presentation Outstanding presentation, Message is presented Presentation is very Presentation has an Visual aspect and/or Presented in a Presentation is
(visual) which shows true highly effectively and clear and has very adequate structure and structure of disorganised manner incoherent, not
creativity. Visual impact imaginatively for specialist good visual effect. It is some effective visual impact presentation is basic and not adapted to suitable for audiences
enhances the message in and/or non-specialist adapted to specialist for specialist and/or non- and not consistently specialist and/or non- and/or medium is non-
an exceptionally effective audiences, with excellent and/or non-specialist specialist visual audiences. adapted to specialist specialist audiences. visual.
manner for specialist visual impact. audiences. and/or non-specialist Lacks appropriate
and/or non-specialist audiences. support from visual
audiences. tools.
19. Presentation (oral) Outstanding presentation, Presentation is very well Very clearly structured Presentation has an Pace, audibility and/or Delivery is Presentation is not
which shows true structured and engaging. and addresses effective structure and structure of disorganised and/or understandable and/or
creativity. Audibility and Audibility and pace are specialist and/or non- addresses a specialist presentation are not pace and audibility is inaudible and/or not
pace are highly appropriate appropriate to specialist specialist audience. and/or non-specialist sufficiently adapted to poor. an oral presentation.
to specialist and/or non- and/or non-specialist Pace and audibility are audience. Pace and be effective for Presentation is not Presentation is not
specialist audiences and audiences. very good. audibility are appropriate. specialist and/or non- adapted to specialist suited to audience.
used with excellent effect specialist audiences. and/or non-specialist
to enhance the audiences.
20a. Interactive and Demonstrates a highly Uses a wide range of Interacts effectively Meets obligations to others Uses basic interactive In this assignment In this assignment
group skills (including flexible and advanced networking skills effectively within a learning (tutors and/or peers) skills appropriately to there was either a there was either a lack
teamwork, approach to negotiation within a learning or group, giving and providing contributions to contribute to the tendency to avoid of contributions to the
negotiation, and co-operation to professional group. receiving information support shared objectives. group aims. More working with others or group or the
understanding group develop relationships Negotiates and handles and ideas and Recognises and assesses evidence of awareness contributions to this contributions made
dynamics and which are mutually conflict well, seeking to modifying responses alternative options. of shared objectives group activity were not were unconstructive
empathy) beneficial to achieving establish relationships where appropriate. and alternative options effective or and made it harder for
group objectives. which serve the group is needed at this level. constructive. the group to achieve
needs. their aims.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
20b. Project Outstanding leadership, Excellent time Very good time Good time management Generally sound time Limited evidence of Minimal/absence of
Management time management, and management and use of management and use and use of initiative to seek management and use time management and evidence linked to time
ability to use initiative to initiative to seek out of initiative to seek out out sources of information of initiative to seek out use of initiative. management and use
proactively seek out relevant information and varied sources of and new insights. Makes sources of information Sporadic evidence of of initiative. Extremely
relevant information and develop new insights. Plans information and new plans and implements them with some ability to skill in information limited ability/failed to
develop new insights. Plans ahead and sets self- insights. Plans and in a satisfactory manner to develop new insights. gathering. Poor collect appropriate
well ahead and sets self- determined targets monitors progress meet timelines. Maintained Selects some identification and use data in any systematic
determined targets and allowing sufficient time to towards targets to good contact with the appropriate of processing tools. way. Unable to work
contingency plans allowing receive and act on allow sufficient time supervisor and attended to information, and Demonstrates limited independently,
time to receive and act on guidance. Maintained for development of the support provided. Identifies processes some of it ability to work needing significant
guidance. Maintained excellent communication work. Maintained very learning needs and acts adequately but with independently, guidance. Appears
exemplary communication with supervisor, and good communication independently to improve limited impact overall. needing significant unable to make and
with supervisor, and utilised support with supervisor, and performance. Completed Exhibits limited guidance. Significant implement plans.
utilised support appropriately and utilised support formative assessment tasks evidence of planning limitations in Minimal evidence of
appropriately and effectively. Identifies areas appropriately. and demonstrated a sound but undertakes completion of engagement with
effectively. Demonstrates of learning needing Identifies learning understanding and directed work formative assessments formative assessment
the attitudes and improvement and manages needs by actively adherence to ethics. independently. Some tasks. Ethical tasks. Ethical
independent learning own learning using a full seeking out feedback but limited ability to considerations limited. considerations limited.
ability needed to plan own range of resources which from a range of identify own learning
academic development and go beyond those readily sources and makes needs and uses the
develop research skills to a available. Completed and effective use of standard learning
higher level. Completed effectively engaged with all available resources. resources. No
and proactively engaged formative assessment tasks Completed and systematic attention to
with all formative and demonstrated a very engaged with timelines for
assessment tasks and good understanding and formative assessment completion of
demonstrated an excellent adherence to ethics. tasks and formative assessment
understanding and demonstrated a good tasks. Ethical
adherence to ethics. understanding and considerations limited.
adherence to ethics.
21. Self-presentation / Creative and confident self- Adopts a very confident Demonstrates Adopts both a formal and Demonstrates an Demonstrates some In this work self-
interpersonal skills presentation and style of self-presentation, flexibility in the style of informal style, depending ability to adopt both a self-awareness and/or awareness and
sophisticated interpersonal employing a wide range of presentation and on the context, and uses formal and informal interpersonal skills but appropriate
skills allow highly effective interpersonal skills interpersonal skills good interpersonal skills style. Uses basic at key moments the interpersonal skills
management of the consistent with the adopted which are appropriately. interpersonal skills but skills deployed did not were not matched to
situation(s). individual’s aims and highly appropriate to not always matching match the needs of the the needs of the
appropriate to the the setting(s). the needs of the situation. situation.
setting(s). situation
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
22. Time management Meets deadlines. Time Meets deadlines. Plans well Meets deadlines. Plans Makes plans and Usually meets Some deadlines met, Deadlines not or rarely
/ self-management management and planning ahead. Sets self- and monitors progress implements them in a important deadlines. but most deadlines met. Not yet
strategies are used highly determined targets and to allow sufficient time satisfactory manner to meet Exhibits limited missed. Extremely demonstrating ability
effectively to enhance the contingency plans allowing for development of the deadlines. evidence of planning. limited evidence of to make and
quality of the work. sufficient time to receive work. effective time implement plans.
and act on guidance. management shown
23. Independence / Demonstrates the attitudes Within unfamiliar tasks, Identifies learning Identifies learning needs Undertakes clearly Demonstrates limited Has not yet
autonomy (including and independent learning critically analyses feedback needs by actively and acts independently to directed work ability to work demonstrated ability
planning and managing ability needed to plan own to identify areas of learning seeking out feedback improve performance. Is independently and independently, to work independently;
learning) academic and professional needing improvement. from a range of autonomous in utilising uses the standard needing significant needs significant
development and develop Manages own learning sources and makes learning resources. learning resources but guidance on methods guidance on methods
skills to a higher level. using a full range of effective use of does not identify own and resources. and resources.
resources which go beyond available resources. learning needs.
those readily available.
24a. Reflection Outstanding reflection on Excellent reflection on own Very good reflection Some self-direction in Accurately applies but Work does not show Work does not apply
(including self-criticism own performance, performance, strengths on own performance, reflection, but still is dependent on consistently accurate criteria set by others or
/ awareness) strengths and weaknesses, and weaknesses, leading to strengths and dependent on criteria set by criteria set by others. application of criteria show recognition of
leading to highly effective effective decision-making weaknesses, leading to others when making Begins to recognise set by others. Limited own strengths and
decision-making in in complex situations. appropriate decision- decisions on complex own strengths and recognition of own weaknesses.
complex situations. Effectively challenges making in complex situations. Recognises own weaknesses. strengths and May result in quite an
Successfully challenges received opinion, situations. Shows strengths and weaknesses weaknesses. inaccurate view of the
received opinion, prejudices and value sets understanding of accurately. situation.
prejudices and value sets operating. criteria for
operating. judgements. Often
challenges received
opinion, prejudices and
value sets operating.
25. Critical review (to Demonstrates Assesses and/or evaluates Effectively assesses Examines work of others Comments in general Demonstrates limited Has not yet
be used in peer sophisticated judgement the work of others using a and/or studies the and consistently identifies terms on the work of ability to make demonstrated ability
assessment) and discrimination in range of relevant criteria. work of others and its strengths and others. reasoned comment on to make reasoned
utilising and providing Provides an excellent judges it against weaknesses accurately the work of others. comment on the work
diverse sources of rationale for judgements existing criteria, using existing criteria. of others.
feedback. Offers insightful and offers critical insights indicating possibilities
strategies for improvement into how work could be for improvement.
and communicates these developed.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
26. Awareness of Highly sophisticated Excellent understanding of, Very good Good understanding of, and Some, but limited Very little No consideration of, or
diversity and equity understanding and and reference to, diversity understanding of, and reference to, diversity understanding of, or consideration of, or reference to, diversity
consideration of diversity related issues and/or reference to, diversity related issues and/or reference to, diversity reference to, diversity issues throughout.
related issues and/or assumptions around related issues and/or assumptions around related issues and/or related issues and/or
assumptions around diversity embedded assumptions around diversity which are assumptions around assumptions around
diversity embedded throughout. diversity embedded reasonably integrated diversity throughout. diversity throughout.
throughout. throughout. throughout.
27. Work within a Outstanding Excellent implementation Very good Good implementation of Uses objectives which Inadequate attempt to Has not ascertained
framework of implementation of of professional values implementation of professional values and/or are consistent with ascertain needs of needs of clientele and
professional values / professional values and/or and/or code of conduct. professional values code of conduct. Develops professional values clientele and develop a develop a workable
code of conduct code of conduct. Develops Develops specific and/or code of objectives which are and/or code of workable brief. Limited brief. Fails to work
specific, achievable objectives which are conduct. Develops consistent with professional conduct but are set by use of professional within the prescribed
objectives which show achievable, consistent with objectives which are values and/or code of the clientele. Limited values and/or code of professional values
creativity. Objectives are professional values and/or consistent with conduct and appropriate to consideration of conduct frameworks. and/or code of
fully consistent with code of conduct and professional values the clientele. appropriateness and conduct framework.
professional values and/or appropriate to the and/or code of practicability.
code of conduct and clientele. conduct and
appropriate to the appropriate to the
clientele. clientele.
28. Reflective practice Consistently analyses Analyses personal Evaluates personal Able to evaluate own Able to interpret own Limited interpretation Incomplete
practice by critically contribution and that of contribution and that practice and that of others practice and that of of own practice and interpretation of
reflecting on personal others to practice through of others to practice using several frames of others, but only based that of others practice leading to
contribution and that of systematic reflection, using several frames of reference, including in on specific frames of restricting further insufficient action.
others and the rationale including in complex and reference, including in complex and unpredictable reference. action.
behind these, including in unpredictable contexts. complex and contexts. Considers actions
complex and unpredictable Considers possibilities and unpredictable for future practice.
contexts. Demonstrates their consequences in a contexts. Develops
systematic reflexive range of contexts. plans of action for
awareness, articulating Develops effective action future practice.
imaginative thinking about plans.
potential alternatives and
their implications for
further practice.
CRITERION 100-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 49-40 39-20 19-0
Distinction Distinction Merit Pass Borderline Fail Fail Fail
29. Insight Outstanding and Excellent understanding of Very good Good understanding of self- Demonstrates some Limited evidence of A lack of objective self-
sophisticated self-awareness understanding of self- awareness generally self-reflection, objective self- reflection; key
understanding of self- communicated in an awareness mostly communicated in an however the self- reflection, and lack of personal attributes
awareness communicated objective manner, that communicated in an objective manner, with reflection lacks depth, clearly identified key (e.g., strengths, biases,
in an objective manner, clearly identifies key objective manner, that reference to some key objectivity or personal attributes beliefs, obstacles,
that clearly articulates key personal attributes (e.g., clearly identifies key personal attributes (e.g., specificity in relation to (e.g., strengths, biases, developmental needs)
personal attributes (e.g., strengths, biases, beliefs, personal attributes strengths, biases, beliefs, their own key personal beliefs, obstacles, are not identified.
strengths, biases, beliefs, obstacles, developmental (e.g., strengths, biases, obstacles, developmental attributes (e.g., developmental needs) Thus, it is unclear how
obstacles, developmental needs) and the origins of beliefs, obstacles, needs) and the origins of strengths, biases, and the origins of such attributes will
needs) and the origins of these, that will directly developmental needs) these, and some reference beliefs, obstacles, these. There is a lack of influence their
these, that will directly influence their practice. and the origins of to how these will influence developmental needs) connection as to how practice.
influence their practice. these, that will their practice. and the origins of such attributes will
influence their these, with limited directly influence their
practice. clear connection to practice.
how such attributes
will influence their