Stealth Health Slow Cooker Cookbook
Stealth Health Slow Cooker Cookbook
Stealth Health Slow Cooker Cookbook
Hey, my name is Tom Walsh, and I’m the person behind @stealth_health_life.
Growing up, food was always at the forefront. All that being said, there were downsides. In
Nothing was “traditional” - experimentation and particular, it posed one challenge that pushed
fusion in the kitchen was the standard. Both of my against a core piece of my identity.
parents were incredible cooks, and anytime I had a
crazy idea I wanted to try, they helped make it Bodybuilders aren’t supposed to eat indulgent foods.
happen. It set the foundation of curiosity and culinary
exploration that I try to bring to my work today. It was They’re supposed to eat “clean”—their fitness goals
always about the food, and making it taste as good are more important than the fleeting pleasure of a
as possible - there was no thought about macros, great-tasting bite. I fell into this trap for years. As my
calories, or protein… All we cared about was passion for fitness grew, so did my belief that I had to
maximizing the flavor and sharing the experience of abandon my “food-focused” self to reach my goals. I
bringing crazy good food to life. thought that to succeed, I had to keep removing
indulgences. I needed to become the person eating
When I went away to college, I developed a passion plain chicken, rice, and broccoli while everyone else
for fitness, specifically, weight training and shared an incredible meal. Giving in to the foods I
bodybuilding. The gym brought me something I never loved felt “weak,” as if those foods were holding me
had before - an endless challenge, something that back from achieving my goals.
requires significant commitment and discipline over
the LONG term to see results, and a competition that The truth was, it was isolating. Not just isolating me
had no opponent - it was solely a battle against from others, but from my core self—the part of me
myself to become my best. I fell in love with the that was creatively inspired, that lit up at the thought
process. It became an obsession that drove my life in of a new recipe, and saw food as more than a simple
directions I never could have expected. It taught me indulgence, but as a magical experience that words
patience, commitment, it taught me how to work can’t fully capture.
extremely hard and push myself to my absolute
physical and mental limit, and it taught me that there
are times that you must hit the brakes to continue
It turns out, this is remarkably common. And it makes I chose the name “Stealth Health” because my goal
sense—most of the leaders in nutrition and fitness was to make my food look and taste as indulgent as
don’t share the same passion for food. Their focus has possible. When people saw what I was eating, they'd
always been on fitness, with food simply being the have no idea the work I’d put in behind the scenes.
fuel that either supports or hinders their goals. For They’d wonder how I could eat like that and still stay
them, food is secondary to fitness. But for those of us in shape. It felt like the opposite of everything you
who grew up with food at the center of our families, typically associate with dieting: not loud, obnoxious,
friendships, and cultures, it doesn’t work the same or restrictive, but just quietly better for you. I could
way. share it with friends and family, enjoy it myself, and no
one needed to know it was healthier—it was just
We often receive advice from the most elite great-tasting food that happened to be stealthily
professional bodybuilders and athletes—people who healthier.
must live by extreme standards that are completely
unrealistic for the average person. They’re not healthy Often, I’d make big batches to share, tell no one
- they’re extreme. And many of the beliefs and about the macros or calories, and then, after
teachings in fitness & bodybuilding trickle down from everyone had finished, I’d casually mention something
the top. like, "By the way, that was less than 500 calories per
serving and over 40g of protein." The shock, disbelief
Once I realized I didn’t have the genetics, or the (and confusion) on their faces was always priceless.
desire, to be a competitive bodybuilder, I began to
question why I was still living in such an extreme, “Stealth Health” was the perfect name to capture the
restrictive way. experience I wanted to create and share.
That’s when I discovered flexible dieting and the One phrase I’ve repeated since I first started posting
world of “macro-friendly” cooking. on social media is central to my mission:
I started experimenting with my favorite indulgent “The less you feel like you’re dieting, the better.”
foods, adjusting ingredients and ratios to make them
fit my macros and calorie targets. Think fettuccine You shouldn’t spend your whole life “on a diet,”
alfredo, pizza, loaded nachos, and chili cheese fries constantly restricting the things you love. My hope is
— all reimagined as high-protein, low-calorie that these "Stealth Health" recipes help you realize
versions. From the start, my goal was simple: make that even with weight loss and fitness goals, you don’t
the food taste incredible and follow what excited me have to give up your passion for great food.
in the kitchen. The macros, calories, and fitness goals
were always secondary to the food and flavor. Thank you for being a supporter of my mission, and I
hope you enjoy the recipes!
It changed my life forever, reigniting my excitement
and creativity in the kitchen—something I had
thought I had to sacrifice entirely to reach my goals.
My food-focused approach felt unique enough that I
wanted to share it with the world. So, in the summer of
2021, I began posting the recipes I was creating in my
apartment kitchen on social media.
How I use the slow cooker differently
The Slow Cooker Meal Prep Series started for a simple reason: I My goal is simple: to make the best food
needed a new way to scale my meal prep recipes - something that possible using the slow cooker, and to
would help me make delicious, high-protein dishes in bulk without leverage its power for bulk meal prepping so
spending hours in the kitchen. I wanted a process that was simple, that the little effort you do put in pays off in a
efficient, and required less time spent worrying about meal prep big way for weeks to come. Most of these
and cooking. recipes make 10 servings or more, and many
can be scaled up even further to create even
What I didn’t expect was the incredible response. Since launching bigger batches. With this method, you're not
the series in early 2024, it’s exploded across social media, racking just meal prepping for the week—you're filling
up over 600 million views across platforms. It turns out, millions of your freezer with a ready-to-go stash of
you see what I see - the slow cooker is a seriously underrated tool homemade, high-protein meals that will last
for meal prepping. you for weeks.
Because of this, the way I use the slow cooker is slightly different
The slow cooker is more than a convenient,
from most people. While many view it as just a “set it and forget it”
easy way to cook - it’s the ultimate cheat code
tool, I see it specifically as a strategic tool for bulk meal prep. A slow
for high-protein meal prep that keeps your
cooker isn’t just great for making an easy dinner — it’s ideal for
freezer stocked with nutritious meals, giving
creating a stockpile of high-protein meals that you can store in your
you a shortcut to healthy eating whenever you
freezer. Think of it like building your very own frozen food aisle at
need it.
home, packed with homemade, high protein, and delicious meals
that are ready to go whenever you are.
The recipes in this book are also not typical slow cooker recipes. My
goal was to push the limit of the slow cooker as a meal prepping
machine - and to make the most indulgent, low calorie recipes
possible. No bland, basic, uninspiring meals. My goal was to make
slow cooking fun and exciting - to bring a new level of creativity to
a machine that really hasn't been working to its potential in the past.
As I was recipe developing for this book, I started realizing that there were wild inconsistencies in how
meat was labeled, and huge variances in the macro-nutrients of meat when I input them into my calorie
tracking apps. Especially when it comes to more complicated and marbled cuts of beef.
For example, when I go to log “Beef Chuck Roast” in a tracking app, I get these three options:
Per 4oz
Beef Chuck #1: 155 Calories, 23g Protein, 7g Fat
Beef Chuck #2: 240 Calories, 20g Protein, 17g Fat
Beef Chuck #3: 310 Calories, 19g Protein, 24g Fat
The issue quickly becomes very clear - how do we decide which option is “correct”, especially if we
want to track calories and macros as accurately as possible? Some sources of beef chuck would make
it a very lean cut of meat, other sources make it incredibly fatty and not suitable for my style of cooking.
This information is central to everything we are trying to achieve when making recipes built around
calories and macronutrients. I needed to find a centralized solution for this.
Essentially, this database contains the information we need to decode the macros of all protein sources
- and to ensure we are all using the same sources. If you have ever logged one of my recipes and had
dramatically different macros, it’s likely because the protein source you used was different than mine.
The purpose of this section is to provide a baseline understanding of the macros/calories of each
protein source I use, and to provide the data for you to use when logging recipes
At the end of the section, I provide a table with the macros I use throughout the book. This should be
your reference for macros when logging meals/creating your own in the future.
CHICKEN Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs:
125 Calories
21.5g Protein
There are two types of chicken I use: 4g Fat
One of the first things I ever realized when I started Skin-on Chicken Thighs (as reference):
recipe developing, was that the macros of chicken 195 Calories
thighs and chicken breasts were not that different. 17g Protein
It doesn’t really materially impact a recipe.
15g Fat
Beef is where things get complicated.
1.) Most packaged steaks/beef cuts
The challenge here is an interesting one - the best don't even include nutrition labeling
cuts of beef for slow cooking, are typically the
fattiest. The cuts with the most fat, and the most 2.) When they do, it's extremely
connective tissue just work better than traditionally inconsistent and can vary
“lean” cuts, which tend to dry out more easily and
dramatically, without explanation
have a tough texture after slow cooking. Since
everything I do is centered around cooking low 3.) If you type any steak into a
calorie and using lean meats… this presents a
tracking app, you'll get 100 different
results with dramatically different
Nutrition labeling in the world of beef is VERY macros - and it's impossible to
complicated. So much so that for the average decide which is correct
person, tracking calories when using steak/cuts of
beef is almost impossible.
What I ended up landing on as the best lean cuts of beef for slow cooking, was genuinely shocking to me.
Shocking, because those are generally thought of as very high fat cuts of meat. They do work incredibly
well for slow cooking, but again, generally miss the mark on macros and would defeat the purpose of the
recipes I create.
That is, unless you know how to butcher and trim them correctly, to transform them into lean cuts.
Flat Cut Brisket and Beef Chuck (Eye Roast), as it turns out, can be very lean cuts if you work with them
The breakthrough occurred to me when I was frustrated at failing slow cooker beef recipes, and was
curious about the macros of beef chuck.
Per 4oz
Beef Chuck #1: 155 Calories, 23g Protein, 7g Fat
Beef Chuck #2: 240 Calories, 20g Protein, 17g Fat
Beef Chuck #3: 310 Calories, 19g Protein, 24g Fat
And that got me thinking… 23g of Protein and 7g of Fat (Beef Chuck #1) - is actually a very lean cut of
beef. Somehow, there was a version of beef chuck, which I always considered to be the fattiest cut of
beef, that was as lean as flank steak. Once I started digging, I found the solution.
So, what made the difference? The secret lies in the way it's butchered, the specific cut, and the specific
grade you buy. If you buy choice (or select) grade beef - the marbling is relatively minimal. It’s still
there, but it’s just enough that it adds flavor without blowing up the fat macros in a recipe.
To turn it into lean meat - literally all you have to do is cut off the large chunks of fat from the meat.
Maybe easier said than done - but it is that simple.
By trimming away the excess fat chunks, you can end up with a cut that’s perfect for slow cooking
and surprisingly lean.
There’s a difference between marbled fat and fat that is on the exterior (or interior, but in large
chunks and thus removable). In the USDA food database, they use the terms “separable lean” and
“separable lean and fat” to specify whether a cut of meat has large chunks of fat removed, or left
on, a cut of meat. Basically, if the fat is “separable” - it simply means it's possible to clearly cut off or
remove the lean meat entirely from the fat. If the fat is separable, it’s not marbling and can be
For a Chuck Eye Roast, here is the difference in macros when you remove the large chunks of fat, vs
just tossing the whole roast straight in the slow cooker without removing any fat:
Chuck eye roast, separable lean only, choice grade (Fat trimmed/removed)
155 Calories, 23g Protein, 7g Fat
Chuck eye roast, separable lean and fat, choice grade (Fat not removed)
210 Calories, 22g Protein, 14g Fat
With a little up front work, you can transform a traditionally fatty cut, into one that fits within a
macro-balanced diet plan
In the following pages, I’ll walk you through some simple visual guides for butchering beef to achieve
the leanness we’re targeting throughout this book.
But first, here are my favorite cuts, in order, that I use for slow cooking:
Best Flavor and Texture, Traditional “Slow Cooker” Beef Cuts. Cheapest.
1.) Flat Cut Brisket
Per 4oz: 155 Calories, 24g Protein, 6.5g Fat
Overall, I found flat cut brisket to have the best flavor and texture. And it is very lean when you remove
the exterior fat cap. Most importantly, it is extremely easy to remove the fat since it just sits as one
large slab on top of the beef. The ease of prepping, flavor, texture, and macros - made this my clear
favorite for all slow cooker beef recipes.
Great flavor, but can dry out. Traditional lean grilling “steaks”. Requires very
little or no butchering. More expensive.
1 2 3
4 5 6
The chuck eye roast, often labeled simply as “chuck roast” is one of the more common large cuts
you’ll find at a grocery store. Look for “choice” grade. Generally, they are sold as 4-5lb blocks.
2 Find the areas where there are large blocks of fat, and where chunks of lean meat are seperable
3 Use your hands (or slice the beef into chunks) to expose interior areas that contain removable fat
4 The interior of the chuck roast, between the lean meat, contains large areas of removable fat
The end result - a remarkably lean cut of beef, that is built for slow cooking. It’s ok if you can’t fully
6 remove every bit of fat, but just do your best! You’ll get better over time, and just removing the
LARGE blocks of fat will make most of the difference.
1 2 3
Flat cut brisket, usually is sold in 5-6 pound blocks behind the butcher counter. Depending on where
1 you shop, they may come with the fat pre-trimmed (like pictured here). Otherwise, there will be a
large slab of fat directly on top of the meat. It is very easy to remove, simply use a knife to remove it
from the lean meat entirely. You may be able to ask your butcher to remove the fat, as well.
I like to slice the large cut a few times horizontally against the grain, to make the pieces fit more
easily in the slow cooker, and cook/shred quicker
3 Trimmed and sliced flat cut brisket - ready to slow cook. My favorite slow cooking meat overall
Boneless Skinless
Chicken Thighs
125 22g 4g
Pork Tenderloin,
separable lean and fat
135 23g 4g
How do you determine serving sizes?
What is a “serving size”?
One of the most common questions I get is how to determine serving sizes since I don't provide
weight or volume measurements for each portion. And I completely understand why this might be
confusing. Serving sizes can vary greatly depending on the ingredients you use, their water content,
the shape and size of pasta, and even cooking methods. So, giving a specific weight or volume per
serving wouldn't be practical or accurate for everyone.
Instead, I provide the total number of servings each recipe makes, and here's how you can
determine the appropriate serving size for your meal prep:
After your dish is fully cooked, you’ll need to weigh the entire finished product to figure out your
servings. Depending on the recipe, the steps may vary slightly, but the general process is the same:
For Dishes with Separated Components (like Rice Bowls or Meat & Veggies):
Weigh each component separately before combining them. For example, weigh the cooked
rice, meat, and any other ingredients (like veggies or sauces) individually.
Once you have the weight for each component, you’ll portion each one into separate containers.
For instance, if your recipe makes 10 servings, and you have 1000g of rice and 1500g of meat, you
would divide each by 10 to allocate the correct portion for each ingredient.
Keep the components separate in each container (e.g., rice in one section, meat in another),
based on the portion weight per serving.
Once you’ve figured out the weight per serving, you can start portioning the food into your
containers. For example, if the total weight of the dish is 2000g and the recipe makes 10 servings,
each serving would weigh 200g. You can then allocate that amount into your containers. A kitchen
scale is your best tool here to ensure consistency across all servings.
Combination of both:
You can also combine these methods—reduce some of the liquid
on the stovetop and then finish thickening with a cornstarch slurry.
This gives you extra control over the final texture.
Why do my cheese sauces split when they hit pasta, and how can I fix it?
If you've ever had a cottage cheese based sauce split or "seize up" when mixed with pasta, you're
not alone - it's a common issue. Here's what might be going on and how to prevent it:
The type and quality of cheese you use can make a big difference. Higher-quality cheeses, like
fresh-grated Parmigiano Reggiano, tend to emulsify better, while lower-quality cheeses (or pre-
grated varieties) might not blend as smoothly. Pre-grated cheeses often contain anti-caking agents
that can prevent smooth melting, leading to splitting. Stick with fresh-grated cheeses when possible
for the best results.
High heat can cause cheese to separate and split. This is especially true when using cottage cheese,
as the proteins can become unstable at higher temperatures. If you’re adding the cheese sauce to
pasta that’s very hot, the sudden heat can cause it to break. Allow the pasta to cool slightly before
mixing it with the sauce. That being said, generally, this shouldn't be an issue with slow cooker
recipes unless your slow cooker runs excessively hot.
Be sure to blend the sauces VERY thoroughly - and if possible, I recommend using Good Culture
cottage cheese for best results (I have never had a cheese sauce split using Good Culture). Using a
high powered blender goes a long way, or simply just allow more time for the blending process to
yield a smooth product. To help with the process, you can also lightly heat up your cheeses before
blending (~60-90 seconds in the microwave will do the trick).
If you’re still having issues and can’t get cottage cheese based sauces to stay together, the final
effort should be to resort to a common commercially used emulsifying ingredient:
Sodium Citrate.
This is a food-grade emulsifier, helping the fat and water in the cheese blend smoothly together
instead of separating. It’s used in many commercial applications - we use it in all our cheesy
pasta products at Counter, and it makes all the high protein sauces super smooth and silky -
without needing to add extra fats to help emulsify the sauce. When you use it for the first time, it’s
like witnessing magic in real time. It is the ingredient that makes cheeses like Velveeta and
American cheese melt and heat so well.
You’ll want to start with a very small amount—about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per cup (~240g) of
cheese sauce. Dissolve the sodium citrate in a little water before adding it to your cheese sauce.
Blend the sauce well. It will help keep the sauce stable and prevent it from splitting. You can
easily find sodium citrate online (e.g., on Amazon) or at specialty stores that carry ingredients for
molecular gastronomy.
Using pure sodium citrate will work much more consistently (since lemons will contain different
quantities of citric acid, which is the acid that reacts with the baking soda to create sodium
citrate, and will slightly alter the flavor). It works in a pinch, but if you consistently plan on utilizing
sodium citrate for making smooth, emulsified, high-protein cheese sauces - I recommend just
buying it in its pure form.
Use fresh, high-quality, freshly shredded cheeses (don’t use pre-shredded)
Use a high quality cottage cheese (I recommend Good Culture)
Blend very thoroughly (allow 2-3 minutes of blend time, and lightly warm cheese before
blending if needed)
Let the pasta cool slightly before mixing in the cheese sauce. Keep the heat moderate to
avoid overheating and splitting.
Try adding a small amount of sodium citrate to your cheese sauce to improve emulsification
What are the containers you use? The paper ones you show in your videos
and on the cover?
I use kraft paper take-out containers as meal prep containers. I discovered these
when I was first starting the slow cooker series, and needed a solution for storing
100+ meals in the freezer. Plus, since I was giving away a lot of meals during the
recipe development process, using compostable/disposable meal prep containers
was necessary.
This is, by far, the most common question I get - quite literally hundreds of times a day. Turns out lots of you
like the idea of using these containers. They are very convenient, especially if you’re taking meals to an
I don’t get commission from these, but these are the exact containers I have been using. Again, buying
them here you have to buy in bulk, and buy lids separately.
Or search on Google:
“Choice 16 oz. Rectangular Kraft PE-Lined Microwavable Take-Out Container 6 3/4" x 4 3/4" x 1 5/8" -
Chili Mac 49
Butter Chicken Chili 50
Frozen Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Burritos 51
Miso Mac 52
Cheesy Southwestern Chicken Orzo 53
Jalapeño Popper Mac N Cheese 54
Honey Harissa Chicken Rice Bowls 55
Buffalo Chicken Mac N Cheese 56
Chicken Enchilada Soup 57
Pasta Bolognese 58
Carnitas Inspired Pulled Pork Burritos 59
Thai Red Curry Peanut Chicken Bowls 60
Chicken Parmesan Pasta 61
Street Taco Chicken & Chipotle Lime Rice 62
Cheesy Chili Crisp Miso Orzo 63
Korean Beef Noodles 64
Red Enchilada Chicken Soup 65
Japanese Curry 66
Chili Crisp Orange Chicken Rice Bowls 67
Meat Lovers Pizza Mac n’ Cheese 68
Caramelized Onion Beef Burritos 69
Brisket Queso Fries 70
Quesabirria Burritos 71
Italian Beef Sandwiches 72
Chili Con Carne 73
Hot Honey Brisket Ragu Pasta 74
Chipotle Brisket Breakfast Burritos 75
Beef Stroganoff orzo 76
BBQ Beef Loaded Sweet Potatoes 77
French Onion Pasta 78
Cheesesteak Pasta 79
Buffalo Chicken Bacon Ranch Rice Bowls 80
Broccoli Cheddar Soup Mac n’ Cheese 81
Chicken Tinga 83
Chili Crisp Orange Chicken 84
Beef Birria 85
Peanut Miso Chicken 86
Honey Harissa chicken 87
Chimichurri Steak 88
Green Enchilada Chicken 89
Butter Chicken 90
Honey Chipotle Chicken 91
Carnitas Inspired Pulled Pork 92
Tzatziki Chicken 93
Pepper Steak 94
Thai Red Curry Peanut Chicken 95
Caramelized Onion Beef 96
Street Taco Chicken 97
Hot Honey Brisket Ragu 98
Garlic Rosemary Chicken 99
Italian Beef 100
Hawaiian BBQ Chicken 101
Beef Bolognese 102
Chili Crisp Miso Chicken 103
Buffalo Chicken Dip 104
Honey Chipotle Beef 105
Red Enchilada Chicken 106
Korean BBQ Beef 107
Pineapple Teriyaki Pulled Pork 108
Dr Pepper BBQ Beef 109
Honey Teriyaki Chicken 110
Buffalo Ranch Chicken 111
This section is all about grab-and-go meals.
Just toss in the microwave for 4-5 minutes, and you’re good to go.
Queso Chicken Mac n’ Cheese
Slow Cooked Chicken: Blended Queso Sauce:
900g (32oz) chicken breast 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage cheese
120g red enchilada sauce 100g (½ cup) 1/3-fat cream cheese
80g (3 Tbsp) green chiles 150g (1 ½ cups) extra sharp cheddar
400g (14oz) can of fire- cheese
roasted tomatoes 30g (¼ cup) cheddar powder
2 Tbsp garlic purée 120g (½ cup) red enchilada sauce
2 tsp onion powder 150g (⅔ cup) 1% milk
1 Tbsp salt
Roasted Vegetables:
1 tsp black pepper
2 orange bell peppers
½ tsp cayenne
2 red bell peppers
Pasta: 1 onion
672g (24 oz) pasta
Chopped cilantro
1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Dice bell peppers and the onion, spread on a baking sheet, and
roast for 20-25 minutes until softened and lightly browned.
2. Meanwhile, prep the chicken: dice the chicken breast and add to the slow cooker with red enchilada
sauce, green chiles, fire-roasted tomatoes, garlic purée, onion powder, salt, black pepper, and
cayenne. Stir to coat. Add roasted vegetables. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4
hours until tender.
3. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, add pasta, cook halfway, then drain and set aside.
4. For the queso sauce, shred the cheddar cheese and blend with 2% cottage cheese, 1/3 fat cream
cheese, cheddar powder, red enchilada sauce, and milk until smooth.
5. When the chicken is done, shred slightly in the slow cooker. Add half-cooked pasta and queso sauce,
stirring to coat. Cover and cook on low for 15-20 minutes until sauce thickens and pasta is tender.
Divide into 10 servings, garnish with cilantro, and let leftovers cool before freezing.
Chicken: Garnish:
1340g (48oz) boneless, Green Onions
skinless chicken thighs Sesame Seeds
1. Prepare the peanut miso sauce by combining peanut butter, white miso paste, soy sauce, maple
syrup, rice vinegar, ginger purée, garlic purée, red chili flakes, black pepper, and sesame seeds in
a bowl. Mix until a smooth paste forms.
2. Add the chicken thighs to the slow cooker. Pour in half of the peanut miso sauce and a splash of
chicken bone broth or water to thin it slightly. Mix to coat the chicken evenly.
3. Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until the chicken is tender
and fully cooked.
4. Once the chicken is done, add the remaining peanut miso sauce and stir thoroughly to combine,
ensuring the chicken is coated in the rich, flavorful sauce.
5. Meanwhile, cook the short grain rice according to package instructions and fluff with a fork. Mix the
rice into the chicken or keep separate for portioning. Chop the green onions to garnish the meal
along with sesame seeds, divide into 7 servings and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 23
Pineapple teriyaki pulled pork rice bowls
Pork & Marinade: Low-Cal Yum Yum Sauce:
1790g (64oz) Pork loin 100g (½ cup) low-fat mayo
1 Pineapple (400g) 100g (½ cup) 0% greek yogurt
100g (⅓ cup) soy sauce 30g no sugar ketchup
90g (6 Tbsp) mirin 70g sriracha
80g (4 Tbsp) honey Salt, pepper, garlic powder to
2 Tbsp grated ginger taste
2 Tbsp grated garlic 1% Milk (as needed for desired
Cornstarch Slurry:
2 stalks green onions, chopped
4 Tbsp cornstarch
4 Tbsp cold water Rice:
500g (2.5 cups) short grain or
sushi rice
1. Cut the pork loin into four large pieces and place them in the slow cooker. Dice the pineapple, grate the
ginger and garlic, and add to the slow cooker with the soy sauce, mirin, and honey. Stir to coat the pork
evenly. Cook on high for 3–4 hours or low for 4–5 hours, until the pork is tender and easily shredded.
2. Once cooked, shred the pork with two forks in the slow cooker.
3. Prepare the cornstarch slurry by mixing cornstarch with cold water. Gradually stir the slurry into the slow
cooker, until the sauce thickens to your desired consistency.
4. Prepare the short grain rice. Cook according to package instructions. Once cooked, fluff with a fork.
5. To make the low-cal Yum Yum sauce, whisk together the low-fat mayo, 0% Greek yogurt, ketchup,
sriracha, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Add 1% milk as needed until desired consistency is reached.
6. To assemble the bowls, divide the rice evenly among 10 servings. Top each bowl with the pulled pork,
drizzle with the Yum Yum sauce and garnish with green onions. store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
Chicken: Toppings:
1790g (64oz) diced boneless, 1 bunch cilantro
skinless chicken thighs 60g (3 Tbsp) honey
300g 0% Greek yogurt
Green Chile Sauce:
420g (1 ¾ cups) green Rice:
enchilada sauce 300g jasmine rice
226g (8oz) Hatch green 750g chicken bone broth
1 white onion
Juice of 1 lime
1 ½ Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp garlic powder
Dash of black pepper
1. Add chicken thighs, green enchilada sauce, Hatch green chiles, diced white onion, lime juice, salt,
garlic powder, and a dash of black pepper to the slow cooker. Stir everything together to evenly
coat the chicken with the sauce and seasonings. Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 2-3 hours
or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender and fully cooked.
2. When the chicken is done cooking, pour chicken bone broth into a pot and bring to a boil. Once
broth is boiling, pour in the jasmine rice and let boil for 10 minutes uncovered.
3. Shred the chicken directly in the slow cooker, mixing it into the flavorful sauce. Add in jasmine rice and
bone broth mixture (the bone broth should be essentially entirely absorbed in the rice)
4. Add the honey, chopped cilantro, and 0% Greek yogurt to the shredded chicken and rice, stirring
until well combined and cover for 20-30 minutes. Divide into 10 portions.
Chicken & Marinade: Rice:
1340g (48oz) boneless skinless 400g (2 cups) (uncooked
chicken thighs weight) of any rice of choice
2 packets taco seasoning
Cheesy Mix:
15g (1 Tbsp) lime juice
500g (1 ¾ cups) 0% Greek
15g (1 Tbsp) chicken bouillon
yogurt (recommended: FAGE)
420g (15oz) can of green
150g (1½ cups) reduced-fat
enchilada sauce
cheddar cheese
Garlic powder and salt
120g (1 cup) reduced-fat
Pico de Gallo: mozzarella cheese
5 diced Roma tomatoes
3 jalapeños
18 Burrito-sized Tortillas
2 white onions
1 bunch chopped cilantro
Juice of 2 limes
1. Place the chicken thighs into the slow cooker. Add taco seasoning, lime juice, chicken bouillon,
green enchilada sauce, garlic, and salt to taste. Stir to coat evenly. Cover and cook on high for 2–3
hours or low for 3–4 hours, until the chicken is tender and easy to shred.
2. Shred the chicken directly in the slow cooker with two fork.s
3. Cook rice according to packaging instructions.
4. While the rice cooks, prepare the pico de gallo by combining diced tomatoes, jalapeños, onions,
cilantro, lime juice, and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Stir to combine and set aside.
5. Once the rice is cooked, mix into the slow cooker with the shredded chicken, then add Greek yogurt,
reduced-fat cheddar cheese, reduced-fat mozzarella cheese, and the prepared pico de gallo to
the slow cooker. Stir thoroughly until all the ingredients are evenly mixed and the cheese has melted
into the mixture. Let cool to thicken.
6. To assemble, lay one of 18 tortillas flat, spoon a portion of the chicken and rice mixture onto it, and
roll tightly, folding in the sides. Repeat with the remaining tortillas. Wrap each burrito individually in
foil to freeze.
back to table of contents 26
Sundried Tomato Spinach Feta Pasta
Chicken & Marinade: Spinach Feta Mix:
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless 200g (7 cups) spinach
chicken thighs 15 basil leaves
45g (3 Tbsp) balsamic vinegar 340g (2 ¼ cups) feta cheese
130g (1 cup) sundried tomatoes 15g (1 Tbsp) pesto
7–8 cloves garlic
Cheese Sauce:
1 Tbsp salt
600g (2 ¾ cups) 2% cottage
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp black pepper
360g (1 ½ cups) 1% milk
Red chili flakes, to taste
672g bow tie pasta (farfalle)
360g (1 ½ cups) pasta water
for slow cooker
1. Mince the garlic and chop the sundried tomatoes and mix in a bowl balsamic vinegar, onion powder,
black pepper, salt, red chili flakes. Place the chicken thighs in the slow cooker and pour the mixture
over them, ensuring even coating. Cover and cook on high for 3–4 hours or low for 4–5 hours until the
chicken is tender.
2. While the chicken cooks, cut the spinach and basil into bite-sized pieces. Blanch them in boiling water for
one minute, then transfer to an ice bath, drain, and set aside.
3. Once the chicken is cooked, shred it directly in the slow cooker. Add the blanched spinach & basil, feta
cheese, and pesto, stirring well to combine. Cover and cook on high while prepping sauce and pasta.
4. Blend the 2% cottage cheese and 1% milk until smooth to create the cheese sauce.
5. Cook the bow tie pasta until it's halfway done according to package instructions. Reserve 1.5 cups of
pasta water before draining.
6. To the slow cooker, stir in the partially cooked pasta, pasta water, and cheese sauce, mixing thoroughly.
Cover and cook on high for 15 minutes, or until the pasta is fully cooked and the sauce has thickened.
7. Let the dish rest for a few minutes to allow the flavors to settle. Divide into 10 servings. Allow leftovers to
cool completely before sealing them in freezer-safe, airtight containers.
back to table of contents 27
Garlic Butter Chicken Alfredo
Garlic Chicken: Blended Alfredo Sauce:
900g (32oz) chicken breast 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
30g (¼ cup) Parmigiano cheese
Reggiano 120g (½ cup) 1/3-fat cream
Juice of 1 lemon cheese
2 Tbsp garlic purée 120g (1 cup) Parmigiano
2 tsp garlic powder Reggiano
2 tsp onion powder 240g (1 cup) 1% milk
1 Tbsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
672g (24oz) pasta of choice
2 tsp Kinder roasted Garlic
120g (½ cup) pasta water
brown butter seasoning
Dash of crushed red pepper
120g (½ cup) water
30g (2 Tbsp) butter
1. Make the Garlic chicken: Dice the chicken breasts and grate the Parmigiano Reggiano. Add to the slow
cooker with lemon juice, garlic purée, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, black pepper, crushed red
pepper, Kinder roasted garlic roasted brown butter seasoning and water. Stir to coat the chicken
evenly, then place small pieces of butter over the top. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 4-5
hours, until the chicken is tender and shreds easily.
2. While the chicken cooks, prepare the blended Alfredo sauce: grate the Parmigiano Reggiano and add to
the blender with 2% cottage cheese, 1/3 fat cream cheese, and milk until smooth and creamy.
3. Once the chicken is done, use two forks to shred it directly in the slow cooker. In the meantime, bring a pot
of salted water to a boil, cook the pasta for half the time listed on the package, then drain, reserving
about 1/2 cup of pasta water.
4. Add the half-cooked pasta, reserved pasta water, and the blended Alfredo sauce to the slow cooker with
the shredded chicken. Stir well. Cover and cook for an additional 15-20 minutes on low, allowing the sauce
to thicken and the pasta to finish cooking until tender.
5. Divide into 10 servings and store leftovers in airtight containers in the freezer for easy meal prep.
back to table of contents 28
Chili Garlic Chicken Fried Rice
Chili Garlic Chicken: Fried Rice:
1360g (48oz) chicken thighs 1400g (7 cups) day-old cooked
60g (4 Tbsp) chili garlic sauce rice (600g {3 cups} uncooked
30g (2 Tbsp) soy sauce weight)
60g (3 Tbsp) honey 60g (4 Tbsp) soy sauce
1 Tbsp rice vinegar 30g (2 Tbsp) fish sauce
1 Tbsp minced ginger 60g (3 Tbsp) honey
Salt & pepper to taste 30g (2 Tbsp) rice vinegar
30g (2 Tbsp) sesame oil
Low-Calorie Spicy Mayo:
600g (4 cups) mixed frozen
150g (⅔ cup) 0% skyr or 0%
veggies of choice
Greek yogurt
Chopped green onions
45g (3 Tbsp) light mayo
30g (2 Tbsp) sesame oil (post-
35g (2 Tbsp) gochujang
cook mix)
30g (2 Tbsp) sriracha
Splash of rice vinegar Egg Mixture:
Salt & pepper to taste 400g (1 ⅔ cups) egg whites
instructions 6 eggs
1. If using day-old rice, cook the rice the day before and let rest in the fridge until ready to make the recipe.
2. Slice the chicken thighs in half and add them to the slow cooker. Pour in chili garlic sauce, soy sauce, honey,
rice vinegar, minced ginger, salt, and pepper. Mix to coat evenly, cover, and cook on high for 2-3 hours or on
low for 3-4 hours until tender. Use tongs to break up the chicken when done.
3. Spread day-old or precooked rice on a large sheet pan. In a bowl, mix soy sauce, fish sauce, honey, rice
vinegar, and sesame oil, then pour over the rice and toss to coat.
4. Preheat the oven to 475°F, then broil the rice for 10-25 minutes, checking every 5 minutes, until crispy and
slightly browned. Remove from oven, scrape the edges, add frozen veggies on top, and broil for another 10-15
minutes until veggies are heated through. Transfer rice and veggies and mix with the cooked chicken. In the
same pan, spread the egg whites and eggs and broil for 3-4 minutes or until set. Chop eggs and add to the
rice, then mix the remaining sesame oil and chopped green onions. Stir well.
5. For the spicy mayo, mix 0% skyr or Greek yogurt, light mayo, gochujang, sriracha, rice vinegar, salt, and
pepper, adding water to reach your desired consistency. Drizzle or mix into the fried rice.
6. Divide into 10 servings, allow to cool, and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 29
Butter Chicken Rice Bowls
Chicken: Butter Sauce:
900g (32oz) chicken breast 30g (2 Tbsp) butter
2 onions
Yogurt & Butter:
2 Tbsp tomato paste
250g (1 cup) plain 0% Greek
2 Tbsp garlic paste
yogurt or Skyr
2 Tbsp ginger paste
30g (2 Tbsp) butter
2 Tbsp paprika
Rice: 2 Tbsp garam masala
420g (2 cups) basmati rice 1 tsp cayenne
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1 Tbsp chicken bouillon
2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar or zero calorie
1 (14oz) can crushed fire-
roasted tomatoes
1. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Chop and add onions. Cook until caramelized. Stir in
tomato paste, garlic paste, and ginger paste, cooking for 2-3 minutes until fragrant. Add paprika,
cayenne, garam masala, cumin, coriander, salt, and black pepper, stirring to combine.
2. Deglaze the pan with fire-roasted tomatoes and a splash of water, simmering for 2-3 minutes.
Transfer to a blender, optionally adding chicken bouillon and sugar or sweetener, and blend for
about 2 minutes, until smooth.
3. Dice chicken breast, then place it in the slow cooker. Pour butter sauce over, ensuring it's fully coated.
Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours until tender.
4. Stir in 0% Greek yogurt and additional butter, mixing well. Cover and let sit for 10-15 minutes to meld
flavors while the sauce thickens. Meanwhile, cook basmati rice according to package instructions and
fluff with a fork.
5. Mix the rice into the chicken or keep it separate for portioning. Divide into 7 servings and store
leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
Meat: Tzatziki Sauce:
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless 400g (1 ¾ cups) 0% Greek yogurt
chicken breast 150g (½ cup) light sour cream
1 cucumber
1 tsp salt
4-5 garlic cloves
1 lemon
1 Tbsp dried oregano
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
1 Tbsp salt
1 tsp chopped dill
20g (1 Tbsp) honey
2 tsp chopped chives
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
Dash of black pepper
1 tsp black pepper
Harissa Spiced Rice:
Corn Starch Slurry (if needed):
420g (1 ¾ cups) jasmine rice
45g (3 Tbsp) corn starch
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
45g (3 Tbsp) water
2-3 cloves garlic
60g (4 Tbsp) harissa
15g (1 Tbsp) tomato paste
Oregano and salt, to taste
910g (3 ¾ cups) chicken bone broth
1. Grate the garlic cloves and add to the slow cooker along with the chicken breast, olive oil, dried oregano, salt,
black pepper, honey, onion powder, and black pepper. Toss to coat evenly. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or
low for 3-4 hours until the chicken is tender and fully cooked.
2. While the chicken cooks, prepare the tzatziki sauce. Grate and de-seed the cucumber, squeeze out water using a
cloth, and combine with 0% Greek yogurt, light sour cream, olive oil, salt, chopped chives, lemon juice, dill, black
pepper, and garlic powder in a bowl. Mix well until smooth and creamy.
3. While the chicken is cooking, grate the garlic cloves and mix in a bowl along with the harissa and tomato paste.
Heat oil in a pan, fry garlic/harissa/tomato paste for 5 mins. Add jasmine rice and toss to mix. Pour chicken bone
broth, salt, and oregano into the pot. Bring to boil, then cover and reduce heat to low for ~20-25 minutes. Let sit 10
minutes then fluff.
4. Once the chicken is done, shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Create a cornstarch slurry by mixing
equal parts cornstarch and water (3 Tbsp each). Add the slurry to the slow cooker and stir well. Mix the prepared
tzatziki sauce with the chicken, stir until coated. Divide rice and chicken into 8 servings.
back to table of contents 31
Brisket Queso Mac n’ Cheese
Brisket: Blended Queso Sauce:
900g (32oz) flat cut brisket 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
400g (14oz) can crushed fire- cheese
roasted tomatoes 100g (1 cup) American cheese
120g (½ cup) red enchilada 150g (1 ½ cups) extra sharp
sauce cheddar cheese
200g (7oz) can chipotle 80g (⅓ cup) red enchilada sauce
peppers in adobo Salt & pepper to taste
45g (3 Tbsp) green chiles 5g (1 tsp) nutritional yeast
60g (3 Tbsp) honey (optional)
1 Tbsp salt Chopped cilantro (optional)
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp black pepper
672g (24 oz) pasta
1. Trim the flat cut brisket by removing all excess separable fat. Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow
cooker. Add the crushed fire-roasted tomatoes, red enchilada sauce, chipotle peppers, green chiles,
honey, salt, onion powder, and black pepper. Stir to coat the beef evenly. Cover and cook on high for 4–5
hours or low for 5–6 hours, until the meat is tender and pulls apart easily.
2. While the beef cooks, prepare the blended queso sauce. Shred the American cheese and cheddar cheese
and combine in a blender with 2% cottage cheese, red enchilada sauce, nutritional yeast (if using), and
salt and pepper. Blend until smooth. If the mixture is too thick to blend, lightly heat the ingredients in a pan or
microwave until warm (do not overheat), then blend again. Set aside.
3. Cook the pasta until halfway done according to package instructions, then drain and set aside.
4. Once the beef is done, remove it from the slow cooker and shred or chop it with two forks. Return the
shredded beef to the slow cooker and mix it with the cooking liquid. Add the blended queso sauce and the
half-cooked pasta to the slow cooker. Stir to combine, ensuring everything is evenly coated. Cover and cook
on high for 15–20 minutes, or until the sauce thickens and the pasta is fully cooked.
5. Add chopped cilantro, stir well to incorporate all the flavors. Divide into 10 servings. Store leftovers in
airtight, freezer safe containers once cooled.
back to table of contents 32
Avocado chicken rice bowls
Slow Cooked Chicken: Poblano Avocado Sauce:
1340g (48oz) chicken breast 5 poblano peppers
8 diced tomatillos (300g) 5 jalapeños
30g (2 Tbsp) avocado oil 8 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp salt 300g (1 ¼ cups) 0% Greek
1 Tbsp garlic powder yogurt
1 Tbsp onion powder 90g (⅓ cup) 1% milk
Juice of ½ lemon Juice of 1 lemon
Handful of cilantro stems 300g avocado (1 large or 2
Handful of cilantro leaves
Salt and pepper, to taste
600g (3 cups) rice of choice
1. Dice chicken breast and add to a slow cooker with tomatillos, cilantro stems, salt, garlic powder,
onion powder, avocado oil, and lemon juice. Mix and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours.
2. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). De-seed poblanos and jalapeños, then roast with cloves of garlic
for 30-35 minutes until lightly charred. Once cooled, peel skin off of poblanos.
3. Blend roasted peppers, garlic, 0% Greek yogurt, cilantro leaves, 1% milk, lemon juice, avocado,
salt, and pepper until smooth.
4. Cook rice according to package instructions.
5. When chicken is done, leave cubed or shred. Pour poblano avocado sauce over the chicken in the
slow cooker and mix.
6. Serve by dividing rice into 9 portions, topping with chicken and sauce. Store frozen or enjoy
BBQ Chicken: Toppings:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless 120g (½ cup) sugar-free
chicken thighs BBQ sauce
120g (½ cup) sugar-free BBQ 2 stalks green onions
45g (3 Tbsp) soy sauce
640g (3 ½ cups) rice
15g (1 Tbsp) fish sauce
20g (4 tsp) grated ginger Corn starch slurry:
700g (4 ½ cups) fresh 3 Tbsp corn starch
pineapple (1 whole pineapple) 3 Tbsp water
Garlic powder, onion powder,
smoked paprika, and black
pepper, to taste
1. Grate the ginger and mix in a large bowl, whisk together sugar-free BBQ sauce, soy sauce, fish sauce, garlic
powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and black pepper until smooth. Cut the fresh pineapple into bite-
sized chunks. Place the chicken thighs and pineapple chunks into the slow cooker. Pour the prepared
marinade over the chicken and pineapple, stirring to coat evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low
for 4-5 hours, until the chicken is tender and cooked through.
2. Once cooking is complete, add a cornstarch slurry (3 Tbsp corn starch mixed with 3 Tbsp cold water), stirring
until smooth to thicken. Lightly shred the cooked chicken using two forks, leaving some larger pieces intact for
texture. Mix in additional barbecue sauce and green onions
3. Cook the rice according to package instructions. Fluff with a fork and divide the rice and Hawaiian BBQ
chicken into 10 servings.
Steak & Sauce: Cheese Sauce:
900g (32oz) flank steak or 300g (1 ¼ cups) plain 0% skyr
lean steak of choice or Greek yogurt
790g (28oz) can fire-roasted 60g (½ cup) Parmigiano
tomatoes Reggiano
5 guajillo chiles 60g (½ cup) goat cheese
4 chile de arbol 240g (1 cup) 1% milk
10g (2 tsp) soy sauce Red chili flakes and chives, for
60g (3 Tbsp) honey garnish
1 ½ Tbsp salt
2 tsp onion powder
672g (24oz) rigatoni
2 tsp paprika
2 tsp black pepper
1 shallot
8 cloves garlic
1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Enclose the shallot and garlic in aluminum foil and roast for 15-30
minutes until softened (or pan fry)
2. De-stem and de-seed the guajillo and chile de arbol peppers and microwave for 20 seconds (or toast on
dry pan for 30-45 seconds). Then, in a blender, combine roasted shallot, garlic, fire-roasted tomatoes,
guajillo, chile de arbol, soy sauce, honey, salt, onion powder, paprika, and black pepper. Blend until
3. Cut the flank steak or lean steak of choice into evenly sized cubes and add to the slow cooker, pour the
blended sauce over it, and stir. Cover and cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 5-6 hours until tender.
4. Cook the rigatoni for half the package time, then drain. Grate the Parmigiano Reggiano and add to the
slow cooker with goat cheese, skyr (or 0% Greek yogurt), and 1% milk. Add the half-cooked pasta and
stir well. Cover and cook on low for 20-25 minutes until the sauce thickens and the pasta is tender.
5. Divide into 10 servings, garnish with red chili flakes and chives. Freeze leftovers in airtight containers.
Meat: Spice Blend:
670g (24oz) boneless, skinless 4 tsp oregano
chicken thighs 1 tsp smoked paprika
670g (24oz) chicken breasts ½ tsp cumin
1 Tbsp salt
Tinga Sauce:
Black pepper, to taste
45g (3 Tbsp) olive oil
2 white onions Jalapeño Green Rice:
45g (3 Tbsp) minced garlic 420g (3 ⅓ cups) short-grain rice
15g (1 Tbsp) tomato paste 450g (~2 cups) bone broth
794g (28oz) can fire-roasted diced 180g (¾ cup) water
tomatoes Handful cilantro stems
45g (3 Tbsp) apple cider vinegar 2 tsp minced garlic
1 can (198g/7oz) chipotle peppers 1 jalapeño pepper
with adobo 15g (1 Tbsp) avocado oil
3 bay leaves Pinch of salt
50g (⅓ cup) Cotija cheese
1. Dice onions and cook in a large skillet over medium-high heat until translucent and beginning to brown, stirring
occasionally. Add olive oil, minced garlic, and tomato paste, mixing well to coat the onions. Cook until the mixture
begins to caramelize, about 8-10 minutes.
2. Stir in the fire-roasted diced tomatoes and simmer until most of the liquid has reduced, about 5 minutes.
3. Transfer the mixture to a blender. Add oregano, smoked paprika, cumin, salt, pepper, apple cider vinegar, and
chipotle peppers in adobo. Blend until completely smooth.
4. Cut chicken breast into large chunks and place in the slow cooker with the chicken thighs. Pour ¾ of the blended
sauce over the chicken, reserving the rest. Stir to coat the chicken evenly. Add 3 bay leaves on top. Cover and cook
on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender.
5. Blend bone broth, water, cilantro stems, minced garlic, jalapeño, avocado oil, and salt. Add mixture to short-
grain rice in a bowl over a stovetop. Bring to a boil, cover, and reduce heat to low for 20 minutes. Remove from
heat, let sit for 5 minutes.
6. Remove bay leaves, shred the chicken in the slow cooker, and stir in the reserved sauce. Adjust seasoning if needed.
Make 7 bowls by spreading rice, chicken, and a sprinkle of cotija and cilantro.
back to table of contents 36
teriyaki chicken rice bowls
Chicken & Marinade: Low-Cal Yum Yum Sauce:
1340g (48oz) boneless, 100g (½ cup) low-fat mayo
skinless chicken thighs 100g (½ cup) 0% Greek yogurt
75g (5 Tbsp) soy sauce 75g (5 Tbsp) sriracha
30g (2 Tbsp) dark soy sauce Salt, pepper, garlic powder
80g (4 Tbsp) honey to taste
60g (4 Tbsp) mirin Splash of 1% Milk
30g (2 Tbsp) ginger paste
15g (1 Tbsp) garlic paste Rice:
480g (2.5 cups) short grain or
sushi rice, dry weight
45g (3 Tbsp) cornstarch
60g (4 Tbsp) cold water
2 stalks of green onions
1. Place the chicken thighs in the slow cooker. Pour in the soy sauce, dark soy sauce, honey, mirin, ginger
paste, and garlic paste, stirring to coat the chicken evenly.
2. Cover and cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 5+ hours until tender. Once done, lightly shred the chicken
directly in the slow cooker to mix with the sauce.
3. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch with cold water to make a slurry, then add it to the slow cooker. Stir
well and let the mixture sit uncovered for 15-20 minutes to allow the sauce to thicken.
4. While the sauce thickens, cook short-grain or sushi rice according to package instructions. Fluff with a fork
once done.
5. In a separate bowl, make the Yum Yum sauce by combining low-fat mayo, 0% Greek yogurt, and
sriracha. Season with salt, pepper, and a pinch of garlic powder, then gradually add milk until the
sauce reaches your preferred consistency.
6. Mix the cooked rice into the chicken in the slow cooker, or keep them separate for easier portioning. Add
chopped green onions, reserving some for garnish if desired.
7. Divide into 8 servings and top each with Yum Yum sauce. Store any leftovers frozen.
back to table of contents 37
Cheesy Chipotle Chicken Pasta
Chicken & Marinade: Cheese Sauce:
780g (28oz) chicken breast 600g (2 ½ cups) 2% cottage
60g (4 Tbsp) adobo sauce cheese
4-5 chipotle peppers 120g (½ cup) 1/3-fat cream
2 tsp garlic powder cheese
2 tsp onion powder 50g (½ cup) Parmigiano
1 Tbsp salt Reggiano
5g (1 tsp) chicken bouillon 50g (½ cup) mozzarella,
300g (1 ¼ cups) water shredded
50g (2 ½ Tbsp) honey
300g (1 ¼ cups) 1% milk
672g (24oz) pasta of choice
salt and pepper to taste
Chopped chives
1. Dice the chicken breast and add to the slow cooker with adobo sauce, minced chipotle peppers, salt, garlic
powder, onion powder, chicken bouillon, and water. Stir well to ensure the chicken is evenly coated with the
seasonings and sauce. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or on low for 4-5 hours until the chicken is fully
cooked and tender enough to shred easily.
2. While the chicken is cooking, cook the pasta half way according to box instructions.
3. Once the chicken is done, use two forks to shred it directly in the slow cooker. Grate the Parmigiano Reggiano.
In a blender, combine the Parmigiano Reggiano, 2% cottage cheese, 1/3 fat cream cheese, mozzarella,
honey, milk, salt, and pepper to create the blended cheese sauce.
4. In the slow cooker, add the half-cooked pasta along with about half a cup of reserved pasta water to help the
sauce reach a smooth consistency. Pour in the blended cheese sauce, and stir thoroughly to ensure that the
pasta and chicken are well-coated.
5. Cover the slow cooker again and cook on low for an additional 20-30 minutes to allow the sauce to thicken and
for the pasta to finish cooking until perfectly tender. During this time, the pasta will absorb the sauce flavors,
creating a rich, cohesive dish.
6. Once done, give it a final stir to mix everything evenly. Serve and garnish each portion with freshly chopped
chives for a pop of color and added flavor. Divide into 10 servings and store leftovers in airtight containers for
back to table of contents 38
freezing to maintain freshness.
Lemon Harissa Chicken Pasta
Chicken: Additional Ingredients:
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless Juice and zest of 2 lemons
chicken thighs 3 Tbsp harissa paste
200g (1¼ cups) feta cheese
Harissa Sauce:
500g (2 cups) whole milk
2 yellow onions
60g (4 Tbsp) harissa paste Pasta:
60g (4 Tbsp) sun-dried 672g (24 oz) penne pasta
Lazy Tzatziki:
15g (1 Tbsp) tomato paste
200g (¾ cup) store-bought
20g (1 Tbsp) honey
2 tsp each: smoked paprika,
200g (¾ cup) 0% Greek yogurt
dried thyme, dried oregano
Salt and garlic powder, to taste
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp salt Toppings:
Chicken: Marinade:
1360g (48oz) boneless, 240g (1 cup) orange juice
skinless chicken thighs 200g (7oz) can chipotle
Rice: 45g (3 Tbsp) soy sauce
420g (2 ⅓ cups) Jasmine rice 30g (2 Tbsp) apple cider
(dry weight) vinegar
2 Tbsp garlic purée
Toppings & Garnish: 2 tsp cumin
50g 0% Greek yogurt (per 1 Tbsp salt
bowl) 1 ½ tsp black pepper
Pico de gallo, to taste 2 tsp onion powder
Cilantro, for garnish 80g (4 Tbsp) honey
15g (1 Tbsp) avocado oil
Handful of cilantro stems
1. Add orange juice, chipotle peppers, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, garlic purée, cumin, salt,
black pepper, onion powder, honey, avocado oil, and cilantro stems to a blender. Blend on high for
1-2 minutes until the marinade is completely smooth.
2. Place the chicken thighs in a slow cooker. Pour the marinade over the chicken and stir to coat evenly.
Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender and easily shreds.
3. Once the chicken is almost fully cooked through, cook the rice according to package instructions and
fluff with a fork.
4. Use two forks to shred the cooked chicken directly in the slow cooker, mixing it back into the sauce to
absorb all the flavor.
5. Mix the rice with the chicken in the slow cooker or keep separate for portioning. Divide into 7 meal
prep containers and top the burrito bowls with 0% Greek yogurt, cilantro, and pico de gallo. Store
leftovers in the freezer.
Meat & Sauce Base: Blended Queso Sauce:
907g (32oz) 93% ground beef 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage cheese
227g (8oz) pork chorizo 100g (½ cup) 1/3-fat cream cheese
1 Tbsp coarse salt 150g (1 ½ cups) extra sharp cheddar
1 Tbsp ground paprika cheese
1 Tbsp ground oregano 30g (¼ cup) cheddar powder
1 tsp ground cumin 240g (1 cup) red enchilada sauce
1.5 tsp ground black pepper 300g (1 ¼ cups) 1% milk
120g red enchilada sauce
Roasted Vegetables:
400g (14oz) can of fire-
2 orange bell peppers
roasted tomatoes
2 red bell peppers
2 Tbsp garlic purée
1 onion
1 Tbsp chipotle peppers
1 Tbsp adobo sauce Garnish:
45g (3 Tbsp) apple cider Cilantro (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Dice the bell peppers and onion, spread on a baking sheet, and
roast for 20-25 minutes until tender.
2. In the slow cooker, combine ground beef, chorizo, salt, paprika, oregano, cumin, black pepper, red
enchilada sauce, fire-roasted tomatoes, garlic purée, chipotle peppers, adobo sauce, and apple
cider vinegar. Stir to coat the meat evenly. Add the roasted vegetables, cover, and cook on high for
2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours until the meat is tender.
3. Cook the pasta for half the package time, then drain. Shred the cheddar cheese and place in a
blender with 2% cottage cheese, 1/3 fat cream cheese, cheddar powder, enchilada sauce, and 1%
milk. Blend until smooth.
4. Add the half-cooked pasta and queso sauce to the slow cooker, stir well, and cook on low for 15-20
minutes until the sauce thickens and pasta is fully cooked. Divide into 10 servings, garnish with
chopped cilantro if desired, and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 41
Lasagna Bowls
Beef Mixture: Cheese Sauce:
907g (32oz) 93% lean ground 120g (½ cup) fat-free milk
beef 200g blended 2% cottage
30g (2 Tbsp) tomato paste cheese
840g (54 oz) crushed 120g (1 cup) Parmigiano
tomatoes (two 28 oz cans) Reggiano
960g (32oz) bone broth (two 60g (½ cup) low-fat
16oz boxes) mozzarella
1. Add the ground beef to the slow cooker. Add in the tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, bone broth, onion
powder, garlic powder, salt, Italian herbs, and black pepper. Stir well, breaking up any large chunks of
beef, until everything is fully combined. Cover and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4+ hours until the
beef is tender and flavors are fully melded.
2. Once done, break up the oven ready lasagna sheets and add them to the slow cooker. Pour in 1 cup of
water and mix thoroughly to ensure all pasta pieces are separated and submerged in the sauce. Cover
and cook for an additional 20-30 minutes on high, or until the pasta is cooked through.
3. When the pasta is tender, blend the 2% cottage cheese, shred the Parmigiano Reggiano and low-fat
mozzarella. Add to the slow cooker with the fat-free milk. Stir until the cheese is melted and fully
combined, creating a creamy sauce.
4. Let the mixture sit, covered, for another 10 minutes to thicken slightly.
5. Chop the basil and serve each portion with a topping of low-fat ricotta and basil.
6. For storage, divide into 10 servings and let leftovers cool before storing in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 42
Chicken Bacon Ranch Mac n’ Cheese
Chicken & Bacon: Cheese Sauce:
896g (32oz) chicken breast 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
6 slices turkey bacon cheese
1 packet ranch seasoning 160g (1 ¼ cups) Parmigiano
30g (1 ⅓ Tbsp) hot honey Reggiano
1 Tbsp fresh dill 420g (1 ¾ cups) fat-free milk
Garlic powder, black pepper, 1 tsp garlic powder
& red chili flakes, to taste 1 tsp onion powder
Salt & pepper, to taste
Broth Base:
3 sweet onions Pasta:
6 jalapeños or Fresno chilis 672g (24 oz) pasta of choice
8 cloves of garlic
Topping & Garnish:
480g (16oz) chicken bone
10 slices center-cut bacon
handful of chopped chives
1. Mince the garlic and set aside. Dice the onions and brown in a large skillet. Once browned, add
jalapeños (or Fresno chilis) and garlic, cooking until softened. Pour in chicken bone broth, bring to a
boil, and reduce liquid completely. Set aside.
2. Dice the chicken breast and chop the dill. Then combine these in slow cooker with turkey bacon,
ranch seasoning, hot honey, garlic powder, black pepper, and red chili flakes. Pour in the onion,
garlic and broth base, stir, and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until chicken is tender.
Lightly shred with tongs.
3. Boil your pasta in lightly salted water until it is half cooked according to package instructions.
4. For the cheese sauce, shred the Parmigiano Reggiano and place in a blender with 2% cottage
cheese, fat-free milk, garlic powder, and onion powder. Add salt and pepper to taste and blend
until smooth. Add the cheese sauce, chopped chives, and half-cooked pasta to the slow cooker. Stir,
cover, and cook on low for 10-15 minutes until pasta is tender and sauce thickens.
5. Meanwhile, bake center-cut bacon at 400°F for 15-20 minutes until crispy. Chop and stir into the slow
cooker. Garnish with chives, divide into 11 servings, and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 43
Chimichurri Steak Rice Bowls
Steak & Marinade: Chimichurri Cont.:
1340g (48oz) flank steak or lean 4 cloves minced garlic
steak of choice 2 small red chilies (e.g., red
1 yellow onion jalapeños or Fresno chilies)
15g (1 Tbsp) minced garlic 1 tsp dried oregano
1 ½ Tbsp salt 1 tsp coarse salt
2 tsp black pepper ½ tsp black pepper
2 tsp garlic powder
Yellow Rice:
2 tsp oregano
600g (3 cups) short grain rice,
30g (2 Tbsp) red wine vinegar
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
900g (3 ¾ cups) chicken bone
240g (1 cup) puréed fresh
5g (1 tsp) olive oil
Chimichurri: 1 yellow onion
60g (¼ cup) olive oil 1 Tbsp minced garlic
60g (¼ cup) red wine vinegar 1 Tbsp turmeric
1 bunch chopped cilantro Salt to taste
1. Add the flank steak or lean steak of choice to a slow cooker. Dice the yellow onion and mince the garlic, then add
to the slow cooker along with salt, black pepper, garlic powder, oregano, olive oil, red wine vinegar, and puréed
fresh pineapple. Mix well to coat the steak evenly with the marinade. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours, until the
steak is tender and easily shreddable.
2. While the steak cooks, prepare the chimichurri. Finely chop your red chiles, cilantro or parsley, and mince the garlic.
Afterwards, combine them with olive oil, red wine vinegar, dried oregano, coarse salt, and black pepper in a bowl.
Mix thoroughly, then cover and refrigerate to let the flavors meld.
3. For yellow rice, heat olive oil in a pan, Dice and sautè yellow onion until translucent, then add minced garlic along
with turmeric, and salt. Stir in short grain rice, pour in chicken bone broth, bring to a boil, cover, reduce to low, and
simmer for 20-25 minutes. Let sit covered for 10 minutes. Adjust liquid based on type of rice being used.
4. Shred the cooked steak in the slow cooker, mixing in the chimichurri. Reserve some for garnish if desired.
5. Portion steak and rice into 9 servings, garnish with chimichurri, and enjoy. Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers and
reheat in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.
*Fresh pineapple is essential for its tenderizing effect. Do not use canned pineapple or shelf-stable/pasteurized
varieties. Pre-sliced or cubed fresh pineapple from the produce section is acceptable. back to table of contents 44
Buffalo Chicken & Bacon Mac n’ Cheese
Chicken & Seasonings: Buffalo Cheese Sauce:
900 (32oz) chicken breast 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
100g (½ cup) buffalo sauce cheese
30g (2 Tbsp) Worcestershire 50g (⅓ cup) 1/3-fat cream
sauce cheese
18g (1 Tbsp) chicken bouillon 100g (1 cup) extra sharp
Salt, pepper, & garlic cheddar cheese
powder, to taste 60g (½ cup) Parmigiano
Roasted Vegetables:
120g (½ cup) buffalo sauce
3 orange bell peppers
300g (1 ¼ cups) milk
2 onions
30g (1 ½ Tbsp) honey
Pasta: Salt & pepper, to taste
672g (24 oz) pasta of choice
instructions 18 slices center-cut bacon
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Dice the bell peppers and onions, spread on a baking sheet, and
roast for 20-25 minutes until lightly charred.
2. Dice the chicken breast and add to the slow cooker with buffalo sauce, Worcestershire, chicken
bouillon, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Stir in the roasted vegetables to coat well. Cover and cook
on high for 2-3 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until chicken is tender. Use tongs to break up the chicken in
the slow cooker.
3. Boil a pot of salted water and cook the pasta to 50% of the time listed on the box. Prepare the buffalo
cheese sauce by grating the cheddar and Parmigiano Reggiano and place in a blender with 2%
cottage cheese, 1/3 fat cream cheese, buffalo sauce, milk, honey. Add salt and pepper and blend
until smooth. Add the half-cooked pasta to the slow cooker, pour over the Buffalo cheese sauce, and
stir. Cover and cook on low for an additional 20-30 minutes until pasta is tender and sauce thickens.
4. Meanwhile, bake the center-cut bacon on a foil-lined baking sheet at 400°F for 15-20 minutes until
crispy. Chop or crumble bacon once done. Stir in crumbled bacon and chopped chives. Divide into 11
servings, cool, and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 45
Korean BBQ Beef Rice Bowls
Steak: Add After Cooking:
1340g (48oz) flat cut brisket or 30g (2 Tbsp) toasted sesame
chuck eye roast oil
OR lean steak of choice 60g (4 Tbsp) premium oyster
sauce: brands include Lee
Marinade Mixture:
Kum Kee/Lucky Brand
5 Tbsp soy sauce
54g (3 Tbsp) gochujang Spicy Cream Sauce:
45g (3 Tbsp) mirin 200g 0% skyr or Greek yogurt
40g (2 Tbsp) honey 36g (2 Tbsp) gochujang
30g (2 Tbsp) garlic purée 10g (2 tsp) chili crisp
15g (1 Tbsp) ginger purée 40g (2 Tbsp + 2 tsp) 1% milk
Black pepper Salt & pepper, to taste
Rice: Garnish:
600g (3 cups) rice (uncooked Sesame seeds
weight) Chopped green onions
1. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if
needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker.
2. Add soy sauce, gochujang, mirin, honey, garlic purée, ginger purée, and black pepper to the slow
cooker. Mix everything thoroughly, ensuring the steak is evenly coated with the marinade. Cover and cook
on high for 5-6 hours or low for 6+ hours, until the beef is tender and easily falls apart.
3. Once cooked, shred the beef with a fork or chop it into bite-sized pieces with a knife. Stir in the oyster
sauce and toasted sesame oil for a boost of flavor. Let the beef sit for a few minutes to absorb. Add 0%
skyr or Greek yogurt, gochujang, chili crisp, 1% milk plus salt and pepper to taste and let sit.
4. Meanwhile, cook the rice according to package instructions and fluff with a fork. Mix the rice into the
chicken or keep separate for portioning. Garnish with sesame seeds, and chopped green onions, divide
into 10 servings and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
Chicken and Seasonings: Red Pepper Alfredo Sauce:
900g (32oz) chicken breast 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
30g (¼ cup) Parmigiano cheese
Reggiano 120g (½ cup) 1/3-fat cream
30g (2 Tbsp) minced garlic cheese
1 Tbsp salt 120g (1 cup) Parmigiano
2 tsp crushed red pepper Reggiano
2 tsp garlic powder 240g (1 cup) 1% milk
2 tsp onion powder Salt, pepper, & red chili flakes,
1 tsp black pepper to taste
½ tsp cayenne pepper
120g (½ cup) chicken bone Roasted Vegetables:
broth 5 red bell peppers
30g (2 Tbsp) butter 10 cloves garlic
1 tsp oil of choice
672g (24 oz) pasta Garnish:
1. Shred the Parmigiano Reggiano, dice the chicken breast and add to slow cooker with minced garlic, salt,
crushed red pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper, chicken bone broth,
and butter to a slow cooker. Stir to coat the chicken. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 4-5 hours,
until tender. Shred the chicken in the slow cooker once cooked through.
2. Roast red bell peppers and garlic cloves (garlic wrapped in foil with oil of choice) at 450°F for 30-50 minutes
until soft and slightly charred. Peel the peppers once cooled.
3. Shred Parmigiano Reggiano and place in a blender with roasted peppers, roasted garlic, 2% cottage
cheese, 1/3 fat cream cheese, 1% milk, and red chili flakes until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste
and blend until smooth.
4. Cook pasta for half the package time. Reserve 1 cup pasta water and drain. Add half-cooked pasta, reserved
pasta water, and blended sauce. Stir to combine. Cover and cook on low for 15-20 minutes until pasta is tender
and the sauce thickens.
5. Chop the parsley, divide into 10 servings, and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 47
Slow Cooker Chili
Beef: Spice Blend:
1340g (48 oz) 93% ground beef 1 Tbsp each: salt, ancho chili
powder, garlic powder, onion
Chili Base:
3 yellow onions
2 tsp each: smoked paprika, cumin,
10 cloves garlic
2 Tbsp butter
1 tsp each: black pepper, cayenne
3 Tbsp tomato paste
⅛ tsp cinnamon
480g (2 cups) beef bone broth
480g (2 cups) red enchilada Toppings & Garnish:
sauce 400g (1 ¾ cups) 0% plain skyr
3 Tbsp apple cider vinegar 100g (⅓ cup) 1/3 fat cream cheese
794g (28oz) can of fire 200g (2 cups) sharp cheddar
roasted diced tomatoes cheese
1 can (7oz) chipotles Handful of Cilantro
425g (15oz) black beans
20g (1 Tbsp) honey
1. Dice the yellow onions. Cook in a hot pan over high heat until translucent and beginning to brown.
Lower the heat to medium, add minced garlic, butter and tomato paste, and simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Transfer the onion, garlic, and tomato paste mixture to the slow cooker with the ground beef. Add
beef bone broth, red enchilada sauce, apple cider vinegar, fire roasted diced tomatoes, chipotles,
black beans, honey, salt, ancho chili powder, garlic powder onion powder, smoked paprika,
cumin, oregano, black pepper, cayenne, and cinnamon. Stir well to combine.
3. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or high for 3-4 hours, until the beef is tender and fully cooked.
Once done, break up the meat with a wooden spoon, mixing until evenly combined. Remove from
heat, grate the cheddar, and stir in softened 1/3 fat cream cheese and cheddar until melted and
4. Divide into 8 servings and serve the chili in bowls topped with a dollop of 0% plain skyr and fresh
chopped cilantro for added flavor. For leftovers, let the chili cool completely. Store in freezer-safe
back to table of contents 48
Chili Mac
Beef: Spice Blend:
1340g (48 oz) 93% ground beef 1 Tbsp each: salt, ancho chili
powder, garlic powder, onion
Chili Base:
3 yellow onions
2 tsp each: smoked paprika,
10 cloves garlic
cumin, oregano
2 Tbsp butter
1 tsp each: black pepper, cayenne
3 Tbsp tomato paste
⅛ tsp cinnamon
480g (2 cups) beef bone broth
480g (2 cups) red enchilada Pasta & Cheese Sauce:
sauce 672g (24 oz) pasta of choice
3 Tbsp apple cider vinegar 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
794g (28oz) can of fire roasted cheese
diced tomatoes 200g (2 cups) each: 0% plain skyr,
1 can (7oz) chipotles sharp cheddar cheese, 1% milk
425g (15oz) black beans 125g (1 ¼ cups) American cheese
20g (1 Tbsp) honey
Cilantro garnish
1. Dice the yellow onions. Cook in a hot pan over high heat until translucent and beginning to brown. Lower the
heat to medium, add minced garlic, butter and tomato paste, and simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Transfer the onion, garlic, and tomato paste mixture to the slow cooker with the 93% ground beef. Drain and
rinse the black beans and add to the slow cooker with beef bone broth, red enchilada sauce, apple cider
vinegar, diced fire roasted tomatoes, chipotles, honey, salt, ancho chili powder, garlic powder, onion
powder, smoked paprika, cumin, oregano, black pepper, cayenne, and cinnamon. Stir well to combine.
3. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or high for 3-4 hours, until the beef is tender and fully cooked.
4. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, cook pasta halfway according to package instructions. Drain.
5. Once the beef is cooked, break up the meat with a spoon, mixing until combined. Add the half-cooked pasta to
the slow cooker and stir to incorporate.
6. Shred the cheddar and American cheese, add to a blender with the 2% cottage cheese, 1% milk, 0% plain
skyr, blend until smooth. Pour over the chili and pasta, and mix. Cover and cook on high for 15 minutes to finish
the pasta and thicken the sauce.
7. Divide into 12 servings and serve in bowls, garnished with fresh chopped cilantro. back to table of contents 49
Butter Chicken Chili
Chicken: Butter Sauce:
1350g (48oz) ground chicken thighs 45g (3 Tbsp) butter
3 onions
Spice blend:
45g (3 Tbsp) tomato paste
3 Tbsp smoked paprika
45g (3 Tbsp) garlic paste
2 Tbsp cumin
45g (3 Tbsp) ginger paste
1 Tbsp garam masala
½ spice blend
2 tsp coriander
794g (28oz) can of crushed
1 tsp cayenne
fire-roasted tomatoes
1 Tbsp salt
240g (1 cup) chicken bone
Dash of black pepper
Toppings & Garnish: 20g (1 Tbsp) honey
300g (1 ¼ cups) plain 0% Greek
Lemon Yogurt Sauce
yogurt or skyr
30g (2 Tbsp) butter (optional):
1. Combine smoked paprika, cumin, garam masala, coriander, cayenne, salt, and black pepper to
create the spice blend.
2. Prep the butter sauce. Dice onions and cook over high heat until translucent and starting to brown.
Reduce heat to medium, add butter, and simmer for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in tomato
paste, garlic paste, ginger paste, and half the spice blend, cooking for 2-3 minutes until fragrant.
3. Add crushed fire-roasted tomatoes, chicken bone broth, and honey. Mix well, simmer briefly, then
remove from heat and let cool slightly before blending until smooth.
4. Place ground chicken in a slow cooker and pour the blended sauce over it. Stir to coat, cover, and cook
on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours. Break up large chunks of chicken until it reaches a chili-like
consistency. Stir in 0% Greek yogurt (or skyr), butter, the remaining spice blend, and chopped cilantro
until fully combined. Divide into 7 portions for meal prep and let leftovers cool before storing in freezer-
safe containers. For an optional topping sauce, mix 0% Greek yogurt with the juice of ¼ lemon, salt, and
garlic to taste after reheating. back to table of contents 50
Frozen Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Burritos
Buffalo Chicken: Buffalo Cheese Sauce:
1360g (48oz) boneless, 750g (3 ¼ cups) 2% cottage
skinless chicken thighs cheese
1 tsp salt 200g (¾ cup) 1/3-fat cream
1 tsp garlic powder cheese
1 tsp onion powder 200g (¾ cup) buffalo sauce
1 tsp paprika 200g (1 ½ cups) 2% cheddar
1 tsp chili powder cheese
1 packet ranch seasoning 60g (3 Tbsp) honey
1 Tbsp fresh chopped dill 30g (2 Tbsp) butter
100g (½ cup) buffalo sauce Handful of chopped chives
Burrito Tortillas:
14 large tortillas
1. Add chicken thighs to your slow cooker. Sprinkle with salt, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika,
chili powder, ranch seasoning, and fresh chopped dill. Pour in buffalo sauce and mix well to evenly
coat the chicken. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender
and easily shredded.
2. Once the chicken is cooked, shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Blend 2% cottage
cheese and shred the 2% cheddar cheese. Mix into the slow cooker along with 1/3 fat cream cheese,
honey, additional buffalo sauce, butter. Stir thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Fold in
chopped chives for added flavor. Add a corn starch slurry to help thicken further (2 Tbsp corn starch
mixed with 2 Tbsp cold water)
3. Transfer the chicken mixture to the refrigerator and let it chill for 45 minutes to an hour to thicken.
4. Lay out 14 burrito-sized tortillas and evenly divide the chicken mixture into the tortillas. Roll each
tortilla tightly to form burritos. Wrap burritos in aluminum foil and store leftover burritos in the freezer
for meal prep.
Chicken: Miso Milk:
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless 600g (2½ cups) whole milk
chicken thighs 60g (4 Tbsp) white miso
1. In a large bowl, whisk together white miso paste, honey, mirin, salt, garlic powder, and black pepper
until combined. Dice the onions and place into the slow cooker with the chicken thighs. Pour the miso
sauce over the chicken, stirring to coat evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours,
until the chicken is tender and cooked through.
2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the macaroni halfway according to package
instructions. Drain and set aside.
3. As the chicken cooks, create the “miso milk” by adding white miso and whole milk to a blender and
blending until smooth
4. Once the chicken is cooked, lightly shred the cooked chicken using two forks, leaving some larger pieces
intact for texture. Shred the cheddar, Parmigiano reggiano, and mozzarella. Add to the slow cooker
along with the half cooked macaroni, and the miso milk. Add a pinch of salt. Cover on low for 20-30
minutes or until thickened and pasta is finished cooking.
5. Once pasta is full cooked, mix until all ingredients are fully combined. Top with desired amount of
white/black sesame seeds and lemon. Divide into 10 servings and serve. Allow leftovers to cool
completely before sealing in airtight, freezer-safe containers. back to table of contents 52
Cheesy Southwestern Chicken Orzo
Chicken & Seasonings: Southwestern Orzo:
1350g (48oz) boneless, 672g (24 oz) orzo
skinless chicken thighs 6 cans Amy’s southwestern
3 packets taco seasoning vegetable soup
1 Tbsp chicken bouillon 120g (4 oz) water
4 Tbsp Hatch green chiles Hot sauce of choice, to taste
15g (1 Tbsp) soy sauce
480g (16oz) chicken bone Cheese Sauce:
1. Add the chicken thighs, taco seasoning, chicken bouillon, Hatch green chiles, soy sauce, and
chicken bone broth to a slow cooker. Stir to coat the chicken evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3-4
hours or low for 4-5 hours until the chicken is tender and cooked through.
2. Once the chicken is done, shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Add the uncooked orzo,
Amy’s Southwestern vegetable soup, hot sauce to taste, and 4oz of water. Stir well to combine,
ensuring the orzo is fully submerged in the liquid. Cover and cook on high for 30-40 minutes, stirring
every 10-15 minutes, until the orzo is tender and cooked.
3. Once the orzo is cooked, shred the 2% cheddar and extra sharp cheddar. Then add to the slow
cooker along with 2% Greek yogurt. Stir thoroughly until the cheese is melted and the sauce is creamy
and evenly distributed. Taste and adjust seasoning and salt if needed.
4. Garnish with freshly chopped cilantro, divide into 12 servings, and serve immediately. Store leftovers
in freezer-safe containers.
Jalapeño Popper Chicken: Blended Cheese Sauce:
900g (32oz) chicken breast 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
100g pickled jalapeños cheese
30g (2 Tbsp) jalapeño brine 80g (⅓ cup) 1/3 fat cream
480g (16oz) chicken bone cheese
broth 40g (2 Tbsp) honey
3 sweet onions 150g (1 ½ cups) Parmigiano
8 jalapeños Reggiano
6 slices turkey bacon 420g (¾ cup) fat-free milk
Salt, garlic powder, and ¾ tsp garlic powder
pepper, to taste ¾ tsp onion powder
Salt & pepper, to taste
672g (24 oz) pasta Toppings:
10 slices center-cut bacon
3 Tbsp fresh chives, chopped
1. Dice the sweet onions and jalapeños, then add them to a hot pan over high heat. Cook until
translucent and beginning to brown. Pour in the chicken bone broth, bring to a boil, and reduce liquid
2. Dice the chicken breast and pickled jalapeños, place in the slow cooker with jalapeño brine, the
roasted onion and jalapeño broth mixture, turkey bacon, salt, garlic powder, and pepper. Stir,
cover, and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until tender.
3. While the chicken cooks, bake the center-cut bacon on a foil-lined sheet at 400°F for 15 minutes, or
until crispy. Chop into small pieces and set aside.
4. Cook the pasta half way according to the box instructions in a lightly salted pot of boiled water.
5. Grate the Parmigiano Reggiano and blend with 2% cottage cheese, 1/3 fat cream cheese, honey,
fat free milk, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper until smooth. Once the chicken is done,
shred it in the slow cooker, stir in the cheese sauce and half-cooked pasta, and mix well to coat.
Cover and cook on high for 15 minutes to finish the pasta and thicken the sauce.
6. Top with crispy bacon and fresh chives. Divide into 10 servings and enjoy.
back to table of contents 54
Honey Harissa chicken Rice bowls
Honey Harissa Chicken: Herby Rice:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless 560g (3 cups) rice
chicken thighs 840g (3½ cups) chicken bone broth
105g (7 Tbsp) harissa paste Salt, garlic powder, dried oregano,
15g (1 Tbsp) white miso paste dried thyme, rosemary (all to taste)
(optional) 15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
2 tsp smoked paprika
Lazy Low Calorie Tzatziki:
2 tsp dried thyme or oregano
200g (¾ cup) store-bought tzatziki
1 tsp garlic powder
200g (¾ cup) 0% Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp salt (or to taste)
Salt/garlic powder to taste
Dash of black pepper
60g (3 Tbsp) honey Toppings:
100g (¾ cup) feta cheese
Additional Ingredients:
Additional topping ideas: Pickled
Juice of 1 lemon
red onions, diced avocados, Diced
3 Tbsp harissa
cucumbers, capers
1. In a large bowl, mix together harissa paste, white miso paste (if using), smoked paprika, dried thyme or
oregano, garlic powder, salt, black pepper, and honey until well combined. Place the chicken thighs into the
slow cooker and pour the harissa mixture over them, ensuring all pieces are evenly coated. Cover and cook on
high for 3–4 hours or low for 4–5 hours, until the chicken is tender.
2. While the chicken cooks, prepare the herby rice by combining rice, chicken bone broth, olive oil, salt, garlic
powder, dried oregano, dried thyme, and rosemary in a pot. Cook according to package instructions until the
rice is tender. Set aside.
3. For the lazy low calorie tzatziki, mix the store-bought tzatziki with the 0% Greek yogurt in a bowl. Add salt and
garlic powder to taste, stirring until smooth. Set aside.
4. Once chicken is cooked, shred it directly in the slow cooker Stir in the juice of one lemon and harissa paste,
mixing well to combine. Add a corn starch slurry (1 Tbsp corn starch mixed with 1 Tbsp cold water) to thicken
5. Assemble the bowls by dividing the herby rice evenly among 10 bowls. Top each serving with the harissa chicken
and a dollop of the lazy tzatziki sauce. Sprinkle feta cheese over each bowl. Optionally, add fresh toppings like
pickled red onions, diced avocados, diced cucumbers, red pepper hummus, or capers.
back to table of contents 55
Buffalo Chicken Mac N Cheese
Buffalo Chicken: Cheese Sauce:
780g (28oz) boneless, skinless 600g (2 ½ cups) 2% cottage
chicken thighs cheese
80g (⅓ cup) buffalo sauce 150g (⅔ cup) 1/3 fat cream
30g (2 Tbsp) Worcestershire cheese
sauce 40g (⅓ cup) Parmigiano
2 tsp garlic powder Reggiano
2 tsp onion powder 50g (½ cup) cheddar powder
5g (1 tsp) chicken bouillon 120g (½ cup) buffalo sauce
200g (¾ cup) water 60g (3 Tbsp) honey
300g (1 ¼ cups) 1% milk
Salt and pepper, to taste
672g (24 oz) pasta of choice
1. Make the Buffalo Chicken: Add chicken thighs to the slow cooker with buffalo sauce, Worcestershire
sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, chicken bouillon, and water. Stir to coat the chicken evenly.
Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours until the chicken is tender and easily
2. While the chicken cooks, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook for half
the time listed on the package. Drain and set aside.
3. Blend the 2% cottage cheese and grate the Parmigiano Reggiano.
4. Once the chicken is done, shred it lightly in the slow cooker, and add the partially cooked pasta,
cottage cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano, 1/3 fat cream cheese, cheddar powder, extra buffalo
sauce, honey, milk, salt, and pepper. Stir until everything is well combined, creating a creamy cheese
sauce that coats the chicken and pasta.
5. Cover and cook on high for an additional 15-20 minutes until the pasta is tender and the sauce
thickens. If needed, add an additional 100-200g milk to adjust the sauce consistency.
6. Once done, portion the mixture into 10 containers for easy meal prep. Allow the servings to cool
completely before sealing and freezing for future meals.
back to table of contents 56
Chicken Enchilada Soup
Chicken & Soup Base: Soup Base:
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless 2 yellow onions
chicken thighs 3 jalapeño peppers
30g (2 Tbsp) butter
Chili Spice Blend:
6 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp each: salt, chili powder,
45g (3 Tbsp) tomato paste
garlic powder, onion powder
960g (4 cups) bone broth
2 tsp each: smoked paprika,
480g (16oz) red enchilada sauce
cumin, oregano
794g (28oz) can of fire roasted
1 tsp cayenne
diced tomatoes
½ tsp cinnamon
110g (4oz) green chiles
1. Dice the yellow onions and jalapeños, removing jalapeño seeds if you prefer less heat. Cook in a hot
skillet over high heat until translucent and starting to brown. Lower the heat to medium, and add butter,
minced garlic and tomato paste. Stir to combine and cook for about 5 minutes, then remove from heat.
2. Transfer the mixture to the slow cooker. Add chicken thighs, bone broth, red enchilada sauce, fire
roasted diced tomatoes, green chiles, black beans, corn, hot sauce (optional), honey, chopped
cilantro stems, and the chili spice blend. Stir to combine. Cover and cook on low for 4-5 hours or high for
3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender. Shred the chicken into large chunks using tongs or a fork, then mix it
back into the soup base.
3. Shred the cheddar cheese and add to the slow cooker along with softened 1/3 fat cream cheese, stirring
until melted and fully incorporated. Let sit for 10-15 minutes, then add the 0% skyr or greek yogurt. Mix.
4. Garnish with fresh cilantro leaves. Divide into 10 servings and serve immediately. For meal prep, let the
soup cool completely before dividing leftovers into containers.
Beef & Seasonings: Sauce Base:
1340g (48oz) 93% ground beef 45g (3 Tbsp) Butter
5 slices center-cut bacon 3 onions
1580g (two 28oz cans) crushed 12 cloves of garlic
tomatoes 90g (6 Tbsp) Tomato Paste
2 Tbsp each: dried oregano, 454g (16oz) beef bone broth
salt 30g (2 Tbsp) Worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp each: dried thyme, red 15g (1 Tbsp) soy sauce
pepper flakes, black pepper
Toppings & Garnish:
½ tsp cayenne
360g (1 ½ cups) fat-free
¼ tsp nutmeg
evaporated milk
Pasta: 100g (1 cup) Parmigiano Reggiano
672g (24oz) pasta of choice 30g (1½ Tbsp) honey
4 dried bay leaves
1. Dice the onions and mince the garlic cloves. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook the onions until
translucent and just beginning to brown. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Add the butter, garlic, and tomato
paste, stirring to combine. Lower the heat to medium and let the mixture simmer for 7-8 minutes.
2. Turn the heat to high and add beef bone broth, Worcestershire sauce, and soy sauce. Stir well, scraping the
bottom of the skillet to deglaze any browned bits. Boil until liquid is completely reduced, intensifying the flavor.
3. Transfer the mixture to a slow cooker. Add ground beef, crushed tomatoes, dried oregano, dried thyme, red
pepper flakes, salt, pepper, cayenne, and nutmeg. Mix to ensure the seasonings are evenly distributed. Top
with bay leaves. Dice center-cut bacon and line the edges of the slow cooker with the bacon, or cook the
bacon separately on the stove and add at the end. Slow cook on low for 5-6 hours or high for 3-4 hours.
4. Once slow cooker is done cooking, remove bay leaves. Shred Parmigiano Reggiano and mix in the slow cooker
along with fat-free evaporated milk, and honey (or sugar) until smooth. Cover while you prep pasta.
5. Cook pasta for half the time listed on the package, then drain
6. Break up the meat, then add half-cooked pasta, mix, and cover. Cook on high for 20-30 minutes to finish
cooking the pasta and thicken the sauce. Divide into 10 servings, adding a sprinkle of Parmigiano Reggiano on
each. Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 58
carnitas inspired Pulled Pork Burritos
Meat: Cornstarch Slurry (if needed):
1790g (64 oz) pork loin 5g (1 tsp) cornstarch
1 tsp water
2 onions Spanish Rice:
15g (1 Tbsp) oil of choice 15g (1 Tbsp) oil
2 Tbsp salt 3 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp oregano 30g (2 Tbsp) tomato paste
2 tsp black pepper Oregano, salt, pepper, onion
1 tsp cumin powder to taste
Juice from 2 oranges 320g (1 ⅓ cups) jasmine rice
6 cloves garlic 745g (3 cups) chicken bone broth
¼ tsp cinnamon
Burritos and Toppings:
15g (1 Tbsp) apple cider
15 tortillas
30g Greek yogurt (per burrito)
3 bay leaves
instructions 40g (2 Tbsp) honey
1. Cut the pork loin into 4-5 large chunks and set aside. Dice the onions and cook in a skillet over medium-high
heat with oil until browned and caramelized, about 8-10 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.
2. Place the pork chunks in the slow cooker. Add the caramelized onions, salt, black pepper, oregano, cumin,
cinnamon, garlic cloves, honey and apple cider vinegar. Squeeze the juice from the oranges over the mixture,
then place the orange peels over the meat in the slow cooker. Add the bay leaves.
3. Cover and cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 5-6 hours, until the pork is tender and easily shredded. Once the
pork is cooked, remove all liquid from the slow cooker and transfer it to a pan. Boil the liquid over medium-high
heat to reduce for 10-15 minutes or until slightly thickened. If the liquid remains too thin, add a cornstarch slurry
(1 tsp cornstarch mixed with 1 tsp water at a time) to achieve the desired consistency. While the liquid reduces,
shred the pork in the slow cooker. Pour the thickened liquid back over the shredded pork and mix to coat evenly.
4. Add oil to a medium heat pot and once warm, add minced garlic and tomato paste. Fry for 3-5 minutes. Add
jasmine rice, chicken bone broth, oregano, salt, pepper, and onion powder. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to
low and cover for 20-25 minutes. Fluff rice once done.
5. Divide all ingredients across 15 tortillas, top with Greek yogurt (place directly on the tortilla) and serve. Store
leftovers in the freezer wrapped in foil for meal prep.
back to table of contents 59
Thai red Curry Peanut Chicken Bowls
Meat: Toppings:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless Juice of 1-2 limes (to taste)
chicken thighs Chopped Thai basil (handful)
Chicken & Tomato Sauce: Cheese Sauce:
1120g (40oz) chicken breast 300g (1 ¼ cups) 2% cottage
794g (28oz) can of peeled or cheese
crushed tomatoes 240g (1 cup) fat-free milk
2 Tbsp tomato paste 100g (½ cup) 1/3-fat cream
2 Tbsp minced garlic cheese
1.5 Tbsp coarse salt 150g (1 ½ cups) Parmigiano
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning Reggiano
1 tsp black pepper 1 Tbsp white miso (optional)
1 tsp onion powder Salt & pepper, to taste
1 tsp chili flakes
15g (1 Tbsp) Parmigiano
Chopped fresh basil
instructions 672g (24oz) pasta of choice
1. Prepare the chicken & tomato sauce, dice the chicken breasts and add them to the slow cooker. Grate
the Parmigiano Reggiano and add to the slow cooker with the can of peeled tomatoes, tomato paste,
minced garlic, coarse salt, Italian seasoning, black pepper, onion powder, chili flakes. Stir well to
combine. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender.
2. Once the chicken is done, shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks, mixing it back into the sauce.
3. Boil your pasta in lightly salted water until it is half cooked and add to the slow cooker.
4. Make the cheese sauce, freshly grate Parmigiano Reggiano and add to a blender with the 2% cottage
cheese, fat-free milk, 1/3 fat cream cheese, white miso (optional). Add salt and pepper to taste and
blend until smooth.
5. Mix the cheese sauce with the shredded chicken and pasta to coat everything with the sauce. Cover and
cook on low for an additional 15-20 minutes, until the pasta is tender and fully cooked.
6. Once done, give everything a final stir and chop fresh basil as a topping for extra flavor. Divide into 10
portions and let leftovers cool before transferring to freezer-safe containers. Store in the freezer.
Chicken and Marinade: Chipotle Red Rice:
1790g (64oz) boneless, 640g (3 cups) jasmine rice
skinless chicken thighs 1300g (5 ½ cups) bone broth
160g (¾ cup) orange juice 3 chipotle peppers
Juice of 3 limes 30g (2 Tbsp) tomato paste
45g (3 Tbsp) soy sauce 15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
30g (2 Tbsp) garlic Juice of 1 lime
2 Tbsp salt Splash of bone broth
5 tsp cumin Garlic powder, salt, onion
1 Tbsp onion powder powder, cumin (to taste)
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp chili powder
1 bunch cilantro
2 tsp black pepper
Juice of 2 limes
2 tsp dried oregano
2 white onions
60g (3 Tbsp) honey
1. Mince the garlic and mix in a large bowl with orange juice, lime juice, soy sauce, salt, cumin, onion
powder, garlic powder, chili powder, black pepper, dried oregano, and honey until well combined.
2. Add chicken thighs to the slow cooker. Pour the marinade over, stirring to coat evenly. Cover and cook
on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until tender. Shred the chicken lightly with two forks, leaving
some chunks intact. Mix in raw diced white onions, chopped cilantro, and the juice of 2 limes.
3. Blend chipotle peppers, tomato paste, oil, lime juice, and bone broth until smooth. Adjust seasoning
with garlic powder, salt, onion powder, and cumin to taste.
4. Combine rice and blended mixture in a pot. Bring to a boil, reduce to low heat, cover, and simmer for
20-25 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed. Let sit for 5-10 minutes off heat, then fluff with a fork.
5. Divide the rice into 10 equal servings and top with shredded street taco chicken. Serve and store
leftovers in freezer-safe containers for meal prep.
Chicken: Miso Milk:
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless 380g (1 ½ cups) whole milk
chicken thighs 60g (4 Tbsp) white miso paste
White/black sesame seeds
1. In a large bowl, whisk together white miso paste, chili crisp, honey, mirin, garlic powder, black pepper
and salt until combined. Add chicken thighs to the slow cooker, and pour the miso sauce over the
chicken, stirring to coat evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until the chicken
is tender and cooked through.
2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and cook the orzo halfway according to package instructions.
3. As the chicken cooks, create the “miso milk” by adding white miso and whole milk to a blender and
blending until smooth
4. Cook 1 white onion over medium heat in a pan until translucent and beginning to brown
5. Once the chicken is cooked, lightly shred the cooked chicken using two forks, leaving some larger pieces
intact for texture. Add the cooked onion and half cooked orzo to the chicken, along with the miso milk,
lemon juice, and mozzarella. Add a pinch of salt. Cover on low for 20-30 minutes or until thickened and
pasta is finished cooking
6. Chop the green onions. Top with desired amount of white/black sesame seeds and green onions into
slow cooker. Divide into 10 servings and serve.
back to table of contents 63
Korean Beef Noodles
Beef and Seasonings: Spicy Mayo:
900g (32oz) 96% ground beef 60g (¼ cup) light mayo
55g (3 Tbsp) gochujang 40g (2 Tbsp) gochujang
45g (3 Tbsp) soy sauce 15g (1 Tbsp) sriracha
30g (2 Tbsp) sugar-free 10g (2 tsp) yuzu ponzu
ketchup 10g (2 tsp) sesame oil
1 Tbsp garlic powder
15g (1 Tbsp) rice wine vinegar Noodles:
Salt and pepper, to taste 5 packets Momofuku Sweet &
Green onion whites (reserve Spicy noodles OR 45g (3 Tbsp)
greens for garnish) Korean BBQ marinade of
choice with 425g (15 oz)
Additional Ingredients:
noodles of choice
60g (3 Tbsp) honey
15g (1 Tbsp) sesame oil
240g (1 cup) water
Pinch of salt
1. Add the ground beef, gochujang, soy sauce, sugar-free ketchup, garlic powder, rice wine vinegar,
salt, black pepper, and green onion whites to the slow cooker. Mix well, cover, and cook on low for
3-4 hours until tender.
2. While the beef cooks, make the spicy mayo by whisking together light mayo, gochujang, sriracha,
yuzu ponzu, and sesame oil. Set aside.
3. Cook noodles according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.
4. Once the beef is done, add the cooked noodles to the slow cooker with water, honey, sesame oil,
Momofuku flavoring packets (or Korean BBQ marinade) and a pinch of salt. Stir until the noodles
are well coated and absorb the sauce.
5. Cover and let sit for 10-15 minutes to meld the flavors. Divide into 7 servings, top with spicy mayo, and
garnish with green onion tops if desired. Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers for meal prep.
Chicken: Additional Ingredients:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless 60g (3 Tbsp) honey
chicken thighs 100g (¾ cup) feta cheese
1. To a slow cooker, add chicken thighs, diced white onion, red enchilada sauce, chipotle peppers, lime
juice, salt, garlic powder, and a dash of black pepper. Stir to ensure the chicken is evenly coated with
the sauce and spices. Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the
chicken is tender and easily shredded.
2. Once the chicken is fully cooked, use two forks to shred it directly in the slow cooker, mixing it well into the
sauce to absorb all the flavors. Add the feta cheese and honey to the slow cooker, stirring gently to
combine. Cover the slow cooker again and let it cook on high for an additional 15 minutes to allow the
feta to soften and blend into the sauce.
3. After cooking, stir the mixture once more and allow it to cool for about 10 minutes. Cooling helps the next
ingredients incorporate smoothly without curdling. Gradually pour in the whole milk, mixing it thoroughly
with the chicken and sauce. Once the milk is fully incorporated, add the 2% Greek yogurt and chopped
cilantro. Stir gently but thoroughly until the mixture is creamy and well combined.
4. Divide into 8 servings. Store leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe containers once cooled completely.
Chicken & Vegetables: Curry Roux & Flavorings:
1350g (48oz) boneless, 10 Golden Curry cubes (Japanese
skinless chicken thighs curry roux)
500g (3 medium) carrots 200g (¾ cup) applesauce or 2
700g (5 medium) Yukon grated apples
gold potatoes 45g (3 Tbsp) sugar-free ketchup
3 sweet onions
Base Ingredients: 500g (2½ cups) short-grain rice
40g (2 Tbsp) honey
960g (32oz) beef bone
30g (2 Tbsp)
Worcestershire sauce
1. Dice the chicken thighs, carrots, Yukon gold potatoes, and onions into bite sized chunks. Pour in the beef
bone broth, Worcestershire sauce, and honey. Stir everything to combine, ensuring the chicken and
vegetables are coated in the liquid. Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 4–5 hours or low for 5–6 hours,
until the chicken is tender and the vegetables are cooked through.
2. Once the cooking time is complete, break apart the Golden Curry cubes (Japanese curry roux cubes) into
small pieces. Add the roux cubes to the slow cooker one at a time, stirring thoroughly after each addition to
ensure they dissolve completely into the liquid. The sauce should thicken and become rich and viscous as the
roux is incorporated.
3. Grate the apples (or use applesauce) and add to the slow cooker along with sugar-free ketchup. Stir
everything together to ensure the flavors are evenly distributed. Let the curry simmer on low for another 10–15
minutes to allow the flavors to meld.
4. While the curry finishes, steam and cook the short grain rice according to package instructions. Divide into 10
servings and serve the Japanese curry over steamed rice.
*For a lower carb option, serve without rice or use a rice alternative.
*Without rice: 405 calories, 37g Protein, 38g Carbs, 11g Fat
back to table of contents 66
Chili Crisp Orange Chicken Rice Bowls
Chicken & Marinade: Orange Sauce:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless 120g (½ cup) orange marmalade
chicken thighs 30g (2 Tbsp) chili crisp
240g (1 cup) orange juice 30g (2 Tbsp) seasoned rice
90g (6 Tbsp) soy sauce vinegar
45g (3 Tbsp) mirin 20g (1 Tbsp) honey
1 Tbsp chili crisp ½ Tbsp ginger paste or minced
1 Tbsp garlic powder ginger
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 tsp black pepper
Green onions
Rice: White/black sesame seeds
500g (2 ½ cups) rice
Cornstarch Slurry:
1 Tbsp cornstarch
instructions 2 Tbsp cold water
1. Place the chicken thighs in the slow cooker. Add the orange juice, soy sauce, mirin, chili crisp, garlic powder,
onion powder, and black pepper. Stir to coat the chicken evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3–4 hours or low for
4–5 hours, until the chicken is fully cooked and tender.
2. Once cooked, remove all the liquid from the slow cooker. If easier, remove the chicken first and transfer the liquid
to a pot or pan. Bring the liquid to a boil over medium-high heat and reduce it for about 20 minutes until it thickens
slightly and the flavors concentrate.
3. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the orange marmalade, additional chili crisp, rice vinegar, honey, and
ginger paste. Mix until fully combined, then return the pot to heat for about 30 seconds to help the sauce blend
together. In a small bowl, whisk the cornstarch with cold water to form a slurry. Gradually add the slurry to the
sauce while stirring, and cook over medium heat until the sauce thickens to your desired consistency.
4. While the sauce reduces, cook the rice according to package instructions. Fluff with a fork. Shred the chicken in
the slow cooker using two forks. Pour the thickened orange sauce over the shredded chicken and mix until evenly
coated. Divide the rice into 10 servings and top with the orange chicken. Garnish with chopped green onions and
white/black sesame seeds. Serve warm, and store leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe containers for later.
Meat & Sauce: Blended Sauce:
900g (32oz) 93% lean ground 800g (3⅓ cups) 2% cottage
beef cheese
120g (1 cup) chopped turkey 100g (1 cup) extra sharp cheddar
pepperoni cheese
1 yellow onion 100g (1 cup) mozzarella cheese
425g (1¾ cups) tomato sauce 100g (1 cup) Parmigiano
1 ½ Tbsp Italian seasoning Reggiano cheese
1 Tbsp each: salt, onion 360g (1½ cups) 1% milk
powder, garlic powder, black Salt and pepper, to taste
Dash of chili flakes
85g (3oz) prosciutto
Pasta: Chives
672g (24 oz) pasta Oregano
1. Dice the yellow onion and place in the slow cooker with ground beef, tomato sauce, Italian seasoning, salt,
onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, and chili flakes. Mix to combine. Chop the turkey pepperoni
and sprinkle evenly over the top. Cover and cook on high for 2–3 hours or low for 3–4 hours, until the beef is
fully cooked and the flavors meld.
2. Once the cooking time is complete, break up the ground beef into smaller chunks using a spoon or spatula. Stir
everything well to distribute the flavors evenly. While the slow cooker finishes, cook the pasta until halfway
done according to package instructions. Drain and set aside.
3. Shred the cheddar, mozzarella, Parmigiano Reggiano and add to a blender with 2% cottage cheese and 1%
milk. Blend until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Add the partially cooked pasta and blended sauce to the slow cooker. Stir to combine, ensuring the pasta is
well coated. Cover and cook on high for 15–20 minutes, or until the pasta is tender and the sauce is thickened.
5. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay the prosciutto slices
on it. Bake for 10–15 minutes, or until the prosciutto is crispy. Remove from the oven and crumble into small
6. Sprinkle the crumbled crispy prosciutto over the pasta in the slow cooker. Garnish with chopped chives and
oregano. Stir gently to mix everything together before dividing into 10 servings.
back to table of contents 68
Caramelized onion beef Burritos
Beef & Seasoning: Caramelized Onions:
1340g (48oz) flat cut brisket or 4 yellow onions
chuck eye roast 30g (2 Tbsp) butter
OR lean steak of choice 960g (32oz) beef bone broth
45g (3 Tbsp) Worcestershire 30g (2 Tbsp) Worcestershire
15g (1 Tbsp) Dijon mustard Sprig of rosemary and thyme
1 Tbsp salt
Cheesy Rice:
1 Tbsp garlic powder
240g (1 ¼ cups) rice
2 tsp onion powder
300g (1 ¼ cups) 0% Greek yogurt
2 tsp black pepper
60g (½ cup) cheddar cheese
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp nutritional yeast (optional)
⅛ tsp nutmeg
Chopped cilantro or green onions
100g (½ cup) bone broth
11 burrito tortillas
1. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if needed).
Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Sprinkle with Worcestershire, Dijon mustard, salt, garlic powder,
onion powder, black pepper, beef bone broth, dried thyme, and nutmeg and stir until evenly mixed. Cover and cook
on high for 4–5 hours or low for 5–6 hours, until the beef is tender and can be easily shredded.
2. While the beef cooks, prep the caramelized onions. Dice the onions and heat a large skillet over high heat. Cook until
translucent and starting to brown. Reduce the heat to medium, add the butter, and stir to coat the onions. Continue to
sauté for 10–15 minutes, stirring frequently, until the onions are deeply browned and caramelized.
3. Pour in the beef bone broth and Worcestershire, stirring to combine. Optionally, add a sprig of rosemary and thyme
for extra flavor. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the liquid has fully evaporated, leaving richly flavored
onions. Remove and discard the rosemary and thyme, if used.
4. Once the beef is fully cooked, shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Add the caramelized onions to the
slow cooker and stir well to combine with the beef and its juices.
5. Steam cook the rice according to package instructions. Fluff with a fork, then shred the cheddar cheese and stir in the
slow cooker with the nutritional yeast (if using), 0% yogurt, chopped cilantro or green onions, and season with salt
and garlic powder to taste. Mix well to create the cheesy rice.
6. Lay out the 11 tortillas and add 1–2 spoonfuls of cheesy rice to each. Top with the shredded beef and caramelized
onion mixture, then roll each tortilla tightly into a burrito.
back to table of contents 69
Brisket Queso fries
Brisket: Blended Queso Sauce:
900g (32oz) flat cut brisket or 800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
lean steak of choice cheese
400g (14oz) can crushed fire- 100g (1 cup) American cheese
roasted tomatoes 150g (1 ½ cups) extra sharp
120g (½ cup) red enchilada cheddar cheese
sauce 80g (⅓ cup) red enchilada sauce
200g (7oz) can chipotle Salt & pepper to taste
peppers in adobo 5g (1 tsp) nutritional yeast
80g (3 Tbsp) green chiles (optional)
60g (3 Tbsp) honey Chopped cilantro (optional)
Meat: Burrito Filling:
1790g (64oz) flat cut brisket or 226g reduced fat mozzarella
chuck eye roast 226g fat free mozzarella
200g plain 0% Greek yogurt or sour
Sauce Base:
2 onions
Handful chopped Cilantro
10 cloves garlic
1-2 diced white onions
20g (1 ½ Tbsp) avocado oil
10 guajillo chiles Seasonings:
3 ancho chiles 1 Tbsp of each: coarse salt, ground
896g (32oz) beef bone broth cumin, dried oregano, black pepper
240g (1 cup) water 1 tsp paprika
90g (6 Tbsp) apple cider vinegar
240g (1 cup) red enchilada sauce
3 bay leaves
handful cilantro stems
300g (1 ¼ cup) rice, raw weight
instructions 18 burrito tortillas
1. In a large pot over medium heat, add avocado oil. Chop onions and mince garlic and once the pot is hot,
add the chopped onions and garlic, sautéing until browned, about 5-7 minutes.
2. De-stem and de-seed the guajillo and ancho chiles, toast them for 2-3 minutes until softened and
aromatic. Pour in beef bone broth and water, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 2-3 minutes.
3. Transfer the mixture to a blender. Add coarse salt, ground cumin, dried oregano, black pepper, paprika,
apple cider vinegar, red enchilada sauce, and cilantro stems. Blend until smooth.
4. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat, add to slow cooker.
5. Pour the blended sauce over the meat, ensuring it’s fully covered. Add bay leaves on top.
6. Cover and cook on low for 7-8 hours, or until the meat is tender and easily shredded. Shred in the slow
cooker, mixing with the sauce. Discard bay leaves.
7. As the meat cooks, cook the rice according to the package instructions. Dice onions, shred reduced fat
mozzarella and fat free mozzarella. Mix with cooked rice, 0% Greek yogurt and chopped cilantro.
8. Mix the rice into birria beef. Let cool for 30 minutes to thicken. Lay out 18 tortillas and evenly divide the
mixture, and fold the tortillas to create the burritos.
Italian Beef: Sandwich & Toppings:
1790g (64oz) flat cut brisket or 1 hoagie or sandwich roll
chuck eye roast (adjust calories based on
OR lean steak of choice bread, 250-calorie roll used
340g (12oz) jar of here)
pepperoncini 1 slice provolone cheese
340g (12oz) jar of Chicago-
style giardiniera*
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 tsp black pepper
20g (1 Tbsp) honey
1. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if
needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Pour in the jar of pepperoncini, including the
liquid, and the jar of Chicago-style giardiniera (do not drain). Sprinkle the salt, Italian seasoning, garlic
powder, onion powder, black pepper, and honey over the top. Stir lightly to combine. Cover and cook on low
for 6–8 hours, or until the beef is tender and shreds easily.
2. Once cooked, shred the beef directly in the slow cooker, mixing it thoroughly with the juices and vegetables.
3. For sandwiches, store the meat on its own in freezer-safe containers. To reheat, microwave a serving for 3–4
minutes, stir, and add a splash of beef bone broth or water. Microwave for another 1–2 minutes until warmed
through, or heat the meat on the stovetop over medium heat.
4. To assemble each serving, use a freshly sliced hoagie or sandwich roll and place the reheated beef on the
bottom bun. Top with a slice of provolone cheese. Arrange the sandwich (open-faced) on a baking sheet and
place under the broiler until the cheese is melted and browned.
*Very important to use chicago-style giardiniera, instead of traditional italian giardiniera. Chicago style is finely
chopped/minced vegetables used as a topping on sandwiches, traditional will have large chunks of vegetables.
You want the finely chopped/minced version for this
back to table of contents 72
Chili Con Carne
Beef & Marinade: Homemade Chili Seasoning Cont.:
2010g (72oz) flat cut brisket or chuck 1 ½ Tbsp salt
eye roast 1 ½ Tbsp ground cumin (optional)
OR lean steak of choice 3 tsp black pepper
45g (3 Tbsp) avocado oil 3 tsp dried oregano
2 medium yellow onions ¼ tsp powdered cinnamon
8 cloves garlic Dash of smoked paprika (to taste)
60g (4 Tbsp) tomato paste OR use 6 Tbsp pre-made chili
355g (12oz) Modelo Negro beer seasoning rather than all the above
15g (1 Tbsp) Worcestershire sauce
475g (16oz) beef bone broth
75g (⅓ cup) 0% Greek yogurt
Enchilada Sauce: 15g (2 Tbsp) sharp cheddar cheese
200g (¾ cup) red enchilada sauce Chopped cilantro
1. Dice onions. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if
needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. In a large skillet over medium heat, sauté the onions in
avocado oil until translucent and beginning to brown, about 5–7 minutes. Mince the garlic and add to the slow
cooker with the tomato paste, stirring continuously. Simmer for 5–6 minutes until the mixture is caramelized.
2. Pour in the Modelo Negro (or substitute additional 475g/16oz beef bone broth) and bring to a boil. Reduce the liquid
completely while stirring occasionally, then pour in the beef bone broth and Worcestershire sauce. Stir to combine
and remove from heat. Pour the onion and broth mixture over the beef, ensuring it is evenly coated.
3. Add the red enchilada sauce, honey, chipotle peppers, chili powder, ancho chili powder, salt, ground cumin,
black pepper, dried oregano, powdered cinnamon, smoked paprika (OR premade seasoning). Stir everything
thoroughly to mix the spices and flavors. Cover the slow cooker and cook on low for 4–5 hours, until the beef is tender
and the flavors are well developed.
4. Once cooking is complete, stir in apple cider vinegar and add chopped cilantro to taste. Adjust the salt if needed. In
a small bowl, whisk together the cornstarch and cold water to form a slurry. Gradually stir the slurry into the slow
cooker, cooking on low until the chili thickens to your desired consistency.
5. Assemble the bowls by spooning the chili into 10 even servings. Shred the cheddar cheese and top each bowl along
with 0% Greek yogurt, chopped cilantro, and sliced green onions. back to table of contents 73
Hot Honey Brisket Ragu Pasta
Hot Honey Brisket: Pasta:
1340g (48oz) brisket (or lean 672g (24 oz) pasta of choice
steak of choice)
2 yellow onions
1 sprig rosemary
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
Handful of fresh thyme
10 cloves garlic
1–2 bay leaves
45g (3 Tbsp) tomato paste
100g (5 Tbsp) honey Garnish:
2 Tbsp chili flakes Parmigiano Reggiano
794g (28oz) fire-roasted Chopped Chives
crushed tomatoes
475g (16oz) beef bone broth
1. Dice the onions and cook on low in a skillet over high heat until translucent and beginning to brown, about 5
minutes. Reduce the heat to medium and mince the garlic. Add to the skillet with the olive oil, and tomato
paste. Stir and simmer for 5–10 minutes until caramelized and fragrant.
2. Add the fire-roasted crushed tomatoes, honey, chili flakes, and beef bone broth to the skillet. Stir well and
bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat slightly and let it simmer for about 10 minutes.
3. Transfer the mixture to the slow cooker. Trim the flat cut brisket by removing all excess separable fat. Once
trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Top with the rosemary, fresh thyme, and bay leaves. Cover and
cook on low for 6–8 hours, or until the beef is tender and easily shredded.
4. Once done, remove the beef from the slow cooker and shred it using two forks. Discard the rosemary, thyme
sprigs, and bay leaves. Return the shredded beef to the slow cooker and mix it with the sauce until fully
5. Cook the pasta to 50% doneness and drain. Add half cooked pasta to the ragu in the slow cooker to cook 15-20
minutes until tender. Shred the Parmigiano Reggiano, divide ragu and pasta across 10 equal servings, and
garnish with Parmigiano Reggiano and chopped chives. Store any leftovers in freezer.
Chipotle Brisket: Eggs:
1340g (48 oz) flat cut brisket 600g (2 ½ cups) egg whites
200g (7 oz) can chipotle peppers 5 whole eggs
200g (¾ cup) red enchilada sauce 350g (1 ½ cups) 2% cottage
40g (2 Tbsp) honey cheese
15g (1 Tbsp) apple cider vinegar 2 tsp corn starch
1 Tbsp salt 100g (1 cup) cheddar cheese
1 Tbsp garlic powder
Yogurt Sauce:
1 Tbsp onion powder
400g (1 ⅔ cups) 0% Greek
2 tsp black pepper
Tortillas & Garnish: 50g (3 Tbsp) hot sauce
12 large tortillas Salt, garlic powder,
Cilantro and pepper, to taste
1. Trim the flat cut brisket by removing all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if needed). Once
trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Add the chipotles, red enchilada sauce, honey, apple cider
vinegar, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper. Stir to coat the meat. Cover and cook on high
for 4–5 hours or low for 5–6 hours, until the beef is tender and pulls apart easily.
2. Remove the meat from the slow cooker and set aside. Transfer the liquid to a pan and boil over medium-high
heat for 10–15 minutes to reduce. Stir in a cornstarch slurry (2 Tbsp cornstarch mixed with 2 Tbsp cold water)
and cook until thickened. Shred the beef with two forks, return it to the pot with the thickened sauce, and mix.
3. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees (190°C). In a blender, combine egg whites, whole eggs, 2% cottage cheese, and
corn starch. Blend until smooth and pour the mixture into a sheet pan. Shred the cheddar cheese, top the
mixture, and bake for 20–30 minutes, or until the middle is firm. Let the baked eggs sit for 10 minutes, then slice
into 12 equal-sized rectangles.
4. Mix 0% Greek yogurt, hot sauce, salt, garlic powder, and pepper in a small bowl to make the sauce.
5. To assemble, lay 12 tortillas flat, add a dollop of sauce, a rectangle of baked egg, and a portion of the beef.
Garnish with chopped cilantro, wrap the burrito tightly. Serve and store leftovers in foil or a freezer-safe
back to table of contents 75
Beef Stroganoff orzo
Beef and Marinade: Creamy Sauce:
1790g (64oz) lean steak of 480g (1 ¾ cups) 0% Greek yogurt
choice 240ml (1 cup) 1% milk
10 grated garlic cloves 20g (4 tsp) Dijon mustard
45g (3 Tbsp) butter Chives, chopped, for garnish
2 yellow onions, diced
Cornstarch Slurry:
300g (3 cups) frozen mixed
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1 Tbsp cold water
907g (4 cups) beef bone broth
60g (4 Tbsp) Dijon mustard
Salt, pepper, and onion powder
to taste
900g (32oz) orzo
1. Cube the beef into bite-sized pieces and set aside. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Dice the
onions and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. Grate the garlic and stir into the skillet with the butter,
and frozen mixed mushrooms. Cook for 10–15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the mushrooms release
their liquid and it evaporates, leaving the mixture fragrant and browned.
2. Transfer the onion and mushroom mixture to the slow cooker. Add the cubed beef, beef bone broth, Dijon
mustard, and season with salt, pepper, and onion powder to taste. Stir to combine. Cover and cook on
high for 3–4 hours or low for 4–5 hours, until the beef is tender.
3. While the beef cooks, partially boil the orzo for 2 minutes, then drain and set aside.
4. Once the beef is tender, add the partially boiled orzo to the slow cooker along with the 0% Greek
yogurt, 1% milk, Dijon mustard, and chopped chives. Stir thoroughly to combine. Cover and cook for an
additional 30–45 minutes, or until the orzo is fully cooked and the sauce has thickened.
5. If the mixture is too thin, thicken with a cornstarch slurry by mixing the cornstarch and water, gradually
adding it to the slow cooker. Stir until the desired consistency is reached.
6. Divide into 12 servings, garnish with additional chives if desired. Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 76
BBQ beef loaded sweet potatoes
Beef and Marinade: Cornstarch Slurry:
1790g (64oz) flat cut brisket or 15g (1 Tbsp) corn starch
chuck eye roast 15g (1 Tbsp) water
OR lean steak of choice
Finishing Sauce:
300g (1 ¼ cups) Dr Pepper
40g (2 Tbsp) honey
24g (3 Tbsp) BBQ seasoning
25g (1 ½ Tbsp) apple cider vinegar
15ml (1 Tbsp) Worcestershire
10g (2 tsp) Dijon mustard
30g (2 Tbsp) ketchup
30g (2 Tbsp) no-sugar-added
120g (½ cup) Dr Pepper
3 chipotle peppers Sweet Potatoes:
2000g (~10 medium) sweet potatoes
(200g per bowl)
200g (2 cups) cheddar cheese
Drizzle: olive oil, salt
400g (1½ cups) 0% Greek yogurt
Milk and garlic powder to taste Toppings:
instructions Green onions
1. If using flat-cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat, and add to the slow cooker.
2. Mince the chipotle peppers and add to the slow cooker along with the BBQ seasoning, Worcestershire sauce, no-
sugar-added ketchup, and the Dr Pepper. Stir to coat the beef evenly in the mixture. Cover and cook on high for 4–5
hours or low for 6–8 hours, until the beef is tender and easily shredded.
3. While the beef cooks, prepare the finishing sauce. In a small bowl, combine honey, apple cider vinegar, Dijon
mustard, ketchup, and Dr Pepper. Mix well and set aside.
4. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C). Wash and peel (optional) the sweet potatoes, then dice them into bite-sized
chunks. Spread the pieces evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with
salt, and toss to coat. Roast for 25–35 minutes, flipping halfway, until tender and slightly browned.
5. Once the beef is done, shred in the slow cooker. Transfer the liquid from the slow cooker to a pan over medium-high
heat. Stir in the finishing sauce and simmer for 10 minutes to reduce slightly.
6. If the sauce is too thin, create a cornstarch slurry by mixing cornstarch with water. Gradually stir the slurry into the
sauce while simmering until it reaches the desired thickness.
7. Prepare the Greek yogurt topping by mixing 0% Greek yogurt with a splash of 1% milk and garlic powder to taste.
8. Portion into 10 servings. Top the sweet potatoes with a portion of the BBQ beef, shredded cheddar cheese, Greek
yogurt mixture, and chopped green onions.
back to table of contents 77
French Onion Pasta
Garlic Rosemary Chicken: Caramelized Onions:
1360g (48oz) chicken thighs 4 diced yellow onions
45g (3 Tbsp) Worcestershire 960g (32oz) beef bone broth
sauce 15g (1 Tbsp) soy sauce
30g (2 Tbsp) minced garlic 5g (1 tsp) Dijon mustard
15g (1 Tbsp) Dijon mustard 30g (2 Tbsp) butter
1 Tbsp fine grain salt Rosemary sprig
2 tsp black pepper Thyme (optional)
1 tsp dried thyme
Cheese Sauce:
100g (½ cup) bone broth
800g (3 ⅓ cups) 2% cottage
Rosemary sprig
1 Tbsp garlic powder
200g (2 cups) Gruyère
2 tsp onion powder
75g (¾ cup) Parmigiano
Pasta: Reggiano
Beef & Seasonings: Cheese Sauce:
1350g (48oz) flat cut brisket 800g 2% cottage cheese
or chuck eye roast 100g Parmigiano Reggiano
1 Tbsp each: Salt, pepper, 150g provolone
garlic powder, and onion 350ml 1% milk
powder Salt & pepper to taste
240g (8oz) beef bone broth
Roasted Peppers:
672g (24oz) pasta of choice
4 red bell peppers
(dry weight)
4 poblanos
4 jalapenos
2 sweet onions
1. Add beef, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and beef bone broth to a slow cooker
2. Cook on high for 4-5 hours, or low for 5-6 hours
3. Dice bell peppers, poblanos, jalapenos, and sweet onions, and add a sheet pan. Bake at 450 for 30-45
minutes, or until lightly browned.
4. Once beef is done cooking, shred, then mix in roasted peppers and onions.
5. Blend 2% cottage cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano, provolone, 1% milk and salt/pepper to taste until
6. Cook pasta for half the time on the packaging instructions, drain.
7. Add half-cooked pasta and the blended cheese sauce to the shredded beef and pepper mixture. Cover
and let cook for 20-25 minutes until the pasta is finished cooking and the sauce is thickened. Portion into 10
servings, and enjoy.
Chicken & Marinade: Buffalo Ranch Sauce:
1340g (48oz) chicken thighs 75g (⅓ cup) Buffalo wing
200g (¾ cup) Buffalo wing sauce
sauce* Handful of chopped chives or
30g (2 Tbsp) soy sauce green onions
1 packet ranch seasoning 200g (¾ cup) 0% Greek
40g (2 Tbsp) honey yogurt
75g (⅓ cup) light sour cream
Cornstarch Slurry:
Pinch of chopped dill
3 Tbsp cornstarch
3 Tbsp cold water
Toppings & Garnish:
120g mozzarella
240g rice (raw weight)
70g applewood smoked
560g bone broth
bacon bits (buy pre-cooked
Salt + garlic powder to taste
bits, I got these at whole
instructions Chives
1. Place the chicken thighs in the slow cooker. Add Buffalo wing sauce, soy sauce, ranch seasoning, and
honey. *Buffalo “Wing” sauce generally contains added fat. If using a zero-fat Buffalo sauce, melt 45g (3
Tbsp) butter and add it to the mixture. Stir to evenly coat the chicken. Cover and cook on high for 3–4
hours, or until the chicken is tender and can be easily shredded.
2. Once cooked, shred with two forks in the slow cooker. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch with cold water
to make a slurry, then add it to the slow cooker to thicken. To finish, mix in more buffalo wing sauce, 0%
Greek yogurt, light sour cream, and optional chopped dill. Stir until smooth, then mix in mozzarella and
bacon bits and stir.
3. Combine rice and chicken bone broth in a pot, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for
20-25 minutes, or until the liquid is absorbed. Let sit covered for 5 minutes, season with garlic powder and
salt to taste, then fluff with a fork. Mix rice with cheesy buffalo ranch chicken. Garnish with chopped chives
or green onions. Portion into 7 servings and enjoy.
back to table of contents 80
Broccoli Cheddar Soup Mac n’ Cheese
Chicken: High Protein Cheddar Sauce:
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless 800g (3⅓ cups) 2% cottage
chicken thighs cheese
400g (4 cups) Broccoli florets
1. Dice yellow onions, mince the garlic and place in the slow cooker along with the chicken thighs, Worcestershire
sauce, Dijon mustard, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, black pepper, smoked paprika. Stir to coat evenly.
Cover and cook on high for 3–4 hours or low for 4–5 hours until tender.
2. While the chicken cooks, bring a pot of salted water to a boil and blanch the broccoli florets for one minute.
Transfer to an ice bath, then drain and chop into bite-sized pieces. Spread on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil,
and bake at 450°F (230°C) for 20 minutes, stirring halfway. Broil for 5–10 minutes until browned.
3. For the cheese sauce, combine baking soda with lemon juice to create sodium citrate (an emulsifier which keeps
cheese sauces extra smooth). Shred the cheddar and place in a blender with the sodium citrate, 2% cottage
cheese, cheddar powder, nutritional yeast, whole milk, and a pinch of salt and pepper until smooth. If skipping
sodium citrate, replace half the sharp cheddar with American cheese for creaminess.
4. Shred the chicken in the slow cooker. Cook the pasta halfway according to package instructions, drain, and set
aside. Add the roasted broccoli, pasta, and cheese sauce to the slow cooker. Stir, then cover and cook on high for
15–30 minutes until the sauce thickens and the pasta is fully cooked. Divide into 12 servings and enjoy. Cool
completely before sealing leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe containers.
back to table of contents 81
This section is designed for meal prepping proteins, that can then be
used for fresh meals.
These recipes are also easily scalable - so once you find one you like,
you can easily double or triple the recipe, so you have an easy,
delicious protein source that can build a meal in minutes.
Chicken Tinga
Meat: Spice Blend:
670g (24oz) boneless, skinless 4 tsp oregano
chicken thighs 1 tsp smoked paprika
670g (24oz) chicken breasts ½ tsp cumin
1 Tbsp salt
Black pepper to taste
45g (3 Tbsp) olive oil
2 white onions Topping:
3 Tbsp mined garlic 3 bay leaves
1 Tbsp tomato paste
794g (28oz) can fire-roasted
diced tomatoes
50g (just over 3 Tbsp) apple
cider vinegar
1 can (198g/7oz) chipotle
peppers in adobo
1. Dice onions and cook in a large skillet over medium-high heat until translucent and beginning to
brown, stirring occasionally. Add olive oil, minced garlic, and tomato paste, mixing well to coat the
onions. Cook until the mixture begins to caramelize, about 8-10 minutes.
2. Stir in the fire-roasted diced tomatoes and simmer until most of the liquid has reduced, about 5
minutes. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
3. Transfer the mixture to a blender. Add oregano, smoked paprika, cumin, salt, pepper, apple cider
vinegar, and chipotle peppers in adobo. Blend until completely smooth.
4. Cut chicken breast into large chunks and place in the slow cooker with the chicken thighs. Pour ¾ of
the blended sauce over the chicken, reserving the rest. Stir to coat the chicken evenly. Add 3 bay
leaves on top.
5. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender. Remove bay
leaves, shred the chicken in the slow cooker with two forks, and stir in the remaining sauce. Adjust
seasoning if needed. Divide into 10 servings. Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers and microwave
for later use.
back to table of contents 83
Chili Crisp Orange Chicken
Chicken & Marinade: Orange Sauce:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless 120g (½ cup) orange marmalade
chicken thighs 30g (2 Tbsp) chili crisp
240g (1 cup) orange juice 30g (2 Tbsp) seasoned rice
90g (6 Tbsp) soy sauce vinegar
45g (3 Tbsp) mirin 20g (1 Tbsp) honey
1 Tbsp chili crisp ½ Tbsp ginger paste or minced
1 Tbsp garlic powder ginger
1 Tbsp onion powder
Cornstarch Slurry:
1 tsp black pepper
1 Tbsp cornstarch
2 Tbsp cold water
1. Place the chicken thighs in the slow cooker. Add the orange juice, soy sauce, mirin, chili crisp, garlic
powder, onion powder, and black pepper. Stir to coat the chicken evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3–
4 hours or low for 4–5 hours, until the chicken is fully cooked and tender.
2. Once cooked, remove all the liquid from the slow cooker. If easier, remove the chicken first and transfer
the liquid to a pot or pan. Bring the liquid to a boil over medium-high heat and reduce it for about 20
minutes until it thickens slightly and the flavors concentrate.
3. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the orange marmalade, additional chili crisp, rice vinegar,
honey, and ginger paste. Mix until fully combined, then return the pot to heat for about 30 seconds to
help the sauce blend together. In a small bowl, whisk the cornstarch with cold water to form a slurry.
Gradually add the slurry to the sauce while stirring, and cook over medium heat until the sauce thickens to
your desired consistency.
4. Shred the chicken in the slow cooker using two forks. Pour the thickened orange sauce over the shredded
chicken and mix until evenly coated. Divide into 16 servings and serve warm. Let leftovers cool and store in
airtight, freezer-safe containers for later.
back to table of contents 84
beef Birria
Meat: Sauce:
1790g (64oz) flat cut 20g (1 ½ Tbsp) avocado oil
brisket or chuck eye roast 2 onions
OR lean steak of choice 10 cloves garlic
10 guajillo chiles
Seasonings & Spices:
3 ancho chiles
1 Tbsp each: coarse salt,
960g (32oz) beef bone broth
ground cumin, dried
240g (1 cup) water
oregano, black pepper
90g (6 Tbsp) apple cider vinegar
1 tsp paprika
240g (1 cup) red enchilada sauce
Handful of cilantro stems
3 bay leaves
1. In a large pot over medium heat, add avocado oil. Chop onions and mince garlic and once the pot is
hot, add the chopped onions and garlic, sautéing until browned, about 5-7 minutes.
2. De-stem and de-seed the guajillo and ancho chiles, toast them for 2-3 minutes until softened and
aromatic. Pour in beef bone broth and water, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for 2-3 minutes.
3. Transfer the mixture to a blender. Add coarse salt, cumin, dried oregano, black pepper, paprika,
apple cider vinegar, red enchilada sauce, and cilantro stems. Blend until smooth.
4. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming
guide if needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker.
5. Pour the blended sauce over the meat, ensuring it’s fully covered. Add bay leaves on top.
6. Cover and cook on low for 7-8 hours, or until the meat is tender and easily shredded. Shred in the slow
cooker, mixing with the sauce. Discard bay leaves.
7. Divide into 16 servings, allow to cool, and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
1360g (48oz) boneless, skinless chicken thighs
Green Onions
Sesame Seeds
1. Prepare the peanut miso sauce by combining peanut butter, white miso paste, soy sauce, maple
syrup, rice vinegar, ginger purée, garlic purée, red chili flakes, black pepper, and sesame seeds in
a bowl. Mix until a smooth paste forms.
2. Add the chicken thighs to the slow cooker. Pour in half of the peanut miso sauce and a splash of
chicken bone broth or water to thin it slightly. Mix to coat the chicken evenly.
3. Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until the chicken is tender
and fully cooked.
4. Once the chicken is done, add the remaining peanut miso sauce and stir thoroughly to combine,
ensuring the chicken is coated in the rich, flavorful sauce. Add a corn starch slurry if needed to thicken.
5. Chop the green onions, divide into 12 servings, and garnish with sesame seeds and green onions.
Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers for easy meal prep.
Honey Harissa Chicken:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless chicken thighs
105g (7 Tbsp) harissa paste
15g (1 Tbsp) white miso paste (optional)
2 tsp smoked paprika
2 tsp dried thyme or oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp salt (or to taste)
Dash of black pepper
60g (3 Tbsp) honey
Additional Ingredients:
Juice of 1 lemon
3 Tbsp harissa
1. In a large bowl, mix together harissa paste, white miso paste (if using), smoked paprika, dried thyme
or oregano, garlic powder, salt, black pepper, and honey until well combined.
2. Place the chicken thighs into the slow cooker and pour the harissa mixture over them, ensuring all pieces
are evenly coated. Cover and cook on high for 3–4 hours or low for 4–5 hours, until the chicken is tender.
3. Once the chicken is cooked, lightly shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Stir in the juice of
one lemon and the additional harissa paste, mixing well to combine. Add a corn starch slurry (1 Tbsp corn
starch mixed with 1 Tbsp cold water) to thicken.
4. Assemble the bowls by dividing the chicken evenly among 16 servings. Store leftovers in freezer-safe,
airtight containers.
Steak: Chimichurri:
1340g (48oz) flank steak or 60g (¼ cup) olive oil
lean steak of choice 60g (¼ cup) red wine vinegar
1 bunch chopped cilantro or
1 yellow onion
4 cloves minced garlic
15g (1 Tbsp) minced garlic
2 small red chilies (e.g., red
1 ½ Tbsp salt
jalapeños or Fresno chilies)
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp coarse salt
2 tsp oregano
½ tsp black pepper
30g (2 Tbsp) red wine vinegar
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
240g (1 cup) puréed fresh
1. Add the flank steak or lean steak of choice to a slow cooker. Dice the yellow onion and mince the
garlic, then add to the slow cooker along with salt, black pepper, garlic powder, oregano, olive oil, red
wine vinegar, and puréed fresh pineapple. Mix well to coat the steak evenly with the marinade. Cover
and cook on low for 6-8 hours, until the steak is tender and easily shreddable.
2. While the steak cooks, prepare the chimichurri. Finely chop your red chiles, cilantro or parsley, and
mince the garlic. Afterwards, combine them with olive oil, red wine vinegar, dried oregano, coarse salt,
and black pepper in a bowl. Mix thoroughly, then cover and refrigerate to let the flavors meld.
3. Once the steak is cooked, shred it directly in the slow cooker, ensuring it soaks up the flavorful juices. Stir in
the prepared chimichurri, reserving some for topping later if desired.
4. Divide into 12 servings. Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers. Reheat in the microwave for 2-3 minutes,
stirring midway for even heating.
*Fresh pineapple is essential for its tenderizing effect. Do not use canned pineapple or shelf-
stable/pasteurized varieties. Pre-sliced or cubed fresh pineapple from the produce section is acceptable.
Chicken: Toppings:
1790g (64oz) boneless, 1 bunch cilantro
skinless chicken thighs 60g (3 Tbsp) honey
1. Add chicken thighs, diced white onions, green enchilada sauce, Hatch green chiles, lime juice,
salt, garlic powder, and a dash of black pepper to the slow cooker. Stir everything together to
evenly coat the chicken with the sauce and seasonings.
2. Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender
and fully cooked.
3. Once done, use two forks or tongs to shred the chicken directly in the slow cooker, mixing it into the
flavorful sauce.
4. Add the honey and chopped cilantro to the shredded chicken, stirring until well combined. Add corn
starch slurry to thicken if needed (start with 1 Tbsp corn starch, mixed with 1 Tbsp cold water)
5. Divide into 16 portions. Let the chicken cool completely before transferring to freezer-safe containers
for leftover storage.
6. Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop as needed, garnishing with additional cilantro if desired.
Chicken: Butter Sauce:
900g (32oz) chicken breast 30g (2 Tbsp) butter
2 onions
Yogurt & Butter:
2 Tbsp tomato paste
250g (1 cup) plain 0% Greek
2 Tbsp garlic paste
yogurt or Skyr
2 Tbsp ginger paste
30g (2 Tbsp) butter
2 Tbsp paprika
Optional: 2 Tbsp garam masala
1 Tbsp chicken bouillon 1 tsp cayenne
1 Tbsp sugar or zero calorie 1 tsp cumin
sweetener 1 tsp coriander
2 tsp salt
1 (14oz) can crushed fire-
roasted tomatoes
1. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Chop and add onions. Cook until caramelized.
2. Stir in tomato paste, garlic paste, and ginger paste. Cook for 2-3 minutes until fragrant, then add the
seasoning blend (paprika, cayenne, garam masala, cumin, coriander, salt, and black pepper). Stir
well to combine.
3. Pour in fire-roasted tomatoes and splash of water, stir to deglaze pan. Let simmer for 2-3 minutes.
4. Transfer the mixture to a blender. For optional flavor depth, add chicken bouillon and sugar or
sweetener. Blend for about 2 minutes until the sauce is completely smooth.
5. Dice the chicken breast and place it in the slow cooker. Pour the butter sauce over the chicken,
ensuring it is fully coated. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is
tender and cooked through.
6. Once cooked, add additional butter and 0% Greek yogurt to the slow cooker. Stir until well
combined. Cover and let sit for another 10-15 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.
7. Divide into 8 servings and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers for meal prep.
1360g (48oz) boneless, skinless chicken thighs
240g (1 cup) orange juice
200g (7oz) can chipotle peppers
45g (3 Tbsp) soy sauce
30g (2 Tbsp) apple cider vinegar
30g (2 Tbsp) garlic purée
2 tsp cumin
1 Tbsp salt
1 ½ tsp black pepper
2 tsp onion powder
80g (4 Tbsp) honey
15g (1 Tbsp) avocado oil
Handful of cilantro stems
1. Add orange juice, chipotle peppers, soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, garlic purée, cumin, salt,
black pepper, onion powder, honey, avocado oil, and cilantro stems to a blender. Blend on high for
1-2 minutes until the marinade is smooth.
2. Place the chicken thighs in a slow cooker and pour the marinade over the top. Stir to coat the
chicken evenly. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender
and easily shreds.
3. Once cooked, use two forks to shred the chicken directly in the slow cooker. Mix it thoroughly with the
sauce to ensure it's evenly coated.
4. Divide into 12 portions for meal prep. Store leftovers in the freezer in freezer-safe containers for meal
prep. Enjoy!
Meat: Cornstarch Slurry (if needed):
1790g (64 oz) pork loin 5g (1 tsp) cornstarch
1 tsp water
2 onions
15g (1 Tbsp) oil of choice
2 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp oregano
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp cumin
Juice from 2 oranges
6 cloves garlic
¼ tsp cinnamon
15g (1 Tbsp) apple cider vinegar
3 bay leaves
40g (2 Tbsp) honey
1. Cut a pork loin into 4-5 large chunks and set aside. Dice the onions and cook in a skillet over
medium-high heat with oil until browned and caramelized, about 8-10 minutes. Stir occasionally to
prevent burning.
2. Place the pork in the slow cooker. Add the caramelized onions, salt, black pepper, oregano, cumin,
cinnamon, garlic cloves, honey, and apple cider vinegar. Squeeze the juice from the oranges over
the mixture, then place the orange peels over the meat in the slow cooker. Add the bay leaves.
3. Cover and cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 5-6 hours, until the pork is tender and easily shredded.
Once the pork is cooked, remove all liquid from the slow cooker and transfer it to a pan and remove
bay leaves. Boil the liquid over medium-high heat to reduce for 10-15 minutes or until slightly thickened.
If the liquid remains too thin, add a cornstarch slurry (1 tsp cornstarch mixed with 1 tsp water at a
time) to achieve the desired consistency.
4. While the liquid reduces, shred the pork directly in the slow cooker. Pour the thickened liquid back
over the shredded pork and mix to coat evenly. Divide into 16 servings and serve. Store leftovers in
freezer-safe containers for meal prep. back to table of contents 92
Tzatziki chicken
Meat: Tzatziki Sauce:
1340g (48oz) boneless, 400g (1 ¾ cups) 0% Greek yogurt
skinless chicken breast 150g (½ cup) light sour cream
1 cucumber
1 tsp salt
4-5 garlic cloves
1 lemon
20g (1 Tbsp) honey
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
1 tsp chopped dill
1 Tbsp dried oregano
2 tsp chopped chives
1 Tbsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
Dash of black pepper
1 tsp black pepper
Beef & Seasonings:
1350g (48oz) flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast
1 Tbsp each: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder
240g (8oz) beef bone broth
Roasted Peppers:
4 red bell peppers
4 poblanos
4 jalapenos
2 sweet onions
1. Add beef, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and beef bone broth to a slow cooker
2. Cook on high for 4-5 hours, or low for 5-6 hours
3. Dice bell peppers, poblanos, jalapeños, sweet onions, and add a sheet pan. Bake at 450 for 30-45
minutes, or until lightly browned.
4. Once beef is done cooking shred then mix in roasted peppers and onions. Enjoy.
Meat: Toppings:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless Juice of 1-2 limes (to taste)
chicken thighs Chopped Thai basil (handful)
Beef & Seasoning: Caramelized Onions:
1340g (48oz) flat cut brisket or 4 yellow onions
chuck eye roast 30g (2 Tbsp) butter
OR lean steak of choice 960g (32oz) beef bone broth
45g (3 Tbsp) Worcestershire 30g (2 Tbsp) Worcestershire
15g (1 Tbsp) Dijon mustard Optional: sprig of rosemary and
1 Tbsp salt thyme
1 Tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried thyme
⅛ tsp nutmeg
100g (½ cup) bone broth
1. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if
needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Sprinkle with Worcestershire, Dijon mustard,
salt, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, beef bone broth, dried thyme, and nutmeg and stir
until evenly mixed. Cover and cook on high for 4–5 hours or low for 5–6 hours, until the beef is tender and
can be easily shredded.
2. While the beef cooks, prepare the caramelized onions. Dice the onions and heat a large skillet over high
heat. Cook until translucent and starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium, add the
butter, and stir to coat the onions. Continue to sauté for 10–15 minutes, stirring frequently, until the onions
are deeply browned and caramelized.
3. Pour in the beef bone broth and Worcestershire, stirring to combine. Optionally, add a sprig of rosemary
and thyme for extra flavor. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the liquid has fully evaporated,
leaving richly flavored onions. Remove and discard the rosemary and thyme, if used.
4. Once the beef is fully cooked, shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Add the caramelized
onions to the slow cooker and stir well to combine with the beef and its juices.
5. Serve the caramelized onion beef warm, portioned into 12 servings.
back to table of contents 96
Street taco chicken
Chicken and Marinade: Garnish:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless 1 bunch cilantro
chicken thighs Juice of 2 limes
160g (¾ cup) orange juice 2 white onions
Juice of 3 limes
45g (3 Tbsp) soy sauce
30g (2 Tbsp) minced garlic
2 Tbsp salt
5 tsp cumin
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp chili powder
2 tsp black pepper
2 tsp dried oregano
60g (3 Tbsp) honey
1. Mince the garlic and mix in a large bowl with orange juice, lime juice, soy sauce, salt, cumin, onion
powder, garlic powder, chili powder, black pepper, dried oregano, and honey until well combined.
2. Add chicken thighs to the slow cooker. Pour the marinade over, stirring to coat evenly. Cover and cook
on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until tender. Shred the chicken lightly with two forks, leaving
some chunks intact. Add raw diced white onions, chopped cilantro, and lime juice, and mix.
3. Portion the shredded chicken into 16 equal servings. Serve, and store leftovers in freezer-safe
Hot Honey Brisket: Toppings:
1340g (3 lbs) brisket (or lean 1 sprig rosemary
steak of choice) Handful of fresh thyme
2 yellow onions 1–2 bay leaves
15g (1 Tbsp) olive oil
10 cloves garlic
45g (3 Tbsp) tomato paste
100g (5 Tbsp) honey
2 Tbsp chili flakes
794g (28oz) fire-roasted
crushed tomatoes
475g (16oz) beef bone broth
1. Dice the onions and cook on low in a skillet over high heat until translucent and beginning to brown,
about 5 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium and mince the garlic. Add to the skillet with the olive oil, and
tomato paste. Stir and simmer for 5–10 minutes until caramelized and fragrant.
2. Add the fire-roasted crushed tomatoes, honey, chili flakes, and beef bone broth to the skillet. Stir well
and bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat slightly and let it simmer for about 10 minutes to
concentrate the flavors.
3. Transfer the mixture to the slow cooker. Trim the flat cut brisket by removing all excess separable fat.
Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Top with the rosemary, fresh thyme, and bay leaves.
Cover and cook on low for 6–8 hours, or until the beef is tender and easily shredded.
4. Once done, remove the beef from the slow cooker and shred it using two forks. Discard the rosemary,
thyme sprigs, and bay leaves. Return the shredded beef to the slow cooker and mix it with the sauce until
fully combined.
5. Distribute into 10 equal servings. Store leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe containers once cooled and place
in the freezer.
Garlic Rosemary Chicken:
1360g (48oz) chicken thighs
45g (3 Tbsp) Worcestershire sauce
30g (2 Tbsp) minced garlic
15g (1 Tbsp) Dijon mustard
1 Tbsp fine grain salt
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried thyme
100g (½ cup) bone broth
1 Tbsp garlic powder
2 tsp onion powder
Rosemary sprig
1. In a slow cooker, combine chicken thighs, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, Dijon mustard, salt, garlic
powder, onion powder, dried thyme, black pepper, and bone broth. Stir to coat, add a rosemary sprig
on top, cover, and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours until tender.
2. Once chicken is fully cooked, shred lightly in the slow cooker. Portion into 12 servings
Italian Beef:
1790g (64oz) flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast OR lean steak
of choice
340g (12oz) jar of pepperoncini
340g (12oz) jar of Chicago-style giardiniera*
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp Italian seasoning
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 tsp black pepper
20g (1 Tbsp) honey
1. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if
needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Pour in the jar of pepperoncini, including the
liquid, and the jar of Chicago-style giardiniera (do not drain). Sprinkle the salt, Italian seasoning,
garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, and honey evenly over the beef and vegetables. Stir lightly
to ensure the seasonings are distributed.
2. Cover the slow cooker and cook on low for 6–8 hours, or until the beef is tender and shreds easily
3. Once cooked, shred the beef directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Stir to combine the shredded
beef with the juices and vegetables. Serve warm, and store leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe containers
once cooled.
*Very important to use chicago-style giardiniera, instead of traditional italian giardiniera. Chicago style is
finely chopped/minced vegetables used as a topping on sandwiches, traditional will have large chunks of
vegetables. You want the finely chopped/minced version for this
BBQ Chicken: Toppings:
1790g (64oz) boneless, skinless 120g (½ cup) sugar-free BBQ
chicken thighs sauce
120g (½ cup) sugar-free BBQ 2 stalks green onions
Corn starch slurry:
45g (3 Tbsp) soy sauce
3 Tbsp corn starch
15g (1 Tbsp) fish sauce
3 Tbsp water
20g (4 tsp) grated ginger
700g (4 ½ cups) fresh
pineapple (1 whole pineapple)
Garlic powder, onion powder,
smoked paprika, and black
pepper, to taste
1. Grate the ginger and mix in a large bowl, whisk together sugar-free BBQ sauce, soy sauce, fish sauce,
garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and black pepper until smooth. Cut the 1 fresh
pineapple into bite-sized chunks. Place the chicken thighs and pineapple chunks into the slow cooker.
Pour the prepared marinade over the chicken and pineapple, stirring to coat evenly. Cover and cook on
high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until the chicken is tender and cooked through.
2. Once cooking is complete, add a cornstarch slurry (3 Tbsp corn starch and 3 Tbsp water), stirring until
smooth. Lightly shred the cooked chicken using two forks, leaving some larger pieces intact for texture.
Top with additional sugar-free BBQ sauce and chopped green onions to taste, mixing well.
3. Serve, and allow bowls to cool completely before sealing leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe containers.
Beef & Seasonings: Sauce Base:
1340g (48oz) 93% ground beef 45g (3 Tbsp) Butter
5 slices center-cut bacon 3 onions
1580g (two 28oz cans) crushed 12 cloves of garlic
tomatoes 90g (6 Tbsp) Tomato Paste
2 Tbsp each: dried oregano, 454g (16oz) beef bone broth
salt 30g (2 Tbsp) Worcestershire
1 Tbsp each: dried thyme, red sauce
pepper flakes, black pepper 15g (1 Tbsp) soy sauce
½ tsp cayenne
Toppings & Garnish:
¼ tsp nutmeg
4 dried bay leaves
1. Dice the onions and mince the garlic cloves. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook the onions
until translucent and just beginning to brown. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Add the butter, garlic,
and tomato paste, stirring to combine. Lower the heat to medium and let the mixture simmer for 7-8
minutes, allowing it to caramelize slightly.
2. Turn the heat to high and add the beef bone broth, Worcestershire sauce, and soy sauce. Stir well,
scraping the bottom of the skillet to deglaze any browned bits. Boil the mixture until the liquid is
completely reduced, intensifying the flavors.
3. Transfer the mixture to a slow cooker. Add the ground beef, crushed tomatoes, dried oregano, dried
thyme, red pepper flakes, salt, pepper, cayenne, nutmeg, and bay leaves. Mix thoroughly to ensure the
seasonings are evenly distributed. Dice center-cut bacon and line the edges of the slow cooker with the
bacon, or cook the bacon separately on the stove and add it as a garnish at the end. Cover the slow
cooker and cook on low for 5-6 hours or high for 3-4 hours. Once done, remove the bay leaves and use a
wooden spoon to break up the beef into smaller pieces, mixing everything until well combined. Divide
into 12 servings and serve immediately. Allow to cool completely before storing in airtight freezer-safe
containers for leftovers. back to table of contents 102
Chili Crisp Miso Chicken
1340g (48oz) boneless, skinless chicken thighs
Miso Sauce:
60g (4 Tbsp) white miso paste
30g (2 Tbsp) chili crisp
40g (2 Tbsp) honey
30g (2 Tbsp) mirin
1 Tbsp garlic powder
Black pepper and salt to taste
1 white onion
White/black sesame seeds
1. In a large bowl, whisk together white miso paste, chili crisp, honey, mirin, garlic powder, black pepper
and salt until combined. Add chicken thighs to the slow cooker, and pour the miso sauce over the
chicken, stirring to coat evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours, until the chicken
is tender and cooked through.
2. Cook 1 white onion over medium heat in a pan until translucent and beginning to brown
3. Once cooking is complete, lightly shred the cooked chicken using two forks, leaving some larger pieces
intact for texture. Mix in cooked onion. Top with white & black sesame seeds in the slow cooker.
4. Mix until all ingredients are fully combined. Divide into 12 servings and serve.
Buffalo Chicken: Buffalo Cheese Sauce:
1340g (48oz) boneless, 750g (3 ¼ cups) 2% cottage
skinless chicken thighs cheese
1 tsp salt 200g (¾ cup) 1/3-fat cream
1 tsp garlic powder cheese
1 tsp onion powder 200g (¾ cup) buffalo sauce
1 tsp paprika 200g (1 ½ cups) 2% cheddar
1 tsp chili powder cheese
1 packet ranch seasoning 60g (3 Tbsp) honey
1 Tbsp fresh chopped dill 30g (2 Tbsp) butter
100g (½ cup) buffalo sauce Handful of chopped chives
1. Add chicken thighs to your slow cooker. Sprinkle with salt, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika,
chili powder, ranch seasoning, and fresh chopped dill.
2. Pour in buffalo sauce and mix well to evenly coat the chicken. Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours
or low for 3-4 hours, until the chicken is tender and easily shredded.
3. Once the chicken is cooked, shred it directly in the slow cooker using two forks. Blend the 2% cottage
cheese and shred the 2% cheddar cheese. Mix into the slow cooker along with the 1/3 fat cream
cheese, honey, additional buffalo sauce, butter.
4. Stir thoroughly until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Fold in chopped chives for added flavor.
5. Enjoy immediately and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers. Mix with pasta, serve over rice, make
loaded fries, or reheat as a dip.
Honey Chipotle Beef:
1340g (48 oz) flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast
OR lean steak of choice
200g (7 oz) can chipotles in adobo
200g (¾ cup) red enchilada sauce
40g (2 Tbsp) honey
15g (1 Tbsp) apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
2 tsp black pepper
1. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if
needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker. Break up the chipotles in adobo, add them
slow cooker along with red enchilada sauce, honey, apple cider vinegar, salt, garlic powder, onion
powder, and black pepper. Stir to combine and coat the beef evenly.
2. Cover and cook on low for 6–8 hours, or until the beef is tender and easily shredded.
3. Once done, shred the beef directly in the slow cooker using two forks. If the mixture isn’t thick enough for
your liking, prepare a cornstarch slurry by mixing equal parts cornstarch and cold water.
4. Gradually stir the slurry into the slow cooker until the sauce reaches your desired consistency.
5. Distribute into 12 servings and serve warm. Store leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe`containers once cooled.
1790g (64oz) diced boneless skinless chicken thighs
Enchilada Sauce:
420g (3 ½ cups) red enchilada sauce
199g (7oz) can chipotle peppers
1 white onion
Juice of 1 lime
1 ½ Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp garlic powder
Dash of black pepper
Additional Ingredients:
60g (3 Tbsp) honey
1 bunch chopped cilantro
1. To a slow cooker, add chicken thighs, diced white onion, red enchilada sauce, chipotle peppers, lime
juice, salt, garlic powder, and a dash of black pepper. Stir to ensure the chicken is evenly coated with
the sauce and spices. Cover the slow cooker and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 3-4 hours, until the
chicken is tender and easily shredded.
2. Once the chicken is fully cooked, use two forks to shred it directly in the slow cooker, mixing it well into the
sauce to absorb all the flavors. Add the honey and cilantro to the slow cooker, stirring gently to combine.
3. Cover the slow cooker again and let it cook on high for an additional 15 minutes to allow the flavors to
blend into the sauce. After cooking, stir gently but thoroughly
4. Divide into 16 servings and serve. Store leftovers in airtight, freezer-safe containers once cooled
Steak: Add After Cooking:
1340g (48oz) flat cut brisket or 30g (2 Tbsp) toasted sesame oil
chuck eye roast 60g (4 Tbsp) premium oyster
OR lean steak of choice sauce: Recommended brands
include Lee Kum Kee or Lucky
Marinade Mixture:
Brand (vegan).
75g (5 Tbsp) soy sauce
55g (3 Tbsp) gochujang
45g (3 Tbsp) mirin
40g (2 Tbsp) honey
30g (2 Tbsp) garlic purée
15g (1 Tbsp) ginger purée
Black pepper: to taste
1. If using flat cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming
guide if needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker.
2. Add soy sauce, gochujang, mirin, honey, garlic purée, ginger purée, and black pepper to the slow
cooker. Mix everything thoroughly, ensuring the steak is evenly coated with the marinade. Cover and
cook on high for 5-6 hours or low for 6+ hours, until the beef is tender and easily falls apart.
3. Once cooked, shred the beef with a fork or chop it into bite-sized pieces with a knife. Stir in the oyster
sauce and toasted sesame oil. Let the beef sit for a few minutes to absorb the flavors.
4. Divide into 12 portions and store leftovers in freezer-safe containers for meal prep.
Pork & Marinade:
1790g (64oz) Pork loin
1 Pineapple (400g)
100g (⅓ cup) soy sauce
90g (6 Tbsp) mirin
80g (4 Tbsp) honey
2 Tbsp grated ginger
2 Tbsp grated garlic
Cornstarch Slurry:
4 Tbsp cornstarch
4 Tbsp cold water
1. Cut the pork loin into four large pieces and place them in the slow cooker. Dice the pineapple, grate the
ginger and garlic, and add to the slow cooker with the soy sauce, mirin, and honey. Stir to coat the pork
evenly. Cover and cook on high for 3–4 hours or low for 4–5 hours, until the pork is tender and easily
2. Once cooked, shred the pork with two forks in the slow cooker.
3. Prepare the cornstarch slurry by mixing cornstarch with cold water. Gradually stir the slurry into the slow
cooker, until the sauce thickens to your desired consistency.
4. Divide the pork evenly among 16 servings. Store leftovers in freezer-safe containers.
Beef and Marinade: Finishing Sauce:
1790g (64oz) flat cut brisket or 40g (2 Tbsp) honey
chuck eye roast 25ml (1½ Tbsp) apple cider vinegar
OR lean steak of choice 10g (2 tsp) Dijon mustard
Cornstarch Slurry:
15g (1 Tbsp) corn starch
15g (1 Tbsp) water
1. If using flat-cut brisket or chuck eye roast, remove all excess separable fat (reference trimming guide if
needed). Once trimmed, place the meat in the slow cooker.
2. Mince the chipotle peppers and add to the slow cooker along with the BBQ seasoning, Worcestershire
sauce, no-sugar-added ketchup, and Dr Pepper. Stir to coat the beef evenly in the mixture. Cover and
cook on high for 4–5 hours or low for 6–8 hours, until the beef is tender and easily shredded.
3. While the beef cooks, prepare the finishing sauce. In a small bowl, combine honey, apple cider vinegar,
Dijon mustard, ketchup, and Dr Pepper. Mix well and set aside.
4. Once the beef is done, remove it from the slow cooker and shred. Transfer the liquid from the slow cooker
to a pan over medium-high heat. Stir in the finishing sauce and simmer for 10 mins to reduce.
5. If the sauce is too thin, create a cornstarch slurry by mixing the cornstarch with water. Gradually stir the
slurry into the sauce while simmering until it reaches the desired thickness.
6. Return the shredded beef to the pot and pour over the thickened sauce. Serve warm, or portion into 16
servings for meal prep.
Honey Teriyaki Chicken:
1360g (48oz) chicken thighs
75g (5 Tbsp) soy sauce
30g (2 Tbsp) dark soy sauce
80g (4 Tbsp) honey
60g (4 Tbsp) mirin
2 Tbsp ginger
1 Tbsp garlic
Cornstarch Slurry:
24g (3 Tbsp) cornstarch
60g (4 Tbsp) cold water
1. Mince the ginger and garlic and place in a slow cooker along with chicken thighs, soy sauce, dark soy sauce,
honey, and mirin. Stir to coat and cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 4-5 hours until tender.
2. Once chicken is fully cooked, shred lightly in the slow cooker.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together the cornstarch and cold water to form a slurry. Gradually stir the slurry into the
slow cooker, cooking on low until the chicken thickens to your desired consistency.
4. Portion into 12 servings.
Chicken & Marinade: Buffalo Ranch Sauce:
1340g (48oz) chicken thighs 75g (⅓ cup) Buffalo wing
200g (¾ cup) Buffalo wing sauce
sauce* Handful of chopped chives or
30g (2 Tbsp) soy sauce green onions
1 packet ranch seasoning 200g (¾ cup) 0% Greek
40g (2 Tbsp) honey yogurt
75g (⅓ cup) light sour cream
Cornstarch Slurry:
Pinch of chopped dill
45g (3 Tbsp) cornstarch
45g (3 Tbsp) cold water
1. Place the chicken thighs in the slow cooker. Add Buffalo wing sauce, soy sauce, ranch seasoning, and
honey. *Buffalo “Wing” sauce generally contains added fat. If using a zero-fat Buffalo sauce, melt 45g (3
Tbsp) butter and add it to the mixture.*
2. Stir to evenly coat the chicken. Cover and cook on high for 3–4 hours, or until the chicken is tender and
can be easily shredded.
3. Once cooked, shred with two forks in the slow cooker. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch with cold
water to make a slurry, then add it to the slow cooker to thicken.
4. To finish, add in the Buffalo wing sauce, 0% Greek yogurt, light sour cream, and optional dill. Stir until
smooth and garnish with chopped chives or green onions.
5. Portion into 12 servings.
⁃ Tom