A5-Research and publication Guideline3467
A5-Research and publication Guideline3467
A5-Research and publication Guideline3467
January, 2021
Werabe, Ethiopia
Prepared By:
Dr Mohammed Awol Gidey Yifter
A/Prof. Anwar Ahmed Jemal Redwan
Fikadu Mamuye Awol Sunkemo
Zekariyas Keyra Degineh Lagiso
Kedir Ousman Faris Hamdella
Dr Kedir E. Ahmed
Ahmed Hussein
Muhaba Nuredin
January, 2021
Werabe, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviation and Acronyms ....................................... III
Definition of Key Terms ........................................................ IV
Short title ................................................................................ IV
1. Introduction ......................................................................... 1
1.1. Background .................................................................... 1
1.2. Rationale for Research and Publication Guidelines ...... 2
1.3. Goals and Objectives of the RPG .................................. 3
1.3.1. Goals of the RPG .................................................... 3
1.3.2. Objectives of the RPG............................................. 3
1.4. Role and Responsibilities of Actors .............................. 4
1.4.1. Research and publication directorate director ......... 4
1.4.2. Review and Ethical Review Board ......................... 7
1.4.3. The College Research and Community Service Committee 7
1.4.4. Department Research and Community Service Committee 8
2. Guidelines and Procedures for Research Projects ................ 9
2.1 General Guidelines .................................................. 9
2.2. Specific Guidelines ...................................................... 11
2.2.1. Initiation of Research Proposals ........................... 11
2.2.2. Submission of Research Proposals ....................... 13
2.2.3. Evaluation and Approval of Research Proposals .. 14
2.3. Research Financing: Planning, Allocation, and Management of Research Funds 16
2.4. Follow-up of Research Progress and Budget Utilization18
2.5. Shared responsibilities of Principal and Co-researchers19
2.6. Expendable and Non-expendable Research Resources21
2.7. Hiring Research Assistant(s) and other personnel ....... 24
2.8. Research Travel cost, Allowance, and Other Payments25
2.9. Reward, Remuneration, andRecognition ..................... 26
2.10. Completion and Reporting of Research Projects ....... 27
2.11. Termination of Research Projects .............................. 29
3. Research Ethics .................................................................. 31
3.1. Guiding Principles ....................................................... 31
3.2. Basic Ethical Values in the conduct of Research ........ 33
3.3. Monitoring ................................................................... 36
3.3.1. Retention of Data .................................................. 36
3.4. Expectations for Research Publications....................... 36
3.5. Disclosure of Potential Conflict of Interest ................. 37
3.6. Use of University Resources ....................................... 37
3.7. Research Misconduct (policy on allegations, investigations &reporting) 38
4. Publishing Research Articles.............................................. 40
4.1. Publishing in the WRU Journal ............................. 40
4.2. Publication of University-funded Research Projects in other journals 43
Effective Date ................................................................. 44
Appendices ............................................................................. 45
Appendix 1: WRU Format of research proposal submission format 45
Appendix 2: Guidelines for Research Reviewers................... 47
Appendix 2.1. Research proposal ....................................... 47
Appendix 2.1.1. College level research proposal evaluation criteria 47
Appendix 2.1.2. Evaluation at university level (by Ethical and Review Board) 52
2.2. Evaluation form for completed research works to be filled by the reviewers 53
Appendix 3: Research Fund Grant Agreement Form ............. 59
Appendix 3.1: WRU Research Fund Grant Agreement Form59
Appendix 3.2: Werabe University summary of proposal ... 66
Appendix 4: Guiding Principles for Contract Agreement with Other Institutions 66
Appendix 5: Progress Report Form ........................................ 67
Appendix 6: Guidelines for Reviewing Progress Report ....... 69
Appendix 7: Remuneration for Reviewers of Research proposals, Progress Reports, and Final
Reports.................................................................................... 72
Appendix 8: Guidelines for Writing Final Research Reports 73
Appendix 9: Research Project Transfer Request Form .......... 74
Appendix 10: Procedure for Selection of Best Researcher: ... 76
Appendix 11: Evaluation Criteria to Nominate Best Researcher Award 78
Appendix 12: Settlement Form for Research Activities ........ 80
Appendix 13: Thematic area .................................................. 87
References .............................................................................. 90
List of Abbreviation and Acronyms
Definition of Key Terms
Unless the context requires otherwise, in this guideline:
Academic staff member: shall mean any employee (Ethiopian or expatriate) of the university engaged in full time
or part time teaching and/or research or any other activity deemed to be academic by any responsibility center and
approved by the VPAA;
Original work: shall mean a work:
a) Whose content is not copied from other works word by word without appropriate citation and acknowledgement;
b) Whose sources of ideas are quoted properly, acknowledged duly, and provided in the list of references;
c) Whose approach is geared towards the special needs of WRU.
Research staff members: Shall mean any employee (Ethiopian or expatriate) of the university engaged in full time
or part time research and/or teaching or any other activity deemed to be research by any responsibility center and
approved by the VPRCS;
Responsibility center: shall mean any college, department, or unit in the university that is engaged in teaching with
the aim of producing the necessary personnel to meet the country’s various needs, including professional upgrading,
whether in regular teaching or in continuing education programs;
Teaching material: shall mean written materials prepared for a particular course or courses and emanating from the
teaching and/or research experience of one or more academic staff members of the university;
Text book: shall mean written materials prepared by and emanating from the teaching and/or research experience of
one or more academic staff members of the university and possessing a degree of originality, comprehensiveness of
content, and presentation expected of written materials to qualify as a textbook in the field of interest;
Short title
This document can be cited as “Werabe University Research and Publication Guideline, 2021”
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
In accordance with its core mission, that is, contributing to the economic
development of Ethiopia, WRU is committed to promote practical
research culture and dissemination of findings to end-users and
appropriate stakeholders. Within the context of academic institutions, it is
evident that quality and relevant research contributes significantly to the
search for excellence and to the ongoing efforts to ensure quality learning
and teaching with the ultimate goal of cultivating and nurturing the new
generation for the future of Ethiopia. The significance of research for
changing the lives of the immediate and wider communities and
improving their wellbeing is beyond doubt. Research projects initiated by
universities can often yield very useful findings with direct bearings on
policy initiatives, generation of new development insights, application of
technologies and innovations, and ultimately on the quality of life of our
and reliability in all processes of research and publications, including the
preparation of teaching materials and textbooks. It is hoped that the RPG
document will help define methods or course of actions to select and
pursue in WRU research activities and that it will determine the present
and future decisions in the university in relation to research and related
The major goals of the RPG are to enhance the research visibility of WRU
as one of the public universities in Ethiopia and to maximize the relevance
and usefulness of its research activities and projects in building the nation.
1.3.2. Objectives of the RPG
To minimize bias or subjectivity in the evaluation of research
proposals, enhancing effective competition among applicants
Ensuring that high quality research proposals that promise the
highest possible quality and quantity of outputs are funded
Ensuring that proposals relevant to thematic area and priorities of
a certain call are selected
Makes recommendations for fostering the development of
research programs
Facilitates the development of interdisciplinary research programs
in consultation with the units concerned
Coordinates internal and external assistance for research programs
and allocate resources in consultation with the bodies concerned
Develops work program (strategic plan) for efficient management
of existing and expanding research programs, and opening new
Reviews research proposals and projects
Searches for funding
Allocates funds to the approved proposals
Makes available research facilities and materials for researchers
Develops plans, sets priorities for establishment of core
laboratories and research facilities and oversees the
implementation of plans
Monitors and evaluates research activities and making decisions
based on their status
Checks regular progress reports on the research programs;
Prepares periodic reports on research activities in all
Keeps the quality of research activities
Prepares forum for completed research activities to be reviewed
Promotes the development of appropriate incentive schemes in the
university for researchers
Supports teachers and students of the university to create new
Provides consultancy and advisory services for researchers
Follows up the formulation of the research coordination structure
of the university
Evaluates existing research capacity and identify gaps and priority
areas for capacity building
Follows up implementation of plans for research capacity building
including establishment of core laboratories and other research
Coordinates and facilitates research activities (call for proposals,
receive concept notes and CVs of researchers, regroups
researchers based on merit, assigns principal researchers, allocates
start up fund for proposal development)
Coordinates and facilitates collaborative research programs with
donors and funding agencies;
Prepares and disseminates research outputs;
Prepares periodic performance report to the appropriate authority
of the university;
Allocate PhD dissertation research and master’s thesis research
funds to departments/schools/centers/units;
Charters duties and responsibilities to coordination offices and
units under their auspices;
Generates technologies based upon the research output
Performs any other duties as may be required by the vice president
for research and community services.
The committee members are dean of college, senior researchers (at least
one from each department) and research coordinator. The college RCS
coordinator/ VDRCS and college dean are the chairperson and secretary
of the committee, respectively. The selection of senior researchers will be
based on qualification, research experiences and publications by
consulting and approval of RPD. The principal responsibility of the
committee is monitoring of research and community service activities of
the college, ensuring proper implementation of policy, rules and
Additional responsibilities of the committee include
1. Familiarizing academic staffs with university policies on research and
2. Encouraging academic staff to engage in research, publication,
innovation and adaptation of technologies.
3. Helping researchers to solve technical and administrative problems
during research proposal presentation, proposal/paper reviewing, and
processing approval of funds.
4. Encouraging crosscutting research issues to address a societal problem
5. Evaluating research proposals/progress and final report submitted from
departments and other projects that have a crosscutting nature.
6. Establishing and ascertaining the accuracy of reports.
7. Handling of complaints that arise regarding research and report at
college level to research and publication directorate director.
Visiting or exchange staff members with research experience may qualify
as Co-investigators, but the duration of the grant should not go beyond the
term of their appointment or hiring;
Retiring staff members with research experience may qualify as principal
investigators, but the duration of the grant should not go beyond the date
of their retirement. However, if a professor retires and given a title of
professor or Emeritus professor can work as co- investigator.
Staffs who are not able to publish within 3 years after winning the
grant will not be allowed to ask new grant until he/she does so.
Additionally, staffs who won two grants and he/she failed to
publish at least one will not be allowed to engaged for the third
All proposals funded by WRU shall be initiated by at least two
members from the same or different fields of study and from the
same university; except the case mentioned in general guideline.
When a collaborative research proposal funded by external source
or by the agreement made by consortium, the participants could
be from other universities.
In the events where proposals to be funded externally are initiated,
the guidelines for preparing such proposals shall be in line with
the formats of the funding agency, if available. If not, WRU
research guidelines and the format for proposal writing shall be
In the events where research proposals initiated to be funded
externally, there shall be 15% overhead costs for the university.
Call for research proposal will be announced once a year annually. The
announcement will be from February to March prior to the budget year
begins. The deadline for the submission of research proposals to RPD shall
be strictly observed. Late research proposals will be rejected;
1. Research proposals shall be submitted, both electronically and in hard
copy (4 copies), to RPD (Appendix 1)
2.2.3. Evaluation and Approval of Research Proposals
coordinator at college level will notify the assigned reviewers to each
research proposal to RPD before two week of oral presentation day.
4. The final review and approval of the research proposal relevance and
its financial budget will be done by the university Ethical and Review
Board upon final approval of top management of the university.
5. Research proposal winners whose proposals are reviewed and
approved are requested to revise their proposals by incorporating
constructive comments from the reviewer, department and/or college
research &community service committee and Ethical and Review Board;
6. The final document is signed duly by department head, coordinator for
research community service/ coordinator and will be submitted the
proposals formally to the RPD.
7. Stakeholders or beneficiaries from the research findings will be invited
on the review of research proposals at department/college level
8. A research project shall be approved only if:
it is relevant to WRU research thematic areas;
it will make an impact on and contribution to education in the
university as well as the life standard of the society;
it will produce new knowledge or contribute to different field/areas of
it is part of the research thrusts of the department or college or the
university or the country as a whole;
9. Priority given to research projects may be pursued if the research
project is relevant, demand driven, current issue and no previous similar
local research projects have been conducted.
10. For proposals that require sensitive information or cooperation from
other institutions/companies, the staff investigator will be required to
show proof of consent from the said institutions before the approval of the
11. The university Ethical and Review Board can approve or disapprove
research projects and make overall modifications, as required, including
financial revisions;
12. The VPRCS will write a letter to procurement and finance
administration directorate to release the budget allowed to each proposal
progress report should be made using a progress report form (Appendix 5)
and has to be approved by CRCS committee. The investigators have to
submit budget clearance from procurement and finance directorate to
request the release of the second-round fund to the RPD.
Collaborate with each other for successful implementation of the
research project
If the PR and Co-In want to file their own MoU, these MoU must make
clear the mutual understandings among the signatories concerning the
following issues:
Responsibilities for carrying out major tasks specified in the proposal
and granting instruments, including the preparation of reports required by
grants or contracts
Agreement or MoU that shows role and responsibilities signed by the
researchers must be submitted to RDP.
Three Credit Hours shall be allotted for the principal investigator,
One credit hour shall be allotted for each co-investigator,
The maximum number of credit hours allotted for a researcher is three
credit hours regardless of the number of projects (research, community
service and technology transfer) he/she is involved in,
In the event of equal contribution of researchers for a project, each
researcher shall receive 1.5 credit hours,
Credits are counted every semester throughout the life of the project,
Credit benefits shall be considered only when the Vice Dean or director
receives sufficient confirmation that the research activity is carried out as
originally planned,
For the purpose of credit benefits, suspended or delayed researches (for
justifiable reasons) shall be renewed as new in the year the researchers are
ready for the work,
Credit benefits shall not be considered for terminated, suspended,
delayed or improperly executed research proposals.
1. The progress report shall be reviewed by college VDRCS and RPD
using a format designed for this purpose (Appendix5). The RPD and/or
college VDRCS shall arrange periodical monitoring and interim
evaluations of research projects to know that the research activities are
properly handled as planned in the research protocol. This will take place
in the form of field visits and progress reports.
2. The review results of the progress report shall be communicated to the
PR by the college VDRCS. The PR should accommodate the feedback of
the team into the report, gets it signed by the VDRCS, and resubmit it to
the RPD;
3. The PR shall cooperate with the team by providing the necessary
document or information, including access to research protocol and
pictures of research activities (where applicable) to assist the evaluation
or monitoring mission. After all, the PR should be aware of the fact that
subsequent fund disbursement is subject to a prompt submission of
successful progress reports and liquidation of previous cash advances and
that monitoring and evaluation by the team may also provide appropriate
technical and professional support for his/her research project;
equipment should follow the university and ministry of
college VDRCS before taking an equipment or a non-expendable
item out of campus for the research purpose.
The equipment, books and any other fixed items and resources
acquired by the PR under his/her research project must be
registered by the property administration of the university or
college and should become institutional property upon completion
of the research project;
2.7. Hiring Research Assistant(s) and other personnel
Salary (where applicable), per diem, and other payments shall be
based on the financial regulation of the government for research
projects funded by the treasury;
No salary is paid for researchers, whether they are members of
WRU staff or not, from their research grants. However, there shall
be summer payment for researchers whose research projects are
sponsored by a funding agency other than WRU when they are
engaged in research work during their summervacation.
d) Reviewers of research proposals, progress reports, and final reports
shall be offered incentives. The incentive modalities are detailed in
The VPRCS sends an authorization letter to procurement and finance
administration directorate for salary deduction. The authorization form is
then forwarded to the investigator;
3. Research Ethics
accepted scientific practices for proposing, conducting, and
reporting research.
WRU has to develop norms of behavior that suit its various aims and goals.
Research-related norms help academic and research communities to
coordinate their actions or activities and to establish the research staff trust
and discipline. Ethical norms also serve the aims or goals of research and
apply to people who conduct scientific research or other scholarly or
creative activities. Based on these principles, WRU adheres to the
following ethical norms in research:
Norms that promote the aims of research such as knowledge, truth, and
avoidance of error. For example, prohibitions against fabricating,
falsifying, or misrepresenting research data.
Norms that involve a great deal of cooperation and coordination among
research staff in different disciplines(fields);
Norms that promote the values that are essential to collaborative work
such as trust, accountability, mutual respect, and fairness. For example,
many ethical norms in research such as guidelines for authorship,
copyright and patenting policies, data sharing policies, and confidentiality
rules in peer review are designed to protect intellectual property interests
while encouraging collaboration. Most researchers want to receive credit
for their contributions and do not want to have their ideas stolen or
disclosed prematurely;
Norms that help to ensure that researchers can be held accountable to
the public. For instance, federal policies on research misconduct, conflicts
of interest, the human subject protections, and animal care and use are
necessary in order to make sure that researchers who are funded by public
money can be held accountable to the public;
Norms that help to build public support for research. People are more
likely to fund a research project if they can trust the quality and integrity
of research.
concerning bodies. Commitment to be openness in research prohibits
secrecy, including limitations on publishing of the results. Unless pre-
specified conditions like; violations of agreement that specify
restricted/circulations of outputs, data that might evoke individual and
communal values, if the results threaten national security.
c) Respect for Intellectual Property
This means honoring patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual
property. It is prohibited to use unpublished data, methods, or results
without permission or through plagiarism.
d) Confidentiality
Protecting confidential communications such as papers or grants
submitted for publication, personnel records, trade or military secrets, and
patient records shall be the most important code and policy of WRU.
e) Responsible Publication
Publish in order to advance research and scholarship, not to advance just
your own career. Avoid wasteful and duplicative publication.
f) Non-Discrimination
Avoid discrimination against colleagues or students on the basis of sex,
race, ethnicity, or other factors that are not related to their scientific
competence and integrity.
g) Legality
Know and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental policies.
h) Animal Care
Show proper respect and care for animals when using them in research.
Do not conduct unnecessary or poorly designed animal experiments.
The research on environment hazardous cases, animal and human should
get approval from university Review and Ethical Board.
i) Human Subjects Protection
Minimize harms and risks and maximize benefits when conducting
research on human beings, respecting their dignity, privacy, and
autonomy. As the components of ethically valid information:
Potential participant must be informed as fully as possible of the nature
and purpose of the research, the procedures to be used, expected benefits,
foreseeable risks, stresses, and discomforts, and alternatives to
participating in the research;
on children and mentally disordered peoples.
3.3. Monitoring
3.3.1. Retention of Data
Original data of published material must keep for at least two years,
preferred indefinitely. Each academic staff should be responsible for
deciding an appropriate policy for the storage of research data. Any policy
must take into account the need to comply with ethics, approvals, and
contracts in any particular work of research. Individual research workers
should be entitled to have copies of the data. While such action does not
itself prevent the falsification of primary data, it is vital if there are
questions asked subsequent to publication. If data are not available,
genuine errors may be mistaken for misconduct to the detriment of
individual research workers and the university. Long-term retention of
original data that consists of personal information needs to be justified to
avoid a breach of privacy.
3.4. Expectations for Research Publications
specific approval has been given for that remuneration by the university
or unless he or she is entitled to do so. A person to whom this guideline
applies and who does not comply with this requirement and who has an
interest in the research being undertaken may be in breach of the disclosure
of interest policy of theuniversity.
Plagiarism: Authors who present the words, data, or ideas of others with
the implication that they are their own, without attribution in a form
appropriate for the medium of presentation, are committing theft of
intellectual property and may be guilty of plagiarism and, thus, of research
Misuse of Privileged Information: serious form of plagiarism that could
preempt priority of first publication or use of the original idea to which the
source author is entitled;
Integrity of Data: Fabrication and falsification of research results are
serious forms of misconduct. A researcher must not report anticipated
research results that had not yet been observed at the time of submission
of the report;
Use and Misuse of Data: Any intentional or reckless disregard for the
truth in reporting observations may be considered to be an act of research
4. Publishing Research Articles
Desk reject – that is, the manuscript will not be sent out for review.
This will be decided by the editor and associate editors. Reasons for a desk
rejection may include: deviations from the WRU journal guidelines,
difficulty in finding appropriate reviewers, obviously speculative paper,
inadequate literature base, weak methodology, and weak contribution of
the research to knowledge, poor organization and format for the
manuscript, poor writing and reporting skills, and other reasons as
identified by the editor and associate editors. The author will be notified
of the result immediately. The author shall conform to the result whether
or not he/she accepts it and will not over-react;
Conditional accept with major revisions – due to several factors and
depending on the level of revisions, the manuscript may need to be
resubmitted. The resubmitted manuscript shall be resent to the reviewers
for confirmation and for their final judgment.
Conditional accepts with minor revisions – these papers generally
do get accepted, provided the minor revisions are adhered to.
Accept without comment– this outcome is extremely rare and it may
not be encouraged in WRU journal.
Authors would be required to sign a Manuscript Submission Form. Once
their manuscript is accepted. The accepted manuscript would be sent to
the corresponding author's e-mail.
Publications must give appropriate credit to all authors for their roles in
the research. If more than one researchers are involved in the research, the
decision of whose name(s) is(are) to be listed as co-author(s) and in what
order should reflect the relative contributions of various participants in the
Researchers should not publish in WRU journal the same article published
in another journal.
Authors should not divide a research paper that is a self-contained integral
whole into a number of smaller papers merely for the sake of expanding
the number of items in the author's bibliography;
It is unethical to release to the media scientific information contained in
an accepted manuscript prior to its publication in WRU journal;
• All intellectual properties of WRU funded research projects shall
be governed by RPD/VPRCS;
• It is an ethical obligation for an investigator at the university to
make research findings accessible, in a manner consistent with the
relevant standards of publication;
• For researches conducted in WRU or funded by WRU, the money
spend for publication in reputable journals shall be refunded as
per the allocated budget for publication.
• WRU will not pay for any of predator journals presented by
researchers for publication.
Effective Date
This guideline shall come into effective on January 2021.
Appendix 1: WRU Format of research proposal submission format
7. List of figures (if any)
8. Introduction
9. Statement of the problem
10. Significance of the study/ importance of the study/Expected output
11. Scope of the study
12. Objectives
13. Literature review (if not covered in the introduction part)
14. Methodology
15. Data analysis methods
16. Study period – Time table for completion of the project
17. Budget breakdown
18. References
19. Appendix (if any)
20. Questionaries or check lists should be attached for survey type
research proposals. Otherwise, the data collecting tools should be clearly
mentioned in detail in the methodology.
21. CV (comprised of list of publication (Author name, title, journal
name, year, volume and page number) and thesis titles (+ year and
university) of both PI and Co- investigators)
Report formats:
o All headings should be left justified.
o Line spacing should be 1.5 inch and font size should be 12 Times New
o Left margin should be 1.5 inch and 1 inch on all other sides;
o Typing should be on both sides of A4pages.
gaps, hypotheses or research question and objectives. (5%)
8. Was the budget break down, allocation and work plan feasible and
appropriate? (5%) ________
9. Are the references relevant, exhaustive and up-to date? (5%) ________
10. Does the researcher adequately cover all the relevant topic of the paper
prepared and properly manage his/her time? (5%)___________
11. Rate the capacity and effort to answer questions by the researchers and
their respect to the audience (example dressing). (5%) _________
score at least 30 and above out of 60.)
a. Title
c. Literature review
d. Methodology
e. Budget and
Summary of recommendation
d) Not recommended
Appendix 2.1.2. Evaluation at university level (by Ethical
and Review Board)
1. Novelty of the research proposal (7%) _________.
2. Rate standard of the paper organization (follow the guideline and
general scientific research proposal formats). (5%) ________
3. Objective of the study clearly identified, matched with the title and
used appropriate method and data analysis techniques? (8%) ________
5. Will the anticipated outcomes have a significant impact to surrounding
community? (5 %) ________
4. Degree of collaboration, multi-disciplinary and contribution from all the
members (5%) ___________
6. Are the objectives relevant, clear, and synchronize with the title? (5%)
Expected outputs
10. Will the anticipated outcomes have a significant impact in WRU and
in the surrounding community? (5 %) ________
12. Are the references relevant, exhaustive and up-to date? (5%)
13. Does the researcher adequately cover all the relevant topic of the
paper? (5%)___________
15. Are both principal and co-investigators attend the presentation and
participated? (5%) ___________
Reviewer’s comments and recommendations
For a research to qualify for acceptance, it must score at least 50 and above
and if you believe the project is worth to accept with appropriate
modifications, please give your comments to make improvement in the
space provided;
Literature review
I. Coordinator of Research and Publication (if available)
Name: _____________________Signature ________Date ___________
II. Research and Publication Director
Name ___________________Signature_____________Date_________
III. Vice President for Research & Community Service
Name __________________ Signature _________Date_________
12. Work plan for the next phase: (Description of the work plan for the
next phase, detailed expenditure by budget item)
College Committee recommendation
Recommendations: What is recommendation of this report for future
1. Accept the report without change
2. Accept the report with minor change
3. Accept the report with major revision
4. Not accepted, that needs re-writing
Appendix 6: Guidelines for Reviewing Progress Report
1. Project title
a. _______________________ _______________
b. _______________________ _______________
c. _______________________ _______________
d. _______________________ _______________
The extent to which the objectives are achieved as per the research project
3. Work plan: Is the work plan achieved as per the research document?
4. Results: Are the results well described and can be repeated in this
8. Recommendations:
What is your recommendation on this report for 2nd phase funding (X)
Appendix 7: Remuneration for Reviewers of Research proposals,
Progress Reports, and Final Reports
As per the provisions in VDRCS, CRP, RPD, and SSCRCS are mandated
to review research proposals, progress reports, and terminal reports. As
appropriate, a reviewer may also be invited from outside these groups. The
reviewers shall be offered incentive based on the type of work. This
incentive may not be lucrative but the professional obligation is more than
the incentive.
reviewer will be paid 2,100.00 ETB. The member of the research review
team shall be offered orientation to discharge their duties and
responsibilities in the research review process.
o Line spacing should be 1.5 inch and font size should be 12 Times New
o Left margin should be 1.5 inch and 1 inch on all other sides;
o Typing should be on both sides of A4 pages.
enable the continuation of the project. I
_________________________________________ declare that I have
agreed to be responsible and undertake the above-mentioned project as
PR/CoPR. I have received all the necessary research related projects and
results. I agreed to finish the project and report the result as per the
approved schedule with the remaining budget of the project.
Name of Transferring PR/Co-In;_____________________Signature
Name of Receiving PR/Co-In;_____________________Signature
Head of the Department Signature Date
___________________ _______ _______
Appendix 10: Procedure for Selection of Best Researcher:
1. The director for research and publication directorate requests the
university to nominate individual (s) to forward candidates based on the
guideline (Appendix 11).
2. A researcher could be nominated by peers or, apply personally to the
department for the award and staff shall be notified to compete for the
award in notice board.
3. The selection of best researcher at department level is to be carried out
by department committee and one best researcher shall be a department
candidate for the award.
4. Outcome of the selection together with the minutes of department
committee will be submitted to the coordinator for Research and
Community Service of the respective faculties.
5. The selection of the best researcher at faculties’ level is to be carried
out by the University Research review committee coordinated by the
coordinator for Research and Community Service.
6. A nomination made by each Research review committee together with
the minutes of the discussion during the selection process is forwarded to
the Academic Commission of respective faculties for approval.
7. The name of a candidate for the research award of faculties and
relevant documents will be submitted to RPD.
8. The director for research and publication directorate in consultation
with the vice president for research and community service will set up an
independent Ad- hoc committee, if necessary, to scrutinize the selection
9. The Ad-hoc committee will submit the candidates for the award to the
VPRCS who will again present the results to the executive committee or
the senate for approval.
10. The University will finally create a forum to recognize the best
researcher of the year.
Appendix 11: Evaluation Criteria to Nominate Best Researcher
The direction of WRU to cultivate research culture is through placing
incentive and reward mechanisms. Best researchers shall be nominated in
each department, faculties and at WRU level every year. The University
at large shall identify and reward outstanding researchers. To select best
researchers, research activities or publications or scientific innovations
will be considered. The procedures for nominating the best researchers are
as follows;
1. Best Publication owner
Name of the candidate _____________Department______________
technology as approved by the patent office of
Ministry of Ethiopian Science and
2 Demonstrated active participation as a 10
member in the editorial committee of the
journal or proceedings
3 Disseminate his article/innovations for policy 20
makers in national or international forum (
research for action)
4 Have served as organizing committee member 10
in scientific conferences
5 Presented a public lecture/ seminar/ Scientific 10
3 Benefit of the grant to the community 20
(intervention, job opportunity)
4 Secured more than one grant 20
ውል ሰጪ ስም _________________ ውል ተቀባይ ስም __________________
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O መረጃ በመሰብሰብ
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ያፀደቀው ስም ___________ ፊርማ ______ ቀን: ______
Werabe University
Office of Research and publication directorate
Research Thematic Area
Theme One: Agriculture, Natural Resources and Food Security
Rural/Urban Agriculture, Food Security and Poverty Reduction
Agricultural Technology, Innovation, Productivity and Efficiency
Crop Production and agro processing
Animal Production, Health and Improvement
Animal Nutrition, Food resource and processing
Horticulture and controlled environmental protection
Agribusiness, value chain management
Soil and Water Resources Conservation and Management
Biodiversity Conservation, Management of protected areas and
Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, Policy and institutional
frame work
Energy resource development and utilization
Climate change and natural disaster management
Agro forestry practices and management
Indigenous Knowledge for Agricultural Productivity/Transformation
and Natural Resource Conservation
Theme Two: Health and Medical Sciences
Nutrition –Health linkage
Human Health and Chronic Diseases
Reproductive and Child Health
Health Care System
Diagnostic Methods and Pharmaceuticals
Ethno-Medicines -Traditional Medicines
Youth and Abuse Substances
Theme Three: Natural and Computational Sciences
Sport industry
Pest Management and Control
Aquatic Sciences, Pollution and Waste Management
Mineral extraction, Geohazard investigation and Mitigation
Adoption of ICT for Digitalization
Computer, Networking and Information Security
Nano Science and Technology
Mathematical Modeling and Statistical Application
Theme Four: Social Sciences and Humanities
Population Dynamics, Migration and Development
Urbanization, Environment and Climate Change
Language and Literature
Socio-Political Issues
Democracy, Constitutionalism and Human Rights
Federalism, Diversity, Local Development and Nation Building
Conflict, Security and Peace Building
History and Heritage Management
Indigenous Knowledge/Institution and Cultural Studies
Theme Five: Law and Governance
Law (Business, Human Rights, Constitutional, Environmental)
Law, Justice and Development
Constitution and Federalism
Democratic Institutions and Media
Marriage and Inheritance
Theme Six: Business and Economics
Entrepreneurship, Trade and Industry
Financial and value-chain management
Human resource development and change management
Investment, Insurance, Loan repayment, tax and revenue
Marketing, promotion and advertisement
Poverty, unemployment, inflation and economic growth
Technology adoption, production systems and policy
Theme Seven: Education and Behavioral Sciences
Adult and Inclusive Education
Curriculum, Instructional Approaches and Quality of Education
Educational Policy, Leadership and Management
Early Childhood Care and Child Right
Teachers Professional Development
Psycho- Social issues
Theme Eight: Cross- Cutting Issues
Gender, Disadvantaged Group and Disability
Youth and HIV/AIDS
Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups