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Latest Academic MCQ‘s


1. which country hosted Asia games for the first time?

Ans: India hosted the first Asian Games in New Delhi in 1951.

2.which range passes connects pak with afghan ?

Ans: The Khyber Pass

3.With the help of which country did Pakistan make its first steel

Ans: with the assistance of the Soviet Union

4. How many khulafa e Rashidin?

Ans: 4

5. Which prophet made the ship

Ans: hazrat noah AS

6. What is lenght of amazon river?

Ans: The Amazon River is 4,225 miles long, or 6,800 km in length.

7. Quaid e azm join Muslim league in

Ans: 1913
8.Pakistan's first television station was established in


9. quit India movement date?

August 8, 1942,

10. alter mean


11. Obvious mean

clear/self-evident/ apparent

12. There are .... Faraez in Hajj

13. 1st revealed 5 ayat of which surah ?

Surah al-'Alaq

14. her Ranjha written by

Waris Shah

15. 1st governor General of india.

Warren Hastings, the first Governor-GeneraL

16. Total seats of Punjab Assembly 371

297 general seats, 66 seats reserved for women and 8 reserved for
17. largest river of world is

nile river

18. Name of Chaudhry Rehmat Ali’s book

Now or Never 1933

19. Last islamic month

Dh? al-?ijjah

20. Old name of Makkah?

Bakkah and old name of madina is Yathrib/yasrib

21. Smallest continent?


22. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w’s teeth were martyred in which


Battle of Uhud

23. prism has how many plane faces? ?

4 plane sides/faces and 6 numbers of edges and 4 numbers of vertical

24. Biggest salt range is which district of Pakistan?

( Jhelum District, Punjab, Pakistan. It is Pakistan's largest and oldest salt

mine and the world's second largest)

25. Injeel is, according to Islam, the holy book of

Prophet Essa (A.S)

26. pak China border agreement


27. which city of pakistan is known as babul islam


28. convert 30 degree into radian?

0.524 radian

29. India did its nuclear test in?

On May 18, 1974

30. Who is the Cm of kpk?

Justice Retired Syed Arshad Hussain Shah

31. Most Populated City Of Sindh


32. when was Jang e uhad fought

Ans: 7 Shawwal, 3 AH

33. who was the first captain of Pakistan cricket team

Ans: Abdul Hafeez Kardar
34. where was UNO formed
Ans: The United Nations (UN) was founded in San Francisco, California,
United States, in 1945

35. Which dam is the largest dam in the world and where it is
Ans: located in Hubei Province, China, on the Yangtze River.

36. Riyadh is the city of?

Ans: Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia.

37. Where is the Mahabat Khan Mosque located ?

Ans: Peshawar

38. Who was the last British governor of united India?

Ans: Lord Louis Mountbatten.

39. In which region is Shina language primarily spoken?

Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan.

40. in which sport did Pakistan win the Olympic Champion Trophy

41. Where is the Wazir Khan Mosque located?

in Lahore.

42. The capital of Somalia is??


43. first femal prime minister of Pakistan?

benazer bhutto.

44. When Quaid a azam leave congress?

Ans: 920
45. currency of Egypt?
Ans:Egyptian pound

46. HCF represent?

Ans: highest common factor.

47. Shah abdul latif bhatai was poet of which language?

Ans: sindhi.

48. in Lahore declaration in 1990 btw Pakistan and india who was
prime minister of india?
Ans: attal behari wajpai..

49. Articles of constitution of Pakistan?


50. world war 1started in?

Ans: 1914

51. Which country experienced significant destruction during World

War II?
Ans: Japan

52. The border between Pakistan and China was officially

established on
Ans: March 2, 1963

53. chairman of NAB is?

Ans: nazeer Ahmad butt

54. current president of France is?

Ans: Emmanuel macron

55. capital of Malaysia is ?

Ans: Kuala Lumpur

56. total lenght of coast line of Pakistan is ?

Ans: 1046km

57. total veto powers countries in UN?

Ans: 5

58. which surah has two Bismillah

Ans: surat namal

59. deepest oceans is

Ans: pacific ocean

60. the deepest point in land in Asia

Ans: The Dead Sea

61. India china border name is

Ans: MC Mohan

62. liaqat Ali kha visit which first country

Ans: USA

63. General Pervez Musharraf met with Indian Prime Minister

Ans: Atal Bihari Vajpayee in Simla, India

64. who discover x ray ?

Ans: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895

65. the current caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab, Pakistan is

Ans: Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi

66. which city of Pak has high literacy rate

Ans: Islamabad

67. founder of Facebook?

Ans:Mark Zuckerberg
68. when Fatima Jinnah join muslim league

Ans: Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975

69. Fatima Jinnah joined the All-India Muslim League (AIML) in:

Ans: 1916.

70: Currency of Russia

Ans: Russian ruble

71. meaning of Hadith

Ans: refers to the sayings, actions, approvals, or descriptions of the

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

72.Which city is called heart of pakistan?

Ans: Lahore

73.Who oppose pakistan to join UNO ?

Ans: India.

74.Olompic is airline of which country?

Ans: It was the national airline of Greece and was based at Athens
International Airport.

75. Who was the ICC player of the year 2022?

Ans: Babar Azam

76. When pakistan join SEATO?

Ans: on September 30, 1954

77.Multan is famous for?

Ans: "City of Saints and Shrines"

78. Smallest bone in human body?

Ans: stapes

79.From which country pakistan import Gwadar?

Ans: Pakistan primarily imports goods from China and the United Arab
Emirates through Gwadar port

80. Smallest continent?

Ans: Australia

81.Members of UN?

Ans: 193 member states.

82. What is VETO power?

Ans: "veto power" refers to the ability of each of the five permanent
members (United States, United Kingdom, France, China, and Russia)
to block any resolution from being adopted.

83.Bolan pass connect quetta with?

Ans: The Bolan Pass connects Quetta, Pakistan with Gwadar

84.Waghan border connect pakistan with?

Ans: border crossing between Pakistan and India, located on the Grand
Trunk Road (GT Road) about 24 kilometres (15 miles) from Amritsar,
Punjab, India.

85. The Indus River Valley is divided into two main parts

Ans: the Upper Indus Plain and the Lower Indus Plain.


Ans: "impetuous"

86. The antonym of broadly is

Ans: narrowly

87. The poet who popularized the story of Sohni Mahiwal in Punjabi

Ans: Fazal Shah Sayyad

88.colour blindness is due to deficiency of which Vitamin.?

Ans: Vitamin A

89.Tashkent treaty is signed with the help of which country?

Ans: between India and Pakistan on January 10, 1966, to resolve the
Indo-Pakistani War of 1965.

90. The headquarters of Amnesty International is located in

Ans: London, United Kingdom.

91. The current Chief Minister of Punjab, Pakistan is

Ans: Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi.

92. Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) is

Ans: Justice (Retired) Syed Arshad Hussain Shah.

93. The largest salt mine in Pakistan is the

Ans: Khewra Salt Mine

94.How many imendments are there in Constitiution 1973

Ans: The Constitution of Pakistan was adopted on 12 April 1973, and

has been amended 23 times since then. However, some sources may
refer to 26 amendments, as three proposed amendments failed to pass
the parliament and were not ratified.

95.the brightest planet of Solar system

Ans: Venus

96. The antonym of envious is

Ans: unenvious.

97.who won 1974 FIFA world cup

Ans: West Germany

98. Abul Kasem Fazlul Huq, a prominent Bengali politician, joined

the All India Muslim League in

Ans: 1906
99. Mehrgarh is an ancient Neolithic archaeological site located on

Ans: Kachi Plain of Balochistan in Pakistan

100.1965 war lasts for how many days

Ans: 17-day conflict between India and Pakistan that lasted from
August 5 to September 23, 1965.

101.How many seats for womens in NA?

Ans: The National Assembly (NA) of Pakistan has 348 seats, of which
60 are reserved for women.

102:. How many houses in parliment?


House Number of

Senate 104

Assembly 348
Total 452

103.who discover printing press machine

Ans: Johannes Gutenberg

104.Who was 1st Chief Justice of pakistan?

Ans: Sir Mian Muhammad Munir

105. The United States entered World War II on

Ans: December 7, 1941

106. The biggest source of electricity production in Pakistan is

Ans: Thermal

107. The city with the highest average annual rainfall in Pakistan is

Ans: Murree

108. Pakistan held its first direct and universal adult franchise
general election

Ans: on December 7, 1970, under the leadership of President Agha

Muhammad Yahya Khan.

109. capital of nepal

Ans: katmandu

110. Hiba Khatoon is a poet in the?

Ans: Urdu language.

111.Allama Iqbal delivered the Allahabad Address on

Ans:December 29, 1930

112. Muhammad Ali was a boxer from the

Ans: United States

113. The book "Hamau Nama" was written by

Ans: Allama Iqbal.

114.The current Prime Minister of Bangladesh is

Ans:Sheikh Hasina

115.might synonym


? power
? strength

? force
? puissance
? prowess

116.What is upper house?

Ans: The upper house is called the "Senate,"

117. what is lower house is called

Ans: the "House of Representatives" or "Lower House.

118. Plant get nitrogen from where

Ans: Soil

119.Pakistan got how many nobel prize

Ans: Two

120. Safiullah is title of

Ans: Adam A.S

121.Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated on

Ans.October 16, 1951

122.Which surah in the Holy Qur'an is the only one that contains
two instances of Bismillah ?

Ans: surat naml

123. What is the highest court in Pakistan?

Ans: Supreme Court.

124. Which country has the largest army

Ans: china

125. The first Cricket World Cup was held in

Ans: 1975 in England

126. Which city of Balochistan is biggest by population wise?


127. Largest city of balochistan area wise is _________

Ans: Chaghi

128. Area of Balochistan is?

Ans: 347,190 km²

129. Where is located tanda dam?

Ans: Balochistan
130. What name of Hazrat Ayesha father?

Abu Bakr

131. Who is the third wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

Ans: Hazrat Ayesha (R.A).

132. Who was the first man to accept Islam among men?

Ans: Hazrat Abu Bakr

133. Where are the remains of Harappa located?

Harappa, Sahiwal district, Punjab, Pakistan

134. What is the old name of Sahiwal?

Ans: Montgomery

135. When did Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan,

present his 14 points?

March 28, 1929

136. Quaid e azam showed 14 points in which act

Ans: Against Nehru report

137. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was awarded the title of the

Quaid-i-Azam in:

Ans: 1938

138. Who was the founder of Democracy in Pakistan

Ans: Muhammad Ali Jinnah

139. Who was the Chief of Army Staff for Pakistan during the War in


140. On which day of the week did the 1965 war take place

Ans: Wednesday

141.What was the name of the operation launched by Pakistan in

Kashmir in 1965?

Ans: Operation Gibraltar

142. convert 30 degree into radian?

Ans: ?/6 = 0.524 Rad

143. The first constitution of Pakistan was enforced on

Ans: March 28, 1929

144. Second constitution of Pakistan was enforce:

Ans: 8 June 1962

145. Third constitution of Pakistan was enforced:

Ans: 14 August 1973

146. What was the relationship between Abu Talib and Prophet
Ans: Abu Talib was the uncle of Prophet Muhammad

147. At what age did the Prophet journey to Syria with Abu Talib?

Ans: 12

148. In which year of the Nabawi era did Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat
Abu Talib pass away?

Ans: 10th year of the Nabawi era, also known as Aam ul Huzan (Year of

149. The largest lake in North America is:

Ans: Lake Superior

150. Largest lake of Germany:

Ans: Lake constance

151. Largest lake (sailt water) of World:

Ans: Capian sea

152. From where did Quaid-e-Azam obtain his law degree?

Ans: Lincoln's Inn in London.

153. Who was the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate?

Hazrat Umar (RA).

154. When did the Battle of Uhud take place, and in which year of
the Hijra?

Ans: 7th of Shawwal, in the third year of the Hijra (625 CE)..
155. Who martyred Hazrat Hamza RA in Ghazwa Uhud?

Ans: Wahshi

156. Who was commanderof Jang e uhud?

Ans: Muhammad PBUH

157. What is the capital of Azad Kashmir?

Ans: Muzaffarabad.

158. Where is the Mangla Dam, which ranks as the 12th largest dam
in the world, located?

Ans: Azad Kashmir

159. How many Muslim soldiers were there in the Battle of Uhud?

Ans: 1000

160. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w’s teeth were martyred in which


Battle of Uhud

161. Which river is the largest river in Pakistan?

Ans: Indus River

162, Tarbela Dam is built on:

Ans: river Indus .

163. Dolphin are found in which river of Pakistan


164. Indus river length


165. Which river is the largest river in Asia?

Ans: Yangtze River

166. Largest Country (in population)


167. Which city is the most populated in the Pakistani province of


Ans: Karachi

168. First Radio Station of Pakistan was established in


169. Which is the largest seaport in Pakistan?

Monora (Karachi)

170. Who is the current Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Ans: Mahmood Khan

171. Who was the first Chief Justice of Pakistan?

Ans: Sir Mian Abdul Rashid

172. Who select chief justice


173. First Chief of staff of the Armed Forces

Tikka Khan

174. What is the currency of Bangladesh?

Ans: Taka.

175. Yuan is Currency of


176. Currency of cuba

Cubian peso

177. Currency of bosnia


178. Currency of Egypt


179.When did Pakistan join the Organization of Islamic Cooperation


Ans: 1969


Jeddah Saudi Arabia

181. OIC made by which country

(Saudi Pak turkey Iran and many more)

182. What is the national drink of Pakistan?

Sugarcane juice

183. How many verses (ayat) does the first surah have, and what is
the name of the first surah?

Ans: "Surah Fatiha," and it has 5 verses (ayat

184. Which Surah is the first in terms of compilation?

Surah Al-Fatiha.

185. Fatiha means


186, How many planets in solar system?

Ans: 8

187. Largest planet is


188. Smallest planet is

189. Coldest Planet is


190. rightest planet is


191. When and where did India conduct its first nuclear test?

Ans: May 18, 1974, in Pokhran, Rajasthan.

192. in which Pakistani province is Manchar Lake located?

Ans: Sindh, Pakistan.

193. Where is the largest salt range in Pakistan located?

Ans: jhelum District of Punjab Province.

194. in the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty, which rivers were allocated to

Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab.

195, Which is the smallest continent on Earth

Ans: Australia

196. Largest continent is


197. What is the name of Chaudhry Rehmat Ali's book

Ans: "Now or Never: Are We to Live or Perish Forever?"

198. Who suggested name of Pakistan

Ch Rehmat Ali

199. Upon which prophet was the Injeel revealed?

Ans: Hazrat Isa

200. synonym of attire?

Clothes ,Apparel , Garb

201. Entire antonym IS:

Ans: Partial , Part , Incomplete , Unfinished

202. cos 0 is equal to


203. Total seats of Punjab Assembly

Ans: 371

204. Who is the speaker of Punjab assembly ?


205. The Pakistan-China border agreement was signed in

Ans: 1963

206. Which month is the last in the Islamic calendar?

Dhu al-Hijjah
207. What is the length of the Amazon River?

Ans: 6,400 kilometers.

208. Indus river length


209. synonym of Co-operation

Ans: Collaboration, Coordination

210. Wild antonym


211. At what age did the mother of the Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) pass away?

Ans: six years

212.Wife of holy prophet who was the daughter of hazrat Umar RA

Hazrat hafsa RA

213. Hazrat safiyah relation with holy prophet PBUH_


214. 4 Daughters of holy prophet

Zainab, Ruqayah, Umme kalsoom, Fatima

215. Jawab e Shiqwa is written by which poet?

Ans: Poet Muhammad Iqbal

216. Book tafseer tabari is written by

M ibn jarir al tibri

217. Kash e Majoob boom written by

Data ganjh baksh

218. Kashaf al mahjoob is written by

Hazrat ali bin usman

219. Who defeated Humayun?

Ans: Sher Shah Suri

220. Highest battle field in the world _

Siachin glacier

221. Battle of Plassey


223. World Health organization headquater is in which country?

Ans: Geneva, Switzerland.

224. Organization of petroleum head quarter are in


225. NATO head Quarter are situated in

226. Head quarter of UNO

New York

227. Suez canal is in which continent?

Ans: Africa

228. Longest Canal

Baltic sea White Cana

229. Panama canal is between Which two oceans

pacific and atlantic

230. Where is Suez CanaL

In Egypt

231.Capital of kazakistan?

Ans: Astana

232. Timphu capital of which country


233.Capital of Algeria


234. The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were introduced in

Ans: December 1919

235. Minto Morley reforms


236. Who became the first Pakistani to summit K2?

Ans: Sharaf Aman

237. Another name of K2 is

Godwin Austin

238. Highest peak is K2

Goodwin Austin 5,611


239. The book "Pakistan: A Hard Country" is written by

Ans: Anatol Lieven.

240. Book tafseer tabari is written by

M ibn jarir al tibri

241. The Idea of Pakistan? is a famous book written By

Stephen PhilipCohen

242. The current President of France is

Ans: Emmanuel Macron.

243. The current President of Pakistan is

Dr. Arif Alvi

244. The smallest country in the world is

Ans: Vatican City

245. Largest Country


246. when was Jang e uhad fought

7 Shawwal, 3 AH

247. In Uhad quraish were laid by

Abu Sufyan

248. In Uhad number of Muslim

soldiers 1000 kufar 3000.

249. In Ghazwa Uhad Hazrat Ali was awarded with


250. The current Defense Minister of Pakistan is

Lieutenant General Anwar Ali Hyder

251. First foreign Minister of pak


252. First Prime minister of Pakistan

Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan

253. Founder of iPhone

Ans: Steve Jobs

254. The first recorded Olympic Games were held in

Ans: Olympia, Greece, in 776 BC.

255. Pakistan won Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time


256. The Mughal Empire was founded by

?ah?r al-D?n Mu?ammad Babur,

257. Last Mughal Empire

Bahadur Shah zafa

258. Pakistan has got how many nobel prizes

Ans: two Nobel Prizes

259. Malala yousafzai got nobel prize in?

Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 at the age of 17

260. Who wrote National anthem

Ans: Hafeez jallandhari

261. It was officially adopted as Pakistan's national anthem in


262. Composer of national Anthem

Ahmad Chagla

263. Who design National flag

Ans: Syed Amiruddin Kedwai

264.Who became the first Pakistani woman to summit K2?

Samina Baig

265. First woman judge of High Court:

Majida Rizvi

266.First woman Prime Minister in Pakistan

Benazir Bhutto

267.Capital of Somalia


268. Capital of venzuella


269.Manama is the capital of which country

270. What is widely considered to be the greatest rivalry in Test

Ans: The Ashes series between England and Australia.

271.Which pass connect kohat with Afghanistan

Ans: Kohat Pass , pin Gaur Pass

272.Bangladesh separated from Pakistan after

Ans: 24 years

273. Separation of east Pakistan (Bangladesh)


274. Who is federal education minister

Ans: Madad Ali Sindhi.

275. Who is current health minister

Ans: Dr. Nadeem Jan

276. Wazir Khan masjid in:

Ans: Peshawar

277. Largest Mosque

Jama Masjid, Delhi (India)

278. MASJID E NABVI is in

279.Currency of Russia

Currency of Libya

Libyan dinar

280.Currency of Australia


281. The Arabian Sea is located in the ……….of Pakistan

Ans: South

282. The length of the Arabian Sea coastline in Pakistan is


1,046 km

283. What language did Baba Bulleh Shah primarily write his poetry

Ans: Punjabi language

284.In which language does Kalsoom Begum write poetry?

Urdu language

285.The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was

Ans: Liaquat Ali Khan

286.First commander in chief of Pakistan army was

Frank Miservy
287. First chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff committee was

General Muhammad Shareef

288. First Muslim Commander in Chief of Pakistan was

FM Ayub Khan

289.Biggest desert of pakistan?

Ans: Thal Desert

290.World largest desert lake

Caspian sea

291. Coldest desert In the World


292.Largest desert is

Sahara (North Africa)

293. The first woman to head a state bank was

Ans: Dr. Shamshad Akhta

294. First governor of State Bank

Zahid Hussain

295. State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated by

Quaid-e-Azam in July 1948

296. Synonym of disastrous.

Ans: Devastating , Catastrophic , Ruinous

297. synonym of Didactic

Teaching, Instructive , Perfecting

298. synonym of Dissipate

Scatter, Waste

299. Who invented Bulb?

Ans: Thomas Edison

300.Who invented X-rays?

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen

301. The country known as the "Land of a Thousand Lakes" is

Ans: Finland

302. Capital of Finland


303. Currency of Finland


304. How many times has Brazil won the FIFA World Cup?

Ans: 5 times
305.BRAZIL largest exporting Crop


306. Which is famous in coffee production


307.The highest mountain in the Himalayas is

Ans: Mount Everest

308.Height of Mount Everest is


309. Margalla hills of Islamabad are extension of

Himalaya range

:310. who was martyred in the Battle of Uhud?.

Hazrat Hamza (RA)

311. Relation of Hazrat Hamza with Hazrat Muhammad(SAW)

Maternal uncle

312.Who was the first commander of Islamic Army?

Hazrat Hamza

313.Who martyred Hazrat Hamza RA in Ghazwa Uhud?

314.Curious synonym

Ans: inquisitive , interested , eager

315.Captious synonym

Censorious, Hypercritical, , Faulfinding

316.Cynical synonym

Misanthropic, Moody, Eccentric

317. Spurn synonym

Ans: reject , scorn , despise , disdain

318. Antonyms for "doherent"

Ans: inconsistent , disjointed , uncohesive

319. In what year was the Lahore Resolution adopted?


320. Lahore resolution was introduced by

Fazl ul Haq in 1940

321. Lahore Resolution was presented by

Maulvi A.K. Fazlul Huq in 1940

322. which country won football world cup 2022?

Ans: Argentina
323. capital of Argentina

buenos aires

324. The highest volcano is?

Ojos Del Salado, located on the border of Argentina and Chile.

325. Rising sun on which country

Ans: Japan

326. Parliament of japan name

The national diet koka

327. What is the location of the longest railway tunnel?

Tanna, Japan.

328. NATO head Quarter are situated in


329. When NATO was established_

4april 1949

330. When OIC formed?

Ans: 1969

331. When did Pakistan join the Organisation of Islamic

Cooperation (OIC)?
on September 22, 1969, at the first Islamic Conference of Foreign
Ministers (ICFM) held in Rabat, Morocco.

332.Which country opposed Pakistan's membership in the United

Nations (UN) in 1947?

Ans: Afghanistan

333.Secretary general Of UN is from which Country


334.How many permanent member of UN general security Council_



336.Suez canal is in which continent?

Ans: Africa

337. Where is Panama Canal?

In America. It connects Atlantic and Pacific ocean

338.Waghan border connect pakistan with?

Ans: India

339. Length of Pak-India border is

1610 km

340.Length of Pak-China border is

Ans: 595 km

341. Length of Pak-Afghan border

2250 km or 1300 miles

342. who discover printing press machine

Ans: Johannes Gutenberg



344. India did its nuclear test in

Ans: On May 18, 1974

345. Which organization work for protection All the world Nuclear
Explosion _

IAEA 1957

346. 2nd governor General of Pakistan

Ans: khwaja nizam ud din

347.First Governor General of Pakistan


348.Where is the Mahabat Khan Mosque located ?

349.Shah jahan mosque is in


350.might synonym

Ans: power , strength , force , puissance

351.Exigency synonym

Emergency, Distress

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