Introduction to Protective Relaying. (1)

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¢. Coordination The time setting of the relay is made using the maximum fault current expected so that the relay will coordinate in time with the protective relays on adjoining parts of the system. INSTANTANEOUS UNIT TIME A DISTANCE. Fig. 16-139 Co-ordination for time-over- current relays and instanta- neous unit. Consider Fig. 16-139, a fault (F1) should be seen by the three relays but relay C-should operate first. Relay B operates later in the event that relay C fails to isolate the fault and relay A last when B and C fail to isolate the fault. A fault (F2) should be seen and isolated by relay(B), relay (A) as its backup. A fault (F3) should then be isolated by relay A alone. 4. Selecting an overcurrent relay time curve Time overcurrent relays are made with three general shapes of time current curves, namely: inverse, very inverse and extremely inverse. All are suited for the protection of subtransmission and distribution lines. The.extremely inverse characteristic is the most suitable for coordination with distribution circuit fuses and the least likely to trip undesirably during a cold-load inrush. When selecting time-current curves, the same or approximately similar curves should be used. This way, coordination studies is minimal, When comparing curves of different time-current characteristics, this time dial settings are selected so that all relays operate in 0.2 second at 20 times tap setting. (2) Instantaneous overcurrent relays (50) The setting of a series of time overcurrent relays on a feeder is started at the point farthest from the source. As the overcurrent relay is set and coordinated back toward the source, the time required to clear a fault becomes larger. In order to overcome this disadvantage, instantaneous over- current relays are used to provide high speed primary protection, They are set to pick up under maximum fault current condition for three phase fault current about at the end of the line. 14 Scanned with @ camscanner (3) Directional phato overcurrent roleys (67) The purpose of the directional characteristic is to prevent tripping of the protected line section unless the fault current flow is into the section. This simplifies the selectivity problem between ad- joining system elements, especially on loop systems where interconnected circuits return to the same starting point. Directional phase overcurrent relays require a voltage source for polarization in order to establish directional reference. cen ae — 2 = e it fon | Oat R d He 2 s aaa SLATE, Fig. 16-140 Typical 90-degree connection of three GE IBC relays (4) Ground overcurrent relays (5ON/51N) Ground protection of subtransmission and distribution lines can be provided by instantaneous or time-overcurrent relays. Fig. 16-141 Ground protection of lines 5 ‘Scanned with |CamScanner These relays can generally be made to operate faster and with more sensitivity for ground faults and still maintain selectivity because these connections render them immune to load currents, To avoid operation on possible unbalances in a normally balanced circuit, a good rule of thumb is to set the ground relays not less than 10% of the maximum load current. (5) Directional ground relays (67N) ‘The directional ground relays require a source of polarization that is obtained either from: a. Current transformer in the neutral of a power or grounding transformer, or b. The broken delta of a grounded-neutral wye-delta voltage transformer bank. sm oC Toe 32 NOTE: RELAY OPERATES For raucrs 1 1 ] ] DIRECTION OF 21 ‘ARROW 3 Fig. 16-142 Typical external connections of GE types CJC183 and CICG15K (6) Power directional relays (32) Power directional relays may be used in conjunction with time overcurrent relays to provide power directional protection for lines and distribution circuits. They may be used to trip a line or reverse power conditions where that line was intended only as an incoming feeder. 16.7.4. Transmission lines Many faults occuring on transmission lines are transient in nature and do little or no damage to the apparatus connected if they are quickly isolated, Once the faults are cleared, it is only logical to reapply the voltage to the circuit immediately. + (1) Distance relays (21) Distance relays operate on the ratio of voltage to current, their speed of operation is relatively unaffected by the short circuit current magnitude. They provide good selectivity and sensitivity, often operating on less than normal load currents, as well as operating at high speed. When distance relays are used for phase fault protection, directional overcurrent relays are usually used for ground fault protection. There are however applications where ground distance relaying would provide an improvement in protection against line to ground faults. 116 ‘Scanned with |CamScanner ) Pilot rol The terminals of transmission lines are usually far apart, hence true differential relaying is not applicable. Pilot relaying, a modified form of differential relaying, is the best protection that can be applied to transmission lines, It is inherently sclective, suitable for high speed operation and capable of good sensitivity. Pilot relaying is classified according to the type of pilot channel that is used to coordinate the relays at the opposite ends of the transmission lines. They are: a. Wirepilot relaying The “wire-pilot” channel requires the use of metallic connection between the two line terminals, such as a telephone wire pair. The length of line that can be protected is only limited by the power of the carrier equipment and the signal attenuation or loss of strength occurring during transmission. PROTECTED LINE PHASE SEQUENCE NETWORK a ne! RESTRANT AN CRU = ciRcurT lopeRar ‘OPERA jcrcuT jorcurT| SATURATING. mm ms aS SATURATING ‘TRANSFORMER INSULATING TRANSFORMERS ‘TRANSFORMER Fig. 16-143 Simplified functional diegram of GE SPD relay system The relay equipment used are arranged so that a through current, a normal load or external fault, produces opposing voltages at the two ends of the pilot wire circuit and no operating current will flow, At the same time, current in the restraint circuit of the relay will prevent false tripping. On an internal fault, either phase or ground, the voltages of the two ends of the pilot wires will be additive, causing a relatively large operating current to flow. This will produce an operating torque overcoming the restraining torque, causing the relay unit to close its tripping contact. b. Carrier-pilot relaying The relay equipment used with the carrier-pilot channel may be of either the phase comparison type or the directional comparison type. The carrier channel is used only to prevent tripping on external faults. If the protected line section is faulted, no carrier signal is transmitted for blocking, and both terminals, will trip instantaneously. M7 ‘Scanned with |CamScanner i. Phase comparison type This type of relaying equipment compares the phase angle of the currents at each end of the line over the carrier channel. If the two currents are nearly in phase, for normal load or external fault conditions, tripping is blocked. On internal faults,these currents are nearly 180° out of phase and tripping is permitted. ii, Directional comparison type This type employs directional relays and distance relays to start the transmission of a carrier signal to block tripping at both line terminals during external faults. TRAP hap cT a cT COUPLING ‘CAPACITORS! CARRIER EQUIPMENT DIRECTIONAL AND. DISTANCE RELAYS Fig. 16-144 Carrier pilot transmission—line protection On an internal fault, other directional and distance relays blocked the transmission of the carrier signal permitting both line terminals to trip instantaneously. c. Transferred tripping Another form of pilot relaying employs transferred tripping, a scheme where a communication channel is used to transmit a trip signal from the relay location to a remote location. Transferred tripping schemes are also functionally differential since the zone of protection is precisely defined and high speed tripping of all line terminals is obtained for a fault anywhere on the protected line. The communication channels commonly employed can be frequency shift audio tone signals over pilot wires or over a microwave channel; or narrow band, frequency shift, carrier current equip- ment can be used over the power line conductors. All of these schemes require two-way communi- cation between each pair of line terminals, Each terminal, in addition to the communication channel, requires directional fault detector relays. These relays are usually the distance type for phase faults and of the overcurrent or distance type for ground faults. The cartier current channels provided for relaying are sometimes used jointly for other func- tions such as communication, supervisory or remote control and telemetering. In such cases, the cit- cuit must be arranged to give the relays preference during fault conditions so that correct blocking or tripping may be accomplished, There are three (3) basic transferred tripping schemes in used, namely: direct underreaching, permissive underreaching and permissive overreaching. 118 Scanned wth G camscanner (i Direct underreaching Fig. 16-145 Direct underreaching scheme This scheme uses relays set to reach 80-90% of the line section. For a fault in the line section between breaker I and point m, relays Ry at terminal 2 do not see the fault and do not operate. The Ry relays at terminal 1 do see the fault, trip its local breaker 1 and sends a transfer trip signal to receiver A to trip the remote breaker 2. For a fault in the overlapping zone between points m and n, the Rj relays at both ends of the line operate and trip their respective breakers. Incidentally, two way transferred trip signals will energize the trip circuit of both breakers 1 and 2 if the breakers have not already been tripped. (i) Permissive underreaching “Fonrminer A} — Receiver A Fig. 16-146 Pormissive underreaching scheme 119 Scanned with |\CamScanner This scheme includes additional set of relays which are set to reach beyond the remote line terminal or overreach. Again for a fault between breaker 1 and point m, relays Ry at terminal 2 do not see the fault but the R2 relays do. Likewise, relays R2 at terminal 1 do see the fault, trig breaker 1 and send a transfer signal to receiver A to trip the remote breaker 2, However, the remote breaker 2 is permitted to trip only if its overreaching relays R2 has operated. For a fault in the overlapping zone between points m and n, the Ry relays at both terminals operate and trip their respective breakers, At the same time, transferred trip signals are sent both ways. Receipt of the transfer trip signals and operation of the overreaching relays R2 will energize the trip circuit of both breakers if they have not already been tripped. (iii) Permissive overreaching Transfer trip ~ ‘signal Transmitter A f 1 1 ! ' I ! High speed reloy with overreach setting | R, 2, 1 1 1 Trp | Trip Transfer trip signal Fig. 16-147 Permissive overreaching scheme This scheme uses only overreaching relays that serve two functions. They act at the transferred tripping devices because they key the trans- mitter initiating the transferred tripping signal. They are also the permissive devices because they must operate in order to permit a re- ceived transferred trip signal to trip the associated breaker. 120 ‘Scanned with |CamScanner When a fault occurs anywhere between their overreach setting, the Rz relays at both terminals key their respective transmitters. Breakers 1 and 2 will be tripped when both a transfer trip signal is received and their overreaching relays Rz has operated. (3) Multi-terminal lines In the point of view of protective relaying, the ideal transmission line is one without any taps and with a line breaker at each end. For economic reasons, transmission lines are tapped producing three or more terminals. This line configuration presents problems in the application of protective relaying to obtain adequate line protection. Fault current distribution at each line terminals for both internal and external faults are necessary. Changes in system condition such as maximum and minimum generation, maximum and minimum grounding, lines open or closed are necessary and should be included in the study of relay application. The reach of distance relays in particular application is affected by fault current infeed. ZREACH=2 4234-22 29 Fig. 16-148 Three-Terminal Line In reference to the above, the distance relay located at terminal 1, in order to operate for a fault located near terminal 2 as shown, would have to increase.its reach because of the current infeed from terminal 3, This fault current infeed makes the apparent impedance seen by the relay to be larger than the true line impedance from the relay to the fault, 121 Scanned with |\CamScanner The reach setting of relays located at several terminals canbe calculated. ‘These can be derived as follows: Ip, Igttc Ig — — — FAULT = = h, Fig. 16-149 Relay reech multi— terminal lines For a fault at point F, (Fig. 16-149), the impedance as seen by the relays at terminal Cis, but, Ve = Ie(Zeu) + (IB + Ic) ZuF Ve = leZcJ +8 ZF + leZuF weZe = ZCj+ZuF+ ie For a fault in section A, the reach of the relays at terminal Cis, Zreachle = Zcat Bua Likewise, the reach of the relays at terminal B is, Z(reachlp = ZBa+ i 122 ‘Scanned with |CamScanner Devien urbe APPENDIX Switchgear Device Function Numbert Function end description MASTER ELEMENT is the initiating device, such as control switch, voltage relay, float switch, etc. whi serves elther directly or through such permisive devices ss protective and thmedelay relays to place an equip- ‘ent in or out of operation. TIMEDELAY STARTING OR CLOSING RELAY i device that functions to give a desired amount of time delay before or after any point of operation in a switch. lng sequence of protective relay system, except at spteifially provided by device functions 48, 62 and 79, CHECKING OR INTERLOCKING RELAY is a rely that operates in response to the position of a number of other devices (or to a number of predetermined con- ditions) in an equipment, to alow an operating sequence to proceed, oto stop, of to provide a check ofthe post tion of there devices ot ofthese conditions for any pur pore. MASTER CONTACTOR is a device, generally controlled by device function 1 or the equivalent and the required pemnissive and protective devices, that serves to make and break the necessry control circuits to place an equipment into operation under the desired conditions snl to take it out of operation ender other or abnormal conditions STOPPING DEVICE is a control device used primarily to shut down an equipment and hold it out of operation. (This device may be manually or electrically actuated, bat excludes the function of electrical lockout (see de- ‘ice function 86) on sbrormal conditions). STARTING CIRCUIT BREAKER is a device whose Frncgal function isto connect x machine to its source of tating voltage, ANODE CIRCUIT BREAKER is 2 device used in the ‘ode circuits of a power rectifier for the primary pur- Pot of interupting the rectifier circuit if an arc-back should oscar, CONTROL POWER DISCONNECTING DEVICE is « Aiconnecting device, such as a knife switch, circuit breaker, or pullout fuse block, used for the purpose of ‘epectindy connecting and disconnecting the source of xtrel power to and from the control bus or equipment. ‘Not:Control power ls consilered to Inchute auxiliary power which supplies such epporctus ex small roton ond hector. REVERSING DEVICE is a device that is used for the ‘orp of reveniag a machine field or for performing ‘ny other reveriag functions. A 123 1s 16 0 8 a UNIT SEQUENCE SWITCIs a switch that is used to change the sequence Ia which units may be placed in and ‘ut of service in mtkipleanit equipments RESERVED FOR FUTURE APPLICATION, OVER-SPEED DEVICE is unully a directconnnected speed switch which functions on machine overspeed. SYNCHRONOUS.SPEED DEVICE is a device such at a Centifugalspeed switch, 1 slipfrequency relay, a voltage telay, an undercurrent relay, or any type of device that operates at approximately the synchronous speed of a machine, LUNDER-SPEED DEVICE is 1 device that functions when the speed of a machine falls below a predeter- mined value, ‘SPEED OR FREQUENCY MATCHING DEVICE ba device that functions to match and hold the speed or the frequency of a machine or of a system equal to, ot approximately equal to, thit of another machine, source, or system. [RESERVED FOR FUTURE APPLICATION. SHUNTING OR DISCHARGE SWITCH is a switch that serves to open or to close a shunting circuit around eny pice of appaatas (except a rexitor), such asa machine eld, a machine armature, a capacitor, or a reactor. Note: This exckides devices that perform such shunting opertions may Be necexszy inthe proces of starting @ machine by devices 6 or 42, or their cube, end cso exchder device funtion 73 ‘that serves for the switching of resistors, ACCELERATING OR DECELERATING DEVICE is device that is used to close or to cause the closing of Circuits which are ased to inerease or decrease the speed, of amachine, 'STARTING-TO-RUNNING TRANSITION CONTACT. OR is a device tht operates to initiate or eause the au- tomatic transfer of a machine from the arting to the ‘running power connection, VALVE is one used in a vacuum, at, ga, oil, or similar line, when itis electrically operated or has electrical ac- ‘cesores such as auxiliary switches. DISTANCE RELAY is a relay that functions when the circuit admittance,timpedance, or reactance incresses ot decrease beyond predetermined limits, ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 2 m n 2 u 2 EQUALIZER CIRCUIT BREAKER is 2 breaker that serves to contol or to make and break the equalizer or ‘the current-bilancing connections for a machine field, for for regulitrg equipment, in a multipleuni install. ton. TEMPERATURE CONTROL DEVICE is a device that functions to rase or lower the temperature of a rachine or other apparatus, or of any medium, when its temperature fas below, or rises above a predetermined value, Note:An example i @ thermostat that switches on @ space heater in a switchgear estembly when the lemperature fell to a desired value i distinguished from a device that is used to provide eutomtic temperature regulation between close limits end would be designated as device function 907, RESERVED FOR FUTURE APPLICATION SYNCHRONIZING OR SYNCHRONISMCHECK DE- VICE isa device that operates when two a circuits ae within the desired Limits of frequency, phase angle, or voltae, to permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits, APPARATUS THERMAL DEVICE is 2 device that fonctions when the temperature of the shunt field or the amoutiseur winding of a machine, or that of aload limiting or load shifting resistor or ofa liquid or ther rediam, exceeds a predetermined value; or if the tem perature of the protected apparatus, such as a power rectifier, or of any medium decreases below a predeter ried value. UNDERVOLTAGE RELAY is a relay that functions on 2 piven value of undervoltage. FLAME DETECTOR is 2 device that monitors the pre sence of the pilot or main flame in such apparatus & a gasturbine or a steam boiler. ISOLATING CONTACTOR is a devie that is used ex- presily for disconnecting one circuit from another for the purposes of emergency operation, maintenance, of test. ANUNCIATOR RELAY is a nonautomatically reset de- vice that gives a number of separate visual indications upon the functioning of protective devices, and which may also be arranged to perform a lockout function. SEPARATE EXCITATION DEVICE is a device that ‘connects a circuit, such as the shunt field of a synchro Rous converter, to a source of separate excitation ring the stating sequence; or one that energizes the excitation and ignition circuits of a power rectifier. DIRECTIONAL POWER RELAY is a device that func- tions on a desired value of power flow in a given direc- tion of upon revent power resulting from arcback in the anode or cathode circuits of 2 power rectifier. 124 3 uM 35 37 38 39 2 43 POSITION SWITCH is 2 switch that makes or breaks ‘contact when the main device or piece of spparatus which has no device function number reaches a piven portion. MASTER SEQUENCE DEVICE is 2 device such as 2 motoroperated multicontact switch, or the equivalet, ‘of a programming device, such as a computer, that era. blshes or determines the operating sequence of the ‘major devices in an equipment during stating and stop- ping or during other sequential switching operations. BRUSHOPERATING OR SLIP-RING SHORT-CIR- CUTTING DEVICE is a device for rsiting, lowering, oF shifting the brushes of a machine, of for shorteveuiting its sip rings, or for engaging or disengaging the contacts of s mechanical rectifier. POLARITY OR POLARIZING VOLTAGE DEVICE is 2 device that operates, or permits the operation of, another device on a predetermined polarity only, or verifies the presence of a polarizing voltae in an equipment. UNDERCURRENT OR UNDERPOWER RELAY is 2 relay that functions when the current or power flow de- creates below a predetermined value, BEARING PROTECTIVE DEVICE is a device that func- tions on excessive bearing temperature, of on other ab- ommal mechanical conditions sociated with the bear- ing, such as undue wear, which may eventually result io ‘excessive bearing temperature or fulure MECHANICAL CONDITION MONITOR is a device that fanetions upon the occurrence of an abnormal mechani ‘eal condition (except that associated with bearings 25 covered under device function 38), such 25 excessive vibration, eccentricity, expansion shock,tilting, of seal faire, FIELD RELAY is 2 relay that functions on a given or abnormally low value or failure of machine field current, for on an excessive value of the reactive component of ar- mature current in an ac machine indicating abnormally low field excitation. FIELD CIRCUIT BREAKER is a device that functions to apply or remove the field excitation of a machine. [RUNNING CIRCUIT BREAKER isa device whose prin cipal function isto connect a machine to its source of running or operating voltage. This function may also be used for a device, sch as 2 contactor, that is used in series with @ circuit breaker or other fault protectisg means, primarily for frequent opening and closing of the circuit. MANUAL TRANSFER OR SELECTOR DEVICE is 3 manually operated device that transfers the control ciz- cits in order to modify the plan of operation of the switching equipment or of some ofthe devices. UNIT SEQUENCE STARTING RELAY is a relay that functions to start the next available unit in a multiple- unit equipment upon the failure or non-availability of the normally preceeding unit. Scanned with |\CamScanner 4s a 0 a 2 3 Py 2 ATMOSPHERIC CONDITION MONITOR iss device that functions upon the occurence of an sbroral stmospherie condition, such as damaging fumes, explo- sive mixtures, smoke, or fir. REVERSEPHASE OR PHASE-BALANCE CURRENT RELAY is a relay that functions when the polyphase currents are of reverse-phase sequence or when the poy phase corents are unbalanced or contain negative phe- Sequence components above a given amount, PHASE-SEQUENCE VOLTAGE RELAY is a relsy that functions upon a predetermined value of polyphase voltage in the desired phase sequence. INCOMPLETE SEQUENCE RELAY is a relay that feoenlly retums the equipment tothe normal or of, Poston and locks it ut if he somal ating opeatieg x topping sequence i nat propery compet within Predetermined tie. If th deve i ied for arm por eset only, it should preferably be degnated a 484 (aun). [MACHINE OR TRANSFORMER THERMAL RELAY i a relay that fonctions when the temperature of machine armature or other loadcarying winding or element of machine of the temperature of power rectfr or power transformer (including a power rectifier transfor ‘net exceeds a predetermined value, INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT OR RATEOF- RISE RELAY is a ely that fonctions instantaneously on an exces vale of eurent or onan exces rate of caret rs, thus indicating a fault inthe appartas or iui being protected. AC TIME OVERCURRENT RELAY is a reby with either a definite or inverse time characteristic that fune- tions when the current in an 2¢ circuit exceeds a pre etemnined value. ‘AC CIRCUIT BREAKER is a device tht is used to lowe and interupt an 2¢ power circuit under normal conditions or to interrupt this circuit under fault or ceneency conditions. EXCITER OR DC GENERATOR RELAY is 2 rely iat fores the ¢¢ machine field excitation to bald up aig starting or which functions when the machine ‘ole hasbeen bul up toa given value RESERVED FOR FUTURE APPLICATION, POWER FACTOR RELAY isa relay tht operates when the power factor in an ac circuit ries above or falls telow a predetermined value FIELD APPLICATION RELAY is a relay that automa- tial cont the apleation ofthe field excitation to 12 2¢ moto at some predetermined point inthe sip cycle. SHORT-CIRCUITING OR GROUNDING DEVICE Friary circuit awitching device that functions to short- 195 2 9 a a 6s 6 a Circuit or to ground a cuit in response to automatic or manus means. RECTIFICATION FAILURE RELAY is a device that functions if one or more anodes of a power rectifier fil to fire or to detect an exe-back or on falure of a dinde to conduct or block properly. (OVERVOLTAGE RELAY isa relay that functions on a ven value of overvoltage. VOLTAGE OR CURRENT BALANCE RELAY is a re- lay that operates on a given difference in voltage, or current input or output, of two circuits RESERVED FOR FUTURE APPLICATION. TIMEDELAY STOPPING OR OPENING RELAY is 2 time-delay relay that serves in conjunction with the device that inttes the shutdown, stopping, or opening operation in an automatic sequence or protective relay stem, LIQUID OR GAS PRESSURE OR VACUUM RELAY is 4 relay that operates on given values of Liquid or pas pressure of on piven rates of change of these values GROUND PROTECTIVE RELAY is a relay that fanc- toss on failure of the insulation of 2 machine, tras former, or of other appartus to ground, or on Maxh- over of a de machine to ground. Note This furetion is exigned ony 106 relay that de tects the flow of earrent from the frane of « mas chine or enclosig cae or sractue of «piece of ‘pporatus fo ground, or detects grou on @ ror mally ugrounde! winding or eke. It ls not > liad to a device connected in the secondary ei cut of a curent traraformer, or in the sxonday neutral of eurent trersformen, connectel in the power circit of @ rornelly grounded system GOVERNOR isthe assembly of fof, electric or me- chanical control equipment uted for reglating the Dow of water, steam, or other medium to the prine mover for such purposes as starting, holding sped or load, ot stoppin NOTCHING OR JOGGING DEVICE is a device that function: to allow only a specified numberof operations of a given device, or equipment, or aspecfied camber of successive operations within a given time of each othe, It is also a device that functions to energie a circuit Periodically or for fractions of specified tie intervals, or that is used to permit intermittent accelertion of jonging of a machine at low speed for mechanical po- Sitioning. AC DIRECTIONAL OVERCURRENT RELAY is are lay that functions on a desired value of ae overcurest flowing ina predetermined direction. BLOCKING RELAY is 2 relay that init 8 pilots ral for Blocking of tripping on external fuk i a tans Scanned with |\CamScanner 6 1 n B " 1 6 n % n mmision ine or in other wpparatos under predetermined conditions or cooperates with other devices to block tapping o to block reclosing on an outotatep condi- tion or on power savings. PERMISSIVE CONTROL DEVICE is generally a tvo- position, manually-operated switch that, in one post tion, permits the closing of a cizcuit breaker or the pla cing of an equipment into operation, and in the other position prevents the circuit breaker or the equipment from being operated. RHEOSTAT is a variable resitence device used in an ectric crealt, which i electicelly operated or has other electrical accesories, such as auxiliary, position, or lrit switches. LIQUID OR GASLEVEL RELAY is 1 rely that ‘operates on given values of liquid or gas level or on given rates of change of these values. DC CIRCUIT BREAKER is a circuit breaker that is ‘used to close and interupt a d-¢ power circuit under normal conditions or to interrupt this cicuit under fault or emergency conditions. LOAD-RESISTOR CONTACTOR is 2 contactor that is ‘used to ahunt or insert step of load limiting, shifting, or indicating resistance in a power circuit, or to switch 1 space heater in circuit, or to switch a liht or regenere tive load restor ofa power rectifier or other machine in and out of circuit. ALARM RELAY is ¢ relay other than an annuncistor, ts covered under device function 30, that is used to operate, of to operate in connection with, a visual or audible slam. POSITION CHANGING MECHANISM is a mechanism that is used for moving a main device from one postion to nother in an equipment; as for example, shifting a removable circuit breaker unit to and from the com nected, disconnected, end tet postions. DC OVERCURRENT RELAY isa relay that fonctions when the current in a de circuit exceeds a given value. PULSE TRANSMITTER is used to generate and trans mit palit over a telemeterng or plot wire eeu to the emote indiciing o receiving device. PHASE-ANGLE MEASURING OR OUT-OF-STEP PRO- ‘TECTIVE RELAY is a relay that functions at a prede- ‘termined phase angle between two voltages or between two currents or betwen voltage and current. AC RECLOSING RELAY is 2 rey that controls the automatic reclosing and locking out of an a eet in- termupter. LIQUID OR GAS FLOW RELAY tea relay that operates fon given values of liquid or is low or on given rates of change ofthese values. a 2 as 87 88 oy Oy FREQUENCY RELAY is a rely that functions on « predetermined value of frequency (ether under or lover or on normal system frequency) of rate of charge of frequency. DC RECLOSING RELAY is 2 relay Wut controls the sutomaticclotng and reclosing of ade circuit interrupt er, generally in response to load circuit conditions. AUTOMATIC SELECTIVE CONTROL OR TRANS- FER RELAY is relay that operates to select automa tically between certain sources or conditions in an equip. ment, or performs a transfer operation automaticaly, OPERATING MECHANISM ks the complete electrical mechanism or serromeckanism, including the operating motor, solenoids, position svitches, etc., for a tap changer, induction regulator, or any similar piece of apparatus which otherwise has no device function unber. CARRIER OR PILOTWIRE RECEIVER RELAY is a relay that is operated or restrained by a signal used in connection with carsie-current or de pilot-wire fault Aiectonal relaying LOCKINGOUT RELAY i an electrically operate hand o electrically reset relay or device that functions to shut down or told an equipment out of service, of both, upon the occurrence of abnormal conditions. DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTIVE RELAY is 1 protec tive relay that functions on a percentage or phase angle ‘or other quantitative difference of two currents or of some other electrical quantities, AUXILIARY MOTOR OR MOTOR GENERATOR is fone used for operating auxiliary equipment, such 23 pumps, blower, exciter, rotating magnetic amplifier, ete LINE SWITCH isa switch used asa disconnecting, load interrupter, ot isolating switch in an -¢or de power ci cuit, when this device is electrically operated or bas lectial accessories, sich as an auxiliary switch, magne tic lock, ee REGULATING DEVICE is a device that functions to regulate a quantity, or quantities, such as voltage, current, power, speed, frequency, temperature, and load, at a certain value or between certain (generally close) limits for machines, tie ines or other apparatus. VOLTAGE DIRECTIONAL RELAY is a relay that operates when the voltage across an open circuit breaker ot contactor exceeds a given vale ina given direction. VOLTAGE AND POWER DIRECTIONAL RELAY is a relay that permits of causes the connection of two cir- cuits when the voltage difference between them ex- ceeds a given value in a predetermined direction and causes these two circuits to be disconnected from each ther when the power flowing between them exceeds tiven value inthe opposite direction, ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 93 FIELD-CHANGING CONTACTOR i a contucor tt feretions to tres or dere, ln ont sp, be mse of fell exciton oa machne, 9¢ TROPING OR TRIPFREE RELAY ba may tat ose. ons tip a cut breaker, cortatr, er espe, ‘orto pemit immedi tp by eter dee; Freveat immediate rechorare of «cect nterter A auld open sotomatealy ven though i doug ‘rit i malatated dosed ” ‘nd only for rete applizatbes in adit intl leines where ove ofthe amigned number fetid tea t094 we site trem, ‘Those leter desote pars of the mala device, died nto the two Aobowieg epi: (1) AS pets seh asthe feowieg, exept erin const, posh ice tes, Lette, ef torgue Lint ete. BK Bake © Color Condeser or Capacitor CC Coty Cod HE Hoting Coa M__ Opening Mote ME Fipbal Motor ML Lestlini Motor MS. Spend Adj or Synctroslag Mote S Scimad St Sein Te Tepcea Vo Vale (2) A eruary contacts and postion and Lit etches for wach em een et a center ea 1 Contact hat open when the man device is nthe mandard fer. nce potion, commonly refered to asthe sonoperated ot de fergie potion, ant hat cue when the deve esumes Oe op ea poston. 1 Contact thats eosed when the mala device bla the tandart re {erence postion, comsocly refered to ws the nonoperated or = ‘cere podtion ant that opees when the device asame th op- pte poston. Note:The simple degnation “4” or "Ba ued kn all eaes where there ‘no need to adj the comtict to change poston at ay Fa clu pole in the tel of the mala dee or where the part of, the tel wher th contacts charge postion i of to ngifiance a Ge cootcl or eperatng where. Hence De "A" and "O° do slnations esuly are sufficeet for ecait breaker exxlary sich. reas Aaxliary ritches fr chcuit breaker openting mechaniers For the mechanical trpfre mechaskm of a cru breaker: 2 Ceotset that open when the operating mechan ofthe mala de- ‘yer la We eomopented poston and tat dows when Oe opery tg mechani sume the oppotte postion. Contact that i closed when the operating mechanion of the man device Ii the soooperated postion ast that open when he opery- ting mechan esures the opposte positon. ‘The pat of the sucks at whlch the muir eric changes poston sould, If tecemary, be specie in the description. “LC” taned t0 den fate the lutchchecking svtch of sich a mectanizn, which dosed when fe mechani Lnkage i latched after an openiegCpertion ofthe ekvalt year 17 Scanned with |\CamScanner APPENDIX STANDARD ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS MANUACUS GANG OPERATED: oO OWL CIRCUIT BREAKER S4ttf oxrreny I sym cimeurr t UIT NEARER p rene PR} a eAPaciton am cincurr oneaxen wits on Bun Mn TRIPPING DEVICE a FOMALLY oven UScOMNcer SwiTeH|-POLE HOOe STIR GPERATED Te IP RoKME BELAY cLosina, ToMMACly cuose gsconnecr swrren.3-pou ore MANUALLY GANG OPERATED. ‘#100- TIME DELAY OPENING, AigeReax switey,3-rove coumecrion ro (3 'horeaTeD) FUSE (GENERAL) COWTROL OR STRUMENT SWITCH 1# Type OF SWITCH ASINDICATED, By DESCRIPTIVE ABOPEVIATION POWER Fuse. BISCONNECTING TYPE Maes eaupuen as eMatvors. ca INGICATED WITH PROPER SYMBOL, FUSED cuTouT ‘GROUND OR GROUNDING WORN VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER SINGLE SECONDARY INCOMING LIME (OVERHEAD OR UNDERGROUND IAS INDICATED) VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER wstigTo ; DOUBLE SECONDARY INDUCTOR, REACTOR, FIELD IWTERLOCK. POWER TRANSFORNER —-a-— | MECHnche unuess. Teo wnDING OTHERWISE INDICATED) POWER TRANSFORMER THREE WINDING WITH NEUTRAL OF ONE WINDING GROUNDED ‘SURGE ARRESTER [AUTO POWER TRANSFORMER (rwo-vourace OF PHASE SHIFTING LINE CONNECTED OR TAPPED AUTO POWER TRANSFORMER (wo vourase) WITH TERTIARY WINDING LINE CROSSING BUT Nov connect ED CURRENT TRANSFORMER (Genenauy WYE= CONNECTED ‘OVERLOAD RELAY CURRENT TRANSFORMER DELTA conwecTeo OR SHORT cincuITED ouTooING Line, (GVERNED OR UNDEROROUND 3 inDicaTeO) TT CAPACITANCE BUSHING - POTENTIAL bevice DOUBLE SECONDARY. + B RESISTOR 128 ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 8882 82322 333) G3UOsNIaY 1931S F1GVI WANIWMIV dO SoUsIuILVYVHD 2 XIGN3ddv 129 ‘Scanned with |\CamScanner APPENDIX D TYPICAL TRANSFORMER IMPEDANCE VALUES D.1 Distribution Transformers Transformers with rating between 5 and $00 kVA inclusive. kVA 25. 37% 50 75 100 167 250 333 S00 Distribution Pole Type (19) Primary (KV) 13.8Y/7.97; 4.16 Y/2.4; 7.2¥/4.16 Secondary (volts) 240/120 % IR 15 13 12 12 2 12 11 10 09 % IX 13° 16 160170 7 27 47 4.7 47 D.2_ Secondary Unit Substation Transformers Unit substations are escentially power transformers of standard ratings throat connected or connected by a metal enclosed bus to metal-clad switchgear or motor control eqiupment. The unit is called a secondary substation transformer when the secondary voltage rating is 1000V and below. High Voitage Rating (kV) kVA % Impedance Voltage 24 ~ 13.8 11%- 225 B20 300 — S00 4.5 750 — 2500 5.75 229 All 5.75 34.4 All 6.25 D3 Power Transformers Transformers with rating above 500 kVA. % Impedance Voltage High Voltage Low Voltage Low Voltage Rating (kV) (480V) (2400V and Above) 24-229 6.15 6.5 26.4, 34.4 1 70 43.8 175 15 67.0 = 8.0 115.0 - 138.0 = os 130 ‘Scanned with |CamScanner a) Q) @) @) () © a (8) 1} (10) (a) (12) REFERENCES “Applied Protective Relaying:, A Silent Sentinels Blackburn, J. Publication. Mason, C.R.; “The Art and Science of Protective Relaying”, Wiley. ‘Anderson, P.M.; “Analysis of Faulted Power Systems”, The lowa State University Press. NEMA, SG 4-1975; “AC High Voltage Circuit Breakers”. IEEE Std 242-1975; “IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems”. IEEE Std 141-1976; “IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants”. “Protective Relays and Equipment Reference Data”, General Electric Co., (GEZ-7278). “The Art of Protective Relaying:”” General Electric Co. (GET-7201). “Power/Vac Metalclad Switchgear Application Guide"; General Hlectric Co. Publication. “Switchgear Device Function Numbers”; General Electric Co. “Relays-Buyer’s Guide 1983-1984", ASEA (B03-0011) “Philippine Electrical Code”, 1980 131 Scanned with |\CamScanner

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