Water Treatment: Introduction, hardness and its units. Methods of water treatment Process, calgon
process, zeolite and reverse osmosis, treatment of municipal water, boiler feed water, boiler troubles and
remedial measures.
Engineering Polymers: Polymerization and its classification. Engineering applications of polyphenol,
polyester, polyoxmethylene, polymide and polycarbonate.
Nano and Functional Materials: Basic concepts of nanoscience and nanotechnology, 0-D, 1-D, 2-D and
I 3-D nanomaterials. Properties and applications of fullerenes, graphene, CNT. Principle and uses of SEM 13
& TEM techniques. Applications of nanomaterials. Biomaterial, Advance material and smart materials
(piezoelectric, pyroelectrics & ferroelectrics)
Fuel and Combustion: Definition and classification of fuels.
Analysis of coal: Proximate analysis (Procedure and related numericals) and Ultimate analysis.
Experimental determination of calorific value of fuel by bomb calorimeter. Combustion based problems.
Computer Assisted techniques: UV-vis spectroscopy: Basic concepts, Beer’s Lambert’s Law. Types of
transitions in UV-vis spectroscopy and applications.
Infrared spectroscopy: Basic principle of IR spectroscopy, IR active and inactive molecules, types of
vibrations calculation of number of vibrations and applications.
II Corrosion Engineering: Introduction, consequences, types, mechanism of corrosion and corrosion 13
Text Book:
• Shashi Chawala “Theory and Practicals of Engineering Chemistry” 4th edition, Dhanpat Rai & Co pvt
Reference Books:
• Morrison & Boyd “Organic Chemistry”,6th edition, Pearson education
• Y.R. Sharma “Elementary Organic Spectroscopy: Principles and Chemical Applications”, 1st edition, S.
Chand and Co. ltd.
• S.S. Dara “Text book of Engineering Chemistry and Pollution Control” 2nd edition, S. Chand and
• Marsh G Fontana “Corrosion Engineering” 3rd edition, Tata McGraw hill publishing Co ltd.
• T. Pradeep, “A Textbook of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology” Tata McGraw Hill, New Dehli, 2012.
Intended Outcome:
Students will be able
CO1. Explain the principles and procedures involved in the analysis of coal and describe the processes and
methods used in water treatment.
CO2. Evaluate the suitability and effectiveness of different water treatment processes for specific scenarios and
analyze and assess the properties and applications of various engineering polymer.
CO3. Interpret and analyze numerical data related to the determination of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, and
nitrogen in fuels and coal samples.
CO4. Critically evaluate the limitations and uncertainties associated with different fuel analysis techniques and
CO5. Propose innovative solutions and strategies for effective fuel analysis, water treatment, and engineering
polymer selection.
CO6. Assess the suitability and performance of engineering polymers for specific engineering applications.
CO7. Synthesize knowledge of water treatment processes and impurities to design appropriate treatment