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I• ' •. •

LEVEL 01 Starter Level

5.1 Universal Law of Gravitation the perpendicular bisector of the line AC as shown in
1 A mass (M} is split into two parts (m} and (M - m} figure. '

which are then separated by a certain distan~e.

What ratio m/M will maximise the gravitational
force between the parts?
2 Two solid spheres of same size of a metal are placed 6 An infinite number of particles each of mass m are
in contact by touching each other. placed on the positive X-axis at 1m, 2m, 4m, Sm, ....
from the origin. Find the magnitude of the resultant

Prove that the gravitational force acting between
gravitational force on mass m kept at the origin.
7 Find gravitational force exerted by point mass m on
uniform rod (mass M and length L}
them is directly proportional to the fourth power of Rod (M, L)
their radius.
f I)

3 •Two particles of masses m1 and m2 , initially at rest L a~
at infinite distance from each other, move under the
action of mutual gravitational pull. Show that at any 5.2 Gravitational Field Intensity
instant their relative velocity of approach is 1. Find the distance of a point from the earth's centre
.J2G (m1 +m2) / R, where R is their separation at that
where the resultant gravitational field due to the
instant, earth and the moon is zero. The mass of the earth is
4 Two particles of equal mass (m} each move in a circle 6. 0 x 10 24 kg and that of the nioon is 7. 4 x 10 22 kg.
of radius (r) under the action of their mutual The distance between the earth and the moon is
gravitational attraction. Find the speed of each 4.0x10 5 km.
particle. 2. A-thin uniform rod has·mass Mand length L. Find
gravitational field intensity at a point whose distance
from each end of rod is L
' .
3. A thin rod of mass M and length L is bent in a
semi-circle as shown in figure.
5 Three particles A, Band Ceach of mass m, are
placed in a line with AB= BC= d. Find the
gravitational force on a fourth particle P of same
mass, placed at a distance d from the particle B on w
A O B-------}
(a) What is its gravitational force (both magnitude and 4. A man can jump 1.5 m on the Earth. Calculate the
direction) on a particle with mass m at 0, the approximate height he might be able to jump on a •
centre of curvature? planet whose density is one-quarter that of the Earth
(b) What would be the force on m if the rod is, in th~ and whose radius is one-third that of the Eartli.
form of a complete circle?
5. The diameter of a planet is four tim~s that of the
4. Calculate distance of the point on the axis of a earth. Find the time period of a pen·dulum on the
uniform ring of mass M and radius R from its centre planet, if it is a seconds pendulum on the earth. Take
where gravitational field intensity is maximum. the mean density of the planet equal to that of the
5. A uniform solid sphere of mass M and radius a is earth.
surrounded symmetrically by a uniform thin 6. Find the height over the earth's surface at which the
spherical shell of equal mass and radius 2a. Find the weight of a body becomes half of its value at the
gravitational field at a distance (a) 3a/2 from the surface.
centre, (b) Sa/2 from the centre.
7. At what rate should the earth rotate so that the
6. Inside a uniform sphere of density p there is a apparent g at the equator becomes zero? What will
spherical cavity whose centre is at a distance I from be the length of the day in this situation?
the centre of the sphere. Find the strength of the
gravitational field inside the cavity. 5.4 Gravitational Potential
7. A solid sphere of lead has mass M and radius R. A 1. (i) Find out potential at P and Q due to the two point .
spherical hollow is dug out from it (see figure). Its mass system.
boundary is passing through the centre and also 1.._m
: ........
touching the boundary of the solid sphere. Deduce : //2 -----
the gravitational force on a mass m placed at P, / ---':,p
I ,'
which is distant 2R from the centre.
I( 2R >I
!'12,,---,' .
I --

(ii) Find out work done by external agent and
@-------; gravitational force in bringing a particle of mass m0
2. Find p.otential at a point Pat a distance x on the axis
8. A tunnel is dug along a chord of the earth at a away from centre of a ring of mass M and radius R.
perpendicular distance R/2 from the earth's centre. 3. A particle of mass m is placed at the centre of a .
The wall of the tunnel may be assumed to be uniform spherical shell of equal mass and radius a.
frictionless. Find the force exerted by the wall on a Find the gravitational potential at a point Pat a
particle of mass m when it is at a distance x from the distance a/2 from the centre.
centre of the tunnel. Mass of earth= M, Radius of 4. Calculate the gravitational potential at the centre of
earth= R base of a solid hemisphere of mass M, radius R.
5. If V = 2x 2 +3y 2 + zx, find gravitational field at a point
5. 3 Acceleration Due to Gravity (x, y, z).
1. Earth's mass is 80 times that of the moon and
6. The gravitational field due to a mass distribution is
their diameters are 12800 and 3200 kms
given by E = -k Ix 3 in x-direction. Taking the
respectively. What is the value of g at the moon?
2 gravitational potential to be zero at infinity, find its
(g on earth = 980 cm/s ) value at a distance x.
2. How much above the surface of earth does the
acceleration due to gravity reduce by 36% of its
5.5 Gravitational Potential Energy
value on the surface of earth? 1. The gravitational field in a region is given by the
equation E =(Si+ 12» N/kg. If a particle of mass 2 kg
3. Find the percentage decrease in the weight of the
is moved from the origin to the point (12m, Sm) in
body when taken for a depth of 32 km below the
this region, find the change in the gravitational
surface of earth.
potential energy.
2. The gravitational potential difference between the 2. Find escape velocity from a space station which is at
surface of a planet and a point 20m above it is a height equal to radius of earth from 'the surface of
16 J/kg. Calculate the work done in moving a 2kg earth.
mass by 8m on a slope of 60° from the horizontal. 3. Find radius of such• J)lanet on which the man esca·pes
• J
J. Three particles each of mass m are placed at the through jumping. The capacity of jumping of person
corners of an equilateral triangle of side a as shown on earth is 1.5 m. Density of planet is same as that of
in figure. Calculate earth.
~m 4. A very small groove is made in the earth, and a
particle of mass m0 is placed at R/2 distance from the
a' centre. Find the escape speed.of the particle from
/ \
/; ' ''
A ~------------:-~B
that place.

m m
(a) potential energy of the system
(b) work done by the external agent to change the side
of the triangle from a to 2a.
4. Find the minimum energy ,required to disassemble a
system of four particles, each of mass m placed at
the vertices of a square of side I.
5. Distance between centres of two stars is 10a. The
5. If g is acceleration due to gravity on the earth's masses of these stars are M and 16M and their radii
surface, find the gair:i [n the' potential energy of an are a and 2a respectively. A body is fired straight
object of mass m raised-from the surface of earth to from the surface of the larger star towards the
a height equal to the radius R of the earth. smaller star. What should be its minimum initial
6. A small body is dropped from a height equal to the speed to reach the surface of the smaller star?
radius of the Earth . Find its speed just before
.reaching the surface of earth if g is acceleration due 5. 7 Sat~Uite
to gravity on the earth's surface. 1. An artificial satellite is describing an equatorial orbit
at i6oo km above the surface.of the earth.
7. A particle is projected with 'a velocity vertically
(a) Calculate its orbital speed and the period of
upward from the surface of the earth, R being the revolution.
radius of the earth and g being the acceleration due (b) If the satellite is travelling in the same direction as
to gravity on the surface of the earth. Find maximum the rotation of the earth (i.e, from west to east),
height attained by it from the surface of earth. calculate t~e inte~al between·two successive
times at which it will appear vertically overhead to
8. A rocket is fired with a speed v = 2,/iR near the an observer at a fixed point on the equator. (Radius
earth's surface and directed upwards. Find its speed of earth = 6400 km.) •
in the interstellar space. 2. (a) W~at is the height of a geo-stationary satellite from
9. Two particles of masses m and Mare initially at ~est the surface of earth?
at an infinite distance apart. They move towards (b) What will be the time period of a spy satellite
each other and gain speeds due to gravitational orbiting a few hundred km above the earth's
surface? (Radius of earth= 6,400 km)
attraction. F!nd their speeds when the separation
between the masses becomes equal to d. 3. An artificial satellite of the earth is to be established
in the equatorial plane of the earth and to an
5.6 Escape Velocity observer at the equator it is required that the
__ satellite will move eastward, completing one round
1. A planet in a distant solar system is 10 times more trip per day. Determine the distance of the satellite
massive than the earth and its radius is 10 times from the centre of the earth. The mass of the earth is
smaller. Given that escape velocity from the earth is 24
M = 6.00 x 10 kg and its angular velocity
11km/s, find the escape velocity from the surface of co 0 =7.30 x 10-5 rad/s.
the planet.
4. A satellite orbits the earth at a height of 3.6 x 10 m 2. Suppose a planet is revolving ~round the sun in an
from its surface. Compute Its (a) kinetic energy, (b) x2 Y
elliptical path given by- + = 1 Find time PeriOd
potential energy, (c) total energy. Mass of the a 2 2b
•satellite = 500kg, mass of the earth = 6 x 10 24 kg, of revolution. Angular momentum of the planet
radius of the earth = 6.4 x 10 6 m , G = 6.67 x 10-11 about the sun isl •
Nm 2 kg-2 .
S. A 400kg satellite is in a circular orbit of radius 2R E
about the earth. How much energy is required to
transfer it to a circular orbit' of radius 4RE?
6. Consider two satellites A and B of equal masses,
3. A sate!Ute revolves around a planet in an elliptical
moving in the same circular orbit of radius r around
the earth but in the opposite sense and therefore, on orbit. Its maximum and minimum distances from the
7 7
a collision course as shown in figure. They collide planet are 15 x 10 m and 0.5 x 10 m respectively.
inelastically and stick together as wreckage. Find the If the speed of the satellite at the farthest point be
total mechanical energy of the two satellites + earth sx10 3 mis, calculate the speed at the nearest point.
system 4. An artificial satellite _is in an elliptical orbit around
(a) before collision (b) after collision. Describe the the earth with aphelion of 6R and perihelion of 2R
subsequent motion of the combined satellite. where R is radius of the earth = 6400 km. Calculate
the eccentricity of the elliptical orbit.
5. A planet of mass m moves along an ellipse around the
sun of mass M so that its maximum and minimum
distances from Sun are a and b respectively. Prove
that the angular momentum L of this planet relative
5.8 Kepler's Laws to the centr~ of the Sun isl =m (a +b) •
1. The mean distance of a planet from the sun is
6. A planet of mass m revolves around the sun (of mass
approximately 4 times that of earth from the sun.
M) in an elliptical orbit. The semi major axis of the
Find the number of years required for planet to
orbit is a. Find the total mechanical energy of the
make one revolution about the sun.

LEVEL 02 JEE Main Level

Single Choice Correct Questions (b)
1. Three uniform sphere of mass M and radius R each 2a
are kept in such a way that each touches the other
two. The magnitude of gr.?vitational force on any of (c) (d) None of these
the spheres due to other two is
2 2 •3. Find the force of attraction on a particle of mass m
GM (b) GM
(a)4R2 2 R2 placed at the centre of a quarter ring of mass m and
radius Ras shown in figure.
(d) I
(c) R2 • R2 I

2. A, B, c and Dare four masses each of mass M lying I

on the vertices of a square of side a. They always -----------•m


• R
move along a common circle with velocity v. Find v
so that they always remain on fhe vertices of the (a) (b) (c) (d)
square 2 2
R R 1tR ·.-• 1tR
,. A spherical shell is cut into two pieces along a chord to one another. How long will it be before the
as shown in the figure. P is a point on the plane of gravitational .attraction brings them 1cm closer
the chord. The gravitational field at Pdue to the together?
upper part is f 1, and that due to the lower part is f 2 . (a) 2.52 days (b) 1.41 days
What is the relation between them? . (c) 0.70 days (d) 1.41 s
9. A tunnel is dug along a diameter of ttie earth. The
force on a particle of mass m placed in the tunnel at
a distance r from the surface of earth .
GMemr (b) GMem(Re -r)
(a) 2 • R3
Re e
(a) E1 > f 2 (b)E1 <£ 2 (c) GMemr (d) GMemr
(c)E1 =E 2 (d) Nothing can be said Re2 R3
5, Figure show a hemispherical shell having uniform 10. Two lead spheres each of mass Mare suspended by
mass density. The direction of gravitational field two long strings each of length L The distance
intensity at point Pwill be along between the upper ends of the-strings is also L The
angle which the strings make with the vertical due to
mutual attraction of the spheres is

(a)tan-t~) (b)tan-t~)
(a) a (b) b (c) C (d) d
6. A solid sphere·of uniform density and radius Rapplies (c) tan-1( GM ) (d) tan-1( Gm)
2gl 2 2gl3
a gravitational force of attraction equal to F1 on a
particle placed at A at a distance 2R from the centre 11. Two spherical bodies of mass Mand 8M and radii R
of the sphere. A spherical cavity of radit1s R/2 is now and 2R respectively are released in free space with
made in the body. The new mass now applies a initial separation between their centres equal to 12R.
gravitational force F2 on the same particle placed at If they attract each other due to gravitational force
A. The ratio F2 I F1 will be only, then the distance covered by the smaller body
just before collision is
(a) 4R (b) 6R
(c) SR (d) 32R/3
12. Weight of a body of mass m decreases by 1% when it
is raised to height h above the Earth's surface. If the
body is taken to a depth h in a mine, then its weight
(a) 1/2 (b) 3 (c) 7 . (d) 7/9 will
7. Two uniform solid spheres of equal radii R, but mass (a) decrease by 0.5% (b) decrease by 2%
Mand 4M have a center to center separation 6R as (c) increase by 0.5% (d) increase by 1%
shown. The two spheres are held fixed. The position
13. At what altitude will the acceleration due to gravity
of neutral point(s) with respect to smaller mass is
be 25% of that at the earth's surface ("given radius of
6R earth isR)?
(a) R/4 (b) R
(c) 3R/8 (d) R/2

(a) 2R,-6R (b) 2R, 6R (c) 2R (d) 6R

14. The mass and diameter of a planet are twice those of
earth. What will be the period of oscillation of a
8. Two astronauts have deserted their spaceship in a pendulum on this planet if it is a seconds pendulum
region of space far from the gravitational attraction on earth?
of any other body. Each has a mass of 100kg and 1 1
they are 100m apart. They are initially at rest relative (a) s (b) s (c) s (d) s
15. Two planets of radii r1 and r2 are made from the 21. Let gravitation field in a space be given as
f = - k/ r. If the reference point is at distance d;
same material. The ratio of the acceleration of
gravity s1 / 8 2 at the surfaces of the two planets is where potential is V;, then relation for potential is
(a)r1 /r2 (b)r2 /r1 (b) V == k In ; + V;
(a) V ::: k In_!_+ 0
2 (d)(r2 /r1 ) V1 r
(c)(r1 /r2 )
r V,
r (d) V ==ln-+ -
16. A planet has mass 1/10 of that of earth, while radius (c) V :::ln-+KV1 d; K
is 1/3 that of earth. If a person can throw a stone on d1
earth surface to a height of 90m, then he will be able ous
22. The gravitational potential of two homogene
to throw the stone on that planet to a height spherical shells A and B (separated ~Y large d~stance)
(a) 90 m (bl 40 m of same surface mass density at their respective
(c) 100 m (d) 45 m centres are in the ratio 3 : 4. If the two shells
17. A uniform solid sphere A is surrounded coalesce into single one such that surface mass
symmetrically by a uniform thin spherical shell B of density remains same, then the ratio of pot~ntial at
equal mass but twice its radius (i.e. r 8 = 2rA). The an internal point of the new shell to shell A 1s equal
gravitational field 8 is plotted as a function of the to
(d) 3 : 5
(b) 4: 3 (c) 5 : 3
distance from the center of the solid sphere r. Which (a) 3: 2
of the following shows the correct plot? 23. There is a concentric hole of radius R in a solid
sphere of radius 2R. Mass of remaining portion is M,
then the gravitational potential at centre is
-SGM (b) -7GM
(a)7R 14R
-3GM (d) -9GM
(c)~ 14R

24. A person brings a mass of 1kg from infinity to a point

A. Initially the mass was at rest but it moves at a
speed of 2m/s as it reaches A. The work done1by the
person on the mass is -3J. The potential at A is
18. The rotation of the earth having radius R about its (b) -2J / kg
(a) -3J / kg
axis speeds upto a value such that a man at latitude (d) None of these
(c) -SJ/ kg
angle 60° ·feels weightless. The duration of the day in
such case will be 25. In a region of only gravitational field of mass Ma
particle is shifted from A to B via three different
(a) 81tt (b) 81tt paths in the figure. The work done in different paths
are W1, W2 , W3 respectively, then
(d) 41tt B (3) C
(c) n l
19. A very large number of particles of same mass mare
kept at horizontal distances of lm, 2m, 4m, 8m and
so on from (0,0) point. The total gravitational
potentiar at this point (0, 0) is A
(a) -8Gm (b) -3Gm (c) -4Gm (d) -2Gm
(a)W1 =W2 =W3 (b)W1 >W2 >W3
20. Two bodies of masses m and Mare placed at a (c)W1 =W2 >W3 (d)W1 <W2 <W3
distance d apart. The gravitational potential at the
26. Three particles of mass m each are placed at three
position where the gravitational field due to them is
corners of an equilateral triangle of side a. The work
zero isV
G Gm which should be done increase the
(a) V =--(m + M) (b)V=- - side of the triangle to 2a is • •
d d
GM 3GM 2 3G 2
(c)· Gm
(d) 3Gm
(c)V=- - (d) V (a)__ (b)
d d a 2a 2a 4a
21. A particle of ~ass mis placed on the centre of a
fixed non-uniform semi-circular ring of radius Rand
32. Suppose, if a tunnel is dug along the A
diameter of the earth and a body of
mass M _as shown. Then, work required to displace
. mass m is released from a _point A at 2R
the particle slowly from centre of ring to infinity is
a distance 2R above earth along the
line of tunnel. If M is the mass of
the· earth and Ris the radius of the
R earth. The velocity of the body
during its fall when it crosses the
point Bat a distance R/2 below the •
(Assume only gravitationai interaction of ring and
earth centre as shown.
GMm • GM (a) (b)
(a)- (b)-~ 2 3R 3R
R R.
GMm GM (c) 2JGM (d) ~JGM
(c)- (d)-~
pR pR 3R 2 3R

28, A body of mass m rises to height h = R/5 from the 33. The escape velocity for a body projected vertically
earth's surface, where Ris earth's radius. If g is upwards from the surface of earth is 11 km/s. If the
body is projected at an angle of. 45° with the vertical,
acceleration due to gravity at earth's surface the
increase in potential energy is I
the escape velocity will be
5 1 (a) km/s (b) 22 k~/s
(a)-mgR (b)-mgR (c) 11 km/s (d)
6 6 km/s
3 6 34. A projectile is fired from the surface of earth of
(c) -mgR (d) -mgR
5 7 radius Rwith a speed kv e in radially outward
29. A body starts from rest at a point, distance Ro from direction (where, v e is the escape velocfty and k < 1).
Neglecting air resistance, the maximum height from
the centre of the earth of mass M, radius R. The
centre of earth is
velocity acquired by the body when it reaches the
R 2
surface of-the earth will be (a)-- (b) k R
k +1
(a)GM(_! _ __!_) (b)2 GM(! _ _!_) . R
R R0 R R0 ~--
1-k 2
(c) 2 GM(_! _ _!_) ) 35. The-escape velocity from the earth is about 11 km/s.
R R0 R R0 The escape velocity from a planet havirig twice the
30. Two particles of mass m1 and m2 are initially at rest radius and the same mea11 density as the earth is
(a) 22 km/s (b) i1 km/s (c) 5.5 km/s (d) 15.5 km/s
at infinite distance. Find their velocity of approach
due to gravitational attraction, when separation is d 36. The escape speed for a prqjectile in the case of earth
(a) 2G(m + m ) (b) G(2m +·m )
is 11.2 km/sec. A body is projected from the surface
2 1 2

of the earth with a velocity which is equal to twice


d 3d
the escape speed.The velocity of the body when at
(c) 3G(2m1 + m2 ) infinite distance from the centre of the earth is
d (a) 11.2 km/s (b) 22.4 km/s

31. A particle is projected with a velocity J4~R vertically (c) km/s (d) km/s
37. A spherical uniform planet is rotating about its axis.
upward from the surface of the earth, R being the The velocity of a point on its equator is v. Due to the
radius of the earth _and g being the acceleration due rotation of planet about its axis the acceleration due
to gravity on the surface of the earth. The velocity of to gravity g at equator is 1/2 of g at poles. The
the particle, when it is at half the maximum height escape velocity of a particle on the pole of planet in

reached by it is terms of v.
2 (a) ve = 2v (b) v e = v (c) v e = vi 2 (d) v e = v
(a) P f (_bl P f (c) .Jiri (d) ~R
JI. A ~tellite Is f1red from the surface of the moon of 45. A satellite Is launched into a circular orbit of radius R
rNss Mand radius R. with speed v O at 30° with the around earth while a second satellite Is launched
vertical. The ~telllte reaches a maximum distance of Into an orbit of radius 1.02R. The percentage
SR/2 from the centre of the moon. The value of v O is difference in the time period is
(a) 0.7 (b) 1.0
(a) J'2GM (b) JSGM (c) JSGM (d) J2GM (c) 1.5 (d) 3.0
R R 4R 37R
39. Masses and radii of Earth and Moon are M1 , M 2 and 46. A satellite of mass SM orbits the earth In a circular
orbit. At one point in its orbit, the satellite explOdes
R1 • R2 respectively. The distance between their into two pieces, one of mass M and the other Of
centre is d. The minimum velocity given to mass M mass 4M. After the explosion, the mass Mends up
from the mid point of line joining their centre so that travelling in the same circular orbit, but in opposite
It will escape Is
direction. After the explosion, motion of the mass
(a) J4G(M~ +M2) (b) 4G (Ml~2) 4M
d(M 1 +M 2 ) (a) will be In a bound orbit
(b) will be in an unbound orbit
(c) 2G (M1 +M2) (d) 2G (M1 +M2)
d M 1M 2 d (c) will be in a partially bound orbit
(d) will not be possible to decide due to insufficient
40. The orbital velocity of an artificial satellite in a information
circular orbit just above the surface of the earth is 47. The radius of a planet is R. A satellite revolves around
v O• The value of the orbital velocity for another it in a circle of radius r with angular velocity co0 . The
satellite orbiting at an altitude of half of earth's acceleration due to the gravity on planet's surface Is
3 33 32 32
radius is: (a) r ro 0 (b) r ro 0 (c) r ro 0 (d) r co 0
2 1 R R2 R R2
(a)lv 0 (b)~v 0 (c)-v 0 (d) -v 0
3 3
48. The correct graph representing the variation of
41. If the gravitational force were to vary inversely as total energy(E), kinetic energy(K) and potential
r.nth power of the distance, then the time period of a energy (U) of a satellite with its distance from the
planet in circular orbit of radius r around the sun will centre of earth is
be proportional to
m+t Energy
(a) ,-3m/2 (b) r 3ml2 (c) ,1m+1J12 (d) , -

42. Two planets A and B have radius in the ratio 1 : 6.

A satellite revolving near the surface of planets
have same time period of revolution. The ratio of
density of planets A and B is Energy
(a) 1 : 6 (b) 6 : 1 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 36 : 1
A satellite can be in a geostationary orbit around (c) r
earth at a distance r from the centre. If the angular
velocity of earth about its axis doubles, a satellite
can now be in a geostationary orbit around earth if
49. The minimum energy required to launch am kg
its distance. from the centre is
r r r r satellite from earth's surface in a circular orbit at an
(a) - (b) (c) (d) altitude of 2R (where Ris the radius of earth) will be
2 2-v2 (4) (2)
(a) 3mgR (b) SmgR / 6 (c) 2mgR (d) mgR / 3
44. A satellite is seen after each 8h over the equator at a 50. A satellite of mass 1000 kg is rotating around the
place on the earth when its sense of rotation is earth in circular orbit of radius 3R. What extra
opposite to the earth. The time interval after which it
energy should be given to this satellite if it is to be
can be seen at the same place when the sense of
lifted into an orbit of radius 4R?
rotation of the earth and the satellite is the same will 24
(a) 2.61 x 10 J (b) 181 x 1019 J
be 20
(a) 8 h (b) 12 h (c) 24 h (d) 6 h (c) 1.81 X 10 J (d) 2.61 X 109 J
51, A space ship Is launched Into a circular orbit close to 57. A planet moves around Sun In an elliptical orbit of
the earth's surface. What addltlonal veloclty should eccentricity e. The ratio of the velocity at perigee vP
now be Imparted to the space ship In the orbit to and at apogee vO Is given by •
overcome the gravltatlonal pull (radius of earth
6400 km and g 9.8 m/s 2). I
Sun :
(a) 4.2 km/s (b) 4.8 km/s -- --•--~------
' I
(c) 2.2 km/s (d) 3.3 km/s I

52, Aplanet of mass m moves around the sun of mass M

(a) v,; = 1+e (b)2 = 1-e
In an elllptlcal orbit. The maximum and minimum
Va 1-e Va 1+e
distance of the pla,net from the sun are r and r
1 2
respectively. The time period of the planet is (d) 2
proportional to V0 1-e Va 1+e
(a) r1 312 (b) r2 a12 SB. If a satellite is revolving around a planet of mass M in .
(c)(r1 + r2)312 (d) (r1 -r2 )312 an elliptic orbit of semi major axis a, then the orbital
speed of the satellite when it is at a distance r from
53, The figure shows the motion of a planet around the the focus will be given by
sun In an elliptical orbit with sun at the focus. The
shaded areas can be assumed to be equal. If t I and (a) (b) 2GMU-~J
t 2 represent the time ~aken for the planet to move
from A to Band Cto D respectively, then
(cl ~GM(~-;) (d) G-~j
Numerical Value Questions
B 1. A satellite is launched in the equatorial plane in such
(a)t 1 <t2 (b) t 1 >t 2 a way that it can transmit signals upto 60° latitude
(c)t 1 =t 2 (d) None of these on the earth. Tlile orbifal velocity of the satelfite is
54. A small satellite is in elliptical orbit around earth as found to be Find the value ofa..
shown. If L denotes the magnitude of its angular
momentum and K denotes kinetic energy 2. An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit•
around the earth with a speed .equal to half the
magnitude of the escape velocity from If
the satellite is stopped suddenly in its orbit and
allowed to fall freely orl the earth, find the speed (in
km/s) with which it hits the surface of earth. (g = 10
(a)L 2 >Li ~ndK 2 >Ki (b)L 2 >L 1 andK 2 =K 1 • m/s 2' and R= 6400 km)
(c)L 2 <Li andK 2 =Ki (d)L 2 =Li ~ndK 2 >K 1
3. 'A planetrevolves about the sun in elliptical orbit of
55. If the distance between the earth and the sun semi-major axis 2 x 1012 m. The areal velocity of the
were half its present value, the number of days in planet when it is nearest to the sun is 4.4 x 10 16 m/s.
a year would have been ' The least distance between·planet and the sun is
(a) 64.5 (~) 129 1.8 x 10 12 m. Find the minimum speed of the planet
(c) 182.5 (d) 730 in km/s.
56. Aplanet of mass mis in an ellip_tical ·orbit about the 4. The difference between the time periods (ins) of a
sun (m << Msun) with an orbital period T. If A be the seconds pendulum at a depth of 64 km from Earth's
area of orbit, then its angular momentum would be surface and on earth surface is 6 T ? Fill the value of
1006Tin OMR sheet.
(a) 2mA (b) mAT
T 5. If the areal velocity of one planet is 2 times the areal
(c) mA (d) 2mAT velocity of other planet, then find the ratio of their
2T radii of circular motion around the sun.
planet (in km) so that if he throws the ball at san,

6. ::::::a:::::a:~ :::o~es:::::;~~::
speed it may escape from planet. Given radius ofe
earth 6.4 x 10 m.
9. Two large spherical object of mass Meach (unifo
maximum height of the particle from the earth
distributed) are fixed as shown in figure. A srnau rrnly
surface is kR/3. [Mass of the earth Me and Ris radius
point mass m is projected from point A heading
of earth]. What is the vc1lue of k?
towards center C2 of second sphere. The minirnu
7. A particle of mass m is moving in circular motion of velocity of point mass so that it can reach upt0 Ill
radius r with constant speed v in Influence of two
• n h
fixed particles of mass M.-Pfane of circular motion is second object at point a IS SR • t en calculate "·
perpendicular to line joining fix1 particles as shown.
[Neglect other gravitational"forces]
Speed of particle is given as v = GM find value of

I I( 10R ,.

a I
1O. A smooth tunnel is dug along the radius of the earth
I that ends at the centre. A ball is released from the
surface of earth along the tunnel. The coefficient of
8. A student can throw a ball at a speed on earth which -restitution b~tween the surface and ball is 0.2. If the
can just cross a river of width 10 m. He reaches on an total distance travelled by the ball before second
imaginary planet whose mean density is twice of the collision at the centre is nR/5 ·where Ris the radius of
earth. Find out the maximum possible radius of the earth, then find n.

LEVEL03 JEEAdvanced Level

Single Choice Correct Questions Then, gravitational force exerted by the ring on the
1. Find the distance between centre of
gravity and cen~re of mass of a two
particle system attached to the ends of a ' ,
C) m

sphere is

light rod. Each particle has same mass. I

Length of the rod is R, where R is the :.JJR


radius of Earth
(a) R (b) R/2 (c) zero (d) R/4
2. Six stars of equal mass m moving about the centre of
mass of the system such that they are always on the (a) GMm (b) GMm (c) (d)
vertices of a regular hexagon of side length a. Their 8R2 3R 2 R2 8R2
common time period of revolution around centre 4. A straight rod of length I extends y
will be fromx=atox=/+aasshow n
in the figure. If the mass per m a-. /-k J
(a)4~ (b) 21t 1-~=--
Gm +4) unit length is (a + bx 2), the
3 3 gravitational force it exerts on a •
3a (d) 21t
(c) 21t 3a point mass m placed at x = Ois given by
(a)Gm(a(_!_ __1_)+b/) (b) Gm(a+bx2)
3. A uniform ring of mass M is lying at a distance R a a+/ 12
from the centre of a uniform sphere of mass m just
below the sphere as shown in the figure where Ris
the radius of the ring as well as that of the sphere.
(c)Gm(a(~- 0 ~ 1)+b/) {d)~+(a~/ -~)+11]
5• density varies asp= kr, planet of radius Rand its
A hypothetical spherical 9. The two planets with radii R1, R2 have densities Pt,
where k Is constant and r is
the distance from the center. The pressure caused by p 2 and atmospheric pressures p I and P2 •
gravitational pull inside (r < R) the planet at a respectively. Therefore, the ratio of ma,ses of !h~ir
distance r measured from its center given by atmospheres, neglecting variation of a and P within
the limits of atmosphere, is
k2G1t(R4 -r4) k2G1t(R4 -r4)
(a) 4 (b) 2 (a) P1R2P1 (b) P1R2P2 (c) P1R1P1 (d) p,R1P2
P2R1P2 P2R1P1 P2R2P2 P2R2P1
(c)2l<2G1t(R4-r4) (d)4k2G1t(R4-,1)
10. A small body of superdense material, whose mass is
6. In older times, people used to think that the earth twice the mass of the earth but whose size is very
was flat. Imagine that the earth is indeed not a small compared to the size of the earth, starts from
sphere of radius R, but an infinite plate of thickness rest at a height H << Rabove the earth's surface, and
H. What value of H is needed to allow the· same reach the Earth's surface in time t. Then, tis equal to
gravitational acceleration to be experienced as on
(a) .J2H! 8 (b) ji1i
the surface of the actual earth?
(c) .J2H!3g (d)
(Assume that the earth's density is uniform and
equal in the two models.) 11. A thin uniform annular disc (see figure) of mass M
(a) 2R/3 (b) 4R/3 has outer radius 4R and inner radius 3R. The work
(c) SR/3 (d) R/3 required to take a mass m from point Pon its axis to
7, The density of the core of a planet is p1 and that of infinity is
P• I
the outer shell is p 2 • The radii of the core and that I
the planet are Rand 2R respectively. Gravitational :4R
acceleration at the surface of the planet is same as at I

a depth R. Find the ratio p1 / p 2

(a) 2GMm _ S) (b) 2GMm -S)

7R 7R
(c) GMm (d) 2GMm - l)
12. Consider two configurations in fig(i) and fig(ii). The
work done by external agent in changing the
configuration from fig(i) to fig(ii) is
(a) 3/7 (b) 4/9
(c) 7/3 • (d) 3/8
3m~ 2m
8. Two blocks of masses m each are hung from a a a a
balance as shown in the figure. The scale pan A is at m a 2m m n 3 m
height H1 whereas scale pan B is at height H2 . Net
Fig (i) Fig (ii)
torque of weights acting on the system about point
c, will be (length of the rod is I and H1 and H2 are (a) zero (b)- 6Gm2 (1+J:_)
« R)(H1 >H2) a

• 6Gm ( 1 - - 1) (d)- 6Gm2
1). There is a crater of depth R/100 on the surface of the
H1 • H2 moon (radius R). A projectile is fired vertkally
llhitJJIINIJJJlh lll;JJl/lllllillf11J JJl11hllflfl;kJ7 ;;
• upward from the crater with velocity, which is equal
to the esc~pe velocity v from the surface-of the
moon. Find the maximum height attained by the
(a) mg( 1-2H
R I )/
2mg (a,) 90R (b) 95R
(c)-(H 1 +H 2 )f (c) 99.SR (d) SOR
14. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of orbit of radius 3R. The minimum energy required to
earth is g and radius R. A ball is projected place the lab in the first orbit and to shift the lab
horizontally from point P1 on the surface of earth (as from first orbit to the second orbit are
shown in the figure) If the maximum height attained (a) 3mgR / 4, mgR / 6 (b) 3mgR / 4, mgR / 12
by the ball above the earth surface is 3R, then speed (c) mgR, mgR (d) 2mgR, mgR
of projection v O is (neglect cosmic dust resistance 18. A satellite is moving on a circular orbit around a
and earth rotation about its axis) planet. A sharp impulse is given to the·satellite such
that it escapes from the gravitational field of the
planet. The impulse can be given in two different
ways as shown. The ratio of the impulse given in the
3R two different cases P1 / P2 is

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (a) (b) 2

15. A projectile of mass mis fired from the surface of the (c) +1 (d)

earth at an angle a = 60° from the vertical. The initial 19. A satellite of mass m is orbiting the earth in a circular
orbit of radius r. It starts losing energy slowly at a
speed v O is equal to GM . How high does the
. R constant rate k due to friction ..Me and Re denote the
projectile rise? Neglect air resistance and the earth's mass and radiu.s of the earth respectively, the
rotation. satellite takes a limit time t to fall on the earth. The
radius r is
(a) GmMeRe (b) GmMeRe
GmMe -4kRet Gm Me +2kRet
(c) GmMeRe (d) GmMeRe
Gm Me +2kRi Gm Me -2/cRet
20. A crew of scientists has built a new space station.
The space station is shaped like a wheel of radius R,
(a) R/2 (b) R/5 with essentially all its mass Mat the rim. When the
(c) R/4 (d) R/8
crew arrives, the station will Qe set rotating at a rate
that causes an the rim to have radial
16. An asteroid of mass M explodes into a spherical acceleration g, thereby simulating earth's surface
homogeneous cloud in free space. Due to energy gravity. This is accomplished by two small rockets,
received by the explosion, the cloud expands and the each with thrust T newtons, mounted on the
expansion is spherically symmetric. At an instant, station's rim. How long a time t does one need to fire
when radius of the cloud is R0 , all of its particles on the rockets to achieve the desired condition?
the surface are observed receding radially away from
the centre of the cloud with a velocity v O• What will (a)t= Jiii3M (b)t= ~M
the radius of the cloud be, when its expansion 2T 2T
ceases? (c) t = /gR M (d)t =
(a) GMRo 2 (b) 2GMRo v-;: T 1tT

2GM-R0 v0 2GM-R 0 v~ 21. An artificial satellite revolves around earth in circular

(d) GMR 0 orbit of radius r with time period T. The satellite is
(c) GMRo 2
made to stop in the orbit which makes it fall onto
2GM+RoVo 2GM-Rov~
earth. Time of fall of the satellite on to earth is given
17. A skytab of mass m Is first launched from the surface by
of the earth In a circular orbit of radius 2R and then it (b) T T
(a) (c)- (d) I_
Is shifted from this circular orbit to another circular 6 8 V3 n
An artificial satellite of mass m is moving in a circular 26. A planet moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit
• orbit at a height equal to the radius Rof the earth. •as shown. Ecentricity of.ellipse is 1/2-. Time taken by
suddenly due to internal explosion the satellite planet to move from D to 8 (D A 8) and 8 to D
breaks into two parts of equal masses. One part of (8 C D) are respectively ToAB and Tsco •
the satellite stops just after the explosion and then B
falls to the surface of the earth. The increase in the
mechanical energy of the system (satellite + earth)
due to explosion will be_(Given, acceleration due to
gravity on the surface of earth is g)
(a) mgR (b) mgR/2 (c) mgR/4 (d) 3mgR/4
(a) ToAs = 1t+2
23. Asmall ball of mass m is released at a height Rabove Tsco 7t-2
• the Earth surface, as shown in the figure. If the
(b) TDAB = 21t+1
maximum depth of the ball to which it goes is R/2
inside the earth through a narrow groove before Taco 21t-1
coming to rest momentarily. The gr,oove, contain an (c) velocity of planet at point 8 is .JJ v 2
. ideal spring of spring constant Kand natural length (d) velocity of planet at point 8 is v 2
R, the value of K is
27. The velocity of a satellite travelling in an elliptical
(R is radius of earth and M mass of earth) orbit, when it reaches point Con the end of the •
semiminor axis is

(a) 3G~m (b) 6GMm (c) 19GMm (d) 7GMm

R R3 R3 R3
(a) J2~M
24. If gravitational forces alone prevent a spherical
\ .
rotating neutron star from disintegrating, find
minimum time period of star that has a mean density 2a •
11 3
of magnitude ( :~) x 10 kg/m , L
28 . .Sp~ceman Fred's, spaGesbip (which has negligible
91ass) is in an elliptical orbit about planet Bob. The
G = x10-11 N-m2 /kg
minimum distance between the spaceship and ~he
3 .
planet is R; the m~ximum distance between the
(a) 1 s (b) 1.5 s spaceship and the planet is 2R. At the point of
(c) 3 s (d) 5 s maximum distance, spaceman Fred is traveling at
25. An isolated triple star system
consists of two identical stars, each I
,,,, , - - - ....
...... m
... \
speed v O • He then fires his thrusters so that he
enters a circular orbit of radius 2R. What is his new
• I

of mass m and a fixed star of mass : I

I ..I I
• • I (
M. The identical masses revolv~ \ M • ,'
around the central star in the same \,,,m ,,
, ......... ___ .,.,,,
circular orbit of radius r. T~e two
orbiting stars are always at opposite ends of a
diameter of the orbit. The time period of revolution
of each star around the fixed star is equal to
4 7tr3/2 2 1t,312
(a) r==== (b)
27tr3/2 41tr312
(c) -;:::::::::== (d) -;:::::== (a) l v 0 (b) v0 (c) ! v 0 (d) v0
are taken out of the solid leaving behind spherical
29. A planet is revolving around the sun in an elliptical
cavities as shown in figure. Then
orbit. Its closest distance from the Sun is r min • The
farthest distance from the Sun is r rmx. If the orbital Y.
angular velocity of the planet when it is nearest to
the· sun is ro , then the orbital angular velocity at the
point when it is at the farthest distance from the sun

(a) the gravitational field due ~o this object at the Ori .
is zero • &in
30. A small satellite of mass m is revolving around earth
(b) the gravitational field at the point 8(2, 0, O) is zer •
in a circular orbit of rad_i~s r0 with speed v 0. At
(c) the gravitational potential is the same at all Pain~
certain point of its orbit, the direction of motion of circley 2 +z 2 =36 • , of
satellite is suddenly cha~ged by->angle cos-1 (3/5) by
(d) the gravitational potential is the same'at all points
turning its velocity vector such that speed remains
. on the circle y2 +z 2 = 4
constant. The satellite consequently goes to elliptical
orbit around earth. The ratio of ~peed at perigee to 3. A satellite close to the earth is in orbit above the
speed at apogee is equc!tor with a period of revolution of 1.5 h. If it is
(a) 3 (b) 9 above a, point on ~he :quator atsome time, it Will
(c) 1/3 (d) 1/9
be above Pagain after time
(a) 1.5 h
Multiple Choice(s) Correct Questions (b) 1.6 h, if it is rotating from west to east
(c) 24/17 h, if it is rotating from east to west
1. A tunnel is dug along a chord of the earth at a (d) 24/17 h, if it is rotating from west to east
perpendicular distance R/2 frofo the ear:th's centre.
4. An orbiting satellite will escape if
The wall of the tunnel may be assumed to be
(a) its speed is increa'sed by .:::.1)100% '
frictionless. A particle is released from one end of
the tunnel. The pressing force by the particle on the (b) its speed in the orbit is mape Jt;s tim~s of i~
wall and the acceleration of the particle varies with x initial value
(distance of the particle from'the centre) according (c) its kinetic energy is doubled
to (d) it stops moving in the orbit
Pressing Pressing 5. An artificial satellite is in a circular orbit around the
Force Force earth. The universal gravitational constant starts

lN 1: ' decreasing at time t = 0 at a constant rate with

(a) respect to time t. Then, the satellite has its
: : X (a) path gradually spiraling out away from the centre of
x=R/2 x=R x=R/2 x=R the earth. . .
acceleration acceleration (b) path gradually.spiraling-in tow~rds from the centre
of the earth. "
(c) angular momentum about the centre of the earth
remains constant
(d) potential energy increases
x=R/2 x=R/2 x=R x
6. Two satellites S1 and S2 of equal masses revolve in
2. A solid sphere of uniform density and radius 4 units the same sense around a heavy planet in coplanar
is located with its centre at the origin O of circular orbit of radii Rand 4R
coordinates. Two spheres of equal radii 1 unit, with (a) the ratio of period of revolution S1 and s2 is 1: 8.
their centres at A(-2, 0, O) and 8(2, 0, O) respectively, (b) their velocities are in the ratio 2 : 1
(c) their angular momentum about the planet are in the (a) gravitational field Inside the cavity is uniform
ratio 2: 1
(d) the ratio of angular velocities of S2 w.r.t. S1when all (b) grav1·tat·1onaI field Intensity in the cavity
. .1s -
- at
three are in the same line is 9 : 5. . 9
the centre.
7, A satellite is to be stationed in an o~blt such that it
can be used for relay purposes (such a satellite is (c) the escape velocity of a particle projected from
called a geostationary satellite). The conditions such cent re of cav1·ty 1s
• J88GM
a should fulfill is/are 4~
(a) its orbit must lie in equatorial plane (d) the escape velocity of a particle projected from
(b) its sense of rotation must be from west to east
(c) its orbital radius must be 42400 km cent re of cav1·ty 1s
• J20GM
(d) its orbit must not be elliptical and should be circular
11. A binary star system consists of two stars having
s. Three planets of same d~nsity and with radii R , R masses Mand 2M. The distance between their
1 2
and R3 such that R1 = 2R 2 = 3R 3 have gravitation centers is equal to R. They revolve about their
fields on the surfaces 8 1, g 2 and g 3 and escape com~on center of mass under their mutual
velocities v 1 , v 2 1and v 3 respectively. gravitational force of interaction. Which of the
(a) !l = 2 (b) =3 (c) =! (d) =3 following is/are correct?
82 83 V2 2 v3 (a) ·Heavier star revolves in orbit of radius R/3
(b) Both the stars will revolve with the same time period
9. A geostationary satellite is at a he.lght h above the
surface of earth. The earth radius is R which is equal to R
(c) Kinetic energy of lighter star is twi~e that of the
(d) Kinetic energy of lighter star is 4 times that of the
12. A satellite of mass m is moving in a circular orbit of
radius r around the earth. This satellite is shifted in
circular orbi~ of radius 2r. (Mass of the earth is M).
(a} The minimum colatitude on earth upto which the
satellite can be used for communication is
. -1(
sin -R- }
(b) The maximum colatitudes on earth upto which the rM r--- ---- ' \
satellite can be used for communication is l Orbit
. -1(
sin -R-}

(c) The area on earth escaped from this satellite is given :2r

as 21tR 2 (1 + sin0)
(d) The area on earth escaped from this satellite is given (a) The minimum energy required to shift the satellite in
.. GMm
as 21tR 2 (1 + cos0) new orb1t 1s - -
10. Inside a uniform sphere of mass M (Mis mass of
complete sphere) and radius R, a cavity of radius R/3 (b) Time period of satellite in new orbit will be double
is made in the sphere as shown that time period of previous orbit
(c) The acceleration of satellite in new orbit becomes
1/4 of acceleration in previous orbit.
(d) The minimum energy required to shift the satellite in
.. GMm
new orb1t 1s - - .
13. At the equator on a spherical planet, a body weighs (a) If contact force on CIs double the gravitational
one third of that at the pole. Radius of planet is R. force, its time period = 27t [if
The time period of revolution of the planet around V3a
its axis is equal to T = 60 min. (b) If contact force on Cis double the gravitational
(Take: G = x10-11 Nm 2 /kg 2 ) • d = 21tf
' perio
• time
force, its
3 8
6 kg/m 3 . (c) If contact force is zero, time period T, radius of
(a) The average densitypof the planet is-2:.. x 10
I 1 •
192 tunnel r, then T oc r
(b) The height of geost~tionarv. satellite from the (d) If contact force is zero, time period T, radius of
tunnel r, then T would be independent of r.
surface of planet is ( - 1}-
16. Mass density of a planet varies as p(r) = p;' where R
(c) A.ta latitude of 60°, the weight of the body is half
the weight at pole is radius of planet and r is distance fror:n center of
(d) The geostationary satellite can be in a plane passing planet.
through 'the poles. (a) A particle of mass m is to be projected from surface
so as to escape'the planet, its velocity of projection
14. _A particle is dropped from a height equal to the 2
radius of the earth above the tunnel dug through the relative to surface is .J21eGp 0R •
e~rth as shown in the figure. (b) A particle of mass mis to be projected from surface
so as to escape the planet, its velocity of projection
rel~tiv~ to surface is2.J21tGp 0'R
(c) Gravitational intensity on surface of planet is 1tGp0R.
(d) Time period of a satellite in circular orbit very close
to planet is 21t R .
. 1tGpo
17. A projectile is thrown at angle 30° with surface of
earth, with velocity v O such that it attains a
R : Radius of•
earth, M : Mass of earthI maximum height equal tQ radius of earth, then
(a) Particle will oscillate through the earth to a height R
on both sides
(b) Particle will execute simple harmonic motion
(c) Motion of the particle is periodic
(d) Particle passes through the centre of earth with a

15. A is a huge planet with uniform mass distribution,

mass M, radius R. Bis a circular tunnel made in it,
concentric with planet. Radius of tunnel is r, (r = R/2)
cross-sectional diameter is tl(d << r). Cis a sm~II ball ·(a) minimum velocity would be Vo
of mass m(m << M) which is moving freely inside the 4 I
tunnel without friction in a uniform circular motion, •' wouId be - -
• ..
(b),. minimum veIocIty 0
take acceleration due to gravity on surface'of A as g 4
A (c) at maximum height velocity will be zero.
(d) trajectory would not be parabolic

Comprehension Based Questions

Comprehension - 1
An artificial satellite is moving in a circular orbit
around the earth with a speed equal to half the

5. 1 Universal Law Of Gravitation 4
2 2
7. (L+a)a
1. 1:2 4. s. Gm2 (1+ ~)along PB 6. 3 Gm
2 r d v2

5.2 Gravitational Field Intensity 4GM 8GM

R 5. (a) 902 (b) 2sa2
s 2GM ( ) 21tGMm (b) zero 4. ±Ji
1. x =3.6 x 10 km. 2...Ji2 3. a . l 2

6. 41t Gpl 7. 7GMm
• 2R
3 36R 2

5.3 Acceleration Due to Gravity •

-1)Re 7. co= /&,,length of day= 84.57 min
4.18 m S. 1s 6.
1. 196 cm/s
2.1600 km 3. 0.5% vti; 1

5.4 Gravitational Potential

') 2Gm 4GM (") W 2Gmm 0 . W = 2Gmm 0 2• _ .JRGM
2 + X2
1. (I VP = - - 1-, V = - 1- II ext = I , sr I
-3. - 3Gm 4.-- S. E=-[(4x + z)i +6y j + xk] 2x
a 2R

5.5 Gravitational Potential Energy 2 • 2 2

(b) 3Gm 4. Gm 5. mgR/2
1. -240 J 2. 11 J • • 3. (a) 3Gm
a 2a I
2 2
2GM 2Gm
7.3R 8. .J2gR 9. v1 = ---,V2 =
d(M+m ) d(M+m ) .

5. 6 Escape Veloc ity

S. 3
1. 110 km/s 2. jgR a

5. 7 Satellite
3. 2.66x10 m 4. (a) 10 J (b)-2 x 1010 J {c) -10 J
7 10 10
1. (a) 7.083 km/s, 1.97 hr, (b) 2.15 s 2. (a) 36000 km (b) 1.4 hr
(b) 2GMem
5. 3.13><1.0 J 6 _(a) GMem
r r
5.8 Kepler's Laws
1. 8 years 2 3. 1.Sx104 m/s 4. 0.5 6
__ GMm
. •
L 2a • 1

single Choice Correct Questions
1. (a} 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (c} 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20, (d)
21. (b} 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (b}
41, (d}
43. '(c} .
34. l(C)
44. (c)
35. (~)
45. '(d}
36. (c)
46. (b)
37. (a}
47. (d)
38. (c)
48. (c)
39. (a)
49. (b)
51, (d) . 52. (c} 53. (c} 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (a) 57. (a) 58. (c)

Numerical yalue Questions

i. (2) 2. (8) 3. (40) . 4. (1) 5. (4) 6. (5) 7. (4) 8. (4) 9. (8) 10. (7)

Level 3
Single Choice Correct Questions
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (d} 10. (c)

11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (a)· 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (b)

21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (d} 24. (a) 25. (a) . 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (d) 30. (b)

Multiple Choice(s) Correct Questions

3. (b, c) 4. (a, c) 5. (a,~. d) 6. (a, b, d) 7. (a,b,c,d) 8. (a, b, d) 9. (a, c) 10; (a, b, d)
i. (b, c) 2. (a,c,d}
11.(a, b, c) 12. (c, d) 13. (a, b)
14. (a, c, d) 15. (a, d) 16. (a, c, d) 17. (b, d)

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