AI Design
AI Design
AI Design
More data businesses have about people, better would be the chances for their
businesses to grow and expand. This is something called datification.
Datification is the process to convert various aspects of life into meaningful data.
Describing the life's aspects in the form of useful data is the art of datification.
Data collected after tracking and monitoring the online acti vities of the prospects is
used to create organised data-sets. These data-sets can be optimised to get useful
insights in order to analyse the prospects of a person being a potential customer or
to understand problems or to see trends as solutions to address the problems and
to do projections which could
prove useful in various ways.
Better decision making, strategies and opportunities: Owing to its accuracy and
ability to analyse big data to see useful patterns and trends, data science makes
businesses improve upon making better decisions.
Social Media:
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinledIn and many Other Sites almost
half the world online. All interactions we do are digital in nature . Data science
methods can process these numbers to turn profitable predictions for businesses.
We are analysed on the basis of our personality, values and interests, lifestyle,
opinions etc. This is called psychograph.c analysis or psychograph.
Health Care:
Imaging of human body is a common occurrence in hospitals. Millions of patients
are scanned and Xrayed through various advanced machines. Visual and numerical
data collected through these equipment are analysed by algorithms to predict life
threatening diseases The field of healthcare can benefit from data science in various
ways such as diagnosis, patient care
and research .
Production, supply chain etc. DS can help predicting demand-supply gaps, risks,
reduce down time, failures predict and quality check.
Banking & Finance: Detecting frauds. Clustering & Classification, Risk analysis -
Customer Lifetime Value. Identify loyal and profitable customers by customer
segregation and classification.
RFID - Radio Frequency ID emit data. Network of devices sharing data and signals
ove internet or personal area networks thorugh Bluetooth or other short range
protocols caleed internet of things IoT.
Search Engine Optimisation: SEO is the process to increase the visibility of a website
making it appear in the top search results returned by search engines.
Improved public services: Government uses data science methods to analyse big
related to demographics (population statistics), social groups to provide
better public services to the masses.