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Performance investigation on double acting reciprocating pump

Article in Applied Energy · September 2019

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6 authors, including:

D.B. Jani Chetan Chaudhary

Gujarat Technological University Seneca Polytechnic


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© September 2019| IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 4 | ISSN: 2349-6002

Performance investigation on double acting reciprocating


D.B. Jani1, Chaudhary Chetan2, Baria Darshan3, Barjod Umesh4, Chauhan Janak5, Bangadiya Jignesh6
GEC, Dahod-389151, Gujarat Technological University, GTU, Gujarat, India

Abstract—The present article summarizes the pump not working in an efficient manner. The main
performance of double acting reciprocating pump in reason behind such inefficient operation is due to gaps
laboratory set up. The purpose of the performance and misalignment in the assembly itself. A smart work
testing is to verify the theoretical calculations with the
in the testing can help in process monitoring for
practical performance. A performance testing of the
degradation of pumps and would also allow the
double acting reciprocating pump is used to determine
the working condition and analyzing the delivery and maintenance personals to make a schedule for the
suction pressure which plays an important role in checkup of pumps [6-8]. These pumps mainly have a
maintaining proper heads. Using conventional circular profile and have to be performance analyzed
performance testing methods, efficiency and working of at a specific period of time as their flow is little. Even
the pump are improved. Various measuring instruments the shape plays an important role in the performance
are used to measure flow rate, suction and delivery of the pump. Maintenance cost can’t be increased for
pressure, power consumption etc. Reciprocating pumps this small quantity of water being displaced [9-10].
are mostly used where flow is constant and high delivery
The present investigation has been carried out to study
pressures are required, so they are exposed to more risk
an approach for performance testing of pumps by
of failure when changing the pressure by manually
regulating a valve. The obtained result show that the integrating sensors for measuring pressure variations
effect of various parameters such as speed, flow rate, and energy supply for running the pumps and analysis
pressure etc. on pump performance. of the output. The present approach can be used for
testing the pump at industries or even at households
Key words—Delivery pressure, Performance testing,
and also similar equipment or product by determining
Reciprocating pump, Suction pressure
the parameters and their values that affect the
performance of the equipment. Reciprocating pumps
I. INTRODUCTION are widely used due to their ease of use and simple
arrangement. In case of this pump, flow is constant but
Reciprocating pump uses the pumping action to move also varies with variation in pressure. Output flow will
fluids by a plunger or piston that travels back and forth be decreased when system pressure will be increased.
inside a cylinder. The duplex reciprocating pump
model is used for testing which is based on eccentric
cam mechanism with a dual cylinder system. These II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
pumps are self-priming which supplies fluids at high
pressure and constant flow rates compared to The apparatus consists of a double acting-single
centrifugal pumps. Reciprocating pumps are the most cylinder reciprocating pump is operated on closed
common pumps used where a high delivery pressure circuit basis. An AC motor with 3 speeds is provided
is required and minimum quantity is handled, as in to regulate the rpm of the pump. Suction and delivery
order to maintain the process they need a lot of pumps head can be varied by the valves provided and Pressure
to carry out the process [1-5]. Performance testing of & Vacuum Gauges can measure it. Flow of water is
pumps has to be done periodically to avoid any measured by using measuring tank and stopwatch as
damage to the equipment, as even the strength shown in Fig. 1.
degradation of the pump can cause it vibrate more
rapidly which can lead to the pressure drop and the


© September 2019| IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 4 | ISSN: 2349-6002

14- Repeat the same procedure for different pressure

15- Repeat the same procedure for the different rpm
with help of rheostat provided in the panel board.
16- When the experimental measurements are over,
properly open the gate valve provided on
discharge line.
17- Switch off the pump first.
18- Switch of the main power line supply to panel

The following are the precautions taken while carrying

out experiments on double acting reciprocating pump.
- Never run the apparatus, if power supply is less
than 180 volts and above 230 volts.
- Never fully close, the delivery line and by pass
line valves simultaneously.
Fig. 1. Experimental set-up of reciprocating pump - To prevent the clogging of moving parts, run
pump at least once in fortnight.
The following are the steps for the performance testing - Always use clean water.
of a double acting reciprocating pump: - If the apparatus will now use for more than month,
1- Clean the apparatus and make tank free from dust drain the apparatus completely.
and foreign particles. - Always keep apparatus free from dust.
2- Close the drain valve provided below the - If water is not lifted, the revolution of the AC
auxiliary tank. motor may be reverse. Change the electric
3- Fill the sump tank with clean water above the connection of motor to change the revolutions.
suction level of supply line. - If the panel is not showing input, check the fuse
4- Open the flow control valve given on water and main supply electricity.
discharge line and control valve given on suction - Do not run the pump at fully speed for the longer
line. period to avoid leakages of water in discharge
5- Ensure that power switch given on panel should lines.
be on. The following are the specifications of the pump:
6- Set the speed of pump with control knob provided Stroke length – 16 mm
in electric panel board in front section of Piston diameter – 22 mm
apparatus. DC motor with 1 HP power supply.
7- Operate the flow control valve to regulate the flow
of water in the discharge by the pump. III. DATA REDUCTION
8- Record discharge pressure by means of pressure
The theoretical capacity of pump [11] is given by
gauge, provided on discharge line.
𝑄𝑡ℎ = 2𝐿𝐴𝑁/60 (1)
9- Operate the control valve to regulate the suction
of pump.
The actual capacity of pump [12] is given by
10- Record the suction pressure by means of vacuum
𝑄𝑎𝑐𝑡 = [(𝐻𝐹 − 𝐻𝐼)] ∗ 𝐴𝑐𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑘/𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 (2)
gauge, provided at suction line of the pump.
11- Also note energy input for this time from energy
Slip of pump given by
𝑆 = 𝑄𝑡ℎ − 𝑄𝑎𝑐𝑡 (3)
12- Note down the rpm of the pump in revolution
counter provided in the panel board.
Volumetric efficiency of pump is given by
13- Measure the flow of water, discharge by the 𝑄𝑎
pump, using the stopwatch and measuring tank. 𝜂= ∗ 100 (4)


© September 2019| IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 4 | ISSN: 2349-6002


The following are the observations obtained for the The performance of the double acting reciprocating
motor speed 140 rpm. pump has been found by measuring the operational
Table -1. Observation table. parameters during operation. Duplex reciprocating
Sr. Ps Pd HI H Tim Powe Powe pumps produce a fixed discharge volume of fluid
No mmH Kg/cm c F e r r pumped for each rotation, regardless of the fluid being
. g m c sec initial final
m pumped. Efficiency of the pump is directly related to
1 230 2 2 7 19 0.278 0.282 the energy consumption. The overall efficiency of a
2 200 1.5 2 7 30 0.247 0.26 duplex reciprocating pump and motor set up is above
3 170 1 2 7 32 0.167 0.18 14% which is not common in a reciprocating pump
4 100 0 2 7 33 0.522 0.537
(single acting of efficiency below 10% in general).
The reciprocating pumps are positive displacements
This reciprocating pump can provide fluid at constant
pumps i.e. initially, a small quantity of water is taken
flow rates over a wide range of pressure. It is expected
into a chamber and is physically displaced and forced
that the convenience, efficiency and advantages
out with pressure by a moving mechanical element.
offered by duplex reciprocating pump will make it
The moving mechanical element may be a gear system
commercial for its use. There is likely to be a
rotating in the housing or piston moving in a cylinder
significant increase in the application due to its energy
with the help of external power. Thus, if the chamber
is alternatively filled by drawing in the water to be
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© September 2019| IJIRT | Volume 6 Issue 4 | ISSN: 2349-6002

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