Chapter 10 Pyqss

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May 2018 Q11. Manu wants to go to market.

He starts from his house

Q1. Laxman went 15 km to North then he turned West and towards North & reaches a crossing after 30m. He turns
covered 10 kms. Then he turned South and covered 5 km. towards East, goes 10m till second crossing & turns again,
Finally turning to East he covered 10 km. In which direction moves towards south straight for 30m where marketing
he is from his house. complex exits. In which direction is market from his house?
(a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South (a) North (b) South (c) East (d) West

Q2. A man is facing East, then he turns left and goes 10 June 2019
meter then turns right and goes 5 meter then goes 5 meter Q12. Sangeeta leaves from her home. She first walks 30
to the South and from there, 5 meter to West. In which meters in northwest direction and then 30 metres in south
direction is he from his original place? west direction, next she walks 30 metres in south-east
(a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South direction. Finally, she turns towards her house. In which
direction is she moving now?
Q3. X walks southwords and then turns right, then left and (a) North west (b) North East (c) South east (d) None
then right. In which direction is he moving now?
(a) South (b) North (c) West (d) East Q13. When a person faces north and walks 25m right then
turns left and walks 20m, and again turns right and walks
Q4. Raman starts walking in the morning facing the Sun. 25m, and turns right, and walks 25m, and turns right and
After sometime, he turned to the left, later again he turned walks 40m, in which direction is he now from his starting
to his left. In what direction is Raman moving now? point?
(a) East (b) West (c) South (d) North (a) North west (b) North East (c) South east (d) None

Q5. I stand with my right hand extended side-ways towards Q14. Madhuri moved a distance of 75 meters toward north.
south. Towards which direction will my back be? She then turned to her left & walked for about 25m, turned
(a) North (b) West (c) East (d) South left again and walked 80m. Finally, she turned to her right at
an angle of 45°. In which direction was she moving now?
Q6. You go North, turn right, then right again and then go (a) North west (b) North East (c) South west (d) None
to the left. In which direction are you now?
(a) South (b) East (c) West (d) North Q15. A person facing North moves 70° in clockwise
direction. He again moved 300° in clockwise direction. In
Nov 2018 which direction is he facing now?
Q7. Six flats on a floor in two rows facing North and South (a) North west (b) South east (c) North east (d) None
are allotted to P,Q,R,S,T and U. Q gets a North facing flat
and is not next to S. S and U get diagonally opposite flats. Nov 2019
R next to U, gets a South facing flat and T gets a North Q16. Mohan started from a point and walked towards west.
facing flat. Whose flat is between Q and S ? He took left to reach Sohan’s house. In which direction
(a) T (b) U (c) R (d) P should he move to reach his house?
(a) North east (b) South east (c) South west (d) None
Q8. Anoop Starts walking towards South. After walking 15
metres, he turns towards North. After walking 20 metres, he Q17. A man stands on a point and starts walking towards
turns towards East and walks 10 metres. He then turns north. He then turns left, then turns right, and then left. In
towards south and walks 5 metres. In which direction is he which direction he is moving now?
from the original position.
(a) West (b) North (c) East (d) South
(a) North (b) South (c) East (d) West
Q18. A man started from a point facing north, turned left,
Q9. Rahim started from point X and walked straight 5 km
again left & then right. In which direction he is facing now?
west, then turned left and walked straight 2 km, then again
(a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South
turned left and walked straight 7 km. In which direction is he
from the point X?
(a) North-East (b) South-West (c) South-East (d) None Q19. Rohan is driving cycle from his house towards north,
he turns left & then left again. Which direction he is facing?
Q10. A man started to walk East, After moving a distance, he (a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South
turned to his right. After moving a distance, he turned to his
right again. After moving a little he turned in the end to his Q20. Sun rises behind the tower and sets behind the railway
left. In which direction was he going now? station. In which direction is the tower from railway station?
(a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South (a) North (b) South (c) East (d) West
Q21. A dog is taken out by its owner whose house faces east. July 2021
They walk 200m west, then 500m in the south direction. In Q30. There are four towns P, Q, R and T. Q is to the South-
which direction is his house from his place? West of P, R is to the East of Q and South-East of P and T is
(a) North (b) North-East (c) East (d) South to the North of R in line with QP. In which direction of P is T
Nov 2020 (a) North (b) North-East (c) East (d) South
Q22. Rahim faces north turning to his right walks 25 meters.
He then turns to his left & walks 30 meters. Next, he Q31. One morning after Sunrise, Vikram and Shailesh were
moves 25 meters to his right. He turns to his right again and standing in a down with their back towards each other.
walks 55 meters. Finally, he turns to right & moves 40 metre. Vikram's shadow feli exactly towards left hand side. Which
In which direction is he now from starting point? direction was Shailesh facing?
(a) South west (b) South east (c) South (d) West (a) South west (b) East-South (c) South (d) West

Q23. A man can walk by having long, medium and short Q32. A and B start moving towards each other from two
steps. He can cover 60 meters by 100 long steps, 100 meters places 200m apart. After walking 60m, B turns left and goes
by 200 medium steps and 80 meters by 200 short steps, he 20m, then he turns right and goes 40 m. He then turns right
walks taking 5000 long steps, then he turns left and walk by again and comes back to the road on which he had started
taking 6000 medium steps. He then turns right and walk by walking. If A and B walk with the same speed, what is the
taking 2500 short steps. How far (in meters) is he away from distance between them now?
his starting point? (a) 80 m (b) 70 m (c) 40 m (d) 60 m
(a) 5000m (b) 4000m (c) 6000m (d) 7000m
Q33. Five Friends A, B, C, D, E are staying in the same locality.
Q24. One day, Ram left home and cycled 10 km southward, B’s house is to the East of A’s house and to the North of C’s
turned right and cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10 house. C’s house is to the West of D’s house. D’s house is in
km and turned left and cycled 10 km. How many kilometers which direction with respect to A’s house?
will he have to cycle to reach his home straight? (a) North east (b) South east (c) North west (d) West
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 25
Dec 2021
Q25. If you are facing North-east & move 10m forward, turn Q34. A person walks 1 km (kilometre) towards West and
left & move 7.5m, then you are in ___ of your initial position then he turns to South and walks 5 km. Again, he turns to
(a) North (b) South (c) East (d) None West and walks 2 km. After this he turns to North and walks
9 km. How far is he from his starting point?
Q26. A man is facing west. He turns 45o in clockwise (a) 3 km (b) 4 km (c) 5 km (d) 7 km
direction & then another 180o in same direction & then 270o
in anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now? Q35. Daily in the morning the shadow of a Clock Tower
(a) South west (b) North west (c) West (d) South installed on Railway Station falls on high rise Mall and in the
evening the shadow of the same Mall falls on the Clock
Jan 2021 Tower installed on Railway Station exactly. So in which
Q27. A man is facing west. He turns 45° in the clockwise direction is Clock Tower to Mall?
direction and then another 180° in same direction and then (a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South
270° in anti-clockwise direction. Which is the facing now?
(a) South-West (b) North-West (c) West (d) South Q36. R’s office is 4 km. in East direction from his home and
club is 4km. in North direction from his home. On midway
Q28. One day Ram left home and bi-cycled 10 km from office to club, R starts moving towards his home. In
southwards, turned right and travelled 5km and turned right which direction is he facing his back?
and went 10km he turned left and went 10km how many (a) North east (b) South east (c) North west (d) West
kilometers he has to cycle to reach his home straight?
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 25 Q37. A man starts from a point, walks 4 miles towards North
and turns left and walks 6 miles, turns right and walks for 3
Q29. Ms. N walks 10km towards North from there she walks miles and again turns right and walks 4 miles and takes rest
6km towards South. Then she walks 3km towards East. How for 30 minutes. He gets up and walks straights miles in the
far & in which direction is she from her starting point? same direction and turns right and walks one mile. What is
(a) 4 km West (b) 6 km West the direction he is facing?
(c) 3 km East (d) 5 km North-East (a) North (b) South (c) South-East (d) West
Q35. Hour hand of a clock is in west direction when time is Q42. One morning a boy starts walking in a particular
3'0 clock. What is the direction of minutes hand @ 6:45? direction for 5 Km and then takes a left turn and walks
(a) East (b) West (c) North (d) South another 5 Km. thereafter he again takes left turn and walks
another 5 Km and at last he takes right turn and walks 5 Km.
June 2022 Now he sees his shadow in front of him. What direction he
Q36. A sign board pointing direction towards north due to did start initially?
heavy wind. Points of sign word shows west instead of (a) South (b) North (c) West (d) East
North. If a person moves to same direction of pointer. He
moves 100m then turn left & moves 100m then again turn Q43. It is 3’o clock in a watch. If the minute hand points
left & move 100m then turn right & moves 100m. In which towards the North-East then the hour hand will point
direction he is now? towards the:
(a) West (b) East (c) North (d) South (a) South (b) South – West
(c) North-West (d) South - East
Q37. If Ramu faces West and moves 5 km in direction then
takes a left turn and moves 10 km then take another left turn Q44. A man is facing West. He turns 45 degree in the
and moves 15 km in same direction then moves 10 km in clockwise direction and then another 180 degree in the
the north direction and reaches point A. What is the distance same direction and then 270 degree in the anticlockwise
b/w starting point & A. Which direction is Ramu facing now? direction. Find which direction he is facing now?
(a) 10 km, North (b) 5 km, South (c) 10 km, South (d) None (a) South-East (b) West
(c) South (d) South-West
Q38. If P x Q means P is to the South of Q; P + Q means P is
to the North of Q; P % Q means P is to the East of Q and P -
June 2023
Q means P is to the West of Q; then in A% B + C - D; D is in
Q45. Sunita walks a distance of 2 km towards East, Turns left
which direction with respect to A?
and moves 1 km then turn left and moves 2 km and then
(a) North-West (b) South-East (c) North- East (d) South. turns left again and moves 1km then halts at what distance
Sunita is now from now from the starting point?
Q39. One day Ram left home and cycled 10 km southward, (a) 0 km (b) 1 km (c) 2 km (d) 6 km
turned right and cycled 5 km and turned right and cycled 10
km and turned left to cycle 10 km. How many kilometers-
Q46. Deepika starts walking towards east after walking 65m.
will he have to cycle to reach his home?
She turns to the left and walk 25m in straight. Again, she
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 25 turned to left and walks distance of 40m. At what distance
and in which direction currently she is from the starting
Q40. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are nine poles. C is 2 km east point.
of B. A is 1 km north of B and H is 2 km south of A. G is 1 km
(a) 35m in the North-East (b) 35.35 in South-East
west of H while D is 3 km east of G and F is 2 km north of G.
(c) 25m in North (d) 25m in west
I is situated just in middle of B and C while E is just in middle
of H and I. Distance between B and I is?
(a) 1 km (b) 1.41 km (c) 2 km (d) 3 km Q47. Mr. Kartik puts his timepiece on the table in such a way
that at 6pm. Hours hand points to north & Which direction.
Q40. A person facing north moves 70° clockwise. He again The minute hard will point at 9.15p.m.
moved 300° anticlockwise. Which direction is he facing now? (a) South – East (b) East
(a) North west (b) South east (c) North east (d) None (c) West (d) South-west

Q42. Puru was driving his car & at a circle there was direction Q48. Srikant is facing east & turns 120o in the clockwise
pole, which was showing all 4 correct directions. But due to direction and then turn 180o in the anticlockwise direction.
the wind, it turns such that now North pointer is showing Which direction is Srikant facing long.
West. Puru went in wrong direction thinking that he was
travelling east. In what direction he was actually travelling? (a) East (b) North-East (c) South -West (c) West
(a) West (b) East (c) North (d) South
Q49. 5 Boys Ajay, Brajmohan, Chandru, Dheeraj and Ehsaan
Dec 2022 are sitting in a part in a circle facing the center. Ajay is facing
Q41. Radha moves towards South-East a distance of 7 km, south west. Dheeraj is facing South East. Brajmohan and
then she moves towards West and travels a distance of 14 Ehsan are right opposite Ajay and Dheeraj respectively and
km. From here she moves towards North -West a distance Chandru is equidistant between, Dheeraj and Brijmohan.
of 7 km. and finally she moves a distance of 4 km. towards Which direction is Chandru Facing.
East. How far is she now from the starting point? (a) west (b) south (c) north (d) East
(a) 3 km. (b) 4 km. (c) 10 km (d) 11 km

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