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by Jayant Parikshit
1. Definition of Foreign Investment
8. Current Affairs:
a. List of Sectors for automatic route, government route
b. FDI in Retail Sector:
I. Single Brand Retail
II. Multi-Brand Retail
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Question-1: Which of the following are capital instruments permitted for receiving foreign
investment in an Indian company?
1. Equity shares
2. Preference Shares
3. Debentures
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Choose the correct statement:
a. Only1
b. Only2
c. Both1&2
d. None of these
Question-5 [2019]: Which of the following is issued by registered foreign portfolio investors
to overseas investors who want to be part of the Indian stock market without registering
themselves directly?
a. Certificate of Deposit
b. Commercial Paper
c. Promissory Note
d. Participatory Note
Question-6 [2020]: With reference to Foreign Direct Investment in India, which one of the
following is considered its major characteristic?
a. It is the investment through capital instruments essentially in a listed company.
b. It is a largely non-debt creating capital flow.
c. It is the investment which involves debt-servicing.
d. It is the investment made by foreign institutional investors in the Government securities.
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§ Foreign investment is when a company or individual from one nation invests in assets or
ownership stakes of a company based in
§ The government of India has brought out 1. Foreign Institutional Investment (FII)
various modes of foreign investment 2. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
through which an individual or a company 3. Sub-Accounts
can invest in. Ever since the liberalization 4. Qualified Foreign Investment (QFI)
of markets in 1991, the amount of foreign 5. Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)
investment in India improved at a rapid 6. NRI Investment
§ Sub-Account means a person resident outside India, on whose behalf an FII proposes to
invest in India. Parties who wish to make international investments have to open a sub-
account with a FII already registered with SEBI. Sub-Account & FII are governed by the
SEBI Regulations.
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§ QFI is a qualified foreign investor that
maybe an individual, firm or fund that is Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding
located outside India. These firms can Concerning Consultation and Cooperation
directly make investments in the India and the Exchange of Information (MMoU-
without the requirement of opening a 2002) was developed by the International
sub-account with other FIIs. Organization of Securities Commissions
§ QFIs are governed by the guidelines (IOSOC). It’s aim is to enhance the level of co-
issued by SEBI and RBI. operation and information exchange to
combat cross-border fraud and other
2. Category II FPI which include: All investors not eligible under Category I such as:
a. appropriately regulated funds not eligible as Category-I foreign portfolio investor
b. endowments and foundations
c. charitable organizations
d. corporate bodies
e. family offices
f. Individuals
g. Unregulated funds in the form of limited partnership and trusts
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1. Automatic Route: It means the entry route through which investment by a person
resident outside India does not require the prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India or
the Central Government. Examples of sectors under the automatic route include, among
others, infrastructure, healthcare, manufacturing and renewable energy.
2. Government/Approval Route:
NEW REFORM (2020):
Under this route, prior approval of
§ On April 18, 2020, via new regulation dubbed
the Government of India is
Press Note 3, the GOI added all FDI by non-
required. Proposals for foreign
resident entities located in (or having
investment under Government
"beneficial owners" in) countries that share a
Route, are considered by
land border with India to the approval route,
respective Administrative
regardless of the quantum of investment or
Ministry/Department. Sectors
under the approval route include,
§ Countries that share a border with India
among others, multi-brand retail,
include Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal,
broadcasting, banking, defense,
Myanmar and Bhutan.
mining, print media and
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1. To invest in IPO, NRIs need to open
demat and trading account with SEBI FACTS FOR PRELIMS:
registered broker in India. § An NRI or an OCI may subscribe to National
Pension System governed and
2. NRIs can invest in the secondary administered by Pension Fund Regulatory
capital markets in India through the and Development Authority (PFRDA).
portfolio investment scheme (PIS). § An NRI is not allowed to invest in a firm
Under this scheme, NRIs can acquire engaged in any agricultural/plantation
shares of Indian companies through activity or real estate business or print
the stock exchanges in India. PIS media.
account is basically required by the SEBI to monitor the investment limit by NRIs in stock
market. PIS bank account is not required for making investments in mutual funds and
applying in IPOs.
3. To invest in Mutual funds, NRIs need to open demat and trading account with SEBI
registered broker in India.
Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) Bank Account & Non-Resident External (NRE) Bank Account
§ NRIs must have a saving bank account before they start to invest. There are two types of
bank accounts NRIs can operate depending upon their income:
§ Both the accounts are savings accounts maintained in Indian Rupees. You can remit your
foreign income earned outside India in NRE bank account, which is fully repatriable.
Income in India is parked in NRO bank account, which is partially repatriable.
§ In case of an NRO account, the interest amount can be repatriated; however, in case of
the principle amount, one can remit only up to USD 1 million in a financial year.
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§ Proposals involving FDI exceeding INR 50 bn (approx. $775 Mn) shall be placed before
the Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs
§ Proposed investments in certain sectors such as defense, broadcasting and
telecommunication also go through an additional layer of security clearance from the
Ministry of Home Affairs.
§ And, all investments from countries that share a land border with India are subject
to review by the DPIIT and the Competent Authority.
§ The DPIIT has been tasked with the responsibility of facilitating FDI. The DPIIT's
concurrence is mandatory for a Competent Authority to reject an application or to
impose any additional conditions not provided in the FDI Policy or applicable law.
§ The GOI has not laid out specific criteria for evaluation of investments, and appears to
be mainly concerned with national security.
1. To advise SEBI to simplify SEBI FPI Regulations, 2014.
2. To advise SEBI on incorporating the provisions contained in the circulars, FAQs and
operational guidelines issued by SEBI concerning FPIs.
3. To advise on any other issue relevant to FPIs.
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minimum percentage of their investments in India for a specified period of time.
Participation through this route is entirely voluntary.
Features of VRR:
1. It was a new channel of investment for FPIs.
2. Any FPI registered with SEBI can participate in the VRR.
3. FPIs under the VRR must voluntarily commit to retain a required minimum percentage of
their investments in India for a defined period of time.
4. RBI has put a higher investment cap under the voluntary retention route (VRR) to Rs
1,50,000 crore with a view to attract long-term and stable FPI investments into debt
§ The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) already owned 0.8% shareholding in HDFC Ltd. In 2020,
PBoC bought 1.75 crore shares, & reached 1.01% of the shareholding in HDFC Ltd.
§ Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) under the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry released an amendment of the FDI Policy. An entity of a country
which shares land border with India or where the beneficial owner of an investment into
India is situated in or is a citizen of any such country can invest only under the government
Bordering States:
1. Afghanistan
2. Bangladesh
3. Bhutan
4. China
5. Myanmar
6. Nepal
7. Pakistan
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Note: This section is for general reading. Since it is current in nature, one must update it two-
three weeks prior to UPSC Examination.
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10. Print Media (publishing of newspaper, periodicals and Indian editions of foreign
magazines dealing with news & current affairs) – 26%
11. Satellite (Establishment and operations) – 100%
2021-22 REFORMS:
GOI did introduce several progressive changes to the FDI Policy. The changes to the FDI
Policy are expected to drive significant inbound investments in the strategically
important sectors of insurance and telecom. In particular:
1. In a long-awaited move, the cap for FDI (under the automatic route) in insurance
companies has been increased from 49% to 74%
2. The FDI cap in the telecom sector (under the automatic route) has been increased
from 49% to 100%.
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Foreign direct investment (FDI) is allowed under Multi-Brand Retail Trading upto 51% through
the government approval route. FDI in multi brand retail trading, in all products, will be
permitted, subject to the following conditions:
a. Minimum amount to be brought in, as FDI, by the foreign investor, would be US $ 100
b. At least 50% of total FDI brought in the first tranche of US $ 100 million, shall be invested
in 'back-end infrastructure' within three years, where ‘back-end infrastructure’ will
include capital expenditure on activities like investment made towards processing,
manufacturing, distribution, design improvement, quality control, packaging, logistics,
storage, ware-house, agriculture market produce infrastructure etc. Expenditure on land
cost and rentals, if any, will not be counted for purposes of backend infrastructure.
c. At least 30% of the value of procurement of manufactured/processed products
purchased shall be sourced from Indian micro, small and medium industries, which have
a total investment in plant & machinery not exceeding US $ 2.00 million.
d. Government will have the first right to procurement of agricultural products.
e. FDI is not allowed in e-commerce of Multi-brand Retail trading.
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