CERC order rggpl
CERC order rggpl
CERC order rggpl
New Delhi
कोरम/ Coram:
2. Ministry of Power
Through Secretary
Shram Shakti Bhawan
Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
आिे श/ ORDER
The Petitioners, Southern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Limited, Eastern
Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Limited and Andhra Pradesh Central Power
Distribution Corporation Limited are distribution licensees of Andhra Pradesh (collectively
referred to as ‘APDISCOMS’). APDISCOMS are the Buying Entities, along with Andhra
Pradesh Rural Power Supply Company Limited under the Tripartite Power Sale Agreement
2. The Respondent No.1, Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI), is a nodal agency for
implementation of the MNRE Scheme for ISTS Connected Solar PV Projects (for an
aggregate capacity upto 6 GW) linked with setting up of Solar Manufacturing Plant (for an
aggregate capacity of 2GW) in India on “Build Own Operate” basis (Manufacturing linked
Solar Scheme). SECI is the Buyer under the Tripartite PSA and acts as the Intermediary
Procurer under the Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement
of Power from Grid Connected Solar PV Power Projects issued by the Ministry of Power.
3. The Respondent No.3, AP Rural Agriculture Power Supply Company Limited, is a public
undertaking under the complete control of GoAP, specifically established upon the directions
of Petitioner No. 4, vide Order No. 152 dated 03.11.2021, by renaming Andhra Pradesh
Green Energy Corporation Ltd. specifically for the purpose of supplying uninterrupted 9
hours daytime power supply to the farming community on a sustainable basis under the
Tripartite PSA. At present, Respondent No.3 does not hold a distribution license. However,
once it becomes operational as a distribution licensee, Respondent No.3 shall act as the
Buying Entity in place of the APDSICOMS and shall be taking over the function of supply
and distribution of power under the Tripartite PSA.
3. Learned senior counsel for the Respondent, SECI submitted that the Commission may
dispose of the present matter in terms its order dated 2.4.2022 in Petition No. 286/AT/2021,
wherein the Commission has already adopted the tariff under the Power Purchase Agreements
(PPAs) entered into between SECI and the Solar Developers on the basis of the Power Supply
Agreements (PSAs) entered into between the SECI and the Distribution licensees including the
Petitioners herein. Therefore, the present Petition is redundant at this stage. Learned senior
counsel further submitted that the PSA between the Petitioners and SECI has already been
approved by the Andhra Pradesh State Electricity Regulatory Commission and this has also
been recorded by the Commission in its order dated 2.4.2022”
6. We observe that as per Order dated 02.04.2022 in Petition no. 286/AT/2021, the Commission
held as under:
“47. As regards Package-II, Package-III and Package-IV, Adani Green and Azure Power vide
their respective undertakings dated 3.11.2021 reduced the quoted tariff to Rs.2.42/kwh for
these packages. Till date, SECI has signed PSAs with the following buying utilities/distribution
companies for Packages II to IV:
Sr. Date of Capacity of Applicable Tariff
No. STATE Buying Utilities PSA Project to Buying Utility
signing (MW) (Rs./kWh)
(1) Andhra Pradesh
Central Power
Distribution Corporation
(2) Andhra Pradesh
Southern Power Rs.2.42/kWh (Tariff
Distribution Company payable to
Limited Developer)
1. Andhra (3) Andhra Pradesh 01.12.2021 7000 +
Pradesh Eastern Power Rs.0.07/kWh
Distribution Company (Trading Margin)
(4) AP Rural Agriculture
Power Supply Company
Limited [Permitted
successor of (1), (2), (3)]
(5) Government of
Andhra Pradesh
48. On the basis of above PSAs, PPAs have been signed with the following successful bidders/
Project Company formed by the successful bidder:
Sr. Name of the Project Company formed by Date of Capacity of Applicable
No. Successful the successful bidder for PPA Project Tariff
Bidder executing the PPA signing (MW) (Rs./kWh)
1. Adani Green Adani Green Energy Twenty 14.12.2021 2.42
Energy Four Five C Limited 250
2. Limited Adani Green Energy Twenty 14.12.2021 2.42
Five C Limited 250
3. Adani Green Energy Twenty 14.12.2021 2.42
Five B Limited 250
4. Adani Green Energy 14.12.2021 2.42
Twenty Five B Limited 250
5. Adani Green Energy Twenty 14.12.2021 2.42
Five A Limited 250
Sr. Name of the Project Company formed by Date of Capacity of Applicable
No. Successful the successful bidder for PPA Project Tariff
Bidder executing the PPA signing (MW) (Rs./kWh)
1. Adani Green Adani Green Energy Twenty 14.12.2021 2.42
Energy Four Seven A Limited 250
2. Limited Adani Green Energy 14.12.2021 2.42
Twenty Seven A Limited 250
3. Adani Green Energy Twenty 14.12.2021 2.42
Six B Limited 167
4. Azure Power Sixty Two 16.12.2021 83 2.42
Azure Power Private Limited
5. India Private Azure Power Sixty Two 16.12.2021 125 2.42
Limited Private Limited
6. Azure Power Sixty Two 16.12.2021 125 2.42
Private Limited
Total 1000
49. Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission vide Order dated 11.11.2021 granted
approval for procurement of 7000 MW Solar Power in three Package-II, PackagIII &
Package-IV under manufacturing linked tender to Andhra Pradesh Discoms and permitted
execution of PSA.
50. The Petitioner has submitted that it is still in the process of identifying and finalizing the
PSAs in respect of remaining 2000 MW under Package IV.”
70. It emerges that selection of the successful bidders has been done and the tariff of solar
power projects has been discovered by the Petitioner, SECI through a transparent process of
7. From the above, we note that Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission vide its Order
dated 11.11.2021 has already granted approval for procurement of 7000 MW Solar Power in three
packages viz. Package-II, Package III & Package-IV under manufacturing linked tender to Andhra
Pradesh Discoms and permitted execution of Tripartite PSA. In compliance to the approval
granted by APERC, the AP DISCOMS and GoAP have entered into the Tripartite PSA dated
01.12.2021 with SECI for purchase of 7000 MW solar power. Further, the learned counsel of
the Petitioners and Respondents during the hearing held on 24.05.2022 have submitted that
the Commission may dispose of the present matter in terms its order dated 2.4.2022 in
Petition No. 286/AT/2021, wherein the Commission has already adopted the tariff under the
PPAs on the basis of the PSAs and the present Petition is redundant at this stage.
8. In the light of the above, Petition No. 269/MP/2021 is hereby disposed of in terms of the
discussion at para 7 of this Order.