The Ghosts of Christmas Passed
The Ghosts of Christmas Passed
The Ghosts of Christmas Passed
Godfrey indulged his friend. Godfrey is the Executive who made good in the pros. But around the country, you’re
Director of the World Improvement Organization -- WIO, revered as one of the first black players in the league.”18
for short -- a well-funded philanthropy that issues grants Dewey grunted. Every once in a while, he would be
and financial support to particular, do-good organizations contacted by some sports media outlet about him being one
and efforts. “I’m here to take you to the Tannenbaum of the few black NHL players from his era. “My race should
Tournament,” Godfrey began cheerfully. be honored and respected regardless of me having played
“The tanning balm what?!?” hockey,” Dewey said.
Godfrey passed into Dewey’s apartment. “We talked “True, but you endured far more hardships and were
about this last week. It’s the Tannenbaum Tournament -- paid far less money because of your skin color.”
the high school ice hockey series being held over at the “It wasn’t always so bad,” Dewey demurred
Slippery Slopes ice rink.” uncharacteristically. Godfrey knew his friend had put on
Dewey grumbled, “Never heard of it.” his rose-colored glasses when Dewey remarked, “my race
Godfrey persisted. “St. Wencie’s Prep invites three other was never an issue for my teammates.” Dewey paused,
schools to compete against their co-ed ice hockey team in a then added, “most of them, anyway. And most of my
tournament over the holiday break. And I know you know opponents were good with it, too. It was more the opposing
about the tournament because your granddaughter fans and some of the old-time reporters and officials.”
Daphne plays for St. Wencie’s!” “Still, the people here want to honor you, Dewey.”
Dewey groused, “She plays on the front line -- not “Honor? Bah, humbug,” he denounced, and Godfrey
defense, like I did. Anyhow, I don’t watch hockey.” Then he wasn’t sure whether his friend being genuine or if he was
glowered at his old friend, “You, of all people, know why!” making a Dickensian reference.
“I remember,” Godfrey acknowledged, “but there’s Godfrey cajoled, “Come with me to the tournament
something about the tournament that today. It’ll be good for you. It’s ‘For your welfare,’” Godfrey
I didn’t tell you -- I was kind of quoted from Dickens.
hoping to surprise you with it, but if Dewey resisted, “I’d think a quiet afternoon at home
you’re saying you won’t come, I’ll would be better for my welfare.”
have to tell you now. You have to be “Then, my friend, it’d be ‘for your reclamation.’”
there because they’ve got a ceremony Godfrey retorted, again from Dickens, clasping Dewey by
to honor you. They have a video the arm and leading him to the door.
tribute with photos and old film from The UK's Queen Elizabeth II
performs a ceremonial puck drop
your playing days, and they want you in 2002.
to drop the ceremonial first puck
before the game.” Which is how it came to be that over at the ice rink on
“ ‘Honor’ me?” Dewey was baffled. “What for?” the afternoon on Christmas Eve, Yellow Springers from
“You may not like to acknowledge it,” Godfrey near and far gathered to cheer on two high school teams
explained, “but ‘Dewey Dauerditter’ is a legend -- not just and celebrate their local legend, albeit a grumpy one. Liesl
in Conestoga County, but throughout ice hockey.” and Denny Dauber were about to take a seat in the stands
at the center line when Liesl noticed Danny Dauerditter
Dewey waved dismissively, but Godfrey interrupted him. and his bride Penny Packer in the row in front of them.
“Around here, you’re a local legend -- a Yellow Springer
“Hey, Penny -- Merry Christmas! What a big day for carpet towards the center ice circle for the ceremonial
your family -- both for your step-daughter and your dropping of the first-faceoff puck.
father-in-law! I was meaning to reach out to you. You still The rink’s overhead lights dimmed, and for five minutes,
run that moving company, don’t you?” a portable television monitor a center ice and the overhead
“Penny’s Packers,” Penny smiled. “Are you guys scoreboard showed photo and video highlights as Pippa
moving?” she asked. Piper’s familiar, soothing, resonant voice narrated a
“No, but we’ve got a load of furniture -- mostly my thoughtfully sculpted script detailing Dewey Dauerditter’s
dad’s, but also some of what Denny and I have had -- and I hockey life and his role in breaking the color barrier.
need to pass it along to the Community Warehouse,” Liesl Dewey’s eyes glistened as he watched and listened. He
explained. saw photos of some of the most meaningful people in his
“Yeah, we can help, no problem. They do great work past -- his club level coach, the family he billeted with
over there, but I know it’s never easy to let go of that kind while playing junior level in Canada, his minor league
of stuff.” roommate, and the captain of his juniors team. Tears
“Well, you can’t let it hold you back, either,” Liesl dripped from the corners of his eyes as he saw himself --
countered, “and my father would love that his and Mom’s young and strong and fast -- in black and white film clips.
stuff is being used by people who need it. It’s a part of our Dewey may not even have noticed when the video
past that we need to pass along.” images slowed down, pausing on a closeup of him and his
“I’ll check the calendar and text you with our newly-departed, gap-toothed teammate Pierre Pierpont.
availability,” Penny agreed. “And I meant to tell you: I love Pippa Piper read from her script, “Our celebration today
your landscape this year.” Nodding has come just a bit too late to include Dewey’s former
towards Danny, who was looking at teammate Pierre Pierpont, who had planned to be here…”
his daughter Daphne warming up out -- she paused and waited for the next, short video clip to
on the ice, “Don’t tell anyone, but I appear, “but we are honored to invite out to center ice,
think Santa might be leaving a framed Dewey’s four remaining teammates from that beloved
print under the tree!” Stanley Cup playoff team!”
“I’m so glad you like it,” Liesl You could hear a collective gasp from the bleachers as
Bollinger, Richard, "Winter the spotlight focused on four old men -- and their
responded genuinely. Splendor," 2012.
accompanying attendants -- making their way across the
Penny added, “The way you blended red carpet towards where Dewey stood. Pippa Piper
in all the different elements of the barn, the background, continued, “Please give a warm and hearty Yellow Springs
the cloudy sky at sunset -- it’s really something! I’m not art welcome to Hall of Famer, left winger, Phil Farber! ” Her
critic, but I think it’s your finest work yet.” voice went higher, “and series MVP, right winger, Reggie
‘the Rifle’ Reach!” The crowd roared as Pippa’s voice rose,
When the time for warm-ups was up, the six starters for “Hall of Fame goaltender, Earnie Arránt…” Pippa wasn’t
both St. Wencies and the opposing Cardinal O’Meara team sure anyone could hear her over the crowd as she called
remained on their respective blue lines. The crowd arose into the microphone the name of the last former teammate,
from the frosty grandstands and clapped as Dewey “and Hall of Fame centerman, Bob Barke!”19
Dauerditter was introduced. Godfrey Swench escorted his As the crowd cheered and clapped wildly, the spotlight
friend carefully as they walked across a rubber-backed red widened to show the five former teammates gathered in a
group hug on the red carpet. In the center of it all, Dewey Farm. To folks here in Yellow Springs. And even more so, to
Dauerditter’s tears streamed down, freezing on the ice. people whose entrance into ice hockey or other sectors of
Never in his wildest dreams would Dewey Dauerditter society has been easier because of what you went through
have imagined his elderly teammates would come to see and accomplished -- and because of the way you went
him in Yellow Springs! They hadn’t all been together since through and accomplished it.”
their late-coach’s funeral more than ten years ago. Beneath Dewey looked down at his feet; he didn’t want Godfrey
the din of the crowd, the teammates in the scrum were to see the tears that had reappeared.
transported back fifty years, to when they were young and Ever the former-sermonizer, Godfrey continued, “You’ve
spry, calling each other by the earthy nicknames they had lived a good life so far, Dewey, but somehow, along the
coined for one another -- a genuine, albeit curious, method way, you got weighed down by your past so much that you
of expressing their deep love and respect for one another. missed out on some of the present. Bringing your
teammates back,” Godfrey nodded at the mini-busload of
increasingly rowdy octogenarian hockey players, “was a
Dewey had not planned to stay for the high school ice way to remind you that your past is what makes you who
hockey game. On their way over, he had warned Godfrey you are in your present. You are a thoughtful, caring,
that he would insist on leaving after the ‘tribute’ ceremony. loving and beloved old son-of-gun. You have a lot to give
“Okay,” Godfrey had agreed, “if you don’t want to stay, I’ll to a lot of people in the years to come.”
bring you back.” But, of course, wild horses couldn’t have “I probably don’t have that many left,” Dewey
dragged Dewey away from his old ‘mates. They watched acknowledged.
the high schoolers battle it out for three, 16-minute
periods, cheering wildly when Dewey’s granddaughter “Who knows how many more any of us really have left!
Daphne passed the puck to an unguarded St. Wencie’s So we better make good use of what we’ve got.”
teammate who slipped the game-winning puck past the Dewey managed to jab at his friend, “So that’s your
Cardinal O’Meara goaltender. homily for Christmas Eve, former-pastor-Godfrey?”
Afterwards, a mini-bus had been arranged to take the Godfrey grinned, then he recited, “No, but this is: Love
retired teammates over to Harry C’s pub for a late- when you can, cry when you have to, be who you must,
afternoon celebration in a reserved room. As the teammates that’s a part of the plan; await your arrival with simple
boarded -- assisted by their aides and attendants -- Dewey survival, and one day, we’ll all understand -- one day, we’ll
looked suspiciously at Godfrey. “You did this, didn’t you?” all understand.”
Godfrey shrugged. Dewey frowned; he didn’t recognize the quotation. “Is
“And are you paying for it all, too?” Dewey asked, that from the Bible?”
already knowing the answer. Godfrey answered, “No -- but maybe it should be….”20
Godfrey patted Dewey on the arm. “The WIO Board
insisted,” he explained. “Transportation, assistance,
lodging, and transportation back home tomorrow.”
“But why?” Dewey asked, genuinely befuddled. “Why
would anyone care about a bunch of old hockey players?”
“Dewey -- you mean a lot to a lot of people! To your
children and grandchildren. To your neighbors at Fallow
A tip of my hat … informative and entertaining manner. Michael Faraday conceived and initiated the
… to Lou, my late-friend and former neighbor whom I miss daily. Christmas Lecture series in 1825, at a time when organized education for young
… to the late, great Paoli Hardware store that closed this year, depriving us of a people was scarce. Michael Faraday believed, "Nothing is too wonderful to be true if
store just like Flegelhoffers. it be consistent with the laws of nature." Although he had little formal education, is
… to my old, Snappy Boy sled which I had for over 50 years. one of the most influential scientists in history. He discovered the principles of
… to a soon-to-be college graduate -- offspring of a work colleague who has plenty electromagnetic induction and diamagnetism, and the laws of electrolysis. As a
of reason to boast about the student’s accomplishments in communications and chemist he discovered benzene and an early form of the Bunsen burner as well as
everything else. several other accomplishments that are too complicated for me to understand.
5 13
… to a soon-to-be college graduate -- offspring of a work colleague who has plenty … to my late-parents, whom I have ‘seen’ a lot in my sleep both before and after
of reason to boast about the student’s accomplishments in communications and my mom passed (in 2015) and my dad passed (this past summer of 2024).
everything else. … my parents, who purchased a 6” wooden log truck like this in 1954 on their
… to Waze and other mapping programs that keep me from getting lost. honeymoon trip; the log truck lives on in my home’s Christmas village.
7 15
… to my friends who have managed some of the senior housing and healthcare … to a song entitled, “What’ll We Do (When the Snow’s All Gone) by the late-folk
organizations I’ve worked with -- they work round-the-clock…. singer, Bob Gibson, whose whimsical 1959 LP Ski Songs helped nurture my parents’
… to the life-affirming series, “Ted Lasso.” affection for descending snowy wintry mountains; come to think of it, the album
…to the profound wisdom of Archie “Moonlight” Graham, as portrayed by the nurtured mine, and perhaps my offspring’s, too.
… to the scorecard from the 1964 no-hitter thrown by Sandy Koufax against the
Phillies, which my father, a lifelong fan of the Dodgers since their days in my
father’s native Brooklyn, attended and kept score of.
… the Community Warehouse Project of Chester County, to which was donated
redundant furnishings from my late-father, and my late-first-cousin-once-removed; if
you have furniture that could help someone who needs help, I’d urge you to go to
late-Burt Lancaster in Field of Dreams.
…to the similarly apt wisdom of “Andy Bernard” (actor Ed Helms) in The Office, 18
… to people who integrated sports -- and, really, all aspects -- of society. My
father was a great admirer of Jackie Robinson. In ice hockey, Willie O’Ree broke the
color barrier -- or at least put a dent in it -- by playing two games for the Boston
Bruins in January 1958. He had been a minor league replacement for an injured
player and was returned to the minors quickly. O’Ree endured horrific racism
throughout his career in hockey in both Canada and the US, including his return to
season 9, episode 25, The Finale. the Bruins for most of the 1960-61 season. He was the only black person to play in
… my 2008 Yellow Springs story, “Santa Time,” wherein I used this same the NHL until two men in the mid-1970’s. O’Ree is in the Hockey Hall of Fame for
character, Michael McDonald, to give a plausible time-space continuum explanation his role in integrating the sport.
for how Santa Claus does his job all in one night; like the character, one of my 19
… to the great Flyers teams which won two Stanley Cups in the early 1970’s.
children has gone on to graduate level physics. 20
… the great, and, sadly, late-Dan Fogelberg, whose song Part of the Plan -- from
… the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, a series of lectures which have been which the quote derives -- was on his second studio album, Souvenirs, released in
held at the Royal Institution in London every peacetime and almost every wartime 1974.
year since 1825. The lectures present scientific subjects to young people in an