Lab 4_DBI202
Lab 4_DBI202
Lab 4_DBI202
Suppose having the database (provided in Lab4_ScriptDB.sql) with the following database diagram, write SQL statements
to do below tasks.
For the submission of your work:
- For each question, you are required to write a database script. Create a file with the name corresponding to the index of
the question. For example, for question 1, we will create a file named Q1.sql and create a file Q2.sql for question 2, and so
- At the beginning of each question, please add the following comment with your name and your roll number
/* Student Name _ RollNumber */
- Do not use any commands having the database name such as create database, alter database, use [database name], etc.
- Your response must contain only necessary commands for answering the question. Do not include any other command.
For example, if you are required to create a trigger/procedure, then your response should contain only commands for creating
the corresponding trigger/procedure; all commands for testing the created trigger/procedure are forbidden.
- Do not use GO command in your code
If any of the previous requirements is not respected, your mark will be 0.
Question 1. (Q1.sql) Write a query to select StudentID, CourseID, Year, Mark of all results of course AI01 and DS01
in the year 2017 and having Mark at least 4,5 as follows:
Question 2. (Q2.sql) Select all male students of the three departments named ‘Computer Science’, ‘Network and
Communication’ and ‘Software Engineering’ as in the following figure. Note that the information of student should be
NULL if the department has no male student.
Question 3. (Q3.sql) Select StudentID, LastName, FirstName, Sex, DeptID, CourseName, Year, Semester, Mark of the
results of all students in the department named ‘Information Systems’; display the results by ascending order of
LastName then by ascending order of FirstName as follows:
Question 4. (Q4.sql) Select DeptID, DepartmentName, StudentID, LastName, FirstName, DateOfBirth, PlaceOfBirst,
CourseName, Year, Semester, Mark of the results corresponding to courses having credits = 3 of all students of the
department named ‘Software Engineering’; display the results by ascending order of PlaceOfBirth then by descending
order of DateOfBirth as follows:
Question 5. (Q5.sql) Calculate the number of students studied each course in 2018; show the results in descending order
of NumberOfStudents as follows:
Question 6. (Q6.sql) Calculate the number of courses leaned by each student in 2017, show the results in descending
order of NumberOfCourses as follows:
Question 7. (Q7.sql ) Update AverageScore for each student as his/her average score in 2017 so that for each course,
we take only his/her highest Mark in 2017 and the AverageScore of the student is calculated as the average of highest mark
in 2017 of all courses. The table Students after updating should be as follows:
Question 8. (Q8.sql) Insert into table Results the results for StudentID = S001, Year = 2019, Semester = 1, Mark = Null
and Grade = Null for all courses which were not studied by the student ‘S001’. After inserting these rows, the table Results
is as follows: