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sotal No. of Questions - 21
Total No. of Printed Pages -3 Regd. 2|4|23|||4l2 o
C. code - 0919
Part -III
PHYSICS - Paper -1
(English Version)
Time:3 Hours Max. Marks : 60

Note ;- Read the following instructions

() AMSwer allthe questions of Section-A. Answer any six questions in Section-b
and answer any wo questions in Section-C.
(i) In Section-A, questions from Sr. Nos. I to 10 are Very Short Answer lype.
Each question carries two marks. Answer all questions at one place in the
same order.
(ii) In Section-B. questions from Sr. Nos. 1l to 18 are of Short Answer Type.
Each question carries four marks.
(iv) In Section-C, questions from Sr. Nos. 19 to 21 are of LongAnswer Type. Each
question carries eight marks.
SECTION-A 10x2=20

Note :- Answer allquestions :

Which of the following has symmetry -
(a) Acceleration due to gravity
(b) Law of gravitation
The error in measurement of radius of a sphere is 1%. What is the
error in the measurement of volume?

198112-119 1 K P.T.O]
3. State BovBe'sLaw and Charles

4. What is the ácceleration of a projectile at the top of its trajectory?

5. If a bomb at rest explodes into two pieces, the pieces must travel
inopposite directions. Explain.
What is. the pressure on aswimmer 1Om below the surface of a
lake? (g= 10m/sec)
7. Define Viscosity. What are its units and dimensions?
8. What is latent heat of fusion?
9. The roof of buildings are often painted white during summer.
10. The absolute temperature of a gas is increased 3 times. What will
be the increase in rms velocity of the gas molecule?
SECTION -B 6x4=24

Note :- Answer any six questions :

|1. Two bals are projected from the same point indirections 30° and
60° with respect to the horizontal. What is the ratio of their initial
velocities, if they (a) attain the same height, (b) have the same
12. Show that the trajectory of an object thrown at certain angle with
the horizontal is a parabola.
13. Explain the terms limiting friction, dynamic friction and rolling
14. Define angular acceleration and torque. Establish the relation
between angular acceleration and torque.

198112-119 2
Detine vector product. Exnlain the
properties of a vecto product
with two examples.
16. What is a geostationary satellite?
State its uses.
17. Define strain and explain the types of
|8. Explain conduction, convection and radiation with examples.

Note :- Answer any two questions :

SECTION C 19-531
19. What are collisions? Expiain the possible týpes of collisioS.
Develop the theory of one-dimensionalelastic collision.
20. (a) Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple
harmonic and hence, derive an equation for its time period.
What is second's pendulum?
(b) What is the length of a simple penduBum, which ticks

21. Explain reversible and ireversible processes. Describe the

working of Carnot engine. Obtain an expression for the efficiency.


198112-119 3

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