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Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam Congratulations! (65% Scholarship on Tuition Fee & Classroom Service Fee based on your ANTHE 2024 performance. eee) Branch Address: Branch / Center Contact : | 2nd Ave, opposite Standard Chartered Bank, Block F, | 8800013089 ‘Anna Nagar, Chena, Tamil Nad MetEn Cet cnaen! f aa B DETAILS OF EARLY — poo. TSO so anne BENEFITS DETAILS Now is the time to create your "SUCCESS KA ACTION PLAN” FOR CLASS XI & XIl STUDYING STUDENT DETAILS OF ANTHE-2024 SCORECARD Roll No. 502310530166 Your Grade a2 PsiD 00014063662 Your Scholarship Percentage osx Name of Candidate Zainab A .® ANTHE Rank (Chennai) an Father's Name Afsarosaif (9 ANTHE Rank Cramil Nadu) 939 ‘Stream / Class Opted Medical : Class X1& XIl £9 Allindia ANTHE Rank 19200 ‘rade At Cxate a2 oroaen Grote xno 83 cxadee cxoie »90.00Ferantie 80.01-90.00Percetie 40.01-80.00 Percale 40.01-40.00 Percentile 2001-40,00ercntie Y001-20.00Percntie Baton 10.00 erento operat oe: tla Tot 8 Raa New Oe 10008, Toure Pasion se macro 1800-102-2727 Complete your admission formalities by 31st Dec. to avail attractive Early Admission Benefits a Em Motivational wa bd BS. Rese wD end EARLY ADMISSION BENEFITS Scan the GR code to find your nearest branch for D G==TED 21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 31,32 28,29,50 33,34,56,38,39 35.57.40 23,409 1,3778,10 ax=ID GD Mental Ability Physics Visit your nearest branch for academic counseling, personalized expert guidance & scholarship/ fee details. x scan the once ad gt AWARDS & PRIZES FOR NEET AND JEE (MAIN & ADVANCED) QUALIFIERS NEET(UG) Allindia Rank ey Ist AIR @ ZLokhs eMLokhs @ SLokhs 2nd & 3rd AIR @MLakhs. 5 Lakhs % 2Lokhs 4thto 10th AIR, TS Lakhs %2Lakhs Lakh Tithto 50th AIR & 2Lakhs T1Lokh % 25,000/- Sist 10 100th AIR Lakh €50,000/- %10,000/- State Toppers ZI Lokh %50,000/- 5 Cored rd eed JEE (Advanced) : JEE (Main) Fe cut Ce eee (Overall/CML) ALC 3 Ist AIR @SlLokhs | TLakhs | T 3Lakhs TMLokhs | -FSLakhe | F 2Lokhs 2nd to 10th AIR @2Lokhs | ZS Lokhs | E 2Lakhs @SLokhs | E2Lakhs | Lakh TithtoSOth AIR MLokhs = F3Lokhs | TTLokh @2Lokhs | 1Lekh | 50,000/- Sist to 100th AIR ®SLokhs © T1Lokh © -€50,000/- ° T TLakh %50,000/- ' % 25,000/- OIst fo 200th AIR E1SLokh —- %50,000/- : : : : 2OIsttoSOOtRAIR |Z Lakh %40,000/- : B : : SOlstto1000th AIR | € 50,000/- | ¥20,000/- - - - State Toppers - : Lakh : : oe] Foundation & Olympiads Se Cer oo Heese Gold Medal 3 Lakhs lakh Olympiads Siver Medal 2 Lakhs 75,000/- (60 Med Winners) Bronze Medal Thokh 50,000/- INOs INO qualifier* %20,000/- 10,000/- One who qalifie INO ands age for Orintotion-cum-Selction Camp (OCSCY Ineratienal Mathematical Ohmpiad Tring Comp0MOTC) Rates (@) Onestudentshallbegivenone Award Praeont (b) Hostudentquolierssccetve tage ofan exam, then Award & Prize shalbeivenforhehighetstoge qulfedenly (©) Thestadentmustbeof Classroom Distance /DiglCourtof Aakash Educational ServiceLimited/AESLJorituccesor (@ fonyotheristivi came him/her esashadent ofthe Inte hth lle blige forthe Award Pie. (©) Awords&Prisesorsincksieof ST, applicable. The TOSmaybedeductedarper Low, (0 TheAwards& rites ore applicable oly to Anda Ranks of Common Mri Lis (Open Category) and not applicable the ork obined under any other ‘Cotogorysuchor SC, ST,O8C,PH, Defence (9) Theawardsondrisswilb paidn nan Rupees ont (By Cheque/NEFT) Theprize money wilbegivenin henameotthestudent ony nolo, cece he Monagnent ot ak Econ Serves Lente AES sale ‘eet an pit of te Gort ie thre OS on ot Ton ord Er, hal bby he ser poate rons Nee Avr Pree ppc Aces Caseom / Diane / Dipl Cure Pena iw aaah at emacandtos eran coda Raton ophred separ en pagemmber of pompecas AAKASH ADVANTAGE Aakash ADVANTAGE Advanced Technology Driven Teaching Sse \ “snorloorcer Pec nti osteo: Anyiotoeferecce: : ( A ) P crows anna tr dreed eration alo ane von Gee! y psckanoee trom ta Dor Dynamic Academic Edge Meck Auderep Know Your NCEE, Expriertl Werkshops, NEET a (Chalunge NCERT Mape = Engineering: JEE Changer, Worahop, EE ie “Archive, Spotlight Program, Video Solution of Tests, Skul Crusher Foundation: Activity sed Letina, Worshops, Gut At, Lace Bo Ps eahCords Knowledge Be, Experiment Sed Vides Vigorous Testing System oi Cojcne tre "Ants Oympaaansen "Cua -0-cH05 aT ErorAnalasepertor aera: Academie Exeeence faculty + Integrated approach focusing on a fen coe eee arent B A ) a eee ae ane becewpere wo \ Network of Safety, Security & Hygiene ‘Target Oriented Study Material ‘teay mater! for etter faces oath! € compeive evant aso SSS =a om 86 Funston co Anigars Fa Toa &Wahepae Roh Car a hyroidne Advoned net Gwen Bok ago) Action Oriented Student Feedback i fp :NPS et roma Scr) CST Came Seon) as ‘Regie PIs Genvine Care and Attention Pot Ranst Gudea Suppor Champions Again! Aakashians Secured 8. (6 Classroom + 2 Distance & Digital) Scan the QR code to check all ranks JEE (Main & Adv.) 2024 308] seziacen 2. 4 29 7 Rishi S. KeishnaSai Abbishek Rachit Shukla Shishir ‘Aggarwal Se ee ee lon 25 AIR 67 AIR 78 AIR 93 AIR 95 an Scan the QR code tocheck call ranks T3485 sez ivainy2ca, 2. 52 1295 Scan the QRcode tocheck all ranks Sonvi Saliva Rishi Shekher Rachit Sri Jain Aggarwal RamA E34. 15. 196 25m 65m SE Ee Aakashians Create History in International Olympiads (Classroom Program Students) IBO 2023 Dhruv Advani Rohit Panda £535 23 Chirag Falor_Dhiren Bhardwaj aie Amritansh Nigam Prachi Jindal Tanishka Kabra 698 1019 Qvolitied voles aan in MO 2023, inloaM 2025 Soe 2023-24 Scan the QR code to check ANTHE Trip Winners apse Vorun Kumar NainaParthar SokshiLather Alok Kumar Singh Anshul Sok ‘ANTHE 2021 ANTHEZON ANTHEIO | ‘ANTHE 2020 wore ez B.S a. ‘Meidul Monye Anand” Ayesh Novgroiye Palenhe Agerwal Run Shether Shukla | Ketnasasuenr” Scan the Pererrucizize | MIGIGE EE «| OR code toknow ANTHE Hall of a Fame 2). ee a Herd Agzorwat ‘Ujeratsiegh ie : ores eC I ondmany more. Aakash Nationwide Branches av ea Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam This certificate is awarded to Zainab A = @® Aakash Da Ce} Managing Director & CEO eM eae

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