For Respondent: - Mr.R.B. Mane, Executive Engineer [Adm.), MSEDCL, 0&M Circle Satara.
1. The Consumer has filed present Grievance application under regulation No.6.4 of the
MERC (CGRF& E.O.) Regulations 2006. Herein referred to as the Regulations.
) Being aggrieved & dissatisfied by the order dated 1,8/03/2015 passed by IGRC
Circle, Satara, thereby, rejecting the grievance, the consumer above named prefers
present grievance application on the following amongst other grounds.
The papers containing the above grievance were sent by the forum to the
Superintending Engineer, o&M circle, satara vide letter No. EE/GGRF/BMZ
/No. 237 6
Dated 14/05/201,5. Accordingly the Distribution License filed its reply on
20/os/201.s. /
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4. we heard both sides at length, gone through the contention
of the consumer and reply
of the respondent & documents placed on record
by the parties. on its basis following
factual aspects were disclosed.
i) The consumer Shree. Bhimeshwari Ispat pvt Ltd. is a company
manufactures steel. The consumer is a H.T. consumer connected
on 14/OB/2007.
ii) The consumer is categorized as HT-1 Industrial Continuous connected on
1.4/08/2007 on 33 KV level bearing consumer No. 190569021850.
iiiJ The Consumer has requested for sanction of additional load of 6900
KVA. Vide its
letter dated 14 / 0Z /Z0II.
iv) The License has released additional load of 6900 KVA on 11
July 2013 and issued
bill for the Month of July Z0I3 of Rs 93,70,220/-
v) The Consumer was billed under HT-1-N prior to release of additional load.
5. Mr. Suresh Sancheti, consumer representative submitted that, their original
load was
3000KVA & additional load of 6900 KVA was released on LL 2013. He further
submitted that in the bill of July 2013, MSEDCL has recovered Demand charges for the
full month. However for additional load that released it should have been only on
prorata basis i.e. from 11th July to 3L$ f uly 2013. He further submitted that the energy
charges have been levied as express feeder tariff for the full month. However the
applicable tariff prior to release of additional supply was non continuous. Therefore
energy consumed prior to release of additional load should be charged at the rate 6.33
paise per unit and excess amount recovered on both these counts be refunded with
interest @ 12o/o p.a. He further submitted that the IGRC did not consider the facts in
proper perspective. The refund can be given by making manual calculation.
6. 0n the other hand Mr.Mane, Ex.Engineer, Satara Circle submitted that the said
consumer requested for release of additional load of 6900 KVA on 14.2.2011.
Accordingly the Licensee released the additional load on 1\.7.2013 and raised bill of
Rs.93,70,720/- for the month of fuly-2013. He further submitted that as per
definition of the month as given in the supply code, 2005, the billing cycle is of 30 days
& maximum demand is calculated on the basis of the largest number of the K.W. hours
or KVA hours supplied & taken during any consecutive 30 minute blocks in that
period. Therefore the utilization of energy of the said consumer is his maximum
demand utilized by him in the month of July-2013. Therefore charges levied by the
Licensee are correct.
7. He further submitted that the billing system of the Licensee is as per the rules &
regulations framed by the MERC. The Licensee has issued bills to the consumers on
be bifurcated as per the say of said
monthly basis. Therefore the disputed bill cannot
provision available in the IT
consumer. Moreover there is no any facility or any
bifurcated as per the say of the said
system. Therefore the billing period cannot be
of the said consumer as to
B. Mr. Mane further submitted that as regards grievance
decided the said point in favour of
continuous to non continuous tariff, the IGRC has
of March-2015 by
have been implemented by the Licensee in the bill
to the Licensee
He lastly submitted the
refunding difference amount of Rs.4B06 4/- to the consumer'
said grievance be dismissed with cost'
give our findings thereon for the
g. Following points arised for our determination. we
reasons stated below.
Point Findings
In the negative.
1J Whether the consumer is entitled to get
Bifurcation of the bill of demand charges for
the month of f uly-2013 i'e' from 1"7 '20t3 t'o
1) The grievance of the consumer stands dismissed.
2) No orderas to cost.
T:7. zo It
S. ftn af.oa. Suryakant Pathak S.N.Shelke
Member/Secretary Member Chairperson