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We are enclosing Policy schedule cum certificate of insurance of your vehicle. You are requested to visit our website
www.tataaig.com for policy wording.
Warm regards,
Warranty for Goods Carrying Vehicles : Warranted that at no time the Gross Laden Weight of the vehicle exceeds the Gross Vehicle weight mentioned in the
Schedule of the policy.
Limits of Liability: I/we hereby certify that the Policy to which this Certificate relates as well as
Under Section II-1 (i) of the policy (Death of or bodily injury) : Such amount as is this Certificate of Insurance are issued in accordance with provisions of
necessary to meet the requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 Chapter X and XI of Motor Vehicles Act,1988. In witness where of this Policy
Under Section II-1 (ii) of the policy (Damage to Third Party Property ): ` 750,000.00 has been signed at Mumbai on 31/07/2024 dated
Under Section III: P.A. to owner Driver CSI: 15,00,000.00 Receipt(s): Date:
Stamp Duty of Rs.0.25/ - is paid as provided under Article 47-B of
Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and included in Consolidated StampDuty
Nominee : Bidya Kumar Yadav Relationship: Spouse Paid to the Government of Maharashtra Treasury vide Order ofAddl.
Controller Of Stamps, Mumbai at General Stamp Office, Fort,
- 400001., vide this Order No. LOA/ENF1/CSD/13/2024/2289Validity
This policy does not cover pre-existing damages as per Inspection photographs and GSTIN: 27AABCT3518Q1ZW-MAHARASHTRA SAC: 997134
No Claim Bonus: The insured is entitled for a No Claim Bonus (NCB) on the own
damage section of the policy, if no claim is made or pending during the preceding year(s),
as follows: The preceding year - 20%,preceding two consecutive years - 25%, preceding
three consecutive years - 35%, preceding four consecutive years - 45%, preceding five
consecutive years - 50% of NCB on OD Premium. NCB will only be allowed provided the
policy is renewed within 90 days of the expiry date of the previous policy.
The Insured is not indemnified if the vehicle is used or driven otherwise than in accordance with this Schedule. Any payment made by the Company by reason of wider terms appearing in the Certificate in order to
comply with the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is recoverable from the Insured. See the clause headed “AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHT OF RECOVERY”.
Note:This Schedule, Policy terms and conditions available on company website and Endorsements mentioned herein above shall read together and word or expression to which a specific meaning has been
attached in any part of this Policy or of the Schedule shall bear the same meaning wherever it may appear. Any amendments/modifications/alterations made on this system generated policy document is not valid
and Company shall not be liable for any liability whatsoever arising from such changes. Any changes required to be made in the policy once issued, would be valid and effective, only after written request is made to
the Company and Company accepts the requested amendments/modifications/alterations and records the same through separate endorsement to be issued by the Company.
You are advised to go through the policy schedule cum certificate of insurance which is issued based on your declaration and if any error/ discrepancy is found in respect of vehicle details, No Claim Bonus or any
other material information, it should be brought to our notice within 15 days of receipt of this policy for necessary correction along with the supporting documents, otherwise it will be deemed correct. You may visit
company website at www.tataaig.com for detailed benefits, terms & conditions & exclusions of the policy. You may also reach us at our 24*7 helpline 1800 266 7780 in case you desire to have a printed copyof
policy wording. Our grievance redressal procedure and details about ombudsman is also available in our policy wording.
Please note that any misrepresentation, non disclosure or withholding of material facts will lead to cancellation of policy ab initio with for feiture of premium and non consideration of claim, if any. We will specifically
seek confirmation on No Claim Bonus availed by you from your previous insurer. In case we receive confirmation that you had lodged claim with them then we will forfeit all the benefits under section I i.e. own damage
section of policy.
Drivers Clause
Provided that a person driving holds an effective driving license at the time of the accident and is not disqualified from holding or
obtaining such a license. Provided also that the person holding an effective learner’s license may also drive the vehicle when not used
for the transport of goods at the time of the accident and that such a person satisfies the requirements of Rule 3 of the Central Motor
Vehicles Rules 1989
Limitations as to use
The Policy covers use only under a permit within the meaning of the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 or such a carriage falling under Sub-section
3 of Section 66 of the Motor Vehicle’s Act 1988.
a) Organised racing
b) Pace Making
c) Reliability Trials
d) Speed Testing