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1. Diplomatic Courtesy.
During committee session, delegates are expected to exercise
diplomatic courtesy when addressing members of the Committee
and the Chairpersons. The Chairpersons have the authority to
address diplomatic warnings to delegates who obviously violate the
diplomatic courtesy. In case that the delegate’s conduct seriously
hampers the process within the committee, the Chair reserves the
right to request his expulsion from the conference room. The
Organising Committee and the Secretary-General however have the
final authority on this matter.

2. Patterns of Formality
All parties should use formal language. Customs observed by
delegates: address Chairperson as “mister Chairperson” or “madam
Chairperson” or “honourable Chair”. Do not use “you”; refer to the
Chairperson in the third person as “the chair”.

The competence of the Chairpersons may not be questioned by


I. Roll Call.
Attendance shall be conducted by the Chairpersons by a Roll Call at
the beginning of every committee session, after a “Motion to
Establish Quorum” is introduced. Delegates shall establish their
presence in the Committee by raising their placards and declaring
‘‘Present’’ or “Present and voting”. In the latter case delegates may
not abstain through the duration of the Committee session. This will
be followed by the Opening Statements.

II. General speaker’s list

The Speaker's List is opened following a Motion from a delegate and
the subsequent approval by the Board. A Delegation can add its
country name to the List pending only if it is not already on the List.
The members will be delivering an opening statement at the start of
the committee. The default speakers’ time for this will be 60
seconds can be extended up to 90 seconds.
After every speech members are obligated to yield the floor back to
the Executive Board. The Executive Board will then direct the
members to ask questions. The number of questions to be asked (if
any) will be decided by the Executive Board depending on the time.
III. Moderated:
A moderated session will be a formal discussion which is regulated
by the Executive Board.

1. Point of Personal Privilege:

 A Representative may rise to a Point of Personal Privilege if a
matter impairs him/her from participating fully in council activities.
 The Executive Board persons shall try to effectively address the
source of impairment.
 A Point of Personal Privilege may only interrupt a speaker if the
Representative speaking is inaudible. Otherwise, the
Representative rising on the Point of Personal Privilege must wait
till the end of the speech to raise the Point.

2. Point of Order
 A Representative may rise to a Point of Order if he finds a factual
flaw in the speech of the speaker.
 This point may not interrupt a Speaker.
 The Executive Board will rule on the validity of the point
 A Point of Order ruled dilatory by the Executive Board may not be

3. Point of Parliamentary Inquiry

 A Representative may rise to a Point of Parliamentary Inquiry
requesting an explanation from the Executive Board on the Rules of
 This point may not interrupt a Speaker.

4. Point of Information
 A Representative may rise to a Point of Information if he/she wishes
to ask a question or clarification to the speaker.
 This point may not interrupt a speaker. This point is only valid at the
time of the opening statements.
 Right of Reply. A Representative whose personal integrity has been
impugned by another Delegate’s comments may rise to a Right of
 Disagreement with the content of a Delegate's speech is not
grounds for a Right of Reply.
 The Executive Board will recognize the Right of Reply at his/her
discretion as well as decide on how to resolve the motion.
 This point may not interrupt a speaker but should be addressed the
moment he/she has finished his/her speech.
 Should the Executive Board rule the Right of Reply out of order,
his/her decision cannot be appealed.
 No Representative may call for a Right of Reply on a Right of Reply.
IV. Unmoderated:
 A Representative may move for an Unmoderated Session thereby
suggesting a change from formal to informal debate.
 The Representative who makes this motion must suggest a length
and justification for the Unmoderated Session.
 The Executive Board may suggest a more appropriate session
length and put it to vote, or may rule the Unmoderated Session out
of order without possibility of appeal.
 Once the Motion has passed, the Committee will depart from the
formal discussion and will carry an informal discussion without
leaving the conference room.

 Position Papers are intended to aid with the work of the Committee
and to present the viewpoints of the delegates according to the
foreign policy of their country and the potential solutions to the

By accepting the invite to our lobbying groups, you are adhered

to the following rules and code of conduct.
The participant:
 Obliged to turn the audio or video on/off, on the request of the Executive
 To follow proper dress code
 Should not share anything obscene or ‘unfriendly’
 Refrain from sharing anything personal or ‘not in interest’ of the
 Should not be rude or unfriendly to any of the members of the
conference or the Executive Board
 Should be punctual in joining the meeting.
 Should be participative and follow the instructions given by the chair
 Having any sorts of personal disputes/issues not related to the
conference should be resolved on a personal one to one communication
 Should not disrupt the flow of the committee

Failure in following these rules might lead to one of the following:

 Suspension from the committee until further notice
 Expelled from the committee

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