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Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage.

GuyLaliberté’s Cirque du Soleil

Guy Laliberté is an accordionist, stilt-walker, and

fire-eater. He’s also the founder of Cirque du Soleil

(French for “Circus of the Sun”), the Canadian circus B) its
that has become famous for it’s spectacular sets C) their
and amazing acrobats. While it may be unusual,
D) they’re
Laliberté’s career choice was hardly surprising
when he wasa child, his parents took him to watch the
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, an
B) surprising, when he wasa child
experience that led him to read the biography ofits
C) surprising. When he wasa child
creator, P. T. Barnum. D) surprising, when he wasa child,
Whilestill in his teens, Laliberté produced several
performingarts events. After leaving college, he entered
the world ofstreet performance, and he would play A) NO CHANGE
the harmonica and accordion on the streets of Quebec. B) performance; and played
C) performance, he played
He then ea got together with a troupe that included fire-
D) performance, playing
breathers, jugglers, and acrobats who traveled around

the country from show to show. Later, he returned to

Quebec, where he found a steady job at a hydroelectric
dam. Soon after his employment began, however
B) became involved
the dam’s employees wenton strike. Laliberté took the C) hung around
opportunity to return to his life as a street performer. D) established relations

B) moreover,
C) consequently,
D) in fact,

In 1984, Laliberté co-founded Cirque du Soleil

with entrepreneur Gilles Saint-Croix and several other

colleagues. The name,which Laliberté invented B) Hawaii andreflects
while on vacation in [J Hawaii, andreflects his idea C) Hawaii; reflecting
that “the sun stands for energy and youth.” He wanted
D) Hawaii, reflects
the circus to embodythose words. Cirque du Soleil was
initially set up as a one-year projectatfirst.
However,the show proved so popular with audiences
B) initially set up as a one-yearproject for the
that its run was [3M elongated indefinitely, and new first time.
locations were proposed. Throughoutthe expansion C) initially set up as a one-yearproject.

process, Laliberté participated in the creation of each D) initially set up as a one-yearproject

new show. Thecircus, whichis active on five continents,

now employs over 4,000 people from over 40 countries.

It has been seen by over 90 million people worldwide
and 9 has remained unique becauseit does not B) extended
include animals in its acts. C) multiplied
D) magnified

Which choice provides the most relevant detail?

B) has an annual revenue of over $800 million.
C) is popular with adults as well as children.
D) features exceptionally skilled performers.

Laliberté has also used his success to give back to
his community —and the world. On October 29, 2007,
B) makesuse of theater; music, dance, and
Laliberté announced theofficial launch of the One Drop
C) makesuse of: theater, music, dance, and
Foundation, an organization that fights poverty by D) makesuse of theater, music, dance and —
giving people access to water. Inspired by the experience
of Cirque du Soleil and its international program for
street children, the foundation makes use of theater The writer wants a concluding sentence that
music, dance. and the visual arts to promote education, reinforces one of the main ideas of the essay.
Whichchoice best accomplishes this goal?
community involvement, and public awareness of water
issues in developing countries on six continents. Its
B) The program’s technical component is
projects are also intended to ensure food security and aimed at promoting responsible water
promote equality for women. Convincedthat a managementandpreservation principles.
C) In addition to founding the One Drop
comprehensive planetary approachis required to pursue
Foundation, Laliberté is also a championship
its mission, One Drop puts water at the heart of public poker player who has wonseveral titles.
debate and international agendas. D) Laliberté is convinced that with a little
creativity, people can come together and
accomplish remarkable things.

Questions 12-22 are based on the following passage and
supplementary material.

Building in Pieces

Inside a warehouse in Brooklyn, New York, steel

beamsandflat metal sheeting rest on top of a
workbench. Lying next to them is a diagram indicating B) has been
where every beam and metal screw belongs. Each of C) were
these components have been carefully checked off— D) being
the pieces are all in place and ready to be assembled.
The metal might not look like muchyet, butit is on its
way to becomingpart of the world’s tallest modular A) NO CHANGE
B) tallest, modular, residence.
residence. Soon, workers will configure the beamsinto
C) tallest, modular residence.
walls, turning them into scaffolding for rooms. The D) tallest modular, residence.
roomswill then be linked together to form apartments.
Modular buildings differ from mobile homes
in two important ways. The modules themselves are
six-sided boxesconsisting of a floor, a ceiling, and four Whichchoice mosteffectively establishes
the main topic of the paragraph?
walls. They are constructed ina remote facility and then
delivered to their site of use. Because the modules must A) NO CHANGE
B) Mostcity-dwellers live in apartments rather
be transported over highways on the backsofflat-bed than free-standing houses.
trucks, they are generally no longer than the trucks C) Modular buildings—also known as
prefabricated buildings —are buildingsthat
and no wider than 16 feet.
consist of multiple sections called modules.
D) While apartments usually have less space
than houses, they have benefits as well.

Modular buildings can function not only as
temporary structures such as construction camps A) NO CHANGE
and as long-term onessuch as apartmentbuildings. B) and for
C) but also as
In the past, they were primarily used in remote areas
D) but also for
where moretraditional construction was impossible.
Today, however,they are increasingly usedincities
with rapidly expanding populations. Additional homes
Atthis pointin the essay, the writer is
and apartments are urgently needed to house the new considering adding the following sentence.
inhabitants, and modular construction can deliver quickly. In 2010, for instance, modular accommodation
pods were used to house researchers during an
In fact, it takes slightly longer to install a traditional
Antarctic expedition.
homethan it takes to install a modular one.
Should this sentence be added?

A) Yes, because it provides an example of a

Traditional vs. Modular Construction situation in whichtraditional buildings could
not be constructed.
B) Yes, because modular construction can be

used for both temporary and permanent

Number of Weeks


C) No, becauseit is irrelevant to the discussion

of constructionin cities.

D) No, because modular housing is no longer


used in remote locations.


Which choice offers an accurate interpretation of

data presented in the chart?

B) just as longto install a traditional homeas
C) slightly less timeto install a traditional
O Modular © Traditional home than
D) significantly longerto install a traditional

[1] Modules are usually constructed on an indoor

assembly line. [2] During thefirst stage, the walls A) NO CHANGE

are attached to the floor. [3] As a finishing touch,
B) Throughoutthe duration of this process,
C) While this process occurs,
shingles and siding are added. [4] Construction of the
D) DELETEthe underlined portion (adjusting
modules can takeaslittle as 10 days, but more often the punctuation accordingly)

several months are needed. [5]After the walls are firmly

in place, drywall ceiling is sprayed onin a booth, and

the roofis attached. [6] During the whole process, To make the paragraph mostlogical, sentence 5
should be placed
building inspectors are required to supervise the
construction and ensure that the companyadheres to all A) whereit is now.

building codes throughoutthe entire process.

B) after sentence 2.
C) after sentence 3.
Whenthe modules are complete, they are
D) after sentence 6.
transported to the building site. Using a crane. they

are set onto the building’s foundation by workers where

they are joined together. The process can take anywhere A) NO CHANGE
from several hours to several days. Workers can place B) Theyare set by workers, onto the building’s
foundation, and a craneis used
the modules side-by-side or being stacked high
C) Workers use a crane to set them on the
like blocks, allowing for a wide variety of configurations building’s foundation,

and styles in the building layout. Theinterior finishing D) Workers set them on the building’s
foundation by crane and
process takes just three weeks—a smallfraction of
the time necessary to finish the interiorof a traditional

building. After the finishing process is complete, the

module is finally ready forits first tenants to move in.
B) stack them
C) to stack them
D) they stack them

Whichchoice offers an accurate interpretation of

data presented in the chart?

B) two weeks—farless time than is
C) one week just half of the time
D) three weeks—slightly less time than is

Questions 23-33 are basedonthe following passage.

An Authorat Last


Throughout mychildhood, writing was one of my

favorite hobbies. I i spend hoursdictating my stories A) NO CHANGE
to my parents and then, when I wasolder, writing them B) have spent
C) would spend
down myself. WhenI gotto college, though, I
D) will spend
approached my major pragmatically and decided to study
engineering. Still, I sheltered hopes of one day
publishing a novel.
B) upheld
C) fostered
D) harbored
Although myjob at a biotechnology company was
tiring, I couldn’t shake the needto write. Every night,
after the rest of my family had goneto sleep, I would
turn on my computer and go to work. It wasn’t always
B) writing: sometimes, I sat for hours
easy to keep writing sometimes, I sat for hours in C) writing, sometimesI sat for hours—
front of a blank screen, racking mybrainto figure out D) writing sometimesI sat for hours
what should happen next. Eventually, though, my
writer’s block would dissolve, and seeing them fill
up gave me a feeling of great satisfaction. After nearly A) NO CHANGE
a year of working this way, I had completed a draft of B) this
C) these
my book. Now just needed to publishit. I sent some
D) the pages
inquiries to traditional publishing companies, and
anxiously waited for an answer. My book showed
promise, they said, but it would bedifficult to market
Which choice provides the mosteffective
and sell because I did notalready have an established transition to the information that follows?
reputation as an author. Although I was disappointed,
I was also determined. B) but I never received a response.
C) but no one offered me a contract.
D) whose namesI had found on the Internet.

Using a website that connected freelance workers B) projects and found
with individuals and companies seeking help with C) projects; I found
short-term projects, and J foundaneditor as well D) projects, I found
as a coverartist. Although they lived thousandsof miles
from my home, we were able to communicate directly
using video software. They helped me transform my Which
’ choice
; most effectively
, sets
’ up the
information that follows while reinforcing a
draft into something much more polished and main themeofthe essay?
professional. Myfinal manuscript was almost 300
long. | simply entered thetitle and author B) Inthe end, I metthree or four times with
information, uploaded my manuscript and cover, and each of them.
C) Icouldn’t believe how easy the actual
created an e-book. I even received a free ISBN number,
publishing process was.
the identification number that must appear on the cover D) I found them pleasant and easy to work
of every book. with.


Atfirst, I wasn’t sure how I should precede.

Then, while doing someresearch, I stumbled to A) NO CHANGE
the world of self-publishing. Originally used by B) will precede.
C) should proceed.
aspiring authors who wantedto print a handful of
D) will proceed.
books for friends and family, the self-publishing industry
now allows thousandsof writers to distribute their work
both electronically and in paper form to readers all over
the world. I found a service that seemedto fit my needs B) upon
and eagerly created an account. One of the most C) through
successful self-published books is Choose Yourself by D) at

James Altucher, which sold over 40,000 copies in a

The writer is considering deleting the underlined
—5- sentence. Should the writer make this change?

A) Yes, becauseit is inconsistent with the

While my book didn’t immediately shoot to the top
focus on the writer’s personal self-publishing
of the best-seller list, I am happyto report thatit has experience.
been downloaded several hundred times. I’ve even gotten B) Yes, because the passage does not mention
how manycopies the writer wanted to sell.
a couple of fan letters: one from North Carolina, and the C) No, becauseit explains what constitutes
otherall the way from England! Now, I’m hard at work successfor a self-published book.
D) No, because mostself-published bookssell
on my second book. I just need to think ofa title.
fewercopies than traditional books.

Think about the previous passage as a whole as you

answer question 33.

To makethe passage most logical, paragraph 4

should be placed

A) where it is now.
B) before paragraph |.
C) before paragraph 2.
D) before paragraph 3.

Questions 34-44 are basedon the following passage and
supplementary material.

It’s Only a Dream

Whetheryou’re flying above the pyramidslike a

bird, taking a final exam for a class you took two years A) NO CHANGE
ago, or explore a pirate ship at the bottom of the B) to explore

ocean, dreaming can be a truly bizarre experience. C) you explore

Scientists have been studying dreams for decades, but

D) exploring

they continue to lack answers to fundamental questions

about how and why dreaming occurs. For example,

they do not know whether dreamsactually have a

B) Therefore,
physiological, biological or psychological function. C) However,
Still, those questions have not stopped them from D) Consequently,


The writer is considering adding the following


Dreaminterpretation dates back to 3000-4000

B.C., when the Sumerians documented dreams
on clay tablets.
Should the sentence be added?

A) Yes, becauseit explains the origins of some

modern theories about dreams.
B) Yes, because it establishes that people have
attempted to understand dreamsfor
C) No, because it is inconsistent with the
paragraph’s focuson thescientific aspect of
D) No, because the Sumerians did not speculate
about why dreamsoccur.

Researchers have determined that there are five
stages of sleep. During the day, the brain must work hard Whichchoice mosteffectively introduces the
. . . main topic of the paragraph?
to form connectionsin order to achieve certain goals. P paragrap
When posed with a challenging math problem, for A) NO CHANGE
instance, yourbrain mustfocus intently on that single B) Onepopular theoryis that dreamsreflect
task. The same goes for simple tasks such as kicking or C) Slow sleep waves occur predominantly
throwing a ball. During sleep, however, the brain is during the first half of the night.
D) Before the early 1950s, scientists believed
far less active than the daytime, so the day’s emotions . . .
that the brain was inactive duringsleep.
bubble to the surface. If something is weighing heavily
on your mind during the day, chances are you might
dream about it—either directly or through obvious A) NO CHANGE
imagery. A person whois worried about giving a speech B) enticed
in front of an audience may turn into a mouse squeaking C) confronted
in front of a crowdofgiants. EY D) encountered

B) the brain is far less active than itis
during the daytime,
C) the brain is far less active then during
the daytime,
D)_ the brain is far less active than the

Which choice gives a second supporting

example that is most similar to the example
already in the sentence?

A) A swimmercould becomea fish darting

through the water.
B) Someone concerned about meeting an
important deadline might be runningafter a
train that’s pulling away.
C) Violin players must develop impressive
coordination in order to manipulate a bow
D) scientist might come up with a novel
theory during the night.

Someresearchers also believe that dreams help the
brain sort through the millions of pieces of information it A) NO CHANGE
encounters each day, allowing it to decide whatto retain B) whatit should forget.
C) whatis being forgotten.
and what should be forgotten by it. Some ofthis
D) whatto forget.
information consists of simple sensory details, such as
the color of a shirt, while other information, such as a

presentation for history class, is far more complex.

During REM sleep, when most dreaming occurs, Whichchoice offers an accurate interpretation of
data presented in the chart?
brain activity spikes sharply, rising almost to waking
levels. The more learning occurs during waking hours, A) NO CHANGE
the more active the brain becomes during REM sleep. B) spikes sharply butis still far below
C) increasesslightly, rising to almost
Onerecent study compared the dream activity of a group
D) decreases dramatically, falling to below
studying a foreign language to a group notstudying a
foreign language. The foreign language group showed a
spike in brain activity during REM sleep; suggesting
that dreaming helped the students assimilate and retain A) NO CHANGE
new concepts. B) sleep and suggesting
C) sleep, this suggests
D) sleep, suggesting that
Brain Activity During Sleep

i Awak.
1 2 3 4

& Average brain activity in herz (hz)


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