Brett Wick, Math 6338, Real Analysis II, Gatech
Brett Wick, Math 6338, Real Analysis II, Gatech
Brett Wick, Math 6338, Real Analysis II, Gatech
Spring 2012
Math 6338 - Real Analysis II
Lecture: Room: Skiles 154 - Time: MWF 3:05pm – 3:55pm
Text: There will be no required text for the course. There are many reasonable texts for
this course that the student could consult. Potential texts include:
Prerequisites for the course are Math 4318 (Undergraduate Analysis II) or consent of the
Attendance: Attendance is required for all lectures. The student who misses a class meet-
ing is responsible for any assignments and/or announcements made. Office hours will not
be utilized to re-teach material presented in class. However, questions to better understand
the course are always welcome.
In the event of an absence that will impact your ability to complete your assign-
ments due to travel representing Georgia Tech, you must notify the professor at
least two weeks in advance to arrange an early test or other alternative. Other-
wise, such absences will be treated as personal.
Homework: This course will have weekly homework assignments that will be collected and
Exams: This course will have two mid-term exams, and a comprehensive final exam. The
exams for the course will take place on:
Exam Dates:
Exam 1 February 13, 2012
Exam 2 April 2, 2012
Final Exam Friday, May 4 2012 2:50pm - 5:40pm
Learning Disabilities: It is the right of any student with a certified learning disability to
request necessary accommodation. Such requests must be made well in advance of the time
that the accommodation is required and a letter of documentation from the ADAPTS office
must be presented at the time of any request.
Academic Honesty: It is expected that all students are aware of their individual respon-
sibilities under the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code, which will be strictly adhered to in
this class.
Grades: The usual ten-point scale will be used (A: 90-100, B: 80-89, C: 70-79, D: 60-69, F:
0-59), however, if necessary, adjustments will be made to arrive at a standard grade distri-
bution. Grades will be based upon attendance, participation, and exams and homework. An
approximate grade break down will be 40% for homework, 15% for each midterm, and 30%
for the final exam. This is break down may change to arrive at a suitable grade distribution.
1. Let X be a real normed space. Suppose that C ⊂ X is a convex subset which contains 0
and has the property that [
tC = X
For every x ∈ X define
QC (x) = inf{t > 0 : x ∈ tC}
Show that the map QC : X → R is a sublinear functional. Namely it satisfies the following
(i) QC (x + y) ≤ QC (x) + QC (y);
(ii) QC (tx) = tQC (x) for all x ∈ X and all t ∈ R+ .
Using these two conditions and the definition of QC , the result follows.
We now turn to proving (i). Let t ∈ S(x) and s ∈ S(y). Consider the elements u = t−1 x
and v = s−1 y. As u, v ∈ C and C is convex it follows that
1 t s
(x + y) = u+ v ∈ C.
t+s t+s t+s
This means that x + y ∈ (t + s)C, and so t + s ∈ S(x + y). This proves that
S(x + y) ⊃ S(x) + S(y).
Consider the second claim (ii). Suppose that t ∈ S(λx), then we have that λx ∈ tC, or
equivalently, λ−1 tx ∈ C, which means that λ−1 t ∈ S(x), and so
t = λλ−1 t ∈ λS(x).
This proves the inclusion S(λx) ⊂ λS(x). To see the other inclusion, suppose that
s ∈ λS(x), then there must exist a t ∈ S(x) such that s = λt. Since t = λ−1 s ∈ S(x),
this means that x ∈ λ−1 sC, or λx ∈ sC, so s ∈ S(λx), i.e. λS(x) ⊂ S(λx).
2. Let X be a real normed space, and let C ⊂ X be a convex open set which contains 0. If
x0 ∈
/ C, then show that there exits a bounded linear functional ϕ̃ : X → R such that
(i) ϕ̃(x0 ) = 1;
(ii) ϕ̃(v) < 1 for all v ∈ C.
Hint: Apply Problem 1.
Solution: The idea is to apply the Hahn-Banach Theorem with the sublinear functional
from Problem
S 1. First note that if C
S is a convex open set which contains 0, then we have
X = t>0 tC. Note that we have t>0 tC ⊂ X. Now let x ∈ X, we need to show that
x ∈ ρC from some value of ρ > 0. Note that the map t → tx is continuous. Since C is
a neighborhood of 0, there exists some ρ > 0 such that for all t ∈ [−ρ, ρ] we have that
tx ∈ C, in particular, ρx ∈ C or x ∈ ρ−1 C. We now can apply Problem 1.
ϕ(y) ≤ QC (y) ∀y ∈ Y.
If y = rx0 with r < 0, then this is immediate since ϕ(y) = r < 0 ≤ QC (y) since
QC (y) ≥ 0 always. If y = rx0 with r ≥ 0, then we have that
So we have that ϕ is a linear functional with ϕ(y) ≤ QC (y) for all y ∈ Y . By the
Hahn-Banach Theorem we can find an extension ϕ̃ : X → R such that ϕ̃|Y = ϕ and
ϕ̃(x) ≤ QC (x) for all x ∈ X. Now we obviously have that ϕ̃(x0 ) = ϕ(x0 ) = 1. And we
also have that ϕ̃(v) < 1 for all v ∈ C.
|ϕ̃(u)| < u ∈ U .
Take U = C ∩ −C, which is clearly open and contains the origin. Note that for all
u ∈ U we have that ±u ∈ C, or equivalently, −1 (±u) ∈ C. This implies that
QC (±u) <
and since ϕ̃(u) ≤ QC (u) for all u, we have that |ϕ̃(u)| < for all u ∈ U .
3. Let X be a normed vector space over the real numbers. Suppose that A, B ⊂ X are
non-empty convex sets with A open and A ∩ B = ∅. Show that there exists a bounded linear
functional φ : X → R and a real number α such that
φ(a) < α ≤ φ(b) ∀a ∈ A, b ∈ B.
Hint: Apply Problem 2 with C = A − B + b0 − a0 .
C = A − B + b0 − a0 = {a − b + b0 − a0 : a ∈ A, b ∈ B}
It is easy to see that C is convex and contains the origin. We also have that
C= (A + b0 − a0 )
ϕ̃(a) ≤ α ≤ ϕ̃(b) a ∈ A, b ∈ B.
ϕ̃(a) < α a ∈ A.
Suppose to the contrary that there exists a a1 ∈ A such that ϕ̃(a1 ) = α. Since the map
t → a1 + tx0 is continuous, there is some > 0 such that
4. Suppose that X is a normed linear space over C. Show that the set of all bounded linear
functionals on X, denoted by X ∗ , is a Banach space with norm given by
|f (x)|
kf kX ∗ = sup .
x6=0 kxkX
Solution: It is easy to see that k · kX ∗ is actually a norm. The real issue here is com-
pleteness of the space X ∗ . So suppose that {fn } is a Cauchy sequence in X ∗ . Namely,
kfn − fm kX ∗ → 0 as n and m get very large. Fix x ∈ X, and observe that
which implies that {fn (x)} is a Cauchy sequence in C. We can then define
since C is complete. Since limits are linear and each fn is linear we have that f is a linear
functional on X. It only remains to show that f is a bounded linear functional. For any
x ∈ X with x 6= 0 we have that for > 0 that
And since was arbitrary, we have that |f (x)| ≤ CkxkX , and so f is a bounded linear
functional. This then proves that X ∗ is complete and hence a Banach space.
and for any x ∈ H, hx, zf +rg iH = (f + rg)(x) = f (x) + rg(x) = hx, zf iH + r hx, zg iH , so
we have that ı(f +rg) = ı(f )+rı(g), and ı is linear. We also have that ı is injective, since
if ı(f ) = ı(g) = w, then we have that f (x) = hx, wiH = g(x) for all x ∈ H, and so f = g.
It is also true that ı is surjective, since we have that the linear functional fu (x) = hx, uiH
has the property that ı(fu ) = u. So ı : H ∗ → H is an isomorphism between the linear
spaces H ∗ and H. But, the Riesz Representation Theorem then gives that
kıf kH = kzkH = kf kH ∗ .
6. Let X and Y be Banach spaces and let T : X → Y be bounded and linear. Show that
there is a constant c > 0 such that kT xkY ≥ ckxkX for all x ∈ X if and only if ker T = {0}
and Ran T is closed.
Solution: Suppose that kT xkY ≥ ckxkX for all x ∈ X. Then if we have x ∈ ker T we
have that
0 = kT xkY ≥ ckxkX
which gives that x = 0, and so ker T = {0}. Suppose that y ∈ Ran T , and let yn ∈ Ran T
with yn → y. Since yn ∈ Ran T , we have that yn = T xn . Note that xn is a Cauchy
sequence since
kyn − ym kY = kT xn − T xm kY ≥ ckxn − xm kX .
Since X is complete, then we have that xn → x. But, since T is bounded, hence contin-
uous, we have that T xn → T x so T x = y, and so Ran T ⊂ Ran T , and so Ran T is closed.
Now suppose that ker T = {0} and Ran T is closed. Note that since T is bounded and
linear and ker T = {0} we have that T is injective. Similarly, since Ran T is closed, we
have that T is surjective. So T is bounded linear and bijective, and so by the Open
Mapping Theorem (Bounded Inverse Theorem) we have that T −1 is bounded,
kT −1 ykX ≤ ckykY .
7. Let L2 [0, 1] be the Lebesgue space of square integrable functions on the unit interval.
Similarly, let L1 [0, 1] be the space of integrable functions on the unit interval. Prove that
L2 [0, 1] is of the first category in L1 [0, 1].
kf k2L2 [0,1] ≤ n.
Now observe that the interior of En is empty. Suppose that this isn’t true, then there
would exist an f0 ∈ En and some r > 0 such that D = {g : kf0 − gkL1 [0,1] < r} ⊂ En .
Let f ∈ L1 and consider the function g = f0 + 2r kf k f1 . We have that g ∈ D and so
L [0,1]
8. Let S be a closed linear subspace of L1 [0, 1]. Suppose that for each f ∈ S there exists a
p > 1 such that f ∈ Lp [0, 1]. Show that there exists a q > 1 such that S ⊂ Lq [0, 1]
since by hypothesis for each f ∈ S there is a p > 1 such that f ∈ Lp [0, 1] and if r > s
then Lr [0, 1] ⊂ Ls [0, 1] and choosing qn < p will place f ∈ En,m since the norm of f will
have to be smaller than some m.
Now each term in the union is closed, i.e. En,m = En,m . Since if we take a sequence
{fk } ⊂ En,m with fk → f , then f ∈ En,m . To see this, note that we are working in the
topology defined by the L1 norm, and so we can find a subsequence {fkj } that converges
to f almost everywhere on [0, 1]. Then as a Corollary of Fatou’s Lemma we have
Z 1
|f |qn dx ≤ m.
By Baire’s Category Theorem, there exists n0 , m0 with qn0 > 1 such that En0 ,m0 has
non-empty interior. So, there exists a ball of radius δ > 0 centered at some point f such
Bδ (f ) ⊂ En0 ,m0 .
For, the moment, lets assume that f = 0, the general case can be handled similarly and
by translation. Then we have that Bδ (0) ⊂ Lqn0 [0, 1].
This gives that kMϕ k ≤ kϕk∞ . In fact, we have that kMϕ k = kϕk∞ .
Part (b): We will prove the two containments σ(Mϕ ) ⊂ Rϕ and Rϕ ⊂ σ(Mϕ ).
σ(Mϕ ) ⊂ Rϕ : If λ ∈
/ Rϕ , then there exists an > 0 such that
Each of these sets have positive measure since λ ∈ Rϕ . Let fn = 1En and note that
kfn k2L2 (R) = |En |.
Now, observe that for this value of λ we have the following
k(Mϕ − λI)fn kL2 (R) = |ϕ(x) − λ|2 |fn (x)|2 dx
1 1
≤ 2
|En | = 2 kfn k2L2 (R) .
n n
This implies that Mϕ − λI is not bounded below and so is not invertible. This gives that
Rϕ ⊂ σ(Mϕ ).
2. Let C 2 = C 2 [0, 1] be the space of all complex valued functions on [0, 1] whose second
derivative is continuous. Choose a > 0 and b > 0 and define
(a) Show that for any choice of a and b that we have (C 2 , k · ka,b ) is a Banach space;
Solution: Part (a): It is clear that kf ka,b satisfies all the axioms for a normed space. It
only remains to show completeness to obtain that it is a Banach space. However since
C 2 is a complete Banach space, and since
kf 00 k∞ ≤ kf ka,b
the completeness follows easily from this and the completeness of C 2 .
Part (b): By Part (a) we know that (C 2 , k·ka,b ) is a Banach space. Suppose that 2b ≤ a2 .
Now observe that we have
kf gka,b ≤ kf gka,b .
For the converse, suppose that k · ka,b is a Banach algebra norm. Then consider f (x) = x
and g(x) = x. Then we have
kf gka,b = kx2 ka,b = kx2 k∞ + 2akxk∞ + 2bk1k∞ = 1 + 2a + 2b.
Then we have
Solution: Suppose that {xn } is a sequence in the unit ball of the Hilbert space H. It
suffices to show that {T xn } is a Cauchy sequence. Note that
kT xn − T xm k2H = hT xn − T xm , T xn − T xm iH
= hT ∗ (T xn − T xm ), xn − xm iH
≤ kT ∗ T xn − T ∗ T xm kH kxn − xm kH
≤ 2kT ∗ T xn − T ∗ T xm kH .
Since T ∗ T is compact, we have that {T ∗ T xn } is Cauchy in H, and so for any > 0 there
exists a N such that if n, m > N then we have
kT ∗ T xn − T ∗ T xm kH < .
For this N , we then have that when n, m > N that
kT xn − T xm k2H < 2 .
This then gives that kKf kL2 (R) ≤ M kf kL2 (R) , which proves (a).
Pn (b): Suppose that {aj } and {bj } are sequences in L (R). For fixed n, set k̃n (x, y) =
j=1,j=1 ai (x)bj (y). Define K̃n in the same manner as above. Then we have that K̃n is
finite dimensional, and so each K̃n is compact. Now choose the sequences {aj } and {bj }
so that
kK − K̃n kL2 (R)→L2 (R) → 0.
To see that such a sequence is possible, let {ej } be a orthonormal basis for L2 (R). It is
easy to see that {ej (x)ek (y)} is an orthonormal basis for L2 (R2 ). Then for some choice
of coefficients, we have that
K(x, y) = cjk ej (x)ek (y) = ai (x)bj (y).
j,k i,j
5. For T ∈ B(X), where X is complex Banach space. The approximate point spectrum is
the set of λ ∈ C such that there exists a sequence {xn } ∈ X with kxn kX = 1 for all n and
k(T − λI)xn kX → 0. Prove the following are equivalent:
(a) λ ∈
/ σap (T );
(a) ⇒ (c): Suppose that (c) fails, then for every n there is a vector xn such that
kT xn kX ≤ n1 kxn kX . Set yn = kxxnnkX , then kyn kX = 1 and kT yn kX → 0, and so 0 ∈ σap (T ).
(c) ⇒ (b): Suppose that kT xkX ≥ ckxkX . Then clearly we have that ker T = {0}. If
we have that T xn → y, then we have kxn − xm kX ≤ c−1 kT xn − T xm kX . So {xn } is a
Cauchy sequence. Let x = lim xn and so we have that T x = y and ran T is closed.
6. Let X and Y be complex Banach spaces. Suppose that T ∈ B(X, Y ) and Tn ∈ B(X, Y )
for all n ≥ 1.
(a) Suppose that Tn has finite dimensional range and that lim kT − Tn k = 0. Show that T
is compact.
(b) Assume that Y is a Hilbert space and prove the converse of (a): Every compact
operator T ∈ B(X, Y ) can be approximated in the operator norm by operators with
finite dimensional ranges. Hint: In a Hilbert space there are projections of norm 1 onto
any closed subspace.
Solution: Part (a): Since each {Tn } has finite dimensional range, it is a compact opera-
tor. Then since Tn → T uniformly, we have that T is compact by a Theorem from class.
Part (b): Let B denote the unit ball in the Hilbert space X. Then since T is compact,
T (B) has compact closure, and is totally bounded. So for any > 0 there exists N =
N () < ∞ and {y1 , . . . , yN } ∈ Y such that
N ()
T (B) ⊂ {y : ky − yj kY < }. (2)
Set PN to be the orthogonal projection on the the span{y1 , . . . , yN }. Then consider the
operator TN = PN T . This operator is finite dimensional and hence compact. We then
have that
kT − TN k < .
This follows immediately from (2). Now simply choose a sequence n → 0. This then
give a collection {Tn } of compact operators such that kT − Tn k → 0.
7. If L2 = L2 (0, ∞) and if
Z s
T f (s) = f (t)dt 0 < s < ∞.
s 0
Solution: Part (a): Assume that f ≥ 0 and is a continuous function with compact
support. Integration by parts gives
Z ∞ Z ∞
T f (s) ds = −2 T f (s)(T f )0 (s)sds.
0 0
Rearrangement gives
Z ∞ Z ∞
kT f k2L2 = 2
T f (s) ds = 2 f (s)T f (s)ds ≤ 2kf kL2 kT f kL2 .
0 0
Solution: Part (a): If T is compact, then weakly convergent sequences are mapped to
strongly convergent sequences, as was proved in class. This gives that T is completely
Suppose now that T is completely continuous. Since H is separable, the unit ball of
H is weakly compact. Let {xn } be any sequence in the unit ball of H, then there is a
x ∈ H and a subsequence {xnk } such that xnk → x weakly. But since T is completely
continuous we have that
kT xnk − T xkH → 0.
This implies that the image of the unit ball of H is sequentially compact, and so T is a
compact operator.
Part (b): Let {xn } be a weakly convergent sequence in H. Since it is weakly convergent,
it is in fact bounded and so kxn kH ≤ C for all n. Because T ∗ T is completely continuous
we have that {T ∗ T xn } is strongly convergent. We now claim that {T xn } is a Cauchy
sequence. Indeed, since
This last expression can be made small if n, m are large enough, and so we have that
{T xn } is Cauchy in H, and hence converges.
Rn Rn Rn
Z Z pq Z
≤ K(x, y)dy K(x, y) |f (y)| dx
Rn Rn Rn
≤ A q K(x, y) |f (y)|p dydx
n n
= Aq |f (y)| K(x, y)dx dy
Rn Rn
≤ A B q kf kpLp (Rn ) .
kLk = L(1) = 1.
α2 − α + β 2 + 2βt ≤ 0 ∀t ∈ R.
Solution: Set Tn (y) = B(xn , y). Since for fixed xn the mapping B(xn , ·) is continuous,
each Tn : Y → C is bounded. Because xn → 0 and B(·, y) is bounded, we have that
for all y ∈ Y that {kTn (y)k} is bounded for each fixed y. By the Uniform Boundedness
Principle, there is a constant C such that
5. Let f ∈ S(R).
(a) Show that kf k2L2 (R) ≤ 4π kxf kL2 (R) ξ fˆ .
L2 (R)
(b) Show that equality holds in this inequality if and only if f (x) = Ce−ax where a > 0
and C ∈ C.
Solution: Part (a): Note that by integration by parts and direct computation we have
2 2 d 2
kf kL2 (R) = |f (x)| dx = − x |f (x)| dx = −2Re f (x)f 0 (x)dx .
R R dx R
where for the last equality we have used that fˆ0 (ξ) = 2πiξ fˆ(ξ).
(b) Show that if hx + N, y + N i ≡ u(x, y) for all x + N and y + N in the quotient space
H/N , then h·, ·i is a well-defined inner product on H/N .
Solution: Part (a): It is easy to see that if x ∈ N then λx ∈ N since u(λx, λx) =
|λ|2 u(x, x) = 0. To see that x, y ∈ N implies that x + y ∈ N , note that it suffices
to show that u(x, y) = 0. But, this follows from Cauchy-Schwarz (which is true for
semi-inner products). By Cauchy-Schwarz we have that
1 1
|u(x, y)| ≤ u(x, x) 2 u(y, y) 2 = 0
with the last equality holding by x, y ∈ N . So we have that u(x, y) = 0, and similarly
u(y, x) = 0. Then note that
So we have that x + y ∈ N too. These two facts imply the N is a linear subspace of H.
Part (b):
Note that the computations above imply that for n ∈ N and h ∈ H that u(n, h) =
u(h, n) = 0. Suppose that x1 + N = x2 + N and y1 + N = y2 + N in the space H/N ,
i.e., we have that x1 − x2 ∈ N and y1 − y2 ∈ N . To show that the inner product is well
defined, we need to show that u(x1 , y1 ) = u(x2 , y2 ). Now observe
Here, for the last equality, we used the fact just mentioned. This implies that the inner
product defined on the coset classes is well-defined.
It is easy to see that the pairing defined above is linear in each component. We also
hx + N, x + N i = u(x, x) ≥ 0
since u is a semi-inner product. Suppose that we have that,
hx + N, x + N i = u(x, x) = 0
then, by definition we have that x ∈ N and so x + N = N , and the final condition for
an inner product is satisfied.
2. Let H be a Hilbert space and suppose that f, g ∈ H are linearly independent with
kf k = kgk = 1. Show that for all 0 < t < 1 that ktf + (1 − t)gk < 1.
This implies that Re hf, gi = −1 since 0 < t < 1. This then gives that
So we have that |hf, gi| = 1 = kf k kgk, i.e., equality holds in the Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality. But, this then implies that f and g must be linearly dependent, which is a
contradiction to the hypothesis. Thus, we must have the strict inequality for all 0 < t < 1,
ktf + (1 − t)gk < 1.
Solution: Let x ∈ K ⊥ and assume that K is dense in H. Since K is dense, there exists
a sequence {xn } ∈ K such that x → x. We have that since x ∈ K ⊥ and xn ∈ K that
hxn , xi = 0.
By Problem 8 we have that x ⊥ x, but this implies that hx, xi2 = 0, or x = 0. This then
shows that K ⊥ = {0}.
Now suppose that K ⊥ = 0. If x ⊥ K, then we have that x ⊥ K and so x ∈ K ⊥ and
thus x = 0. This then implies that K = {0}. Now we can decompose the Hilbert space
H = K ⊕ K = K and so K is dense in H. (Here one should use the machinery we
developed on projections).
5. Suppose that H is a Hilbert space over the real numbers R. Show that kxk = kyk implies
hx + y, x − yi = 0.
since we are working in a real vector space. But, then the hypothesis that kxk = kyk
gives the result.
Solution: This is a straight forward computation: Just expand both sides. Exact details
left to the student.
Now for the second term above, this clearly goes to zero since xn → x. For the first term,
note that since xn → x, we have that kxn k → kxk, so in particular, supn kxn k < +∞.
Then we can simply conclude that this term goes to zero since yn → y.
But since xn → x, we must have that |hx, yi| = 0, which gives the result.
9. Show that for a sequence {xn } in a Hilbert space that the conditions kxn k → kxk and
hxn , xi → hx, xi implies that xn → x.
This then clearly gives the result, the hypotheses imply that the right hand side goes to
10. Let {ek } be any orthonormal sequence in a Hilbert space H. Show that for any x, y ∈ H
that ∞
|hx, ek i hy, ek i| ≤ kxk kyk
∞ ∞
! 21 ∞
! 21
|hx, ek i hy, ek i| ≤ |hx, ek i|2 |hy, ek i|2
k=1 k=1 k=1
≤ kxk kyk .
11. Show that an element x of a Hilbert space can not have “too many” Fourier coefficients
hx, ek i that are “big”. Namely if {ek } is an orthonormal sequence, show that the number
N () of hx, ek i such that
|hx, ek i| >
must satisfy N () < 2
Now, if we sum over only those elements such that |hx, ek i| > , then we clearly have
X ∞
N () ≤ 1≤ |hx, ek i|2 ≤ kxk2 .
k:|hx,ek i|> k=1
A sesquilinear form is bounded if |h(x, y)| ≤ C kxk kyk and the norm of the form h is given
|h(x, y)|
khkX×Y →C = sup = sup |h(x, y)| .
x6=0,y6=0 kxk kyk kxk=1,kyk=1
Show that if h is a bounded sesquilinear form on the Hilbert spaces X and Y , then h has
the representation
h(x, y) = hSx, yiY
where S : X → Y is a bounded linear operator. Moreover, S is uniquely determined by h
and has norm
kSkX→Y = khkX×Y →C .
Solution: The idea is to use the Riesz Representation to construct the linear operator
S. Fix x ∈ H and consider the functional on the space Y given by
and so S is linear.
kSkX→Y = sup
x6=0 kxkX
|hSx, SxiY |
= sup
x6=0,Sx6=0 kxkX kSxkY
|hSx, yiY |
≤ sup
x6=0,y6=0 kxkX kykY
|h(x, y)|
= sup = khkX×Y →C
x6=0,y6=0 kxkX kykY
For uniqueness, suppose that there are two linear operators S1 and S2 such that
2. Suppose that H is Hilbert space that contains an orthonormal sequence {ek } which is
total in H. Show that H is separable (it has a countable dense subset).
Solution: Let A denote the set of all linear combination of the form
γkj ekj
where J is a finite set, kj ∈ J, and γkj = akj + ibkj , where akj , bkj ∈ Q. It is clear that
A is countable. We now will show that A is the countable dense subset in H that we seek.
We need to show that for every x ∈ H and > 0 there is a v ∈ A such that
kx − vkH <
Since the sequence {ek } is total in H, there exists an integer n such that Yn =
span{e1 , . . . , en } contains aPpoint y whose distance in x is less than 2 . In particular, by
Parseval, we can take y = nk=1 hx, ek iH ek and have
x− hx, ek iH ek < .
Now for each coefficient hx, ek iH , we can find an element γk ∈ C whose real and
imaginary parts are rational such that
(hx, ek iH − γk ) ek <
Then define v = k=1 γk ek ∈ A, and note that
kx − vkH = x− γk ek
k=1 H
Xn n
≤ x− hx, ek iH ek + (hx, ek iH − γk ) ek
k=1 H k=1 H
< .
3. If p is a sublinear functional on a real vector space X, show that there exists a linear
functional f˜ on X such that −p(−x) ≤ f˜(x) ≤ p(x).
Solution: Note that by Hahn-Banach we have that for any linear functional f with
f (x) ≤ p(x) we have a corresponding extension f˜(x) that satisfies f˜(x) ≤ p(x).
Now simply note that if we evaluate this expression at −x then we have
−f˜(x) = f˜(−x) ≤ p(−x)
and so we have f˜(x) ≥ −p(−x). Combining these inequalities gives the result.
4. If x in a normed space X such that |f (x)| ≤ c for all f ∈ X ∗ of norm at most 1. Show
that kxk ≤ c.
|f (x)|
kxkX = sup
f ∈X ∗ ,f 6=0 kf kX→C
|f (x)|
sup = sup |f (x)|
f ∈X ∗ ,f 6=0 kf kX→C f ∈X ∗ ,kf kX→C =1
5. Show that for any sphere centered at the origin with radius r, Sr (0), in a normed space
X and any point y ∈ Sr (0) there is a hyperplane Hy 3 y such that Br (0) lies entirely in one
of the two half spaces determined by the hyperplane Hy .
Solution: The rationals Q are meagre in R. Note that the rationals Q are countable.
Let q1 , q2 , . . . be an enumeration of Q, i.e., we can write Q = ∞
k=1 k Then it is clear
q .
that each set {qk } is nowhere dense. Thus, we have written Q as a countable union of
nowhere dense sets in R.
7. Show that the complement M c of a meager subset M of a complete metric space X is
8. Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Suppose that Tn ∈ B(X, Y ) is such that supn kTn k = +∞.
Show that there is a point x0 ∈ X such that supn kTn x0 kY = +∞. The point x0 is called a
point of resonance.
Solution: Suppose that there does not exist a point x0 ∈ X with the desired conclusion.
Then for all x ∈ X we have that
But, then the operators Tn satisfy the hypotheses of the Uniform Boundedness Principle,
so we have that the sequence of norms kTn k is finite, i.e.,
However, this clearly contradicts the hypotheses of the operators Tn , and so we must
have that there exists x0 ∈ X such that
sup kTn x0 kY = +∞
9. If X and Y are Banach spaces and Tn ∈ B(X, Y ), show that the following are equivalent:
10. If {xn } is a sequence in a Banach space is such that for all f ∈ X ∗ the sequence {f (xn )}
is bounded, show that {kxn k} is bounded.
is bounded for all f ∈ X ∗ . Then, by the Uniform Boundedness Principle, we have there
there exists some universal constant C such that
kTn kX ∗ →C ≤ C.
1. If the inverse T −1 of a closed linear operator exists, show that T −1 is a closed linear
Solution: Assuming that the inverse of T were defined, then we will have to have that
D(T −1 ) = Ran(T ). Suppose that {un } ∈ D(T −1 ) is a sequence such that un → u and
T −1 un → x. We need so that that u ∈ D(T −1 ) and T −1 u = x. Then by the simple
criteria, we would have that T −1 is closed.
Since un ∈ D(T −1 ) we have that un = T xn , where xn ∈ D(T ). Also, note we have that
T −1 un = xn → x. So, we have a sequence of vectors {xn } ∈ D(T ) with xn → x and
T xn → u. Since T is closed, we have that x ∈ D(T ) and T x = u. But, this last equality
implies that u ∈ D(T −1 ) and that x = T −1 u, which is what we wanted.
2. Let T be a closed linear operator. If two sequences {xn } and {x̃n } in the domain of T
both converge to the same limit x, and if {T xn } and {T x̃n } both converge, show that {T xn }
and {T x̃n } both have the same limit.
Solution: Suppose that {xn }, {x̃n } ∈ D(T ) are such that xn → x and x̃n → x. Let
T xn → y and T x̃n → ỹ. We need to show that y = ỹ.
Since T is closed, then we know that for xn → x and T xn → y implies that x ∈ D(T )
and T x = y. Similarly, we have that x̃n → x and T x̃n → ỹ implies that x ∈ D(T ) and
T x = ỹ. But, this then gives y = T x = ỹ, and we they have the same limit as claimed.
Now, suppose that T −1 : Ran T → X is bounded, i.e., kT −1 ykX ≤ c kykY . The goal
is to show that y ∈ Ran T . Let y ∈ Ran T , and then there exists xn ∈ X such that
T xn := un → y. We then have that the sequence {xn } is Cauchy since
kxn − xm kX = T −1 T xn − T −1 T xm X
= T −1 (un − um ) X
≤ c kun − um kY
and since un → y this gives that the claim. Since X is complete, let x denote the limit
of the sequence {xn }. Then we will show that y = T x ∈ Ran T , and so the range of T is
closed. But, note that
ky − T xkY = ky − un + un − T xkY
≤ ky − un kY + kun − T xkY
≤ ky − un kY + kT k kxn − xkX .
Here we have used that T is bounded. But, the expression on the right hand side can be
made arbitrarily small, and so y = T x as desired.
kT xkY ≤ kT k kxkX ∀x ∈ X.
However, since T is bijective and bounded we have that T −1 is bounded as well. Note
that T −1 : Y → X, so for any y ∈ Y we have that
T −1 y X
≤ T −1 kykY .
kxkX ≤ T −1 kT xkY .
5. Let X1 = (X, k·k1 ) and X2 = (X, k·k2 ) be Banach spaces. If there is a constant c such
that kxk1 ≤ c kxk2 for all x ∈ X, show that there is a constant C such that kxk2 ≤ C kxk1
for all x ∈ X.
kIxk1 ≤ c kxk2 ∀x ∈ X
so I is bounded. But, we also have that I is bijective, and so by the Bounded Inverse
Theorem, we have that I −1 : X1 → X2 is a bounded linear operator as well, i.e., there
exists a constant C such that
I −1 x 2
≤ C kxk1 ∀x ∈ X.
However, I −1 x = x and so
kxk2 ≤ C kxk1 ∀x ∈ X.
6. Let X be the normed space whose points are sequences of complex numbers x = {ξj }
with only finitely many non-zero terms and norm defined by kxk = supj |ξj |. Let T : X → X
be defined by
1 1 1
T x = ξ1 , ξ2 , ξ3 , . . . = ξj .
2 3 j
Show that T is linear and bounded, but T −1 is unbounded. Does this contradict the Bounded
Inverse Theorem?
Solution: It is pretty obvious that T is linear. Since x = {ξn } and y = {ηn }, then we
have that
1 1 1
T (x + y) = (ξj + ηj ) = ξj + ηj = T x + T y.
j j j
The case of constants λ, is just as easy to verify, T λx = λT x. It is also very easy to see
that T is bounded, since we have for any x ∈ X that
|ξj | 1
kT xkX = sup ≤ kxkX sup ≤ kxkX .
j≥1 j j≥1 j
T −1 x = {jξj } .
Solution: Let T : D(T ) → D(T ) ⊂ X be the identity operator on D(T ), where D(T ) is
a proper dense subspace of the normed space X. Then it is immediate that T is linear
and bounded. However, we have that T is not closed. To see this, take x ∈ X \ D(T )
and a sequence {xn } ∈ D(T ) that converges to x, and then use the simple test for an
operator to be closed that we gave in class.
8. Show that the null space of a closed linear operator T : X → Y is a closed subspace of X.
Solution: Recall that the null space of a linear operator is given by Null(T ) := {x ∈
X : T x = 0}. Let x ∈ Null(T ) and suppose that xn ∈ Null(T ) is a sequence such that
xn → x. We need to show that x ∈ Null(T ).
Solution: It suffices to show that the graph of A is closed. So suppose that we have
(xn , Axn ) → (x, y). Then we need to show that y = Ax. To accomplish this last equality,
it is enough to show that for all z ∈ H that
10. Let {Tn } be a sequence of bounded linear transformations from X → Y , where X and
Y are Banach spaces. Suppose that kTn k ≤ M < ∞ and there is a dense set E ⊂ X such
that {Tn x} converges for all x ∈ E. Show that {Tn x} converges on all of X.
Solution: Let > 0 be given. Pick any x ∈ X. Now choose x0 ∈ E such that
kx − x0 kX < 3M , which will be possible since E is dense in X. For this x0 we have
that Tn x0 → y. So there exists an integer N such that if n, m > N then
kTn x0 − Tm x0 kY < .
Now, we claim that {Tn x} is Cauchy in Y , and since Y is a Banach space it is complete
and so the result follows. To see that {Tn x} is Cauchy, when n, m > N we have
g(Tn x) → g(T x) ∀g ∈ Y ∗ .
So, let > 0 be given, and select f ∈ X ∗ with kf k∗X = 1 such that
kxn − xkX < |f (xn − x)| + .
2 kT k
Hint: Prove that the weak closure of a convex set is the same as the strong closure.
So it suffices to prove the claim. Since strong convergence implies weak convergence,
we have that E ⊂ E w . Suppose that x0 6∈ E. By your exam, there exists a functional
f ∈ X ∗ such that
f (x0 ) < δ ≤ f (x) ∀x ∈ E.
Consider the set {x : f (x) < δ}, this is a weak open set of x0 that does not intersect E,
/ E w . Which gives E w ⊂ E.
and so x0 ∈
3. Let Tn ∈ B(X, Y ). Show that Tn → T uniformly if and only if for every > 0 there is an
N , depending only on such that for all n > N and all x ∈ X of norm 1 we have
kTn x − T xkY < .
Solution: Suppose first that Tn → T uniformly. Then we have that for any > 0 there
exists N such that
kTn − T kX→Y < .
Then we clearly have that
kTn x − T xkY
kTn − T kX→Y = sup
06=x∈X kxkX
kTn x − T xkY
kTn − T kX→Y = sup ≤
06=x∈X kxkX
Solution: Part (a) is immediate since we have that X ⊂ X ∗∗ where we have used
the canonical mapping. Namely, each x ∈ X defines a functional x̂ : X ∗ → C by
x̂(f ) := f (x). So, if we have weak convergence of the sequence of functionals, then we
have weak-* convergence as well.
6. A weak Cauchy sequence in a normed space is a sequence {xn } in X such that for every
f ∈ X ∗ the sequence {f (xn )} is Cauchy. Show that a weak Cauchy sequence is bounded.
Solution: Define x̂n : X ∗ → C by x̂n (f ) = f (xn ). Since {xn } is a weak Cauchy sequence,
then we have that {f (xn )} is a Cauchy sequence in C and hence bounded. Thus, we
have that {x̂n (f )} is a bounded sequence, and since X ∗ is a Banach space we can apply
the Uniform Boundedness Principle to conclude that
But, this then gives that supn kxn kX < ∞, which is what we wanted.
Solution: Let {xn } be a weak Cauchy sequence in X. Again, we will identify xn with x̂n
via the canonical mapping. Note that by Problem 6 above, we have that supn kxn kX < ∞.
Since {f (xn )} is Cauchy in C, it has a limit, and we can define
8. Put fn (t) = eint , t ∈ [−π, π]. Let Lp = Lp (−π, π) with respect to Lebesgue measure. If
1 ≤ p < ∞, show that fn → 0 weakly in Lp , but not strongly.
hp, fn iL2 → 0.
The polynomials are dense in Lp when 1 ≤ p < ∞, so for any f ∈ Lp , select a polynomial
p such that kf − pkLp < . Then we have that
The second term goes to zero as n → ∞, in particular if n > N we have |hp, fn iL2 | < .
For the first term, note that we have
It is immediate that fn does not converge strongly to 0 in Lp when 1 ≤ p < ∞ since each
element has norm 1.
9. A subset of a Banach space X is weakly bounded if for all f ∈ X ∗ , supx∈S |f (x)| < ∞.
Prove that S is weakly bounded if and only if it is strongly bounded, i.e., supx∈S kxkX < ∞.
Solution: It is clear that if the set S is strongly bounded, then it must be weakly
bounded since
So, we have that for all x ∈ S that x̂ is a uniformly bounded family of operators from
X ∗ → C. Hence by the Uniform Boundedness Principle, we have that
Solution: Note that we have c∗0 = `1 . For notational simplicity, let hxn , yi denote the
infinite sum ∞
xn (j)y(j).
The easy direction then follows fromPtesting on an obvious element in c0 and the Uniform
Boundedness Principle. If we have ∞ j=1 y(j)xn (j) → 0 for every y ∈ c0 , then taking
y = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . .)
with the one occurring in the jth position, we have that
xn (j) = y(j)xn (j) → 0.
P∞ if we have supn kxn k`1 < ∞ and xn (j) → 0 for all j ≥ 1, we need to show
j=1 y(j)xn (j) → 0. Fix y ∈ c0 and note that for any > 0 there exists J such that
|y(j)| < .
Now we have that
X J−1
X ∞
y(j)xn (j) = y(j)xn (j) + y(j)xn (j).
j=1 j=1 j=J
This can be made as small as we wish by choosing appropriately. Now for the first
term, we have that xn (j) → 0 for j = 1, . . . , J − 1. Select N so that |xn (j)| ≤ J . Then
we have that
X J−1
y(j)xn (j) ≤ kyk`∞ |xn (j)| ≤ kyk`∞ .
j=1 j=1
Sn (x) = (0, . . . , 0, x1 , . . . , xn , . . .)
where we have shifted the sequence x to the right by n zeros. Show that Sn∗ → 0 strongly.
since it is the tail of a convergent series. This gives the desired claim.
2. Let X and Y be Banach spaces, and suppose that T ∈ B(X, Y ) has a bounded inverse.
Show that (T −1 )∗ = (T ∗ )−1 .
(T −1 )∗ = (T ∗ )−1 .
hTn∗ x, yi → hT ∗ x, yi .
(Here we are using the ‘pairing’ notation to make sense of the action on linear functionals).
But, we then have
hTn∗ x, yi = hx, Tn yi → hx, T yi = hT ∗ x, yi .
4. Let S, T ∈ B(X) where X is a Banach space. Suppose that T is invertible in B(X) with
kT −1 k = α1 and S ∈ B(X) with kSk = β < α.
(a) Show that (S + T )−1 ∈ B(X) and find an estimate on the norm of (S + T )−1 .
(b) Show that the set of all invertible operators on B(X) is open and that the map T → T −1
is a homeomorphism
For part (b), note that part (a) implies that the set of invertibles is an open set. Since
if T is invertible, then for all operators S such that kSk < kT −1 k we have that T − S
is invertible, i.e. the ball of radius kT −1 k about the operator T contains invertible
elements. Finally note that the map T → T −1 is its own inverse and maps the set of
invertible elements onto itself. It suffices to show that T → T −1 is continuous. Using the
computations from above one can see that
−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
T − (T + S) =T (I − (I + ST )) =T (−1)j+1 (ST −1 )j .
The computations above then show that if kSk is small enough (depending on kT −1 k)
then the right hand side can be made sufficiently small, and so the mapping T → T −1 is
5. For the identity operator on a normed space X, find the eigenvalues and eigenspaces as
well as σ(I) and Rλ (I).
So, Rλ (I) exists, defines a bounded operator, and has dense domain when λ 6= 1. This
clearly gives σ(I) = {1}.
Also, it is easy to see that σp (I) = {1}, and so the eigenvalue of I is 1 with corresponding
eigenspace X.
6. Show that for a given linear operator T the sets ρ(T ), σp (T ), σc (T ) and σr (T ) are mutu-
ally disjoint and their union is C.
Solution: It is obvious that we have ρ(T )∩σ(T ) = ∅ and ρ(T )∪σ(T ) = C. So it suffices
to show that
σ(T ) = σp (T ) ∪ σc (T ) ∪ σr (T )
and each of these sets are disjoint.
σ(T ) = σp (T ) ∪ (σ(T ) \ σp (T )) .
This is true since λ ∈ σ(T ) then Rλ either exists or doesn’t, but σp (T ) is the set for
which it doesn’t exist. The remaining set is the collection of λ ∈ σ(T ) such that Rλ (T )
exists. Clearly these sets are disjoint.
Now if λ ∈ σ(T ) \ σp (T ), then we can partition this set into the collection of λ for which
Rλ (T ) is defined on a set which is dense in X, and those for which the property fails.
But, this gives, upon referring to the definition of the residual and continuous spectrum,
σ(T ) \ σp (T ) = σr (T ) ∪ σc (T )
and clearly these sets are then disjoint.
8. Find a linear operator T : C[0, 1] → C[0, 1] whose spectrum is a given interval [a, b].
Solution: To solve this problem, we use Problem 7. For the operator T : C[0, 1] →
C[0, 1] given by T x = vx, we know that
10. For 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ let `p denote the set of p-summable sequences with the standard norm.
Let T ((ξ1 , ξ2 , . . .)) = (ξ2 , ξ3 , . . .), i.e., the left shift.
(a) Consider T : `∞ → `∞ . If |λ| > 1 show that λ ∈ ρ(T ) and if |λ| ≤ 1 that λ is an
eigenvalue and find the corresponding eigenspace.
(b) Consider T : `p → `p when 1 ≤ p < ∞. If |λ| = 1 is λ an eigenvalue of T ?
Part (b): The computations above imply that if we solve the equation
T x = λx
where x ∈ `p , then we have to have that x is a scalar multiple of the vector,
xλ = (λ, λ2 , λ3 , . . .).
However, if |λ| = 1, then xλ ∈/ `p when 1 ≤ p < ∞. So there is no vector x ∈ `p such
that T x = λx, and so if |λ| = 1, then this is not an eigenvalue of T .
Homework 6
1. Let S, T ∈ B(X) show that for any λ ∈ ρ(T ) ∩ ρ(S) that
Rλ (T ) − Rλ (S) = Rλ (T )(S − T )Rλ (S).
2. Let X be a complex Banach space, with T ∈ B(X) and p a polynomial. Show that the
p(T )x = y
has a unique solution x for every y ∈ X if and only if p(λ) 6= 0 for all λ ∈ σ(T ).
Solution: Note that if p(λ) 6= 0 for λ ∈ σ(T ) then the function g = p1 is holomorphic
on s set that contains σ(T ). But we have that pg = 1, and by the Spectral Theorem
p(T )g(T ) = I, and so p(T ) is invertible, and thus has a unique solution x for all y ∈ X.
Conversely, if there is a unique solution then p(T ) is invertible. Suppose that p(λ) = 0
for some λ ∈ σ(T ), then we have p(z) = (z − λ)h(z), which gives
But since T − λI would not be invertible, we would have that p(T ) is not invertible, and
this is a contradiction and so p(λ) 6= 0 for all λ ∈ σ(T ).
5. Let T ∈ B(X). Show that exp T is a well defined bounded linear operator on X with
kexp T k ≤ exp kT k
6. Show that the spectral radius depends upper semincontinuously in the norm topology.
Namely if Tn → T then
lim rσ (Tn ) ≤ rσ (T ).
rσ (ST ) ≤ rσ (S)rσ (T )
Solution: We have that
8. Show the commutativity can not be dropped from the problem above.
Solution: One can construct lots of different examples. Using 2x2 matrices is good
place to start looking for an example. Let
1 2 1 0
S= and T = .
0 1 1 1
Solution: For part (a) first note that U ∗ U = U U ∗ = I and so kU k = 1. If |λ| > 1 then
we have Uλ < 1 and thus λI −U = λ(I −λ−1 U ) is invertible. So we have that λ ∈ / σ(U ).
∗ ∗
If |λ| < 1, then we have kλU k < 1 and then λI − U = U (λU − I) is invertible, and so
λ∈ / σ(U ). Thus we have that σ(U ) ⊂ {λ : |λ| = 1}.
For part (b) note that if λ is an eigenvalue with eigenvector x, then we have
This gives that λ = λ for eigenvalues, and so must be real. Now observe that λ ∈ σ(T )
if and only if λ ∈ σ(T ∗ ). But since T = T ∗ , then we have that λ ∈ σ(T ) if and only if
λ ∈ σ(T ). We just need to rule out the case of the residual spectrum. So if λ = a + ib
then we have
k(T − λI)xk2 = k(T − aI)xk2 + b2 kxk2 ≥ b2 kxk2 .
This estimate implies that T −λI is one-to-one and has closed range. If Ran(T −λI) 6= H,
then λ belongs to the residual spectrum. But, then we must have that λ = a − bi must
be an eigenvalue of T , which is not real. This contradicts what we had from before.
10. Let X = C[0, 1] with the standard norm. Define the operator
Z t
V (f )(t) = f (x) dx
and so Z t Z s
V (f )(t) ≤ kf kX du ds = kf kX
0 0 2
2 1
So we have that kV k ≤ 2
. A similar computation shows that
Vk ≤ .
In fact one can easily show that
Z s
k 1
V f (s) = (s − t)k−1 f (t) dt.
(k − 1)! 0
For part (b), we set up an ODE that we can solve. For the moment, assume that
y ∈ C[0, 1] is actually differentiable. We want to solve the equation
1. If X and Y are normed spaces, and T1 and T2 are compact linear operators, show that
T1 + T2 is a compact linear operator. Show that the compact linear operators from X into
Y constitute a subspace K(X, Y ) of B(X, Y ).
Solution: There are two ways to prove that T1 + T2 are compact if T1 and T2 are com-
pact. One can resort to the characterization of compact operators by sequences, and
simply note that if {xn } is a bounded sequence then {T1 xn } and {T2 xn } have convergent
subsequences. Then use linearity and select a common subsequence so that {(T1 +T2 )xn }
has a convergent subsequence. The other way to prove that T1 +T2 is compact is to recall
that the sum of two compact sets is again compact.
2. If X is a normed space and Y is a Banach space, show that K(X, Y ) is a Banach space.
3. Show that a linear operator T : X → X is compact if and only if for every sequence {xn }
of vectors of norm not exceeding 1 the sequence {T xn } has a convergent subsequence.
Solution: To prove this we will use the alternate (equivalent) definition of compactness,
for any bounded sequence {xn } the sequence {T xn } has a convergent subsequence.
First suppose that T is compact and that the the sequence of vectors {xn } is bounded
in norm not exceeding 1. Then it is a bounded sequence and so {T xn } has a convergent
Now suppose that every sequence {xn } of vectors of norm not exceeding 1 the sequence
{T xn } has a convergent subsequence. Let {xn } be a given bounded sequence. Then
there exists a number R > 0 such that kxn k ≤ R for all n. So the sequence yn = xRn
is bounded in norm by 1. Thus,we have that {T yn } has a convergent subsequence. But
since T is linear, we have that R1 T xn has a convergent subsequence. This then gives
that T is compact.
Solution: The range of the map is at most one dimensional. Compactness follows easily
from this.
5. Show that T : `p → `p , 1 ≤ p < ∞, with T x = y defined by yj = (T x)j = j
is compact
Solution: Define Tn : `p → `p by
x xn
Tn x = x1 , , . . . , , . . . .
2 n
Then we clearly have that Tn is compact since it has finite dimensional range. Note that
X |xj |p 1
kTn x − T xkp`p = p
≤ p
kxkp`p .
j (n + 1)
6. Suppose that X is a Banach space. Let T ∈ B(X) and let S ∈ K(X). Show that
T S, ST ∈ K(X). Note that this implies that K(X) is an ideal in B(X).
Solution: Let B ⊂ X be any bounded set. Since T is bounded, we have that T (B) is
a bounded set too. Thus, ST (B) = S(T (B)) is relatively compact, and so ST is compact.
Let {xn } be any bounded sequence in X. Then since S is compact the sequence {Sxn }
has a convergent subsequence, denoted by {Sxnk }. Since T is bounded, we have that
{T Sxnk } is a convergent sequence. This gives that T S is compact.
Note that Tk is linear and compact. A simple computation then gives that
X |x(n − 1)|2
kT x − Tk xk`2 =
(n + 1)2
≤ kxk2`2 .
(k + 1)2
This gives that kTk − T k ≤ k+1
and so Tk → T uniformly, and so T is compact.
It suffices to show that this last expression can be made arbitrarily small as we let
h → 0, independently of y. The idea is to apply the Dominated Convergence Theorem.
Set gh (x) = f (x)e−2πix·(y+h) . Then we have that |gh | ≤ |f |, and gh → g0 = f (x)e−2πix·y
almost everywhere in Rn . So we then have that
fˆ(y + h) = gh (x)dx → g0 (x)dx = fˆ(y)
Rn Rn
as h → 0 by Dominated Convergence.
converges to fˆ in L2 (Rn ) as N → ∞.
Solution: Let Z
gN (ξ) = f (x)e−2πix·ξ dx.
Observe that
fˆ(ξ) − gN (ξ) = f (x)1{x:|x|>N } e−2πix·ξ dx = f 1\
{x:|x|>N } (ξ).
fˆ − gN = f 1\
{x:|x|>N }
L2 (Rn ) L2 (Rn )
= f 1{x:|x|>N } L2 (Rn )
But, for N large enough, we have that this last expression can be made smaller than any
given > 0 since f ∈ L2 (Rn ).
3. If fk , f ∈ S(Rn ) and fk → f in S(Rn ), then fˆk → fˆ and fˇk → fˇ in S(Rn ).
Recall that if fk → f in S(Rn ), then we have that fk → f in Lp (Rn ) for any 0 < p ≤ ∞.
Moreover, we have X
∂ β g Lp (Rn ) ≤ C(p, n) ρα,β (g).
|α|=b n+1
Apply this estimate with g = fk − f and p = 1 to conclude that fˆk → fˆ. Similar
computations prove the statement for fˇk → fˇ.
4. Find the set of eigenvalues of the Fourier transform, namely the λ such that
fˆ = λf.
Hint: Apply the Fourier transform to the above identity, and consider functions of the form
2 2 2
xe−πx , (a + bx2 )e−πx and (cx + dx3 )e−πx for good choices of a, b, c, d.
5. If 0 < c < ∞, define fc (x) = e−cx
(a) Compute fˆc in the following way: Let ϕ = fˆc and show that 4π 2 tϕ(t) + 2cϕ0 (t) = 0
and then solve the resulting differential equation;
(b) Show that there is one (and only one) value of c for which fc = fˆc ;
Then we have
0 2
ϕ (t) = 2πi xe−cx e−2πixt dx
π d −cx2 −2πixt
= − i e e dx
c R dx
π 2 d
= − i e−cx e−2πixt dx
c R dx
= −2 tϕ(t).
Rearrangement gives the resulting differential equation. Interchange of the derivative
with respect to t, and switching the derivative with respect to x is justified since e−cx is
a Schwarz class function. Solving the resulting differential equation gives that
π 2 2
fˆc (t) = ke− c t
fˆ(y) = fˆ(0).
7. Compute the Fourier transform of g(x) = e−2π|x| using the following steps:
(b) Use part (a) with f (x) = e−tx and t > 0 to obtain the following identity:
Z ∞
1 t2 dy
e =√ e−y− y √ ;
π 0 y
(c) Set t = π |x| and integrate with respect to e−2πiξ·x dx to obtain that
Γ( n+1
) 1
gb(ξ) = n+1 n+1 .
π 2 (1 + |ξ|2 ) 2
Solution: Part (a): For one proof, one can check the identity when f (x) = 1[0,1] (x), and
then use that simple functions are dense in L1 (R). Here is another proof that one can
give. Note that we have
Z Z ∞ Z 0
f (x)dx = f (x)dx + f (x)dx.
R 0 −∞
We work with each of these integrands separately. For the first one, we have that
Z ∞ Z ∞
1 1
f (x)dx = f x− 1 + 2 dx.
0 1 x x
While for the second one, we have
Z 0 Z −1
1 1
f (x)dx = f x− 1 + 2 dx.
−∞ −∞ x x
Now, note that we have
Z Z −1 Z 1 Z ∞
1 1 1 1
f x− dx = f x− dx + f x− dx + f x− dx
R x −∞ x −1 x 1 x
Using these identities from above, it is easy to see that
Z Z Z Z 1
1 1 dx 1
f (x)dx = f x− dx + f x− − f x− dx.
R R x |x|>1 x x2 −1 x
To conclude the computation, we are left with showing that
Z Z 1
1 dx 1
f x− = f x− dx.
|x|>1 x x2 −1 x
To prove this last identity one shows that
Z 1 Z −1
1 1 dx
f x− = f x−
0 x −∞ x x2
and Z ∞
Z 0
1 1 dx
f x− = f x−
−1 x 1 x x2
via a standard change of variables. Part (b): We use part (a) applied to the function
f (x) = e−tx . Now observe that
Z r
−tx2 π
e dx = .
R t
But, we also have that
Z 2
−t(x− x1 ) 2 −t 1
e dx = e 2t
e−tx x2 dx
Z 2
−y 2 − t 2
= √ e y dy
t R
e2t ∞ −u− t2 du
= √ e u √ .
t 0 u
Using Part (a), we have that
π t2 du
=√ e−u− u √ .
t 2t 0 u