BLIE 229

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15 lines / 100 words each. Each question carries 3 marks.

What are the major features of e-Granthalaya freeware ILS.

A major component of e-Granthalaya is that is is based on Microsoft products. The

recent version 3.0 of e-Granthalaya supports almost all core activities of ILS. The major
features of this freeware are as follows:
a) Technological features
Runs only on Windows Platform (Win XP, vista, 7, 8, or Server 2003/2008) on
LAN/WAN environment. It is UNICODE Compliant and supports data entry in local
b) Administration
Module with Wise Permission to the software Users, Work-flow as per Indian Libraries
and Retro-Conversion as well as Full Cataloguing Modes of Data Entry, Library
Statistics Reports.
c) Cataloguing
Master tables for Authors, publishers, etc. Multi-Vol, Multi-Copy and Child-Parent
Relationship pattern, Client Search Built-in, Export Records in different formats.
Centralized Database for member libraries. Import Data from any Structured source.
Generate Bibliography in AACR2, Data Entry Statistics Built-In, E-Books management
with digital files.
d) Acquisition
Main/Branch Libraries Acquisition/ Cataloguing, Print register, Bulk accessioning in
single click, Budget and account control, Budget Modules with Bill Register Generation.
Manages multi-budget heads, Exchange rates, Report generation, etc.
e) Circulation
Issue/return, Membership module, Bar-coding support, comprehensive circulation
f) Serials control
Subscription/renewal with auto-generate schedule, CAS/SDI Services and
Documentation Bulletin, Micro-Documents Manager (Articles/ Chapter Indexing).
g) OPAC and Utilities
Search Module built-in with basic/advance parameters, Full Text Clipping Services,
Digital media integration with uploading/ downloading of pdf/html documents. Web
Based OPAC Interface.

Define the concept of Digital Libraries.

 The term 'Digital Library' refers to the concept that has been discussed nearly
since the invention of the computer; a computerized 'library' that supplements,
adds functionality, and may even replace traditional libraries.
 Compared to traditional libraries, digital libraries provide efficient and qualitative
services by collecting, organizing, storing, disseminating, retrieving, and
preserving the information. Besides information retrieval and delivery, digital
libraries support preservation. Thus, providing online access to historical and
cultural documents whose existence is endangered due to physical decay.
 It include a strong focus on the management of digital content just as traditional
libraries have focused on management of physical contents.
 Digital Libraries aim to provide universal access to human knowledge, and with
the advancement of digital storage and communications, this goal is achievable.

Enumerate technical features of GSDL.

a) Multi-platform user friendly application

GSDL runs on all versions of Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS-X. The installation is
quite simple and doesn't require any configuration.
b) Interoperability
Highly interoperable based on contemporary standards. It can harvest documents over
OAI-PMH and include them in collection. It can ingest documents in METS form.
c) Interfaces
There are two interactive interfaces, the Reader interface and the Librarian interface.
End users access digital library through the Reader interface which operates within a
web-browser.. The Librarian interface is a Java-based graphical user interface.
d) Metadata formats
It allows several sets of metadata, including locally produced ones to be merged.
Through Librarian interface, using Metadata Set Editor, metadata can be extracted from
XML-statements within the documents.
e) Document formats
For textual documents, there are plug-ins for: PDF, PostScript, Word, RTF, HTML, Plain
text, etc. For multimedia documents, there plug-ins for: Images, MP3 audio, Ogg Vorbis
audio, etc.
f) Languages
It is multilingual in nature. The reader's interface is available in Arabic, Bengali,
Croatian, Czech, Chinese, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, Hindi, etc. The Librarian
interface is in English, French, Spanish, and Russian.

What is the Pre-requisite Software for DSpace?


 As with any other operating system, Dspace runs on Windows quite similarly. A
pre-requisite software is required to for DSpace 1.5x and higher and it differs
based on the version of DSpace that is running. The following are the pre-
requisite software:

 Java SDK (jdk-6u14-javafx-1_2-windows-i586)

Using the Java programming language, JDK provides a development environment for
building applications, applets, and components.

 PostgreSQL (8.x for Windows)

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has native

programming interfaces for C/ C++, Java, .Net, Perl, etc.

 Apache Tomcat (apache-tomcat-5.5.28)

An open source software implementation of the Java Servlets to serve as a Web server.

 Apache Maven (2.2.1-bin)

Software project management and comprehension tools are provided by Apache

 Apache Ant 1.7.x.

An application that builds Java applications.

What are the various components of LAMP Architecture?

Block 1, 4.5.3 LAMP Components

 LAMP stands for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PERL/PHP.

 The LAMP architecture includes components namely Apache Web Server,
MySQL Database Management System, PERL Programming Environment and
PHP Programming Environment.

 Apache Web Server

Apache HTTPD is a powerful, popular, and flexible Web server. Highly customizable,
extensible as it can be customized by writing ‘modules’ using the available API.
Although originated in Unix domain, Apache runs on almost every operating systems.
Complaint with HTTP/1.1 and available as open source under GPL.
Almost 90% of Internet host computers use Apache Web server.

 MySQL Database Management System

It is the most popular Open Source SQL database that is created, distributed,
maintained and supported by MySQL AB.
Large databases can be handled effectively and much faster than existing solutions. In
production environments, MySQL has been used successfully for several years.
Features like connectivity, speed, and security make it highly suitable for accessing
bibliographic databases on the Internet.
Secure connections generally require OpenSSL library, but don't require additional

Completely compatible with ANSI SQL standard, it is generally much faster than other
RDBMSs and provides API to an array of programming languages.

 PERL Programming Environment

PERL (Practical Extraction Report Language) was originally created to extract
information from text files and then use that information to prepare reports. It is an open
source scripting language.

It is widely used for CGI programming and is originated in the UNIX community, but
usage on Windows is on the rise too.

Requires no additional software but PERL modules are available from CPAN archive for
running other software.

ActivePerl is a quality-assured binary build of PERL, available for Windows, Linux and
Solaris, which supports Unicode and large file operations.

 PHP Programming Environment

An open source server side scripting language. PHP is a parsed language i.e. there will
be no compiled binaries. Every time a client browser requests a page with PHP code,
the parser executes PHP-statements in the code.

Web server is required to run PHP programmes in Web environment.

It supports many databases (MySQL, PostGreSQL, etc), generic ODBCs and almost all
Web servers (Apache, IIS etc.) and it runs on different platforms (Windows, Solaris

Enlist advantages of Open Source Software Packages.


 The FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source) or simply Open Source ILSs are maturing
day-by-day and are becoming more and more popular as alternatives to
commercially available systems
 Apart from technological advantages, Open Source ILSs provide many other
benefits such as

o Community ownership: User libraries are considered as stake-holders of

the product, i.e. users are considered as co-developers and there is no
single owner of the ILS.
o Vendor independence: Libraries are free to hire expertise at the time of
o Smooth migration: The migration of data is quite smooth when a user
library want to switch from an Open Source ILS to another ILS
(commercial or open).
o Use of open standards: Most of the work-flows and activities are based
on open standards, which ensures transparency in library operations.
o Customization: Open Source ILSs allow libraries to customize the source
code to meet the requirements of individual libraries.
o Fund savings: The library budget for software procurement and annual
maintenance may be utilized in other areas of library development as
Open Source ILSs are available at no cost or at nominal cost.
o Freedom: Allows librarians to operate at the system level, provides
freedom to use, modify and distribute the software on the basis of GPL.
o Fraternity: Open Source ILS fosters fraternity by allowing library
communities to cooperate, share expertise and experience.

Explain briefly works of the system administration of ILS.


 System administration involves two sets of works: –

1. Setting of initial configuration for each module;

2. Adjustment of configuration settings from time-to-time to match requirements of

 Post-installation configuration of an ILS is required to make the default

installation of ILS library specific.
 The administrator / super user should control the overall administration of ILS
through a highly secured module for managing access control - for individual
user, for each module and for each function;

 System security to prevent unauthorized access to databases;

 Standard implementation and setting of system parameters and keep a log of

each transaction.
 The other important jobs of system administration are:
o Privileges Control
o Branch Management
o Backup and Restoration
o System configuration.

Briefly describe library housekeeping operations.

Block 1, 1.3.3 Procedural Model, 2.2 LIBRARY WORKFLOW: SYSTEM APPROACH

 Library housekeeping operations or Library workflow are the basic functions of

any type/size of library.
 The works include acquiring, processing and preserving of library documents.
The circulation of documents and maintenance of library stack is another
important works of library housekeeping.
 These works are done through various divisions/sections of a library namely
acquisition, processing, circulation, serials control and maintenance. These are
basically routine and recurring works and may be done through the application of
ICT tools.
 Procedural model of library automation is proposed by ASLIB as a general model
for automating library housekeeping operations.

o A library system has mainly two subsystems – administrative subsystem

and operational subsystem.
o The operational subsystem may be divided into four further subdivisions
namely Acquisition, Processing, Use and Maintenance.
o Within each of these divisions there are eighteen procedures and within
each procedure there are one or more of six possible activities.
o The procedures and activities are carried out by fifteen basic tasks.


What do you mean by audio/video streaming?


 Live or on-demand webcasts are becoming increasingly popular due to high end
streaming media technology.
 Audio/video programs can now be streamed around the globe with no physical or
geographical boundaries.

 Live Webcast:
o It is the transmission of live audio or video to personal computers that are
connected to the Internet.
o Live Web casts are most suitable for high demand live presentations to
large geographically dispersed audiences. Participants can attend these
virtual presentations from their desktop by visiting a web site.
o Since the event is happening in real time, fast-forward, rewind, and pause
capabilities are not available.
o Participants can use a chat window to type in questions to the presenter
during the session.
o The web cast simulates the look and feel of a live event and can even be
recorded for re-watching later.
o This method is also less expensive than satellite broadcasting.

 On-Demand Webcast:
o Pre-recorded clips are delivered, or streamed, to users upon request.
o A user who clicks a link to an on-demand clip watches the clip from the
beginning and can fast-forward, rewind, or pause the clip.
o On-Demand streams can be created from archived live events or recorded

Briefly discuss the digitisation of print based documents.

Block 2, 6.2 digitisation of print based documents

 Following a decision on what should be digitized, the first step is capturing the
print and analogue documents for digital conversion.
 For audio/ video media conversion is done from the analogue form to digital
formats. Appropriate players like music system or VHS players attached with a
computer will be required for the conversion.
 In the case of print based material, it is the hard copy of the document which
needs to be scanned and digitized. The hard copy can be a paper based
document, microforms or projection slides.

 Capturing Print Based Document

o There are three options available for a library for converting hard copies
into machine readable form:

1. Keying in the text

2. Scanning and capturing them as image files
3. OCR (Optical Character Recognition) the files
o Compared to scanning and saving as image files, keying in by hand costs
ten times more.

o Converting them into OCR will involve costs for error correction and

o Capturing devices for print based material include scanners and digital
cameras attached with a computer.

o The photo sensitive element could be CCD, CIS or PMT based technology
depending on the type of the scanners.

o Light sensitive photosets arrayed along the photosensitive element are

converted into electronic signals which finally processed into digital image

 Digitizing
 Digitization of text is possible either through text transcription or using optical
character recognition method.
 Text transcription can be through keying in the text using a keyboard or by voice
recognition software.
o Keyed in text are saved in ASCII format which do not replicate the
structure and format of the original text.
 OCR software converts image of text captured by a scanner into computer
editable text which a word processor can read.

o It has options for either storing the text and graphics in their original layout
or converting them into ASCII or word processing format.
o Commonly used OCR software are Omnipage Pro and ABBYY Fine
o It also provides the option to save it directly as a PDF file.

30 lines / 200 words each. Each question carries 10 marks.

Mention functional features of Dspace.

Block 2, 7.2 functional features of Dspace

 In DSpace, digital content is organized into Community and Collections tree

 Browse the tree structure to access individual items or use the Java freeware
search engine Lucene to find individual items.
 The functional features of DSpace are as follows:

1. Full-text search
2. Navigation
3. Supported file types
4. Optimized for Google Indexing
5. OpenURL Support

 Full-text search

o DSpace can process uploaded text based contents for full-text searching.
o It is possible to search for specific words only appearing in the actual
content and not in the description provided.

 Navigation

o Users in DSpace find their way to relevant content through the following

Searching for one or more keywords in metadata or extracted full-

 Faceted browsing through any field provided in the item
 Through external reference, such as a Handle.
 Browse, where the user views a particular index, such as the title
index, and navigates around it in search of interesting items.
 Supported file types

o It can accommodate any type of uploaded file

o Files uploaded on DSpace are referred to as “Bitstreams” as after

ingestion, files in DSpace are stored on the file system as a stream of bits
without the file extension.
 Optimized for Google Indexing

o DSpace has added specific metadata in the page head tags that facilitates
indexing in Scholar.
o Popular DSpace repositories often generate over 60% of their visits from
Google pages.
 OpenURL Support

o DSpace supports the OpenURL protocol through linking server software

called SFX server.
o an OpenURL link is displayed on every item page, automatically using the
Dublin Core metadata if SFX server is implemented.
Enumerate the Installation process of GSDL software, also explain the metadata
elements of enrich module.

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