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Artificial Intelligence Effecting Human Decisions

to Kill: The Challenge of Linking Numerically
Quantifiable Goals to IHL Compliance


I. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................105
QUANTIFIABLE GOALS ............................................................... 106
A. Background ......................................................................... 106
B. Objective Performance Standards ....................................... 107
C. Objective Versus Subjective AI? ........................................... 107
D. How Decisions Are Delegated to Machines......................... 110
E. Numerically Quantifiable Goals to Attain Rational Objective
Standards .............................................................................. 111
A. Example One: Quantifying Distinction ............................... 114
B. Example Two: Quantifying Unnecessary Suffering ........... 116
IV. CONCLUSION .............................................................................. 121


Future military forces will face defeat at the hands of a near-peer

adversary if they do not possess the capacity to act and respond faster
than a human being. As such, in the interest of national defense,
technologically advanced nations will develop weapon systems that

*U.S. Marine Corps; Stockton Center for the Study of International Law, U.S. Naval War


rely increasingly on artificial intelligence (AI) to effect human

decisions. These weapons will sense their environment, process inputs
from this and other data, and respond quicker than their human foes
are able. Some of the states that create such systems will adhere to the
idea that the laws of war establish substantive and ideological
standards that must be adhered to, rather than simply serving as a
means to an end. During the development of AI-enhanced weapon
systems, these countries will face the challenge of scrutinizing the
technology behind how AI effects human decisions. Those charged
with reviewing the legality of such systems will encounter stark
contrasts in the predictability of aspects of AI systems as compared to
legacy systems. As a result, lawyers will need to understand how AI
arrives at a “decision” and how an AI “decides” differently than
humans. One of the critical differences is in the description and
attainment of objective performance standards. This paper explores
the challenges presented when establishing such standards for AI and
describes some situations where AI systems could achieve success or
fall short in hypothetical military applications. It concludes that the
ability of lethal AI to comply with International Humanitarian Law
(IHL) will depend in part on whether the goals assigned to it are
amenable to description as numerically quantifiable objective



A. Background1

The decision to kill may never be functionally delegated to a

computer. More specifically, evaluating the lawfulness of a use of force
in the context of armed conflict is by definition a human task.
Ensuring compliance with the law is a burden that may not be
abrogated by surrendering such authorities and capabilities that
humans no longer reasonably control the decision to kill. In the
process of fielding a weapon system for use in armed conflict, we must
therefore inquire into “how confidently we can establish in advance
that a weapon system will kill the intended people or classes of people

1This section summarizes relevant points from Alan L. Schuller, At the Crossroads of
Control: The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Weapon Systems with
International Humanitarian Law, 8 HARV. NAT’L SEC. J. 379 (2017).
2019] SCHULLER 107

and destroy the intended objects or classes of objects.”2 The precise

technological manner in which the decision to kill might be
functionally delegated, however, is difficult to describe with certainty
because hypotheses on the matter are often intertwined with
assumptions about how future systems will develop that are shaded by
institutional bias. It is nevertheless important to describe general
characteristics of AI that potentially invite functional delegation. One
such aspect is the capacity of AI systems to achieve certain objective
performance standards.

B. Objective Performance Standards

There are endless ways to define, describe, and evaluate AI. In the
context of examining AI-enhanced weapon systems and whether they
can comply with the laws of war, however, we are concerned with the
effects produced by the weapon. The processes by which the system
arrives at a given outcome are of less concern. Further, holding AI to
the arguably low standards sometimes demonstrated by humans is
widely considered insufficient. As such, it should be relatively
uncontroversial that an AI-enabled weapon must be “evaluated based
upon how well it performs to rational and objective standards.”3
Setting a rational standard means we must describe an ideal standard
to which we expect the system to perform. In this context, an ideal
standard would fall somewhere in between human performance
standards and perfection. An objective goal indicates measurable,
fact-based standards as compared to subjective personal opinions or
judgment. In the context of an AI-enhanced weapon, however, one
must pause to further consider the difference between these modes of

C. Objective Versus Subjective AI?

In the context of reviewing a weapon system, an objective

standard describes a performance level established as reasonable in
the eyes of the law as evaluated by those charged with determining
compliance. This means that when a lawyer evaluates a weapon
system in order to determine conformity with IHL, she asks whether

2 Id. at 416.

3 Id. at 401.

the system is per se illegal, and if not, whether a commander could

reasonably employ it in accordance with the law of war.4 This begs the
question, however, as to what objective standard of performance is
reasonably sufficient to comply with the law. It is at least conceivable
that in the future we may need to design AI that can perform to
objective standards described at a minute level of detail where we
delineate precisely which individuals will be killed for the sake of
achieving military advantage.5 That time, however, has not yet arrived
and is beyond the scope of this paper. We may therefore sidestep the
matter and be satisfied that for the time being, AI-enhanced weapons
will need to perform to a generalized standard that policymakers and
lawyers collectively decide is objectively reasonable. That is because
the AI must necessarily attempt to effect human judgment as to an
objectively reasonable outcome.
There is no such thing as subjective AI. Computers do not possess
instincts, values, judgment, or higher consciousness; and they
probably never will. AI systems may impressively mimic such human
characteristics, but they only do so as a function of advanced
programming. When AI finds a coffee shop that is ideal for you, it is
because the algorithm behind its software is optimized effectively to
achieve its designated goal. The AI does not care about you or your
desires or values despite the fact that it may consider those facts when
arriving at a recommendation. The answer it provides is therefore by
definition objective because the AI was programmed by humans to
achieve an established level of performance. The values a system
places on the inputs it processes in arriving at an output are the result
of computational statistics. To be sure, the goals established for an AI
by its programmers may reflect their subjective value judgments, but
these may not be imputed to the machine. An AI does not value the

4 Legal reviews of new weapons are conducted as a function of customary international law

or as mandated by Article 36 of Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions. See

Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the
Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts art. 36, opened for signature June
8, 1977, 1125 U.N.T.S. 3 (entered into force Dec. 7, 1978),
english.pdf (“In the study, development, acquisition or adoption of a new weapon, means
or method of warfare, a High Contracting Party is under an obligation to determine
whether its employment would, in some or all circumstances, be prohibited by this
Protocol or by any other rule of international law applicable to the High Contracting
Party”) [] (hereinafter API).

5 See Moral Machine, MASS. INST. OF TECH., (last visited June 21, 2018) [].
2019] SCHULLER 109

accomplishment of assigned goals any more than a sewing machine

values the quality of the clothes it helps create. AI can achieve
subjective human standards, but only because it was programmed to
do so. It does not possess the capacity to “know” the difference.
Humans, on the other hand, appear at times incapable of
divorcing their subjective judgment from the consideration of rational
objective standards. For any student of the law, this becomes painfully
obvious during schoolhouse discussions struggling through the
standard of the “reasonable person.” But most of these debates
arguably center around whether a standard is a reasonable one, not
whether it is possible in theory to establish standards that most would
view as objectively reasonable. So we proceed for the sake of
argument, therefore, that objective standards may be established that
are viewed by the majority of persons as reasonable.
Consider for example the requirement pursuant to IHL to ensure
attacks do not produce disproportionate harm to civilians. Pursuant to
the principle of proportionality, expected loss of civilian life and
damage to property incident to an attack must not be “excessive in
relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.”6
This standard of course begs the question, “What is excessive?” Most
military leaders would agree that the aerial bombing of an orphanage
would not be justified simply to eliminate one enemy foot soldier on
the roof. But a policy on the other end of the spectrum that forbade
any attack where one civilian might die would ensure defeat of that
hamstrung military force. Any hypothetical within these two extremes,
however, inevitably invites endless debate and ultimately results in
humans “agreeing to disagree.” This does not mean that a rational
objective standard is unattainable. It simply means we cannot agree
on where to establish the red line. In the past, there was no imperative
to set clear standards because the task of deciding what was
“excessive” was left to military commanders and rarely second-
guessed. Observers have lamented that machines could never possibly
be able to replicate human decision-making in this realm. There are
many conundrums to consider in answering this complicated
question, but a key one amongst them is whether the decision a
machine is tasked with is the type of decision that machines are adept
at making on our behalf. An important aspect of the inquiry is whether
the goal established for an AI is numerically quantifiable.

6 API, supra note 4, at art. 51(5)(b); see also JEAN-MARIE HENCKAERTS & LOUISE DOSWALD-



D. How Decisions Are Delegated to Machines

Generally speaking, the capabilities and limitations of any given

weapon system depend on what humans empower it to accomplish.
Machines do not decide to do anything in the human sense.7 They
follow their programming. But the ways in which machines effect
human decisions are more complicated than ever. Modern AI is not
predictable in the way legacy systems were and actions taken by AI
might evade reverse engineering after the fact. But these problem sets
are quite different than possessing the free will, for example, to
redefine goals.
I argue that the law forbids humans from creating systems that
have such extensive authority and capabilities that we cannot
reasonably predict whether they can be employed in accordance with
IHL.8 Capabilities are comprised by the physical attributes provided to
the system, such as a vehicle platform, ability to loiter, sensor suites,
and types of weapons. Authorities are determined by the computer
programs governing the system, which could range from traditional
deterministic systems to an advanced deep neural network
empowered with in situ learning capability. The inquiry regarding AI
decision-making in this context does not hinge on how much authority
or how many capabilities we delegate, but instead exactly what
combinations are provided.
The authorities granted to an AI-enabled weapon system will
incorporate goals for the AI to attain, which are described by rational,
objective standards. For at least the foreseeable future, AI will require
these standards to be described in a numerically quantifiable
manner.9 This means that the goals established for the AI are
amenable to quantitative description. For example, “do not kill more
than five civilians” is a quantifiable standard, discounting, of course,
the question of whether the system is capable of distinguishing
between the status of people on the battlefield. On the other hand, “do
the right thing” is inherently not a quantitative standard. While we
could suggest quantifiable goals that might approximate our vision of
what “the right thing” is, these goals would simply serve as numerical
proxies for a standard that is by definition qualitative.

7 See supra note 1, at 388 n.40.

8 See supra note 1, at 392.

9 See Interview with Machine Learning Experts, OpenAI, San Francisco, CA (Jan. 26,

2019] SCHULLER 111

Depending on the goal in question, describing rational objective

standards in a numerically quantifiable way might be simple or
impossible. The use of proxy standards to achieve qualitative goals
could suffice in some situations. Often, reactions to hypothetical AI
systems are laden with assumptions about the way we believe AI
might develop as well as our value judgments about what direction it
should take. The reality is, however, that it will depend on the specific
tasks we ask the AI to accomplish. The ability of AI-enabled weapon
systems to comply with IHL will depend in part on whether the tasks
in question are susceptible to being described as numerically
quantifiable objective standards. In the following sections, we will
explore hypotheticals that will examine this concept in greater detail.
It is worth noting that, by clearly delineating numerically
quantifiable standards, we may limit the usefulness of AI in military
applications. Amongst the many advantages that AI potentially
provides the military is the ability to make completely unpredictable
decisions at speeds no human can match. If AI systems are only
employed in situations where they can evaluate easily quantifiable
factors, they may be so limited as to negate their military advantage.
For this reason, the tempting and simple answer that AI should not be
used in difficult-to-quantify environments is unsatisfying.10
In the sections that follow, we consider two hypotheticals that
evaluate the application of possible future AI-enabled weapon systems
in the context of particular IHL rules. The examples are illustrative
and not exhaustive and do not consider the full panoply of IHL rules
that might apply to the hypothetical systems. They will serve,
however, to illuminate some of the challenges faced in translating the
military application of an AI-enabled weapon into numerically
quantifiable goals.

E. Numerically Quantifiable Goals to Attain Rational Objective


The ways modern AI systems accomplish goals seem to attenuate

the link between human decision and machine action. Sometimes
even AI programmers do not understand, for example, why neural

10It is also worth mentioning that all of the hypotheticals in this paper relate to lethal
weapon system. Without question, AI presents opportunities to ensure our national
security in non-lethal contexts such as intelligence analysis and information operations,
but these non-lethal contexts are beyond the scope of this paper.

networks operate in the manner they do or how such systems might

accomplish an assigned goal. Further complicating the matter,
although humans may define goals for AI, there are certain kinds of
goals that AI are particularly adept at achieving and others at which
they perform quite poorly. Taken together, these points invite us to
explore the kinds of military applications in which AI might fulfill or
fall short of legal standards.
As a point of departure, consider the difference in the search
algorithms powering the websites of Google and YouTube. Both sites
have search engines that are managed by subsidiaries of Alphabet
Corporation. But the algorithms behind the two sites are optimized to
achieve very different results. In short, the goal of Google is to direct
users to the website that most accurately conforms to what you are
searching for, while the goal of YouTube is to get users to click on as
many videos as possible.11 As a result, users may be presented with
drastically different suggestions depending on which site they visit.
That being said, both websites provide opportunities for their
designers to numerically quantify success. For Google, if the user
clicked on the first result from their search (setting aside entirely the
issue of advertising) then the AI performed successfully. If the user
was forced to scroll to later results, the performance was suboptimal.
For YouTube, success simply means continuous clicks. The more
clicks, the better the results. But not all goals are as simple to express
in numerical terms.
Suppose YouTube was tasked by its leadership to respond to
search queries with what a user “should” see in response to a given
input. The computer programmers at YouTube would be faced with
the task of overhauling their search algorithm in order to return
videos that reflected the value judgments made by that company as to
an appropriate response. The most obvious hurdle would be to
establish what viewers “should” see. For example, if a user types
“white power forever,” is it YouTube’s role simply to provide the
obvious but societally discouraging output of extremist videos? Or
should the website steer users to films intended to eradicate
xenophobia? This is of course the most thorny and inflammatory
aspect of the question, which has implications far beyond subjective
value judgments (and hence the scope of this paper). But the second

11 Jack Nicas, How YouTube Drives People to the Internet’s Darkest Corners, WALL ST. J.

(Feb. 7, 2018),

internets-darkest-corners-1518020478 (contrasting results from the two search engines)
2019] SCHULLER 113

difficulty encountered when tailoring the AI to achieve this goal is in

defining success. In other words, how would YouTube know that it
had accomplished its goal of directing users to the videos that they
“should” see? While the problem may not be intractable, it is without
question more complicated than simply “more clicks is better.” We
could devise standards aimed at approximating success in achieving
our subjective goals, such as downward trends in the number of
searches for “white power forever” and related queries. But such
standards seem like an unsatisfying means to quantify success. Less
searches for such unsavory topics does not necessarily mean the
underlying societal issues are resolved. There are simply some goals
that are difficult to quantify in numerical terms. These are the goals at
which AI-enabled systems will be less adept at achieving to



In this section we explore two hypothetical military applications of

lethal AI. We begin by examining a system that leverages the strengths
of AI’s ability to target objects based on numerically quantifiable
standards. The second example delineates another end of the
spectrum, where AI is likely unable to comply with IHL due to the
subjective nature of the goals assigned.
IHL is the lex specialis that governs parties to an armed conflict.
Its core principles are military necessity, distinction, proportionality,
and preventing unnecessary suffering. Military necessity means that a
belligerent may attack targets that are indispensable for defeating the
enemy so long as they are not otherwise illegal. 12 The principle of
distinction holds that only military targets may be attacked, and
commanders must proactively determine if potential targets are
civilians or combatants, and then attack only combatants.13
Proportionality is a concept that balances unintentional harm to

12 API, supra note 4, at art. 51(5)(b) (attacks on targets that would produce a “concrete and

direct military advantage,” and are not otherwise unlawful, are not prohibited); API, supra
note 4, at art. 52(2) (targets are persons and objects “which by their nature, location,
purpose, or use make an effective contribution to military action” and whose destruction or
neutralization “offers a definite military advantage.”).

Id. at art. 52(2) (“Attacks shall be limited strictly to military objectives.”); HENCKAERTS &

DOSWALD-BECK, supra note 6, at R.7.


civilians and their property with the military advantage of attacking a

target. The collateral damage from an attack cannot be clearly
excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated from the
attack.14 The principle of unnecessary suffering prohibits the use of
weapons that by their nature cause unnecessary suffering and also the
use of lawful weapons in a manner that is intended to cause
unnecessary suffering.15 While these principles will not be
comprehensively evaluated in the following hypotheticals, it is
important to not overlook the fact that each may present unique
challenges when applied in the context of lethal AI.

A. Example One: Quantifying Distinction

An unmanned submarine powered by AI could search for and

destroy enemy submarines during an international armed conflict.
Such a system would leverage technology that is already in existence
or could be produced in the reasonably foreseeable future that
employs goals, which are numerically quantifiable. Importantly, the
nature of the operating environment makes applicable legal standards
simpler to achieve.
A submarine-hunting platform would rely on multiple
technologies that take advantage of the strength of AI. It would
leverage advanced forms of the non-visual object recognition and
classification systems in use today. The system could process
intercepts in the form of signals and acoustics similar to the manner
in which current submarines do. It could also process friendly
identifiers in order to avoid fratricide as is commonplace among
modern militaries, but an AI could process all of this information in
order to arrive at a targeting decision far faster than a human. As
additional sensor systems are developed that surpass today’s
technology, the AI will arguably be better suited to incorporate
voluminous amounts of data into action. These types of data can be
translated into statistical expressions of certainty. For example, given
X signals intercepts, Y acoustic signature, Z undersea maneuvers,
ruling out other identifiers to include sea life and friendly forces, the
AI produces a result that it is a percentage (of 100 for instance) certain

14API, supra note 4, at art. 51(5)(b); HENCKAERTS & DOSWALD-BECK, supra note 6, at R.14.

15API, supra note 4, at art. 35(2)–(3); Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons,

Advisory Opinion, 1996 I.C.J. 226, ¶ 78 (July 8); HENCKAERTS & DOSWALD-BECK, supra
note 6, at R.70.
2019] SCHULLER 115

that the object it detected is an enemy submarine. If the statistical

certainty is above a cutoff value established by humans, the AI will
attack. It could also have other hard rules in place to stop the attack,
for example if the enemy submarine was in a harbor or in close
proximity to an unidentified vessel.
The counter-argument to this type of system is that even if you
accept all of this as true, it will remain imperative to have a human
onboard or in communication in order to at least override mistakes by
the AI. This human interaction comes at a significant cost, however, to
the overall effectiveness of the system.
The presence of humans aboard a submarine significantly
degrades the optimal performance of that platform. Unmanned
submarines operating with AI would likely be able to outmaneuver
and destroy manned submarines during future armed conflict at sea.
First, humans are noisy. A machine that does not need to
communicate is by definition quieter. Second, humans need to
breathe and are easily crushed. This means manned submarines
simply cannot dive as deep as unmanned versions. Depth often means
survivability and tactical advantage. Third, humans eventually need to
surface to resupply. An AI does not, at least not at the same intervals.
Fourth, driving submarines is difficult and if you do it wrong lots of
sailors die. An AI is simply a machine whose loss is insignificant
beyond its military utility and dollar value, and this fact encourages
investment in such systems and possibly reduces cost. Of course, none
of this means that modern militaries should or will replace all manned
submarines with unmanned systems, it simply identifies that there is
an arguably significant military advantage to be gained by the
development of AI-enabled unmanned submersibles.
In this hypothetical, the ability of the system to comply with IHL
and the Law of Naval Warfare is simplified due to the nature of the
operating environment. There simply are not that many civilians or
civilian objects operating at the depth of military submarines.
Consider the IHL principle of distinction. In armed conflict, this limits
belligerents to attacking targets that are valid military objectives.16 As
a subset of distinction, the imperative to take precautions in the attack
requires that a belligerent take active steps to determine whether
persons are civilians or combatants and to direct operations only

API, supra note 4, at art. 52(2) (“Attacks shall be limited strictly to military objectives.”);

HENCKAERTS & DOSWALD-BECK, supra note 6, at R.7.


against combatants.17 The task of distinguishing combatants from

civilians in the land domain is challenging. This is especially so in
cluttered areas such as cities or during conflicts in which the enemy
intentionally commingles with civilians, which has been the recent
experience of most of the United States military for well over a decade
of conflict. But the military who prepares for the last war will lose the
next one. Distinction in the undersea context is simply not as
challenging as on land due to the dearth of human presence. As such,
the likelihood that a miscalculation will kill civilians is
correspondingly reduced. Further, AI systems in the undersea context
can be provided the technological capability to distinguish in ways
that land systems are not currently able. Using signals and acoustics
as well as other data, an AI could come to a conclusion that was
statistically reasonable and based on numerically quantifiable data
points that an undersea contact was an enemy submarine. These types
of quantifiable factors are more difficult to discern in a cluttered
urban land context, for example in positively identifying an enemy
fighter and distinguishing that person from a nearby civilian. As such,
AI arguably presents opportunities in this realm due to its ability to
distinguish using numerically quantifiable and rational objective
standards. Such a system might not ever leave port during actions
short of international armed conflict, but it could prove decisive in the
event of naval warfare with a peer competitor.

B. Example Two: Quantifying Unnecessary Suffering

The IHL prohibition against causing unnecessary suffering

provides contrast to the previous application of the distinction
principle. At least in the example above, an AI is faced with making a
factual determination that will classify contacts as legitimate targets
or not. Either an underwater object is an enemy combatant’s
submarine or it is not. In the more complicated context of urban land
warfare, it is the factual determination of civilian or combatant that is
currently more difficult for the AI to discern. But in either context, the
distinction challenge is a binary one that is complicated only by the
clutter of the operating environment and the ambiguity of human
behavior. In the undersea context of the submarine hunter, an AI
might reasonably be able to apply the distinction principle because it
can detect and analyze objective numerically quantifiable information.

17API, supra note 4, at art. 57; HENCKAERTS & DOSWALD-BECK, supra note 6, at R.15–21.
2019] SCHULLER 117

In the land context the same principle might theoretically apply but
current technology appears unsuited to make such fine grained
distinction on its own. The challenge of AI applying the concept of
unnecessary suffering is different in kind, however, because the
principle is less amenable to numerically quantifiable rational goals.
The prohibition against causing unnecessary suffering makes
unlawful the use in armed conflict of weapons that by their nature
cause unnecessary suffering and the use of lawful weapons in a
manner that is intended to cause unnecessary suffering.18
Importantly, there is no simple objective test to determine whether
the use of a weapon would constitute unnecessary suffering.19 The first
aspect of the principle is addressed during legal review of proposed
weapons and is contextually specific to the system being evaluated.
The contours of specific prohibitions established by customary law
and treaty are beyond the scope of this article. As such, this discussion
will generally focus on the second prong regarding employment of
weapons already deemed not per se unlawful.
In theory, the goal of preventing unnecessary suffering is a noble
one. Most would agree in principle that no more suffering should be
caused to combatants than is necessary to obtain military victory. In
application, however, the principle is riddled with subjective
judgment. Consider two simple examples. First, if a soldier bayonets
an enemy, does she cause unnecessary suffering if she twists and turns
the bayonet after stabbing the enemy? Some might argue that the
additional pain caused by twisting the weapon is simply unnecessary
as the victim has already been wounded and is most likely out of the
fight. On the other hand, the soldier is permitted under the laws of
war to continue attacking until the enemy is dead, assuming the
enemy does not surrender or is not clearly hors de combat. The action
of twisting the blade will help ensure a fatal wound to the enemy, and,
as such, she is arguably well within the law to twist and turn and stab
again until the enemy is dead. By way of a second example, consider
the use of an artillery barrage of high explosive rounds mixed with
white phosphorus shells, commonly referred to as an HE/WP fire
mission. Some would argue that the combination of these rounds
creates unnecessary suffering because the white phosphorous causes
horribly painful burns on enemy soldiers that are exposed to the

API, supra note 4, at art. 35(2)–(3); Advisory Opinion, supra note 15, at ¶ 78;

HENCKAERTS & DOSWALD-BECK, supra note 6, at R.70.

19 GARY D. SOLIS, THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT 271–72 (Cambridge Univ. Press 2010).

barrage, and that the soldiers could be killed more humanely by using
only HE rounds or other less painful weapons. On the other hand, the
employment of HE/WP is highly effective at destroying enemy fuel
depots because after the HE rounds pierce fuel containers, the WP
rounds light the exposed fuel on fire and destroys the target far more
efficiently than one type of round alone. The suffering caused to
attendant enemy soldiers is arguably an unfortunate byproduct of a
completely lawful attack. In sum, when one of the core functions of
the military is to kill human beings during armed conflict, any
discussion about what suffering is unnecessary is fraught with
These are merely two very simple examples that have plausible
arguments on both sides. We might spend hours debating them
without arriving at consensus regarding whether they violate the
principle of preventing unnecessary suffering. The standard is
inherently subjective and in application nearly impossible to divorce
from one’s biases, be they cultural, institutional, or otherwise. As
such, application of this principle may prove highly problematic for an
AI because it is less amenable to description in numerically
quantifiable terms. In other words, it is quite difficult to approximate
using rational objective goals that are defined by numerical standards.
Since machines are not capable of forming intent, a more detailed
inquiry into the matter starts with how AI systems could be deployed
by humans in a manner intended to cause unnecessary suffering. The
evaluation would hinge on parsing out that suffering which is a
byproduct of defeating the enemy from that suffering which is
excessive, and thus, unnecessary to secure victory. One could of
course conjure up AI systems that would violate this principle.
Suppose that a military developed a “Pain Bot” that was designed to
learn how to kill enemy soldiers as slowly as possible without allowing
itself to be captured or destroyed. Of course, this would be per se
illegal, and it would not be created by any country that was dedicated
to the rule of law and IHL principles. Such a sophomoric example
aside, the analysis becomes complex.
Suppose instead that a country developed a robot for deployment
in urban combat called “Surrender Bot.” It is equipped with a high-
power laser that can cut through an enemy soldier’s body armor. The
country intends to deploy the robot in close quarters as the first
system to enter enemy held buildings. One of their objectives in doing
so is to kill as few enemy soldiers as is necessary in order to achieve
the most efficient military victory possible, thus encouraging post-
conflict reconciliation. Most notably, the robot is equipped with AI
2019] SCHULLER 119

that allows it to learn what employment of its laser is most effective at

obtaining the surrender of the enemy. The system is trained in a
laboratory on this goal, but continues to learn in situ on the
battlefield. Its operators do not know ahead of time which enemy
soldiers will be targeted or where on the enemy soldiers the AI will
direct its laser. After deployment, the Surrender Bot proves highly
effective at compelling enemy forces to surrender. Sometimes it chops
off the enemy’s legs and other times it kills the enemy instantly by
shooting them in the forehead. If it detects an enemy leader it
generally kills that person first. In some instances, Surrender Bot will
deliberately injure, but not kill an enemy in order to cause that fighter
to scream and writhe in pain, thus encouraging the surrender of the
enemy fighters in close proximity, but due to hard programming rules
the AI never attacks any soldier that has surrendered or is wounded.
We sidestep the issue of whether Surrender Bot is unlawful per se
because by its nature it causes unnecessary suffering without
conceding the matter. That ex ante determination does not implicate
the ability of the AI to achieve numerically quantifiable goals in the
operating environment. The second prong of the principle, however,
requires those designing the AI to describe goals that can be
quantified in a way that makes them amenable to application by AI. In
other words, how can we provide the AI with objective standards that
will enable it to determine when the suffering it creates is unnecessary
under the circumstances? Given the subjective nature of this analysis
as delineated above, this task appears a significant challenge.
Surrender Bot’s designers would be perplexed by multiple and
competing goals for the system. It would need to be empowered to kill
the enemy.20 We assume simply for the sake of argument, again
without conceding the matter, that the AI could detect and identify
enemy fighters. So this begs the question, “which soldiers should be
killed?” The AI could be programmed with great discretion in this
matter (i.e. there is no limit to the number of enemy soldiers that may
be killed until victory is achieved) or it could be bounded significantly
in countless ways. For example, it could have a hard rule that the
enemy must be wounded first and allowed the opportunity to
surrender, and only killed if they refused to surrender. The next
question is whether the AI should be limited in the other manners in
which it can use its laser. Is it allowed to shoot the enemy in the

20 Other options could certainly include non-lethal means of incapacitating the enemy but

are thus beyond the scope of this article.


kneecaps? In the genitals? As a preliminary matter, it would not be

allowed to use the laser to blind the enemy soldiers.21 Beyond that
arguably arbitrary limitation, programmers would need to work with
lawyers to delineate what kinds of suffering it might create that were
unnecessary to achieve victory. This process would be a nightmare
because if the machine is not specifically forbidden by hard rules from
taking a particular action, we must assume that the AI may use that
option without any regard for what a human might do under the
circumstances. Machines do not have common sense, values, morality,
decency, sympathy, empathy, or any of the other traits that make
some acts by humans generally less likely. We cannot tell an AI, “do
the right thing,” or “you will know it when you see it.” So in
programming the AI, we must attempt to approximate in quantifiable
terms what we mean by “unnecessary suffering.” Given the subjective
nature of this principle, that task might prove highly problematic.
One solution might be to dramatically limit actions the AI could
take. This simple solution appears elegant at first. The system could be
designed to either kill instantaneously or wait. It would not be allowed
to take any other actions, thus sidestepping the question of whether its
behavior creates unnecessary suffering. But this solution fails entirely
to leverage the strength of AI. Learning systems can adapt and make
decisions faster than humans and behave in ways that would be
unpredictable to the enemy. If their capacity is bound so strictly that it
becomes highly predictable, the machine becomes deterministic and
not significantly more useful than legacy systems. It would also
arguably be less likely to achieve the goal of killing the fewest soldiers
possible while securing victory. If it defaulted instead to no action, it
would be less survivable on the battlefield. This kind of system might
still be useful in achieving military victory, but it would not further the
goal of preventing unnecessary suffering.
On the other hand, if the AI was provided broad discretion, we
must anticipate that it will behave in a way that no human would. 22
Perhaps the AI might learn to target the weapons in the hands of

21 See Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons, opened for signature Oct. 13, 1995, 1380

U.N.T.S. 370 (entered into force July 30, 1998),
30%20AM/Ch_XXVI_02_ap.pdf [].

22See Jack Clark & Dario Amodei, Faulty Reward Functions in the Wild, OPENAI (Dec. 21,
2016), (“Reinforcement learning
algorithms can break in surprising, counterintuitive ways.”) [].
2019] SCHULLER 121

enemy fighters. This would be highly desirable, as the AI would

essentially be able to force the enemy to surrender without causing
any suffering. Alternatively, the AI might learn to surgically slice off
small portions on multiple parts of the enemy soldiers’ body, causing
extreme pain and incapacitating enemy soldiers and forcing their
surrender. Or it might lobotomize them all. We simply could not
assume that any option was off the table for the system unless we
programmed it to be off the table.
Even more to the true dilemma, equipping the system to make
determinations on its own as to what suffering was unnecessary in the
absence of hard rules seems intractable for the foreseeable future. The
challenge of approximating subjective standards for unnecessary
suffering through hard programming boundaries pales in comparison
with attempting to equip AI with the capability of establishing
suffering as unnecessary on its own. As described above, machines do
not possess any of the human characteristics that underpin our
desires to limit the suffering of others. As such, if the AI was
programmed to determine what suffering was unnecessary, it would
need numerically quantifiable goals that quantified suffering and
established limits in relation to military objectives. This would
arguably be more complicated to quantify than decisions as to the
proportionality of attacks23 because there is no clearly established
benchmark against which to weigh the suffering of the enemy.
Suffering is omnipresent in armed conflict. Every military attack
causes considerable suffering, the contours of which defy simple
definition. Minor suffering could be unnecessary while massive
suffering could be well justified under IHL. Under the circumstances
described, it appears that AI will be poorly suited to the task of
evaluating suffering on its own for the foreseeable future. As such,
those designing AI-enabled weapon systems will need to be aware of
this limitation and account for it during the design of the system.


AI is a highly technical field that has seen dramatic advances as

well as wildly overoptimistic visions for its future. It is a safe
assumption that future military forces will need to leverage the power

23 Proportionality under IHL means that the anticipated loss of civilian life and damage to

property incidental to attacks must not be “excessive in relation to the concrete and direct
military advantage anticipated.” API, supra note 4, at art. 51(5)(b); HENCKAERTS &
DOSWALD-BECK, supra note 6, at R.14.

of AI in order to dominate the battlespace, whatever form that

technology takes. While the law may not need to adapt to AI, lawyers
applying the law must understand the technology involved more
deeply than perhaps was necessary in the past. For the lawyer who
applies the law without respect to the facts provides no service to his
Further, we must evaluate every weapon system under
development and during legal review on its particular facts and
merits. Sweeping statements about whether AI-enabled weapon
systems will be able to comply with IHL do little to further informed
discourse on the subject. Some systems we could design today with
advanced AI incorporated in significant ways will be perfectly lawful.
Other concepts are simply incongruent with the strengths and
limitations of AI. As lawyers continue to develop expertise in AI, we
will be better equipped to facilitate processes that will make these fine
grain distinctions. This expertise will be integral to ensuring national
security as well as adherence to the rule of law and humanitarian

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