i-tax declaration
i-tax declaration
i-tax declaration
Name____________________________PAN._______________PF.No ________________
1. Any other amount received during the financial year other than
salary and have paid Income-tax thereon during the financial year.
I do hereby declare that what is stated above is to the best of my knowledge and belief. I
also declare that I shall file annual return with the concerned ITO well in time.
(Name and degn. of the assesses with permanent account number)
do hereby certify that during the pervious year ………. I/We had occupied the premise
……………………………………………………………….(full address of the premise) for the
purpose of my/our own residence for the period of …………………… Months and have paid
Rs………………………………………………….. in cash/through crossed cheque, bank draft
towards payment of rent to Shri/Smt…………………………………………...............................
(name and complete address of the land lord).
(a) me/my spouse/my minor child/our family(in case the assesses is HUF), at or
employment or carry on business or profession or
(b) me/us at other place, being accommodation in my occupation, the value of which is to
be determined 23(2)(a)(i) of u/g 23(2)(b).
Name____________________________PAN._______________PF.No ________________
Signature of the Applicant