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‫‪Golden Revision 2‬‬

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‫‪Eng 201 writing Booklet‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬

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Golden Revision


Second Intermediate
Second Semester 2023/2024
1- Complete the questions and answers with the words from the box.

creature harsh lack of levels

life parasite remarkable thrives
1Can a oxygen kill you? Yes, it can.
2 What is tongue-eating louse? It’s a kind of .
3 What kind of is an elephant? It’s a mammal.
4 Do you think that exists on other planets? Yes, I do!
5 What do you know about this plant? It in the rainforest.
6 Is the Antarctic a environment? Yes, it is.
7 Are the sea rising? Yes, they are.
8 Some creatures can live under 18 m. of ice. I know. It’s .
(8 points)
2 Read the definitions to complete the words.

1 _x_s_ to be
2 t_le_a_e to handle
3 t_p_c_l common and not surprising
4 _i_l to harm something so that it dies
5 b_z_r_e strange and unusual
6 d__ to stop living
(6 points)

3 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets in the
present perfect.
1 (be) He to Antarctica.
2 (hear) you of ‘extremophiles’?
3 (choose) The team to study ocean microbes.
4 (teach) The research us a lot about extreme

5 (work out) The African bullfrog how to survive in hot deserts.

6 (fail) We to find any more signs of life.
(6 points)
4 Write questions using the present perfect.
1 hottest place / you / ever / be

2 tallest building / you / ever / see

3 longest journey / you / ever / take

4 strange animal / you / ever / touch

(4 points)
5 Now answer the questions for

(4 points)
6 Use the prompts to write sentences using as … as.
big cold fast long much well

1 Can a rabbit run a hare?

2 Does a human heart weigh a giraffe’s heart?
3 Moles can’t see rats.
4 The North Pole isn’t the South Pole.
5 Sixty million years ago, turtles were small cars.
6 A year on Earth isn’t nearly a year on Neptune.
(6 points)
7 Read the article and circle the correct option.
‘Dumbo’ octopus
Named after the Disney character because of their big ear-like fins, ‘Dumbo’
octopuses can live as deep as 4,800 metres (13,100 ft.) which is deeper than
any other type of octopus. Life at these extreme depths is difficult. Animals
need to be able to live in complete darkness and be able to survive in
exceptionally cold conditions. Dumbo octopuses spend their time hovering a
short distance above the seabed, waiting for prey. They move by slowly
flapping their fins. Some diving fish will eat Dumbo octopuses, but because
they are able to live at such extreme depths, they are rarely captured by deep-
sea fishing nets.

1. Dumbo octopuses have been a) because they’ve got big ears.

named after a Disney character b) because their fins look like ears.

b) because their fins look like ears.
2. Dumbo octopuses live in … a) deeper water than other
b) shallower water than other
3. Dumbo octopuses have adapted to a) in extreme cold and dark
live conditions.

b) where there aren’t any predators.
b) where there aren’t any predators.
4. Dumbo octopuses aren’t often a) they are too small to be caught by
caught by people because … fishermen.
b) they live in such deep water.

(4 points)
8- Read the examples. Then choose one of the animals from your
Student’s Book. Write a similar persuasive paragraph using the
transitional phrases in the box.
as a result because for this reason therefore

1 Naked mole rats are certainly considered ugly. However, researchers have
discovered that naked mole rats never get cancer. For this reason, it’s
important to protect and study the naked mole rat.
2 Turkey vultures are large birds that live in North America. They live on dead
animals and rotting plants. They are amazing animals because they digest lots
of deadly bacteria and toxins, but none of these survive to make the vulture
ill. As a result, they are useful to scientists who are studying human digestive

Write about an animal that lives in Bahrain, like the sea cow or
the Arabian Oryx or any other animal.
The bulbul is a Bahraini bird. It feeds on fruits and flies. It is as
attractive as other animals, like red pandas or Siberian tigers. In my
opinion the bulbul is a beautiful bird that the world may lose in the
coming few years. I believe that we should do everything to save this
amazing creature. There are many reasons why bulbuls are
endangered. First, hunters hunt baby chicks for trade. Second, the
climate is changing, and it leads to the decrease in the number of
bulbuls. So the government must make fines on hunters. Also they
should protect the homes of bulbuls. They can make artificial homes.
For all of the above reasons, people must protect these wonderful
birds from extinction. They shouldn't buy it. Thank you for your

The dugong or the “sea cow” is an endangered animal. It lives near

the beaches of Hawar islands now, but scientists believe that it could
be extinct in the next few years. However, it isn’t as attractive as
other endangered animals, like the Arabian Oryx or Siberian tigers.
As a result, it doesn’t get very much attention. In my opinion, the
dugong contributes to the diversity of the sea creatures on the coast
of Bahrain. For example, there are hundreds of dugong mothers with
their little ones. Scientists are studying them because they want to
save them, to keep the sea ecosystem intact. Another interesting fact
about the dugong is that they have provided economically valuable
products in terms of meat, oil, and fat to the Bahraini people in the
past. For this reason, they are a big part of our past. I think there is
also a cultural reason to save the dugong. These aquatic mammals
were once the subject of sea tales dealing with mermaids, or half-fish
half-human creatures, that lived in the sea. Therefore, if the dugong
becomes extinct, an important link with Arabian gulf culture will be
lost forever. For all of the above reasons, I strongly believe that we
should do everything we can to save this amazing creature. Thank
you for your attention,
Model Answers

Vocabulary 1 What’s the hottest place you’ve ever
1 been?
1 lack of 2 What’s the tallest building you’ve ever
2 parasite seen?
3 creature 3 What’s the longest journey you’ve ever
4 life taken?
5 thrives 4 What’s the strangest animal you’ve ever
6 harsh touched?
7 levels
8 remarkable 5
Students’ own answers
2 Reading
1 exist 6
2 tolerate 1 as fast as
3 typical 2 as much as
4 kill 3 as well as
5 bizarre 4 as cold as
6 die 5 as big as
6 as long as
3 7
1 has been 1b
2 Have/heard 2a
3 has chosen 3a
4 has taught 4b
5 has worked out
6 have failed
Students’ own answers

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