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Cancer pain relief SECOND EDITION With a guide to opioid availabilityWHO Lirary Cataloguing in Publication Data (Canoe pain eat-in a guide to opie avaibity ond ed 1: Neoplasms —crug herapy 2. Pan — drug therapy 3 Palleve voainert Navcolhersny ISBN a2 4 tseae2 1 (NLM Cassicaton: a2 200), ‘The Worle Heath Orgariation weer requoss fer permission to repocuce or wana is pubicaters. part or nu. Anplestone and enquts enous be adorosted tote Ofion of Pualcatens, rls Heath Orgarizsion. Geneve, Seitrtana, wach sl bo glad f9 prov ths [ate ntarmatlor en ary changes maa ta tne text plane Io now eators, and repre nd {erelatons aeadyavalabi 1 World Heath Organzation 1996 Pualcaos of ha World Heakh Crgarizaton enjoy copy prtzctin in accordance wih the ‘rotsere of Potocol 2 of he Unvaras! Copyright Convention Al igh esered {he designations employes ad tho preseratin of he mata n is putea done rol the expression of ary pon whatsoorr one pat cf the Secretariat of he Work Healy Organs fon coneeming the lego satus of any courry, tory, cly oF area or of ts auhares, oF oncoming be delrataton ots Wontar ar beunoas, “The mention of spect compari oof carn menulactarars prods dows not ly thal hoy 130 chdoraod of rsccrmarded by te Wore Health Organization in pelerone to oters ef & Emaar nara fata “ot mentenad, Enore an omens excepto, tne nara of ersaretry products are dsingiched by fa capt oars TYPESET IN HONG KONG PRINTED IV SINGAPORE e/t0abe — Bast seuSNP 14000Contents Preface ‘Acknowledgements Part 1. Cancer pai Introduction | Causes of pain Evaluation of pain Treatment strategy Use of analgesics “By mouth" “By the cloc! “By the ladder” “For the individual “attention to detail” Choice of analgesic Non-opioid analgesios Opioid analgesics Drugs for neuropathic pain Adjuvant drugs ‘Summary Introduction Background New knowledge, new hope Impediments to cancer pain reliet ‘The WHO strategy Difficulties in obtaining opioids The participants in the drug distribution chain The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs Description and purpose 39 a at at 42 42 43 45 46 46CANCER PAIN RELIEF Exceptions The drug distribution system National estimates of medical need for opioids Communication between health personnel and regulators Obtaining a supply of opioids The reporting system Is the intemational system working? Regulation of health care workers Drug abuse versus patient need Suggested guidelines for regulation of health professionals References Selected further reading Annex 1. Use of terms ‘Annex 2, Model import certificate aT aT 49 50 53 4 56 56 57 59 60 1 2Preface In most parts of the world, the majority of cancer patients oresent with advanced disease. For them, the only realistic treatment option is pain relist and palliative care. In 1986, the first edition of this publication proposed a method for relief of cancer pain, based on a small number of relatively inexpensive drugs, including morphine. Field-testing in several countries demonstrated the efficacy of the method in most cancer patients. The first edition has been translated into 22 languages and a total of over half a million copies fave been sold, reflecting the growing awareness of the problem of cancer pain This second edition takes into account many of the advances in understanding and practice that have occurred since the mid- 4980s. The groundwork for this revision was siarted in 1989, in the context of the meeting of a WHO Expert Committee on Cancer Pain Rolief and Active Supportive Care.” Since then, each part of the book has been thoroughly revised and updated, and a section has been added on opioid availabilty. It is important to note that cancer pain management should be undertaken as part of comprehensive palliative care.? Relief of other symptoms, and of psychological, social and spiritual problems, is paramount, Attempting to relieve pain without addressing the patient's non-physical concerns is ikely to lead to frustration and failure. ” Cancer asin valle and psliatve cave: report of = WHO Erste Commitee Geneva, Word Heath Crgerinson 1220 (AD Teemnes Repo Seren. ho. 804) + Sen, for eraraie Dayle D ota ens Oso nook of paiive meaine Oxford, Oxia eeAcknowledgements The World Health Organization acknowledges the valuable contri butions made to this book by the late Mr N. R. Donaldson, formerly Senior Consultant (Pharmacy), Drugs Directorate, Health Protection Branch, Department of Health and Welfare, Ottawa, Canada; Mr D. E. Joranson, Associate Diractor for Policy Studies, Pain Research Group, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, WI, USA; Dr A, Sbanotto, Consultant Physician, Palliative Care Unit, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy; Ms Noreen Teoh, formerly Technical Officer, Cancer and Palliative Care, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland: Dr R. Twycross, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Palliative Cancer Care, Oxford, England; and Professor V. Ventafridda, Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Cancer Pain Relief, Milan, ItalyPART | Cancer pain reliefIntroduction The number of cancer patients in the world is increasing. Of the estimated nine milion new cancer cases every year, more than half are in developing countries. The majority of these patients are incurable by the time their disease is diagaosed. Cancer mortality is expected to continue to rise in most regions of the world, mainly because of aging populations and increases in tobacco ‘consumption. Cancer patients need pain relief at all stages of their disease. Pain ‘occurs in about one-third of patients receiving anticancer treat- ment. In these, pain relief measures and anticancer teatment go hand in hand. In patients with advanced disease, more than two- thirds experience pain, and the management of pain and other symptoms becomes the main aim of treatment, ‘The physiological basis of cancer pein includes a variety of mechanisms. The psychological aspects include anxiety, fear depression and a sense of hopelessness, The aim of treatment is to relieve the pain to the patient's satisfaction, so that he or she can function effectively and eventually die free of pain, Pain relief may be achieved by a variety of means (Table 4). Treatment must be tailored to the individual, with drug treatment and anaesthetic, neurosurgical, psychological and behavioural approaches geared to the palient’s needs. This quide concentrates on drug tealment because there is sufficient knowledge and clinical experience to advocate its general implementation for all cancer patients who experience pain Drug treatment is the mainstay of cancer pain management. Field tests of these guidelines have shown that drugs are effective ina high percentage of patients, if used correctly — the right drug‘CANCER PAIN RELIEF Table | Approaches to pain management in cancer patients Psychological approaches: understanding ‘companionship cognitive behavioural therapies Moatication of pathological process: raditherapy hormone therapy chemotherapy surgery antidepressants anticonvulsants anxiolytics neuroleptics Interruption of pain pathways local anaesthetics (lidocaine, bupivacaine) rneurolytic agents (alcohol, phenol, chloracresol, cold, heat) neurosurgery (e.g, cordotomy) Modlieation of daily activities Immobilization: rest ‘cervical collar or corset plastic splinis or slings orthopaedic surgery in the right dose at the right time intervals, The drugs discussed here are commonly used for cancer pain management. Controlled studies have demonstrated the safety and eificacy of these drugs and of certain combinations of them. Not all the drugs are available in every country. In some circumstances, therefore, there will be a need to use alternative drugs. ‘A number of the terms used in this book are defined in Annex 1Causes of pain Pain in patients with cancer may be: ‘© caused by the cancer itself (this is by far the mast common); ‘* related to the cancer (e.g. muscle spasm, iymphoedema, constipation, bedsores), ‘+ related to anticancer treatment (e.g. chronic postsurgical scar pain, chemotherapy-induced mucositis); * caused by a concurrent disorder (e.g. spondylosis, osteoarthritis) Many patients with advanced cancer have multiple pains from several of these categories. The cancer itself causes pain through: * extension into soft tissues: * visceral involvement; * bone involvement, * nerve compression; nerve injury: raising intracranial pressure ‘A series of specific pain eyndromes unique to cancer (Table 2) have been described over the past 20 years (1). An awareness of these syndromes is necessary ii the correct diagnosis is to be made. It is also important to consider the underlying neural mechanism (Table 3). itis important to differentiate betw2en buming pain associated with peripheral nerve injury (more common) and burning pain that is sympathetically maintained (lees common). This can be dificult because the clinical features are not constant and some featuresCANCER PAIN RELIEF Table 2 Pain syndromes Caused by cancer Tumour involvement of bone: metastases fo the cranial vault and base of skull metastases lo vertebral body facture of the adontoid process C7-T1 metastases 1 metastases sacral syndrome Tumour involvement of viscera Tumour involvement of nervous system: cranial neuralgia trigorinal — glossopharyngeal peripheral nerves intercostal neuropathy brachial plexopathy lumaosacral plexopathy radiculopathy leptomeningeal metastases spinal cord compression intracranial metastases Caused by anticancer treatment Post-surgery: ‘acute postoperative pain ost-tharacotomy syndrome ost-mastectomy syndrome post-neck-cissection syndrome phantom limb syndrome Post-chemotherapy ‘oral mucositis, bladder soasms _asoptic necrosis of the femoral head steroid pseudorheumatism ost-herpetic neuralgia peripheral nouropatiy Postradiotherapy: ‘oral mucositis esophagitis skin bums radiation fibrosis of brachial and lumbar plexus radiation myelopathy radiation-induced second primary tumour Patients with cancer: * Adapt tem rere 1‘CAUSES OF PAIN Table 3 Classification of pain according to neural mechanism Type of pain Mechanism Example Nociceptive Stimulation of nerve endings Viscoral Hepatic capsuile pain Somatic Bone pain Muscle spasm Cramp Neuropathic Nemwe Stimulation of aervi compression —_nervorum Nomve injury — peripheral Injury to peripheral nerve —_Neurome or nerve (deatferentation pain’) initiration (@.g. brachial fr lumbosacral plexus) —cental Injury to cantral nervous Spina’ cord system Compression or posi- siroke pain — mixed Peripheral and central Postnerpotic neuralgia injury Sympathotically Injury to sympathetic ‘Some chronic post- ‘maintained nerves surgical pains * Characionzod by supericial burring pan e s2bting pan wih sensory toss fn a rautederateral pater + Carmererizd by Superiet buring pain en acer pageen 18 eympahete camporent(e. Panesas!eynctoreh eee ry pas have are common to both conditions. Peripheral nerve injury pain is, neurodermetomal in distribution, whereas sympathetically main- tained pain has an arterial distribution. Moreover. with sympa- thetically maintained pain, radiographs of the limb may show osteoporosis and an isotope bone scan may contain “hot spots" which can be mistaken for metastases, If sympathetically maintained pain is suspected, a diagnostic sympathetic block with local eneesthetic should be undertaken it possible. This not only serves to confirm the diagnosis, but often gives relief that lasts longer than the curation of action af the local anaesthetic. If the pain returns, a neurolytic lumbar sympathetic block is worth considering for fower lim pain,Evaluation of pain Evaluation is a vital first step in cancer pain management. It demands an understanding of nat only the physical problem, but also the psychological, social and spiritual components of tho patient's suffering, It is best achieved by a team approach. The responsibilty for evaluation lies primarily with the physician, but certain components may be undertaken by other health care workers. The main steps in the evaluation of cancer pain are described below. Ignoring them leads, all too often, to misdiagnosis and inappropriate management. Believe the patient's report of pain 2. Initiate discussions about pain In the initial evaluation, the health worker should specifically ask the patient about pain, rather than relying on spontaneous com iment. Sometimes a patient may be reluctant to acmit to having pain, because of, for example, fear of injection or forced admission to hospital. If the patient is unable to describe the pain (e.g. an infant or a brain-damaged adult), the following may help to gauge the severity of the pain * observations by care-givers, @.g. parents; * vocalizations, e.g. groaning; * facial expressions, e.g. furrowed brow; ‘+ changes in physiological responses, e.g. increase or de- crease in blood pressure; + response to a trial dose of analgesic.EVALUATION OF PAIN 3. Evaluate the severity of the pain It is necessary to find out whether activity is limited by the pain, whether sleep is disturbed, and the degree of relist obtained with medication or pain-reliet procedures, past and present. Formal pain scales can help, but they are not essential. With both children and adults, itis often helpful to offer @ choice of descriptors (e.g. pressure, aching, burning, stabbing) and to ask the patient to relate the present pain to past pain, such as a toothache. Children Under eight years of age cannot use the same scales or verbal processes as adults. Young children may be able to convey the intensity of their pain using @ set of drawings of faces, ranging from smiling to crying, and selecting the face thet best matches the pain. Alternatively, the child may be presented with four coins or pebbles and asked to indicate how many “pieces of hurt” he or she feels, with four abjects indicating the worst pain. A similar approach can be used with patients who cannot read or write and ‘where communication is difficuit because of the lack of a common language. 4. Take a detailed history of the pain A detailed history must be taken to discover the location and distribution of the pain, its quality and severity, whether it is con tinuous or intermittent, and what factors meke it worse or better. Information should also be obtained about any weakness and sensory dysfunction. If possible, the history should be verified by speaking to a family member, who may provide information that the patient is unable or unwilling to give. This is particularly important with 2 patient who under-reporis the severity of the pain and its impact on deily life. Information from the family member may provide the clue to the cause of the pain 5. Evaluate the psychological state of the patient Information about past linesses, current level of anxiety and depression, suicidal thoughts, and the degree of functional incapacity helps to identify patients who may require more specific psychological support. Depression occurs ir. up to 25% of cancer patients. Other common psychiatric syndromes are also seen in patients with cancer pain. Detecting these is an important part of the totat evaluationCANCER PAIN RELIEF 6. Perform a careful physical examination A detailed history and a careful clinical examination may be all that is necessary to determine the cause of the pain so that appropriate treatment may begin, 7. Order and personally review any necessary investigations Investigations should be reserved for cases where there is doubt about the cause of pain, or where a decision about further antican- cer treatment depends on the precise localization of the disease. Although plain radiographs are a useful screening procedure, a negative result should not be used to overrule a clinical diagnosis, Plain radiographs are inadequate in areas of the body where bane shadows overlap, such as the base of the skull, C2, C7, T1 verte- bral bodies, and the sacrum. ‘Although an isotope bone scan can demonstrate abnormalities in bone before changes appear on plain radiographs, it does not necessarily establish a diagnosis of bone metastasis. Osteoporosis, collapsed vertebral bodies, disuse atrophy, Paget disease and osteomyelitis can all give a positive bone scan. Likewise, a negative bone scan docs not rule out bone metastasis. Further, in @ previously irradiated site a bone scan is often negative even if active disease is present. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the most useful diagnostic procedures in evaluating patients with cancer who aro in pain. CT provides detailed visual- ization of bone and soft tissue and can identify early bony changes. MRI is particularly useful in evaluating vertebral body involvement. epidural spinal cord compression, and brain metastases, CT is also useful in directing needle placement for biopsy and for anaesthetic procedures such as coeliac plexus block. Treatment with analgesic drugs often markedly improves @ patient's ability to undergo necessary investigations. Since pain relief does not obscure the diagnosis, analgesics should not be withheld while the cause of the pain is being established.EVALUATION OF PAIN 8. Consider alternative methods of pain control Although drug treatment is the mainstay of cancer pain manage- tment, alternative methods are of considerable benefit for some forms of cancer pain. For example. patients with painful bone metastases usually obtain considerable, or even complete, relist with palliative radiotherapy. If the oain is caused by a pathological fracture of the femur or humerus, orthopaedic pinning is often the treatment of choice. 9. Monitor the results of treatment Continuing evaluation and treatment require a team approach and rely heavily on the observations af the health care worker who is delivering the care. The physician and other care-givers must, estabiish regular and specific methods for sharing information about the effects of treatment so that, when necessary, change: treatment can be made quickly, Th's entails continuity of care Ater evaluation, the physician shoud know whether the pain + is caused by the cancer or by another disorder; * constitutes a specific cancer pain syndrome; * is nociceptive, neuropathic or rixed nociceptive-neuropathio; * is associated with a significant degree of psychological distress; * is having a negative impact on the pationt’s family andor caro-giversTreatment strategy Treatment should begin with a straightforward explanation to the patient of the causes of the pains. Many pains are best treated with a combination of drug and non-drug measures. Nevertheless, analgesics and a limited number of other drugs are the mainstay of ‘cancer pain management (Table 4). Anticancer treatment and drug therapy for cancer pain can be given concurrently. Some pains respond well to a combination of a non-opioid and an opioid. With others, relief is obtained by combining a corticosteroid and an opioid. Neuropathic pains often show litle response to non-opioid and opioid analgesics, but may be eased by tricyclic antidepres sants and anticonvulsants. Recognizing that neuropathic pain is often resistant to opioids is important for optimal drug treatment. Cancer patients often have many fears and anxietios, and may become depressed. Very anxious or deeply depressed patients may need an appropriate psychotropic drug in addition to an analgesic. If this fact is not appreciated, the pain may remain intractable. 2‘TREATMENT STRATEGY Table 4 A basic drug list for cancer pain relief Category Basic drugs Akeratives: Non-opicids| acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) choline magnesium paracetamol trisalioylate Touprofen cifunisal indometacin naproxen ciclofenac Opioids for mile coding? ihydrocodeine to moderate extropropaxyphene paint slandardized opium ttamadol Opioids tor ‘morphine ‘methadone moderate to hycromoxphone severe pain oxycodone levorphanol pethidine buprenorphinet Opioid antagonist naloxone Antidepressants? amitriptyline imipramine Anticonvulsants! carbamazepine valproic acid Corticosteroids prednisolone prednisone dexamatnasone betametnasone "For rasta! purpose. te ap oles ee avides ia 200 for ia 9 Tce pan ances ‘mista mageais pan e's rorscracled uge in most ‘couse Ths may axe hem ore eeiy aves « Bacreneroine is. aaral eqarst fe hae a pnernecclaccal cating) A ew doses (0.29 fevory& hour). as an ornee v9 code, ae gher eaves 90 Img every 8 Rew) aulvalerew about 307mg of ofl motive every & heute « nldepressaris ard ertecrwueanis fa fe cugs of choco fo reurcpathic pain © Ofvalde ner compres and soa) soe camorenesn et aed fr hesasoro (ua valeed Inrararial petaute. hi be used aa en rar fm conection ‘Soowstercical aries ug (KAD) for Sore pay Fused uth an NAD. an reveasee lkeinoas of averse gare secs and ol etewon 3Use of analgesics A relatively inexpensive yet effective method exists for relieving cancer pain in 70-90% of patients. A number of centres in different countries field-tested the method in the 1980s and demonstrated its efficacy. The method can be summarized in five phrases: * ‘by mouth’ bby the clock” "by the ladder” “for the individual tention to det “By mouth” If possible, analgesics should be given by mouth. Rectal sup- positories are useful in patients with dysphagia, uncontrolled vomiting or gastrointestinal obstruction. Continuous subcutaneous infusion offers an alternative route in these situatins. A number of mechanical and battery-powered portable infusion pumps ate available. “By the clock’ Analgesics should be given “by the clock”, ie. at fixed intervals of time, The dose of analgesic should be titrated against the patient's pain, 1.2. gradually increased until the patient is comfortable. The next dose should be given before the effect of the previous one has fully wor off. In this way itis possible to relieve pain continuously ‘Some patients need to take “rescue” doses for incidont (inter- mittent) and breakthrough pain. Such doses, which should be “4USE OF ANALGESICS |. The three-step analgesic ladder 50-100% of the regular four-hourly dose, are in addition to the regular schedule. “By the ladder” The sequential use of the drugs is shown in Fig. 1. The first step is a non-opioid. If this does not relieve the pain, an opioid for mild to moderate pain should be added. When an opicid for mild to moderate pain in combination with a non-opioid fails to relieve the pain, an opioid for moderate to severe pain should be substituted. Only one drug from each of the groups should be used at the 15CANCER PAIN RELIEF same time. Adjuvant drugs should be given for specific indications {see p. 32). If a drug ceases to be effective, do not switch to an alternative drug of similar efficacy (e.g, from codeine to dextropropoxyphene), but prescribe a drug that is definitely stranger (e.g. morphine). “For the individual” There are no standard doses for opioid drugs. The “right” dose is the dose that relieves the patient's pain. The range for oral mor- phine, for example, is from as litle as Smg to more than 1000mg every four hours. Drugs used for mild to moderate pain have a dose limit in practice because of formulation (e.g. combined with ASA or paracetamol, which are toxic at high doses) or because of 2 disproportionate increase in adverse effects at higher doses (e.g codeine). “Attention to detail” Emphasize the need for regular administration of pain-relief drugs. Oral morphine should be administered every four hours. The frst and last doses of the day should be linked to the patient's waking time and bedtime. The best additional times during the day are generally 10:00, 14:00 and 18:00. With this schedule, there is a balance between duration of analgesic effect and severity of adverse effects. Ideally, the patient's drug regimen should be written out in full for the patient and his or her family to work from, including names of drugs, reason for use (e.g. “for pain’, “for bowels"), dose (number of ml, number of tablets) and number of times per day. The patient should be warned about possible adverse effects. 16Choice of analgesic Non-opioid analgesics The non-opioid analgesics include acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), other nonsteroidal antl-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and paracetamol ASA, paracetamol, ibuprofen and indoretacin are all included in the Mode! list of essential drugs (2). In most countries, a number of NSAIDs are avaliable, and the choice will depend on factors such as local availabilty and cost. NSAIDs, including ASA. are particularly important in the treatment of pain caused by bone metastases. There is often a high local concentration af prostaglandins in the affected bone produced by the tumour cells, and NSAIDs act partly by blocking prostaglandin biosynthesis. Patients with bone pain who are intolerant of ASA, should be given an alternative NSAID (Table 4) The non-opioids are also particularly helpful for pain caused by soft tissue and muscle infitration. Drugs in this group display a “calling” effect, ic. increasing the dose above a given level does not provide further reliel. If pain is not adequately relieved by a non-opioid, an opioid should be added. Use of non-opioid analgesics Dose recommendations for non-opioid analgesics are contained in Table 5. To minimize the risk of allergic phenomena, ask the patient beforehand whether he or she Can tolerate ASA and ASA-lke compounds. If troublesome adverse effects occur, change to an alternative non-opioid. If the adverse effects persist, change to an opioid. For patients with impaired platelet function, use either paracetamol or non-acetylated salicylate, e.g. choline magnesium trisalicylate or diflunisal. Doses of diflunisal in excess of 1g a day may, however, adversely affect pla‘elet function 7CANCER PAIN RELIEF drugs for relief of cancer pain Standard dase Adverse effocts Acetyisalicylic §00-600mg every 4-6 Gastric irtation — acid (ASA) hours dyspepsia and faecal blood loss Adverse gastric effects may be reduced if ASA is taken wih milk, after food, or with antacids. The administration (of more than 4g/day is likely 10 lead to toxic effects such a tinnitus, deafness and other symploms of salicyism, Some cytotoxic drugs (¢.g. methotrexate) are highly protein-bound and will be party displaced by salicylates. This will result in increased toxicity unless the dase is adjusted accordingly, Note: May be given as a suppository Paracetamol 650-1000mg every 4~6 Liver and renal toxicity hours Use with caution in patients with liver damage. The total dose por day should nol exceed 6g Note: May be given as a suppository, Ibuprofen 400mg every 4~6 hours Lass likelihood of adverse gastrointestinal offocts Increasing relief is obtained with doses up to 3q per day. Indometacin 25mg every 6 hours Greater likelihood of adverse gastrointestinal effects Maximurn recommended daily dase 's 200mg. Note: May be given as a suppository Hypersensitivity occurs occasionally as an idiosyncratic reaction, This syndrome may develop within minutes of drug ingestion, Manifestations range from vasomotor rhinitis with profuse watery secretion, angioneurotic oedema, urticaria and bronchial asthma to laryngeal oedema and bronchoconstriction, hypotension, shock, loss of consciousness and complete vasomotor collapse. This reaction may occur in response to even small amounts of ASA or other NSAIDs.When a non-opioid drug no longer adequately controls the pain, ‘an opioid analgesic should be added Opioid analgesics For practical purposes, opioid analgesics can be divided into those used for mild to moderate pain and those used for moder- ate to severe pain. This distinction is arbitrary; it is based on the existence of the cai‘ing effect and on the manner in which these rugs are usually prescribed. Opioid analgesics given by mouth provide effective pain relief for most patients and are simple to administer. The safe and rational Use of opioid analgesics requires an understanding of their clinical pharmacology. The use of opioid analgesics is associated with the development of physical dependence and tolerance. These are normal pharmaco- logical responses to the continuing use of these drugs. Physical dependence is characterized by withdrawal symptoms if treatmant is stopped abruptly or if an antagonist is injected. Tolerance is characterized by decreased efficacy and duration of action of the drug with repeated administration, requiring an increased dose to maintain the anaigesic effect. In practice, physical dependence and tolerance do not prevent the effective use of these drugs. Patients with stable disease often remain on a stable dose for ‘weeks or months. Paychological dependence, or “drug dependence” (3), is a behavioural pattem characterized by craving for the drug and an ‘overwhelming preoccupation with obtaining it. Undue anxiety about psychological dependence has caused physicians and patients to use inadequate doses of opioids. Wide clrical experience has shown that psychological dependence does not occur in cancer patients as a resutt of receiving opioids for relief of pain. This is true of both children and adults It should be emphasized that the use of opioids can be stopped if the cause of pain is dealt with by anticancer treatment (e.g. radio- therapy or chemotherapy). To avoid withdrawal symptoms, the 9CANCER PAIN RELIEF dose should be decreased gradually. After an abrupt reduction in pain (e.g. after a nerve block or neuroablalive procedure), the dose should be reduced to 25% of the original dose. If the proce- dure has been successful, the dose can be reduced further every 2-3 days, and stopped completely if the pain does not recur. In this way, withdrawal symptoms ara avoided Several factors must be considered if opioids are to be used effectively. These include: * previous opioid exposure; * severity and nature of the pain; * age of the patient: * extent of cancer, particularly hepatic and renal involvement; * concurrent disease. Because the response of each pationt varies, itis necessary to select the most appropriate drug and administer itn the dose that best suits the individual. There is no standard recommended dose. Low starting doses should be used in elderly people, who may have an increased response because of changes in the pharmaco- kinetics of opioids. Starting doses for children should be based on body weight. Most opioid analgesics are metabolized primarily in the liver, and thoir elimination is therefore dependent on liver function. Liver disease Is not, however, a contraindication to the use of opioids. In patients with liver cirthosis, oral systemic bioavailability (the fraction of an oral dose reaching the systemic circulation) has been shown to be increased for dextropropoxyphene and pethidine (Table 6). Concomitantly, the rate of clearance of the drug from the biood is, decreased and the intensity and duration of action of the drug are increased. This may lead to accentuation of drug effects at com- paratively low doses. The metabolites of most drugs are excreted by the kidneys. Renal dysfunction can therefore lead to an accumulation of metabolites (Table 6). This is particularly relevant in the case of morphine, because morphine-6-glucurcnide (MBG) is an active metabolite. 20CHOICE OF ANALGESIC Table 6 isease-induced alterations in opioid pharmacokinetics" Disease Opioid Stect Cirmnosis Dextropropowyphone ‘increased bioavailability, decreased clearance Pethidine Increased bioavailsbilty, decreased clearance Renal failure —_Dinydrocodeine Decreased clearance Dextropropoxypher Increased norpropoxyphene (@ toxic metabolite) Morphine Increased morphine-6- glucuronide (an active retabolite) Pethidine Increased norpethidine (a toxic metaboite) ‘The plasma halflife of M6G varies between 2.5 and 7.5 hours, and central depression, Le. sedation and respiratory depression, will result unless the dose of mosphine is racuced. Pethidine is metabolized to norpethidine, which has a normal halt-lfe of 12-16 hours. Norpethidine causes myocionus and seizures at high con- centrations. Pethidine should therefore not be used in patients with, renal dysfunction, and morphine should e used with caution. Some liver and kidney diseases are associated with low albumin levels. This may decrease plesma-protein binding and hence increase the response to opioids. Severe malnuirition may alter the distribution and availability of these drugs in the body. thereby modifying their effects. The lack of data on use of opioids in malnourished patients means that caution is necessary. Malnutri- tion is not, however, a contraindication for opioid use. A longer plasma hall-life in the newborn may explain the prolonged uration of action of morphine in this group. In infants older than ‘one month, however, the morphine metabolism is the same as or mare rapid than in adults, auCANCER PAIN RELIEF Use of opioid analgesics ‘Two opioids — codeine and morphine — are contained in the ‘Mode! list of essential drugs (2), while pethidine is on the com- plementary list. Other opioids are available in many countries. Although pethidine is of value in the treatment of acute severe pain, it has a number of disadvantages when used regularly in cancer patients. It should not be used if altornatives are available. Codeine by mouth Codeine may be given by mouth in doses of 30-120mg every four hours. Above this dose, adverse effects tend to increase dispro- portionately to pain relief. The adverse effects of codeine are essentially those common to all opioids (see page 27), Morphine by mouth Morphine can be given as: * simple aqueous solution of the sulfate or hydrochloride salt every four hours (an antimicrobial preservative may be added); * tablets, every 4 hours * slow-release tablets, every 12 hours. ‘The effective analgesic dose of morphine varies considerably and ranges from as litte as 5mg to more than 100mg every four hours. In most patients, pain is controlled with doses of 10-30mg every four hours. The effective dose varies partly because of individual variations in systemic bioavailability. The correct dose is the dose that works. The drug must be given "by the clock" and not merely when the patient complains of pain. The use of mor- phine should be dictated by intensity of pain, not by life expectancy. if the patient has a sudden altack of severe pain, a rescue dose of morphine should be given promptly and repeated after one hour if necessary. After the pain has been relieved, the regular dose should be reviewed, and increased if necessary. Slow-release morphine tablets are available in some countries in 2CHOICE OF ANALGESIC strengths varying trom 10mg to 200mg, These tablets usually need be given only every 12 hours. Other opioid analgesics In most patients requiring an opicid for moderate to severe pain, morphine is both efficacious and acceptable, and is the drug of choice. If @ patient appears to be intolerant to morphine, an alter- native should be tried. Standardized opium Standardized opium is essentially dilute morphine. The morphine content varies but is usually 10% of the weight of opium powder. In some countries, opium is cambinad with ASA in a fixed-dose tablet Tramadol Tramadol is a synthetic, centrally acting analgesic, with both opioid and non-opioid properties. It is promptly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in 70% bioavailability. Although its potency relative to orally administered codeine and morphine is still being debated, it seems to be about twice as potent as codeine and one-fifth as potent as morphine, When administered parenterally, tramadol hes about one-tenth the potency of mor- phine. Biotransformation produces an active metabolite, which is 2-4 times more potent than tramadol. and has a plasma halt-lfe of about 6 hours, The usual oral dose is 50-100mg, every 4-6 hours. Tramadol causes less constipation and respiratory depression than other opioids at equianalgesic doses. Because of its low depen- dence llabiity, itis not a controlled drug. Hyéromorphone When given by mouth hycromorphone is about eight times moro potent than morphine, but only six times more potent by injection, The duration of action is 3-4 hours. The usual starting dose is 1-2mg by mouth or img by subcutaneous injection. By injection, most patients need ‘ to ¥; of the previously satisfactory oral dose. 2BCANCER PAIN RELIEF Methadone Methadone is a synthetic opioid analgesic with effects generally similar to those of morphine. Given orally, it is about halt as effec- tive as when given by subcutaneous injection. Its plasma half-life varies from about 8 to 80 hours, Steady-state levels may be achieved after 7-14 days. This must be taken into account, other- wise problems are likely to occur as a result of accumulation, especially in peaple who are debilitated or elderly. Its effective analgesic dose range is the same as that of morphine, It produces analgesia lasting 6-12 hours. Greater care needs to be exercised when using methadone, as compared with morphine, particularly at first when the patient's, response to itis not fully known. Extra care should be taken if psychotropic drugs are being administered concurrenty. Rifampicin, an antituberculous antibiotic, speeds up the metabo- lism of methadone and may, on occasion, precipitate withdrawal symptoms. Levorphanol Levorphanol is about five times more potent than morphine, and provides reliot for about six hours. Like methadone, it may accumulate in the blood and may produce sedation with repeated doses, The normal starting dose is 2mg four times a day by mouth. If the drug is given by injection, the dose should be halved. Pethidine Pethidine is a synthetic opioid analgesic. Its effects are generally similar to those of morphine. It also has anticholinergic properties. It is not as effective as morphine in relieving severe pain, but in higher doses it is considerably more effective than codeine. It is generally shorter-acting than morphine, with usoful analgesia lasting up to three hours, Pethidine is not a complete alternative to morphine. It may need to be given every three hours in patients with severe cancer pain because of its shorter duration of action. Doses of pethidine and morphine that have equivalent analgesic effects also produce a similar incidence of adverse effects. 24CHOICE OF ANALGESIC With pethidine, the incidence of adverse central nervous system (CNS) effects (tremor, twitching, agitation and convulsions) in- creases considerably at doses above 100mg every three hours. Pethidine should not be given to patients * with impaired renal function, because of the increased likeli- hood of adverse central nevous system effects * who ate taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors because of the likelihood of a hypertensive or hypotensive crisis. Phenobarbital and chlorpromazine increase the toxicity of pethidine. Oxycodone Oxycodone is a synthetic derivative of thebaine, and is structurally related to codeine. Oxycocione hydrochloride has good oral bioavailability (approximately 50-70%) and seems to be as potent as morphine. The analgesic effect lasts from 3 to 5 hours. The existence of a limiting dose is a subject of debate. As the pectinate, oxycodone can be administered rectally, giving a slightly longer duration of analgesia, Side-effects are similar to those of morphine. Buprenorphine Buprenorphine isa partial agonist ft produces morpaine-ike effects, but has a ceiling of 3-Smg per day. It is not, therefore, a complete alternative to morphine. If given at the same time as. morphine or anther sirong opioid in high doses, there is @ possi bilty of a decreased analgesic effect, because of displacement of the full agonist (morphine) from opioid receptors by the partial agonist (buprenorphine). The onset of action occurs about 30 minutes after administration, and the peak effect is seen after three hours. The duration of useful effect is 6-9 hours. Most patients are satistactorily controlled on an eight-hour regimen. The drug is taken sublingually or parenterally (0.4mg sublingually is equivalent to 0.3mg by injec- tion). If buprenarphine is swallowed, the effect is much reduced by “first-pass” hepatic metabolism. 25CANCER PAIN RELIEF is for moderate to severe pai : typical starting dose: Opioid Starting dose (ma) morphine 10-15 hycromorohone 12 ‘oxycodone 515 methadone 5510 levorpharal 12 pethiine 50-100 Sublingual buprenorphine is about 60 times more potent than orally administered morphine, ie. 0.2mg sublingually every 8 hours is equivalent to 6 mg of morphine given orally every 4 hours. Patients whose pain is no longer controlled by buprenorphine should be given oral morphine sulfate instead. The starting daily dose of morphine in this case should be 100 times the previously adminis- tered total daily dose of buprenorphine. This dose should be converted into @ convenient four-hourly morphine regimen, Choice of starting dose The initial dose of an opioid for moderate to severe pain depends mainly on the patient's previous medication. For those who have previously received 60-100 mg of codeine by mouth, a starting dose of 10-1mg of morphine is usually adequate (Table 7). Ifthe patient is very somnolent after the first dose and is free of pain, the second dose should be 60% lower. If, after 24 hours on the medication, pain reliof is inadequate, the starting dose should be increased. The amount of additional medication needed wil serve as a guide to the patient's requirements. A typical increment is 50%, though it may be more intially. Meanwhile, rescue doses can be given. The patient must be re-evaluated after 24 and 72 hours, preferably by the physician light doses The drug should be given through the night, or in a larger dose at bedtime to sustain the plasma level of the drug within the effective range. With a double dose of morphine at bedtime, many patients do not need a further dose until morning. A double dose is not 26CHOICE OF ANALGESIC necessary with slow-release preparations, or with longer-acting drugs such as methadone and buprenorphine. Adverse effects Constipation is the most common adverse eifect, The use of laxatives is discussed under adjuvant drugs (see p. 33) ‘Nausoa and vomiting occur in over 50% of cancer patients receiving opioids for moderate to severe pain. The use of antiemetics is discussed under adjuvant drugs (see p. 32). Drowsiness and confusion. The patien: should be warned about initial drowsiness. Usually this will clear up after 3-5 days on a constant dose. The same is true of confusion. which occurs princi- pally in elderly patients. However, if the patient is heavily sedated ‘or markedly confused, it may be necessary to reduce the dose and redtitrate more siowly. ‘A fow patients experience continuing marked sedation. Except in patients who are close to death, the most common cause of ‘continuing sedation is the concurrent use of psychotropic drugs anxiolytics and nouroleptics). Reducing the dose of the psycho: tropic drug or changing to a less sedatve alternative (e.g. from chlorpromazine to nalopericol) normal'y (eads to improvement, ‘Occasionally @ psychostimulant (e.g. methylphenidate) may help. ‘Sometimes, changing to an alternative opioid is helpful (e.g. fram morphine to oxycodone, hydromorpnone. levorphanot or metha- done}. If all else fails and the patient's pain is poorly relieved, the spinal route of administration should be considered Respiratory depression. Pain is the physiological antagonist to the central depressant effects of opioids. Clinically important respira- tory depression is rare in cancer patients because the cose of the opioid is balanced by the underlying pain. Patients who become very sedated by the medication may, however. develop respiratory depression. This may occur during the initial titration or because of metabolic dysfunction, Respiratory depression can be reversed immediately by the intravenous administration of 0.2-0.4mg of naloxone, an opioid antagonist. In patients who are taking drugs with a long plasma half-life, such as methadone or levorphanol, it may be necessary to administer naloxone every 2-3 hours. Very 27CANCER PAIN RELIEF large doses af naloxone, up to dig, may be necessary to reverse respiratory depression caused by buprenorphine. Rare effects. Occasionally, a patient may experience opioid- induced psychotic symptoms or symptoms relating to histamine release (pruritus, bronchoconstriction). These patients should be changed to an alternative strong opioid analgesic (see Table 4). Alternative routes for administration of morphine and other opi Most patients are able to take morphine and other opioids by mouth. Towards the end of life, however, it is often necessary 10 make use of altemative routes because of dysphagia. Rectal administration Morphine may be given per rectum; this is as effective as by mouth, It is contraindicated in immunosuppressed neutropenic patients because minor rectal trauma may result in local cellu. In some countries, morphine suppositories are available in strengths ranging from 10mg to 60mg. When suppositories are not available, morphine can be given by rectal enema, in 10-20ml of water. Slow-release tablets can also be given by this route. Other opioids can also be given per rectum. This route should not be used in patients with diarthoea or faecal incontinence, Subcutaneous administration In patients unable to take aral or rectal morphine, the subcuta- neous route should be used. Repeated injections should be avoided if possiblo because most patients find them unpleasant. Continuous subcutaneous infusion using a portable syringe driver 's preferable. If a syringe driver is not available, a butterlly cannula can be left in situ and morphine injected intormittently. By injection, most patients need one-third to one-half of the previously satisfac tory oral dose. Buprenorphine, hydromorphone and levorphanol can also be given subcutaneously, Intramuscular administration If given by injection, pethidine should be given intramuscularly because it causes tissue irritation. 28CHOICE OF ANALGESIC Intravenous administration Opioids may be given intravenously by either bolus injection or continuous infusion, The dose of morphine or other opioid is the same whether given subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously. Spinal administration The epidural and intrathecal routes provide pain relief with few adverse effects. These routes are important in patients who experi ence severe adverse effects or who have pain that is poorly re- sponsive to opivids. As spinel administration requires special expertise and equipment for catheter placement, these routes will not be practicable in many settings. Ifa patient has developed physical dependence on opioids admin- istered by more conventional routes, withdrawal symptoms may eccur when spinal administration is started. These may be avoided by continuing to give one-quarter of the dose by the former route, reducing the amount progressively over several days ‘Transdermal administration Certain drugs, with an adequate aillwater partition coefficient, low relative molecular mass and sufficient potency, can be adminis- tered transdermally. Fentanyl citrate has recently been proposed for administration by this route. Application of fentanyl patches produces a slow increase in plasma levels of the drug: peak plasma concentrations are achieved affer 12-24 hours and a depot remains in the skin for 24 hours after the patch is removed. Rescue medication may be necessary during the first 24 hours. Doses vary from 75 pg/hour to 380 yigihour. Compliance of patients is gener ally very good, but the cost of this methad and its current limited availability restrict its use, Drugs for neuropathic pain AAs with nociceptive pain, drug irestment is the mainstay of man- 29CANCER PAIN RELIEF agement for neuropathic pain. One or more of the following groups of drugs may help * tricyclic antidepressants; * anticonvulsants; * local anaesthetic congeners (class | anti-archythmics). Patients with neuropathic pain may derive benefit from opioids, particularly in cases of nerve compression, However, nerve com- pression pain may respond only if a corticosteroid is added. Mixed nociceptive and neuropathic pain will also benefit from morphine. ‘Superficial burning pain and spontaneous stabbing pain associ- ated with nerve injury often responds best to a tricyclic antidepres sant or an anticonvulsant Tricyclic antidepressants Amitriptyline and imipramine are both widely available. Alternative preparations are available in many countries and may be more suitable for some patients. Nortriptyline does not have a sedative effect; desipramine is relatively nonsedative and has minimal anticholinergic effects. The starting dose will dopond on the patient's age, weight, previ- ous use of such drugs and concurrent medication. A dose as low as 10mg may be appropriate for some patients, but most can take 25-50mg, The dose should be increased to 30-50mg as rapidly as can be tolerated in terms of sedation, postural hypotension and ry mouth. After that, increments should be made on a weekly basis until the pain is relieved or adverse effects preclude further escalation. Except with nortriptyline, the total daily dose should be given at bedtime, because most tricyclic antidepressants have a sedative effect. An analgesic effect is seen in many patients after a few days on doses of 50-100mg. The pain is not, however, always: completely relieved. In children, the recommended starting dose is 0.5 mg/kg af body weight, increasing to 1mgikg if necessary. 30CHOICE OF ANALGESIC Anticonvulsants Extensive clinical experience supports the use of anticonvulsants such as carbamazepine an¢ valproic acid in the treatment of nerve injury pain, particularly stabbing pain. Carbamazepine The starting dose of carbamazepine is 100mg twice dally. This can be increased slowly, at a rate of 200mg every few days. Carbamazepine causes enzyme autoinduction. thereby enhancing its own metabolism, This is one reason why initia! adverse effects (2.9. drowsiness, ataxia) improve with time. Carbamazepine occa- sionally causes leukopenia. This drug should not be used in children under six years of age. In older children, start by giving 100mgiday (2-3magrkg of body weight), and increase in stages to 500mgiday it necessary. Carbamazepine may exacerbate pre-existing chemotherapy. induced suppression of bone marrow. Valproic acid Valproic acid has a fong plasma haltife and is sedative. it may comveniently be given as a single dose at bedtime, at a starting dose of 500mg, or 200mg for elderly patients. The dose may be increased by 200mg, if necessary. every 3-4 days ta. a maximum of 1-1.5g. As the drug accumulates in the body, the dose may subsequently have to be reduced. Valproic acid should net be used in children under two years of age because of the danger of hepatotoxicity, which may be fatal Local anaesthetic congeners Lidovaine given intravenously and oral flecainide and mexiletine are memorane-stabilizing drugs, and often relieve neuropathic pain. Flecainide is given in @ dose of 50-200mg twice a day and mexiletine 150mg 2-4 times a day. Because anti-arthythmics can become pro-arrhythmic under certain circumstances, it is generally advised not to administer tlecainide or mexiletine concurrently with a tricyclic antidepressant 3Analgesic Ante Anxiolytic Muscle Antiomatic atest” depressant fect” relaxant eter effect Conicastoroias + Psychotropic orugs diazepam ' + hhydroxyzine ” + + haloperidol + + prochiorperazino + + Chlorpromazine + + amitriptyline # + + * sod in nowa compression, epial cord com preston and raised "dm analgoss eas nas Seen feporad when omg ven by Fh * Goad a6 he pms anslgol fer neuropaie pain Adjuvant drugs Adjuvant drugs (Table 8) may be necessary for one of three reasons: * to treat the adverse effects of analgesics (e.g. antiems and laxatives): * to enhance pain relief (e.g. a corticosteroid in nerve compres- sion pain); * to treat concomitant psychological disturbances such as insomnia, anxiety and depression (e.g. night sedatives, anxiolytics and antidepressants). Antiemetics If the patient has nausea when first given an opioid, a neuroleptic antiemetic should be prescribed concurrently, e.g. haloperidol, 4-2mg once a day, increasing to a maximum of 5mg, Prochiorperazine, Smg every 8 hours, increasing to a maximum of 10mg every 4 hours, is a useful alternative. A small number of patients receiving morphine develop nausea and vomiting that are unresponsive to neuroleptics, possibly as a 32CHOICE OF ANALGESIC result of drug-induced delayed gastric emptying. Metoclopramide (10mg every 8 hours, increasing to a maximum of 20mg every 4 hours) should be substituted for the neuroleptic, If the vorniting persists, consider changing to a continuous subcutaneous infusion of morphine with metoclopramide, 60mg per day, for several days. If the patient vomits several times @ day, the antiemetic will need to be given by injection, initially for two days. In patients with inoper- able bowel obstruction, an antinistaminic antiemetic, such as cyclizine or dimenhydrinate can be given. To reduce gastrointesti- nal secretions, an atropine-like crug, such 2s hyoscine butyl- bromide, may be necessary Laxatives ‘As a general rule, a laxative should be prescribed when an opioid is started. The dose of laxative needed varies considerably irom patient to patient. It may take 1-2 weeks to find the right dose Between one-third and one-half of the patients need laxative suppositories or enemas in addition to an oral laxative, particularly ait frst For most patients, the regular use of a peristaltic stimulant, such as senna, counteracts opioid-induced constipation. The dose has to be titrated for each patient until @ satisfactory result is achieved. Two tablets of standardized senna twice a day is a typical starting- dose for patients receiving opioids, increasing io two tablets every four hours if necessary. Some patients may require a faecal soft- ener, e.g. docusate, 200mg, 2-3 times daily. If the patient is severely constipated when an opioid is first prescribed, the use of laxalive suppositories (e.g. bisacodyl) or an enema is an important first step. Corticosteroids There is a wide range of indications for using corticosteroids in patients with advanced cancer (Table 9). Corticosteroids are useful {or relieving pain associated with nerve compression or spinal cord ‘compression, and headache from raised intracranial pressure 3CANCER PAIN RELIEF indications for corticosteroids in advanced cancer" General uses Specific inalcations for use To imorove appetite Spinal cord compression To enhance sense of well-veing Nerve compression To improve strength Dyspnoea: Hormone therapy: — pneumonitis (after radiotherapy) = replacement = carcinomatous Iymphangitis = anticancer — tracheal compressionyetridor To relieve pain caused by: Superior vena caval obstruct — raised intracran‘al Pericardial offusion pressure Haemoptysis — nerve compression Obstruction of hollow viscus: spinal cord compression — bronchus. — metastatic arthralgia — ureter — bone metastasis, — intestine Hypercalcaemia (in lymphoma, myeloma) Raadiation-induced inflammation Leukoenythrablastic anaemia Rectal discharge (give per rectum) Sweating * Suroe: earance & Both prednisolone and dexamethasone are effective; 1mg of dexamethasone is equivalent to 7mg of prednisolone, The dose will depend on the clinical situation. For nerve compres- sion pain, 20-40mg of prednisolone or 4~6mg of dexamethasone er day should be prescribed, reducing step by step to a mainte- nance dose after one week. The maintenance dose will depend on the amount needed to relieve pain, but could be as low as 15mg of prednisolone or 2mg of dexamethasone. Occasionally, a higher dose may be necessary to achieve significant benefit. In patients with raised intracranial pressure, an initial daily dose of 8-16mg of dexamethasone is appropriate. It may be possible to begin to reduce this to a maintenance dose after one week. With spinal cord compression, even higher doses have been used in some centres — up to 100mg per day initially, reducing ta 16mg ‘during radiation therapy. ‘Adverse effects include oedema, dyspeptic symptoms and, occa- sionally, gastrointestinal bleeding. Proximal myopathy, agitation, 34CHOICE OF ANALGESIC hypomania and opportunistic infections may also occur. The incidence of adverse gastrointestinal effects is increased if corti- costeroids are used in conjunction with NSAIDs, Psychotropic drugs Many cancer patients with pain need a psychotropic drug (Table 8), For some, it may be the best analgesic for their pain, 2.9. 2 tricyclic antidepressant for nerve injury pain. For others, it may be an antiemetic, €.g. haloperidol for opioid-induced vomiting. In others, an anxialytic, such as diazepam, may be necessary Diazepam is also useful in patients with: muscle spasin or myofascial trigger point pain. Some patients need a night sedative and others need an antidepressant for identifiable depression. The concurrent use of two drugs that act on the central nervous system (e.g. morphine plus a psychotropic drug, or two psycho- tropic drugs together) is likely to produce a greater sedative effect in ill and mainourished cancer patisnis than in others. In patients with cancer pain, the starting dose of a psychotropic drug may need to be less than thal used for piysically healthy patients. 35Summary 41. Cancer pain can, and should, be treated 2. Evaluation and treatment of cancer pain are best achieved by a team approach. 3. The first steps are to take a detailed history, and to examine the patient carefully, to determine if the pain is: * caused by the cancer, related to the cancer, caused by anticancer treatment or caused by another disorder, * part of a specific syndrome; * nociceptive, neuropathic, or mixed nociceptive and neuropathic, 4, Treatment begins with an explanation and combines physical and psychological approaches, using both non-drug and drug, treatments. 5. Itis useful to have a sequence of specific aims, such as: * to increase the hours of pain-free sleep, * to relieve the pain when the patient is at rest; * to relieve pain when the patient is standing or active, 6. Drugs alone usually give adequate relief from pain caused by ‘cancer, provided that the right drug is administered in the right dose at the right time intervals. 7. "By mouth’: the oral route is the preferred route for analgesics, including morphine. 8. "By the clock’: for persistent pain, drugs should be taken at regular time intervals and not ‘as needed” 36SUMMARY 9. "By the ladder '* Unless the patient is in severe pain, begin by prescribing a non-opioid drug and adjust the dose, if necessary, to the maximum recommended dose. * IFor when the non-opioid no longer adequately relieves the pain, an opioid drug should be prescribed in addition to the non-opioid. * IF or when an opioid for mild to moderate pain (e.g. codeine) no longer adequately relieves the pain, it should be replaced by an opioid for moderate to severe pain (e.g. morphine), 10. “For the individual": the right dose of an analgesic is the dose that relieves the pain. The dose of oral morphine may range from as little as Smg to more than 1000™ma, 11. Adjuvant drugs should be prescribed as indicated. 12. For neuropathic pain, a tricyclic antidepressant or an anticonvulsant is the analgesic of choice. 13, “Attention to detail": it is essential 10 monitor the patient's response to the treatment to ensure that the patient obtains, maximum benefit with as few adverse effects as possible. a7PART 2 Opioid availabilityIntroduction Background This part explains the system by which morphine and other opioids are made available to patients who need them. Itis intended for use by both drug regulators and health care workers and to pro- mote communication between the two groups. Opioid availabilty is discussed in the context of the problem of caneer pain and inter- rational efforts to address it. A number of the terms used in what follows are defined in Annex 1 The text has been reviewed by the Intemational Narcotics Control Board (INCB), the body responsible for aciministering the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (6), the treaty that governs opiaid availabilty in the world, National drug regulatory authorities in ten countries have also commented on the text New knowledge, new hope Research in management of cancer pain has produced new knowledge about pain and how opioids act in the body in relation to pain. Traditionally, the opioid analgesics have boon used to manage acute pain, Long-term use of opioids has been discour- aged because of the risk of tolerance or physical or psychological dependence. Studies have shown that, while physical dependence and tolerance do occur in patients who take opioids over @ long period, psychological dependence is extremely rare. Consequently, the risk of such dependence should not be @ factor in deciding whether to use opioids to treat the cancer patient with pain. Studies have also shown that morphine and some other opioids do not have @ ‘ceiling effect”. Morphine can be safely administered in increasing amounts until the pain is relieved without producing an “overdose”, as long as the side-effects are tolerated. There is no standard dose of morphing; the correct dose is the one that atrelieves the pain. This dose may vary from patient to patient; a few patients with severe pain may require several thousand miligrams of oral morphine daily to relieve pain. In general, studies on the use of opioids to treat pain in cancer patients indicate that public and professional expectations about relief from cancer pain should be much higher than they are at presont Impediments to cancer pain relief ‘There are many reasons why cancer pain is not adequately treated at present (7), including * absence of national policies on cancer pain relief and pallia tive care; lack of awareness on the part of health care workers, policy- makers, administrators and the public that most cancer pain can be relieved: ‘© shortage of financial resources and limitations of health care delivery systems and personnel; '* concern that medical use of opioids will produce psychologi- cal dependence and drug abuse; ‘legal restrictions on the use and availability of opioid analgesics. The WHO strategy To respond to these issues, WHO advocates a strategy with the following key components (Fig. 2): * national or state policies that support cancer pain reliof through government endorsement of education and drug availabilty * educational programmes for the public, health care person- nel, reguiators, ete; + modification of laws and regulations to improve the availability of drugs, especially tne opioid analgesics. aINTRODUCTION Fig. 2. Foundation measures for implementing cancer pain relief programmes Educa ofthe pubs Of heath cars professionals, (doctors, nurses, pharmacists} Drug avaittitty Changes in nestth care regulations! ation to imorove drug availabilty pecialy of opioids) ments in prascrio buting, dispensing, ana ‘administvation of drugs (earth care edministratare, drug reg hese foundation measure: to be implemented rationally, They significant effect (14) nt if existing knowle st very litt igo is le but can have a Difficulties in obtaining opioids Fig. 3 shows the global consumption of morphine according to population density. It can be seen that morphine cansumption varies greatly from country to country. Consumption figures do nat completely indicate the extent to which op ment of moderate to severe cancer pain; how probably the best single indicator available. ar, they provid WHO monitors morphine consumption in individual countries index of improvements in pain management. Glebal morphin consumption was relatively stable until 1984. when WHO bega emphasize the need to use morphine in the treatment of cancer ain, From 1984 to 1 al consumption of morphine more han tripled. Many countries hav distributing drugs for fundamental difficulties in abtaining and Wy type of ines. In these countries, the 4aFig. 3. Morphine consumption, in mg per person, 1984 and 1992 1984 1992 Sources of data: International Narcoties Control Board; United Nations Popula- tion and Vital Statistics, Maps reproduced by permission of the WHO Collaborat- ing Center for Symptom Evaluation in Cancer Care, Madison, WI, USA. 44TRODUCTION unavailability of drugs is offen due to a combination of factors, such as inadequate funding of health services, lack of health care delivery infrastructure and inadequate facilities for the storage and distribution of medicines. ‘These problems are being addressed by WHO through its Action Programme on Essential Drugs. This programme recommends that 2 national policy on essential drugs should exist in every country, together with an action plan to guarantee the availabilty at a reasonable cost of a limited number of crugs of significant thera- ppeutic value. The goal is to satisfy the health care needs of the majority of the population. More than 100 countries have so far adopted lists of essential drugs. The model list of essential crugs (2) includes three opioid anal- gesics. Codeine and morphine are on the main list; pethidine is on the complementary list. In many countries, however. morphine and other opioids are not available, or available only under very strict conditions, because of national laws aimed at preventing drug abuse. Some of these laws were established long betore oral opioids became widely recognized as indispensable for the treat- ‘ment of cancer pain. In such cases, itis essential for health care workers and drug regulators to cooperate in order to make opioid analgesics available while preventing their abuse. The next chapter reviews the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, explains the steps that must be taken to make morphine and other opioids available for the treatment of pain, and offers suggestions for doing this efficiently The participants in the drug distribution chain At the outset, it should be emphasized that each participant in the chain of distribution should fuffil all the legal requirements. The Chain of distribution includes: * the national drug regulatory authority * importers and exporters + manufacturers * wholesalers * doctors, nurses and pharmacists, 45The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs Description and purpose The 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the 1972 Protocol (6, 8), is the principal international treaty regu- lating availabilty of opioids. It classifies the opioids, and requires the registration of all handlers and the estimation af medical needs for opioids. It establishes rules concerning production, manufacture and distribution, and requires statistical reports. The Single Con vention governs how opioids are shipped between counties, using ‘a system of import and export approval. The treaty also defines to some extent the requirements for safe distribution within a country. Governments that are party to the Single Convention have agreed to bring their laws and regulations into line with its requirements, A list of the parties is updated and published annually by the INCB (9). Countries that are not party to the Single Convention often follow its basic procedures. ‘The preamble of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (6) recognizes that “the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable for the relief of pain” [and] "addiction to narcotic drugs constitutes a serious evil" Thus, the broad purpose of the treaty is to prevent the abuse of narcotics or opioids, while guaranteeing their availability for medi- cal use The Single Convention classifies the opioids into four schedules, depending on each drug’s dependence potential, abuse liability and therapeutic usefulness. These schedules do not necessarily correspond with those in national laws. The stronger opioid analgesics, such as fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone and oxycodone are in Schedule |. Codeine and its derivatives, which are less strictly controlled, are in Schedule Il. Schedule Ill contains specified preparations of codeine and dextropropoxyphene that 46THE SINGLE CONVENTION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS are exempted from certain requirements. Schedule IV contains opioids that are considered to be particularly susceptible to abuse. Exceptions Codeine Preparations containing not more than 100mg of codeine with one or more other ingredients por dosage unit, and those with a con- ontration of not more than 2.5% codeine in undivided prepara- tions, such as syrups, are exempled from certain control measures Under the Single Convention. Buprenorphine and pentazocine These drugs are controlled by the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971 The drug distribution system A country obtains its supply of opioids for medical purposes by importing them from ancther country, manufactur’ng them itself, or both, These opioids are then distributed by manufacturers or ‘wholesalers to hospitals and pharmac’es, and suasequently dis. ensed to patients by health care personnel The Single Convention requires that all individuals and enterprises in the distribution system should be licensed or otherwise appropri- ately authorized, and that transfers of opioids take place only between properly registered parties. Patients may use opioids only according to a physician's prescription. Certain records must be kept, and reports on consumotion must be filed with the national regulatory authority. These, along with security arrangements and inspections, permit the detection of “leakage” or “diversion” from the legitimate system of drug distribution, 47‘OPIOID AVAILABILITY ids Itis vital that a country should have enough opioids to meet the demand for treatment of pationts in pain. The INCB has recognized that opioids are underused in the treatment of pain, especially cancer pain, and has called on governments to re-evaluate their needs, National estimates of medical need for opi Every year, national drug regulatory authorities prepare an estimate of the amount of Schedule | opioids that will be needed in the country during the following year. The estimate must be submitted to the INCB six months in advance of the period to which it applies. Under the Single Convention, the quantity of opioids manufactured in of imported into a country must not exceed the government's official estimate of the amount needed, The treaty requires the INCB to contirm the national estimate before the national government may permit the import or manufac- ture of opioids. In this way, excessive manufacture or import can be monitored and the risk of diversion to non-medical use is minimized, The treaty also requires the INCB to endeavour to ensure that opioids are available for medical purposes, and to confirm national estimates 2s quickly as possible, If an annual estimate proves to bbe inadequate, the national drug regulatory authority is permitted by treaty to submit an amendment to the INCB; the INCB will confirm amendments as soon as possible. The responsibility for determining the amount of opioids necessary to meet the medical need in a county rests entirely with the national government, in particular with the drug regulatory author- ity. Countries may use different methods to calculate the estimate, but the INCB must be informed of the method used and of any changes. Typically, an estimate will reflect to some degree the amount of each opicid consumed in previous years. 48‘THE SINGLE CONVENTION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS. Commur regulators Communication between health workers and drug regulators is essential in order to ensure that each understands the other's aims It is important for pain management experts and medical associe- tions to understand the opiaid distribution system in their country, leam about the national estimate of opioid needs, and be aware of the concerns of regulators, Opioid abuse is a reality, and health care workers must cooperate in the campaign to prevent diversion ation between health personnel and {tis also important for regulators to learn about the importance of pain relief both for individual patients and for public health in general. information about cancer pain, where and how cancer patients are treated, and the training of health care personne! will help regulators whose job it is to ensure the integrity of the distri- bution system. The knowiedge that opioid use needs to increase will help regulators to make appropriate changes in the annual estimate Health care personnel should make sure that regulators know the salient facts related to pain reliei, for example: ‘* Psychological dependence is rare among cancer patients ‘who receive opioids for pain. + Oral forms of morphine are preferred because the patient may be able 10 live at nome, and paintul injections ate elim nated, However, the oral dose needs to be 3-6 times higher than the injected dose to achieve the same degree of pain relief. Thus, the total amount of drug needed will increase significantly; this should be taken into account in preparing the national estimate, * Pethidine, often relied upon for treatment of acute pain, is not recommended for pattents with chronic pain because accu- mulation of @ toxic metabolite may occur, causing myoclonus and seizures. Morphine and other opioids are preferred, and should be included in the national estimate, Health care workers should tell regulators exactly which opioids are needed, including the dosages and dosage forms required, in 9(OPIOID AVAILABILITY order to ensure that the estimate is adequate to meet the needs of patients. Obtaining a supply of opioids Alter the estimate has been confirmed by the INCB, a country may either import or manufacture opioids. In both cases, the partici= pants in the distribution chain should endeavour to ensure that the supply is reliable. Interruptions in the distribution of opioids is distressing for both patients and families and must be avoided. Domestic manufacture Some or all of the opioids needed may be manufactured by enter- prises in the country itself, which will be regulated (or operated) by the government. Regulation of manufacture of opioid products includes licensing, requirements for record-keeping and reporting, and quality control. Resources are required for record-keeping, to provide secure facilities and maintain security procedures trom the acquisition of raw materials until the distribution of the finished products, in ordor to prevent diversion The products available in a country may be limited to the opioids and dosage forms that have been approved for markoting by the national health authority ‘A manufacturer may distribute the finished products directly to licensed pharmacies or hospitals, or they may be distributed by a wholesaler. Wholesalers must also be licensed by the national drug regulatory authority, and must obey rules conceming security and record-keeping The importlexport system Often, some or all of the opioid products a country needs are imported. The import and export requirements of the Single Con- vention are outlined hero, so that the participants in the opioid distribution system can see what needs to be done to complete the process quickly. Specific requirements may vary from country to country. 50THE SINGLE CONVENTION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS The Single Convention lays down a step-by-step process to ensure that the movement of opioids between countries occurs only after authorization by the drug regulatory authorities, andi that the amounts imported stay within the approved estimate of the import- ing country. The import and export certificates are the proof that the products are changing hands legally. Both certificates must be approved and must accompany each shioment. There is no stan- dard cerificate, although model import certificate (Annex 2) has been developed by the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs. The import certificate The following information must appear on the import certificate: * the certificate number, © the name of the drug, * the international nonproprietary reme (INN) of the drug (10), the exact description and quantity of the drug, including strength(s) and dosage form(s), * the name and address of the importer, * the name and address of the exporter, * the period of validity of the ceriicate, Steps in the import/export process The import/export process is outlined below and in Fig. 4. It should be noted that many countries also have certification procedure to prevent marketing of pharmaceutical products that are falsely labelled, counterteit or substandard (77) 1, The entity wishing to import a substance controlled under the Single Convention applies to its reguletory authority for an import certificate. 2. The regulatory authority considers whether the company is properly licensed and whether the drug and amount are within the national estimate; if approved, an original import cartificate and one copy ere issued,importation International Narcotics Control Board (NCB) ~~ Regulatory 6 Regulatory Kiteny) “thoy i 2 4 5 3 lA i Importer fF exporter | 7 8 wwhoiesaer 2 Morutacurer [e é _. F . toma’ & Physicians Patients CountryA | Country B 3. The importer sends the original of the import certificate to the entity proposing to export the substance 4, The exporter applies to its drug regulatory authority for an export certificate. 525, The regulatory authority in the exporting country checks that an import certificate has been issued and that the exporter is properly licensed if the application is approved, an export certificato is issued. 6. The regulatory authority in the exporting country sends a copy of the export certificate to the regulatory authority in the import- ing country. 7. The exporter ships the drugs to the importer, along with the originals of the export certticate and import certificate 8, Tho shipment must pass a customs inspection. 9. The importer sends both certificates to ts regulatory authority, Itis important that there is complete, accurate and prompt commu- nication between the participants to minimize the time between the various steps in the process. The reporting system National drug regulatory authoritias must report all imports and exports of opioids to the INCB every quarter. They are also re- quired to make an ennual inventory and report the total amount of opioids manufactured, consumed and in stock. The annual inven- tory does not include drugs stored in pharmacies, which for official purposes are considered to have been consumed. ‘The INCB, in turn, uses these data to prepare reports and monitor global production and consumption of opioids. INCB statistical reports (9) can be useful to health care workers who need to know the quantity of apioids consumed in their country in previous years. ‘These statistics also provide a global picture of morphine con- sumption, For statistical purposes, @ "defined daily dose" (DDD) has been calculated to allow a rough comparison of consumption of drugs af different potencies in different countries. The DDD for morphine is 30mg, It must ba emphasized that the DDD has no significance in terms of medical use or for drawing up estimates of opioid needs, but is intended only as a tool for analysing differ ences in consumption around the world, 53‘OPIOID AVAILABILITY The annual reports of the INCB provide useful information about its work, as well as patterns af medical use and diversion of opio- ids, The INCB also produces periodic special reports that focus attention on critical issues, such as the 1989 special report De- mand for and supply of opiates for medical and scientific needs (12) which called on governments to re-evaluate medical needs for opioids. Is the international system working? In recent years, the INCB has reported to the United Nations Economic and Social Council that the international control system continues to operate satisfactorily (13). Diversion of narcotic drugs trom the lict trade into ilicit chan- ‘nels romains relatively rare and the quantities involved are small in comparison with the large volume of transactions. That holds true for drugs in the international trade as well as in domestic wholesale circuits The INCB has also reported on its efforts to improve opioid avail- ability for the treatment of pain. In the special report mentioned above (12), the INCB reviewad the availability of opioids for madi- al and scientific purposes in consultation with WHO. The INCB concluded that the medical need for opioids is not being fully met, particularly in respect of cancer pain. The INCB made recommen- dations to governments, WHO, professional associations and medical instructors, on the need to: ‘+ improve methods of assessing medical needs; + develop a monitoring system to show whether medical needs for opioids are being met and to indicate corrective actions roquired: * identify obstacles to the appropriate use of opioids and facilitate their availablity in cases of severe pain ‘* establish national policies and guidelines on the appropriate medical use of opioids; 54THE SINGLE CONVENTION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS * ensure that health professionals are adequately trained in apioid use and informed about drug dependence: ‘© urge medical instructors and professional medical associa- tions to promote the rational use of opiates for medical pur- poses while taking measures to ensure that they are not abused. 55Regulation of health care workers The Single Convention recognizes that individual governments must decide the level of regulation of the individuals directly involved in dispensing opioids — pharmacists, physicians and nurses. However, it expresses several principles that should be observed: * individuals must be authorized to dispense opioids by their professional licence to practise, or be specially licensed to do so; = movement of opioids may occur only between duly authorized Parties; * a medical prescription is required betore opioids may be dispensed to a patient. Drug abuse versus patient need The Single Convention recognizes that governments have the right to impose further restrictions if they consider it necessary, 10 prevent diversion and misuse of opioids. However, this right must be continually balanced against the responsibility to ensure opioid availability for medical purposes, In deciding the appropriate level of regulation, governments should bear in mind the dual aims of the Single Convention. The INCB has observed that in some countries fear of drug abuse has resulted in laws and regulations, or interpretations thereof, that make it unnec- essarily dificult to obtain opioids for medical use. Prevention of availability of opiates for medical use does not necessarily guarantee prevention of the abuse of illicitly pro- cured opiates. Overly restrictive approaches may, in the end, merely result in depriving a majority of the population of access to opiate medications (12) 56REGULATION OF HEALTH CARE WORKERS The WHO Expert Committee on Cancer Pain Relief and Active Supportive Care (7) has commented on special multiple-copy prescription programmes that are required by governments in some countries and in several states of the United States of America, Typically, these programmes reduce prescribing of covered drugs by 50% or more. Although the Expert Committee acknowledged that they may reduce careless orescribing and “multiple doctoring”, it also noted the extent to which these programmes restrict or inhibit the prescribing of opioids to patients who need them should also be questioned Health care workers may be reluctant to prescribe, stock or dispense opioids if they feel that there is a possibilty of their professional licences being suspended or revoked by the ‘governing authority in cases where large quantities of opioids are provided to an individual, even though the medical need for such drugs can be proved. Suggested guidelines for regulation of health professionals Its understood that requlatory requirements for physicians, nurses and pharmacists to dispense opioids to patients will differ from country to country. However, the following are general criteria that can be used to develap a practical system. 1, Legal authority. Physicians, nurses and gharmacists should be legally empowered to prescribe, dispense and administer opioids to patients in accordance with local needs. 2. Accountability. They must disperse opioids for medical pur- poses only and must be held responsible in law if they dispense them for non-medical purposes. Appropriate records must be kept. If physicians are required to keep records other than those associated with good medical practice, the extra work incurred should be practicable and should not impede medical activities. Hospitals and pharmacists 37‘must be legally responsible for safe storage and the recording of opioids received and dispensed. Reasonable record-keeping and accountability provisions should not discourage heaith care workers from prescribing or stocking adequate supplies of opioids. 3. Prescriptions. A prescription for opioids should contain at least the following information, ‘+ name and address of the patient, * date of issue, * drug name, dosage strength and form, quantity prescribed, * directions for use, * physician's name and business address, * physician's signature, 4. Patient access. Opicids should be available in locations that will be accessible ta as many cancer pationts as possible. 5. Medica! decisions. Decisions conceming the type of drug to be used, the amount of the prescription and the duration of therapy are best made by medical professionals on the basis of the individual needs of each patient, and not by regulation. 6. Dependence. Physical dependence, which may develop when opioids are used to treat chronic pain, should not be confused with psychological dependence,References 1. Foley KM, Arb E. Management of cancer Sain, In: DeVta V Jota, o. Cancer — paneiptes and practice of orcolegy. 3rd ed, Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1989: pp. 2064-2087, 2, Tho use of essential drugs: sith report ofthe WHO Expert Commitee, Geneva, World Hoattn Organization, 1985 (WHO Tacha! Report Series, No. 850), 3. WHO Expert Committoe on Drug Dependence: twenty-sighth report. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1983 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 836), 4. Inturtisi CE. Management of cancer pain: pharmacology and principles of management. Cancer, 1989, 6:2308-2820, 58, Twyoross RG. Tharapoutis in tx Medical Press, 1096. adele il cancer, 3d ed. Oxtord, # 8, Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (as amended by the 1972 Protocol). New York, United Nations, 1977. 7. Cancer pain riot and paltatve care: report of a WHO Expert Commitee. Goneva, World Hear Organization, £989 (WHO Technicel Report Series, No 200), 8. Commentary on tho Single Convention on Narcotie Drugs, 1867. New York, United Natons, 1973, 8, International Naveeics Contol Board, Narcatic dtuge: etimated word require ‘ments for 1982; statistics for 1990, Now Yors, United Nations, 1994 10. Intemational nonpropristary names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances; ‘cumulative st No. 8, Geneva, World Heath Organization, 1092, 11. WHO Exper Commitee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparation: thirst report Geneva, Weld Health Organization, 1990 (WHO Technical epoxt Series, No, 790}. 12, International Narcotics Control Board. Demanal for and supply of opiates for rmacical and scientific needs, New York, United Nations, 1989 18. International Narcotics Control Board, Aeport of the Canto Boar for 1990. New York, United Nations, 1980 rnational Narootios 14, National cancer contro! programmes: poicies and managerial guider Geneva Word Health Organization, 1298, 59Selected further reading Doyle D, Hanks GWC, MacDonald N, eds. Oxford texthaok of palliative medicine ‘Oxtord, Odord University Pross, 1993 Foley KM, Bonica W, Venlatridda, ¥, ads. Sacand international Congress on Cancer ‘Pain. New York, Raven Press, 1980 (Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, Val. 16). ‘Twyctoas RG. Pain rat in advanced cancer. Edinburgh, Churcil Livingstone, 1924, US Deparment of Health and Human Services. Managemant of cancer pain Fockwile, MD, 1994 (Cincal Practice Guideline, No. 9). 60ANNEX | Use of terms Narcotic In this publication, the term “narcotic” is used only in relation to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, in which the term is used in a legal rather than @ pharmacologi¢al sense. The Single Convention includes substances that are not narcotics from @ pharmacological point of view, for example marijuana and cocaine. Opioid In this publication, opioid refers to codeine, morphine, and other natural and synthetic drugs whose effects are medi- ated by specific receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems, Tolerance Increased resistance to the usual effects of a drug as, a result of long-term continual use. Physical dependence “Physical dependence” is used to de. scribe the neuroadaptation of the body to the presence of an opioid, and is characterized by the onset of acute symptoms and signs of withdrawal if the opioid is stopped or en opioid antagonist is administered, Psychological dependence “Psychological dependence" is used to describe a behavioural pattern characterized by a oraving for the mood-altering effects of a drug and an overwhelming preoccupation with obtaining and using the drug. 61ANNEX 2 Model import certificate MODEL FORM OF IMPORT CERTIFICATE Certicate of Oficial Approval of Import No. (ate) INTERNATIONAL OPIUM CONVENTION OF 1925 SINGLE CONVENTION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS, 1961 1. To be completed in all casos (a) Name, address and business of importer (6) Exact description and amount of «gs to be Imported, inelucing the itemational nonproprielary name, if ary. (6) Name and address of fr in ‘exporting country from wich the ‘rug is 0 be obtained. (4) State any special conditions 10 be observed, €9. not tobe imported through the post 2. To be completed only if the ‘consignment i requited for ther than medical or sclentiie purposes, 8. Duration of valiy 62 1. | hereby certty that [namo of Authority. being the Autholy charged wih the ‘administration ofthe law relating to the tugs to which the 1925 and 1961 Conventions apply, has approved the Importation by @ otto) from (@) Sibject to the folowing condtions: (a 2. Soe note below, a ‘Signad on behalf frame of Authority] Signature Oficial rani Date,ANNEX. ‘Note: t should b@ indicated for which of the folowing purposes the consignment to be imporied is required {a} for the proparation ofa flavouring agent in the case of coca leaves: {) for logitmata purposes in the case oF poppy straw: {c) () for smoking inthe case 01 opium: i) vor Quas-modicel and non-madical purposes olher an smoking in -rs case of opium (i for chewing in the case of ‘2008 leaves; (iv) for or-modical purposes inthe case of cannabis, cannable resin fexracts and tinctures of cannabis ard their preparations (Article 49 of the 1961 Corwertion). 63
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