Anh Hoang1*, Amirhossein Abbasi1, Ajith J. Thomas2, Mikael Unge2, Claire Pitois2
NKT HV Cables AB, R&D, SE-371 23 Karlskrona, Sweden
NKT HV Cables AB, Technology Consulting, SE-722 26 Västerås, Sweden
*[email protected]
insulation during superimposed switching impulse 250/2500 the relative permittivity of the insulation. The mobility of
μs of same or opposite polarity (SISP or SIOP) and ionic charges is thermally activated
superimposed lightning impulse 1.2/50 μs of opposite polarity #,%
(LIOP) with regard to the applied nominal voltage has been , = ), ) exp − , (5)
then calculated. Impact of the dissociation rate of impurities
with the activation energy Wn,p. The diffusion coefficient of
and ion mobility as well as cable temperature on the EF in
charge carriers is defined by the Einstein relation
cable insulation has been investigated.
Fig. 2. EF distribution in cable insulation at the start and the end of the
preconditioning under DC voltage –U0 and temperature at insulation
edges of 70 °C and 50 °C (scenario 1).
(b) Scenario 3 – Reduced
dissociation rate