Course Guide Template_EvaluationVersionCLA207

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Interactive Subject/Course Guide Template

Instructions for using this Course Guide Template

 The course guide draft template is broken into discrete sections
which can be modified to best fit your course and teaching style.
 In order to keep the guide accessible and consistent with UIDLC
format, the style (headings, paragraphs etc.) should be
 The template includes some common language to describe
general policies and services to serve as a guideline for you. Be
sure to read these sections and change language to fit your
course needs.
 The syllabus assumes you will be using the UIDLC LMS, modify
references to this if you will be using other platforms for your
 Adjust descriptions of activities and outcomes to fit your course.
o Look for *purple text marked also with an “*,” used as a
placeholder, to indicate information needed, text you
should change, or notes. Be sure to delete these notes
before finalizing your guide and change the text colour to
o Be sure to remove references to tools, activities, or
outcomes that you do not plan to use in your course.

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CLA207 - Introduction to
Developmental Oral
Course Guide
1st Semester, 2023/2024 Academic Session
17 December 2024
1 | Course Information
Course Team

Course Facilitator(s): Fasasi John

I am E-tutor for Department of Communication and
Portrait Language Arts. I am a doctoral student and my
150 by 150px research focus is Applied Communication

Support Team

Academic Advisor (E-Tutor): Fasasi John

AA Office Telephone: 08032492308
Call Hours: <9a.m. - 3 p.m. &
Portrait Mondays/Wednesdays>>
150 by 150px
E-mail: [email protected]
SSU- One Officer per Faculty/School

Course Description
CLA 207 is a course designed to give you background knowledge relating
to phonology and phonetics. The presentation of various topics that will
help you have a global understanding of how the English language sound
system works together. You will also be exposed to some suprasegmental
aspects that will facilitate your achievement of enviable eloquence in
spoken English, speech presentations, and newscasting.

*Course unit: 2 Units/course status: Required.

Course outcomes

 To explain how the English language sound system works

 To identify English language sounds and corresponding phonetic
 To pronounce the English language sounds
 To be able to transcribe written text into phonetic symbols
 To be able to read phonetic transcription
To demonstrate eloquence very close to native speakers of the
English language

A bulleted list is a good way to display these outcomes as shown below:

● To teach students the pronunciation of English language sounds
and corresponding phonetic symbols
● To develop students’ ability to transcribe written text into
phonetic symbols
● To explain to the students how the English language sound
system works together
● To expose students to native speakers’ styles of speaking the
English language

You will meet the objectives listed above through a combination of the
following activities in this course:

You will be expected to interact with reading/listening/watching learning

resources on each topic. Class activities such as assignments, discussion
forums, quiz sections, etc., are parts of the course presentation so you can
have full understanding of the topics.

In addition, supporting or reference material(links, pdf books, etc.,) will be

attached to each presented topic. The different topics in this course will be
available to you in stages once in a week.

Course Prerequisite
* Student should have done Level Test of Orals in English Language
*Student should have taken LIN141 & LIN 241

Course Materials
Required Materials
 *DLC Course manual for CLA207
 English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course Guide Book
by Peter Roach
 Daniel Jones Dictionary
 Jimson’s Pronunciation of English
 Recommended Texts & Other Materials

Course Requirements
 Ensure that you have a stable internet connection (DSL, LAN, or cable
connection desirable) and that you are in an environment with no
distractions while you are studying.

 Web browser on your laptop or desktop, preferably chrome, to

access the LMS from your computer.
 Android phone or tablet, DLC tablet or a minimum of 4G Ram
device is suggested. Download the UI Mobile Class app directly
from google play store only.
 *List other tools, resources, and materials needed by the student
for success in the course.
Methods of Instruction
 Within each section of the presentation of a topic in this course, you
will find instructional contents such as video, links, audio, additional
texts, and reading activities. Virtual form of learning(webinars) or face-
to-face will be adopted and you will be notified accordingly.

 Within the same week, you are expected to do a thorough study on

each of the topics and then ask questions, give comments, or start
discussions (with the facilitator or course mates), based on the
facilitator's instructions.

 Regarding assessment, the facilitator has the right to determine any of

the following methods: group assessment, assessing each other, and
assessing individuals by the facilitator himself.

How much time is devoted to each component and are there different
meeting places students should be aware of (such as flip F2F, field-trips)?

Tips for Success

In order to achieve an in-depth understanding of this course,
ensure you take notes,
involve in further studies,
and then imagine possible exams questions as you read.
Common students’ mistakes or misconceptions
 Copies of past exams or model student papers
 Glossaries of technical terms
 Links to appropriate support material on the Web (e.g. style
manuals, past students’ projects, Web-based resources,
 Academic support services on campus
 Information on the availability of podcasts or webcasts
2 | Course Schedule
Week 1: Understanding some important terms: phonology, phonetics,
phonemes, etc.
Detailed Brief To-Do List:
... Read the course manual,
Listen to the podcast;
Outcomes Watch video lesson,
 To explain the different terms as Discussion,
used in the course Turn in assignments, and
 identify their similarities and Attempt Quiz.
differences All the above take place
 on the LMS

Week 2: Why study fundamentals of oral communication? (to be

discussed probably towards the end)

Detailed Brief To Do List:

Read the course manual,
Outcomes Listen to the podcast;
 To explain the importance of each Watch video lesson,
topic Discussion,
 To explain the importance of the Turn in assignments, and
each topic to study of the course, Attempt Quiz.
CLA207 All the above take place
 To explain the application of the on the LMS
course in reality

Week 3: The Sound System of English: Segmental and Supra-Segmental


Detailed Brief To-Do List:

Read the course manual,
Outcomes Listen to the podcast;
 identify segmental and supra- Watch video lesson,
segmental aspects Discussion,
 explain segmental and Turn in assignments, and
suprasegmental aspects Attempt Quiz.
 Describe the similarities and All the above take place
differences of segmental and on the LMS

Week 4: Nature of speech/Speech Mechanism/Organs of speech

Detailed Brief: The topic exposes you to the To-Do List:
process involved in speech production, the Read the course manual,
organs of speech, and the roles of each Listen to the podcast;
organ of speech. Watch video lesson,
Outcomes Turn in assignments, and
 Explain the speech production Attempt Quiz.
process All the above take place
 Identify and describe the organs of on the LMS
 Explain the roles of each organ in the
speech production process

Week 5: English Consonant Sounds

Detailed Brief To-Do List:

(Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching)
 Identify each consonant sound Read the course manual,
 Pronounce each consonant sound Listen to the podcast;
 Identify the letter correspondence of Watch video lesson,
each sound Discussion,
 Give a good articulatory description Turn in assignments, and
of each consonant sound Attempt Quiz.
 Identify the letter correspondence of All the above take place
each sound on the LMS
 Give a good articulatory description
of each consonant sound

Week 6: Place and Manner of Articulation

Detailed Brief To Do List:
Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Define and explain the place of
articulation Read the course manual,
 Define and explain the manner of Listen to the podcast;
articulation Watch video lesson,
 Identify organs involved in the Discussion,
process of articulation Turn in assignments, and
 Identify the classification of Attempt Quiz.
consonant sounds in place and All the above take place
manner of articulation on the LMS

Week 7: The English Vowels

Detailed Brief To-Do List:
Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Identify and pronounce vowel sounds
 Identify both the sound and Read the course manual,
corresponding letters in words Listen to the podcast;
 Give articulatory description of vowel Watch video lesson,
sounds Discussion,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS
Week 8: Sound system and spelling in the alphabet writing

Detailed Brief To-Do List:

Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Identify and explain the relationship
between sound system and alphabet
writing Read the course manual,
 2. Explain orthography Listen to the podcast;
 3. Explain orthographic mapping and Watch video lesson,
its usefulness Discussion,
 4. Explain the significance of the Turn in assignments, and
relationship between sound system Attempt Quiz.
and alphabet writing All the above take place
on the LMS
Week 9: Phonetic Transcription

Detailed Brief To Do List:

Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching

 Identify the types of phonetic Readings, Listening,

transcriptions and their uses; Watching
 Explain phonetic transcription; and
 Be able to transcribe words, phrases
and sentences correctly. Read the course manual,
Listen to the podcast;
Watch video lesson,
 Discussion,
 Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS

Week 10: The syllable and the stress (word stress)

Detailed Brief To-Do List:
Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Identify syllable boundary Read the course manual,
 Break words into syllables Listen to the podcast;
 Watch video lesson,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS
Week 11: Consonant Clusters
Detailed Brief To-Do List:
F2F, Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Explain consonant clusters Read the course manual,
 Identify clusters in the first, medial Listen to the podcast;
and final position of words Watch video lesson,
 Importance of consonant clusters Discussion,
 Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS
Week 12: Stress on Words

Detailed Brief To-Do List:

Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
F2F, Readings, Listening,
 Explain stress on words, Watching
 Identify stress on words, Read the course manual,
 Pronounce words by placing the Listen to the podcast;
stress on the proper syllable. Watch video lesson,
 Discussion,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS
Week 13: Sentence Stress

Detailed Brief To-Do List:

Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Explain sentence stress Readings, Listening,
 Explain its intention Watching
 Explain how it works in speech Read the course manual,
Listen to the podcast;
 Watch video lesson,
 Discussion,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS

Week 14: Intonation

Detailed Brief To-Do List:
Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Explain intonation, Readings, Listening,
 Explain how it works, Watching
 Apply intonation properly Read the course manual,
Listen to the podcast;
Watch video lesson,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS

Week 15: Sense Group/Thought Group

Detailed Brief To-Do List:

Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Explain sense group
 Explain how it operates Readings, Listening,
 Identify the component of sense Watching
group Readings, Listening,
 Properly apply sense group while Watching
speaking Read the course manual,
 Listen to the podcast;
 Watch video lesson,
 Discussion,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS
Week 16: Articulatory Processes and listening comprehension

Detailed Brief To-Do List:

Readings, Listening,
Outcomes Watching
 Identify key articulatory processes
 Explain key articulatory processes Readings, Listening,
 Explain the importance of articulatory Watching
processes to listening comprehension Readings, Listening,
 Watching
 Read the course manual,
 Listen to the podcast;
Watch video lesson,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS
Week 16: Inflexional suffix formation/ rules guiding the pronunciation of
present to past, singular to plurals, possessive, etc.
To-Do List:
Detailed Brief Readings, Listening,
 Identify the rules Readings, Listening,
 Explain the rules Watching
 Apply the rules Readings, Listening,
 Watching
Read the course manual,
Listen to the podcast;
Watch video lesson,
Turn in assignments, and
Attempt Quiz.
All the above take place
on the LMS

<<Name>>It is important to clearly indicate the schedule for your

course. Be consistent, and keep your calendar up-to-date to help students
follow along, reduce confusion, and emphasize time on task.

Note: This course calendar is subject to be reviewed/updated by the course

facilitator or the university management at any time without notice. It is the
student’s responsibility to check the course website for corrections or updates.
Any changes will be posted on the university website.
3 | Grading Policy
Graded Course Activities
Visit the Assignments link on UIDLC-LMS for details about each
assignment listed below. Click on Assessments to access quizzes and
exams. (See Part 4 for more information about assessing activities).

Description Points
*Item 1: Attempt all quiz sections and class 40
activities under each topic (10marks)
Continuous Assessment Quiz at the end of the
course(30marks - Facilitator may decide to
further break down the score to
accommodate other aspects)
*Item 2: Examination 60
Total Points Possible 100

Late Work Policy

*Example: Be sure to pay close attention to deadlines—there will be no
make up assignments or quizzes, or late work accepted without a serious
and compelling reason and instructor approval.
4 | Course Policies
Attend Class
Are students expected to attend (all or a percentage of) class sessions as
listed on the course calendar?

 By attempting all quizzes and participating in all discussion

forums, you automatically have ten full marks(10 marks).

For every presented topic, webinar, forum discussions, UIDLC-LMS tracking
tool has been activated to monitor and track all your activities. At the end
of the semester, you will be awarded score based on the percentage of
your participation in the various activities.

Build Rapport
If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other
aspects of the course, make sure you let your Academic Advisor know as
early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective
relationships are key to becoming an effective professional. Make sure that
you are proactive in informing your Academic Advisor when difficulties
arise so that they can help you find a solution.

Complete Assignments
All assignments for this course will be submitted electronically
through UIDLC-LMS unless otherwise instructed. Assignments must
be submitted by the given deadline or special permission must be
requested from instructor before the due date. Extensions will not be given
beyond the next assignment except under extreme circumstances.

All discussion assignments must be completed by the assignment due date

and time. Late or missing discussion assignments will affect the student’s

Understand When You May Drop This Course

It is the student’s responsibility to understand when they need to consider
disenrolling from a course. Refer to the University Website for dates,
deadlines and procedure for registration. After this period, a serious and
compelling reason is required to drop from the course.

Incomplete Policy
An incomplete result will only be assigned if [*insert condition here].
Commit to Integrity
As a student in this course (and at this university) you are expected to
maintain high degrees of professionalism, commitment to active learning
and participation in this class and also integrity in your behaviour.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

1. Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false
information or citations, plagiarism and helping someone else commit an
act of academic dishonesty. It usually involves an attempt by a student to
show possession of a level of knowledge or skill that he/she does not

2. Course instructors have the initial responsibility for detecting and

dealing with academic dishonesty. Instructors who believe that an act of
academic dishonesty has occurred are obligated to discuss the matter with
the student(s) involved. Instructors should possess reasonable evidence of
academic dishonesty. However, if circumstances prevent consultation with
student(s), instructors may take whatever action (subject to student
appeal) they deem appropriate.

4. The Deputy Director for Academics/Administration shall maintain an

Academic Dishonesty File of all cases of academic dishonesty with the
appropriate documentation.

5. Student may appeal any actions taken on charges of academic

dishonesty to the "Academic Appeals Board."

6. The decision of the Academic Appeals Board will be forwarded to the

Director / Vice chancellor; whose decision is final.

Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and

plagiarism, may be reported to the office of the Director.

Course schedule and policies are subject to change. It is the student’s

responsibility to check the course website for corrections or updates to the
syllabus/schedule. Any changes will be posted in UIDLC-LMS.

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