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1. Company logo
Add a high-resolution thumbnail of your logo at the top of the cover page. This will help
establish a brand identity and allow readers to connect visually to the business right
from the start.

2. Title
Give the logo some space and then include the words “Business Plan” in a large, bold
font. You can also frame the title as “Three–” or “Five–Year Business Plan,” if you in-
tend to make those kinds of financial projections in the document.

3. Business name
Beneath the title, write your company name in a bold font. This should be the most no-
ticeable and prominent feature on the page, so choose a large typeface.

4. Tagline (optional)
This part is optional, but you can also include a catchy slogan or motto that describes
your company and what you do.

5. Address and contact information

Under the company name, include your business’s physical address and website if you
have one. Provide the details necessary for interested parties to contact you, such as a
phone number and email address. It’s also helpful to include your name as the business
owner and the names of any partners or executive officers so that potential investors
know where to direct their inquiries.

6. Date of completion
Below the contact information, write the year (or year and month) in which this business
plan was finalized and issued. If you’re including the month, it’s a good idea to update it
throughout the year as you send out your business plan so readers don’t assume it’s

7. Confidentiality Statement
At the bottom of the page, include a sentence to the effect of:

“This document contains confidential and proprietary information created by [business

name]. This document is issued exclusively for informational purposes and should not
be reproduced without the consent of [business name].”

**Refrain from using the pronoun "I" when crafting your business plan.
Instead, portray the business as its own distinct entity, employing third
person, a formal style of writing.**
Building a Business Plan
Instructi ons: Use the informati on from each part of the business plan you have been
working on to insert your fi ndings in the correlati ng secti ons below.

Basic informati on such as the name, address, and phone number of the business; the date
the plan was issued; and a statement of confi denti ality to keep important informati on
away from potenti al competi tors. Add your mission statement in here as well.

Executive Summary
A one- to two-page overview of the enti re business plan, including a justi fi cati on why the
business will succeed.

Benefits to the Community

Informati on on how the business will have an impact on economic development,
community development, and human development.

Company and Industry

The background of the company, choice of the legal business form, informati on on the
products or services to be off ered, and examinati on of the potenti al customers, current
competi tors, and the business’s future.

Management Team
Discussion of skills, talents, and job descripti ons of management team, managerial
compensati on, management training needs, and professional assistance requirements.
Manufacturing and Operations Plan
Discussion of faciliti es needed, space requirements, capital equipment, labor force,
inventory control, and purchasing requirement.

Labor Force
Discussion of the quality of skilled workers available and the training, compensati on, and
moti vati on of workers.

Marketing Plan
Discussion of markets, market trends, competi ti on, market share, pricing, promoti on,
distributi on, and service policy.

Financial Plan
Summary of the investment needed, sales and cash fl ow forecasts, breakeven analysis,
and sources of funding.

Exit Strategy
Discussion of a succession plan or going public. Who will take over the business?

Critical Risks and Assumptions

Evaluati on of the weaknesses of the business and how the company plans to deal with
these and other business problems.
Supplementary informati on crucial to the plan, such as resumes of owners and principal
managers, adverti sing samples, organizati on chart, and any related informati on.

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