FS HIT - 1st Webinar side deck
FS HIT - 1st Webinar side deck
FS HIT - 1st Webinar side deck
High-Impact Track
4 April 2024
To date, the Fund has made $267 million in financial commitments to 119 UN country teams
and multi-country offices, with 31 UN entity partners in the following portfolios:
Sustainability Sustainable through the additional resources mobilized, capacities built, and
changing systems.
Context- Incorporating the social, political, environmental circumstances; scope for
specific local impact.
Factors of ➢Importance of RC leadership and convening power.
success: ➢UN country team coherence and capacities.
➢'Whole-of-government’ approach and strong local ownerships.
➢Mainstreaming human rights, gender, youth and localization.
UN Food Systems Coordination Hub
✓ UN Inter-Agency entity charged with coordinating UN efforts to support Member States in
advancing the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit outcomes as integral to accelerating the drive on
achieving the SDGs
• Hosted by FAO on behalf of the UN system, staffed by secondments from FAO, WFP, IFAD,
UN-DCO and WHO + interagency governance structure
• Mission: a catalyst and connector to leverage existing regional and global UN system
capacities to serve countries through systemic, country-driven, customized support
• Priority is to support the implementation of Food Systems National Pathways (127) and
National Convenors (155)
• Lead in organizing the 2023 Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2)
convened by the UNSG – 3300 participants
• UNSG committed to convene Member States and stakeholders every two years to
assess progress: UNFSS+4 to take place in 2025
Food Systems Transformation – Overarching objectives
Joint programmes must adress one or more of the following:
Links with national social protection and food systems and decent work
JPs are expected to implement transformative solutions and accelerate progress in their food systems
transformation journey and across key SDG transitions.
❑ clearly articulate how they will advance one or more of the 6 priority of the UNFSS+2 UNSG Call to Action.
❑ support a minimum of two ‘engine room actions’ in relation to the transitions approach for SDG acceleration.
❑ demonstrating integration across other key transitions for SDG acceleration identified by the UNSDG.
From Emergence to Acceleration: High-Impact Track examples
Examples of transformative HIT JPs, bringing tangible impact at scale and working to accelerate SDGs across
➢ A JP that enhances social protection programs at scale, directly linked to ensuring access to nutritious foods,
supporting local agricultural practices that are sustainable and climate-resilient, and creating education and
employment opportunities at scale within the food sector, especially for women and youth.
➢ A joint program on the intersection of climate resilience and equitable food access, activating targeted
financial models and collaborative governance to significantly cut post-harvest losses and embed
sustainability in food production and distribution.
➢ A JP that bridges national social protection systems and the private sector's capacity for generating decent
work within food systems at scale.
➢ A JP that leverages the private sector's agility and innovation alongside public sector policies and programs to
create a synergistic model where financing, governance, and accountability mechanisms are integrated into an
innovative PPP
Raising the ambition: examples from the Digital HIT
Examples of transformative HIT JPs form the Digital Funding track, focusing on connecting digital
transformations and sustainable food systems:
➢ A JP that activates digital transformation of the agricultural sector, leveraging digital economy to increase
productivity, market access, and inclusion of smallholders and rural communities. Benefiting over 1.5 million
people, the JP will leverage USD$ 290 million from public and private investments, IFIs and the EU, and work on
policy shift, capacity at scale for small-holder farmers (youth and women) and enhance the digital public
infrastructure for farmers.
➢ A JP that fosters an inclusive digital transformation for indigenous small-scale rural farmers (women and
family-based) vulnerable to climate change. Through public and private investment, the JP will expand the
digital infrastructure, enabling them to access and participate in the digital economy, to adopt resilient and
sustainable agricultural practice and increase access to healthcare and social protection.
➢ A JP to scale up the digitalization of the agricultural sector nation-wide, transforming government service and
scaling digital capacities and solutions for over 9 million smallholder farmers. The JP will also create a
guarantee facility to de-risk and unlock loans for smallholder farmers, building 12,000 profitable enterprises
with $148 million investments, by leveraging funding from the country’s largest commercial bank and a Team
Europe investment initiative programme. 4
First Funding Round for Food Systems Transformation
High Impact Track (HIT)
FS HIT Track Funding Round – Timeline
Review Teams
• Each proposal is evaluated by a team of 3 reviewers
• 2 UN reviewers and 1 Non- UN reviewer
• A dedicated group of experts focusing on markers
• Technical criteria are transparently shared
• Experts cannot review proposals with their agency as the lead
Experts could not have any involvement in the JP formulation.
• Experts sign a declaration of no conflict of interest.
A New Project Document template
Annex tables are to be incorporated in the project document final file, following
prodoc instructions.
Technical Criteria: Relevance and Impact