Procedia CIRP 106 (2022) 96–101
Manufacturing industries are continually challenged to adapt to a competitive environment. Consequently, there is an urgency to opt for
automation technologies to upgrade their manufacturing facilities and make them more flexible. Especially this relates to automating manual
manufacturing processes, which is often challenging to structure to ensure repetitiveness and generalization to other processes within the facility.
Consequently, innovating systematic approaches to identify robotization opportunities is an interesting proposition for manufacturing set-ups that
would like to integrate collaborative robots on the shop floor and struggle with the decision steps to follow.
In this paper, a framework for supporting robotization effort for manufacturing set-ups is proposed. The methodology consisting of five phases,
culminating in the identification of robotization opportunities. A case for manual milling manufacturing processes is demonstrated as a ‘proof-
of-concept’. The first step of the proposed approach focuses on task decomposition, in which manual manufacturing tasks are characterized. This
is followed by task allocation to a robot and human agent based on intrinsic characteristics of the task to capabilities of the agent. Next, alternative
layout configurations for candidate cell layouts are generated. In the final step, a candidate layout is selected and modeled in an agent-based
simulation platform, considering factors such as realism, interaction safety between the robot and human agent, and interesting manufacturing
metrics such as resource utilization and throughput rate. A final configuration is optimized, which visualizes a collaborative robot performs
loading and unloading tasks alongside an operator performing highly cognitive tasks. For safety, zoning of the manufacturing cell is visualized,
considering a working area separated by a safety fence.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 9 th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technology and Systems
Keywords: Robotisation; manual manufacturing tasks; structured decision making; manufacturing cell layout; agent-based simulation; safety
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Peter Chemweno et al. / Procedia CIRP 106 (2022) 96–101 97
[3]. The computer-based systems, information, and electronic transform manual manufacturing processes into a fully
systems automate cognitive tasks, whereas the robots and robotized, or semi-robotized solution? To answer this question,
mechanical systems automate the physical task in we propose a robust decision-making framework to assist
manufacturing systems. International Federation of Robotics manufacturing facilities in identifying the potential of
(IFR) reports a worldwide increase of 85% in industrial robots transforming the manual manufacturing process into a semi-
worldwide within five years (2014-2019), thus a total of 2.7 robotized solution. We present a proof of concept whereby
million industrial robots operating globally in 2020 [4]. identified solutions can be visualized prior to
Apart from providing economic benefits, the robot can designing/implementing an actual robotized manufacturing
perform tasks that require handling heavy objects, high cell. Furthermore, the proposed framework allows decision-
precision, high quality, operating in dangerous conditions, and makers to evaluate the feasibility of robotization, from an
improving ergonomics. The innovations in the field of robotics implementation perspective.
broaden the scope of the application of robots in the Fig. 1 illustrates the framework we propose for robotizing
manufacturing industry. manual manufacturing processes. The framework contains four
We often perceive the decision of integrating robots in the sequential functions discussed in Sections 2 and 3. The arrows
manufacturing system as either transformation into a fully in the framework represent data and actors interrelating with the
automated or semi-robotized system or keeping it entirely functions. The horizontal arrows represent the in- and output of
manual [5]. While the robots excel in delivering high-quality data, whereas the vertical arrows indicate restrictions (could be
work repeatedly, it does not provide high flexibility when the subjective to change) and knowledge provided by actors.
production demands change quickly. In contrast, Humans offer
the abilities of adaptability, dexterity, and in-process decision- 2. Current state of research
making skills. A manufacturing system can be a manual, fully
automated, or Hybrid system (i.e., a combination of manual and 2.1. Robotization of manufacturing
automated systems). When the utilization of robots and humans
is according to the process requirement, the manufacturing “Robotization” is the terminology used when a robot is
system attains the highest efficiency [6]. employed to automate manual tasks. The manufacturing
Thus, integrating robots with a manufacturing system in the industry witnessed an increase in industrial robot adaption into
absence of a structured framework may be fraught with risks, its production processes due to its capability to perform tasks
especially with overly relying on tacit knowledge of decision- with high precision and repeatability. The ability of the
makers at manufacturing facilities. Additional open questions industrial robot to work continuously helped manufacturers to
include verifying prior to implementation, and the feasibility of increase output. Robots can work in dangerous and harmful
a robotization solution considering safety aspects. conditions, thus improving the manufacturing system’s
This paper addresses some of these open questions and, more working environment and safety. Thus, industrial robots’
specifically, the research question: How can decision-makers various advantages encourage the manufacturing industry to
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98 Peter Chemweno et al. / Procedia CIRP 106 (2022) 96–101
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Peter Chemweno et al. / Procedia CIRP 106 (2022) 96–101 99
manufacturing cell layouts [18]. It allows the modeler to • High-level task 1: preparing the press-brake machine tool
represent the cell configuration realistically and experiment for loading
with alternative layouts before defining a more optimal • Sub-task 1.1: Cleaning the press-brake tool
configuration. Moreover, the optimization can consider • Sub-task 1.2: Changing the fixture for the holding tool
manufacturing metrics and safety zoning to prevent
unanticipated collisions with the robotic agent [19]. Overall, the press brake tool milling was decomposed into five
high-level tasks and a total of 148 sub-ordinate tasks.
4. Implementation of use cases of milling processes
4.2. Task criteria, rationalization, and allocation
The proposed methodology was implemented for robotizing
manual milling processes for press brake tooling for bending Prior to allocating the sub-ordinate tasks to the specific agent
sheet metal. It consists of five (5) steps: (human or robot) based on capabilities, several allocation
criteria were defined based on expert intuition and augmented
4.1. Task analysis by a literature search. The first criteria considered product
characteristics, including size, shape, geometry, and weight,
Task analysis is implemented to characterize manual milling which influenced actuation aspects such as grasp-ability,
task steps. The Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) method was maximum allowable gripper payload, and manipulation ease of
applied to decompose manual tasks performed by the milling the product by a gripper. Fig. 3 illustrates the tool geometry,
cell operator in a well-defined and sequential order. For which influences the ‘graspability’ criterion.
collecting information, video recordings of the process were The second criteria considered characteristics of the
captured, and afterward, tasks were decomposed and tabulated. production task. Cycle time, repetitiveness, and required
precision were identified as important. It is important to note
that the criteria were either quantitative or qualitative,
influencing how each criterion was allocated to the sub-
ordinate tasks. Table 2 illustrates an example of task allocation
following a ‘quick-and-dirty’ qualitative assessment of the
appropriateness of a criterion to the capabilities of an
implementation agent.
Fig. 2. (a) cleaning the press-brake tool; (b) changing fixture for holding tool.
Sub-ordinate Grasp- Need to
Shape Repetitive? Agent?
tasks ability? manipulate?
Fig. 2 illustrates examples of decomposed manual task steps
based on video recordings of the entire milling process for press
1.1.1. Cuboid Yes Yes No Robot
brake tooling. A hierarchical representation of the two sub-
tasks is illustrated in Table 1, with Task 1 “preparing the press 1.1.2. Cuboid Yes Yes No Robot
brake tool for loading on the milling machine” being the super- 1.1.4. Cylinder Yes Yes No Operator
ordinate tasks, while sub-tasks (a) and (b) illustrated in Fig. 2 Cylinder Yes Yes No Operator
representing the decomposed sub-tasks, and sub-ordinate tasks.
Table 1. Illustration of hierarchical decomposition for a high-level manual Moreover, a task ‘rationalization is implemented to standardize
milling task decomposed sub-ordinate tasks, and ensure tasks are performed
High- irrespective of product variety. Examples include standardizing
Sub-ordinate tasks the tool holding fixture, which influences the loading process
Task of tooling by the operator on the fixture.
1.1.1 Hold the press brake tool with two hands
1.1.2 Rotate the press brake tool to a vertical position
1.1.3 Hold the press brake tool vertically
1.1.4 Pick up the bottle of cleaner liquid from working table
1.1.5 Position cleaner on cleaning fabric
1. 1.1.6 Spray the cleaner liquid on the fabric
1.2.1 Pick up the screwing drill
1.2.2 Move it to the screw on the lower clamp
1.2 1.2.3 Place it on the head of the screw
1.2.4 Press the power button
Fig. 3. Press brake tooling geometry.
1.2.5 Once unscrewing is done, stop the drill
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100 Peter Chemweno et al. / Procedia CIRP 106 (2022) 96–101
4.3. Designing feasible conceptual cell configurations throughput and resource utilization. Other considerations were
space allocation while minimizing changes to the existing
After tasks were rationalized and allocated to the operator and manufacturing facility.
collaborative robot, feasible cell configurations were
generated, consideration capabilities and operator safety.
generated and evaluated further on space, resource utilization,
and operator access [20]. Fig. 5 illustrates one of the conceptual
layouts considering the positioning of a robot manipulator
picking and position press brake tooling on two milling
machines. The operator prepares the tooling on a workbench
and places it on a pallet. The robot arm subsequently picks the
tooling from the pallet and position it on an automated pallet
changer (APC), which feeds the tooling to the milling machine.
After milling, the robot arm picks and places the tooling on the
outbound APC, whereafter the operator picks and stores it on a
storage system.
Following the design thinking approach, five concepts were
Agent-based simulation of cell configuration
In the next step, the five alternative concepts were visualized in
Visual Components, an agent-based simulation software [21]. Fig. 4. Real-time statistics of operator utilization (red circle indicating breaks)
Input considerations for the model included parameters such as
positioning and distance of the resources, task cycle times,
5. Discussion
operator walking speed, machine processing times, and
operator schedules. Input values were based on empirical
In this study, we propose a structured framework for
process times at the use case organization.
identifying robotization opportunities for manual
Several performance measures were defined to consider
manufacturing processes. This study addresses an automation
system performance to compare the modeled cell
challenge: how can decision-makers identify robotization
configurations. This includes resource/agent utilization, and
possibilities for manual processes in a structured and time-
production throughput. Fig. 5 shows the simulation model of
efficient way? Furthermore, a question addressed relates to the
one of the alternative layouts. Fig. 4 illustrates real-time
implementation of feasible concepts, where in this study, an
statistics of the operator utilization for one of the
agent-based simulation approach is proposed. The proposed
configurations. Based on the evaluation of the performance
approach can be applied at both the starting phase of a new
measures, an optimal configuration was selected considering
automation challenge or translating existing processes into
objective functions, including maximizing production
semi or fully automated robotized solutions.
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