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केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन, कोलकाता संभाग


अभ्यास सेट-II / PRACTICE SET-II : 2024-25
कक्षा/CLASS- XII अधिकतम अंक/MAX. MARKS - 70
विषय/SUBJECT – BIOLOGY/ जीि विज्ञान समय/TIME – 3 HOURS
General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper has five sections and 33 questions.
(iii) Section–A has 16 questions of 1 mark each; Section–B has 5 questions of 2 marks each;
Section– C has 7 questions of 3 marks each; Section– D has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks
each; and Section–E has 3 questions of 5 marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in some
questions. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
(v) Wherever necessary, neat and properly labelled diagrams should be drawn.

1. Which of the following crosses will give tall and dwarf pea plants in the same 1
(a) TT × tt (b) tt × tt (c) TT × Tt (d) Tt × tt
2. How many sperms will be produced from 10 primary spermatocytes and how many 1
eggs will be produced from 10 primary oocytes?
a) 40,40 b) 10,10 c) 40,10 d) 4,1
3. In case of birds, what chromosomal combination will determine a male Bird 1
a) XX b) XY c) ZZ d) ZW
4. Which of the following chromosomal disorder is caused due to nondisjunction of 1
(a) Turner’s syndrome (b) Down’s syndrome
(c) Klienfelter’s syndrome (d) Sickle cell anaemia
5. Egg apparatus consists of 1
(a) egg cell and two synergids. b) egg cell and central cell.
(c) egg cell and antipodal cells. (d) egg cell and one synergid
6. Which of the following is used for knowing whether a population is evolving or not? 1
a) Mutation b) Genetic drift
c)Hardy Weinberg’s Principle d) Adaptive radiation
7. Which of the following is correct about mature RNA in eukaryotes? 1
a)Exons and introns do not appear in the mature RNA.
b) Exons appear, but introns do not appear in the mature RNA.
c) Introns appear, but exons do not appear in the mature RNA.
d) Both exons and introns appear in the mature RNA
8. Which of the following is not applicable to RNA? 1
a)Complementary base pairs b) 5’ phosphoryl and 3’ hydroxyl group
c) Heterocyclic nitrogenous bases d) Chargaff's rule
9. Signals for parturition in human female originate from 1
a. Fully developed foetus only b. Both placenta as well as fully developed foetus
c. Placenta only d. Maternal pituitary

10. The figure below is the diagrammatic representation of the E.Coli vector pBR 322. 1
Which restriction enzyme will we use if we want to create recombinants sensitive to

(a) EcoR l
(b) BamH l
(c) Pvu ll
(d) Hind lll

11. C-peptide of human insulin is 1

(a) removed during maturation of pro-insulin to insulin
(b) responsible for the formation of disulphide bridge
(c) a part of mature insulin molecule
(d) responsible for its biological activity
12. Match column I with the items in Column II (1 Mark) 1
A. Lady Bird 1. Plant pathogens
B. Bacillus thuringiensis 2. Insects
C. Baculoviruses 3. Aphids,mosquitoes
D. Trichoderma Fungus 4. Caterpillars,cotton bollworms

Choose the correct options of column II from the following:

a) 2 4 3 1 b) 3 4 2 1 c) 4 1 2 3 d) 3 2 1 4
Question No. 13 to 16 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.
13. Assertion- A community with more species is more stable than that with less species. 1
Reason- More the number of species ,lesser the variation in the total biomass
production year after year.
14. Assertion- Human insulin can be produced into bacterial cells using biotechnology. 1
Reason- To produce human insulin the A. B and C polypeptides of the human insulin
are produced in the bacterial cells, extracted and combined by creating disulphide
15. Assertion- An organism with a lethal mutation may not even develop beyond the 1
zygote stage.
Reason- All types of Gene mutations are lethal
16. Assertion- Organ transplantation patients are given immunosuppressive drugs. 1
Reason- Transplanted tissue has antigens which stimulate the specific immune
response of the recipient.
17. Attempt either option A or B. 2
A. Are lymph nodes a primary or secondary lymphoid organ?
b) State its role in immune response.

B. Is Colostrum active or passive immunity? How is colostrum important for
immunity of a new born baby?
18. Attempt either option A or B. 2
A) A man with blood group O and his wife with blood group AB claims a child with
blood group AB as their son. Justify with Punnett square.
B) A colour blind child is born to a normal couple. Work out a cross to show how it is
possible. Mention the Sex of the child.
19. Name 2 STDs caused by bacteria. Mention 1 symptoms and 1 complications that may 2
arise due to STDs.
20. How is Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens modified to convert it into a cloning 2
21. Attempt either option A or B. 2
A. Different species of Warbler birds survive on different regions on a Spruce tree.
Explain the mechanism which helps them to co-exist.
B. Explain Gauss Exclusion principle by taking the example of the extinction of the
Abingdon tortoise.
22. a) Mention any four strategies adopted by flowering plants to prevent self 3
(b) Why is Geitonogamy also referred to as genetic autogamy?
23. Cow dung and water are mixed and the slurry is fed into the biogas plant for 3
digestion by microbes
a)Why is there no need to provide an inoculum for it?
b) Name two main components of biogas obtained from a biogas plant.
c)Which organisation develops the Biogas plant in India?
24. a) Name the technique shown in the given 3
b) Also identify the labels A, B, C, D and E

25. Given below is the sequence of mRNA. Assuming 3

that this seqence begins with a start codon
a. Identify the amino acid sequence which
mRNA will get translated
b. Identify the type of mutation and change in
the protein sequence in the following
i. Cytosine in codon 4 get modified to uracil.
ii. GCU get added after the second cytosine in the sequence.
26. Give reasons why i) Apomixis is advantageous for hybrid plants 3
ii) Testes lie outside the abdomen
iii) Removal of gonads is not a contraceptive method
27. i) What are the two key concepts of Darwinian theory of evolution? 3
ii) Differentiate between convergent and divergent evolution giving one
example each
28. Study the graph given below: 3
(a) What does ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the above graph
(b) Which curve would depict the population of a
species of deer if there are no predators in the
habitat? Why is it so ?
(c) What is ‘K’ in the above graph? What does it
Q. No. 29 and 30 are case-based questions. Each question has 3 subparts with internal choice in
one subpart.
29. Observe the diagram given below and answer the following questions 4
a) Name the process and its use
b) What is the purpose of the wells
Attempt either option c or d.
c) How do the DNA bands separate in
the gel?
d) Explain the role of electrodes in
the process?

30. Observe the diagram that depicts a type of population 4

interaction between the orchid and mango tree.
a) What type of population interaction do you find here?
b) Define and explain the type of interaction.

Attempt either option c or d.

c) Cite any other example showing the same interaction
and describe how they interact.
d) Give an example of a population interaction which is
beneficial for both the species. Also mention in which way it is beneficial to both.
31. I) Fill in the Gaps A, B, C, D ,E and F in 5
the following schematic
representation of spermatogenesis.
II) When and Where does
spermatogenesis occur in human
III) State the function of the
acrosome and tail in a sperm.


The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events ‘a’ to ‘i’ in human

i) Identify the figure that illustrates Corpus luteum. name the pituitary
hormone that influences its formation.
ii) Specify the endocrine function of corpus luteum. Why is it essential?
iii) Which process is happening in stage ‘f’?
iv) Draw a neat sketch of blastocyst and label any 2 parts
32. Based on Human Genome project, answer the following questions 5
a) Name 2 vectors which were mainly used in HGP.
b) Which is the largest gene and the largest chromosome in humans
c) Write the full form of SNPs
d) What were the 2 methodologies used for HGP? How are they different from each
a) A true breeding Pea plant, homozygous for Inflated green pods (FFGG) is crossed
with another pea plant with constricted yellow pods (ffgg). Demonstrate the cross.
b) What would be the phenotype of F1 and F2 generations?
c) Which law of Mendel can be inferred from the above cross?
d) Give one condition where this law of Mendel is not followed.
33. a) Identify the molecule represented by the diagram given below. 5
b) Label the parts marked (i) to (iv).
c) What do ‘N’ and ‘C’ signify in the diagram?
d) Name the type of cell that produces these
a) Briefly explain the lifecycle of Plasmodium in
the human.
b) What causes chills and fever in malaria?
c) Name the hosts of Plasmodium
d) Why is the control of the mosquito
population crucial in preventing malaria?


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